Truth vs. NEW$ Inc. Part 2 (4 September 2023) with Don Grahn Scott Bennett and Brian Davidson

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots


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➡ The text reflects discussions about inequality, socio-political power dynamics and allegations of weaponized climate disasters. The first portion portrays a perception of societal weaknesses growing due to diminishing family units, increased technological dependence, and ineffective government protection. In the second section, accusations are made against various international parties, including President Biden and the U.S. Space Force, of implementing genocide and ecocide through fire and weather warfare. These events are described as being extensions of an alleged plan aimed at depopulating the world, dating back to old plans by the likes of Kissinger and J.D. Rockefeller. The text ends by encouraging global awareness and resistance against these alleged activities.
➡ The passage talks about suspicion of political manipulation and corruption within diverse governmental institutions. It mentions the disengagement of citizens from distorting authorities and the rise of strong and conservative opposition. There’s also a belief that revelations of government corruption will lead to societal disruption and an eventual pushback, and a claim that the corrupt have instilled a fear of insurrection amongst themselves. The text implies that the corrupt will self-destruct as the strong and righteous citizens continue their fight.
➡ An international coalition of over 1600 scientists and professionals dismisses the claims of a climate emergency, citing the beneficial effects of carbon dioxide on the planet and asserting that climate models have many shortcomings. They suggest focusing on adaptation instead of mitigation and maintain that claims of global warming and its link to natural disasters are unsupported.
➡ The text discusses the speaker’s perspective on various topics, such as the issue of climate change, which they see as a fabricated crisis weaponized for control and power. They express distrust towards academics and government workers, seeing them as self-serving and disconnected from reality. This skepticism extends to the politicization of science, implicated in the debate around climate change, and how it has been used to advance particular ideologies and power structures.
➡ Special Counsel Smith’s top aide, J. Bratt, had suspicious meetings with the White House Counsel’s office before charges were brought against Trump, leading to concerns about coordinated legal efforts against Trump. It’s suggested that these actions represent a significant case of conflict of interest and necessitate the appointment of an impartial special counsel.
➡ The MAGA movement has learned from events like January 6 and is preparing to resist government overreach more intelligently, and the Trump mugshot has become a symbol of resistance, re-purposed into a successful fundraising tool for his campaign. Notably, despite its immediate significance for entertainment, the mugshot’s ultimate historic importance will only be understood fully in the future, representing the first public photographic record of a former president facing criminal charges.
➡ The speaker argues that actions taken by the Democrats have and will continue to backfire due to a larger and more reasonable center of right moderate Americans, condemning policies such as COVID-19 restrictions and lockdowns. The speaker also defines Trump and future Republican candidates as a ‘wrecking ball’ aimed at corrupt institutions and supports more engagement at the local level to replace Democrats advancing an agenda detrimental to the country. Lastly, it is argued that Trump’s image will resonate with general public due to perceived shared experiences.


Okay, hang on here. Okay. Three, two, one, and welcome back, folks. What’s the matter here? I don’t see my picture. Hello. This is nice. Let me start over. Three, two, one, and welcome back, folks, to Truth versus News here on Labor Day. And we’ve been laboring for that first hour, and we’ll say you have something to do if you’re American, you got to send that out. That first hour is very important for people to see.

If you’re not sending out our videos on what’s really happening in the world, you’re part of the problem. And reason what we’re going down with is genocide. So got to get the truth out so maybe we can stop it. And I think one of the most profound people with action here is Brian Davidson here. You’ve got more to say than the average bear, and so go, I don’t I’m going to follow up on that last story, and I see it through a particular lens.

That doesn’t surprise me. Strong men have been enslaving and abusing weak men since the beginning of time. Literally, the earliest civilizations had a combination of strong men enslaving, weak men, adopting them into the tribe, building it out, moving on to the next one, Genghis Khan. Look at what happened in Africa. Those people weren’t brought over here enslaves because they were the strong men. The strong men took the weaker tribes and sold them to other strong men that had money, who then brought them over here, who sold them again to other strong men who had money.

There’s nothing new under the sun in terms of what this is happening. Why do I bring this up right now? Those people in Hawaii were not strong enough to oppose the force of the directed energy weapons, and they were taken over. Now, in theory, what neutrals out and cancels everything, neutralizes it and cancels it is the fact that we have government and we have laws that don’t allow strong men to take what they want at will, when they want, how they want.

So in theory, government and law is the big equalizer. And so you can be strong in different ways, and you can have diversity. But look at what we are becoming as a society. Look at what millennials are becoming. Are they strong people? Are you building strong children? Are we making strong families? No. And if ever since the rise of Barack Obama, and even prior to that, as the family unit has gone downhill and the introduction of these phones and this television and the rot, poisonous mess that’s going into the next generations and the next generations, what you’re building is a weak people.

And as the government continues to find itself in a more and more compromised position, it’s less and less effective at protecting the rights of the weaker people, and it’s causing a lot of trouble. Now, where does this go from here on out? Does the situation continue to get worse. Well, now we’re told that the strong people have super duper new technology that they can appear to use at will.

Okay? Strong people will take advantage of weak people. We’ve got guns with ammunition that goes so far. They’ve got tanks and missiles and F destroyers and they’ve got directed energy weapons and they’ve got nuclear bombs. And they will continue to work towards enslaving us if our government is not effective at protecting our rights. And so the big question at this point in time is where is the prosecutor? Well, same place the prosecutor was back when Kennedy was assassinated.

Same place the prosecutor was when 911 took place. Same place the prosecutor nonexistent. It’s up to us and we can’t do it vigilante style. There’s got to be people that stand up. There’s got to be districts that stand up and people that are put into position that believe that right, makes, might and believe that they’re doing God’s work by enforcing the laws. It’s very rare to find that these days.

And I predict that if we don’t continue to harvest more of that righteousness within our society, we will indeed reap what we sow, which is weakness. And very, very well said, Brian. Very well said. Meanwhile, we have an international tribunal reported here. A cease and desist order and rid of Mandamus have been filed against President Biden, U. S. Space Force, Air Force, etc. Including Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, Mossad, State of Israel, Justin Trudeau, World Economic Forum in all evaded and abetted and weaponized genocide, ecocide and sabotage on multiple levels by fire, weather warfare, dews, scalar, laser, microwaves all on Maui, Canada, US and around the globe.

There are significant eyewitness reports paired with scientific proof and evidence that the devastating inferno which destroyed targeted buildings and pristine land masses in Surrey, well over 1000 life, mainly children in Lahana. Maui on August eigth was without doubt manufactured and orchestrated by weather warfare weapons of the US space Force and other codefendants. As the planned wildfire spread, the Pacific top disaster management leaders were lounging in five star Oahu resorts meeting together with many of Oi’s emergency officials educating about to respond in crisis situation, knowing full well homes of Lahaina were burning to the ground.

