The speaker emphasizes the quiet readiness of future millionaires, who prudently manage their finances and prepare for uncertain economic times. They suggest that these individuals, part of the so-called “Ninja Nation,” are set to prosper amidst global economic shifts away from the dollar, and potential financial crises.
This is such a very be vital piece of information for people in America to take in. Why first off, set aside the whole dunar thing, right? The value of the dunar or people thinking it’s going to be revalued. Think about now. We have went from wanting to go know the country that anyone that would go against us and sell any of their oil in anything other than anything other than the dollar in the last, let’s say handful of decades.
If they said, you know what, we’re not going to sell oil in dollars, we’re going to sell it in euros. Oh wait, that didn’t end up great for that guy. Oh no, we’re going to sell it in gold. Oh wait, it didn’t end up good for that guy. We’re talking about Gaddafi and we’re talking about Saddam Hussein, right? All right. Any country that has even messed in the past with the whole dollar trade settlement thing has been completely annihilated, right? America would just send over its army and go crush them.
This is the truth. This is how the world has worked for the last, oh, I don’t know, half a century. But now we’ve got a new president. I didn’t vote for him, did you? He’s viewed as so weak it’s insane. He’s a little weakling, right? Or wait a minute. Or are we not all of a sudden going against these countries and stopping this? Not saying it’s right, but is it because someone’s bought and paid for? You got to sort of think like that because you’re like, this is sort of weird.
Why would we all sudden clean up San Francisco for the leader of China to show up? We never did that. Never thought to do that. Know, it’s just crazy. The dollar is being destroyed as we speak. And I’m not kidding. When you look at the DXY, which is the value of the dollar based on a bunch of other currencies, a basket of other currencies, not a bunch, a handful.
Those are all crap currencies and the dollar’s crap. So the dollar just looks like it’s doing a little bit better as they all come tumbling down. The yuan just overtook the yen. As far as the youth around the world, this is not a joke. The BRICS nations are exploding higher and Iraq, what they’re doing right now with Turkey, and I’m going to explain this or read this and then explain afterwards why it’s a big deal, says out of Baghdad.
The president of the Iraqi Private Bank League confirmed that Iraq and Turkey would maintain constant communication in the days ahead in order to carry out the recent agreement about financing for foreign trade, which is being implemented under the direction of the iraqi government. Al Hadali told the iraqi news agency that an iraqi turkish committee was established during the recent visit of an iraqi delegation of senior officials to Turkey.
The committee’s goal was to finance commerce and promote financial cooperation between the two countries. So you now have Iraq using their iraqi dinar in Turkey. Turkey is going to accept the iraqi dinar. You know, that currency that was completely destroyed in value before we moved into Iraq? It was always worth two something times the US dollar. But all of a sudden we invade Iraq and it goes down to nothing.
Sounds like the kuwaiti dinar right under Bill Clinton when we moved in. What is it? Under Operation Desert Storm, the kuwaiti dinar went from like $2 and change, or maybe it was over three. I don’t remember off the top of my head, and it went down to a nickel. And it’s weird because the Internet really wasn’t available for people. But I just want to let you know, a lot of people in the know bought the kuwaiti dinar.
Congresspeople, and they became ultra witch when all of a sudden Bill Clinton announced, after everything was done, you know what? We’re going to go ahead and put back their economy and we’re going to bring the kuwaiti dinar back to its original value. And everyone’s like, everyone in Congress is just cheering. I remember it like it was yesterday. Just cheering. Oh, gosh, you’re so good. Our bank accounts are massive.
And that dinar that they all bought went from five cents to multiple dollars, but the american people took it. Hook, lion, sinker. They’re like, isn’t Bill Clinton great? Isn’t he great? Type three if you think Bill Clinton’s great type four if you think he’s a complete. I don’t have a lot of. Think about this. Think about this. These politicians have been running this world. Why? Because satan wants to run this world.
It ends now. It ends now. God will not be mocked. The US dollar is losing value in so many ways that most Americans can’t figure out because they’re looking at the dollar value of the dollar. Well, let’s talk about the dollar value of the dollar. It keeps going down. I don’t give a crap what the DXY says. If you want to be a trader and trade forex, cool, no problem, go have fun.
