The article discusses various economic issues, including the IRS collecting back taxes from the wealthy, the potential bankruptcy of a large carpet store chain in the UK, and the liquidation of a DVD company. It also mentions the increasing global economic collapse, the impact on the middle class, and the need to sell unnecessary possessions. The article ends with a warning about inflation and a controversial court ruling in Kansas that medical data is not private.
That thing’s huge. So AT&T gets hacked. All our data gets stolen. But it gets crazy with what they stole. Now I have a few AT&T accounts that I pay for. And here’s what bothered me the most. Was my late girlfriend. I’ve maintained her cell phones during this time. And she got notification that her data has been compromised. And I’m like, she’s dead, guys. This is really pathetic that some degenerates out there trying to work off the dead woman. So we got a handle. We did everything that you could possibly do to make sure it’s not a big deal.
And I went and threatened AT&T and do a video on the hacking. We don’t want that, Dan. So anyways, bonfire that would be. Look at this boat. Look at that thing. It is very simple to get a boat like this. Super easy. You just need a mountain about this high of money. Guys are just there cleaning it up. Oh my gosh. That thing is stunning. Hello. So back to AT&T. They stole everything, guys. Customer data, customer name. Think about it, guys. When you guys buy a cell phone, you give them your social. You have them all that stuff now, guys.
They have everything on all of us. And the worst part about this is that the data that they got was all the call logs, all your text messages. They can also pinpoint where you made the text at with the Sailor Pings. So they have everything on us. So if you’ve done anything bad on your cell phone, they have all that data, guys. They have absolutely everything. So it’s not just, oh, wow, they got your email. They got your name. No, they have it all right now. And of course, AT&T finally admits us, you know, they had a hacking.
We don’t know how bad it is. Now everybody got hacked. So it’s awful. Absolutely awful. So you guys haven’t seen this. It’s only going to get worse from here. That’s the one thing that everybody needs to understand. But I mean, it’s going to get worse because Dallas, the county of Dallas, Texas, all the employees, 200,000 of them had their data stolen at the end of 2023. And you’re just finding out about this now. Well, when is this? Wait a second, guys. This is July of 2024. So of course, all these people have had credit cards opened up in their names that they’ve had.
They’re checking accounts, compromised everything. And now you get to find out about that. This is what’s maddening about this is that we find out about this stuff way after the fact. And, you know, think about this, the AT&T one, this is the worst one. It’s the worst hack ever. And they sell this data. They’re selling all your text messages. Think of the stuff that you do. And I talked to you guys about getting the VPN. I’m telling you, you have to protect yourself online. You’ve got to change your passwords. You have to, you have to change your passwords.
Like you need to change the filter on your air conditioning, your furnace. You need to do it all the time. You need to have it set. There are some communities that are so dusty and crappy that they suggest that you do this once every, you know, every month, which I couldn’t imagine living in a place that dirty and dusty, but at least six months, four months, whatever. But that’s when you should also be doing your password changes. Now, Google has done something crazy where they are increasing their rewards to find security holes. If you are an IT person and you are good with computers and you want to make some money.
If you guys are doing that, you can earn up to $151,000 if you spot a problem with their systems through this house. I love when they show stuff like this, this place right here on the water, you get four docs. Of course, there’s no price listed. So I’m sorry. I’m just going to guess as far as what this place would go for, but you know, two boat slips, beautiful, absolutely stunning. This is not going to end guys. You’re going to see this continue and only get worse. The problem with it is that think about AT&T is going to get sued over this, you know, there’ll be a huge class action lawsuit.
And at some day, hey, listen, for each account, we’re going to give you credit repair or we will give you $28 for a payment. It’ll be some ridiculous thing like that, that that will not be fair and not justify anybody getting their, you know, their life hacked like that because it’s just too much. If you’ve ever had this done to you, it is awful, guys. It’s absolutely terrible. And, you know, just get ready for that. You know, nobody is immune to the problems that we’re having in the economy. And Jerry, just sent me a, Jerry just sent me a listing in Michigan.
And this place is just unbelievable. It is, it is, you know, unlike any other house I’ve seen in quite some time. This place, 113 rooms, it 100 excuse me, 118 rooms. And the place was they thought it was going to go for $22 million. It’s got an indoor pool, you know, everything, everything you could possibly think of. And it’s in Michigan. So kept failing to sell, failing to sell over and over and over again. They finally lowered the price to $11 million. And they said, you know, we’ll do, we’ll put this thing out for auction. And again, put it out to auction, opening bid, 2 million, nothing, nothing.
