The Men Behind The Curtain Part 3:


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➡ Ron Partain, host of the untold History Channel, is covering a series titled “The Men Behind the Curtain,” with this episode focusing on tax-exempt foundations and their potential misuses. He suggests that some of these foundations and charities, which were initially created for humanitarian purposes, have been leveraged to further the agendas of various global institutions, using them as conduits for funding think tanks and similar entities in a manner like a deep state network.
➡ The Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) conducts activities that align with Soviet interests and gains funding from Council on Foreign Relations-related organizations such as the Reuben Foundation. The text suggests potential issues with U.S. governance, stating the possibility of the Internal Revenue Service’s abolishment due to unconstitutional amendments, and asserting the deep state’s desire to “Balkanize” (divide) the U.S. Furthermore, there is speculation on Reagan’s presidency and potential compromises he made. Finally, the text discusses various institutions influencing American society and policy, including the Ford Foundation, Brookings Institute, Hudson Institute, and National Training Laboratories, all of which have significant roles in shaping U.S. political, social events, and day-to-day conduct. The text also mentions the Reese Committee’s investigation into tax-exempt foundations.
➡ The text is a dialogue from an online discussion over an article, discussing the implications of foundations created for tax avoidance, their involvement in political activities, the history of income tax, and the warnings about concentration of power presented to Congress early in U.S history. It ends with the introduction of another article about The Church Committee, a Senate committee investigating alleged civil liberties violations by government agencies.
➡ Senator Frank Church, in 1975, warned about the potential of the US government’s surveillance capabilities being used against its own citizens which could lead to a tyranny where privacy would be lost. The investigations, known as the Church Committee, highlighted the need for intelligence agencies to operate within the law and proper supervision to prevent possible abuses of this technology and protect citizens’ rights to privacy and liberty against possible unconstitutional operations of national intelligence agencies.
➡ The Church Committee, led by Church and Vice Chairman, Tower, met with President Gerald R. Ford to secure a pledge of cooperation from the White House on investigating U.S. intelligence abuses. Despite obstacles, the committee successfully identified programs including covert operations and intelligence excesses from the FBI, CIA, IRS, and NSA from 1959 to 1973. The final report, containing 90+ recommendations for oversight and reform, concluded that intelligence agencies had consistently undermined the constitutional rights of U.S. citizens, prompting calls for a new church-style committee.
➡ The text tells the story of a conservative entrepreneur creating a non-profit foundation to avoid death taxes, which eventually transforms into a liberal-led entity supporting projects against his original intentions, raising concerns about the future of wealth distribution and foundation management. It later digresses into a portion of a transcript possibly describing a prayer session during a meeting, ending with a monologue on the need for a moral populace for a free country to function efficiently.
➡ The text explores how the Ivy League schools, especially Yale University, play a critical role in nation’s power structures, originating from their influential secret societies like Skull and Bones. These societies have been grooming grounds for many influential figures ranging from U.S. presidents, Supreme Court justices to billionaires, cultivating people with significant power and influence who shape the U.S. political, financial, and legal landscape.
➡ The Order of Skull and Bones, first established on the Yale campus in 1832 and incorporated in 1856, has had notable figures including US presidents and industrialists. Its funding mainly came from the flourishing opium trade in the Far East, managed by New England merchant families. The fraternity has been linked with significant political decisions and influential foundations like the Ford Foundation. Over the years, it has slightly diversified its membership, including individuals from non-WASP backgrounds and those part of homosexual rights groups. It also incorporates a ritualistic initiation and has been associated with a philosophy that advocates controlled conflict to achieve a predetermined synthesis.
➡ The text details the secretive Skull and Bones society, stating that initiates undergo three ordeals: removal from the family for boarding school conditioning, a trial by nature, and war experience. Bonesmen, typically New England elites, often serve in the military, particularly the Navy. The initiation ritual involves a coffin, echoing themes of death and war. Critics charge the society closely resembles German Freemasonic rituals and suggest that the secretive, ambiguous practices prepare members for roles in government, intelligence, and the private sector. Its psychological tactics aim to prioritize the society over family and God.
➡ David Curtis, an expert on biblical texts and a predatorist, will be joining the channel next Monday to share his story and answer audience questions, aiming to foster a respectful learning environment rather than contentious debates. His teaching methodology leans on the original Greek and Hebrew texts, also leveraging periodic literature from biblical times to offer deeper, nuanced interpretations.


Welcome to the untold History Channel. My name is Ron Partain. Today is the 19 September, it is Tuesday. And apologize for the hiccup earlier on the Constitution class. Hopefully we’ll be back next week, but I’m going to have to confirm with Doug on that. But I’m going to just go ahead and jump into the class to the video that I was going to do after the Constitution clash, which is going through the men behind, finishing up the men behind the curtain.

And that is today. It’s going to be the tax exempt foundations and the skull and bones. So these will be very interesting. I have an idea. And then I’m going to dive into I found a very interesting PDF talking about the tax exempt foundations. Let’s see here. It’s actually really big. Let me see here. Let me if I can make this a little bit smaller. There’s a couple of articles and things that have happened coming out throughout the years.

One is a book by Renee Wormser, and he wrote a book about the tax exempt foundations. And I think there’s a few pages in there. And then there’s some articles that are it’s not the greatest PDF of all time, but it is going to have some interesting information that I’m going to go through. So anyway, let’s go ahead and dive right in. I’m going to go ahead and dive right in here.

So let me go ahead and share my screen. And this is the men behind the curtain. Part Seven the Tax exempt foundations. And this is by Ryan DeLarm. Again. This is the Ryan DeLarm writes for badlands. And this is an article taken from the Badlands Media substac. So here it is. And if any of you guys have been paying attention to me, then you’ll know that I have highly suggested that you go watch the Norman Dodd interview.

And Norman Dodd was the gentleman who he was interviewed by Giobert Griffin, and he was the investigator that was investigating all of the tax exempt foundations. And this is the Reese Committee, I believe. Special committee to investigate tax exempt foundations and comparable organizations. House of so far in this series, we’ve discussed the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, World Economic Forum, bilderbergers, Rockefellers and Rothschilds. In this edition, we’re going to go over the tax exempt foundations.

I think if think tanks like the Council of Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergs, and the World Economic Forum are the heads of the figurative cabal octopus, then the alphabet agencies and the myriad tax exempt foundations they employ could be seen as the tentacles. According to the National Center for Charitable Statistics, more than my screen is giving me hassles it’ll just go blank from it’ll go black from time to time.

According to the National Center for Charitable Statistics, more than 1. 5 million tax exempt charities and foundations are currently operating in the United States, many of them expressing seemingly laudable intentions. What the average Joe fails to realize is that a significant portion of these entities exist. To further the agendas of the various globalist institutions mentioned throughout this series, I’m going to pull this actually, I’m going to stop sharing this screen, and I’m going to pull it down and share a different screen because I don’t trust this screen.

Give me a second, guys. It all right. So let’s see. According to the National Center for Charitable Statistics, more than 1. 5 million tax exempt charities and foundations are currently operating in the United States, many of them expressing seemingly laudable intentions. What the average Joe fails to realize is that a significant portion of these entities exist to further the agendas of the various global institutions mentioned throughout this series, tax exempt foundations were originally set up for humanitarian purposes to provide grants to existing institutions.

This is one of the primary funding mechanisms used by the Cabal’s International Foreign Policy think Tanks to facilitate operations throughout the world. Again, if the CFR, Bilderbergers, World Economic Forum, et cetera, are the brain, then these foundations are the arms and legs that facilitate the desires and schemes of the brain. The importance of the nonprofit in the deep state’s machinations cannot be overstated. Norman Dodd, Director of Research for the House Select Committee to Investigate the Foundations and comparable Organizations, reported in 1952 that the President of the Ford Foundation told him bluntly that operating under a directive from the White House use our grant making power so as to alter our life in the United States that we can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union.

That’s very chilling. Very chilling. If you were to make an effort to trace some of the former and current nonprofits connected to members and the initiatives of the CFR at all, you’d inevitably find a pervasive web of influence stretching across all corners of society. In fact, a considerable bulk of what we think of as the deep state exists as not for profit foundations and 501 C three S.

These include, but are certainly not limited to the agency of international development. American Civil. Liberties Union race forward. Applied Research Center, american Press Institute, anti Defamation League, Aspen Institute, association of Humanistic Psychology, center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences center for Constitutional Rights Center Center for Cuban Studies christian Socialist League, communist League environmental Fund fabian Society ford foundation, foundation for National Progress, german Marshall Fund hudson Institute, international Institute for Strategic Studies andrew W.

Mellon foundation the Milner Group montpellerin Society national association for the advancement of color people. Or that’s the NAACP, national council of churches, new world foundation, rand corporation, stanford research institute, tavistock institute of human relations, union of concerned scientists, international, red cross and the YMCA. All links above will lead either to influence watch or to wikispooks to helpful websites worth adding to your Internet research toolkit. When it comes to policing journalism, there are the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, the National Press Foundation, the International Center for Journalists, the Solutions Journalism Network, the Pont Pointer Institute, all of which are connected to individuals belonging to one or multiple of the various clandestine think tanks mentioned in this series.

