The text discusses various conspiracy theories and criticisms of government actions, media coverage, and societal changes. It questions the authenticity of several historical events and criticizes the media for allegedly covering up these “frauds”. The text also expresses concern over the control and censorship of information, suggesting that even local news is not free from manipulation. Lastly, it criticizes certain policies and societal changes, such as open borders and the normalization of pedophilia.
The text discusses various political opinions, focusing on Kamala Harris and her role in the Biden administration. It suggests that Harris doesn’t have her own policies and is not capable of creating them. The text also mentions a trend on TikTok mocking Harris and Biden, and ends with a discussion about Harris’s alleged disability. The text criticizes the Democratic party and accuses them of deception and propaganda.
The text discusses the current state of political leadership, focusing on Kamala Harris and her speeches. It criticizes her for her presentation style and content, suggesting she lacks substance and preparation. The text also mentions a potential shift towards global governance, suggesting that the current leaders are being portrayed as incompetent to make this transition more acceptable. The author expresses concern about this potential shift away from representative democracy.
The text discusses concerns about the loss of national identity due to migration and rising crime rates. It criticizes the United Nations, blaming it for societal issues and suggesting that the solution is to withdraw from the organization. The speaker advocates for the passage of the “Disengaging Entirely from the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023” and encourages people to challenge their representatives and presidential candidates on this issue. The text also claims that the United Nations cannot legally create treaties, suggesting that membership in the organization is fraudulent.
The text discusses the idea of the United States and other countries leaving the United Nations (UN), suggesting this could weaken the organization. It criticizes the UN’s effectiveness in maintaining global peace, citing various conflicts since its establishment in 1945. The text also raises concerns about alleged mercenaries paid by the UN, and urges people to take action against what it sees as a threat to humanity. The speaker emphasizes the need for skepticism and mobilization to counter these perceived threats.
Where it turns out that two of the planes, flight eleven north tower and 77, Pentagon, were not even in the air that day. And where the other two, flight 93, for example, was over Champaign Urbana, Illinois, after it purportedly crashed in Shanksville. And flight 175 was over Harrisburg and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, after it had officially hit the south Tower, where I obtained FAA registration records demonstrating that the physical aircraft used for those two flights were not even formally deregistered or taken out of service until the 28 September 2005, raising questions such as how can planes that were not even in the air have crashed on 911? And how can planes that crashed on 911 have still been in the air four years later? General stubbleby not only agreed with all the evidence I’d amassed, but added additional reasons why I was correct.
I held him in huge esteem, Doctor Rima, as I do you. And we miss him dearly. Dearly. This is true. Thank you so much for having me, Jim. I think you were about to say something else. Go ahead. Well, I was just going to invite your further comments before we turn to the latest political developments at the, in Chicago, at the DNC, where it was absolutely fantastic, Kamala Harris gave it speech that truly was a fantasy because it was completely disconnected from facts. In fact, the whole DNC was predicated on the assumption that Donald Trump had been in office and responsible for the open borders, the surge in crimes, transgender surgeries, and all the other mishaps and blunders, including support for the genocide in Gaza, which have been our legacy from the Biden Harris administration.
They are running a campaign that is supposed to deceive the american people into thinking it’s been Trump in office all these years and not Biden Harris. I’m telling you, reva, it’s astonishing, the gaslighting taking place. Some commentators have said this is the greatest mode of deception and propaganda ever perpetrated on the american people by the american media. And I think they got it right. It’s actually really a part of a continuation. You use the word gaslighting. It’s a very, very important concept. In 1948, I’m sorry, 1945, Harry S. Truman gaslit the Senate of the United States and the president pro tem of the Senate, who had replaced Truman when he, earlier that year, became the president on April 12 of 1945 and was no longer the president of the Senate.
And by the way, that means that Harry S. Truman knew the rules of Senate procedure very, very well. In 1945, Harry S. Truman gaslit the Senate and said, I want you to ratify the chart. Give me permission to sign and ratify the charter of the United nations and the Constitution of the World Health Organization. But there is no such thing as ratification of the signing of a charter, is only ratification of a treaty. And in fact, the Senate was gaslit to believe that they were voting to ratify a treaty. But you can’t have a treaty with a non sovereign state.
And the United nations is not a sovereign state. Never has been, never will be. And therefore, all of the hoop doodle about joining the United nations and the United States was one of the five countries that was necessary to join to create the United nations, to bring it into being. Springing from the brow of Harry S. Truman, like Athena from Boos’s brow, all of that was gaslighting. And all of the flap doodle and twinkle toes nonsense about the United nations bringing us peace and the World Health Organization bringing us health, not holocaust. All of that. And UNESCO and UNICEF and the International Monetary.
Every bit of everything that the world knows about the United nations and all of its component pieces is nothing but gaslighting. And that could not have been accomplished without exactly the same press manipulation that is responsible for the fake pandemic, that is responsible for the idiocy of. It was Trump who was responsible for the Biden Harris policies. And by the way, I am not an unenthusiastic Trump supporter, but I am a big supporter of reality. So this is a mere continuation, but an acceleration of global gaslighting. And I want to say a note of appreciation to you, Jim.
