Thieves Break Into Postal Workers Truck Woman Fights Off Kidnapper Scammers Stealing Plane Tickets | The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels

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➡ The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels talks about a mail carrier in Fremont who had his postal truck broken into while he was delivering mail, and his personal belongings, including his car keys, were stolen. The thieves also stole his personal car from his workplace parking lot. The reward for information leading to the arrest of those responsible for breaking into postal vehicles and stealing mail has been increased from $10,000 to $100,000. In a separate incident, a woman had to fight off a man who was trying to kidnap her daughter, resulting in the woman suffering a dislocated shoulder and eye injury.


I thought that postal workers were supposed to be sacred. These are the people that get us what we need when we need it the most. Checks, mail bills, eviction notices, all of that. Right. Postal workers are supposed to be sacred. They are not supposed to be the ones that’s under duress. But guess what? Now, even though we know it’s a federal crime, they are breaking into the postal workers truck, and they still in a car after they get done doing so because they need a way away.

Another Bay area mail carrier targeted by thieves. A letter carrier in Fremont had his postal truck broken into while he was out in a neighborhood delivering mail. But the thieves got away with more than just mail. NBC Bay Area’s Christy Smith has the finishing up my shift for the day. Last street of my route. This letter carrier says around 415. Thursday afternoon, he was returning to his postal service truck in Fremont when he noticed something was wrong.

And the driver’s side door was wide open. And every street, I make sure the door is closed and I lock it so these types of things don’t happen. We’re not showing him to protect his identity. But he says a closer look inside the truck revealed more. I immediately noticed that all my belongings that I had in there were missing. My phone, my wallet, my car keys, my airpods, my portable charger, and even some mail that I was like.

People’s outgoing mail that I was bringing back was taken. He was able to use a neighbor’s cell phone to make calls, including to police. Then he drove back to the Irvington post office, where he parked his own car earlier in the day. That’s when the situation got even worse. As soon as I pulled into the parking lot, I looked over and I noticed that my own personal vehicle was missing.

And they took my car keys from my work truck, and then they took my car from my workplace parking lot. He says his family needs the car. This is wild. This is absolutely wild. Pretty upset. I was pretty angry at first. The Fremont police Department responded. Postal inspectors responded. We’re actively working this investigation. Jeff Fitch is postal inspector with the law enforcement arm of the post office. Postal vehicle is broken into.

We’re still trying to determine exactly what was taken. But for breaking into the vehicle and taking us mail, the reward has gone up. The original reward for these kind of vehicle break ins and taking mail, stealing mail, was $10,000. Now it’s 100,000 on your head. It’s 100,000 on your head, boy. All because you broke into a mail carrier’s truck, boy. I don’t know nobody in your hood that won’t turn you in for 100 bands.

I know people that are trade you in for $30. I don’t know nobody in your hood that’s not selling you out for 100 bands. That’s 100,000 on your head because you decided that you wanted to mess with somebody’s stuff. Y’all better leak, man. Look, look, we turning into the wild, wild west out here in these streets. It’s turning into the wild, wild west out here in these streets.

So I don’t know too many people that’s going to let you breathe. I don’t know too many people that’s going to let you breathe. Over 100,000. But check this out. A woman had to fight off a man down four flights of stairs because he was trying to kidnap his kid or not his kids or her kid. A whoopi kidnapper. A random man is trying to take kids. Man, this is crazy out here in these streets, bro.

Terrifying moments all captured on camera. A teen entering her queen’s apartment is ambushed by a masked man. Watch again. A man dressed in camo jumping her from behind, forcefully grabbing the teen and dragging her away. The woman chasing after her is her mother, Adriana Alvarez. I never heard her scream like that. You weren’t thinking about your safety at that point? No, absolutely not. No. It’s my baby. Can’t take her.

Adriana followed as the man continued to drag her daughter away. The three kicking and fighting all the way down four flights of stairs. The harrowing ordeal unfolding this past January as her 18 year old daughter Lex was coming back home after finishing a morning dog walk. He managed to grab my hair through the door, remember being thrown onto the heater. The NYPD identified the suspect as 25 year old George Vasilu, her daughter’s former coworker.

He pled not guilty to a slew of charges related to the attack. Tonight, his attorney not commenting. He’s just pepper spraying me. He’s punching me. The brawl reaching John Valez’s first floor apartment. I heard her screaming. She ran to my apartment. I started chasing him. He ran across the street. Enter neighbor Gus Bugas, who ran after him. And I feel him on the floor. And once I got on top of him, he couldn’t go nowhere.