Classic examples. To further demonstrate the point I’m trying to make here, let’s look at the Aspen Institute as an example. In their own words, the Aspen Institute is a global concern with considerable diplomatic influence. The Institute, as of 2017, maintains $333,208,000 in assets, and according to Aspen Times Weekly’s, paul Anderson regularly hosts presidents, prime ministers, philosophers, statesmen, advisors, educators, journalists, activists, and a roster of corporate reps to rival the Fortune 500.

Yet despite its national prominence, the Institute remains an enigma to the majority of the local residents and visitors. I’m going to pause this for a second and just check the chat, since it’s all hello? Karma and Jack. Sorry we had to switch this, guys. It was. What about Judicial Watch? I don’t know about Judicial Watch, Jackie. I do not know. Yeah, the Atlantic Council. Yeah, well, and he said in there that it was not an all encompassing it was not an all encompassing list.

He said it was certainly not limited to that. Katie karma. Jackie suspense and okay. All right, guys, I’m going to go ahead and thank you. Appreciate that karma. I’m going to go ahead and jump back in here. The institute was founded in the 1940s as the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, though the Appalachian I don’t think I’m saying that correctly Appalachian regarding humanism was dropped in the 1970s.

Founders include Walter Pepke, a Chicago industrialist robert Maynard Hutchins, then president of the Rockefeller dominated University of Chicago mortimer Adler, a philosopher and CFR and Bones member henry Lucy, the powerful head of Time Life publications. The Institute for Policy Studies, or IPS, an umbrella organization encompassing hundreds of diverse groups, representing both the left and the right of the political spectrum, is still active in Washington. It is another example of an organization linked to secret societies.

Author Coleman wrote, IPS has shaped I think that’s supposed to be Arthur. IPS has shaped and reshaped united States policies, foreign and domestic, since it was founded by James P. Warburg and the Rothschild entities in the United States, bolstered by Bertrand Russell and the British Socialists through its networks in America. The objectives of IPS came from an agenda laid down by the British Roundtable, one of the most notable being to create the New Left as a grassroots movement in the United States.

IPS was to engender strife and unrest and spread chaos like a wildfire out of control, proliferate the ideals of left wing nihilistic socialism, support unrestricted use of drugs of all types, and be the big stick with which to beat the United States political establishment. According to Coleman IPS founders Rybard Barnett and Marcus Raskin have controlled such diverse elements as the Black Panthers. Daniel Ellsberg National Security Council Staff Member morton Halpern the Weatherman the Vanceramasand I do not know if I’m saying that right.

The campaign staff of candidate George McGovern, who some of you might recall from Hunter Thompson’s Fear and Loathing on the campaign trail, author Stephen S. Powell noted that a stated IPS goal was the dismantling of all economic, political, social and cultural institutions in the United States. Following an extensive investigation just prior to the collapse of Communism, he concluded an ordered accounting of IPS activities reveals that much of what the Institute does, for all intents and purposes, also serves the interests of the Soviet Union.

The IPS has been remarkably successful in promoting a sweeping radical agenda by maintaining the facade of a liberal scholary research center. According to researchers, much of IPS funding comes from CFR connected organizations, including the Ruben Foundation, which was represented by the New York Law firm well, thank you, Jackie. I appreciate that. Thank you. They get plenty of treats, I assure you. According to researchers, much of IPS comes from CFR connected organizations, including the Reuben Foundation, which was represented by the New York Law firm of Lord Day and Lord.

The Lord family has counted members on the Skull and Bones roles since 1898, winston Lord the Order, 1959, a former aide to Henry Kissinger, was Chairman of the Council of Foreign Relations in 1983, and later President Reagan’s Ambassador to China. Man, there’s a lot of me just pause for a second and just say that there is a lot of people that are connected to Reagan that I do not know.

It’s just very interesting. Do I think the IRS will ever be reconstructed or abolished? That’s a great question. I don’t know. Actually, I do think that first of all, I think the 16th Amendment was unconstitutional, just like the 17th Amendment was unconstitutional. I think there’s a lot of things that have happened that came about in the Progressive Era that are not really proper according to the way that the original Constitution was written.

I don’t see the Internal Revenue Service sticking around in its current, in its current state. I actually think that if and when we do have some sort of a major event and the United States is completely just kind know, really gone down the drain, sadly, I don’t mean to say that in a bad way, because I just think that we are headed for very rough seas. And I think there’s a lot of government that is going to go away.

Because if the Federal Reserve goes away and the government can’t fund itself, the states aren’t going to pay for it. And I do believe that there is a segment of the deep state that seeks Balkanization of the United States. And if you guys don’t know what Balkanization is, Balkanization is essentially well, I’m sure a lot of you have heard the name Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia was a country in in fact here, let me do this.

Let me do this because it’ll make it a lot more sense. Yugoslavia was a country in Europe that was in the Balkans, right? Let me do this and then actually I’m going to make it just a little bit smaller. Draw on it. Okay. So right here is basically Yugoslavia. All right? So this was Yugoslavia. Now Yugoslavia became a whole bunch of small countries. You have North Macedonia, Albania, and you know what? Albania may have been a country by itself, I don’t remember, but you had Serbia and Kosovo and Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovania and Slovenia and Croatia.

So you’ve got all these countries right in here that at one time were one country, Yugoslavia. And when Yugoslavia was busted up and Balkanized, all these tiny countries formed. So the powers that be want the United States to Balkanize, which means they want us to be a whole bunch of tiny little countries as opposed to one big country. If I can say it, if I can say it with not necessarily in a derogatory fashion, that is the wet dream of the deep state of the elite.

They want the United States to be a whole bunch of smaller country about Reagan. And there’s a lot of stuff that I’m finding out about Reagan that I don’t know if Reagan was doing it because he was compromised or know, he got know just right towards the beginning of his presidency. If he was if that was if that like kind of said like, hey, you need to pay attention to what we want you to do.

Yes, smaller countries are less of a threat. Just don’t know. I don’t know enough about Reagan to know. But I think Reagan truly had what he believed was the country’s best interest at heart. But I don’t know if he was able to do a lot of things that he really wanted to do. I know that he had talked about not. He was going to I think it was in this series when they talked about, hey, we’re going to have I’m going to investigate the Trilateral Commission and CFR and all these organizations.

And then he became president with Bush as his vice president, and none of that ever happened. He had said that he was never going to have anything to do with Bush in his presidency anyway. And then of know, under Reagan you had the Iran Contra. But I still think that he didn’t know a lot of that stuff. And most of the stuff that was going on was going on under the guides under the leadership of H.

W. Bush, who was just an absolute not. It pains me to even say his name. Yeah. All right. Okay. So the Ford Foundation, another tool that has been used and abused over the last century to affect globalist aims. A longtime president of the Lord of the Lord Foundation was the ubiquitous McGeorge Bundy, CFR member and Bonesman and National Security Advisor who presided over the Gulf of Tonkid incident.

Precipitating. The Vietnam War. In the mid 1980s, a movement toward rewriting the US. Constitution gained momentum, in part due to the work of the center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, which was established with Ford Foundation money. The movement inevitably floundered in the face of widespread opposition. The Brookings institute dedicates its work to what it calls a national agenda, wrote president Hoover’s program, president Roosevelt’s new deal, the Kennedy administration’s new frontiers program.

A deviation from its from deviation from it cost John f. Kennedy his life and president Johnson’s great society. Brookings has been telling the United States government how to conduct its affairs for the past 70 years and is still doing so. The Hudson Institute under the direction of Herman Khan, who we covered extensively in the World Economic Forum piece. Being one of the men behind the rise of Klaus Schwab, this institution has done more to shape the way Americans react to political and social events, think, vote, and generally conduct themselves than perhaps any other entity except the Big Five media conglomerates.

Hudson specialized in defense policy, research and relations with the USSR, and was an instrumental cog in the military industrial complex. Most of its military work is classified as secret. Some of its earlier papers were entitled Stability and Tranquility among Older Nations and Analytical Summary of the United States National Security Policy Issues. Hudson prides itself on its diversity. It helped NASA with its space programs and helped to promote new youth fashions and ideas.

Youth rebellion and alienation. Ostensibly funded by Coca Cola, Hudson may be quite properly classified as one of the cabal’s brainwashing establishments. Some of its nuclear war scenarios make for very interesting reading, and if they can be obtained, I would recommend the six basic thermonuclear threats and possible Outcomes of thermonuclear war and one of its more frightening papers entitled Israeli Arab Nuclear War. I am going to do a search on that real quick and see what comes up.

No, I don’t see anything. I will do that research later. Hudson also does corporate advising for many companies Rank, Xerox, General Electric, IBM and General Motors to name a few of them. But its really big client remains the US. Department of Defense, which includes matters of civil defense, national security, military policy and arms control. National training laboratories. NTL is also known as the International Institute for Applied Behavioral Sciences.