Your work in exposing one gaslighting episode after another, gas lighting episode after another, has been seminal in the understanding of many, many people around the world. So the fact that you’re taking the flak for it and are still taking the flak for it, tells us that you’re really a very important, and, dare I say, heroic figure, whom I appreciate enormously, because lesser folk would have retired from the fray with the savagery that’s come at you. Well, those are wonderful, kind words. Of course, the state has responded by using Google as its agent, actually Amazon as its agent, to ban six of my blogs, not only on Sandy Hook, but the bus and bombing, Orlando and Dallas, Charlottesville, Parkland, even the moon landing, which was another humongous scam, this one worldwide.
So there’s reason to think that because they banned the book, it wasn’t because they weren’t selling this Sandy hook book, for example, it sold nearly 500 copies the first month it was on sale, but they had to ban it because it was too good. And indeed, I released it for free as a PDF, which they hadn’t anticipated, which sources have told me has been downloaded millions of times. Which was ultimately why they had to bring the lawsuit against me to find a way to try to staunch the leaks by having a court case they could take to the sources releasing it for free and threaten them with a suit against themselves if they continued to download.
But where I have now released a redacted version, I was being sued over three sentences in the book declaring that death certificate for a purported decedent, Sandy Hook, to be fake, and one in another memorandum edited with Robert David Steele, Sandy Hook truth for then President Donald J. Trump. And those are now available to be downloaded for free on my blog. Go to and if you scroll on the front page, about five pages back, you’ll find fake news, the truth versus Alex Jones. And if you scroll to the bottom of the blog, you can download both the redacted version of nobody died at Sandy Hook and redacted version of Sandy Hook Truth, which I encourage everyone to do, especially because I just learned that the Democrat National Convention is all in on Sandy Hook, that they brought purported survivors of the shooting onto their convention floor, and they’re continuing to push propaganda which was designed by the Obama administration to be a rationale for taking our guns, fabricating event that would show what could happen if we take guns away from the american people.
For which they laid a legal basis by nullifying the Smith Mudd act of 1948 by means of the Smith Modernization act of 2012. Just in time to bring a Sandy Hook remo, where, as I know you’re aware, the Smith Munn act precluded the use of the same techniques and propaganda, staged advanced fake shootings and a host of others within the United States that were being used without. So Obama unleashed a tidal wave of propaganda on the american people, which the public is now beginning to appreciate is what they’ve been subjected to all these years, the DNC convention itself being a spectacular example thereof, because it was based upon very specific lies about the history of the country and the actions of the Biden Harris administration, for which he has sought to evade responsibility by doing no interviews, no talks, which would reveal that she’s absolutely a numbskull.
I’m embarrassed, Reba. I spent 35 years a professor of philosophy, evaluating my students intellectual capabilities, and had. I had Kamala, I could assure you she has a functional intelligence of a fourth grader. It’s embarrassingly bad. Listen to some of her presentations. And it’s impossible not to draw that conclusion when they aren’t fully scripted using teleprompters, which is why, of course, she’s evading every opportunity to do a sit down conversation and has sought to evade doing a debate with Trump, which I think will be her unravelling, just as was a debate between the fake Joe Biden, who’s now deceased, and replaced by another fake, who’s four inches taller during his debate with Donald Trump.
Rima, a couple of things. First of all, you, better than anybody else on the planet of whom I’m aware, can answer this question that’s been ringing in my head for quite a while. And that question is, how come these fake events are done so badly? When George Floyd was lifted up and put onto a stretcher, you could see that it was a resuscitation dummy because there were no legs. And that was the second time that you could see there were no legs. How come at the Boston marathon bombing, there was snow, blood, and then there was blood? How come.
How come. How come. How come these. How come planes that were purportedly crashed into the ground and into buildings were in the air, and the FAA records were still available and were not decertified for four years after the event? How is it possible, and it’s terrifying for people on the public payroll to be so incredibly stupid, incompetent, floppy, and witlessly foolish? I mean, we’re paying them good money. Can’t they even get a deception? Right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That’s a great question. There are a couple of aspects of this. One is those who are perpetrating these frauds aren’t rocket scientists.
They make mistakes. San Diego is egregious because it was perhaps the very first state sponsored volkswagen right here in the USA, and they made lots and lots of blunders. They continued through other cases, like Parkland, where they forgot to put up the obituaries for the students of 17 who allegedly had died of only one appears for that day. It’s an elderly woman, 84, wasn’t a student. High school in Parkland, Florida. You sure she wasn’t getting her GED? And it goes on from there. But they’ve also discovered, Rema, that it doesn’t matter, that because the media is supporting them, they can be as sloppy as they want and nobody’s going to expose it.
Let me give you a classic example that may surprise even you if you are not aware. The afternoon of the assassination at JFK on the 22 November 1963, the major networks reporting two wounds that had been exposed from Parkland. A small, clean puncture wound, a wound of entry described three times by doctor Malcolm Perry, who performed a simple tracheostomy incision as a wound of entry. During the Parkland press conference and subsequently following up on Malcolm Kilduff, the acting press secretary reported it was a simple matter of a bullet right through the head while pointing to his right temple.
Attributed Admiral George Berkeley the president’s personal position. They were extensively reporting on radio and television those two wounds such that later in the afternoon when the Secret Service and the FBI were reported to have agreed that were only three shots fired from above and behind, Frank McGee on NBC was nobodys fool says this is incongruous. How can the man have been shot from in front, the throat and the right pebble shot from behind? And of course, it was a major conundrum. I think the public held its breath for the year until we had the Warren report that then confirmed the lone gunman three shot scenario.
