Truth vs. NEW$ Inc. Part 2 (10 March 2024) with Don Grahn Scott Bennett and Brian Davidson | Jim Fetzer

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots



➡ Jim Fetzer discusses the recent State of the Union address by President Biden, with criticism from Republicans and former President Trump with Don Grahn and Scott Bennett and Brian Davidson on the Truth vs. NEWS Inc.. He suggests that Biden’s speech was filled with lies and misrepresentations and that he didn’t address important issues like border security. The article also includes conspiracy theories about Biden’s identity and claims that the government is not acting in the best interests of the people. Lastly, it speculates about potential political moves involving Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton.
➡ The article discusses the current state of America, highlighting issues like political corruption, economic struggles, and social problems. It criticizes politicians for being controlled by lobbyists and suggests that the American people have lost control of their government. The article also criticizes President Biden’s memory and suggests he’s unfit for office. Lastly, it lists numerous problems facing America, such as chronic illness, poverty, violence, and a failing infrastructure, and calls for honesty and action to restore the country.
➡ The article discusses the need for America to change its course, focusing on securing its borders, avoiding unnecessary conflicts, restoring the rule of law, and revitalizing the economy. It suggests that America should prioritize its own interests, reduce government bureaucracy, and restructure its debt. The article also emphasizes the importance of education, technology, and agriculture in securing the country’s future. Lastly, it calls for unity and resolve to put America first and restore the American dream.
➡ This text talks about the current political situation and the dissatisfaction with leaders like Trump. It suggests that people are tired of being controlled and exploited, and that change is needed. The text also criticizes the COVID-19 vaccines, claiming they have harmful side effects and have been promoted dishonestly. The author calls for new leadership and a more independent, grassroots approach to societal reform.
➡ This text discusses the controversy around the COVID-19 vaccine, with some people blaming Trump for promoting it. They argue that the vaccine has caused harm, including cancer and other health issues. The text also mentions alternative cancer treatments, like Indian Black Sav, and criticizes the pharmaceutical industry. Lastly, it discusses the idea of a revolution against forced vaccinations and other perceived government overreaches.
➡ The text discusses the author’s belief that people’s health problems are often due to too much TV and not enough connection with nature. It criticizes the current healthcare system, blaming the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act for making health plans too similar and benefiting large insurance companies. The author also discusses former President Trump’s stance on the conflict in Israel and Gaza, expressing disappointment in his support for Israel’s military actions. Lastly, the text includes a passionate call to action for people to support Trump and fight against what the author sees as a threat to America’s values and future.
➡ The speaker is disappointed with Trump’s handling of foreign policy, particularly regarding Israel and Palestine. They believe the U.S. should focus on its own citizens and not interfere in other countries’ affairs. They also express concern about an upcoming economic crash and urge people to become self-sufficient. Lastly, they emphasize the importance of faith during challenging times.
➡ The speaker is grateful for the viewers’ support and comments. They’re excited about the current progress and encourage everyone to stay involved for their own benefit. They end with a blessing and a promise to return next week.


Back to truth versus news Incorporated. There’s quite a distance here between those two in America, and I think we’re going to get into the State of the Union by Biden and see what the contrasts are. Right, Jim? You got it right, Don. They were able to put up a wall to keep Congress separated from the american people. They may have feared we’d come with piss forks in hand.

Walls work federal authorities constructed a wall surrounding the Capitol for Biden’s Thursday State of the Union, drawing the eye of a Republican who painted a contrast between his open border policies and the heavily guarded Capitol complex. Indeed, Democrats are happy to spend taxpayer money on building a wall to secure Biden and other DC elites, but they refuse to continue funding for Trump’s border wall being built to keep the american people safe, Alec Boswicks of ex strategies exclusively told Breitbart News.

At least they conceived that walls work. Meanwhile, Trump was fact checking Biden’s State of the Union in real time, in a rare contrast between a former president and a sitting one. Trump real time, fact checked by the State of the Union, calling his rival so angry and crazy. That made me the angriest, least compassionate, worst day the union speech ever made, Trump wrote. It was embarrassment to our country.

Whether the fake news media likes admitting it or not. There was tremendous misrepresentation and lies in the speech. But the people of our country get it. They know November 5 will be the most important day in our nation’s history. He’s done nothing for Israel compared to what I’ve done, Trump wrote when Biden claimed to be the most pro Israel president american history, a claim Trump had made for himself for years during his administration.

It’s only words he speaks, not truth. Trump also warned Biden has enriched Iran and destabilized the Middle east with a border, the number one voting issue, Trump noted it was not first and foremost in Biden’s America. Biden talked about Snickers bars before he talked about the border. Took him 40 minutes to get to immigration and he said nothing about it. Trump rejected Biden’s remarks on the second Amendment, warning of gun grabs and the Biden admin, permitting crime to run rampant in Democrat run cities throughout America.

He’s talking about violence, but migrant violence is leading to the worst crime wave in history by nobody with warning Russia’s president Putin to not take Ukraine. But Trump noted Putin only did that under Biden’s watch. Putin only invaded Ukraine because he has no respect for Biden, he wrote during a brief outrage, perhaps because of a flood of traffic would have never happened under the Trump admin. And for four years it didn’t.

Meanwhile, State of the Union body double last night is from a wonderful correspondent and contributor to my journal. My dentist insists this is not Biden, who has expensive veneers. My dentist says this guy has bad teeth and a different facial structure, eye color, earlobe, shorter nose, less prominent chin, et cetera. Every member of Congress knows they were listening to a fake. He doesn’t need a cognitive test, he needs a DNA test.

Cyber repetition. But the press keeps everyone ignorant. Better to have commander run for president. Whose Biden, meanwhile, also tweeted, anything strange about this pic. See anything that’s not normal? Notice no eyelashes because he’s wearing a mask that don’t allow the eyelashes to show. Scott, your thoughts? Well, it is a twilight zone moment where people are in that two camps. Either it’s the fake Biden wearing a mask or some sort of drone or some sort of other thing, or they’re believing the lie that it’s the real Joe Biden with a facelift.

You recall, Jim, when I was in Washington, DC as part of Trump’s analytical team in November of 2020, I submitted, as part of our reports, your various research that proved that Joe Biden’s earlobes were different in ten years past. They were not attached to the jaw ten years ago, and now they are attached to the jaw, as well as, among other things, the cranial differences in the eyes and the teeth and other things.

But that was included in my report with Stephen Pigeon, the constitutional attorney, to General Flynn, to Pat Byrne, to Sidney Powell, to take to President Trump. We swore affidavits. We had a whole team there. And Joe Biden’s fakeness was part of that report. I don’t give a shit how they thought about it or what they felt about it. If they were real Americans, they would have said, there’s something wrong here that needs to be confirmed.