This institute is definitely a brainwashing center based on Kurt Lewin principles, which includes so called T groups or training groups artificial stress training, whereby participants suddenly find themselves immersed in defending themselves against vicious accusations. NTL takes in the National Education Association, the largest teacher group in the United States. The Reese Committee renee A. Wormser served as General Counsel to the Reese Committee, which was a congressional committee that investigated these tax exempt foundations from 1953 to 55.

Wormser’s book, Foundations Their Power and Influence is a documented expose of his experience with the committee. In it, he wrote foundations were originally created to support existing institutions and to undertake certain operating functions. The Reese Committee sits alongside the Church Committee as two of the most important and revealing committees to have ever come out of the United States Congress. And this is the Dodd report to the Reese Committee on Foundations.

The effect of the Dodd Report was electric. Moves were launched within a matter of hours to block an effective probe on Capitol Hill. The committee found itself confronted with obstacles at every turn. The nation itself was deluged with stories which openly, or by inference, suggested that the investigation was futile, if not worse. The National Board of America’s for Democratic Action, or the Ada, formally urged the House to disband its own committee.

It was conducting a frontal attack on learning itself. Related the Church Committee for Dummies I’m thinking that this is a let’s see here. What is this? Oh, this is another article that he wrote. May we’ll go through this actually when we’re done here? That actually might be a good follow up or good thing with this. Let me pause here and look at the chat here. DJ Camp, I’m seeing your name in a minute.

How are you? Let’s see. Yeah, I would enjoy seeing IRS go away as well. Yeah, he wasn’t the same. General was not the same after he got shot. I agree with you. And suspense. I’m not sure exactly how many days he was in office before he got shot, but I did find it interesting that when Reagan was shot, the person who actually did the shooting was I guess he’d met with the Bush family.

Yeah, I’m not going to talk much about the 25th, Katie, okay? I’m going to jump back in here. All right. Foundations inevitably became a loophole that the financial elite used to avoid taxes. Some suggest that that was the purpose of their creation from the beginning. By the time hold on a second here, guys. I’m going to check something here. By the time the income tax became law in 1913, I don’t think the income tax was law.

In 1913. I don’t remember when the income tax let’s see, when was the 16th Amendment did it law? The 16th Amendment was passed. The 16th Amendment was ratified by the requisite number of states on February 3, 1913, and effectively overruled the Supreme Court’s ruling in Pollock. But I don’t think it actually was implemented until much later. I want to say it was like, let’s see, adoption, adoption, 1909, ratification.

Pollock overturned case law. So I don’t remember exactly when it became law, but whatever he’s saying 1913, and that’s probably when it was ratified, but I don’t think it was actually implemented until, like, 1915 or 16 or something like that. Whatever irrelevant at this point. The Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations were already operating at full stream. Income tax would be an additional mechanism to insulate their power. It acted not as a penalty on the rich.

Rather, it nuked the middle class. Because it was a graduated tax, it tended to prevent anyone from rising into affluence. Essentially, the income tax acted to consolidate the wealth of entrenched interests while protecting them from new competition. When discussing charitable or nonprofit foundations, you’ll inevitably hear words like humanitarian or philanthropy. But these terms are really dog whistles for the financial elite. In most cases, these foundations are less about humanitarian efforts and more about tax avoidance, a tool used by elites to protect their fortunes.

The major foundations, like those listed above, through commonly though commonly regarded as charitable institutions, often use their grant making powers to advance the interests of their founders. According to the findings of congressional investigations, various foundations have been known to fund political movements in a direction inclined to favor a socialistic one world government. Individual foundations have also been known to merge themselves in a cartel like fashion to fund their political projects, which tends to endanger the freedom of our intellectual and public life.

Warren Wormser Wormser referred to this merging as the Tax Exempt complex. The first true glimpse into the reality of foundation influence came under the Congressional Act of August 23, 1912, when the Commission on Industrial Relations studied labor conditions and the treatment of workers by the major US. Industrial firms. They eventually examined the foundations which were interlocked with them, starting with the study of labor exploitation. It the Commission of Uninustrial Relations went on to investigate concentrations of economic power, interlocking directorates, and the role of then relatively new large charitable foundations, especially Carnegie and Rockefeller, as instruments of power concentration.

And this is by Wormser himself. During the commission hearings, future Supreme Court Justice Lewis D. Brandis testified on January 23, 1915 that he was seriously concerned about the emerging danger of such a concentration of power. He said when a great financial power has developed which can successfully summon forces from all parts of the country to carry out what they deem to be their business principle, there develops within the state a state so powerful that the ordinary social and industrial forces existing are insufficient to cope with it.

The Commission’s director of research, Mr. Bassel M. Manley, declared control is being extended largely through the creation of enormous privately managed funds for indefinite purposes here and after designated foundations. The commission’s report concluded that as regards the foundations created for unlimited general purposes and endowed with enormous resources, their ultimate possibilities are so grave a menace that it would be desirable to recommend their abolition. So it is a matter of historical fact that Congress once declared these foundations which can be used to fund anything, should be eliminated because they are potentially destructive to the Republic as the goal of a new world Order moves closer to reality.

Today, authors and researchers who are suspicious of the role of secret societies and their financial backers in government, business and foundations feel they face a disheartening maze of obstructions in trying to bring the story to the public. Fortunately for badlands media, our audience is awake, aware, and involved. So that is the end of this one. Before I jump into the skull and bones, though, I’m going to go ahead and quickly read the Church Committee for Dummies, because I think this is kind of like a sub mention of this.

And there may be a little bit of what I want to say. There may be some overlap or some words that he uses in here that are duplicated text, kind of like on the same one he did with the Rothschilds or excuse me, the Rockefellers and the substac that he did on the inversion of health. The House recently voted to establish a church style committee called the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.

The new subcommittee is expected to be chaired by Rep. Jim Jordan and will have wide ranging powers to investigate various alleged civil liberties violations by government agencies. It will be housed within the Judiciary Committee, which Jordan also chairs. The committee that this new subcommittee is molded after was one of the most historically significant committees to have ever come out of the United States Senate. Its original name was the Senate Select Committee to Study Government Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities.

But it was referenced to Colliquially as the Church Committee. Sadly, most Americans know very little, if anything, about this committee. The objective of this article will be to help fill in the blanks by offering a deep dive into the particulars of the Church Committee in a way that only badlands media can provide. Strap in, folks. We’re going to make political history interesting again. And the origins let me just check the chat for a second here to see what’s going on.

Yeah. Poppy Bush compromised Reagan after he got shot with the whole Franklin scandal so he could control him. That’s a distinct possibility, Karma. Distinct possibility. The CIA was into poppy. The Bushes. Well, yeah, I mean, that’s how we got that. Poppy Bush got his name because of Poppy. I mean, that’s how he got his name. He was the one who was in control of that whole thing. He was running all the drugs, in fact, when they were running the drugs into Arkansas, into MENA Mina, Arkansas.

That was done under the nose of Clinton in the 80s while Clinton was governor. And that whole thing was the Bush operation. Nancy was known for consulting psychics and astrologers. She was involved in their rituals. I don’t know about that, but it’s quite possible. I’ve heard some really interesting things about Nancy Reagan. I heard that she was really like a mean person and that she was mean to Ronald Reagan.

She was really harsh. Thank you. Suspense. So it was the 69th day in office. Interesting. Six at nine HWS, bush’s children all called to him. Poppy. Yeah. Wonder why. Two x four CIA, 85% drugs imported since 50s prescot helped fund World War II. Yeah, exactly. Let’s see. Both women are terrible. I have not watched the Public Enemy video. Son of a bush. But you have piqued my interest.

Florida. Jack, the Taliban has removed about 80% of the poppy fields in Afghanistan. Picking up the CA. Have they done that now, Jackie, or they did that before? Because as I understood it, they did that before. They had done the Taliban had eliminated almost all of the poppy production in Afghanistan prior to the invasion of Afghanistan after 911. And then when it went up by a factor of I think it went up by 8000% or something like that.

Yeah, it’s quite possible. That’s why they moved their focus to the Ukraine. Yeah, that could be true. Yeah. Clinton is absolutely connected. Okay. All right, guys, I’m going to jump back in here. In 1975 was dubbed the Year of Intelligence and saw the public’s first real glimpse behind the curtain at the silent war that is, a war on the privacy of American citizens that was being waged relentlessly, albeit furtively, by the CIA, the FBI, and the NSA.

This war was brought to the public’s attention in an official capacity by Senator Frank Church, who chaired a select committee in 1975. Church, a Democrat from Idaho, first laid out some of the committee’s findings as well as a justification for said investigations on Meet the Press in 1975. And that is this right here. I’m going to hit play. Just you know what? It’s only two minutes and 53 seconds.

I’m not sure that I put the sound up, though. I’m not going to take a chance, actually, I will. Let me know if you guys can hear it. You follow up by asking, do you think that the CIA and military intelligence agencies and the FBI have used the emergency provisions both in law and by emergency agency, the Federal Preparedness Agency, it’s called now to have contingency plans which threaten the liberty of American citizens.

