NO these are NOT Just Contrails (and heres WHY!)

“Peggy Hall talks about her worries regarding strange patterns in the sky, possibly due to chemicals sprayed by planes. She questions why this is happening and who’s behind it, including Bill Gates and Harvard University. She also addresses people’s doubts and speculates on the reasons for this, like controlling the weather.” …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

How to Explain this is NOT Normal… | The Healthy American Peggy Hall

The Healthy American Peggy Hall talks about how chem trails are not normal

The Healthy American Peggy Hall talks about her worries regarding strange patterns in the sky, possibly due to a project funded by Bill Gates and Harvard University. She questions the reasons behind it and encourages us to do the same. She also hints at darker motives, like depopulation, and urges us to question the intentions behind such actions. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.


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