They didn’t do anything. And I think we’ve been victimized by a lot of parasitic, patriotic, fake patriots that have seriously disappeared. Whether the. I can’t remember half their names now, they’re so insignificant. But Sidney Powell is a big one. And I was the one who got General Flynn out of jail by giving Sidney Powell the material on Covington and Burling. She got a whole bunch of money with General Flyn putting together a group, and then suddenly she disappeared and that fell apart.

And Patrick Byrne and Flynn and all this. It’s an amazing quote, shell game of this musical chairs, patriotism that we’ve experienced for the last two years, and it’s created a complete upside down world. But these sort of moments in the State of the union where we see Biden manifesting, as Tucker Carlson said, one of the ugliest, darkest, most vicious, hateful, hostile diatribes that we have ever had in the history of the United States.

State of the Union. We’ve never had a state of the union so vile and vulgar and ugly and I’d say demonic, as we did with Joe Biden. Now, I’ll say this, too. I think we’re coming up on the video, too, later. But just as a preview. People better stick by and watch this to the end. Joe Biden admitted that roofs in Maui with blue colored roofs survive the fires when he flies over in a helicopter.

He said that to some forestry yeti as he was walking out of the hall. And I captured, the son of a bitch said, wow. He admitted that blue roofs didn’t burn, as if fires that devoured houses in Maui start from the roof and go down. Well, they do if it’s directed energy weapons. And he also admitted a few other things. But this state of the union was one for the books.

And I think it’ll be the last state of the union that we ever have until the country is reformed as the republics of America, not states. The United republics of America under the Republic of America. Jim, since the very first show I did with you, Dr. Fetzer, I have made a statement that I find to be more true today than ever before. And that statement that I made in that show was that people substitute information intake for critical thought.

And I’ve never seen it so powerful before. It’s almost like a voodoo witchcraft that has washed over the american public, that we buy in to this garbage, this fake Biden, this fake, know all of these controlled politicians as if for a second any of them actually represent our interests. The state of the union wasn’t about giving us the state of the nation. It was about continuing to push us to a division which will cause a firefight at some point in the near future.

They want war. They want us warring against one another. If I could sit down with a group of Democrats and have a conversation and say, hey, I’m a conservative, but guess what? We’re on the same team. We just see things from a different angle, I would. Because what people have to begin to realize is that this is a government that has been turned on us. This is no longer a government for the people, by the people, of the people, a small fiscally responsible federal government that was established to oversee borders and to make sure that we can coordinate a defense.

This is a government that has, over the years, moved into every inch of our lives to the point where they told us that we had to wear masks and get pollutions injected directly into our bloodstreams to do this. Now with these fake Biden characters and all the other fake Hillary’s, I don’t know what version they’re on on Hillary right now, but look, there’s even a lot of theories out there that Hillary is going to be the next one to come in and take over.

The way that works is Biden steps down, Kamala Harris gets put into place. Kamala Harris appoints Hillary for the vice president. Kamala Harris, for whatever reason, is washed out and stepped down. Then you’ve got an incumbent Hillary Clinton on the democratic ticket running against Donald Trump. I don’t know if it’s going to actually happen that way. I don’t think they have to even bother going with that nintieth percentile of gaslighting because they’ve got us already so divided and so screwed up, thinking that our votes are effective, thinking that we have control of this government, and thinking that these politicians are acting in our best interests when it’s clear that not a single one of them actually are.

There’s a couple of what I would consider to be semi patriots. But let’s face it, in order to be a politician in the United States of America today, you’ve got to pick sides and you’ve got to sell out a part of your character in exchange for lobbying funds and whatever funds you can get to continue to control your seat. And I don’t believe that anybody gets selected for a political office here in America to be able to even run and be on the ticket unless they can be controlled.

Our government has lost its way. The american people have lost control of it. And I think it was Franklin who said it’s either a republic or a monarchy. And you’ve got a republic right now if you can keep it. Well, folks, we can’t keep obvious. Yeah, I think it’s a real serious question. Meanwhile, Tucker Carlson Biden address was darkest and most unamerican state of the union ever. Carlson called Biden a dottering old man who can’t remember when his son died or when he served as vice president.

In February, former special counsel Robert hurt declined to pursue felony charge against the president after the prosecutor concluded Biden was too senile for a jury to convict. Biden would likely present himself to the jury, as he did during our interview with him as a sympathetic, well meaning elderly man with a poor memory, burst team wrote in the report released last month. It would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him by then.

A former president well into his eighty s of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness. Biden, according to prosecutors, forgot the timeline of his tenure as vice president, struggled to recall the approximate year of his son’s death. Based on our direct interaction with an observation of him, he is someone for whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt. Biden’s memory, they reported, appeared hazy when describing the Afghanistan debate that was once so important to him.

In his live monologue Thursday night, Tucker also claimed Biden is unable to win a fair election. We know they’re going to steal the election because they’re now saying so out loud. Tucker aired footage of Attorney General Garland declaring war on voter ids. The chief law enforcement officer of the United States government is telling you that it’s immoral, in fact illegal, to ask people for their ids when they vote to verify who they say they are.

Somehow people of color, black people don’t have state issued ids, he added sarcastically. Meanwhile, RFK had an interesting review. Neither my uncle nor my father would recognize the version of America we have today, he said of the state of the union. He firmly declared, enough is enough, addressing 21 disturbing realities. Number one, we become a nation of chronic illness, of violence, of loneliness, depression, division and poverty. Number two, our great cities are becoming tent encampments.

Number three, modern day Hooverville is filled with undocumented immigrants and dispossess Americans and people living in their cars, plagued by mental illness and addiction and despair. Number four, our border has come under the control of criminal drug cartels, at traffic and desolation and fentanyl, and in busloads of desperate human beings. Five, our children are drowning in a crisis of alienation, of dispossession and complete disconnection from their communities.

Six, we’ve lost far more of our young people to drugs in the last decade than in the 20 year Vietnam war. Seven, we printed nine centuries worth of money in little over a decade and spent 8 trillion on regime change wars, those wars that made America less safe, our country less strong and the world less stable while sending prices through the roof. Eight, as our infrastructure falls apart, tens of millions of young Americans no longer even dream of owning their own home.

Nine, as the new melt of the last generation has gone to the billionaires into transnational corporations, our tattered middle class. Our infrastructure or industry have been hollowed out from the inside pen. The public debt has gone from about 5 trillion under w to 34 trillion today. Eleven. Household debt is at a record high of 17. 3 trillion. Twelve. Our true unemployment rate is 23%. 13 young parents face housing, grocery and childcare costs that are unaffordable.