Mr. Rowell, in due course, the committee will pass judgment on those questions. I’m not going to preget the committee or prematurely attempt to pass judgment on this program. But let me tell you this. In the need to develop a capacity to know what potential enemies are doing, the United States government has perfected a technological capability that enables us to monitor the messages that go through the air. These messages are between ships.

At sea, they could be between units, military units in the field. We have a very extensive capability of intercepting messages wherever they may be in the airwaves. Now, that is necessary and important to the United States. As we look abroad at enemies or potential enemies, we must know at the same time that capability at any time could be turned around on the American people, and no American would have any privacy left, such as the capability to monitor everything.

Telephone, conversations, telegrams. It doesn’t matter. There would be no place to hide if this government ever became a tyranny, if a dictator ever took charge in this country, the technological capacity that the intelligence community has given the government could enable it to impose total tyranny. And there would be no way to fight back. Because the most careful effort to combine together in resistance to the government, no matter how privately it was done, is within the reach of the government to know such is the capability of this technology.

Now, why is this investigation important? I’ll tell you why. Because I don’t want to see this country ever go across the bridge. I know the capacity that is there to make tyranny total in America. And we must see to it that this agency and all agencies that possess this technology operate within the law and under proper supervision so that we never cross over that abyss. That’s the abyss from which there is no return.

Wow. I had never heard that, ever. And that was astonishing when he said about this government becoming a tyranny and all the stuff, that they would turn it back on to the American people. That’s exactly what happened in 911 or after 911. So you had 911 happen. You had the Patriot Act, and then all of the tools that they used to track down terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan, all of those tools were used to turn back on to the American people domestically.

And it was all done with how basically you go back to that article that I read on the fourth branch of government, that’s exactly what that was. So you had the Bush administration, which laid the foundation for what the Obama administration did to turn the government against the people technologically. All of the tools that they used, all the tools that they used in the war on terror overseas, they have turned back on the American people.

And that is exactly what Church was saying in that article or in that short clip. Man, that was powerful. That was amazing. I did not know that I got chills listening to that. That was really good. I had no idea. All right. In the need to develop a capacity to know what potential enemies might be doing, the United States government has perfected a technological capability that allows us to monitor the messages that go through the air.

That capability at any time could be turned around on the American people. No American would have any privacy left, such as the capability to monitor everything. There would be no place left to hide if this government ever turned to tyranny. And of course, that was what he just I’m just quoting what he said in that video. And that is exactly what has happened. That’s exactly what has happened.

This recording and the investigations that may have taken place in 1975, however, the original Church committee came about as a direct result of the 1973 Senate Watergate Committee investigation, which revealed that the Executive branch had directed national intelligence agencies to carry out constitutionally questionable domestic security operations. In 1974, journalist Seymour Hirsch published an article in the New York Times claiming that the CIA had been spying on antiwar activists for more than a decade, violating the agency’s charter.

Former CIA officials and some lawmakers, including Senator William Proxmeyer and Stuart Summington, would call for a congressional inquiry and it’s very hard to read. It’s very pixelated. Proximity to seek inquiry on CIA over. I’m not sure what that says in the United States. In January of 1975, Senator John Pastor would introduce a resolution to establish a select committee to investigate several or federal intelligence operations and determine the extent, if any, to which illegal, improper or unethical activities were engaged in by any agency of the federal government.

The Senate would approve the resolution, 82 to four. Interesting. I want to know who the four they said no were. Man, who the hell is saying no to that? Out of either a fear of public awareness or a general concern over how the findings of the investigation would be received, majority Leader Mike Mansfield cautioned the Senate against letting the affair become a television extravaganza. He and Republican leader Hugh Scott carefully selected committee members, balancing experienced lawmakers with junior members and ensuring that members represented a variety of political viewpoints.

When Philip Hart declined to lead the Committee for health related reasons, manfield selected Democrat Frank Church of Idaho to serve as chairman. Church, who was then a 16 year member of the Committee on Foreign Relations, not to be confused with Nefarious council on Foreign Relations, had previously co chaired a special committee that critically examined the Executive branch’s consolidation of power in the Cold War era, so he’d already proven himself capable of leading the new committee.

Additionally, Church recognized the strategic value of the nation’s top intelligence agencies and was at the same time mindful of the need for American institutions to function within the confines of U. S. Constitutional law. He aggressively lobbied to lead the investigation and was joined by Republican John Tower of Texas, a member of the Armed Services Committee, who was selected as the committee’s vice chairman. Public Relations it was decided that most of the committee’s hearings would be held in closed executive session.

This was done in order to protect intelligence sources and methods. The Committee did hold a series of public hearings in September and October of 1975 to educate the American public about the unlawful or improper conduct of the intelligence community, making it a point to highlight a few carefully selected examples of misconduct. Among the examples deemed acceptable for public consumption was a CIA biological agents program, a White House domestic surveillance program, IRS intelligence activities, and the FBI’s program to disrupt the civil rights and anti Vietnam War movements.

These realities coming to light on national television marked the first time the American public was given an opportunity by their own government to learn about the secret operations conducted for decades by U. S. Intelligence agencies. And this is the NSA hearing. Church committee preview. I don’t know how long this is. It’s three minutes. I’m not going to play it, but I’m going to put a link to this in the description, and you guys can go watch it for yourself.

That’s a footage from the October 75 public hearings. According to Chief Counsel Frederick Schwartz, at the outset of the investigations, the NSA’s General Counsel told him the constitution does not apply to the National Security Agency. The Committee garnered much national attention. However, it was predictably met with criticism, some of which dismissed the inquiry as merely a vehicle for Senator Church’s 76 presidential bid. Church would declare his candidacy in March of 1976.

Others argued that the Congressional inquiries the House conducted its own separate investigation, had undermined the security and credibility of US. Intelligence agencies. Additionally, the assassination of Richard Welsh, a CIA station chief in Greece who was murdered outside of his home in Athens on Christmas Day of 1975, diverted the public’s attention from the Committee’s focus on intelligence abuses and subsequently drummed up sympathy for the intelligence community. What a shocker.

Despite the critics, church remained resolute in his belief and the right of the public to know what the instrumentalities of their government have done. The Committee faced a monumental task, conducting a wide ranging investigation of the nation’s most secret agencies and their respective programs, and based those findings, writing a detailed report that would include legislative recommendations. All of this work was originally expected to be completed within one year, but would later be extended up to 16 months.

Church and his Vice Chairman, Tower, would meet with President Gerald R. Ford and his top national security advisors to secure from the President a pledge that the White House would cooperate with the Senate. Investigators through the Investigative Staff though the investigative staff did not always receive documents in a timely fashion, they did enjoy seemingly unprecedented access to materials that had never before been made public. Whether these materials were strategically selected prior to the Committees receiving them is unknown.

The most well known of these internal reports was colloquially referred to as the CIA’s Family Jewels, which outlined the Agency’s misdeeds dating back to the Eisenhower Administration. This report, as well as those found in other agencies, provided roadmaps that staff investigators used to piece together complicated histories of domestic, foreign and military intelligence programs during the Cold War era. Organizing and analyzing these materials proved to be an arduous task, even with the peak staff of 150.

This is memorandum for Executive Secretary CA Management Committee. Subject family jewels, 16 May, 1973. Though the family you know what? Here I will read this. Number one the purpose of this memorandum is to forward for your personal review summaries of activities conducted either by or under the sponsorship of the Office of Security and the Past, which in my opinion, conflict with the provisions of the National Security Act of 1947.

Two, these activities cover the period from March 1959 to date and represent as accurate a record as is available in our files. Those activities which took place prior to the date of my appointment as Director of Security on 1 July 1964 have been developed to a certain extent through the recollection of the senior people in this office who were involved or who had knowledge of the activities at the time they occurred.

Three, I’ve gone back to March of 1959 because I believe that the activities occurring since that time still have a viable flap potential, in that many of the people involved, both agency and nonagency, are still alive, and through their knowledge of the activity reporting, represent a possible potential threat or embarrassment to the Agency. Yet I would be glad to provide clarification or an explanation of any of these activities if desired.

You have my assurance that unless otherwise stated, each of these activities was approved by higher authorities. And obviously, this isn’t the entire thing, but through the family jewels. Though the family jewels are lauded as the most explosive secrets of the Central Intelligence Agency, many see this report as a cherry picked and sanitized placation rather than a genuine attempt to come clean. The report itself admits that much of the content comes from the recollections of the senior peoples in this office.

You can read the report in its entirety here. Despite the numerous challenges, the Church Committee did successfully investigate and identify a wide range of intelligence abuses by federal agencies, including the CIA, FBI, Internal Revenue Service, and National Security Agency. Over the course of their work, investigators identified programs that have never before been known to the American public, including the NSA’s, Project Shamrock and Minaret I don’t know if I’m saying that right.

Which monitored wire communications to and from the United States and shared some of the data with other intelligence agencies. And this is Project Shamrock beginning of the spy game. See how long this I will you know what? I think I will go ahead and play this, because this looks a little interesting. Intelligence is nothing, really, other than information and knowledge. From the days of Socrates, by various methods, and even before that, mankind has been seeking knowledge of everything that influences his own life or the life of the nation to which he belongs.