There are eyewitness report of ours in place to not sound the alarm or sirens for school to send children to an empty home. While parents were working. Police ordered by the governing bodies to block roadways exiting the inferno. Hawaiian indigenous natives continue to stand their ground will not sell their unceded land to anyone. In 2002, lawsuits were filed by local natives. We have tolerate commercial signs to the point they continue to desecration of our land.

For the first 20 years of Manakai, the telescope operator left their trash for the native people to clean up at our expense. Mark my words, you will not build on Manakai. These hostilities by those who appropriated the land and wealth of the original people are an extension of an ancient plan to conquer and annihilate the indigenous nations of the world those who understand our connection with our creator and our responsibility to maintain the earth that sustains us.

In 2008, the Hawaiian government launched a Clean Energy Initiative pledging to establish new green credentials with the aim to use 100% renewable electricity to power the state, the entire state by 2025. In 2018, the Code WF forum announced Hawai’s Maui plan to be the first state run entirely on clean energy at the cost of destroying nature and impeding blocking God’s natural energy. An Air force, optical and supercomputing Amos site was set up in Maui where directed energy weapons were created and tested.

An acceleration of these events are being carried out globally while the Maui firestone details are still unraveling. Nearly 40 million acres of horse been incinerated in Canada since late spring. The staggering number equates to nearly 60,000 sq mi, an area nearly the size of the state of Georgia that’s gone up in flames in only a few months. Other countries that have been and are being incinerated include Greece, Spain, Borgico, Turkey, Italy, France, canary Island, Kazakhstan, the UK.

And more. Constant high pressure heat domes are baking numerous parts of the world, including the US. Where Kansas just hit a record shattering heat index temperature of 134 degrees. Fisheries are collapsing along with crops as ocean temperatures continue to skyrocket. Today’s actions are an extension of plans written in the 1974 Kissinger Report and the Rockefeller Foundation 2010 lockstep scenarios for a 90% world depopulation plan between 2000 and 22,050, which originate with J.

D. Rockefeller’s secret covenant delivered to Eugenicist Freemasons in the early 1880s under the umbrella of the WEF and who master plans. This is just the beginning of what’s to come. Humanity worldwide must wake up now to realize these codependent genocide perpetrators can only take away our God given power of love if we willingly give it to them. Fear not and say no. I do not consent to the genocidal propaganda whether warfare is a spiritual war against humanity, nature and the living earth.

Mainstream and alternative media who choose not to report the truth of webonite fired by directed energy weapons of the US space Force and other defendants in Hawaii and throughout Canada are guilty as co defendants aiding and abetting in genocide and crimes against humanity. To the mainstream and alternative media choose to rebirth the forensic evidence that the weather, warfare, destruction of Maui and over all of Canada is a product of direct energy and other weapons.

You can access the full evidence and tribunal cease and disrupt order here serious shit. Scott. Your thoughts? Well bring back that last slide because I want to see that order. I want to see the legal language in the court and the attorneys and the numbers and I want to see exactly what has been filed because let’s just leave that up there for a second. Like I’ve said, I am a full supporter of legal warfare, of legal exposure of legal engagements for these crimes and for the present, the presentation of evidence and testimony of crimes against humanity of a conspiracy on the highest levels of the political, federal and other government authorities, police commissioners, everyone.

Let’s not forget the police commissioner. The police chief on Maui was the same police chief that ran the Las Vegas false flag shooting operation. So there’s definitely evidence of collusion and all sorts of dirty things. So I would welcome the chance to read the legal documents. You know, as Brian was saying, too, the strong man and the strong governments and all of that impressing people that’s right out of Hobbes’s, Leviathan man agrees to turn their blood feud, the law of the jungle over to the government, the court, the equalizer of disagreements and conflicts so that you don’t have open warfare.

But the moment that Leviathan is revealed as non existent, as the invisible man, as a corrupt now under control of oligarchs, or people like the Biden administration, these others who are pursuing a political agenda, using government, using the courts using the various police agencies that’s the moment people disengage, they disengage from giving any authority or jurisdiction or participation in the courts or the police or anything else. So strong men are naturally, I think, rising because of the revelation that all of the institutions have been taken over by weak men.

I don’t consider these people who have been orchestrating attacks or the government psyop and mind control of children and things I don’t consider them strong people. I don’t consider them intellectually advanced. I see them as retarded, spiritually dead fanatics that are trying to advance this fanatical beta male agenda on the rest of society. And people are rising up against it and they’re pushing back. So the funny thing, too, ironically, everyone that I’ve ever met in the military and I’ve served I’ve served as an officer and I could tell you everyone that has been in the military for the most part is a conservative person.

They may not be Republican because of ignorance, but they’re always semi conservative because there’s self discipline, there’s a sense of duty, there’s a sense of performance. There’s excellence in the military, in the customs and courtesies and the echelons of training and decorum and history that you know, Jim, from your experience, the military completely saturates the individual recruit who goes through civilian life to basic training, to advanced training, to specialized training and assignments.

That whole process enriches and saturates the individual in military history and decorum and performance. And you can tell a person who’s been in the military there’s a sense of excellence, there’s a sense of technical capability. Now, some of them have been very much damaged and traumatized. They can’t look at false flag discussions. They can’t look at these events. Many go into the military and come out broken but for the most part, the people that run and manage military technology, planes, boats, everything like that are conservative.

So I don’t have any fear about the military people who are involved in some of these technologies because at the end of the day, I think we have more conservatives that would rise up and declare that the constitution is, of course, what they took an oath to support and defend. And I think we’re getting to that point. The whole reason the military have been sent on these endless wars or have been doing the will of in this case, Biden, has been because of deception and because of the Democrats’coup d’etat.

But as it becomes known, as all of these things start to unfold, I think in the next year or two, you’re going to see a great separation and I think also you’re going to see a great deal of disruption in the United States because again, we’re at a breaking point on a lot of different levels. Jim don, were you seeking a oh, the second was Scott says I can’t say it any better than he does, and Brian is excellent, too.

You guys are the best. I just want to decorate your thank you, don Ryan well, I think what the people in power that have used these means of deception and riches and bribery to create riches, to create more money, to drive more deception, to cover their shame, because they can’t come out as who they really are. They’re afraid of one thing. They’re afraid of death. They’re afraid of the end.