14. Too many Americans are living bleak and hopeless life. 15 we rank 40th globally in our people’s health and wellness. 16 out of the richest countries in the world, the US is 35th in child poverty rank. 17 we rank 36th in literacy, 45th in press freedom. 18 we have one of the highest cancer rates in the world. Our life expectancy now ranks 59th, according to the world back.

19 we have the worst health outcome for the rich world, the highest maternal mortality rates, the highest number of gun deaths per capita, the highest number of teen pregnancy. 20 according to CDC, 60% of Americans have at least one chronic condition. When my uncle was present, only 6% of Americans had chronic disease. 21 and all of these plight fall heaviest on our young people. Four in ten suffer from depression.

Half have considered suicide. One in ten anxiety. One in ten adhd. One in five is obese. I want to tell you right now, we can still restore that America, the America that almost was and yet may be, Kennedy said. But we have to start by being honest for himself, I add. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Has said Israel has done all it can to save lives in Gaza. Here’s perhaps the most thoughtful of all Americans commenting on the political scene today.

Colonel Douglas McGregor, Americans I am Colonel Douglas McGregor, combat veteran and former senior advisor to the secretary of defense under President Trump. As chief executive officer of our country, our choice, I want to respectfully present an alternative view of the state of the union. The Constitution, our nation’s guiding light, mandates that the government promote the general welfare, a charge that obligates Washington to secure the basic necessities of life, energy, food and shelter.

Regrettably, the current administration is failing to perform these tasks. The current administration claims the gross domestic product is booming, but much of it comes from government spending and employment. The government share of gross domestic product in the United States today is 42%, including federal, state and local spending. This outrageous share is similar to what it was in the Soviet Union in the late 1980s, before the collapse. Rampant inflation stemming from this government share of the economy makes it difficult for families to buy nutritious food.

A dozen eggs, which could be bought for less than $1 in 2019, now ranges from two to $4 today, with price increases of over 100%. In the same period, a median household income increased by a mere 9%. High mortgage interest rates jumping from 2% to 7. 5% in less than three years, places the dream of homeownership out of reach for too many Americans. Our national security is compromised.

Unstable supply chains leave many store shelves empty. Our power plants and manufacturing facilities lack key spare parts. Ill conceived domestic policies result in job losses and homelessness. The pursuit of misguided foreign military interventions has not only drained our resources, but also imperiled our hard won energy independence, subjecting Americans to rising fuel prices and foreign influence. Today, the government employs an estimated 2. 87 million people. If we include federal contractors, this number balloons to between twelve and 25 million.

All of these events occur against the backdrop of a national sovereign debt that has skyrocketed to 34 trillion. Even worse, we are currently adding another trillion dollars to national debt, roughly every three months. It is impossible to drain the swamp with unsound money and a colossal debt that we cannot sustain. Tragically, DC Beltway politicians are controlled by the so called donor class. This form of corruption is enabled by a cancerous central banking system with privileged access to capital.

This ruling class orchestrates endless wars, enriching themselves and their cronies, while sending our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines to serve in foreign lands of marginal strategic interest to the United States. Meanwhile, open borders are allowing millions of illegals or migrants to flood into our country. This uncontrolled influx is straining our resources, overwhelming our communities and destroying our prosperity. Reckless calls to defund and punish the police are crippling.

Law enforcement officers are underfunded, undermanned and unable to protect our citizens, making our cities unsafe for all, especially women, children and the elderly. Open borders cannot be divorced from an explosion of criminality never before seen in the history of our country. The number of Americans dying from illegal drug or fentanyl overdose is over 100,000 each year, much of it trafficked through the wide open southern border. There are more than 26,000 homicides each year, according to the FBI crime statistics.

This is likely an underaccount, because in the last two years, more than 40% of police agencies did not report data because of a change in the system the FBI uses under political pressure, the number of missing children each year is estimated at over 800,000, which works out to be over 2000 children every day. This alarming statistic is worsened by the overt sexualization of our children in public schools.

Our children are our future. They should be protected, not exploited. Washington has also spent $14 trillion on various Middle east wars over the last 23 years in a series of self defeating military interventions. More recently, Washington spent hundreds of billions of dollars on an unnecessary war with Russia, with little to show for it except higher prices for millions of Americans at the supermarket and the gas pump. Trillions were also wasted in the aftermath of the engineered Covid disaster, enriching the laptop class Silicon Valley, Wall street, and big business.

While american workers, small business owners, and independent contractors were destroyed. Trillions have been wasted on unreliable green energy with metals mined in Africa and processed in China, while destroying american jobs and ignoring our domestic resources. The bottom line is the state of the union is not strong. In fact, it is fragile and deteriorating. The question before us is, where does America go from here? Consider the following actions that should be taken as soon as possible.

First, we must secure our borders, our airports, and harbors. Defending the United States and the american people must be our top priority in national defense. Second, unless the United States itself is attacked, we must avoid unnecessary conflict. Prosperity at home demands peace abroad. U. S. National security must not be hostage to foreign interests or their domestic agents inside the United States. Third, we must restore the rule of law inside our country.

We must remove activist judges who fail to uphold the Constitution and who release violent criminals and illegals into our country. It is time to revisit the practice of judicial appointments for life. Fourth, an effective american military establishment demands merit based selection and promotion. Fundamental reform to reduce overhead and maximize fighting power is vital. Today, we have 43 four stars for 1. 1 million soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines.

In 1943, when 12 million men were serving, we had only seven four stars. However, strengthening our nation’s security and restoring the rule of law are only part of the equation. We must also focus on revitalizing our economy and harnessing american innovation to secure our prosperity for generations to come. We must restore energy independence to America as soon as possible with a mix of resources including natural gas, nuclear, solar, and wind.

We must reinvigorate american agriculture and incentivize family farmers and producers. We must outlaw foreigners and vulture capitalists from buying american farmland, securing access to food, and our national independence. We must repatriate advanced manufacturing to the american heartland, maximizing the use of 3d printing, artificial intelligence, and robotics to staff these jobs. For the future, we must make public education a path to employment. American companies and individuals must be given one time tax exemptions to bring trillions of dollars back to the United States.

We must act swiftly to pare down the staffing of federal government agencies. Elon Musk eliminated 70% of woke staff at X, formerly Twitter, with no loss of site performance. We can do the same with our bloated bureaucracy. We must audit the Federal Reserve. They have failed in their mandate to maximize employment and maintain price stability. Lastly, cutting spending will not arrest the destructive impact of the national sovereign debt.