The unconditional surrender of Japan finally has been received officially here by the United States government. It make the secret deal. You had to go back to Western Union and all the other telecommunications companies and arrive at a very, very secret, very, very illegal agreement. Sam SA at the same time, that capability at any time could be turned around on the American people, and no American would have any privacy left, such as the capability to monitor everything.

Telephone conversations, telegrams, it doesn’t matter. There would be no place to hide. It interesting, and I’m learning a lot on this. This is a lot of the stuff I did not know, guys. This is very revealing to me as wow. The Committee also investigated the FBI’s long running program of COVID action designed to disrupt and discredit the activities of groups and individuals deemed a threat to the social order, known as Cointel Pro, which aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting and disrupting American political organizations.

Through this program, the FBI targeted the National Lawyers Guild, the American Indians Movement, the Black Panthers, Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the Anti Vietnam War movement, and individuals such as Martin Luther King, Jr. As well as local and state federal elected officials. This list is by no means comprehensive, and it is more than likely that similar programs are in operation today. Cointel pro the conclusion. In the end, after holding 126 full Committee meetings, 40 subcommittee hearings, interviewing some 800 witnesses in public and closed sessions, and combing through 110,000 documents, the Committee published its final report on April 20, 1976.

The Committee and its investigators found that beginning with President Franklin Roosevelt’s administrative and continuing through the early 1970s sorry. Beginning with Franklin Roosevelt’s administration and continuing through the early 1970s, intelligence excesses at home and abroad were not the product of any single party, administration or man, but had developed as America rose to become a superpower during a global Cold War. Intelligence agencies have undermined the constitutional rights of America of citizens, the final report concluded, primarily because checks and balances designed by the framers of the Constitution to assure accountability have not been applied.

In a separate, appended view, Senator Tower acknowledged intelligence excesses and the need for expanded legislative, executive and judicial involvement in the intelligence policy and practices. He cautioned, however, that Congress should not unnecessarily restrain the President from exercising discretion in the realm of national security. Additionally, the final report did include more than 90 recommendations, both legislative and regulatory, that were designed to place intelligence activities within the constitutional scheme for controlling government power.

The Committee observed that there is no inherent constitutional authority for the President or any intelligence agency to violate the law and suggested fortifying oversight of the intelligence activities. The Church Committee’s work, which earned the respect of many members of the Senate, ultimately led to some reform efforts throughout the intelligence community. But as we realize today, these efforts were far from comprehensive, as nearly 50 years later, we see that the intelligence community has brazenly taken its misconduct to new levels.

Perhaps this is the reason alternative media and conservative pundits have been calling for a new church style committee. America is long past due. It is our hope that Rep. Jim Jordan and the newly created Select Subcommittee and the weaponization of the Federal government can bring the public’s attention of the troubles that face all citizens of this country. Of course, the establishment Democrats seem prepared to do whatever it takes to slander and impede anything that comes from these investigations.

California Democrat Republican Pete Aguilar said last week, it is in our best interest to make sure we are representing the will of the caucus and the American public and that Republicans don’t have an opportunity behind closed doors to shape and to add to these conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories. These America first representatives should have learned by now that the only conspiracy theories allowed in Congress are the ones peddled by the intelligence community via compromised Democrats and the mainstream media and the primary sources.

This is the primary sources that he has listed here. That was actually a very well done piece. I’m glad that I did that. Man, that was nuts. I have here I’m probably not going to go through it tonight because this is 26 pages. The foundations and their power influence by Renee Wormser. This is the book that he wrote, and this was talked about in the initial article, but there’s several articles in here, foundations, Their Influence and Power, talking about the interrelationships between foundations, education, and government.

And of course, this is in 1954, so it’s pre Department of Education, and there’s a preface and then there’s articles here. The foundation world its impact and influence this is from June of 73, the Freeman Digest in June of 78. I mean, there’s a lot of stuff in here, a lot of stuff in here. This is an article the Naked Capitalist, reviewed by Cleon Scousen. And if you guys don’t know who Cleon Scousen is, he’s the gentleman who wrote the book The Naked Communist.

And this is a review of the commentary by Dr. Carol Quickley’s book Tragedy and Hope, which is just man, you want to talk about getting down into the weeds and filth dirt and muck and just absolute reprehensible activity, things that have happened in the United States. It’s reprehensible. Sunday, December 26, from the Washington Times. The problem with foundations that it’s actually you know what? I’m going to read this real quick.

It’s an old story, the wealthy, highly conservative entrepreneur approaching the sunset of his life. It’s told by his lawyers that the only way he can avoid confiscatory death taxes is by creating a nonprofit foundation dedicated to vaguely outlined good works. So he creates one, names it after himself, and puts a few of his equally conservative cronies, his children and a lawyer or two on the board. Within a few years, he and his cronies, maybe even the lawyers, are dead.

The children, knowing nothing about how to manage a foundation, turn desperately to help to the helpful experts who mysteriously appear like Dandelions on a wet spring. Ten years further on, the foundation created by Daddy is firmly in the grip of liberals whom Daddy wouldn’t have agreed to invite to dinner and is financing projects that have the old gentleman spinning in his grave. A few decades back, one such foundation actually financed a study of what would take, militarily speaking, for outside forces to invade and conquer, invade and conquer the white apartheid regime in South Africa, how many landing ships and screening naval vessels? How many bombers and fighters and how many infantry divisions? What made the whole episode picket, however, was the name of the foundation.

It was the Carnegie Endowment for Internal Peace. For International peace. What Andrew Carnegie would have thought of the project is unknown. But we can guess. What makes this sad story worth revisiting now is the fact pointed out by Neil B. Freeman in a recent address to the L Polmar Foundation in Colorado Springs. Mr. Freeman is an independent, Washington based television producer who doubles in brass as chairman of the Foundation Management Institute, an organization that stands ready to help conservatively minded businessmen fend off liberals who plan to take over their foundations as soon as they are out of the way.

Mr. Freeman points out that thanks to what Ronald Reagan did for the United States economy, between now and 2030, there will be tens of thousands of estates created in the $30 million range even between now and 2020. The New York Times estimates that the baby boomers I e. People now between 38 and 53 will inherit $12 trillion. If there are three children to share a $30 million estate, Mr.

Freeman calculates, each of them will get approximately $3 million. Bill Clinton and his friends will get 20 million. That is what is known as a tax incentive, and it means that the foundations will be springing up like weeds. That, in turn, creates the problem that Mr. Freeman calls the current infrastructure of foundations management. The people who run the foundations advise the boards, manage the staffs, design the grants, pick the grantees, and evaluate the results.

Its leadership class, fashionably, educated, and ferociously verbal tends to hold political opinions, running the gamut from A to B. In other words, it is relentlessly liberal. Mr. Freeman cites one estimate that out of 50,000 foundations of all kinds, just nine are explicitly conservative. He concludes Ford, Pew, MacArthur, Packard the stories are as familiar as their names. The great fortunes of modern capitalism turn to the service of anti market initiatives.

The great names of the American nd century now fronting for the centrifugal forces of multiculturalism, the fruits of technological genius now funding the corrosive campaigns of junk science. What’s happening now in the foundation world today is a kind of reverse alchemy, with free market gold being turned into philanthropic dross. It is the process of irreversible. Or is the process irreversible? Are the Reagan entrepreneurs destined to turn up a generation hence as the posthumous funders of the burgeoning American left? Will the wealth produced by the market system, by the market system, be deployed in an attack on the system itself? Well, as Damon Runyon used to say, the race is not always to the swift, but that’s the way to bet.

Unless the forces of philanthropic reform can gather themselves and apply early concerted effort. The creators of Americans left late century boom. Everybody, we’re going to get started in a minute or two. There’s a gun raffle out there and a silent auction. We would be grateful what is that? If you would consider taking a look. Thank you. Did somebody say something to me? The real American guys, I’m going to pause this for a second.

I think somebody was trying to say something to me here and I do not know what’s going on. Actually, I’m going to go ahead and there was a video in this one. Not the men behind, but on the church committee. There was a video in here. We’re going to get started in 1 minute. I don’t project shan MROC. And this is the NSA church committee’s preview. So I’m going to hit play on this.

And we have a particular obligation to examine the NSA in light of its tremendous potential for abuse. It has the capacity to monitor the private conversations of American citizens without the use of a bug or attack. The interception of international communication signals sent through the air is the job of NSA and thanks to modern technological developments, it does its job very well. The danger lies in the ability of the NSA to turn its awesome technology against domestic communication.

40 year old video of the church committee’s work. That was the chairman of the committee, ladies and gentlemen. Immediately to his right, Martin Knox is going to lead us in prayer. Chief counsel to the committee, Fritz Schwartz, who is our guest joining us throughout this series. He’s with us in New York. Elliot Maxwell here in Washington. Heavenly Father, we come before you today in the wake of 911 is something of how so much appreciation anybody who follows, but how well even when we don’t deserve it.