They don’t know what’s coming after. And so their biggest fear is, what did they go after Trump for on January 6? Insurrection. They fear that the people are going to make a declaration of independence from a corrupt government who has by force and by deception taken over the governmental processes. Now, name an institution that you don’t feel is compromised, maybe your local county sheriff, maybe somewhere, somehow, there are institutions.

But take a look around. EPA, IRS, FDA, you name it. Three letter agency loaded with brass at the top level that are nothing but a bunch of pissy whipping boys that have been put into positions to continue doing the puppetry of their puppet masters. We never see the masters. We never see them come up. And it’s the same way in the military. The brass has been the people that have been put into positions are people that we know what they’ll do.

Look at what they did to Flyn. I mean, my understanding is Flyn was a pretty damn good guy, had a pretty good moral compass and sense of right and wrong and duty and obligation to his country. He was a threat or they had to get rid of him. Obama administration, the very first thing they said to the Trump administration was, you better watch out for this Flynn guy.

He’s very dangerous. He’s an independent thinker. No, he was an American. So their biggest fear is that people will begin to come together and make a declaration, which, by the way, our own declaration of independence demands that when our government becomes that corrupt, we must rise up as a militia and restore what’s right to the government. Now, I can tell you the biggest, most obvious thing right now is the difference between the way Joe Biden is being treated and Hunter Biden and the way Donald Trump is being treated.

It is becoming very clear, it is becoming as isolated as that for the large majority of Americans, that this is an unfair, corrupt system that will stop at nothing to maintain power. And I can tell you what, when that level of fear begins to set in for these people, they begin to go insane trying to defend themselves from the righteous people of the United States who have nothing to be ashamed of and nothing to be fearful of.

You watch. They’ll come apart from the inside out because they’ve poisoned themselves and they poisoned their souls. And the strong men of America will continue to be strong and will sleep like babies through the night, day in and day out, continuing one step at a time on the right path. Yeah, scott, jim, let me add to Brian. Brian is exactly, precisely right. I’m so glad he said that because you will know and it’s important because people are asking about this all the time.

They’re trying to figure this out. How to focus yourself and focus your eyes and your understanding. You will know these people by their fruits. You shall know them. They will come apart, as he said, they will come apart from the inside. And how that manifests to give people a checklist. And you can already see it happening now. You’ve seen it during the pandemic. You’re going to see it increase and continue because these people are not going to get better.

They’re going to degenerate into mad dogs. How long have I been saying that? For the past couple of days. And I don’t say it flippantly and I don’t say it figuratively. They literally are becoming mad dogs inside. They’re going to be increasingly fanatical and loud and their eyes are going to be wide and they’re going to curse you, and they’re going to be mocking you, and they’re going to be and they’ll be cursing.

There’ll be profanity. I say this to prepare people psychologically, emotionally, because it’s all a psyop. It’s all meant to hypnotize, to brainwash, to bully, to push, be prepared. They’re going to do this on a variety of levels. The media have been doing it. What is the most latest example of this? Psychological bullying. It’s a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Oh, you’re so bad if you’re not vaccinated, do you want to kill your grandma? Get your vaccine.

You this all angles came on attacking people and some people broke down. They gave in. Well, I guess I got to get it, and they’ve killed themselves as a result of it. There are those of us who laughed it off, who mocked it, who just water off a duck’s back. But you have to be prepared for these people to come apart at the seams, come apart on the inside, because as the days go, as we get closer to the end times, whatever that is, and it’s been said ad nauseam, these people are going to become violent.

Don’t be surprised if they light themselves on fire. Don’t be surprised if they put a bullet in their head on camera to say this is because President Trump doesn’t like transgenders boom. Don’t be surprised if this madness, this self destructive, know we’ve seen glimpses of it, of these fat, ugly lesbians bellowing to the sky when Trump was first elected. More of that is going to be happening because of all sorts of environmental conditions that they’ve created.

They’ve ceded from the transgender hormone blocking, this cult of death, to the demonization of Republicans and Trump supporters. Be prepared for them, the left, to completely go stark raving mad. And don’t back down, don’t retreat. Just keep your cell phone on record and speak like you’re a lawyer arguing in court. And the same goes from any cops, because a lot of these cops are as dumb as a bag of rocks and are as violent 33 degree Masonic stooges they are going to be, well, I’m just following orders.

I’ve got to take your child. Just following orders. You got to get this vaccine. Just following orders. Be prepared for that kind of conflict to happen. That’s the inevitability, they will become worse and worse and worse and people can’t be traumatized or caught off guard when they do. Jim? Yes, very good. Scott. Yes. Be prepared. Anticipate what is coming. Meanwhile, over 1600 scientists and professionals have signed a no Emergency Climate Emergency declaration.

About time. International scientists have jointly signed a declaration dismissing the existence of a climate crisis, insisting carbon dioxide is beneficial to Earth, which it is. There is no climate emergency, said the Global Climate Intelligence Group in its World Climate declaration just released last month. Climate science should be less political. Climate policy should be more scientific. Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming.

Politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures. A total of 1609, scientists and professionals from around the world signed the declaration, including 321 from the United States, the coalition pointed out. Earth’s climate is varied as long as it’s existed, with a planet experiencing several cold and warm phrases. The Little Ice Age only ended recently as 1850. Therefore, it’s no surprise we’re now experiencing a period of warming.

Warming is happening far slower than predicted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Climate models have many shortcomings and are not remotely plausible as policy tools. The model is exaggerate the effect of greenhouse gases. Ignore the fact that enriching the atmosphere with CO2 is beneficial, even though climate alarm has characterized CO2 as environmentally damaging. The coalition pointed out that gas is not a pollutant, but essential to all life on Earth favorable for nature.

Extra CO2 results in the growth of global plant biomass, also boosting the yields of crops worldwide. The organization dismissed the narrative of global warming being linked to increased natural disasters like hurricanes, floods and droughts stressing. There is no statistical evidence to support these claims. There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic and alarm. We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net zero CO2 policies proposed for 2050 go for adaptation instead of mitigation.

Adaptation works, whatever the causes may be. Here’s a review of 600 millions of Earth history. You’ll notice there is no correlation between the average global temperature shown in purple and atmospheric CO2 shown in black. Given there is no correlation, there cannot be a causal relationship. They are completely independent of one another. To believe the outcome of a climate model is to believe what the model makers have put in.

Precisely the problem of today’s discussion. Where climate models are central, climate science has degenerated into a discussion based on beliefs, not sound self critical science. Should we not therefore free ourselves from the naive belief in immature climate models? Remember, they exemplify the principle known in computer science as GIGO garbage in, garbage out. Among the signatories are two Nobel laureates, a physicist from the United States and another from Norway.

