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➡ President Trump achieved a significant legal victory when an appellate court lifted a gag order placed by Justice Arthur Ngorin. The case was deemed as showing biased judgment against Trump, with accusations of unprofessional conduct (publicly posting inappropriate selfies) against Ngorin coming to light. Additionally, a federal district judge in Georgia ruled that electronic voting machines used by the state had serious security flaws that warrant a judicial review, throwing into question the validity of past election results. The combined effects of the ruling and the pending case against Trump may extend beyond the 2024 election.


All right, let’s dive right in here, gang. Trump just got what many are calling a huge victory in court. And appeals court has stepped in and once again lifted a gag order imposed on President Trump by Mr. Friezmeiser himself. The publicly half naked New York joke of a Justice Arthur Ngorin. Don’t you think he looks like Freezemeiser? Have you remember Freeze Meiser from a year without Santa Claus? I mean, it’s uncanny.

That is, when he actually has his clothes on. I don’t want to contemplate what he resembles. Is this is the same guy, this Freeze Miser judge. He has a penchant to post half naked selfies on an alumni newsletter that he reportedly controls. I mean, the selfies are, to say the least, bizarre, but they suggest that all is not well with this fellow Judge Engaron. Something seriously wrong with Judge Friezmeiser.

To say that he has a penchant for self humiliation would be an understatement. But again, I think it just underscores just how bizarre this whole court case, frankly, is. And it appears that the appellate courts are agreeing. House GOP Chairwoman Elise Stefanik of New York filed an ethics complaint accusing the judge displaying ridiculous levels of judicial bias against President Trump, particularly his wife, as well. And the appellate judge agreed, stating that Judge Friezmeiser’s gag order on a presidential candidate during an election raises serious constitutional and statutory issues.

Do you think so? Really? Placing a gag order on a major presidential candidate, the opposition party’s candidate, during an election year, you think that poses some constitutional issues? I mean, slapping a gag order on a presidential candidate is par for the course in a banana republic, but a constitutional republic? Judge Friezmeiser apparently is going to have to think twice about that. So obviously, Trump wasted no time in raising his voice in response to the lifting of this gag order.

He took the true social and utterly savaged the clowns behind this kangaroo court. Quote, Ag Letitia peekaboo James is running for governor of New York again. That’s why she, with the help of very complicit Judge Engoron, or Engoron, who has cut my values to a tiny fraction of what they really are worth in order to claim fraud, has brought this ridiculous case against me. Other businesses are seeing this miscarriage of justice as fleeing New York and are fleeing New York.

Violent crime is not fleeing, however, it is setting new records on a daily basis. Now, this ruling that completely frees up Trump to say whatever he wants about this kangaroo court comes on the heels of another huge ruling in the state of Georgia. It’s being widely reported that a federal district court judge just ruled that the electronic voting machines used by the state of Georgia have substantial flaws, security flaws, and must undergo judicial review.

Now, we talked about this in a video yesterday, federal judge Amy Totenberg. She’s just denied a motion filed by Georgia election officials to dismiss a case that claims that the state’s electronic voting system is indeed secure. And if you caught my video on this yesterday, the judge cited a study known as the Halderman Report. It’s a report that was put together by University of Michigan computer science professor Alex Holderman.

It supposedly identified a number of vulnerabilities, particularly in Dominion voting machines, vulnerabilities that have been corroborated, supposedly, again, by federal authorities as well. This according to an NBC News report, more than 20 cybersecurity experts have since defended Holderman’s report, and apparently it has convinced this federal judge. So now there are going to be hearings in early January to determine whether Georgia can even use these electronic voting machines or whether they are, by virtue of their security risks, a violation of voting rights.

I mean, gang, this is huge. Precisely because if this judge does rule in early January that the use of these machines involves a violation of voting rights, obviously, this sham Fulton county case against President trump completely collapses. Trump is immediately exonerated, fighting against an election that, again, could have, again, not necessarily did, but could have been compromised, given the nature of the voting equipment that was used. Moreover, to make matters even worse for these corrupt hacks, the Fulton County DA’s office is now openly admitting that this trial for President Trump may end up stretching way past the 2024 election.

Getting well into 2025 again. This is such a humiliation for Fanny Willis. I mean, I don’t even know what to say here. Over and over again, Fanny Willis, Fanny Pants Willis has been promising her fellow woke ilk that she would have Trump convicted by early next year. But first, gang, I gotta tell you, I was utterly shocked when I was recently shown just how easy it is to access the deed to my house.

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I mean, seriously, this is a recurring problem. The guy doesn’t know where he is. This is just what happened yesterday. The guy, he literally is unaware of his surroundings. And the Democrat establishment, they just simply can’t hide it anymore. They can’t hide it from voters everyone is seeing. I mean, they were, let’s be honest, they were relatively successful for the first year and a half of this regime.

But now it’s just so painfully obvious to the vast majority of the nation. Wait until you see these polls. I mean, Biden is in a polling free fall right now. A free fall. Now we knew this if you’re regular to this channel, and if not, make sure you smack that bell and subscribe button. But if you’re regular to this channel, you’ll know. We have been predicting for months now that Biden’s poll numbers were only going to get worse.

It’s because we have a historical pattern to draw from on that the pattern for incumbents that has been inescapable in our nation’s history. The pattern for incumbents is that during economic downturns, their poll numbers always fall. No incumbent has won reelection if there’s even the perception of a recession in the last two years of there being in office. And when you compare our current economic downturn with Biden’s own cognitive degeneracy happening, getting worse and worse right before our very eyes every single day, where the guy literally falls asleep mid sentence as he tries to mutter his way through some incoherent, rambling speech.

I mean, he’s such an international embarrasser. I’ll never forget, when I was in Japan over the summer, I shared this with you guys with a video from there, live from there, right? If you could hear how the Japanese utterly mock and ridicule and laugh at this guy. I mean, it is so sad. And we’re talking some of the most highly etiquette, polite people on the planet. Okay? You don’t mock and ridicule publicly.

They couldn’t help themselves. He is such a bumbling fool at this point. And you combine those two things with a degenerating economy and a degenerating cognitive ability. I mean, the combination of those two are just putting him in a poll freefold. But the amazing news is that Trump, with his latest court triumph, is surging. He’s experiencing the opposite. I mean, we’re seeing polls now that are giving him a lead that never, ever had him in the lead.

Like, in the last seven years, he’s never been either in 2016 or 2020. Now he’s in the lead. He’s literally pummeling Biden in the polls. He has a lead over Biden now comparable to the way Biden led Trump in 2020 in the polls. .


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appellate court lifts gag order electronic voting machines security flaws federal district judge Georgia Georgia voting machines judicial review inappropriate selfies controversy Justice Arthur Ngorin biased judgment pending case against Trump President Trump legal victory ruling effects on 2024 election Trump court case implications unprofessional conduct accusations validity of past election results

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