The Auto Industrys Next Big Crisis – Stellantis is Going Down

Posted in: I Allegedly, News, Patriots



➡ Stellantis, one of the big three automakers, is facing financial difficulties. They’ve laid off 400 employees from their electric car division due to high production costs and are struggling to pay their bills. This has led to conflicts with the auto workers union and discussions about leaving the U.S. Additionally, the high cost of new cars and interest rates are causing financial strain for consumers, leading to suggestions of buying cheaper, used cars instead.


Hey, it’s Dan. Welcome back. You’re watching IAllegedly and I’ve got a good one for you today because you get a bonus video today Because what would happen if one of our big three automakers went out of business went down for the count and We have to ask that question today Plus if you guys are on the email list You should check your spam filter if you didn’t get the email to make sure you get it because it was stellar It was rated as one of the greatest emails in the history of the United States According to my mom so fantastic news Anyways Check it out.

Okay Let’s talk about this Stellantis. I’ve had a lot of stories sent to me about Stellantis Remember Ford GM used to be Chrysler now It’s Stellantis and that is one of the big three automakers. Now. Here’s the thing about this They’ve had nothing but problems this year They recently laid off 400 employees in their electric car division and they said hey We’re trying to keep our costs down But it’s costing an average of 40% more to build an electric vehicle than it is a gas powered vehicle And we are losing money on these right now We need to fix our costs and we don’t know how to do it yet Okay, what’s the name of the electric vehicle for Stellantis? Okay, if it would save my life, I don’t know it.

There’s nothing like oh, wow. Look at that go down the road Okay, it’s it’s it’s ridiculous. Okay Stellantis Laid off the 400 they are not paying vendors right now They are not paying their bills right now and are having nothing but problems with The auto workers union because they want to cut hours and cut jobs and they may not make it they’ve talked about leaving the United States completely right now and What would happen if they went out of business? Seriously, would that would that be a terrible thing? Would it be the worst thing who knows but once again the auto industry used to drive everything You know states like Ohio states like Michigan these places were auto driven states and now You know Michigan is you know a hellhole It’s got real problems there right now and you don’t have the auto part industry in Ohio and these other states like you’ve had in the past and The thing about this is that New cars are so expensive right now the average car payment for a new car right now Just over 800 bucks a month That’s crazy guys $802 a month.

You’ve got interest rates that are over 7% on an average for good credit Still high guys high and that’s them trying to give you a deal right now But if you have bad credit all bets are off I’ve got people that write me stories about 18% car loans and I Dan you don’t understand I have to buy this car and I have to get this you don’t have to do anything guys Go out and get a personal loan from somebody and buy a three thousand dollar car You know guys, I don’t drive.

You know a Porsche. I don’t drive a Ferrari I don’t drive anything like that, you know, I drive my late girlfriend’s Prius right now Okay, and the it’s very inexpensive to fix. That’s what you should do. And you know what? Let me think about my car payment every month. Oh, yeah, I don’t have one Okay, that’s what that’s where you need to be guys Just because people have money you shouldn’t spend it all the time remember that as well, but The automakers not paying its bills. They are putting people off 60 days 90 days, you know There is a great channel TK’s garage who really has his pulse on Everything automotive everything gas-powered a car guy’s car guy.

Okay, and I’ll leave the link below for TK’s Channel, but I want you to think about this, you know Alejandro who was mr. Electric car. He was great in March I want to reach out to him and talk to him about some stuff that’s going on But TK really knows his stuff and this got me started because TK start doing some videos on this and how Stellantis You know when you’re not paying your vendors and you’re telling vendors listen We need to go from 60 days to 90 days or 60 days to An undisclosed amount of time to where we won’t tell you how long it’s gonna be who would put up with that Once again in my last video I talked about friends that completely changed their companies because they got rid of their receivables by Having somebody be just at a hound on the phone with everybody and is it is it terrible? Is it a horrible job? Yes, pay this person a bonus.

Get me my money. Get me my money But you’re seeing so many people right now that are out of business. Now next thing is Nissan Nissan just announced a recall of 83,000 older cars and again, this is bad because it’s those takeda Airbags that could go off that could not go off and they’ve had 58 injuries one person died as a result of this The problem with an airbag if you have an airbag explosion, you can say well, I wanted a 58 That’s probably not that bad Dan, but if you own a 2002 to 2004 car You know, it’s the centra the Pathfinder the Lexus qx-4 if you want any of those I’m telling you bring them in because they they don’t they do not drive.