Klauser in particular, has made a significant addition to climate models by dismissing the narrative of global warming the visible light reflected by cumulus clouds, which on the average cover half of our Earth. Current models vastly underestimate this asthmatic cumulus cloud reflection, which plays a key role in regulating the Earth’s temperature. Bowser previously told Biden that he disagreed with his climate policies. In May, he was elected to the board of the Directors at the CO2 Coalition, a group focusing on the benefits of carbon dioxide.

The popular narrative about climate change reflects a dangerous corruption of science that threatens the world’s economy and the well being of billions of human beings. Misguided climate science has metastasized in the massive shock journalist pseudoscience. In turn, the pseudoscience has become a scapegoat for a wide variety of other unrelated ills. It has been promoted and extended by similarly misguided business, marketing agents, politicians, journalists, government agencies and environmentalists.

In my opinion, there is no real climate crisis. The declaration against a climate change narrative counted propaganda spread by climate alarmists who’ve long predicted doomsday scenarios triggered by global warming, none of which have ever come true. In 1970, for example, some climate scientists were predicting Earth would move to a new ice age. By the 21st century, pollution expert James Lodge predicted air pollution may obliterate the sun, cause a new ice age.

In the first third of the century. In May 8, 1982, Mustafa Tolba, then executive director of the UN. Environmental Program, said if the world did not change course, it would face an environmental catastrophe which will witness devastation as complete and irreversible as any nuclear holocaust by the year 2000. In June 2008, James Hansen, director of NASA’s Goddard Institute, said within five to ten years, the Arctic would have no ice left.

As climate alarmists continue to spread propaganda about global warming, the topic has become an issue in the 2024 presidential race, with multiple candidates openly dismissing it. In a July 13 post on X, Democrat candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Said climate change is being used to control us through fear. Freedom and free markets are such a better way to stop pollution. Polluters make themselves rich by making the public pay for the damage they do.

Here we have a variation in global temperatures. From 2500 BC. To 2040 Ad. There have been massive swings in temperature. None of it, however, is dependent upon or related to the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. The reality is the anticarbon agenda is a wet blanket on our economy. So the reality is more people are dying of bad climate change policies than they are from actual climate change.

Climate activists have insisted global warming is responsible for the soaring temperatures across the US. Even claiming temperatures are hitting record high. In a recent interview with the Abercrock Times, John Christie, Climatologist and professor of atmospheric science at the University of Alabama, Huntsville, dismissed the narrative of record high temperatures. Regionally, the west has seen its largest number of hot summer records in the past hundred years, but the Ohio Valley and Upper Midwest are experiencing their fewest.

For the counterminus us. As a whole, the last ten years have produced only an average number of records. The 1930s are still the champs. Climate change policies have been used to justify sweeping livetail changes against us by the Energy Department, like restricting home appliances, even outright banning them. In June, the Energy Department proposed rules to require ceiling fans to become more energy efficient, a development that could lead manufacturers having to shell at 86.

6 million per year in increased equipment costs. In February, Doe proposed energy efficiency rules targeting gas stoves that would affect half of all new models sold in the US. While making most of the existing ones non compliant. In July. The US. Consumer Product Safety Commission proposed a policy that will remove nearly all existing portable gas generators from the market. The Biden admin has already implemented a ban on incandescent light bulbs, which came into effect on August 1.

Don’t worry more people die of climate change balsy than from actual climate change. As Bobby observed and Vivic has reaffirmed, this is a Democrat propaganda cartoon. It bears no relationship to the truth. Scott, your thoughts? Well, this is a very important story Jim, and I think it is from a war perspective, a strategic perspective. This is the crux, the nexus. This is the ground that we have to conquer.

This is the climate change scientists that are exposing the fraud and the religion of climate change. The scientists that are coming with the data, with the mathematics, with the models and with their personality in nature, always keep in mind it is the vibe, it is the nuance, it is the intuition and the subconscious that translates is this person that’s speaking to me. Honest and good people pick that up and they follow and they naturally accept what that person says versus those who are speaking out of an agenda, out of a monotone voice which shows a robotic script, a regurgitated language that has been paid for.

Those are key issues. So number one, these scientists that are coming together to disprove in a collective voice, in a conference, in a serious forum, an auditorium, this is absolutely crucial and needs to be replicated because the left can’t stand up to the modular debate. They can’t stand up. Their evidence doesn’t stand up. They don’t have any evidence, they don’t have any truth, they don’t have any of the mathematical models.

So they can’t stand against this. Truth. Again, truth is the strongest psychological warfare weapon I know that’s what we always dealt with in the military. Truth is the strongest psychological warfare weapon. And presenting it naturally shatters and melts all of the opposite sides, lies and agenda. And it converts people. The other thing to always remember these people are coming to show that there is no such thing as climate change.

There is no such thing as the world is going to end in twelve years. There is no such justification for cutting out meat and stopping everybody from burning electricity or oil or fuel and making them eat bugs and burlap. There’s no justification for that scientifically. So why are they doing it? Because it’s about power. It’s about hatred of men and mankind and humanity. It’s about self loathing and self destruction, which I would say is from the devil himself and is the core of a diabolical lie.

He said to Christ, worship me and I shall give you all these kingdoms. Worship the creation more than the creator. You see that in the climate change fanaticism and madness. It’s paganism, it’s worshipping the earth rather than seeing the earth as God’s creation. But man is God’s ultimate creation who was put upon this earth to subdue it and to build and to be creative and to be fruitful and multiply.

They’re attacking that on so many levels. Cut off your penis and become a woman or become a man and don’t multiply. There is no such thing as love. We need to get rid of masculinity and all sorts of attacks but this is the critical ground that we need to amplify and get more of are the scientists who know the science, know the mathematics, know the models, have done the research, have done the.

Data, who can present it in an unbiased way, but as happy soldiers, happy scientists that can say, look, here’s the truth, here’s what’s going on. We’ve measured this, we’ve looked at that, and all of this nonsense they’re screaming about is nothing but the screams of hysterics that are Chicken Littles, that are all fantasies, and we should turn away from them as Chicken Littles. And the other thing is, the left, everything they do is grumpy, is angry, is fearful, is coercion, it’s threats.

It’s all corrupt. When we’re talking a little earlier about how many institutions are corrupt, this is the key issue that corrupts all the institutions. Climate change corrupts the journalists, the politicians, the educators, in schools and in universities and colleges. It has become a religion, and everyone should always remember it as a religion, as a fanatical fantasy based on nothing but the will to power, the will to dominate and control.

And it’s trying to be used as a license, a license for the digital currency, all sorts of political disintegration projects. But this is the way to win. It is conquering the scientific ground of the data and the analysis that shows the real science and also saying we’re about clean water and air. That’s not an issue. But what we are against is this religion of imagining and fantasizing about things that aren’t happening, and these lies need to be exposed in the sunlight of truth.