Alvarez says she suffered a dislocated shoulder and eye injury. Dang. They beat the brakes off of her. She suffered a dislocated shoulder, an eye injury. This is crazy. Daughter amazingly, sustaining minor knee scrapes. Price of a mom putting herself in harm’s way. But coming up, a hero. I just had angels by my side. I’m just so grateful and so thankful just to have her back. George Solis, NBC News, New York.

Let me tell you something. Let me tell you something. I don’t care who it is, former coworkers, whatever, blah, blah, blah. It’s not safe. United States of America is not safe for anybody. We like to give this illusion that it’s safe. And just because it’s the ex co worker don’t mean nothing. I don’t care who it is. You’re not safe out here in these streets. It’s people that get taken every single day.

Every single day people get taken. All right. And then last but not least, I guess it’s a guy that, this is crazy. I guess it’s a guy. And scammers, they got a new scam right where I guess guys or people can get behind you in the airport and they could take a picture of your board and pass if they got a good enough camera. They got good cameras nowadays.

They could take a picture of your board and pass and then be able to get on the plane. Never heard of that before, but it’s a thing. Now to new surveillance video of a serious airport breach showing how a man allegedly got on a flight without a ticket. Trevor Alt joins us with that story. And good morning, Trevor. Good morning, Rebecca. So authorities say this passenger was on a standby list for several southwest flights.

But all those flights were full. So we moved over to the delta area. And you can actually see him on this video appear to pretty blatantly snap some pictures of other passengers’boarding passes and then using those to slip onto this plane. This morning, ABC News has obtained surveillance footage of the man accused of sneaking onto a delta flight without a ticket. The man in the green sweater is Wycliffe Florezard.

After talking and laughing with fellow passengers, he appears to snap a photo of that man’s boarding pass. The criminal complaint says he did this multiple times with multiple. Listen, listen. Be careful of anybody that’s too overly friendly, giving you that fake laugh. I see you, Susan. Yes, Susan. First of all, be very careful of people that like to code switch. They voice. You can’t trust them. I made a list last night in my mind and I wrote it down in my notes of stuff that’s red flags that you can’t trust people that code switch.

I don’t trust them. I don’t trust nobody that code switch at all. I see you, John. Yeah, buddy. I’ll be looking at him like I don’t trust that dude. I don’t trust him. No. I’m going to have to save the rest of the list for after hours. I got to save the rest of the list for after hours. I don’t trust people that don’t have a beard or mustache.

Black people. I don’t. I don’t trust people that use steroids. They do shortcuts. They do shortcuts. People that do steroids. I’m not giving you all my whole comedy special that I got coming up. Let me continue to play this video. Pass. The criminal complaint says he did this multiple times with multiple people and watch as he then scans his phone to get on board. Digital technology has made traveling much easier, but it’s not infallible in this case.

We see that a simple QR code could be photographed from a paper copy and used to board an airplane. According to the affidavit, when another passenger tried scanning her ticket, the system said she’d already boarded. Florizard allegedly waited in the airplane bathroom, exiting as they began to taxi. And when questioned by a flight attendant, he told her his name and a seat number, which wasn’t in the system.

He wasn’t booked on any other flights. The plane then heading back to the gate where Florizard was arrested, now charged with felony stowaway. This guy would have succeeded if we hadn’t been in the middle of spring break where almost every airplane seat is sold out. If he’d walked in the back and he’d seen an open seat, he could have just gone and sat down and nobody would have been the wiser.

So the only reason that they caught him is because the entire plane was sold out. Now, scammers aren’t the smartest people in the world, but they have some very heavy, vigorous ways in which they decide that they want to. Like, when you pursue something enough, you go and get it. You go and get it. So this is what I know. Usually when you up at the gate, especially at Delta, and this is how, you know, these people are dumb.

Usually when you go up to, when you’re getting on your flight, they’ll say, yep, we got the whole flight booked. And I don’t know how they do it at other airlines, but at Delta they, you know, we got a full flight. You know, we want to make sure that if you have not already, we’re going to complimentarily check your luggage or check any carry ons that you may have because the overhead Benz was going to be full.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Right or it’d be people waiting around and they trying to see if they can get their buddy pass popping because they don’t stand by, you know what I’m saying? And so if a flight is full, you know, it ain’t gonna be no seats. What do you think is gonna happen, bro? You know how cheap a flight is in order to be able to get to and from where you gonna go? So you going to the airport, snapping photos, trying to get a flight.

Jesus Christ. It’s crazy, bro. It’s crazy. .

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arrest for stealing mail attempted child kidnapping car theft from workplace parking lot dislocated shoulder in self-defense eye injury from fighting off attacker. Fremont mail carrier robbery increased reward for postal vehicle break-ins injuries from preventing kidnapping postal truck break-in stolen personal belongings from postal vehicle woman fights off kidnapper

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