But in the back of their mind, having been absorbed by the reports from Dallas that day, they knew something was wrong. Didn’t add up. If you put together those two shots from in front with the ones reported initially, a shot to the back of JFK about five and a half inches below the collar, just to the right of the spinal column, a shot to John Conley’s back, which accented his chest, and then a shot to the back of the head of JFK, which they claimed had been the shot that killed him. Then you do have four of the five hits that Jack actually received because he was first hit in the back.
Then he was hit in the throat. Then the driver pulled the limousine to the left and do a halt to make sure he’d be killed. He was hitting the back of the head. He slumped forward, jack eating back up, and he was hitting the right temple. Now, we’ve discovered from doctor David Mantig’s research where he’s the leading expert on the medical evidence in the world today, near simultaneous side of the head fired from the curbside sewer opening. So there were actually five hits to JFK. But the fact that they could report massively, extensively, in detail, two shots from the front, the whole afternoon of the assassination, and later cover it up with a whitewash by the Warren commission, I think, greatly enhanced their belief they could get away with anything.
They could lie as baldly to the american people as they like, and the vast majority would just sop it up and allow themselves to be played. Unfortunately, you lay it out perfectly. There’s just no workmanship left, no quality of endeavor being perpetrated, being held up in the minds and hearts of the people, lying to the world. It is. My goodness, what is the matter with these people? Maybe they’re all. Well, of course, this predates the mRNA jab. No, I’m being ironic, obviously. I mean, if I were. If I were constructing an action like that, I’m sure I would do better at the details.
I’m sure I would have legs on the dummy and blood on the ground. I’m pretty sure I’m good at that. Well, they use dummies a lot. Even at Parkland. We have a video clip from inside a classroom where black train dummy with no head and no arms, a pool of fake blood and then fake cops rushing in and out. Because while the public doesn’t know Parkland gave up their police force years, they’ve now actually gone onto the Internet and changed when Barkland gave up his police force from, like, around 2012 to 2020, since the event occurred, 2018, to cover it up that it’s such an obvious, blatant fraud.
But then that’s what they’re doing, Rima. They’re revising history with all the censorship on the Internet. Just to give you one example, hundreds and hundreds of videos exposing the Sandy hook fraud because it was so clumsy, so awkward, have been removed from the Internet on specious grounds. But where Google and YouTube have been highly accommodating and cover up these frauds perpetrated by the american government, I mean, it’s disgusting. The press that was supposed to help keep us free by being a critic of governmental actions and exposing their deceptions and the truth for the american people, have utterly failed.
They’ve been co opted. I believe this was part of the genius of the Rothschild enterprise to take control of the american media, so that now the very small number of sources we have, the AP and Reuters, for example, are both owned by the Rothschilds. Virtually all foreign reporting comes through the AP and the Reuters, and therefore has a zionist spin. Only local news is free, intends to be accurate and timely, but virtually nothing else. Reema, you have to do a lot of research and exercise critical thinking to sort out what’s really going on in the world today.
No, you say local news is. Is still accessible and free. There’s an app or a program that I get notifications from called nextdoor, and apparently lots of people subscribe to nextdoor with neighborhood news. I have plants for sale. There’ll be a block party on such and such a corner at such and such a time. Politically unacceptable posts are removed routinely from this supposedly neutral source of. And I’m talking about extremely benign ones where you have to scratch your head and say, why would that be removed? What’s there? So anything that threads its way back to something that might be, be wrong think, or might open the door to wrong think, even in benign venues like that, is carefully controlled.
That’s very, very concerning. It used to be a truism that history is written by the victors. Now history is written by the censors. Yes, I think that’s even more ominous. Yes. Yes, I do agree. Well, let me share with you a few of the latest stories here about what’s going on in terms of the nation. Here are five takeaways from the democratic convention as Harris accepts the nomination. Now, this is from NBC. So this is a very conventional report. Vibes and joy over policy, but without really acknowledging the policy, to be open borders, to be surgical and chemical transitions of boys from girls without permission of the parents, turning criminals back, which is now called, as Barack Obama’s male wife said, which is now called love.
Now, children are supposed to be allowed to love whom they choose, which means their bodies can be mutilated at whim. Pretty interesting. And, you know, in California, there’s even a move to legalize pedophilia. Was it preposterous? That’s a worldwide move. We could talk about the Rutgers foundation and the gates support that. And the comprehensive sexuality education, which is based on the Rutgers foundation and Parenthood texts and premises and is being implemented worldwide, courtesy of UNESCO, UNICEF, and the United nations, that is, and the judicial reform of the United nations, all of which are designed to legalize and worse, normalize.
Peter Feely. Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt you. Oh, no, no. That was totally appropriate. And, you know, the basic problem here is that children cannot give informed consent to sex with adults. They have no idea what it entails, how it’s going to affect their lives. So this is a fundamentally abusive and clearly not merely immoral, but grossly illegal in the very idea that a state like California would move to legalize it is outrageous and obscene and it’s disgusting as a Democrat party basically supports and subscribes to all these abuses of children. We have Harris praising Biden, but trying to pretend his policies are not her policies, which, of course, is absurd until you realize that Kamala’s a meaningless twit, that she doesn’t have a mind of her own.