Jim oh, boy, you said it all. Yes, climate science has been politicized to promote the Green agenda and the great reset. No doubt about it. Brian there are generally two classes of people in this world that I sort of look down my nose upon, and I hate to say it that that’s true because people are people, but I don’t like people that work for the government. I’ve always seen them as just taking it easy, getting their nice government paycheck.

It’s just a class of people that I’ve always said, hey, you got your nice health insurance. You don’t have to earn anything. You don’t have to do anything. You don’t have to worry about bringing any value. You just do what you’re told, run the policy and go to work. Nine to five. That’s it. The second class that I don’t like. I hate to say it, but academics now, there is something to the old saying that those who can’t do, teach.

And when you get caught up in the teaching thing and you start to think that you’re pretty good at this, that you’re teaching all these kids, that you got a hold of it, hey, look at this. These people are starting to worship me. Hey, look at this. They get stuck in it. And here’s the problem. They don’t go out and do so. They’re sitting on a theoretical platform for years and years and years, trying to gain the worship and admiration of all these kids while taking whatever money they can remember.

They can’t do. They can’t earn, so they have to teach. So they got to get as much money as they can. Now, what has driven the climate change agenda? The academics. Name one other institution that’s committed more to climate change than the people who want to get paid because of their big papers or the people who want to get paid because of their big insights or their big change things.

Think of any institution that hasn’t gotten paid bigger than the corruption of academia. All that money, all those campuses, all those kids. Totally corrupt. And yet I didn’t believe a word of it. Since the hockey stick illustration came out saying that we were all going to hell, I knew something was wrong on this climate change thing. You ever heard of something called the Global Confluence Project? Global Confluence Project started like, 2025 years ago, and the idea is at the intersection of latitude and longitude.

You get your GPS there and you take a picture north, east, south and west, and you tell the story about how you got to the confluence of the crossing of that latitude and longitude. Well, I was looking at that about 20 years ago, and I started looking at all the ones up in the north, up in the Arctic. And I was like, that’s strange. These people are up there near the North Pole, and yet they’re floating on water or they’re out on a boat.

And then you start looking at all the stuff toward the Southern hemisphere and the South Pole, and you’re like, well, these people are on frozen tundras with polar bears all over the place. This is weird. Weird as can be. What’s going on with all this? And so I started taking a look at the Global Confluence project. Then the next thing you know, I’m on a flight from La to Beijing, and I remember the captain coming out of the cockpit saying, if you’ll look out the right window of the airplane, you’ll see Mount McKinley.

What the what? You go from La to Beijing via Alaska. This doesn’t make sense. And then the third thing. Have the stars ever moved? Are the constellations still exactly where they’ve always been? Guys, think about this. When it comes to the issue of climate change, it’s nothing more than a money grab. This world is exactly what this world was designed to be. It’s our home. We should take good care of it.

But we don’t worship it. Amen I’m sorry to say that government funding for research projects has corrupted many academicians into becoming agents of the government. So it’s like there’s a second level, Brian, to those that you hold in contempt. And I despise the academicians who know better and won’t speak out. And that includes a lot of engineers and architects who knew 911 was a fraud. And a whole lot in many other disciplines were being played today again and again, including in Maui.

It’s outrageous, Jim. Contempt. Scott. Let me just say to corroborate Brian’s point, from my undergraduate days to my master’s days to my PhD days, every academic that I’ve encountered, except maybe one out of 20, has been a worthless, incompetent, faithless piece of garbage who has been nothing but a bureaucrat in their own self worship and their study and their research and stuff. But at the moment when you engage them 101, they are incompetent or they’re stutterers or they’re ugly.

They just are not socially alpha material. They’re all betas minus. And I’m not saying that insultingly. I mean, president company excluded, you served in the military, Jim. You are a man’s man. You’re an officer. No one that I encountered ever in my academic journey has ever served in the military and was a professor. None. And they were all godless people, too. They’re not a happy people, and they’re arrogant and all sorts of stuff.

So when Brian’s saying what he’s saying, it’s absolutely true. I’ve walked the path and I’ve encountered hostility I’m sorry. I’ve walked the path and I’ve encountered hostility from these people because I have pushed up and I have questioned and challenged and they hate that you get bad grades. Shit, I was at the top of my class, but I’d still get a B where I should have got an A because they didn’t like the conservative white kid who’s saying, well, what about this? What about but that’s that’s the reality of academics, Jim.

Bloody shame, Scott. I’m not prepared to argue against any of the points you made. Meanwhile, weaponized collusion. Jack Smith huddled with a Biden White House just weeks before Special Counsel Smith brought charge against Trump for allegedly mishandling classified dogs. One of his top aides met with the White House Counsel’s office, raising serious concern about coordinated legal efforts against Biden’s top political opponent for 2024. J. Bratt, one of Smith’s minions since November 2022, took a meeting with the White House on March 31 this year with a deputy chief of staff of the White House Counsel’s office, carolyn Sabah.

They were joined in the 10:00 a. m. Meeting by an FBI agent named Daniel Ray. Nine weeks later, Trump was indicted by Smith’s office. The 63 year old Brad also met with Zabb at the White House in November 2021, when Trump legal team was in discussion with the National Archive over the return of presidential records from his Mar a Lago estate. Bret had a third meeting in September 2021, this time with Catherine Riley, an advisor to the White House Chief of Staff’s office.

The logs offer no information about what was discussed. Craigs and legal experts have questioned why Brat was taking meetings at all with the White House Counsel’s office. Why part of an active investigation into Biden’s likely 2024 Republican opponent. There’s no legitimate purpose for a line a DOJ guy to meet with a White House except if it’s coordinated by the highest levels at Rudy Giuliani Sabo. If the white House had made to attend law school.

As Mark Levin has observed, this is a massive story. That’s why it’ll be ignored by the Democrat Party media. That said, Brat not only met with Biden’s staff while investigating Trump and weeks before was charged, brat is a senior DOJ official, insisted on securing a warrant and sending the SWAT team to Mar a Lago. And Brat stands accused by Stanley Woodward represent Walt Naughta in the document case, who is an assistant to Trump of extorting him.

Robert allegedly told Woodward the judgeship he’s seeking has a better chance if his client turns on Trump. Judge Cannon should order for the bench. All records related to Brat’s meeting and discussion be preserved and provided to the court. She should ask the DC judge, who’s been dragging his feet in his secret review of allegations against Brat by Woodward, for that matter, and all information related to her, since it clearly bears on the document case now before her and in her jurisdiction.