Thank you Father God for the love hardly at all the NSA that the word will go forth on the borders that we will understand. Okay, guys, I have a tab open someplace where somebody is talking and I don’t know where it is. So hold on a second here as I try to figure out their word that they have for you clearly and succinctly. And Father, we praise you right now and thank you in the name of Jesus, amen.

Thank you. Everybody would stay standing for the national anthem. All right, so sorry about that guys. I had a tab open that I did not know where it was coming from. So I was like freaking me out. I’m like, who’s talking to me? Okay, so sorry. That was a little funky. Um, so I’m not gonna put I’m not gonna play that anymore. I figured out what was going on.

All right, so I’m going to finish this off here with the men behind the curtain. This is all about Skull and Be. This will be very interesting because I’m sure the Bushes will be very prominent in this one. Ivy League schools are seen know, actually before I jump in here, I’m going to kind of give my own little take on some of the stuff that’s going on here.

We as a free country, we’re always said, oh, we’re a free country. In a free country, anything goes. And this is expressly why I think it was John Adams who said that our system of government is wholly and only viable for a populace of people with morals. We have to have morality in our country in order for a system of free government to take place. When you have a country that you know where anything goes, it requires self policing.

Which is why, for example, remember on January 6 when everybody was like calling out the feds, oh, that’s a fed, that’s a fed, that’s a fed. The political right is very good at policing itself because it recognizes when maximize my screen for this. It recognizes when something is awry. And we are good about saying, hey, no, that ain’t right. And then we get in there and we’ll say, hey, no, you’re not going to do that.

We’re going to rein that in. For me, at least, I think I’m pretty good about doing that. I’ll call somebody out who’s doing something wrong. And I know probably a good segment of the people that are watching my channel are probably of the same ilk. If you see something going on that’s wrong or that’s out of place or that is not correct, you will stand up for what’s right and say, no, I’m not going to let you do that.

That’s wrong. Well, when you have men that have ill intent, they get to operate freely and roam freely in a free society because there’s nothing stopping them. Whereas if you have someplace like the Soviet Union or some other country, what they do is then they close ranks and then they create all these laws and whatnot so that they can do the things that they want to do and not be exposed.

They can communicate amongst themselves and not be exposed to conservative forces like who we would be to stand up and say, no, you can’t do that. And then when we do stand up and say, no, you can’t do that, we are looked upon like what’s going on right now, essentially with the national security state turning their weapons of war against us because we are seen as a threat to them.

And that is exactly what’s going you know, when you go back and you listen to the video that Trump did I don’t know if Trump actually did. I think it’s a conglomeration a it’s an amalgamation of a couple of speeches that he gave or it could be one speech, I don’t remember exactly, but it said this video, the title of it was this Video will get Trump Elected.

And it talked about it was like a five minute video and it talked about how all the things that were wrong with the country and that this is really our last chance to save the country. And he wasn’t wrong. He was not wrong about that. We have good people that are willing to stand up and fight for what’s right. But the problem is that we’ve got way too many people in positions of power and that are actually a very small in number.

Their numbers are very small. Relatively speaking, it’s a very small percentage of the population. Yet they control so much stuff or so much of the population by virtue of the stuff that they’re doing with the foundations. And one of the primary reasons that the foundations are so important is because they can operate extra constitutionally. They aren’t bound by the constitutional rules because they’re privately run entities, so they can do whatever the heck they want to do.

And that’s why the government did the private public partnerships with all the tech companies. Because the tech companies, you go onto Twitter, you go onto Facebook or you go onto Instagram or whatever, and then what you do, you have to agree to the terms and conditions of those private companies, even though it’s the modern public square and we should have the constitutional right to have free speech. We are bound by these private companies rules and regulations, which are essentially communistic.

And then we stand up and say, hey, you can’t do this to us. And these institutions, basically they get to have their cake and eat it too, because they can do whatever the heck they want. But they bind us by these vague rules of community guidelines that they can just manipulate to whatever whim they want to make it so that we are hound and silenced and cut off at the knees.

It’s freaking horrible. But anyway, I digress. All right, I’m going to jump back in here and finish with this article about the Ivy League schools and Skull and Bones. Okay, so Ivy League schools are seen as some of the most prestigious universities in the world. All eight universities placed in the top 18 in the 2023 US. News and World Report National Universities ranking, including three IVs in the top five yale, Harvard and Princeton.

But the critical lesser known truths about these Ivy covered establishments reside in their origins and their additional moral hidden purposes. We like to talk about the deep state or the cabal a lot in this community. In my contributions to the Badlands substac, I try to offer what I’ve learned regarding the purported inner workings of the various factions that make up this geopolitical criminal syndicate. And the one thing I’ve yet to touch on is the alleged recruitment process and subsequent grooming of potential candidates through my research, or though my research indicates there are multiple paths to power, including being born into one of those cults or showing unusual promise.

For the purposes of this post, I’m going to keep things limited to the. Recruitment grooming process that has been thoroughly documented over the last few centuries at Yale University. Here are some telling numbers to give you a taste of why I am drawing connections between the Ivy League and the American deep state. As of 2020, Yale alone has graduated five US. Presidents, ten Founding Fathers, 19 Supreme Court justices, 31 living billionaires, 54 college funders and founders and presidents, many heads of state, cabinet members and governors, additionally, hundreds of members of Congress and many US.

Diplomats, 78 MacArthur Fellows, 263 Rhodes Scholars that’s a dangerous one right there. 123 Marshall Scholars, 122 Guggenheim Fellows and nine Mitchell Scholars have been affiliated with the university. A disclaimer I am not trying to say that graduating from Yale is a damning indictment. I am sure that there have been many positive figures who’ve passed through the university’s campus. But as you will see, over the course of this and the next installment of the series, there is a subversive recruitment and grooming process taking place behind closed doors at Yale.

And it cannot be mere coincidence that some of the names we will mention have been implicated in all manner of skullduggery, ranging from war crimes to depopulation. Yale traces its beginnings to a wouldbe charter called an act for Liberty to erect a collegiate colgate school passed during a meeting in New Haven by the General Court of the Colony of Connecticut on October 9 of 17. One in 1718, several men involved with the college contacted the successful Boston born businessman Elihu Yale to ask him for financial help in constructing a new building for the college.

Isaac Newton, who at that time is alleged to have been the grandmaster of the Order of Scion, would also help by donating books and money to the college. Both men had ties to secret societies operating behind the powerful East India Company. Ilyhu Yale started as a clerk, eventually rising up to the rank of the president of the British East India Company settlement in Fort St. George Madras. He later lost that position under charges of corruption for self dealing and was known for keeping slaves and supporting slave export a veritable cash cow for the East India Company.

So from its very inception, Yale had connections to the moving forces of the world. Perhaps more than anything, Yale is known for its exclusive senior societies. There are three societies at Yale that have for ages stood out among all others wolfshead, scroll and Key and the infamous Skull and Bones. Skull and Bones has also been known as the Order, or Order 322 or Brotherhood of the Death. Many of the leading members of the United States government and the American intelligence community receive their formal education at Yale, and many pass through the Skull and Bones.

The group was founded in 1832 and is the oldest and most prestigious of Yale’s secret societies. These fraternities serve as a recruiting ground for young men destined for careers in government, law finance and other influential sectors of American life. Skull and Bones is the elite of the elite. Among these secret societies, only scroll and key can claim a near equal influence on American affairs over the past 160 years.

These societies are not part of any nationwide public association and are cloaked in secrecy. The other elite Ivy School colleges Harvard and Princeton have similar exclusive secret societies. Yet even among these few universities the secret societies of Yale, led by Skull and Bones are unchallenged in their influence on American and political affairs though some claim that they aren’t as influential as they once were. This has been a common theme going back in time since well before the era of the Bushes and the Herringments.

One of the many enduring rumors is that Skull and Bones has an underground affiliation with other societies that were simultaneously founded at two other locations. The number 322 that appears under the skull and crossbones of the Orders emblem is believed by some to indicate the year of its founding, 1832 and the fact that it’s the second lodge within an internal system. By some accounts, the lodge holding the number one is in Germany and the lodge number three is based at another American college.

Since its founding, Skull and Bones has only inducted about 2500 members. At any given time, only about 600 or so members of the Order are alive. This small number underscores the tremendous concentration of power in the hands of its members. Some of the most notable or public facing members of Skull and Bones would be Alfonso Taft a founding member of the Order who served as the secretary of war under President Rutherford B.

Hayes. William Howard Taft the only man to serve ever to serve as both president and chief justice of the United States Supreme Court. Henry Lewis Stimson, a partner in the Wall Street law firm root and Stimpson secretary of War under President Taft, governor General of the Philippines from 1926 to 1928 secretary of State under President Herbert Hoover and Secretary of War under President Franklin Delano roosevelt and Harry S.

Truman. Avaril Harriman, an investment banker with Brown Brothers harriman and director of the Lend Lease Program of the US. State Department, 1941 42. US. Ambassador to the Soviet Union, 1943 to 46. Governor of New York under Secretary of State for Asia, 61 to 63 and presidential secretary secret envoy, two Soviet leaders stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev and and Dropov. That’s a very distinctive resume. Robert Lovett, a partner in Brown Brothers.