Speaker one. Wait, wait. I have to, I have to disagree with you. Go ahead. Amala Harris has been the vice president to Joe Biden. These are, these are shutter inducing phrases that I’ve just given you, but unfortunately, they’re true, and he has had. She is speaking the truth. They were not her policies. Kamala Harris is, in my estimation, and I’m speaking both professionally and personally, not capable of having a policy. Therefore, the woman is telling the truth. Not only her truth, but the truth. They’re not her policies because nobody, not even, it’s somebody in the dysfunctional, globalist, sock puppet regime of Joe Biden, nobody would give her the least notice so that anything she said could become a policy.
The woman has no policies, so she’s speaking accurately. When she said, I didn’t do that, she didn’t do anything. Yes, I accept that. Correction, that amendation. You’re absolutely right, Rema. I agree 100%. We were, there were worries with pallets of bricks being put on every street corner. We’d have a repeat of 1968, a massive protest movement, but it did not materialize. What there was was suppressed and censored, but it appears to have been a very faint shadow of the past. A broad anti Trump coalition. Yes, yes, yes. You go through the DNC and you find Trump’s name mentioned hundreds of times.
The border, a handful. Taxation a handful, crime on the street, migration, barely mentioned at all. So they were focusing and continuing their anti Trump campaign. And as I suggest, even pretending the policies that Harris is promising to correct were not her own or those of the Biden administration of what she was a part. Meanwhile, the Obamas and celebrities steal the show. What has been going on with Harris in terms of her campaign is theyve been piggy banking over local popular musicians and celebrities when in fact, they had honest in Raleigh, North Carolina, without a celebrity, only a few dozen turned up because nobody cares about Kamala Harris.
And when they show these vast crowds, such as in Detroit, at the harbor crowd that must have numbered 10,000, it turns out to have been photoshopped. I do shows with David Zublick, who lives in Detroit. He even called out to the airport. No one is allowed on the tarmac, much less 10,000. So they’re doing all this fabrication. As far as the Obama stealing the show, yes, Michelle, who of course is a man with breast implants, gave a spectacular speech. But I do not know how the american people would react if they recognize the truth of what Joan Rivers revealed so long ago.
But she was asked out, we have our first black president. Are we going to have a first gay president? And she responded, we already do with Obama, and added, and Michelle is a tranny. Everybody knows. Well, I think not everybody knows, but Rem, I think is going to come as a shock as people learn more and more about another gross deception perpetrated by the Democrat party. Party. Well, unfortunately, I think by this time, the propaganda that everything is okay, everything is equivalently okay. And so it’s really just another way to love is going to be banged into the media, apparently.
I saw a clip and with fake, fake news and GCI, who knows? But I saw a clip of Michelle Obama on the Oprah Winfrey show saying that he, and it’s really important if we believe this is a biological male to use the correct pronouns. They get all exercise about pronouns. Okay. Michelle Obama, he said that he was going to run for president as a man. Now, if that was not a GCI manipulation, that’s really quite extraordinary. I can switch my gender out, I can change my wardrobe, and the american people can be led through the ring in their nose, which extends all the way up to their brain and it’ll be okay.
That’s, that’s quite amazing. I think that’s remarkable. Trump had a response. Harris lied during her very general, really, he means vague speech. Former President Trump called Newsmax, calling Newsmax after the nominee of Harris acceptance speech accused her of lying, said she gave a very general speech that didn’t address the most important thing. She didnt talk about many things like interest rate, china, fracking, anywhere, let alone Pennsylvania, crime, poverty, trade deficit, child trafficking, women trafficking, drug supporter. I personally thought it was a terrible speech. It was very non specific. It was also very short. She just wanted to get off the stage because her ideas are bad.
He further referred to her as being a marxist. Remember I said we’ll never have, I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you refer to her as what? A marxist. Marxist. Oh, marxist, yeah. Remember she said, jim, I thought you said a bar sit. And I thought, yeah, she is an alcoholic, but I misheard you. Well, you know, that’s very interesting because it turns out on, on tick tock, that the latest craze is white women impersonate a drunk Kamala. Get this. No matter the elites wanted to shut tick Tock down earlier this year. The federal government doesn’t care. Tick tock is potentially chinese spy app.
Do you think Facebook is not a CIA spy app? All our apps are spying on us. Go ahead. So is zoom. We’re on a Zoom call, and we are on a chinese controlled chinese spy app. And you’re right. They want to shut dick knack down because it’s one of the last two remaining places on the Internet where the american people can mercilessly mock our illegitimate leaders without being censored. Earlier this year, it seemed like an eternity ago, Joe Biden was still running for president. A new dance craze went viral on Tick tock, which involved drunk white women at parties.
It was a fairly simple dance move. To perform it, plant your feet firmly in place, about 3ft apart, squat down slightly, make a scrunchy face, and start to make grunny noises as if you were pooping your pants while standing. This simple TikTok dance craze was known as the Biden, and drunk white women everywhere were doing it. Now that Joe is no longer running for president, drunk white women suddenly need something new to do. On TikTok, the Biden just doesn’t seem as relevant any longer. You know how fickle pop culture can be. So drunk white women have come up with a new tick tock craze based on the viral rumors that Kamala is a raging alcoholic and basically an immature drunk sorority girl.