We must restructure the debt to regain productivity and financial stability. Ultimately, we must reclaim our birthright as a free and sovereign people. We must restore the american dream for generations to come. We must renew our faith in our country. It is time for a course correction, ladies and gentlemen, a return to principles that have guided our nation through its darkest hours. We must recommit ourselves to the ideals of representative government, where the elected officials are truly accountable to the people they serve.

Elected officials and bureaucrats who put foreign interests over american ones must go. Our nation’s future depends on our unity and resolve to put America first. Only through such a renewed commitment can we restore the promise of a nation where every citizen has access to affordable energy, nutritious food, and secure shelter. The self styled ruling class of globalist elites must not be allowed to enrich themselves at the expense of the american people.

My fellow Americans, the road ahead is arduous, but our cause is just. Our cause is the return of prosperity at home, equality before the law, and peace abroad. Let us march forward, united in our pursuit of a more perfect union, where the blessings of liberty are shared by everyone. God bless you, and God bless the United States of America. That would have been a firing state of the union message, which we did not hear from the president of the United States.

Scott, your thoughts? Wow. Well, if that is actually Doug McGregor, and it certainly looks and sounds like him, I think it is one of the best speeches he’s ever given. I mean, it’s mind blowing, but it certainly sounds like him. I’m just saying that because AI, and I’m always wary of psyops, but I’ll just go with the benefit of the doubt. If that is McGregor and he’s actually giving that presentation, then again, I think it’s a very well reasoned, spectacular speech, and he’d be a brilliant vice president.

He’d be a brilliant president. To be honest with you. I think he’d be better than Trump. Honestly, he’d be better than Trump because he’s smarter than Trump and he’s better experienced than Trump. Now, Trump has a certain panache and know, but from an intellectual, capable point of view, McGregor is superior, but he doesn’t have the personality, know that whole thing. But we’re not in a popular time with a popular president.

We need someone who comes in and understands the nature of the bureaucracy and the Pentagon, of the government and men, and also recognizes the value of volunteerism and patriotism. You will never fix this country by government personnel alone. It has to involve by nature, the faith based organizations, higher education, the media, the chamber of commerce, all of the big clubs and institutions and fellowships and groups that Detoqueville said make America what it is.

It’s the communities, it’s the groups, it’s the organizations. And the only way to solve this is one county at a time. And you fix the problem. McGregor says it well, we’ve all been saying it, too. The boat is leaking. There are holes in the boat, and the boat is sinking in America. So what you have to do is you don’t focus on getting the water out. You don’t get a bucket and start bailing the water out.

You plug the holes. So the first step is plug the hole, stop the border, stop the immigration, then you begin bailing out the water. Then you seal and you redo the boat. So the rotten wood is replaced and strengthened. So there is a process, and it’s a military process, it’s a combined civilian government process. And you have to reverse engineer and say, okay, where did the buses and the planes bring all of these foreign invaders into the country? They’re foreign invaders.

It’s a war. Where did they go? Minneapolis, Seattle, San Francisco, New York. Fine, let’s reverse engineer and track them down. And then every bus and every hotel that they ever went to. This is where the national security and the Defense Intelligence Agency and key people at CIA and the inspector generals are, and others who are conservative in nature, like ourselves, could be directly put to task. And you reverse engineer where all of these people were brought into, and you activate mercenaries, you activate bounty hunters, you activate bounties and rewards, and you motivate people to go out and do citizens arrests and grab and force these people.

And some you can invite, some you can pay off, you can say, hey, you’ll get a whatever to get out of the country or to show up here, but you have to plug the holes, and then you have to bleed the poison out of the body politic. And Trump said it well, they are a blood poisoning because they don’t know the language, they don’t have the culture, they don’t love America, they don’t love our schools, our history, our institutions.

They are coming in to cannibalize America. And I’ve seen it on different videos and different various kinds. America putting out candy for Halloween with the trust that only a couple pieces of candy are going to be taken. And next thing you see a couple of mexican women come up and they take a bag and they empty the whole tray of candy that this lady put out. Right? That’s the respect of what they’re bringing to America? Or is that the cannibalization they’re bringing to America, that they will do the same thing in every other avenue of life? So, no, I don’t have any mercy or tolerance for these invaders.

They need to be expelled, and it’s a war. And McGregor is true. We’re only going know I’ll end it by saying this. McGregor said, we are free and sovereign people. Well, we have to recognize and put into policy that every other nation and every other people is a free and sovereign people. Do unto others as you’d have them do unto know. Love thy neighbor as thyself. If you want to be respected and treated like a free and sovereign people, America, you have to recognize and admit and accept that every other nation, tribe, clan, and people in the world are also free and sovereign peoples.

And that’s where we have become totally schizophrenic or hypocritical. We consider ourselves the exceptional nation. We’re the free and sovereign people anointed by God, but yet everyone else is someone to be cannibalized, raped, exploited, and made into a subservient colony. That doesn’t work, especially now when the multipolar world is rising because they are tired of having a boot stepped on their neck and their natural resources and their freedom taken away.

So McGregor understands this better than anyone, and he is a confident man and an educated man. And I wish he was running for president because he’s better than Trump. And if Trump doesn’t make him vice president, he’s a goddamn fool. And we’ll see if Trump even makes it, because there’s always a chance they’ll kill him, as they may kill Kamala Harris, as they may kill Biden, and bring in alternative.

Gavin Newsom is the man that I’m saying. And if they bring him in, it’s Zelensky all over again with the delusion that America will be shut down into a suspension of the elections in martial law. And the Democrats think that if they do that, they will reign in perpetuity. I think their reign would be shattered by a shot heard around the world, which would be the next revolution.

Jim. Brian. Wow. Wow. Well, let me remind our audience of something. If you take a look at world history. It’s always been the warrior class that has enslaved, controlled and run populations by turning them from what was their culture to another culture that could be easily or more easily controlled. It’s always been that way. The warrior class is what took all the slaves in Africa. The warrior class is what made Genghis Khan great.

The warrior class is what made the roman centurions into a republic. And once they became a republic, it wasn’t much longer that they fell. I think that was like 400 ad, when Rome came apart at the seams from the inside out. They came apart at the seams from the inside out because they had become an institution. And this is the fundamental problem that we have here. And I’m talking about institutions because I think it’s very important when we discuss renewing our society, okay? It’s our institutions that have gone bad.

Remember Martin Luther, the Protestant Reformation? He posted his 95 theses to the door in Wittenberg with, here’s your 95 problems with institutional religion. He was trying to change the institution from the inside out. Guess what? It failed. Because once the ship has become corrupt, you’ve got to jump off the ship. Remember the Freemasons used to have all the founding fathers of the Christians inside the Freemason boat, and then they got caught killing Captain Morgan, and all the Christians jumped ship.

