We Need Sheriffs Involved in This Process and Vital to the Survival of America




➡ The speaker encourages people to visit and share videos from the CSPOA official rumble channel, which is a grassroots effort to spread their message. They also mention an upcoming appointment and briefly discuss their admiration for Tom Homan, who they describe as a strong, assertive individual who doesn’t tolerate dishonesty.


You know, before we get off, I want to ask people to remember that we do have a CSPOA official rumble channel and it’s really pretty active and it’s getting, you know, about 10 new videos a week and so go there and visit it and then share those videos because this is how we make a difference. I mean, we have to match market this idea. We can see that nobody’s going to come along and just dig out a couple of million dollars and hand it to us. It has to be done with just a grassroots and on the shoestring budget that we can do it.

And so that’s CSPOA official and that’s in rumble. So be sure to check that out. Anyway, there are so many things that we could continue to talk. I’m happy to go another half hour. I know you’ve got things to do. Yeah, I’ve got to drive about 15 minutes to another appointment. I have in about 20 minutes. So yeah, I agree. Somebody asked about how is Tom Homan? I don’t know him really, really well, but what I do know of him, I really like. And he’s a very big, strong, powerful man and that kind of comes across in his personality.

He doesn’t take any guv from anybody. If somebody lies to him like it was on Fox News the other day and accuses him of being a racist and he doesn’t treat the Hispanic kids the same way he does his own grandchildren or his own children. Boy, he let that guy have that. Sometimes I take stuff like that and I’m tired of hearing it and I just tune him out. But he’s a powerful man. I believe he’s an honest man and I think that he will do a good job at what he’s doing. Look, he’s already responded to me and hopefully we can get the sheriffs involved in this process.

Folks, I know sheriffs have a lot to do, but this is kind of like vital to the survival of America and we need the sheriffs involved in this. If this is going to work out, if deportation is going to work out, the sheriffs are going to have to be involved. I 100% agree. And there’s going to be a heck of a place if that’s going to be just left up to military. Yeah, we don’t want that. The state police aren’t going to participate because most of the states don’t want to be involved with it as well.

So without the sheriff in your county, your ship’s going to be basically on your own. You can be on your own, but then you don’t have any moral authority when it comes time for them to come after you. You got a good sheriff in office. He’s working as an agent of the Constitution and you’re standing under him. Therefore, you have that blanket and I think that that’s worth a million dollars right there itself. I mean, everything is right there in that moral high ground. Anyway, we appreciate what you’re doing and we want you to stay healthy.

Take whatever supplements you got to take and just take those. Anyway, we look forward to seeing you next week. Thanks, Jack. God bless everybody. Be careful. Be prepared. Pray to the good Lord that he’ll walk with us all in these next few months. Absolutely. [tr:trw].

See more of CSPOA on their Public Channel and the MPN CSPOA channel.



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