Nobody wants this house. Now, this is what I want my backyard to be. Michigan, I’m sure is nice in certain areas. I’m sure this house is lovely at 118 rooms. It’s just, you know, huge. But no one is buying this stuff, guys. You’re starting to see real problems when it comes to the real estate market. And, you know, Chairman Powell steps forward and says, Hey, listen, people need to get used to the higher interest rates, especially when it comes to real estate. Okay, now, the people that have that are probably 10 years older than me, that write to me and say, Dan, I had 13% mortgages, I had everything you didn’t have, you know, an 11 and a half million dollar mortgage, you didn’t buy that boat at, you know, high interest rates, everything, everything that we’ve experienced was a much lower price back then.
You know, I bought a condo for $86,000 and had a 10% mortgage. Who cares? Big deal. There’s no such thing in this world right now. So right now, interest rates, if you have good credit, ideal situation, 6.89%. They’re going down. Interest rates are going down. They’re not going down, guys. This is just the beginning of this. So Jerome Powell, get used to higher interest rates. Okay, okay. And again, I don’t care who you’re going to vote for. That’s on you. 100%. I also believe something that I’ve told my friends for since I was a kid, if you don’t vote, you can’t complain.
And again, if you want to ever trick anybody and ask them, oh, I, I don’t believe in voting or I just voted for the president that said, okay, you know, would you do on proposition H or whatever? Some obscure proposition. Make sure you know it and ask people that because when they can’t answer that, tell them to be quiet. Okay, let me know what you think about this. By the way, that’s Alameda Bay and Long Beach right now. Let’s talk about our sponsor, Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris is the legendary actor who has been in entertainment for decades.
And if you look at him now, he’s in his mid eighties, and he is in amazing shape. And what he attributes this to is one thing that completely changed his health. And it’s allowed him to work out longer to not have belly fat and to be lean as he gets older. Now, if you go to chuck defense dot com forward slash Dan, use the link below. It’s the easiest way to get there. You can see a video that they put together to show you what he did to make these changes. His wife did it. She said she feels 10 years younger.
But as we get older guys and all the aging and all the different problems that we have when it comes to joint pain, belly fat, and just being tired, there is something you can do about that. If you watch Chuck’s video, you’re going to see what he did to make this change in his life. And it’s absolutely amazing. It’s very easy. And you can do it too. Go to chuck defense dot com forward slash Dan, check out the video below and take a look at what Chuck Norris did today. You know, we’ve heard so many stories over the last couple of years about how the IRS is going to come out to the common folk.
And there’s a great story below where Janet Yellen has just bragged that the IRS has gone after rich people and they’ve gotten a billion dollars in back taxes. And these scofflaws have had to pay. So big deal, guys. I mean, it’s nice. They collected a billion dollars in taxes from the richest people in our country. So let’s hope that this continues and they’re not just coming after you and I and the little guys. Next thing is Steven from the UK sent me a great story about carpet. Right. Carpet right is a carpet store chain that has two hundred and seventy two stores.
Wow. Two hundred and seventy two stores. And they have eighteen hundred employees that are all going to lose their jobs because it looks like they’re going to go bankrupt. Guys, please understand this. They can lie to us. They can gaslight us. They can tell us how great everything is. And, you know, I made this joke last time is, you know, it’s not me. It’s you. You know, you can do that all you want. You can talk Bidenomics, Reagan out, you know, Jimmy Carter nomics. Whatever you want. This is happening, guys. You’re seeing an economic collapse globally.
This is happening. I don’t care that the stock market is shooting up. That’s not going to happen. But it’s going to be a skyrocket on Fourth of July that’s eventually going to peter out. But when you have carpet right, go out of business and have all these people lose their job because people aren’t buying carpet anymore. Think about that. You have to have carpet in your house. You think people in the UK just aren’t buying carpet? No, they can’t afford. You know what? Let’s put off remodeling. Let’s do that. That’s what we have here. That’s what they’re doing there.