Well, what did that leave behind? It left all behind all the corrupt Freemasons on the ship because the Christians got off. My point is, if we want to even think about reforming society, we have to begin thinking independently and cellularly. And Scott’s exactly right. We have to think of that on a local level. One person at a time. Guys. We are the white hats. The ruling elite need to go down.

But there is no super squirrel secret force that’s going to deliver us from this machine. Think about it this way. Even if Trump is not sold out to israeli special interests, which I highly doubt. Which I highly doubt at this point. Remember when Trump was all about drain the swamp, declare war on the elite? Now it’s become clear that he’s in Trump’s pocket. And maybe the elite have him convinced that they’re more powerful than the presidency of the United States.

And that might be true, because even if Trump did get into office, he’s still got to deal with completely corrupt Senate and House that are going to keep his hands tagged. I mean, think about it. Flynn lasted, what, two weeks? Two weeks under Trump. So now it’s clear that Trump’s in Israel’s pocket. It’s clear that the Democrats are not going to be able to lead us into any sort of institutional reform.

Heck, they want to see the institutions grow larger and more powerful. If Trump hasn’t struck a deal, why are they still allowing him to continue moving forward as if he’s going to take the office? I think we have a problem, and the problem is that we think that government is going to deliver us from this evil when government is in fact the very evil that we need deliverance from.

Right? How do you break loose from the forces of government? I’m going to tell you something, right, makes might, every person is going to need to do a lot of introspection. Take a close look at who they are, what they are. They’re going to need to figure out a way to fight like Gandhi or Martin Luther King, peacefully, powerfully. And every cell assembles to come after these guys until we can begin to change the tides.

I don’t know if it can be done because I don’t think that there’s another leader. And by the way, I’m no Tucker Carlson fan, but I think at this point in time, the only person I would trust to lead America and have the presidency would be Carrie Lake. I mean, I hate to say it, but she’s the only one that I can put the pieces together and say she has not sold out.

Trump I can’t say that he’s COVID vaccine this and Israel that and this and that, and he’s playing right into their pockets. I think we’ve got a major problem and we’re going to need a new style of leadership. Brian Wow, I think you got it exactly right. And here’s the confirmation. Supporters blast Trump on truth social after he takes credit for the COVID jab. Biden announces the COVID vaccine being used to cure cancer.

Trump responded, the pandemic no longer controls our lives. The vaccines that saved us from COVID are now being used to help beat cancer, turning setback into combat, Trump wrote, quoting Biden, you’re welcome, Joe. Nine month approval time versus twelve years it would have taken you. Since the COVID mrna shots were rolled out, western Asians have been seeing dramatic increases in myocarditis, blood clots, neurological disorders, and other previously rare ailments.

Cancer rates alarmingly have also risen exponentially, and researchers think they have discovered why. This April, microbiologist Kevin Kernan, a former researcher at MIT Human Genome Project, discovered the presence of dna contaminants in the products, which can affect unintended parts of the body and lead cancer, including mesotheliomas lymphomas and cancers of the brain and bone. Many of Trump’s own supporters are very aware of these links between the mrna jabs and the increase in excess deaths in the United States, and don’t believe that Operation Warp speed is anything to brag about.

Most of these commentators indicate they still support the former president, voice dismay that he continues to promote the COVID Jaff. Mr. President, please stop promoting these vaccines. They are killing and injuring thousands of us. Or follower wrote on truth social I fully believe they are causing the uptick in cancer. I fully support you on everything except vaccine. With all due respect, it’s a hard no for me a sir.

I stand with you on most things, but disagree completely on this. The death jab murdered my father and 20 more of my friends. Another supporter wrote, sir, please drop the vax. There is more evil and ill wrapped around the vax. The bad actors behind it must be held to account. I believe you were fooled and have not seen or understood what’s been done, a commentator wrote, respectfully, I love and support you on most issues.

I strongly disagree on this one. The COVID vaccines are not safe. Mr. President, please do more research, one woman advised. Others were not so polite. Was your account hacked? You got to be kidding me. I personally know too many people with turbo cancer because of the jab, said one, an ex lawyer. Viva Frida, canadian Trump supporter, said, the blowback against the former president is justified. Trump is getting raped for this truth post, and rightly so, he wrote.

Trump is still trying to tout as a success a shot that has injured or killed countless people. It’s not just a politically damaging position takes it’s becoming increasingly obvious that the success of the jab is arguable. At best, the job will go down in history is an abject disaster. Trump needs to read Brooke Jackson’s whistleblower complaint. He needs to understand that Fauci lied to him and to us.

He needs to understand that Pfizer lied to him and to us. He needs to understand that Moderna lied to him and to us. He needs to understand that Operation Warp speed was co opted from its initial purpose and weaponized into an excuse to mass vaccinate even those who did not need any such vaccine in the first place. He needs to understand the data was falsified, the risks were concealed, and the manufacturer delivered product was not what was approved.

In any event, he then needs to publicly admit this and vow to go after those responsible, those who lied to him and to us, those who are responsible for the irreparable harm that so many people suffered otherwise, continuing to take pride in this experimental shot will continue to cause him potentially critical political damage in general and in particular among those whose support he desperately needs and those who desperately want to support him.

In my humble opinion. Respectfully submitted, musician and vaccine critic five times, August also responded to the dust up. You don’t have to get mad at those holding Trump accountable for the COVID shot, he wrote. He’s had plenty of opportunity to say it was a terrible mistake. Not only has he not done that, he’s doubled down on his accomplishment every single time. It’s okay to boo him on that.

Either nobody on his team has told him the truth or he’s intentionally ignoring it. Either way, that’s very bad. And to look past it, to not hold your leaders accountable for their mistakes is exactly why our country is in the position it’s in now. One way or another, the tragedy of what’s happened is going to catch up to him and he’s going to have to face it. It just is what it is.

Independent presidential candidate RFK Jr. Commented, it’s clear Trump hasn’t learned from his Covid era mistakes and said he looks forward to debating him and Biden in September, RFK tweeting, Donald Trump clearly hasn’t learned from his Covid era mistakes. He fails to recognize how ineffective his wargle vaccine is, as the 9th shot has been recommended to seniors. Even more troubling is a documented harm been caused by the shot to so many innocent children and women.

Scott, your thoughts? Well, let me first say, Jim, the cancer is cured, healed and destroyed by, among other things, I found indian black sav. So there are alternative methods to the cut, burn and poison, radiation, chemotherapy that the west has made billions on. And I would encourage people, if you’ve got cancer, if you’ve got skin cancer or any kind of cancer, go to the website www. Destroy cancer.

