California’s new law requires landlords to live in a unit for at least twelve months after evicting tenants, making no fault evictions more challenging. The economy is expected to face turbulence in 2024 and investing in physical metals, like silver, could be a safe haven. Commonwealth Collection Agency, engaging in unfair practices, was shut down by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Delta Dental suffered a data hack affecting 7 million members. Wells Fargo refuses to assist customers with unauthorized transactions. McDonald’s brings back adult Happy Meal for nostalgia. Lastly, always secure your online presence with VPN.
And he lists out a bunch of things that explain why we’re not going to have a soft landing and how everything’s been manufactured to make it look like we are, but in fact, things are not that know, here’s the thing, the Fed’s games that they’ve played with us over the course of the last couple years, where they’re trying to tell us everything’s great and manufacturing is good and the economy is good, but it’s not.
And for those of us that are not loaded and don’t have generational wealth and don’t have servants and don’t have people taking care of us, we have to do this thing called pay our bills and pay our utility costs. Let’s start with Laura. Laura sends me notice from Connecticut that Connecticut not only is going to raise energy bills another 17%, but she said, dan, my electric bill went from $150 a month to $300 a month over the course of one month.
Guys, the cold snap in Connecticut hasn’t even happened yet. It’s going to happen as of this weekend. They’re going to start to see massive cold spells in the east that are going to put a strain on energy. But again, one thing that these companies do that we’ve seen over and over and over again is because people are spending less. We need money to keep the place going. So what do they do? They raise prices.
Steve sends me PG and E, the energy company that’s in the middle of California, and the North Pacific, gas and electric, they are going out and they’re raising prices 16%. And the point of this is that, guys, this is awful right now. This is something at a time that people cannot afford this. We’re all encouraged to go solar and to cut back, but they’re just going to raise the energy prices, which, again, this affects the poor and it affects the elderly the most when they do this.
So you’re seeing strains on the bond market, you’re seeing strains on manufacturing, you’re seeing strains on business. If you go out this holiday season, I have had dozens of people, for some reason, big lots people have sent me more and more stories about big lots and how they’re just dead, and how they’ve hired employees, and Laura asked them questions about, hey, how often are you working? One woman, I get 8 hours a week right now.
Didn’t understand what black and Decker was because they’re having a 50% off black and decker sale. And the woman had no clue what that meant as far as black and decker. So you’re seeing it right now, guys, you got a little over a week till Christmas. And, guys, it’s not busy anywhere. But what they’re going to do is raise our prices and make it look like everything’s good.
But this is going to slow down dramatically. Now, the real estate professionals out there that write me and tell me how great everything is, and there’s not a care in the world, I don’t want you to think about this. Drayton Nay is a real estate wholesaler out of the Las Vegas area. And this guy has been in real estate his entire life, since he was a. He’s, you know, worked for people when he was a kid, all the way up to owning property and selling properties.
But what this guy does is he is a foot soldier. That just does not. Hey, I want to list your home. He goes out and he looks for deals. He looks for where grandma had her house and has to sell it because maybe she passed away or they can’t afford it. And he finds dilapidated houses and fixes them up and puts a tremendous amount of money into these houses and flips them.
Now, real estate agents lose their minds with Drayton because they know you can make money, but we can’t know this guy goes and knocks on doors for six and 8 hours a day in the Vegas sun. You don’t do that. None of you people do that. You sit there and wait for them to call you and list a property. Drayton brought up the greatest point this week that I want to reiterate to you and explain this to me.
Interest rates climbed to over 8%. They were like 8. 3% for houses. It dropped basically one percentage point. So interest rates are falling, if you guys want to believe this. But if they’re falling, why have we not seen the housing pick up as far as the sales? Well, Dan, it’s December. You don’t buy a house in December. You buy a house in. Okay, okay. Remember, all of you kept telling us that this is going to be the busiest time ever.
And as soon as interest rates start to come down, you’re going to see the number of houses pick up. That’s not going to happen, guys. It’s not going to happen. And what you’re going to do is sit there and say, oh, the recession is going to start in six months. It’s not going to start right now. No one believes you. It’s just unbelievable to think about this. So get realistic, guys, there is a problem with the economy.