And it’s the same thing here. So don’t spend the money. We don’t want to do it. We don’t want to spend the money right now. So this poor place. And the thing I freak out about was and Stephen knows is he sends me the stuff and highlights the number of employees are going to be lost. When you have 1800 employees are going to lose their job. That is terrible. Now, the next one. And I saw one of these last night. I felt like putting money in it. Just see what if it would steal my credit card.
And that was a red box machine that has the DVDs. You know, chicken soup for the soul bought this company for like 350 million dollars and took over all their debt. Think about this bankruptcy filing. Think about what I’m about to say. They’re saying that they have no money. We don’t have any money. Not not a little not anything. We’re going to liquidate. So you can buy some DVDs guys at a dollar apiece or something like that. But they have zero money to pay their employees. So these poor people that have worked there, the people that have serviced the machines, the people that work in the office, the people that work for that company, have not gotten paid in a decent amount of time.
And we’ll never get paid because we have no money. That’s criminal. That’s absolutely criminal guys that you’re seeing this. So this is terrible. This is how it is right now. It’s not just one industry. It’s not. It is everything right now. And you can sit there and go, oh, we’re going to buy, you know, houses are going to sell more. You’re going to see more mansions liquidate. Not everybody can afford that boat. Remember that. And yes, there’s going to be rich people up to here that can afford to park their boat and pay the dock fee and have their cleaning crew come out and clean it.
There’s always going to be rich people, guys. There are. But you’re going to see the middle class get completely wiped out. You’re going to see more and more families live together. You’re going to see 2025 be that year. Hey, remember when we moved in with the Joneses and we all live there, mom and dad? Yeah, you’re going to see time. Like that, guys, it’s going to happen. But get rid of everything you don’t need right now. Get rid of every every toy, everything that you can sell right now. And I’m telling you guys, I’m doing this right now.
I am liquidating every extra car, every extra sporting goods, you know, every sporting goods, equipment, golf, everything I have, fishing, everything, getting rid of it all, guys. So. Be ready for all this stuff, guys. I appreciate everything you guys email me. Hello, what I allegedly dot com is the email and I have contributors that contribute every single day. And I appreciate this, guys. But stories like that, that’s heartbreaking when you hear about all these people losing their jobs. I’m going to finish this video with these last few stories. And the first one is Bob Nardelli, the co founder of Home Depot, is issuing a warning about inflation and says it’s the silent killer of all economies, not just ours.
But here’s the thing, guys, inflation is going down. Or is it? CPI went up, PPI went up. It went down. You know what I mean? It’s ridiculous, guys. You’re paying these prices. You’re paying these prices. You know, they just had the tropical storm go through Texas. And now Houston can’t keep the power on. You know, I’m telling you, sue those independent power companies. Get together and sue them. You guys were foolish enough to put those stupid smart meters on your house. And I’m telling you, don’t do that. Because they will. They’re the first ones to shut your power off.
Now. And you need electricity. You don’t have it. Wrong is that. Now, final, final story, which is this blew me away. In 2021, a woman went to a doctor. And they said, Listen, we’re gonna have two students look in on the exam. She says, fine. All of a sudden, she’s doing a pelvic exam. And also, here’s the snap of a camera from a cell phone. What is that? Oh, I just sent the pictures over to the students. She’s like, I didn’t agree to that. So she sues the clinic. And the Court of Appeals just said that your medical records and your medical data is not private.
Wow. Wow, wow, wow. My late girlfriend was going to have brain surgery one time. And this is in 2017. And I will never forget because she was a law professor. And, you know, on page 18 of this, she was signing, it said that this is a student. This is a student teaching hospitals. And you can have students involved in it. And I’ll never forget her saying, no, your doctor doing my procedure. Well, they’re gonna, they’re gonna, you know, they’re gonna be there. They’re gonna watch this. I don’t care. None of them can touch me or I’m gonna sue you.
You understand? I want you. I want a letter written and literally it held up the surgery for like two and a half hours. Finally, the guy writes, I’ll be the only one doing the procedure. They fine. Okay. So imagine this your medical data is not stay safe. In the state of Kansas, not private. Think about that. What about all these hip? Read the story below guys, because it’s crazy. I have 1000 stories like that with her, my late girlfriend. But anyways, like subscribe, you know, do the best you can be a good person, be nice to everybody onward and upward.
And remember, guys, we are all in this together. They’re lying to us every day telling us how great the economy is. And you know, you’re paying for things a lot more to cover on this in the future. I’ll see you guys real soon. [tr:trw].