Ladies and gentlemen, here’s the latest TikTok craze. Drunk white women in person ain’t come all hot. Let’s take a look. You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? I don’t see it. Kim, you’re not showing your. Your video. Okay? It’s. You need to stop sharing your. Yeah, go ahead. Just comment on what your knowledge. Are you going to show that video? I love. I love that video. It was a real short one of a woman actually in the water. It was just feigning being a drunk kamala. And it was very like what we’ve seen from kamala again and again and again.
So I invite your comments. Doctor Fitzgerald, I must ask. I must ask komethe compassion rather than ridicule of the impaired. And I have created a short article on Kamala Harris’s disability. And we have to be kind and we have to pretend that things like this are just okay. And therefore, I have written an article which I hope you’ll, you’ll show on my sub stack. And by the way, I have a free sub stack. Can you, can you show it otherwise? I can. I think I can right here. No, what we’re seeing is your, your list of articles.
Borla and Geode disorder revealed. No, no, we’re seeing, Jim, we’re still seeing that same list of articles. Oh, yeah. You haven’t stopped your sharing of that one. You see what I can do here to change it? You see it now. So on my substack, and I invite people to subscribe. It’s free, no paywall. It’s the Doctor Rima truth report substack. I have diagnosed, and I am, as some of your audience may know, I am, in fact, an md. And I was trained in psychiatry and neurology, and I am a psychoanalyst, and I have a license to say things like this.
So I wrote an article about a new neuro oropharyngeal disorder revealed in which cognitive processes are separated from oral pharyngeal audible output, and it is called homologosis. Now, if you, there are some film clips indicating the absolute separation of vocal output and thought process. We’ll skip those. Let’s play at least one here. Let’s play at least. Go ahead. But I want to bring to your attention the veep. The woman won geriatric heartbeat away from being the most powerful human in the world. And this week, Kamala Harris had some profound words about culture. What is culture? Well, it went about as well as you’d expect.
Well, I think culture is, it is a reflection of our moment in our time. Right. And present culture is the way we express how we’re feeling about the moment. And we should always find times to express how we feel about the moment. That is a reflection of joy because, you know, comes in the morning. We have to find ways to also express the way we feel about the moment in terms of just having language and a connection to how people are experiencing life. And I think about it in that way, too. Meaningless word salad. Let’s play one more.
Why is she lying? I know we often play the footage of President Biden I doing stuff that I guess has gone from being funny to being definitely concerning. Now you’ve got two players. Kamala Harris, I mean, she stands within a hair’s breadth of the presidency. I’m not sure if I’ve got a grab there for us. We might have it. Have we got it? There they’re getting it up for us. Anyway. She has the most ridiculous presentation in Spain. I mean, it’s just outrageous. And she could be. Particularly if they both go around again on the ticket and get elected.
She’s likely to be the president, given his health. Oh, it’s absolutely. It’s frightening to even consider that. I mean, the woman continually laughs this ridiculous laugh. I don’t know, you know, what drug she’s on or what makes her so happy all the time. But she’s an absolute disgrace. And she hasn’t done women any favours in that role, Peter, let me tell you. Disgraceful. But of course, she’s black and she’s a woman, so thank you. Hang on, prue, I’ve got the grab. Have a look at the grab is a reflection of our moment in our time. Right.
And present culture is the way we express how we’re feeling about the moment. And we should always find times to express how we feel about the moment. That is a reflection of joy because, you know, it comes in the morning. You are a PR professional. What does that even mean? Well, I think I have no idea. Let’s try this too. Let’s have just a moment of light relief courtesy of one of the most powerful women in the world whose oratory skills are second to none. Take it away, Kamala Harris. Over these last 18 months, Democrats have delivered.
Let me rephrase that. Over these last 18 months, Democrats have delivered big time. Don’t laugh. That was the highlight. That was the high point of the speech. And, boy, haven’t the Democrats delivered big time. Biggest gas prices. Big, big inflation. More than 2 million illegal immigrants crossing the southern border. That’s big. And don’t forget the dramatic increase in violent crime in Democrat run cities. No wonder Kamala is proud. I actually broke John Adams record of casting the most tie breaking votes in a single term. How about that? How about that? How about that? Yes. When she’s not laughing weirdly, Kamala is delivering speeches that sound a lot like a child doing a school presentation on an assignment where they’ve clearly done zero work.
Today, the business of our work is for the council to. On the work that has occurred since our last meeting across these areas, we will today also discuss the work yet ahead, the work we must still do to continue to move forward. Don’t forget, she’s got a large media team, including professionals. Those speech writers must clearly hate it. Yeah, I love it. Let’s even try one more. Rima, these are sensational. Much appreciated. Vice President Kamala Harris on Wednesday touted the Biden administration’s investment in electric school buses. $5 billion from the infrastructure law will go toward funding electric school buses over the next five years.
Harris decried the fact that millions of students ride to school in yellow buses every day, yet 95% of buses are powered by diesel fuel. She praised the administration’s actions, labeling it as an investment in children’s future health and education. She also touted it as an investment in domestic manufacturing, which will also help create jobs. Good morning, everyone. Good morning. And to all the young leaders who are here and the youngish leaders, good morning to all of you. Good morning, my dear. Good morning. Good morning. I’m here because of you, by the way. I’m here because of all of our young leaders who are here.