There is a true, true problem with this. And for those of you out there that are shopping, holiday dinners, Christmas, things like that, you’ve just seen it, guys. You’ve just absolutely seen how bad it is right now. Now it’s great. There were people that were arrested for shoplifting kitchenaid appliances, the mixers and things like that. They got charged with a felony and their defense is, listen, these items were on sale that we stole and we shouldn’t get charged with a felony because technically if you added everything up with the for sale prices, we wouldn’t have been in felony land.
You can’t make this stuff up, guys. So share your thoughts on this stuff so far because this is insane. All of this is. But once again, everything is great. The economy is good, okay? It’s not Hawaii. The governor of Hawaii, he came up with a great idea and that is he’s going to take vacation homes, your vacation homes that you guys get to go to maybe once a year, every other year.
My friend Dave, like he said, we don’t get to go there nearly enough. Potentially what it would do would take 3000 vacation homes and make them temporary housing and strip them from the owners that have these properties. Could you imagine that? Think about that. Okay, well, I mean, you need housing and I understand that this is not, and I’m not making light of that situation with the fires and with, you know, terrible guys, absolutely terrible California law.
I want to bring up some things to you. This goes into effect in January 2024 when you have a deposit on a rental. They used to be able to say, you know, listen, Dan, your credit sucks. We’re going to need two months plus you got that dog. We’re going to have a security deposit for that. We’re going to have rental deposit here. We’re going to charge you three months rent for you to get this property.
Okay, I’ll have to pay that. Now. There’s a new law that goes into effect in April of 2024 that says that the most that you could pay on a deposit is one month’s rent regardless of your personal situation. Oh, okay. Well, the problem with that is what do you do with somebody that’s got bad credit. Sorry, I’m going through a divorce. They’re not going to rent to you.
You’re going to live with your buddy for a very long time. You’re not going to get yourself your own place for your kids, because what it’s going to do is make landlords. You think they’re going to succumb to this? No way. They’re not going to bend the rules for you. The safety and the security was to charge you more money. That’s what made it safe. Okay? So next thing is, one way to get your house back is to kick people out and tell them that, hey, listen, we’re going to live in the property and we need you to move out and we’re going to give you 60 days notice.
In California, basically one year’s rent. When you rent a unit for a year, up to 23 months, in other words, before the 24th month, you can give somebody basically one month’s notice to move out. Okay, you got to move out. Now. Problem with that is if you live there 24 months, they have to give you 60 days. The way around that is, you just tell them you’re going to live there, we’re going to remodel the place and we’re going to move in the unit.
Now, the problem with that is that people don’t do that. They kick these people out, they fix it up and jack the rents up. California has a new law that is crazy. And it says if an owner does that. Now think about this. How is this going to work out for, like, if you have a fourplex and you can’t live in all the units, you have to kick the people out now.
You have to give them 90 days notice. Okay. And you have to live in the unit for twelve months after that. And they’re going to have a verification process. Who’s going to go there and say, john Smith was kicked out with 90 days notice? And we want to make sure that Dan, who owns the property, is living in the unit now. It’s crazy. It’s Looneyville, guys, is what that is.
But you’re going to see that also. You’re going to see the no fault evictions be more difficult. So it’s going to be more and more difficult to kick somebody out. That’s not fault. Hey, it’s a lot of problems with this. So share your thoughts on this stuff so far. Guys, there’s a little bit more to cover, but I just wanted to do a quick video this morning for you.
Let’s talk about our sponsor, Patriot Gold group. Let’s face it guys, the alarm bells are going off in the economy and there’s a lot to be concerned about. You can protect yourself. You’ve got to be proactive when it comes to your finances and especially your retirement. The best thing to do is look at having physical metals in your portfolio in the future. The best place to call is Patriot Gold group.
Call them today at 88833 00:14 31 and get a free investor guide. They will answer all your questions. But look at safe haven investments looking hedging the future. Because whether you think I’m right or not, the economy is going to run into a rough patch when it comes to 2024. Protect yourself. Listen to what all the banks have said and that precious metals are going to skyrocket. The use of silver.
There is not enough silver mined to meet the demand. You need to look at this. Patriot gold sells all types of metals. Contact them today, use the link below or give them a call at 8833 00:14 31. Let them know that Dan from I allegedly sent you guys. I’ve made a lot of jokes about debt collection companies and their practices and their phone calls late at night. But a lot of us have had medical problems in the past.