Yet I’m forced to ask, where the hell are Trump’s lawyers? They just filed a motion immediately seeking a court information. A court order for the information mentioned above made a big stink about this outrageous news. Let me add another important part. Mark Levin adds, this clearly contributes to the overwhelming case for his special counsel, which not only creates the impression of a conflict of interest, but a conflict of interest.

In fact, the Biden admin cannot be relied upon to truthfully explain itself. The standard for appointing a special counsel a qualified lawyer from outside the government, has been met again. When asked if he thinks the White House and special counsel were coordinating, giuliani told the most, you’re damn right I do. What’s happening is they’ve trashed every ethical rule that exists. They’ve created a police state, is a Biden state prosecutor and a Biden state police.

Constitutional law scholar Jonathan Turley told the outlet. The March meeting was particularly troublesome, raising obvious concerns about visits to White House after Brat began his work with a special counsel. There’s no reason why the Justice Department should not be able to confirm whether this meeting was related to the ongoing investigation or concerned some other matter. Well sure the DOJ will get it right on prosecuting itself. Scott, your thoughts? Well, that’s exactly right.

There needs to be a motion. Multiple motions being filed at the revelation of this corruption and this back channeling and backdoor dealing. Everything is appealable to the Supreme Court. I had a conversation with Stephen Pigeon, a constitutional attorney, who was in fact back with me when we were in Washington in November 2020, and he said they’ve opened up the Pandora’s box. So every single thing that they do and everything that they deny Trump from doing any motion trump Files motion for Venue Change motion for Dismissal motion to Expose Prosecutorial Misconduct amicus briefs are newly discovered evidence newly discovered evidence demands that this case be immediately dismissed all sorts of things on and on and on.

Everything is appealable to the Supreme Court and everything can put a stop to this whole show on the grounds that it’s a miscarriage of justice. It’s a corruption, and the Supreme Court is the ultimate decider on this. And that’s why it’s critical to really expose this now and get all of this into the Supreme Court through appeals. The judges are corrupt. The judges are being bought. They’re being threatened.

They’re being extorted. Whatever. The judge in DC. Obama supporter has already been hammering down on January 6, people. You know, Jim, the judges can exclude evidence. Despite your rights and the Constitution and the exculpatory nature of the evidence, these judges can say, no, I’m not letting that into this courtroom. I’m not letting that into the file. That’s not going to be heard. So all of that needs to be anticipated that they’re going to stop Trump from doing everything, and his own attorneys are not necessarily to be trusted.

So all of this has to be appealed right up to the Supreme Court. We’ve already seen they’re trying to outline this to go up to Super Tuesday. This is the coup d’ETA. This is what Medvedev was giving an interview on last week, too, saying the American courts are now in the Democrat Party, are prosecuting their own president. They’re watching this. The world is watching this as America collapses from a republic into a tyrannical police state of Communists, LGBT, rainbow, flag wearing fanatics.

And they’re wondering, is America, do they have men and women that will stand up and overthrow this like it’s 1776 all over again? And I think that is the Revolutionary War. It’s not a civil war. It’s a Revolutionary War that’s got to pop up all over the country. And I say the fault lines are going to be when the state government tells the federal government, you don’t have jurisdiction.

You don’t come into the state and tell us how to run our borders. You don’t bring in ATF agents or FBI or Border Patrol and take a bunch of invaders and load them on buses and planes and spread their cancer to the rest of the country. The moment this is going to break is when the state government with a state governor is going to activate almost like right out of Alabama’s.

That governor, he was positing the segregation issue. Of course. George Wallace. Thank you. George Wallace did set a precedent by saying, we are raising up against federal intrusion into our state. The same thing has to happen now on a different subject matter, of course, but on a state level. The governors and the National Guard and the citizens and the citizen militia groups, the Citizen Posse, the Citizens Defense Forces, they all need to be motivated and rallied and deputized by their sheriffs in the county.

All of this has to be done legally, lawful, constitutional. It all has to pass. We are citizens of a free state and we are standing up against a tyrannical federal government that’s run amok, that is trying to destroy our state. And they’re aiding and abetting terrorism. They’re aiding and abetting a domestic invasion. This is grounds for the state to reject all of their authority and their jurisdiction. That’s where the fault lines of this next revolutionary war are going to be, between the state government and the federal government.

Jim Ryan well, yeah, it’s pretty easy to see that in general the government plays favorites. Take a look at the story about the January 6 that were given 15 years versus all the stories about the guys from BLM that were let off or even antifa that were let off with a hand slap. Nobody ever got to the bottom of the Ray Epps issue again. Let me remind you, these people that we’re all talking about, they all work for the government.

These judges, they all work for the government. No, they don’t have their own independent criminal defense practice. No, they don’t have their own independent road building construction business. No, they don’t have their own independent police force. They work for the government. It’s the taxpayers that put the funds in place, that make the balance sheets that allow their little worlds to turn the way that they turn. So can they be bought? If I was relegated to making $78,000 a year, I might be able to be bought too.

I wouldn’t do it because I could go out there and do more and do better on my own and I’d rather do more and do better on my own. But these people all work for the government. That class of people, that one class that just doesn’t ring right for me. You know, these police officers driving these brand new vehicles, wearing their guns and their Tasers, and they got all their clips and they got all their gear on and they look like SWAT team, and they’re going to pull you over and they’re going to tell you to get out of your car and that you’ve got to do this and you’ve got to do that.

This is not how it was meant to be. Government was meant to serve the people. We have become servants of our government and our government. As we begin to push back, they’ve begun to bite back at us, the people that pay their bills. There is a reckoning coming. It is coming. And January 6 may have been an insurrection insofar as it was a false flag, but I can tell you something MAGA this time around is growing some bigger balls than I ever dreamed that they could possibly have.

And there might be a reason to actually begin to fear them because these people are getting pissed. And they’ve learned their lesson. They’ve watched what happened on January 6 and they’ve said, wow, now we know there are infiltrators there are Ukrainian mercenaries that were brought in they’re BLM, they’re antifa. We know their game. We know they’re going to try and set off things. So the MAGA people have learned a lot from January 6 what not to do, what not to go near.

No, you don’t let people in that say, we’re going to kidnap Governor Whitmer. Are you in? They’ve learned what these FBI and all the stuff we’ve discovered in the last six to eight months about FBI and the Department of justice covering up the Hunter Biden laptop, all the stuff, the MAGA people have gone, wow, now we know just what side and how evil these people are. Yeah, there are some good whistleblowers that came out from the IRS and the Department of justice, the FBI.