It is you who has motivated the work that we are doing that is demonstrated by these beautiful yellow school buses. And so I’m just so happy to be with all of you. And to the governor, the senator, our administrator, Regan, to all of you, thank you for your leadership. Mayor, thank you for the warm welcome. So here’s the thing. Who doesn’t love a yellow school bus, right? Can you raise your hand if you love a yellow school bus? Right? Just there’s something about, and most of us, many of us went to school on the yellow school bus, right? And it’s part of, it’s part of our experience growing up.
It’s part of, you know, a nostalgia and a memory of the excitement and joy of going to school to be with your favorite teacher, to be with your best friends and to learn. The school bus takes us there. And in America today, 25 million children a day go to school on the yellow school bus. 25 million children a day. And today, 95% of our school buses are fueled with diesel fuel, which contributes to very serious conditions that are about health and about the ability to learn. So when I think about what the experience should be for our children of going to school on the school bus, I think about the fact that it should be about maximizing that experience for them.
Understanding that this bus symbolizes so much about our collective investment in our future, I think it’s very difficult for any rational person to listen to these words, solid as the phrase is being used, you talk about. Kamala lose is currently having no known treatment or cure expected to be fully treatable with a newly developed vaccine within the next four to six days. If available by next Wednesday, Kamala loses vaccine will be the most rapidly developed and deployed vaccine in medical history. Clinical trials showing it was safe and effective were carried out over lunch last Saturday using one 8th of a pantry dish, all of the bacteria either died or disappeared.
I think you nailed it. I mean, this is so embarrassing. It’s terrifying. It’s absolutely terrifying. And it indicates, I think, another op that as far as I know, nobody has identified. So this morning I have all my intelligent thoughts in the shower. And this morning I was thinking about this show and I had an intelligent thought, potentially. So I want to present it to you because I think there’s another level of opry going on, operational opera, if you will. And I think it’s really quite interesting. The leaders of the free world, and I use quotes intentionally for both of those phrases, the leaders of the free world are currently being made riseable.
They are being made as ridiculous as any theatrical opera buffo could make them. So we have clowns in clown suits. We have Trudeau. We have Macron, who has been now revealed to be like Obama, married to a man, if you can say that. Married to a man who was in fact his producer when he was a 15 year old student and the man was his teacher. The man subsequently decided to live as a woman and is now known as Brigette Macron. This is risible. This is laughable. This is bizarre. We have Biden, who is shorter and taller and older and younger and has switchable earlobes, which is kind of unique.
That’s like genital and physical mutilation of the earlobes on and off, plug in ear lobes. It’s really quite amazing. And stretchable. A biggie shorty president. We have Rishi Sunak, who is absurd, absolutely absurd. And so I believe that what is happening, and I believe that what may be happening, and I am very excited about being able to discuss this with you, Jane. I believe that what may be happening is that the leadership, the free world, the democratic representative democracy process and so on, is being taken down through absurdity, incompetence, the, as I said, opera buffo, part of the political theater, as a way of making it more likely that people around the world will adopt a.
The worldview of agenda, I’m sorry. Of the pact for the future, designed to be adopted on September 23 by the unelected nobodies, also known as the UN. So that world governance will be seen as a definite advancement, as an up, as a positive move. We don’t need no constitutional democracies no more. We don’t need no canadian Bill of rights and charter. We don’t need any of that. Because look what you get when we follow the representative democracy process. And so it’ll be better when the world leaders take over the world because we’ve got these clowns in office.
I think that this is another level of psyopia which has been imposed in order to demoralize and destroy the notion that we have meaningful countries. Anyway, what do you think about that? Oh, I think you’re right. I think you’re right, Rima. I mean, it’s mocking governments. They want to destroy the very idea of the nation state because they want a one world government. They want to create homogeneity among nations. So there’s no sense of national identity or even anything genetically distinct about the populations by flooding them with migrants. And because the migrants are low skilled and really don’t have ways of making money, the crime rate is rising.
Robberies across Europe are skyrocketing, and it’s going to happen here. And of course, because many of them are young men of military age for whom there are no corresponding women of the same disposition, there are going to be more rapes, strangulation, murders. I mean, the problem being created for our society by bringing in these millions of illegals has Kamala Harris has embraced are staggering. They actually boggle the mind. The destruction of our society that is taking place here before our very eyes and being extolled as a virtue by the Democrat party. I agree with absolutely everything you said, except one thing.
I don’t think it has a damn thing to do with the Democrat party. I think that what we’re looking at is the. And you’ve articulated a very big piece of it very well. We’re looking at the absolute destruction of every aspect of society, every pillar of society, every institution of society, including our own DNA, which makes us a species. And it is all stemming from a death machine whose intention is specifically exactly what you’ve laid out, called the United nations. Therefore, let me segue into the solution, because if you think about the octopus of the UN at the center, which of course, is controlled by the international financial level, which is controlled by another level, but if you think about the operational death machine called the United nations, all these tentacles coming off it, every social problem that can be named is in fact directly seated in the United nations.
