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Daily Update #22 – Saturday, January 9, 2021
Great day Patriot,
If you’ve been active on social media at all in the last 24 hours…
Then, you probably already know about the massive purge that happened on Twitter and some other platforms.
- President Trump’s Twitter is removed.
- General Flynn’s Twitter account was removed.
- Sidney Powell’s Twitter account was removed!
Also, many conservative accounts on Twitter are getting followers removed by the thousands everyday.
What will happen next?
Stay tuned and you’ll see!
“Sometimes the best things in life are unexpected.”
The Suspension Heard ‘Round The World
Just like that…
President Trump has been removed from Twitter.
We’re living in a world like we’ve never seen before.
When we have tech companies that literally remove and censor the President of the United States, based on the company’s and employees interpretations…
You know it’s time to wake up and see what’s going on here.
- Covid.
- The shutdowns.
- Tyrannical orders.
- Social distancing.
- Mail In Voting
- Censorship
- Enemies List
When you see these puzzle pieces and you aren’t able to put them together, you may be further behind than you first thought.
And because of all that, it’s more apparent than ever how corrupt the system is and to what lengths they’ll go to, in an attempt to hold on to their power and control.
What we’re witnessing is the dying of the old and bringing forth the new.
This is our moment of transforming from a caterpillar to a butterfly.
We’re currently in that transition.
We as the caterpillar have crawled up the tree, we found the branch to do our thing…
And we’re now in transition.
The cocoon around us is hardening and it looks like the lights are going out.
Have faith.
There is light on the other side.
Life/God has a way of providing a way for life to continue to thrive.
We are here for a reason.
Things may look dark in the days or weeks ahead.
But have faith and know things will work out in the end.
And by the thoughts and actions you and I take in these next few days, weeks and months…
We are determining how we will be affected by this transformation!
A wise person once told me…
“When you’re going through a wall of fire, what happens when you get through the wall is determined by your thoughts, emotions and actions as you’re going through the fire.”
So we may be going through a wall of fire right now.
It may last longer than we think it will.
But that’s why our individual actions are so important.
Change happens locally.
The change happens with us.
This change we want happens when each of us realizes we have more power than we ever been taught.
You have the power to influence the world and shape your reality.
That’s why we created MyPatriotsNetwork.
It’s a way for Patriots to unite and connect with other Patriots in their local area, to help bring about change locally.
There’s much more to come.
But make sure you’re a member of MyPatriotsNetwork here if you haven’t joined yet.
It’s free to join.
This is going to be an incredible year.
Thank you for being on this path with us.
Have a wonderful weekend and invest at least a few minutes this weekend being thankful and grateful for the things in life you do have.
That can help create more change than you know.
God Bless,
Jared James
In Other News
Independent reporter Ann Vandersteel was banned from Twitter at the same time as Sidney Powell, General Flynn and many others.
In this video, she urges President Trump to declassify information around Hammer and Scorecard, as she said James Comey sold it to China to influence our elections! Take a look…
Today’s Tip
Tip of the day: Progress your mission and your goals today. While many people decide to take the weekends off, it’s the most successful people that work on the weekends.
If you work a job Monday through Friday, your fortune will be made in the evenings and on weekends by building a business of some kind.
With all the craziness happening in the country and around the world right now, make today a productive day for you and your goals, whatever that means to you. The actions you take today could change your life forever. It’s up to you.
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