Tchaikovskys Trepak (Russian Dance) Shows the Ukrainian War is Really a Civil War

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➡ The host on the David Knight Show shares his insights while looking for pieces of Russian music, touching upon the cultural overlaps and conflicts between Russia and Ukraine, including the origins of the Traypack dance and the shifting headquarters of the Orthodox Church due to historical invasions and civil wars.


Let go. You’re listening to the David Knight show. Hey, and that’s those voices again. I was like, oh, I got just a perfect way to update the Russian dance. Which, by the way, another story about that. Okay, so I’m looking for the ORC distro parts to that a lot of notes. That’s one of the things that supposedly the emperor said to Mozart. Too many notes. Too many notes.

Well, I’d have to say that piotor Chaikovsky about that. A lot of notes there I had to do. But anyway, I was looking for the score everywhere I looked, russian dance from the Nutcracker. And everywhere it say Traypack, tray pack, if I’m pronouncing that correctly. What is that even on the music? It said the tempo was Tempo d trey Pack. So I had to look it up, and it turns out that the tray pack is this dance that the Russians do where they cross their arms and they squat down, they kick their legs out.

You’ve all seen them do so that’s what it was about. And that was the tempo, I guess, that they would typically do that. So when I looked it up, it said it was a Ukrainian dance. So I guess Tchaikovsky got it wrong. It’s actually the Ukrainian dance, not the Russian dance. But no, when you look at Ukraine and Russia, you understand that what this really is is a civil war that we’ve gotten involved in.

When you go back and you look at the Russian Orthodox Church, right, that began in Ukraine, but then as they had Muslims who were attacking Ukraine, they moved centuries ago, several centuries ago, they moved the headquarters from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church to Russia. And so they had their head of their church, the Patriarch, or whatever they call him, has been in Russia all that time. And then Zelensky and Ukraine has been a part of Russia, for better or worse, for four or 500 years.

And the British, when they fought Russia and the Crimean War, okay, that was all Russia as. So what we really have here is two people that the Ukrainians have a very strong culture. They created the tray pack dance and the Orthodox Church that became the Russian Orthodox Church. And even the Christmas carol of the Bells, right, ring Christmas Bells, that’s Ukrainian song that somebody put Christmas lyrics to.

And so there’s a lot of strong culture there. And maybe one of the reasons why Stalin decided that he would starve them to death with a halodor, because they’re too strong culturally. And then we get into the modern times. And of course, the Obama administration decides that the way that you can weaken Russia is to essentially break off Ukraine and to then have a to further subdivide that into a civil war right on the Russian border.

Because you have people after Ukraine said, we’re going to leave Russia, and I supported that. It’s like, yeah, they should be able to have self government. America was created on the right of secession even though lincoln did not respect that. During civil war you had as Virginia seceded from the union, you had people in western Virginia said well we’re going to leave Virginia. So they said okay, you can go.

And I talked about that at the time. When that happened a decade ago, I said so if Ukraine says they have a right to self government and they can secede from Russia, then of course the areas like crimea, who would like to remain with Russia because culturally they’re attached to Russia, they should have that right as well. So just like west Virginia became seceded from Virginia, crimea should be able to secede from Ukraine and yet for eight years they shelled those people and so now Russia’s invaded and now the Zelensky’s arresting Russian orthodox church leaders and confiscating property and monasteries that they’ve had for centuries and all this kind of stuff.

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civil wars and Orthodox Church conflicts between Russia and Ukraine cultural overlaps Russia Ukraine David Knight Show insights historical invasions impact on Orthodox Church Orthodox Church shifting headquarters Russian music exploration Traypack dance origins

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