But if you’re the average person that’s trying to make a living, trying to raise a family, a good family, raising your children in the way they should go, raising them up in the way they should go, like the bible says, it’s darn hard to do it these days to be able to afford a house, to be able to afford a nice car. Because a dollar is losing value.
Why? Because we are no longer able to export our inflation to other parts of the world. We’re not going to be able to export it to Iraq, that’s for sure. Are we going to be able to export it to Turkey? I don’t think so. Turkey is now accepting the iraqi dinar for trade settlement. It’s a big deal. If you don’t think it is, you shouldn’t be listening to this channel.
If you’re the kind of person that needs really expensive high end editing and all these graphics and be wowed. So the dopamine is firing off in your brain, definitely not the channel for you. Go get your thrills somewhere else. The fact of the matter, things are getting crazy and they’re going to get crazier. Let me ask you a question here. Who here wants their eyes opened up? Type one if you want your eyes opened up.
Type one if you want to be able to see and understand things, that you feel like there’s something going on in this world that you can’t grasp the feeling and you want to have some understanding. Okay, type one right now if you want that. I’m going to tell the people right now typing number one, that have scales. We all have scales on our eyes and in our ears.
We allow sin that to happen. It just happens. And I command in the name of Jesus Christ those scales to fall off right now of every single person typing one right now that they start to see the truth of what’s going on in this world, how Satan’s trying to deceive people to come and kill, steal and destroy their lives. I command in the name of Jesus Christ those scales fall off.
And then I ask in the name of Jesus Christ, every single person, those scales start falling off. The Lord, you start to reveal to them their destiny and what you want them to do, to start moving into this right now. Now, to anybody that would offend, definitely. Bye bye. Sayonara. See you later. It’s no big deal. We could still be friends. It’s no big deal. But it has to be said because 2024 is going to be a year of straight up chaos.
It is going to be a year where you ain’t going to know which way is right or left. If you ever heard the term know thyself, yeah, you’re going to need it and start to really think about that term know thyself. Because we are in a time right now in history that is the greatest opportunity in your life because people are going to lose their minds, quite frankly.
It’s going to be like a tower of Babel. People running around, can’t even communicate with each other. They’re going to be running into each other and scattering to the four ends of the world. This is our greatest time. If you’re part of ninja nation type seven, see ninja Nation, if you don’t know what it is, it’s a type of person. I called this channel the economic Ninja a long time ago because when I made my first million, you couldn’t tell.
You still really can’t. I don’t think people, of course, me talking about it when I’m trying to explain to people how to make money and all that kind of stuff, but it’s the type of person that’s meek, that is humble. Most millionaires you don’t even know live right next door to you. You couldn’t even tell. But it’s the type of person that’s getting prepared or wants to be at that level.
And they’re not scared of crazy changes coming. And they’re getting ready, they’re getting fired up, they’re getting excited. They’re storing away. They’re paying off debt. They see what’s going on. I believe after this video, I believe it’s going to touch so many more people, the right type of people. That ninja nation is about to explode, even in numbers. We’re going to see more people getting out of debt, getting their credit score ready, and getting ready to jump and pounce.
This isn’t a joke and this is exciting, and I just want to say thank you for being here with me. This iraqi dinar thing, it’s not just Iraq. There’s countries all around the world right now leaving the dollar. There’s nobody left to buy our bonds. It’s happening. It’s getting worse and worse and worse. The Fed’s going to trick you with some lower rates this year. See how that run rolls, because right afterwards it goes dips a little bit.
We’re going to have some fun, guys. We’re going to buy up the houses. We’re going to be there with clear, level minds when everyone else is losing them. I’m trying to warn the world. Satan’s been doing a good job trying to crash this. Oh, yeah. That’s not going to happen much longer. And if any of you would be naysayers, which would be just a very, like a 1% bet against Ninja Nation, bet against us, try and come against us, it’s not going to end well.
The economic ninja is out. Bye. .