Harryman assistant Secretary of War for Air, 1941 to 45. Deputy Secretary of Defense. Secretary of Defense. 1950. A leading member of the New York Council on Foreign Relations. Harold Stanley investment banker and founder of Morgan Stanley. Robert A. Taft, United States Senator, 1930 to 1950. Prescott Bush, investment banker and partner in Brown brothers. Herriman, united States Senator from Connecticut. Father of George Herbert Walker Bush. And they don’t even talk about his involvement in the 1934 attempt at overthrowing the coup d’ETA of overthrowing FDR.

George Herbert Walker Bush. United States congressman from 64 to 1970 chairman of the Republican National Committee united States ambassador to the United Nations first American diplomat liaison to the People’s Republic of China director of the Central Intelligence Agency, 77 to 75 or 75 to 77. Vice President of the United States from 1980 to 88 and president of the United States from 89 to 93. John Thomas Daniels Agro.

Industrialist. Founder of Archer Daniels Midland. Hugh Wilson, foreign Service officer counselor to Japan from 1911 1921 us. Minister to Switzerland from 24 to 27 assistant Secretary of State, 37 38. Ambassador to Germany, 1938 special Assistant to the Secretary of State, 39 to 41. Office of Strategic Services, 41 to 45. The members of the Order of Skull and Bones, true to their firm, believe in constructive confusion. Confusion have intentionally allowed a series of conflicting mythologies to spring up about the origins and history of their secret fraternity.

According to one version of the order’s founding it was an outgrowth of an earlier British or Scottish freemasonic grouping first established at the All Souls College at Oxford University in the late 17th century. Another version of the history of Skull and Bones is that it grew out of the German nationalistic secret societies of the early 19th century. Still, a third explanation is that Skull and Bones is an uniquely American institution which adopted some of the rituals of European freemasonry but which molded these rituals and beliefs into a new form.

Regardless of these conflicting accounts, it can be stated with certainty that the Order was first established on the Yale campus in 1832. It was officially incorporated only in 1856 under the name Russell Trust Association. According to virtually all the available information on its early members the money required to sustain the secret orders, campus affairs and its broader role in placing its members into key positions of influence upon their graduation from Yale derived from the opium trade in the Far East.

That trade was set up by the British East India Company and was flourishing by the time the Treaty of Paris was signed in 1738 ending the American War for Independence. Did I say 1783? Um, let’s see. The East India Company during this period was controlled by the Barring Brothers Bank. Toward the closing decades of the 17th century the British House of Rothschild would supplant the Barring brothers as the controlling financial interests in the China opium trade.

Through the sponsorship of the Barrings and also of the Rothschilds a number of leading New England families some of whom had sided with Great Britain during the American Revolution were brought into the opium trade as junior partners. These merchant families ran fleets of ships and became extremely wealthy as the result of their association with the British East India Company. Among these keen New England merchant families were Cabot, Coolidge, Forbes, Higginson, Sturgis Lodge, Lowell, Perkins, Russell.

These New England merchant families founded the United States Fruit Company and the bank of Boston. The founding families of Skull and Bones included the Russell and Perkins families. Over several generations, however, all these families heavily intermarried and became, in effect, one extended power grouping. In his book America’s Secret Establishment, Anthony Sutton outlined the order of Skull and Bone’s ability to establish vertical and horizontal chains of influence that ensured the continuity of their conspiratorial schemes.

Sutton believes that Whitney Stimpson Bundy links exemplify what he calls the vertical chain. W. C. Whitney, class of 63, who married Flora Payne of the Standard Oil Pain dynasty, was Secretary of the Navy. His attorney was a man named Elihu Root. Root hired Henry Stimpson 88 out of law school. Stimpson took over from Root as Secretary of War in 1911. Appointed by fellow Bonesman William Howard Taft stimson later became Coolidge’s Governor General of the Philippines Islands, hoover’s Secretary of State and Secretary of War during the Roosevelt and Truman administrations.

Hollister Bundy was Stimpson’s special assistant and point man and the Pentagon for the Manhattan Project. His two sons. Also member of Skull and Bones were William Bundy and McGeorge Bundy. Both very active in governmental and foundation affairs, the Bundy family is often purported by conspiracy researchers to be one of particular importance. The two brothers, from their positions in the CIA, the Department of Defense and the State Department, and as a special assistant to Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, exercised significant impact on the flow of information and intelligence during the Vietnam War.

William Bundy went on to be editor of Foreign Affairs and the influential quarterly of the Council on Foreign Relations Affairs. McGeorge became president of the Ford Foundation. Another interesting group of Bonesmen is the harriman bush crowd. Avaril Harriman, elder statesman of the Democratic Party, and his brother Roland Herriman were very active members. In fact, four of Roland Farrow’s Bonesmen from the class of 1970 617 were directors of Brown Brothers Harriman, including Prescott Bush, george H.

W. Bush’s dad. Since the turn of the century, two investment bank firms, Guaranteed Trust and Brown Brothers Harriman were both dominated by members of Skull and Bones. These two firms were heavily involved in the financing of communism and Hitler’s regime. Bonesmen share an affinity for the hegelian ideas of the historical dialectic which dictates the use of controlled conflict. Thesis versus antithesis to create a predetermined synthesis. A synthesis of their making and design, where the state is absolute and the individuals are granted their freedoms based on their obedience to the state, a new world order.

And this could be here the use of control. Thesis, antithesis and synthesis. So thesis, antithesis, synthesis. Another way of saying that would be problem reaction solution. So problem reaction solution is basically kind of a layman’s definition of thesis and antithesis and synthesis. Funding and political maneuvering on the part of the Bonesmen and their allies helped the Bolsheviks prevail in Russia in defiance of federal laws, the Cabal finance Industries established banks and developed oil and mineral deposits in the fledgling USSR.

Later, Everl Herriman, as minister to Great Britain in charge of lend Lease for Britain and Russia, was responsible for shipping entire factories into Russia. According to some researchers. Herriman also oversaw the transfer of nuclear secrets, plutonium and US. Dollar printing plates to the USSR. In 1932, the Union Banking Corporation of New York City had enlisted four directors from the class of 17 cell and two Nazi bankers associated with Fritz Thieson, who had been financing Hitler since 1924.

From George Bush the Unauthorized Biography. President Franklin Roosevelt’s alien property. Custodian. Leo T. Crowley signed vesting Order number two four eight on 1117 of 42 seizing the property of Prescott Bush under the Trading with the Enemy Act. The order published in obscured government record books and kept out of the news note number four explained nothing about the Nazis involved, only that the Union Banking Corporation was run for the decent family of Germany and or Hungary nationals of a designated enemy country.

By deciding that Prescott Bush and other directors of the Union Banking Corporation were legally frontmen for the Nazis, the government avoided the mere important historical issue. In what way were Hitler’s Nazis themselves hired, armed and instructed by the New York and London cleak of which Prescott Bush was an executive manager? Four. New York Times, December 16, 1944. Ran a five paragraph page 25 article on actions of the New York State Banking Department.

Only the last sentence refers to the Nazi bank as follows the Union Banking Corporation, 39 Broadway, New York had received authority to charge its principal place of business to 120 Broadway. The Times omitted the fact that the Union Banking Corporation had been seized by the government for trading with the enemy and the fact that 120 Broadway was the address of the government’s alien property custodian. After the war, Prescott went on to become a US.

Senator from Connecticut and favorite golfing partner of President Eisenhower. Prescott claims responsibility for getting Nixon into politics and takes personal credit for his bringing Dick on board as Ike’s running mate in 1952. To be initiated into the Order of Skull and Bones, one must endure a ritual of selection called tapping. It is conducted by 15 senior classmen of Yale University who make up the current membership of the secret society.

They select 15 members of the junior class to be the Bonesmen the following year. Historically, Skull and Bones kept blacks, Jews and all other nonwasps from its ranks. Within the last 30 years, however, token members from these groups have been occasionally selected to join. Thus, in the most recent list of initiates to the Order, there is one Yale with a Jewish surname and even one with a Chinese name.

Naturally, in recent years, the Order has inducted members of homosexual rights groups on the campus into its ranks. Among the criteria for selection, apart from family ties to the order, which has always been an important factor is what is referred to by historians as members and the Three ordeals. These ordeals are intended to measure the prospective bonesman’s ability to make it in the world beyond the university campus and also the beginnings of their psychological conditioning.

The three ordeals consist of one boarding school the removal from the family unit to be placed in a loveless environment and conditioned into doing what one is told through the fear of physical abuse in the older generations or social repercussion. Two trial by nature in the older days. Bonesmen who have taken an eye to a potential initiate would abduct them and leave them in the wilderness outside of New Haven to test their will and survival ability.