And therefore my career, I graduated from medical school 54 years ago. And during that entire time, I have. I’m not going to take that call. During that entire time, I have practiced non allopathic medicine, by which I mean I’ve looked for the root cause of the problem rather than just suppressing the symptoms, fixing the justice system so that children still have a protected status and parents still have parental rights and so on. Fixing the immigration problem, fixing the education problem, fixing each problem is allopathic and it doesn’t solve the basic rot that has been introduced. Only withdrawing from the United nations does that.
And right now, Jim, as you well know, right now at this moment, we have a narrow and shrinking window of opportunity to get the United nations out of the United States and get the United States out of the United nations. There is an act before Congress right now in both the House and the Senate called the disengaging entirely from the United Nations Debacle act of 2023. And when Congress comes back in session, if we do not pass that act with enough of a supermajority to override the inevitable Oval Office sock puppet veto, whichever sock puppet’s sitting there, it doesn’t matter.
It will be vetoed. If we don’t override that veto, then the United nations will proceed with its hacked for the future. United Nations 2.0. You think it’s bad now? You think sustainability, sustainable development goals and the 17 areas of total control and tyranny are bad? Oh, no, it gets much worse with the pact for the future. If we do not pass that act and withdraw what is, in essence, the heart of darkness of the United nations, which is the us presence and participation. If we don’t do that, there is no longer hope for humanity because transhumanization, transhumanization, biodigital transformation will be imposed upon every human being on the planet.
Reproduction will be completely eliminated. As Klaus Schwab said. Said, by the year 20, all human reproduction will take place outside the human body. Really? Really. We have very limited time now that can happen if 10 million people are patriots and pick up their freedom mouse. Everybody’s got one. And I’d like you to show the website where this can happen. It’s called. It’s called prevent genocide What I’m seeing. Yes, there we go. Prevent genocide. Two zero three zero dot org. And there’s a six step, 10 million patriot challenge. I mean, for God’s sake, Jim, if people can pour a bucket of ice over their head to support some charity, they can take six simple steps to save humanity, wouldn’t you think? And it’s not showing.
Oh, yes. Oh, it’s not showing all. It’s that urgent. There is no other problem as urgent as the. There we are. You see, United nations is indeed the beast. The United nations is the beast. It isn’t who screw who, who is a subsidiary death organization of the United nations. And so is the IMF and so is UNESCO, and so is UNicef. And so is. Is UPAV, the intellectual property organization. They’re all subsidiary to the beast. We’re either going to kill the beast or we’re going to be killed by the beast. Please scroll down a little bit.
Yes. Yes. Yes. I couldn’t agree more, Remo. I think you’re nailing it. 10 million. Patriot challenge. And the question is, do you have the balls? That is Miley Cyrus. I have to confess, it is not me on the wrecking ball. It is the naked truth. Don’t laugh. It really is. I mean, so many people think it’s me. That’s a joke. Not this week, anyway. It is the naked truth that will destroy the United nations. And the question is, do you have the balls? I know you do, Jim. Do you have the balls to pick up your mouse and scroll on down? Scroll down.
Yes. Yes. Yep. There are six steps. Challenge. Step one, force Congress to pass disengaging entirely from the UN Debacle act of 2023 with a supermajority. Mike Lee introduced it in the Senate as S 3428. And Chip, Roy and Mike Rogers introduced it in the House as 6645. HR 6645. It’s there. It can be passed. And it will be passed if enough people say, don’t you dare. Don’t you dare destroy my country, my world, my genetics? My. My society, my hope, my future. Don’t you dare. Second step. Why aren’t the presidential candidates talking about this? Well, that’s a good question.
So, we have a twit, a tweet which you can put on the official presidential candidates Twitter accounts asking three questions. Yes or no? No political speak. Yes or no? Do you commit to withdrawal from the UN and the who? Yes or no? Don’t give me tap, twinkle toes nonsense. Yes or no. Do you commit to re establish the right of informed consent, including vaccines? Yes or no? Yes or no. Do you commit to punish all pandemic crimes against humanity? Real simple. I want the candidates to be discussing these questions as their three principal issues. And that happens when enough people put it on Twitter, and then Congress is not in session at the moment.
That means your congressmen and women are obligated to meet with you electronically and in person. Here’s a one page talking sheet with the points that you need to bring to them about passing the disengaging entirely from the UN Debacle act of 2023. And there’s an extra reason to do it. Please go down to the next three steps, this is only going to happen if you motivate your circle of influence. I can talk and talk and talk and talk. Jim can talk and talk and talk. But the people that the people you know trust most are you.
And you need. There are some tools here that you can use to motivate them and say, hey, listen up. Did you realize that we’re about to lose everything through this pack? For the future that the UN is about to adopt, it will dissolve all nation states. It will dissolve all personal autonomy. Now, the next step is something you need to read and share. Turns out the United nations cannot create a treaty. Therefore, every treaty obligation that we have been implementing as well, we have to do it because we have a treaty with the United nations, is a fraud.
And as I mentioned earlier, our very membership, and the membership of every country in the world in the United nations, is indeed fraudulent. Now that’s very interesting. And there’s a legal memo which is worth reading. Every congressman, every congresswoman in the United States is perpetuating a fraud if they do not act to extricate the United States from this fraudulent entanglement with the unelected nobodies, also known as the UN. That means that they are committing crimes against their oath, against the constitution, and against the people of the United States. And that means that their crimes may not be protected by congressional immunity.
