Peggy Hall Shares Why We Don’t Need One Centralized Movement To Restore Liberty

Posted in: Patriots


If you haven’t seen or heard from Peggy Hall before, you’re in for a treat!

This woman is a wonderful Patriot doing great work to help educate, inform and inspire as many people as possible on how to know and defend their rights!

Watch Peggy Explain Why We Don’t Need One Centralized Movement To Restore Liberty!

Get more info from Peggy on her website at 

She has an abundance of great info! Check out her Documents page.
(Just one of MANY pages on her site giving away lots of great information, resources and solutions)

And what Peggy says in the above video is true!

It’s better for us to have decentralized, localized movements.

Because as Dr. Shiva has said before,

“Centralization goes against nature.”

  • A centralized government is what our opposition wants, so they can control the world’s population.

  • A centralized voting tabulation system is one major way they can manipulate and control elections.

  • A centralized money system enslaves the population.

  • A centralized food supply means they can put whatever they want in the food and you can’t do much about it.

  • A centralized media means a few people control the communication and information that millions or potentially billions of people can see or hear.

Do I need to continue?

It’s up to each of us to create and build a decentralized movement in our areas, starting with ourselves! 

Simply going shopping without wearing a mask is a WIN!

That’s civil disobedience and can actually create more change than a protest can!

Like Peggy says, it’s about “all hands on deck!”

We The People have the power.

Let’s use it, starting NOW!

You can do at least one thing today to create the change in your life you want.

You want to be done with the plannedemic? 

Then be done with it!

Live your life normally and have your proper resources and information on how to respond and deal with people.

Peggy has cards you can print out and many other free resources.

It’s not about waiting for some big group or organization to do things.

It’s up to YOU to create the change in your life that you want to see.


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