Deep Dark Secrets Being Revealed – January 8, 2021



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Daily Update #21 – Friday, January 8, 2021

Great day Patriot,

Have you had enough craziness for 2021 already? 

I sure hope not because it’s just getting started!

It seems like we’ve got a lot of dark clouds overhead and they’re dropping massive info bombs on humanity.

Deep dark secrets are being revealed.

In today’s main topic, I’ll share some of what’s been uncovered in the last 24 hours.

Buckle up for the ride ahead, Patriots!


“It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.”

Isaac Kappy’s Treasure Trove Unleashed?

In these unprecedented times, there’s no telling what will come out next.


After Twitter banned both Lin Wood’s personal account, as well as his FightBack Law account, Lin started releasing more information on his Parler account.

He shared everything from a picture indicating he has access to the Biden “Laptop from Hell”…

To sharing this diagram showing the Biden’s connections to China.

Lin also posted interesting info about Pence.

He showed this picture, showing messages from Julian Assange, who was sharing information about Clinton talking about a “Pence takeover” back in early 2017.

But it doesn’t stop there…

It appears Lin also shared the code that may soon release the “treasure trove of videos” that Lin mentioned Isaac Kappy had.

As you probably already know, Isaac Kappy was the Hollywood whistleblower who died in 2019 after exposes many Hollywood “elites” and other people as pedophiles, cannibals and more.

In a Parler post, Lin says…

This is the site he links to…

The post has a lot of people confused because there is no place to put a password on that site.

However, as Lin’s message says, he is providing the password key to the public.

My perspective is that sentence he used…

“ has issued protections on this matter” 

Is a trigger phrase that another party will see and then unlock the vault.

We shall see what will happen, but it seems very likely we will see more and more information and evidence begin to come out. 

Pray tuned for more!

Oh and btw, the site has some very interesting information in it.

For example, this video called Blackmail Inflation that I saw on their site talks about how blackmail operations are set up, how they started and WAAAY more!

All that and more is covered in the first hour of the video.

It starts a bit slow, but holy moly does that guy drop some red pills!! 

This isn’t the end.

This is just the beginning.

I’ll share more tomorrow.

God Bless,
Jared James

In Other News

Dominion Voting Systems is suing Sidney Powell and in a $1.2B (yes BILLION) defamation lawsuit. You can read more about it here.

This is Sidney’s response…

God Bless the Patriots fighting for our country!

Today’s Tip

Tip of the day: With all the craziness going on, it may be a good time to unplug from technology and the media and give some time to yourself.

Spend some extra time in nature today. Unplug and relax. Meditate. Breathe deeply, slowly and consciously… Whenever things get too hectic, it’s a good reminder to pull back, relax and allow your perspective to see a bigger picture.

There’s the seed of an equal or greater benefit in every situation. When we’re tense or stressed, we don’t usually see it. Once we relax, the answer often appears instantly.

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