You’ll see the indian black SAv. You can get it. I used it to destroy a cancer I had on my back twice. And that cancer came, I think, as a result of the shedding from family members who got the shot. I never did. But that cancer that grew, exploded into a mushroom and the indian black SaV destroyed it, dissolved it, scabbed it, and it was pushed out of the body.

Don can play the video as part of the bonus, but that’s how you destroy cancer is naturally, organically. And indian black Sav was created by an american indian vision 200 years ago. So that’s the most important thing, because we are going to see an explosive of turbo cancers. We are seeing an explosion from the vaccine of the shedding. There’s a story of a woman in Canada who took the vaccine and suddenly she became a quadriplegic because the cancer grew on her spine.

And then the canadian medical establishment were trying to encourage her to do medically induced suicide or whatever they call it. This is the reality of the Covid-19 vaccine. This is the reality of what Trump has allowed. And I said from the very beginning, they were going to put this around Trump’s neck like a rubber tire and ignite it on fire. And his vanity and his ego keep bringing him into this.

I have to know the fruits and I have to claim the rewards of everything that I put out there. And that’s a stupid thing to do, because this vaccine, you could say, is the worst thing ever. And it’s not our opinion. This is based on science and studies and the senator Ron Johnson hearing with Tom Rentz and others, where they statistically analyzed the physical changes in the military force and compared 30 years of statistical data to show there has been a 900% increase in neurological disorders since the Covid-19 vaccine was forced into our military, as well as all sorts of abortions, premature abortions, baby spontaneous deaths, blood clots the size of a foot long, rubberized in the body, frontal lobe deterioration, on and on and on.

There’s nothing positive. This is all negative. And never mind the other indicators that this Covid-19 vaccine were developed by Moderna, by Pfizer, by Johnson and Johnson in Ukraine, as part of the biolabs that were in Ukraine working with Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, the Clinton foundation, the Project 201, the George Soros foundation, the World Economic Forum, USAID, CIA, State Department, all of those slides, Burisma, Metabiota, which was called the global viral forecasting institute before that, which German intelligence ironically came out and said, Scott Bennett is a liar, he’s a disinformation Kremlin expert.

So we’ve gotten the attention of a lot of people. I hope and pray we get the attention of Donald Trump if he wants to remain relevant in the presidential administration, because he’s not guaranteed to win this if he keeps spinning and chasing his tail. And Trump’s not all there in an analytical dialogue, thinking. You see that when he has a conversation with Tucker, he kind of goes around and around, and I did this, and I did this.

You don’t see that in people like McGregor. You see a hard, intellectual, reasonable, professional, sophisticated analysis of the facts and presentation of truth, you don’t get that out of Trump. So we’re in a very thin ice, precarious situation. And this Covid-19 and the claims of it curing cancer, bullshit. This Covid-19 causes cancer and it causes death. It causes 17 year old girls to die on airplanes and 14 year old boys to fall and die on the soccer field, and how many other countless deaths.

All of this. This is the greatest genocide, and never mind the infertility that it’s caused. And we called it out in February of 2020 when this first came out, we called it, and I said, this is going to make people infertile. There’s evil behind this. No one should get this vaccine. And for Trump to play this well, the Covid-19 that controlled our lives, never was our life in control by Covid-19 never was it in control by any government or governor, or government agency, or health inspector officer either.

Everything they did was contrary and in violation of our rights under the constitution of the United States, given to us by God. And I would add that the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that it is illegal, unlawful, unconstitutional, to force a needle into a person’s skin or a breathalyzer into their lungs. The Supreme Court ruled the integrity of the human body is the whole purpose of the Constitution, of the Bill of Rights.

And they ruled on that regarding a DUI case in Wisconsin or something. But that same logic should have applied, and it still does in my mind, to this forced Covid vaccination program that I think is going to end up being the greatest demoicide that we have ever witnessed in the history of humanity. That’s what tells me the only thing that can break this out is a violent revolution to overthrow these forced pharmaceutical tyrannies that make its way into people’s lives and bodies, by forcing kids to get it before they can go to school and all these other things.

That’s where the counties getting back to how do you solve the problem? County by county? You have counties and the sheriffs in these counties, and the mayors and the supervisors in these counties need to stand up and say, no Covid-19 will ever be forced upon anybody in our county. No propaganda, homosexual, LGBT will be taught in any school, in any way, and nothing that comes down from Joe Biden will be accepted as lawful or constitutional, because he is establishing himself as an enemy of the United States.

By facilitating an overthrow of our republican form of government, by facilitating an invasion. That’s what Greg Abbot has done three years late to the party. But he has said, this is an invasion. We are in war. As a result, we are activating these emergency measures. And 25 states have joined Abbott in that same declaration, and that 25 will go to 35 and 40 and maybe more. And I said this in Russia, too.

America is going through its own parastroica. America is going through its own revolutionary war at this moment, with 25 states separating from Biden, separating from federal authority, and making a generalized overture of standing in solidarity with regards to defending the southern border. And you need to activate the southern border defense by civilians and militia and patriots and volunteers, not just border patrol people, but civilian volunteers. This is our country.

Let’s bring the veteran retirees and say you were warriors earlier. We need you as warriors now to stand on the wall and keep these invaders out. And I think you would see an army that we’ve never seen before rise up. Jim. Brian. Well, I’m glad, Scott, that you brought up the issue of medicine. That’s the one that affects our bodies more than anything else. And if you want to sort of see what I’m talking about in terms of a corrupt institution, take a look at modern medicine.

The institution itself is so corrupt that the pharmaceutical companies are able to dictate outright poisons to be administered for aches and pains and cuts and bruises and whatever ailment people seem to have. And I would suggest that probably a lot of these ailments are purely psychological as a result of people engaging with their televisions too much. I hate to say it and sound like a freak, but let’s face it, if you were outside, connected to nature with your feet on the ground, eating food that came from a garden, you’d probably be 100 times more healthier than you are.

The institution of medicine has become corrupt from the top to the bottom. And let me tell you where it really started to slide. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care act by Barack Obama. What that fundamentally did was turn corporate health care programs, which prior to that had been pretty much ERISA based, meaning as long as you’re acting in the best interest of your employee population, you can operate outside of any state mandates whatsoever.

So as a corporation, instead of giving my money to the insurance company, I’d place it in an employee benefit plan trust, and then I could design a program that would be best for my population. It’s how it was originally designed to do. But the PPACA came along. 2600 page or 6000 page bill. Just insane. Let me tell you, a law is one page. That’s all you need to have a law but 2600 page employment act, that was designed, if you fundamentally understand it, it was designed to commoditize all health plans, corporate ERISA plans, make them look very similar all the way around so that they could all be steered towards the blue crosses, the Unitedhealthcares, the cigna, the aetna Humana machine, that sort of legacy system processes it.