According to the legal counsel legal consultations that we’ve had, they may in fact be guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors. Oops. That’s an extra added parrot. To help them decide to act on the part of the constitution and humanity and get us the hell out of this death organization. And then the last step is there’s an international disengaging from the UN declaration that we want people all over the world to take and sign and take into their nations. If the United States, when the United States leaves the United nations, what will happen next is that a whole lot of other countries that have to, like Israel or want to, like Serbia and Vanuatu, can then leave the United nations.
It will weaken it. It may in fact be a lethal blow. And the globalists will allow it to collapse. Maybe not, but it certainly will be far weaker. And for those who say, but we need the United nations because they keep us at peace, I would ask you to a read the United nations charter, which is a war document and has no provision for peace. Very instructive reading. And I would also ask you to look at world history since 1945 and ask whether there have been any wars since then, or whether the United nations has, in fact, kept the world at peace.
Um, that’s interesting. We’ve been at war over and over. We just don’t call them war. We call them police actions like Korea. We can’t. I mean, really, there haven’t been any wars. Um, Vietnam didn’t happen. Really? How does that work? The Ukraine isn’t at war. The Middle east isn’t, as always, inflamed into another globalist serving conflagration. Real. How well is the United nations doing its peacekeeping job? It was never a peacekeeping organization. It was doing, and is doing now exactly what it was designed to do, which is destroy the world and set up an absolutely permanent world tyranny.
That’s what the Rockefellerians, the predatory philanthropists created it for, and it’s doing its job beautifully. There is no other option if we’re going to save humanity, except getting the hell out. And right now, we can do that. If you pick up your mouse, go to preventgenocide two zero thirty dot org, and take the actions and mobilize your community. Other than that, there’s nothing that I have to say about that. Jim, Rema, I think that’s all sensational, and I wouldn’t want to dilute a word of what you’ve just explained. So I want to thank you for joining me today for this very special report.
I think your concerns about the UN are completely well founded, and we even have reports now that among the millions of illegals, so many are young military agents, very physically fit, that they constitute a UN army in waiting, that caches of weapons have been stored by the Obama administration around the country. They’ve been given cell phones for command and coordination, where to obtain their weapons and don their blue helmets. We’ve had Uber drivers explain they were transporting illegals who were acknowledging that they were mercenaries paid by the United nations. We’ve had others stop by the border patrol saying, you’re in for a big surprise.
I think this is exactly what they have in mind, Rima, and you’re blowing the whistle, is admirable and timely, and if we don’t respond in appropriate way, I’m sorry, I think we’re going to go down as a nation while withdrawing from the United nations is an indispensable step in preserving the union and maintaining the integrity of the United States. Rima, I cannot thank you enough for joining me today. It’s always a pleasure to talk with you, Jim, and I’m so glad that your audience hears this clearly from you, whom they respect and understand the deep scholarship clear thinking of.
I hope that on your website and on your broadcasts you will be reminding people to go to preventgenocide two zero thirty dot org and take these actions. Because it’s easy to say, oh, well, yeah, I hope somebody does that while humanity is destroyed because the clear program. And by the way, these mercenaries, these military age mercenaries that you’re talking about each have a debit cardinal on which they receive $3,400 a week from the United nations. That’s pretty good income to be an immigrant. $3,400 and get your housing and your clothing and your weapons supplied to you and have a little nest egg building up of, you know, over $10,000 a month.
That’s pretty cool. Anyway, the point is that we are in grave danger. Now, I know as a psychiatrist that there is something called a presumption of normalcy, which means everything’s been okay. Everything has operated in this and this and this way, and therefore everything is going to continue to be okay and operate in this and this and this way. And the assumption of normalcy allows us, for instance, to go to a traffic light corner and see that the light is now green and make a prediction. If I step out across the street and go to the curb on the other side, I will be safe and the traffic will stop because there’s a green light.
We live our lives in a reasonably orderly way. You know, it’s 06:00 I’m going to sit down at the table and I’ll have dinner. Those are the normalcies that we build our lives around. Politically, that’s a huge vulnerability. And we have been deceived by people who are using our presumption of normalcy in order to convince us that people died at Sandy Hook, that people died at Orlando, that people died in Las Vegas. And you’ve elaborated that brilliantly. What we see on television is true. That’s a presumption of normalcy. It used to be true. It’s going to go on being true.
Our vulnerability, our lack of skepticism means that we can be manipulated and people are waking up. Wait, safe and effective? How does that work? It’s killing people. It caused my heart to become inflamed when it was supposed to be safe and effective. That’s not safe and effective. So there’s a level of new skepticism and awakening, but that’s different from mobilization. And it’s up to people like us who have information to do what we’re doing, which is saying, here’s the truth, but then there has to be a solution. And the solution the the first step is we must exit the death machine in which we are voluntarily participating.
Until we do that, we cannot repair the damage that’s been done to every aspect of society over the last 140 years by the rockefellerian predatory philanthropists. I can’t thank you enough for shedding light on these deep recesses of our situation here in american society today. Rima, you are leading the way. I so welcome everything you have to say. Let us hope the american people pick up on it and get the idea in time, because time is short. Rima, as a host of the real deal this special report, I want to thank you for joining me today and expressing the appreciation of the american people for your efforts to save this once great nation.
Let us hope your message is heard by enough to make a difference. Thank you so much.