And you may have had medical bills. Well, they’ve changed the laws and how they can report this and what can actually even be put on your credit report in the first place. One thing that is very common with old credit cards and medical debt is people buy this for pennies on the dollar and then act like they’re the company that originated the medical bill. Well, Commonwealth Collection Agency was just shut down by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
And that’s a big deal because their practices were unfair. And I had someone clean up some things that were on my credit from a few years back. And Madeline’s great. I’ve got to get her back involved in the channel. But you need to look at this because there’s things that can’t be on there. In fact, I had a matter that was so old on my collection thing that they were talking that it was current.
She actually had a lawyer sue these people and I won that case. Craziness. Now what this company did that was wrong was they took medical debt and made it look like it was current medical debt. And then when people would say, hey, wait a second, I thought I paid that or I want proof of it, they wouldn’t give proof of it. Well, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau shut these people down.
There are laws that protect what you do so that everybody that calls you doesn’t get the money guaranteed. They have to follow certain guidelines, and these guidelines, time and again, are not met properly. This company didn’t do it. There’s a lot of unscrupulous companies that do debt collection. Okay? So read that story below because it’s great. The next one is Delta Dental, the dental insurance company. Think about this.
They have over 20 million members to Delta Dental, which I was blown away. Oh, my gosh. There’s that many? Yes, there’s that many. They just had a hack that had 7 million people had their data stolen. Again, protect yourself. We talked about the VPN a few days ago. Always have a VPN when you’re online, on your cell phone, everywhere. When I walk to places like this, I’ve got it on all the time.
Whenever I use the Internet and I’m away from home. Do this to protect yourself, guys, because Delta Dental, they should have been able to fix this. And 7 million people have all your data. If you’re a member of Delta Dental, reach out. But again, there’ll be a lawsuit. They’ll write you a check four years from now, when you’ve gotten credit card offers and you’ve been sold your data 20 times over, you’ll get a $25 check, I’m sure, from somebody.
So share your thoughts on this stuff so far. I’m going to finish this video with these last couple of stories. Where have we heard this one before? Wells Fargo bank has a customer that had an unauthorized transaction on their account, and they are refusing to help the person, even though it was completely fraudulent. Luther Terrick. Great name, by the way. Mr. Tarek is in the Atlanta area, and he wakes up and realizes that someone had stolen $2,000 using the automated ATM service.
Now, Wells Fargo’s got one of those things that, let’s say you’re out and about. You have a trip to Las Vegas for a meeting. You lose your ATM card. Hey, you can go to an ATM, they will give you a code. You punch in the code, and you can get access to that. Somebody did that to the tune of two grand. Now, last week, we covered the Pitchkey family that had $14,000 taken out.
Wells Fargo initially said, no way. Now, Luther said, wait a second. Unless this guy walked up to the ATM and he’s got a scar in his left cheek and he’s 140 pounds, it’s not me. So I give the guy credit because he’s just refusing to let this slide. Now, two grand is two grand, guys. So you’re seeing more of this, but what you’re seeing is the bank is not bending and rolling over like they did two years ago.
Two years ago, people were stupid. People would sit there and go, oh, you want my pin number? You want this? Here you go. Well, this guy got notifications via text that said there’s been unauthorized transactions on your account. If you get these texts, do not click on them. He didn’t click on them. He ignored them and deleted them. And what he found out was somehow, some way, they got his data and took advantage of that.
The final story is McDonald’s. McDonald’s is bringing back the happy meal. But not for kids, for adults, for nostalgia. You people that are out there that live with your mom, and you’re 30 years old, you can go out and get yourself a happy meal. Get some McNuggets, get yourself a cheeseburger, probably plain because you’re a pansy. But anyways, bringing back a happy meal. And there’s a story below about how great it is and how all these adults love the happy meal and how they’re bringing it back again.
I like nostalgia, guys. I like things when I was a kid. But it’s funny, I had a meeting here and then brought some friends in and we talked. And there’s so much that you want to relive, but again, the happy meal. Come on, guys. It’s just getting ridiculous right now. Anyways, please don’t forget to hit the like button. Please don’t forget to subscribe to the channel. And if you want to get a hold of me, it’s hello@iallegedly.
com. And I’ll be back on my regular schedule after this video. I will see you guys very soon. Onward and upward. .