How about that? That’s the warning the warning is do not drive the vehicle Well, how unsafe is that do you think that if you go and you’re looking for an inexpensive car? That’s 20 years old. You think that they’re gonna say hey, hey Dan, this is on the do not car list But we buffed it out for you. It’s kind of clean Don’t you think got that old car smell with a hundred and fifty thousand miles in it, you know, so The ridiculousness of The auto industry right now is that it’s going to crash.

Will it just be Stellantis, will it be more is are all these other places gonna have trouble the one that grabbed hold of this The first was Toyota Toyota said we’re not gonna go pedal to the metal on Eevee cars we have to have hybrids which again the Prius’s are hybrids the best Prius’s are the ones you don’t have to plug in The people I know they have plug-in Prius’s take that to a hotel So it’s a complete headache take that to your apartment complex again a complete headache. It’s an absolute disaster so You’re seeing more and more things with cars right now California wants to have a governor put on new cars so that you two things here in California Which is funny first thing as a governor to slow cars down That can only go a certain speed and if the government wants to slow you down they can set the speed You know, we thought about this.

We want speed to be 45 miles an hour in the freeway click click Click all those cars are gonna be 45 miles an hour. Isn’t that terrible? Isn’t that terrible now, here’s the other thing is there is a A Congressperson in California that wants to have a law that if your car if someone speeds by you it will beep at them Beep beep if they go too fast by you Okay, and if they’re over 10 miles an hour of the speed limit that would kind of be fun We should just all buy bullhorn to just squeeze them at everybody that’s driving over 10 miles an hour over the speed limit, you know some of this stuff when you think about it guys It’s just stupid, you know And again, these are our politicians that are doing this when we have homeless people sleeping in the streets You have children that are going hungry that their only meal is lunch and summer is here You know, I just heard hey, you know people are graduating It’s always a sad time for me because I I have supported this charity in Florida Joseph dream house with Fran Glover and she’s she taught me about you know food insecurity I hate the word.

It’s whole people that are are starving people that are hungry families that are hungry But once school ends there are families where kids will not eat Because there’s no school lunch. Isn’t that terrible because the parents are broke. All those parents are terrible Dan They’re awful people. They should take care of their children. Okay, whatever. It’s the kids fault, you know, it is it is it is a Couple things that are not auto-related first things is Kohl’s the Kohl’s stores are trying to revolutionize the company and Turn it around and they’re saying basically it’s going to be a collapse because Kohl’s is not doing well So they thought they’d be able to turn this place around and it’s going to be a collapse So read the story below on that which I thought was a great title collapse.

But anyways The next thing is Ticketmaster Ticketmaster got hacked But this isn’t just any hacking Ticketmaster has been in the news lately and they’ve been in the news because they had their antitrust issues with charging people too much and and The Taylor Swift nonsense and everything you’ve heard about but here’s the worst thing they got hacked for 560 million customers, so it’s everybody who’s ever been in Ticketmaster account they got your data all of ours mine too. Don’t forget that all my emails everything So if you’ve ever bought tickets from Ticketmaster, they have your data But what’s happening is CBS News is reporting this that the black hat group that did this Is trying to sell it and we can buy it for 500 grand so you could have access to five hundred million 560 million people for five hundred grand.

That’s cheap man. That’s like a tenth It’s less than a tenth of a cent per person you get that so you can go buy that in the black market right now right now and now the final story which this is great general motors just patented a Patent that will make it so that if you have road rage your car will be taken over by a GM computer And you will not be in control. So if you you know, you’re driving down the freeway and you get furious because Somebody was falsely accused of 34 crimes and got convicted and you’re getting mad at that your car They would they would drive it away.

You know what I mean? Oh my god, okay, so Ridiculous so GM wants to take over your car and wants to have a patent for road rage So if you get upset driving Your car would be you know Control would be handled by the computer. Okay, it’s good to know Please do not forget to hit the like button Please don’t forget to subscribe to the channel check your email list. If you’re part of the email check your email account and Check the spam filter. Make sure you got the email cuz I private little video on there for you, too.

And again guys You want to get a hold of me? Hello at I alleged the comm join the email list Because we send out at least two a month sometimes more and we’re gonna have a bunch of giveaways coming out a bunch of cool stuff Don’t give up guys. Don’t give up on anything remember that Make your own future Be kind to everybody and good things will happen to you. Okay. I’ll see you very soon You

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buying cheaper used cars financial strain for car consumers high car interest rates high cost of new cars high production costs Stellantis Stellantis conflicts with auto workers union Stellantis discussions about leaving the U.S Stellantis financial difficulties Stellantis layoffs electric car division Stellantis struggles to pay bills

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