But all these MAGA people, like Brian said, are growing balls, and they’re wise, and they’re not going to be fooled or fall into any traps. It’s going to be locally grown. Independent movements most welcome development. Of course, you’re describing both. Meanwhile, Trump mugshot is now a means of entertainment and fundraising. But it’ll go down in history as an important cultural artifact. One of the most anticipated this summer was former Trump President Trump mugshot.

A Fulton County sheriff released the mugshot on August 24, a little more than a week after a grand jury indicted the former president and 18 associates. Trump photo instantly generated a significant media coverage and attracted public attention. The campaign is now marketing the photo as a way to raise money in the mugshot. He wears one of his classic dark tooth with a red tie and familiar petulent scalp with his brow furrowed and mouth turned down.

Save the gold seal. There’s nothing particularly noteworthy or interesting about the image. A Trump mugshot ultimate importance is yet to be realized. I’ve been interested in researching mugshots and other forms of ID for more than 20 years. I did my PhD on the use of photography and criminal identification. In 2009 wrote my first book, capturing the Criminal Image from Mugshot to Surveillance Society. It will likely be at least a decade or two before Trump’s mugshot significant truly registers with the public.

For now, it’s a form of entertainment, a salacious piece of visual culture trump supporters of bones have been waiting for. Now putting to use but as an historical artifact, the Trump mug shop will be truly unique. It will represent the first time a former president had a public photographic record of criminal charges. French police were the first to produce mugshots using a Dagotype camera in the early 1840s.

To avoid increased penalties for repeat offenses, criminals could try to change their appearance and give different names if arrested. The mugshot was a way to combat the deception. Other departments around the world recognized their useful nature. By the end of the 19th century, police departments amassed photographs of criminals into bound collection called rogues galleries, including thousands of criminal images. Given its use over 150 years, the mugshot has an established, associated with criminality, or at the very least, suspicion thereof.

While mugshot does not mean a person pictured has committed a crime, it does mean police had reason to bring them into custody and formally book them. The typical stern faces of the subjects, as well as inclusion of accoutrements such as identification or prisoner numbers or height charts, add to the association of criminality truck’s mugshot allowed with that of his attorney. Rudy Giuliani closely follows standard mugshot formula from the 19th century people facing the camera head on, often with a grimace or a solemn face.

By contrast, the mug shot of former Trump associate David Schaefer and Jenna Ellis look more like family photos with white eyes and to the grins, Schaefer and Ellis mugshot follow the recent practice of others, typically celebrities or politicians, who pushed back against a traditional idea of how a mugshot should look. In 2014, Justin Bieber, musician, was arrested for drag racing in Miami Beach and bore an innocent looking boyish smile in his mug shot.

Corker Tambis governor Rick Perry was indicted for abuse of power in 2014, gave a full face, closed mouth smile for his mug shot, which looked fit for a political campaign advertisement. Socialist Paris Hilton struck a highly stylized pose for the camera during the three different times she took mugshots, following her rest for drug possession and driving under the influence. In the mid 2000, mugshots primarily serve as an official police identification record.

But when they’re released publicly, they become part of a broader conversation about culture, and society can take on different meaning over time. Former football player OJ. Simpson, charged with the death of his former wife and boyfriend in the 1994 and of which he was later acquitted, offers one of the most famous examples of how mugshot can have enduring legacy. Well, Time and Newsweek published Simpson mugshot on their cover in June of 1994.

But Time darkened Simpson’s skin tone, reconnecting false racist stereotypes about dark skin color and its connection to crime, later apologizing for doing so. Now, along with being available for purchase as a poster print or other commercial product, the Simpson mugshot serves as a case study in college courses on criminology and media and communication. Mugshots tap into a cultural fascination with crime and criminal justice. Thus, it’s no surprise mugshots find the way into popular culture, especially when the subject are famous.

The mugshot of Monster, Al Capone and singer Frank Sinatra from the 30s are still available on a wide range of commercial products like shirts and hats. Actress Jane Fonda famously raised her fist in a 1970 mug shot after being arrested for drug smuggling. That photo provides evidence of her career as an anti war and feminist activist, charges that were ultimately dropped. Meanwhile, Bobby Jr. Took everyone by surprise by this reaction to the Trump indictment.

Trump’s latest indictment is the talk of the political world. Almost every Democrat believes the indictment spells doom for Trump. But R-F-K jr. Took everyone’s surprise with his reaction. Former President Trump was it with his fourth criminal indictment by rogue Fulton County Democrat District Attorney Fanny Willis for having the audacity to engage in rather routine challenges to the results at Georgia’s 2020 election, he was forced to take a mugshot Bolton County jail when he turned himself into be books.

Trump produced the most famous mugshot in history as conservatives celebrated the image as a symbol of defiance against the authoritarianism of the ruling class elites while Democrats came. It was somehow the final nail in the coffin of the former president political career. On the other hand, RFK Jr. Democrat presidential candidate and heir to the Kennedy dynasty, has proved he’s unafraid to break with his party and speak the truth and choose a different route.

He appeared on Fox for an interview with Jesse Waters. He explained the mugshot worked out much better for Trump than those on his side of the aisle want to admit. Have you seen the Trump mugshot? Waters asked. Yeah, I did see it. RFK jr. Replied. It was an interesting and probably very shrewd decision for him to put on that very defiant face. I think it’s very popular with his base.

Trump mugshot backfired on Democrats after the former president slapped his own mug shot and the tagline Never Surrender on T shirts, coffee mugs and other merchandise and turned the indictment into a fundraising tool for his presidential campaign. Conservatives responded in kind, giving the campaign its best single day of fundraising by flocking to buy all the merchandise from the campaign’s official store. Less a week after the items went on sale, 36,000 mugshot T shirts were sold, bringing in over 1.

7 million to the reelection effort. I wonder whether he practiced in front of the mirror or whether he was just angry at the time, and that reflected what he did, RFK Jr. Added. By thought, from a strategic point of view, it worked very well for him. Trump was able to turn a negative into a positive and flip the script on the Fulton County Democrat DA in Trump’s other indictments, democrat prosecutors avoided forcing him to take a Mudshot, likely because they feared he would use it to his advantage.

Willis, on the other hand, has been more interested in using the entire ordeal to fundraise for her own campaign foolishly thinking she was scoring a major victory by making Trump the first former president to have his mugshot taken in American history. Fascinating stuff. Scott, yours? Well, I think the mugshot has backfired, and I think that’s the quality term, that’s the defining term that people really need to assign to the entire Democrat Party and the condition America is in right now and what inevitably is going to be coming backfire.

