The Tale of Two Sheriffs Liberty Must Be Defended With Courage | CSPOA

Posted in: CSPOA, News, Patriots




➡ The CSPOA discusses how during the COVID lockdown, some laws seemed unfair, like the case where a sheriff in Tampa, Florida arrested a pastor for holding church services, despite the first amendment guaranteeing freedom of religion. However, in Sevier County, another sheriff supported a pastor’s decision to keep his church open. These contrasting actions highlight the different ways law enforcement responded to the pandemic restrictions.



Obviously, we had all these unjust laws or unjust situations similar to the Rosa Parks situation around COVID lockdown time, and also, frankly, with the vaccine mandate as well. So that’s why I think so much of what you’ve been discussing is relevant to what’s happened in the last four years. Did you want to give us some examples of what you knew happened in COVID lockdown when sheriffs should have stood up and when they did stand up, actually? Well, and thank you for that. That’s an excellent background for that question, because we have done this in America recently.

My favorite story about COVID-19 is the tale of two cities, the tale of two sheriffs. And there was a sheriff by the name of Chronister in Tampa, Florida, who arrested Pastor Rodney Howard Brown. And I’ve met him. He is a good man. He was arrested for having church. Can you believe that? The first amendment to the Bill of Rights says, freedom of religion. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, nor prohibit the free exercise thereof. And so what do we do? We tell sheriffs and peace officers and cops, go arrest anybody having church.

Oh, my God. Are we totally out of our minds? And so the other side of that coin, the tale of two sheriffs, well, in Sevier County, Glenn Hamilton was the sheriff. And a pastor in his county went up to him and said, went to his office, and he said, I’m not going to close my church down. The government does not run my church. God runs my church. This is his church, and we’re not closing down. And I want to know what you will do, Sheriff, to protect me from being shut down or being arrested. And Sheriff Hamilton said, Pastor Caleb Cooper, if I have to go to jail myself to protect you and your right to freedom of religion and your right to run your church, how you see fit, then so be it.

I will go to jail, but I will stand to protect you with every fiber of my body. They came to shut him down, and Pastor Caleb Cooper was there, the congregation was there, and the sheriff was there. And he deputized the people inside there, and he told the state police, you’re not coming here. This is under the sheriff’s office, and I have deputized everybody inside the church. They are now under my authority, and this church will not be shut down. They left, and they never came back, and Pastor Caleb Cooper never shut his church down, not one single Sunday.

And I admire courage like this, and I love that this happened. And now I want to ask all of your viewers. I want to ask every American. I want to ask everybody in the world, which type of police officer would you want in your community? Which sheriff would you want in your community? The sheriff who arrests a pastor or the sheriff who defended the pastor? You see, my dear friends, liberty must be defended with courage. We must take a stand. [tr:trw].

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church services during COVID lockdown contrasting law enforcement responses to pandemic COVID lockdown laws controversy First Amendment freedom of religion Florida and Sevier County pandemic response law enforcement and COVID restrictions pandemic restrictions and religious freedom pastor's decision to keep church open during pandemic Sevier County sheriff support Tampa Florida pastor arrest

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