And by doing it that way, and then with the medical billing, which is owned by the American Physicians association, they own all the CPT codes. So that’s not even public domain. They own it and that’s how the billing takes place. So that is a legalese that people can’t get involved with. It is so ridiculous. Guys, we cannot walk into the doctor’s office and have a clue what’s being prescribed, what’s taking place, what codes are being used, what the price is for the codes.

We’re completely separate and institutionalized in terms of what we consume related to medicine. And this is a function of an overreaching government that continues to take a larger bite of our freedoms and our energy every day. How do you break loose again? How do you break loose from the institution? You go cellular. You go cellular. And I’m working on a really big project related to that right now.

So I got the backing of a $16 billion company helping me redesign the structures. Great. Fabulous, Brian, fabulous. Love it. Meanwhile, and this bothers me even more than his endorsement of the vax, Trump breaks silence on Israel’s military campaign in Gaza finish the problem Palm beach, former President Trump declared Tuesday Israel must finish the problem in its war against samas. In his most definitive position on the conflict is a terror group.

That’s, of course, one man’s phrase. One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter, killed 1200 Israelis and took more than 200 hostages. You’ve got to finish a problem, Truck said on Fox. You had a horrible invasion that took place that would never have happened if I was president. Asked on a broker that supported a ceasefire, Trump, demure avoiding an explicit position on Israel’s military effort, has now also left more than 30,000 dead in Gaza.

The likely 2024 republican nominee has not provided his own position on us or israeli strategy throughout the five months of the war. Though a stalwart defended a prime minister net Yahoo’s administration during his presidency, Trump also sought to strike an anti war posture on the campaign trail last year, tempting to contrast himself from President Biden and his remaining republican rival, Dicky Haley. Frankly, they got soft, Trump said Tuesday about the Biden admin claiming that the aggression by foreign adversaries would not have happened if he were still president.

That should never have happened. Likewise, Russia would never have attacked Ukraine. While Tuesday’s comments offered the strongest signal yet from Trump of what direction Israel should take, namely continue the slaughter, he has yet to offer specific thoughts or proposals on how much the US should be involved financially, how hostage negotiations should be handled, the plight of Gaza’s civilian population, whether leaders should pursue a one or two state solution.

Reach for combat by NBC the Trump campaign promoted the former president’s record on Israel and blamed Biden for the ongoing turmoil in the Middle East. President Trump did more for Israel than any american president in history, and he took historic action in the Middle east that created unprecedented peace, Carolyn Levitt, Trump’s national press secretary, said in a statement, adding, when President Trump is back in the Oval Office, Israel will once again be protected, Iran will go back to being broke, terrorists will be hunted down, and the bloodshed will end.

Just days after Hamas attacked Israel, Trump, in a video posted from Mar a Lago, declared, I kept Israel safe. Nobody else will. Nobody else can. And I know all of the players. They can do it. He did lay out a few markers in the three weeks following the attack. He said on October 11, a future Trump admin would fully support Israel defeating, dismantling and permanently destroying the terrorist group Hamas, telling the republican jewish coalition that month that a mosque will burn forever in the eternal pit of hell.

That month, his campaign also declared that if elected, he would bar Gaza residents from entering the US as part of an expanded travel ban. That silence has run parallel to Biden increasingly coming under fire from left wing and muslim american voters for in support of Israel’s response to the October 7 attack, a coalition is campaigning for Democrat primary voters to vote uncommitted or similar ballot choices, as some backed in Michigan.

For the uncommitted voter, more than 13% in last week Democrat primary there, a small uptick from the nearly 11% who voted uncommitted in the 2012 primary, when then President Barack Obama ran unopposed. I have tweeted, breaking my heart, Trump has now said of Israel’s slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza. Time to finish the job, which I find morally repugnant. The man I thought was an american hero turns out to be a run of the mill chameleon can make us survive without Trump again.

Correction run of the mill does not describe DJT. I had resisted comparison with P. T. Barnum, but now I’m forced to reconsider. His position here reveals himself to be a moral midget. I am devastated. Like being shot in the head. We have been betrayed. And get this, Trumpenstein is a prince of peace. He just received a menorah and a prince of Peace award for telling the Israelis to finish the job in Gaza.

Meanwhile, here’s an ad promoting Trump, and oddly enough, they spell it add instead of ad. In any case, see if you agree with me. It’s over the top. More than a country, more than a shining city on a hill, the idea of America lives in each and every one of us. America lives. But a storm has gathered at our shores, a tempest that seeks to tear apart the fabric of our nation.

It seeks nothing less than the wanton destruction of this great nation of men and women. It seeks to rip out, erase, and supplant the very foundations of practicality and reason. It seeks to erase us. We know this enemy. They have existed throughout time, and now they have come for us. And they have come for our children. We watched the clouds coalesce and gather. We watched them form for decades from the distance as they approached our borders.

We heard the clap of thunder echo in our minds and rattled down through the halls of our capitals. We have, most of us, become complacent, unaware and disengaged, while the darkness grew and unfolded around us slowly, then, all at once, this threat is real. What we face is a hurricane of deceit and moral decay with a goal of absolute power. We face a true battle of good versus evil.

If we stand by and do nothing, evil will triumph. But that is not our fate. We are great men. We are great men with a great leader, a leader that loves this nation and what it has given back to him. A leader who seeks the same ideals as we do, ideals of truth, liberty and justice. He sees the greatness in us and the great potential in America and its future.

He seeks to make America great again. This man will guide us, but he cannot do it alone. It takes every one of us alongside him. It takes work. It takes faith and it takes resolve. Together, we can fight this storm. We can fight, and we will win. Unite now. Gather alongside him. Come together for this nation. Bear the colors of red, white and blue that are woven into the fiber of this nation, saturated with the blood of patriots that came before us.

Sacrifice your time. Sacrifice your effort to rebuild this nation. Together, together, we can save America, the America that lives in all of us. Trump 2024 SCOTT I got to say, before, he came out to show pride in the facts. If he had apologized or if he’d condemned israeli slaughter of Palestinians, I’d feel different about it, but I’ve lost faith in the man, sad to say. I may still vote for him because the alternative is going to be impalatable.