This also adds to the trauma while determining how resolved an initiate might be. For affluent initiates have gotten off the hook by taking simple hunting excursions. War. The experience of combat during wartime is considered to be of special significance for the Bonesmen who’ve traditionally seen themselves as the elite of the New England Wasp warrior caste. Many Yale Bonesmen of President George Bush’s generation as the result of the outbreak of World War II went directly from prep school into the military service prior to their entering Yale.

For a majority of Bonesmen, the preferred military service has historically been with the US. Navy. During World War II, the Naval Air Corps was a particularly important track for future bones initiates in peacetime. Participation at Yale and military officers training is a desirable but not essential. The commitment to enter some branch of the military upon graduation is viewed with favor. Death and war is a recurring theme when it comes to Skull and Bones.

After the formal selection of the next group of the prospective Bonesmen there is an invitation followed by a formal initiation ceremony. First, the 15 senior class members who are the members of the order select a group of junior class members who are to be tapped for Skull and Bones. A group of Bonesmen proceed to the dormitory room of the tape. Upon reaching the door, they pound loudly. When the prospective member opens the door, a Bonesman will tap him on the shoulder and yell Skull and Bones, do you accept? If the candidate accepts a message wrapped with a black ribbon sealed by black wax with the skull and crossbones emblem and the mystical bones number 322 is handed to the tape.

The message appoints a time and a place for the candidate to appear on initiation night. Candidates are instructed to wear no metal objects or clothing. According to a 1940 Skull and Bones document the initiation ceremony involves the following kinds of things new man placed in coffin, carried into central part of building. New man chanted over and reborn into society removed from coffin and given robes with symbols on it.

A bone with his name on it is tossed into the bone heap of the start of every meeting. Strange rituals were caught on tape in the early 2000s. Within the Skull and Bones crypt, also known as the Tomb, there is what is referred to as a sacred room with the number 322. On the arched wall about the vault entrance is inscribed in German who was the fool? Who was the wise man? Beggar or king, whether rich or poor, all’s the same in death.

This quotation from a German Freemasonic ritual remains a source of controversy surrounding the original Skull and Bones. It is one of the bits of evidence cited by some of the Order’s most ardent critics that the group is Nazi like and singularly Germanic. In fact, the rituals of the Order are very much like the rituals employed by the Scottish and English Freemasonic Lodges. Some of the mystery and confusion surrounding these occult symbols and rituals is intentionally fostered by the Order itself.

Among the principles taught to the members of the Yale Secret Society are the value of ambiguity and secrecy. These values are not taught as part of a purely mystical or occult quasi religion. They are taught as valuable tools to be applied by the Bonesmen when they leave the insulated environment of the Yale campus and become officials of government, the intelligence community, the military or the private sector. Though people will try to tell you that it’s all good and fun and that it means nothing, there is a greater psychological purpose to all of this.

We’ve all seen and some may have experienced a cult like organization. Its inheritance seem alien to us. We cannot fathom what binds them and makes them zealous of their beliefs. The same psychology that keeps a cult in line is employed in the various fraternal organizations that mold and shape some deep state players. These people are ancient and masterous psycho, psychologists. Psychologists, psychologics. I’m butchering the hell out of that word.

Who’ve mastered the art of deception and manipulation. What can be done to the human psyche to elicit certain results has been thoroughly studied and applied in elite circles for ages, and is being done on an industrial scale with the advent of television and the internet in these same circles. These tactics are used to condition the neophyte, to place the machinations of the order above even family and God, making them more cold, calculating and able to compartmentalize natural emotions.

Authors note to learn more about the psychological conditioning employed by these cults, see James Rendell Noblet’s Cult and Ritual Abuse and Allison Miller’s Healing the Unimaginable. But be warned, reading these works expose you to knowledge of the most upsetting and depraved behavior humanity is capable of. Yeah, I probably will not be reading much of that, but anyway, guys, that is a lot today. That’s a lot. It’s disturbing, honestly.

Very disturbing. I haven’t been paying attention to the chat here, guys. I’ve just been reading. I just went right through and didn’t even check. So I’m going to come back here and look through some of the through some of the chat. Scroll back up in here. Warhammer, is everyone here Trump supporters? Well, I’ll tell you, Warhammer, I support Trump. So if you’re still here, I support Trump. I know there’s a lot of people who still think that Trump is involved in he is subversive and basically leading the lambs to the slaughter.

I don’t agree with that argument. I know there are some here who just they swear by that, but I’m not one of those people. Let’s see. I hate the Bush’s, Clintons, Obamas. It’s not just them. Karma. You got to realize, guys, that this is not something that the Bushes or the Clintons or the Obamas have done. The stuff that we are dealing with now, this goes back 100 to 150 years, and it’s been slowly accumulating to the point where we’re at now.

And the people like the Bushes and the Clintons and the Mean, they have inherited things that have just made it easy for them to do the things that they’ve done. But by no means are they the only people that are involved in you look at the Dulles brothers and you look at the Herrimans and you look at a lot of people that go back just all the stuff that you’re talking about here, going back into the class of 1917 at Yale.

So, I mean, there’s a lot of really nefarious people that have been operating in a manner that has been destructive to the Constitution of the United States a very long time. So you can’t necessarily exclusively blame just the recent presidents, although I will say that that doesn’t excuse their behavior, not by any stretch of the imagination. But to cast all the blame on recent presidents is naive. It’s just naive.

Okay, now you see why they tried to point out fundy. Let’s see here. Just kind of going through the chat really quick, guys. Yes. Linked. I was just connecting the dots. I mean, they’re pretty easy to connect when you have them up there. Let’s see. Karma says, my step grandfather raised me pretty much as an establishment guy until him and his partner invented a do based off the Tesla research they had access to in the Feds.

Confiscated it. Interesting. Then he wasn’t much of a fan of the government after that. I can imagine why. Hello, Arba. I’m not familiar with you. Nice to see you. Was I’m with you? I was loved and taught to be respectful and kind of let’s see, runs disturbing, but it’s all through our country and people don’t even know. Yes, I agree with that suspense 100%. Let’s see babylon. 100%.

Babylon. Yes. Okay. Yeah. Slingshot says reagan told me it goes way back. That’s interesting sling. Reagan told you that personally? Reagan told you that personally. Okay, guys, well, it’s been going at this for a couple of hours, so I’m going to cut it off and let you all go enjoy your Tuesday evening. Apologize for the hiccup earlier. It was unintended and today was just kind of turned out to be a little bit herky jerky.

But I tried to make the best out of it and I hope you guys got some out of this. I know I did. I actually learned a few things here today that I did not know. So it was worth it for me. I don’t know about you all, but it was worth it for me. So just a little house cleaning or whatnot? For those of you who are interested in the Christian or religious component of some of the stuff that I’ve posted, I posted a video last night, a third video of David Curtis called Inspiration in the Second Coming and he’s a predatorist.

And I’ll let you go watch it for yourself. And he is going to be joining the channel next Monday night, kind of telling his story, and then we’re going to open it up for you guys to be able to ask questions of him that any of you may have. So I encourage you to watch it. And if you have people I don’t want it to be a contentious thing, but if you’re going to have questions, I have no problems with that, but we don’t have to agree on everything.

But if you don’t agree with it, don’t be contentious with your questions or demanding or condescending. If you’re going to ask questions that you disagree with, then ask them with the idea that you want to learn and not from the perspective of you’re trying to oh, I gotcha type thing. I guarantee you you won’t. Gotcha. David Curtis, that dude is extraordinarily intelligent about the Bible. He teaches from the original Greek and Hebrew texts.

He does not teach from I mean, he does look through some of the some of the modern translations, but he actually goes back and teaches from the original the original languages and talks about and he compares the translations and whatnot and says, now this is a bad translation. Plus he reads a lot of the periodic literature from biblical times that’s not necessarily canonical. So he has a better understanding of what certain words meant and how they were used and whatnot.

Anyway, he has a very deep and thorough understanding of the Bible, of the original Bible, not the stuff that is out there now, just like the translations and whatnot. But anyway all right, guys. Yes. Thank you. You sent me an email and I forwarded that to David. Yeah. Yes. Sling the truth will reveal itself. We will see. We will see. I know that a lot of us have different philosophies and different belief systems on what things may happen and what may not happen.

There’s a lot of stuff out there and some of us know and some of us think we know. But like you said, all truth will be revealed in time. I don’t know if all truth will be revealed, but I think a significant amount of truth is going to be revealed. And when I get done with this tonight, I’m going to actually go back and I’m going to finish the Cliff High thing, and I’m probably going to watch before I go to bed tonight, I’ll probably watch the Wan and the Algier video as so anyway.

All right, guys. Well, on that note, I’m going to bid you all a pleasant good evening and wish you all the very best. I will look forward to seeing you guys tomorrow. Probably about I think I’m going to do 04:00 p. m. . I really like the 04:00 p. m. Time, which is 07:00 p. m. Eastern. I really like that because it allows me to go a little bit longer and still be able to enjoy a little bit of my evening.

So I’m probably going to be sticking with the 04:00 p. m. Time anyway. Thank you. Karma, great to see you here. Thank you, Sling. I appreciate that. And I wish everybody a very pleasant good evening and see you all mana, everybody. .



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