I believe what the Declaration of Independence says, that all men are created equal. She’s equal. She doesn’t have to get arrested because she didn’t give her seat to a… And that happened on December 1st, 1955. Elizabeth. That was during my lifetime. I was three years old when that happened. And I cannot believe that we were that stupid that we would enforce such a law like that and a very good person. A law-abiding citizen because she didn’t do that. Do I need to ask the judge permission to exercise moral dignity and not arrest her? You know what the cops should have done? They should have stood by her, shook her hand and escorted her home safely and then provided extra patrol for her and her family to make sure that no one came and burned crosses or burned their house or lynched them or beat them.
And that’s my job as a peace officer. That’s my job as a sheriff to protect them from the criminal element and gangs, KKK or whoever. But that’s my job and I don’t need to ask a judge to do that. That’s my job. [tr:trw].