Everything the Democrats have done backfires on them, everything that they hope backfired on them, the COVID-19 restrictions and lockdowns backfired on them. Maybe not among the idiots who are already lobotomized and are looking just to follow like lemmings into the pit of oblivion. Let them have their reward. But it backfired and will continue to backfire because there’s more reasonable center of right moderate Americans than there are fanatical, stupid, transgender, climate worshipping, lunatic types.

So it’s backfiring on them. January 6 backfired on them. They’ve caused more MAGA Republicans and moderates to rise up. The entire Biden administration has backfired. Everything they’ve done has proven to Americans they are ruinous, destructive fanatics, picking a fight, sending us to Ukraine, sending how much money over to Ukraine? Billions of dollars, picking a fight with Russia, shutting off all of our natural energy capabilities from the Alaskan pipeline to all sorts of other things.

Backfired, the destroyers of the, you know, against the climate religion of Europe. And the other term is wrecking ball. That’s what Trump is and that’s what every conservative Republican moderate who is running for political office needs to define themselves as a wrecking ball. A wrecking ball that is going to destroy all of the corruption and the institutions of corruption that have been strangling and killing this country and killing our freedom and doing all sorts of things.

The same wrecking ball that needs to happen to Canada to destroy what Trudeau and his tyrannical government has done, throwing in innocent men like Arthur Polowski and all sorts of other people into jail for protesting their tyranical lockdowns. So I think the backfiring concept and the wrecking ball is what Trump really is going to embody in 2024. And people really need to get behind this. And always remember too, these simple minded, middle of the road half wits that just want to get along.

Well, maybe we should pick another presidential leader. Maybe Ron DeSantis. Maybe someone but we just want peace, peace, peace. When there is no peace. That’s the real fraud. That’s the real lie people need to get accustomed to. There is no peace ever that will come to this country. No peace will the Democrats ever allow until your children are castrated. You’re eating bugs, you’re living in your home and not doing anything other than what they allow you to do within 15 minutes.

And your entire humanity is redefined by vaccines and DNA altering transhumanism experimentation. And you are full of the propaganda that they push out to you. There will be no peace until all of that is infected in you. And in fact, I’d say to many of us, there’s no peace until you’re dead. So that’s your choice. Either die or surrender to their absolute dehumanizing agenda or acknowledge to yourself there will never be peace with these people.

And the only way to in fact secure peace is to destroy them. Destroy them in your local communities, in your counties and your towns and your government, your local government, state government, county government, and I mean destroy them by pushing them out and repositioning good people, moral people, spiritual people, constitutional people. Into these positions, there will be no peace ever, so long as you have these Democrats in power who are obsessed with advancing an agenda.

And you can’t live with that agenda because that agenda is designed to kill you and to dehumanize you. And the problem that we’re in now is because we’ve been walking away, turning our backs on that reality, trying to pretend it doesn’t exist. Well, let’s just give them tolerances. Let’s just allow them to do this in the schools and teach homosexuality. Let’s just allow them. Let’s be tolerant. That tolerance has led us to the point we’re at now.

Because we’ve had peace with these vile destroyers. We are on the verge of absolute destruction. And that’s why I know that the reckoning that Brian was talking about, the revolution, whatever you want to call it, the Renaissance, the Awakening, has got to embrace the destruction of those who are trying to destroy you. Simple as that. Jim wow. Brian well, that mugshot will go down in history as the mugshot that made him one of us.

You see, a lot of people think of Donald John Trump as separate billionaire class New Yorker uppity. But those of us that have been at the bottom, we know what it’s like to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and be arrested or even be a little too drunk, public intoxication or whatever, even a driving under the influence. We don’t feel like we’re terrible criminals, but yet we’ve been treated like such, and our mug shot has been taken.

Think of all the black guys that have been mistaken for the other black guy that actually committed the crime, and this is something that they identify with a great deal. Of course their mug shots are taken, and then they’re paraded before a judge and a jury of their peers, and then they’re taken to jail for ten to 15 years, whether they did it or not, just because they don’t have the money to defend themselves.

And I’m not ripping on the current justice system in terms of prosecutors and defenses and the fact that there’s not always enough money. But what I’m saying about this particular Donald John Trump mugshot is that it is a symbol that makes him one of us, which is totally different than the rest of the governmental workers that see all these feel like these sort of gray sheeple that just exist and drive their Nissan Sentra and work their nine to five and do their thing.

Do those people really love this country? I sure don’t hear their voices. I sure don’t see them showing up at the school board meeting or the city council meeting as employees. I see them keeping their mouths shut because they want to keep their job, because it’s the system and the apparatus that controls them. Now, as for history, there are a lot of people that have gotten famous becoming iconoclasts.

An iconoclast is a person who recognizes that the power of the icon has outgrown its usefulness. And therefore they dedicate their time or energy or life to smashing that icon to a billion pieces, thus breaking the law in the process, but only to come out on the other side as sort of a hero or sort of an urban legend type of person. Now, all sorts of cultures and societies have had their heroes and their iconic class.

And I’m going to tell you, whether Donald John Trump is capable of cleaning up the swamp or not, he’s going to get the credit for it, because he was the one there doing it, who is really doing it? Comer. Jordan Grassley, Ron Johnson, Bobert Marjorie Taylor Green, Matt Gates, you name it. The guys up there, they’re the ones that are really changing things right now. Donald John Trump is running for office and getting a lot of attention, and there are a lot of fireworks going off, and it’s fun and games, and it’s this and it’s that.

But I’m going to tell you, I want to remind you of something. 22 Democrat Senate seats are up for reelection on the same ticket that Trump will theoretically be on. Eleven republicans are going up. 22 Democrats are going up. You got Feinstein, you’ve got Hirono or whatever. Hiroshi from Alaska, that other nutcase. You got a whole bunch of them on that list. And I’m going to tell you something.

If you really want to see this thing change, it’s going to have to happen at the precinct level, because DC. Is a swamp that will not drain easily. And while Donald Trump might help make progress, he isn’t the only engine that’s running in this nation. Wow. Gentlemen, on Labor Day, you have made me and the nation proud. We still have to clean up the electoral system to make these things happen, but you are just sensational today, and I congratulate you.

Don take us out. Boy, for a Labor Day. Boy, we sure labor here and had a lot of production success here. I don’t know of any hotter show than what we did today. You out there. You got to share this one. Otherwise, you’re part of the problem. We got to share the truth. The truth is being suppressed. We had an awful time getting this show going. I’ve been suppressed.

And it looks like the powers that be are afraid of us telling what the truth. That’s not the way it should be in America, anyway. This is truth. Yeah. There we go. This is truth versus news on Labor Day, september 4. I think it should be July 4. Let’s set off some fireworks and stuff, get this thing moving here. God bless. I really appreciate everybody watching, and they love you all bye.



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