But it’s truly now for me, not a matter of picking the right man, but the lesser of two evils. And I’m so disappointed, I cannot begin to say your thoughts. Well, Jim, that’s where advisors come in. No one has spoken to Trump in the way that he should have been spoken to. And if I was speaking to Trump, I would say, listen, Mr. Trump, with all due respect, and I said it in my video when I was in Donbass, the United States of America and the Constitution for the United States of America is for the american citizenry.

It’s not for Israel, it’s not for Britain, it’s not for France, it’s not for NATO. It’s not for any other country but the american people. The american people are our heart and soul of this country. And every resource, every dollar, every ship, every bullet, everything that is in the property of the United States and our state and federal government belongs to the United States. And the president of the United States is to defend the constitutional rights, the rights of Americans that the constitutional recognizes.

And this episode of Israel and its war against Palestinians and Muslims, that is not the american policy. That’s not the american constitution. That is not America. That is a foreign policy issue. A foreign nation created in 1948. And you could even say it was born out of lies and corruption, weaned on hate, and it’s its own car wreck. But the american focus has to be on our body politic, not on Israel.

And if you can’t get beyond that, you’re going to have a problem. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, don’t let them anywhere near the White House ever again. And you don’t give weapons to Poroshenko because that led to the ukrainian war. Do you understand that? You meeting with Poroshenko and giving him weapons motivated him to say, our children will be in schools and their children will be in basements.

So don’t tell me you didn’t start this, Mr. Trump. Don’t tell me it’ll be over within 24 hours of your coming into the presidency. There needs to be an adaptability. There needs to be a certain evolution of our ideas. And McGregor is a good example of that. Who could influence Trump? Trump is being chosen, I think, because of his mental limitations in a lot of these ways. But again, the solution is county by county, because a county can say no foreign invaders are going to be occupying our schools.

They’re not going to be going into our hospitals. They’re not going to be going into any of the institutions or memberships or groups in our county. You’re not going to be renting houses to them, because this is a foreign invasion and we are in a state of war. That’s the way to begin to stop this and heal this and reverse our way out of know. The notion of a storm just appeared on our shores.

It didn’t appear. It was self inflicted domestic enemy treason. This was done by Joe Biden or his handlers or the puppet drone that pretends to be Joe Biden. Joe Biden said, allegedly in the Democrat debates when he was up there with all the other fools. Joe Biden said, let’s flood the border. Or what did he say? Surge the border. I would surge the border and bring all of the people who want to come here to the border to tell their story.

That’s exactly what he’s done. That’s an admission of an act of domestic treason against the american people and the laws of the United States that say you are violating the law when you illegally bring someone into this country through an illegal process, not the process that the people of the United States have ordained through legislation, and they’re the only ones going to make law. Joe Biden self admitted to an act of treason, and it needs to be rectified state by state, county by county.

We need to reject this faith in a president. The president was never more than a talking head. But we’ve become monstrously stupid. And we seem to think that our MAGA rally exuberance and flatulent America is somehow birthing virtue. And it’s not. So, yeah, I agree with you, Jim. Trump is anything’s better than a Democrat. Everyone has a saul of Tarsus moment where they can get their ass kicked, knocked off the horse, and God can turn them into Paul and open their eyes.

And I would hope and pray the same comes for Donald Trump. And our job is to advise and guide and develop whoever the candidate is. But I’m not putting my eggs in his carton. I think there are better men, and I think McGregor is one of know. And I’ve said before, Tucker even represents a certain optimism, know boyishness. We have to look at the political realities of what our country will vote for.

But the other thing is, Democrats are not going to allow a free and fair election. Tucker even said it. They’re going to steal the election. So for people who say, we’ve tried to avoid a civil war. We’ve allowed this to happen, so we didn’t have a civil war. I’d say that was a strategic mistake because it’s better to have a civil war. When they illegally try and do an overthrow and a coup, that’s when you do a civil war.

That’s when you do a revolution. That’s when you divide the nation in that moment when everybody is ready to fight, not fight for the sake of any criminal enterprise, but fight for the sake of their property, their family and their children and their heritage and their freedom and their liberty. That’s what we had on January 6. People showed up to affirm and fight for their liberty and their constitutional process.

Pence betrayed them. The Democrats then changed the law. So what Pence should have done, allegedly he can’t do, or nobody can do. So we’ve witnessed a complete coup d’etat on the country. And Trump, whoever it is, needs to say we are completely disconnecting ourselves from a lot of these military industrial complex wars and focusing, getting our own house in order. And never again put Israel into the prism.

Make Israel the prism for how we deal with foreign nations and foreign policy. Jim. Brian, you have the last word for today’s show, yours. Well, that Trump ad was just a cheap piece of artificial intelligence that was put together with a bunch of buzwords because it’s empty. As long as he’s calling for the destruction, further destruction of all the Palestinians over there in Gaza. But there’s nothing I can do about that.

What can I do, folks? If we haven’t mentioned it during the show today, we haven’t brought it back up, but there’s an economic crash coming. It is coming. This dollar will be destroyed. If you can’t function or figure out a way to function on your own independently, without the use of traditional money, you’re not going to be able to make it through whatever darkout is going to be coming.

We should all be worried about the things that we can change and we shouldn’t be worried about the things that we can’t. We can’t control what’s happening in DC or the halls of power with these rich and powerful Freemason witchcraft elite that think that money is the answer to all their problems. I can guarantee you when Jesus came around and said the widow’s might, which is like a penny, was more powerful than the rich people that were throwing their money in the temple treasury, then he was saying something.

He was saying, you’ve got to learn to have faith, folks. If you don’t exercise faith, please. You’re not going to make it. I’m warning you. I’m telling you, I’m pleading with you. Find a way to build your faith. And that starts with a little bit of repentance and a little bit of reliance on God. This is something we haven’t talked about, we haven’t gotten into. But I’m telling you, you can be happy and peaceful when this storm comes if you just work on your faith.

The most important story we did not cover is that tomorrow the Fed ceased its lending policy to banks, which is going to have catastrophic ripple effects. So listen to every word Brian had to say. Cultivate a garden. Find a way to sustain yourself because it may be the only way you are going to survive. John, take us out. Wow. All I can say is, wow. What a second half.

You got to see this and share this half, especially with McGregor. We should play it every day and try to absorb it because it’s so powerful. This is truth versus news incorporators and we stand solidly on that truth. And it seems like the news is just shattering every which way. So get the word out if you can, because this is it. And if you don’t get it out, you’re not doing your job as a solid citizen here.

So thank you for watching. And do, thank you for sharing and thanks for your comments, folks. We are really hitting stride now that God’s back. Everything is really hot here, so get it out and I’m sure you’re going to be better for it. God bless. See you next week. Bye. .

See more of Jim Fetzer on their Public Channel and the MPN Jim Fetzer channel.


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