What “Conspiracy Theories” Will Be Shown To Be True In 2023?

Posted in: Patriots


“Conspiracy Theorist” 


A term developed by the CIA over 50 years ago to gaslight people questioning the JFK assassination. 


Since the evil ones use their same playbook over and over, that term is still used today. 


But that term is really just people who are thinking critically and usually doing their own research to come to their own conclusion. And also for those speaking out about the TRUTH that the evil ones don’t want you to know! 


So what “conspiracy theories” will be shown to be facts this year?


Zero Hedge made a list of their top 10 predictions. Here are the first 


    1. The role that the intel community and the Justice Department played in fomenting violence through psy-ops on Jan. 6, 2021, will be exposed. 

    2. The deadly impact of the COVID vaccines will become undeniable.

    3. The scope of China’s control over the U.S. government will become clearer. 

    4. The true nature of David DePape’s relationship with Paul Pelosi will be revealed.

    5. We will find out what Trump’s purloined Mar-a-Lago files really contained.


You can read the rest and get more details on ZeroHedge.com here.


What other conspiracy FACTS do you think will come out this year? 


Let us know in a comment below! 




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Conspiracy theories of 2023 conspiracy theories to come true what will happen in 2023 zero hedge conspiracy theories 2023
  • Climate Change will be recognized as sorcery. Controlling population by promoting gender dysphoria in children so they readily
    succumb to wicked treatment from unethical doctors. These medical criminals will be locked up.

  • Bill Gates deception with his fake meat products and what is really in them for protein,.
    George Soros will be exposed for his financial support corrupt government officials and the media and all their fake news.
    Child trafficking and abuse will be exposed in its entirety.
    Canceled Priest will be reinstated and corrupt priest will be jailed.

  • 1. ET life force – benevolent vs evil
    2. Why they hid the shape of our earth?
    3. What is firmament?
    4. The South and North pole secrets
    5. The actual size of our universe
    6. Anti gravity technology – why was it hidden from humanity?
    7. Medbeds – the science behind it and why the globalists hid the technology from Humanity
    8. Hollow earth facts
    9. Inner consciousness of human beings with relation to their ascension into the higher dimensions. The greatest science created by our creator for humanity – Thoughtless Awareness!
    10. The Alliance explained
    11. Q explained – the greatest sting operation in the history of mankind to free humanity from the clutches of satanic forces.
    12. QFS explained – the higher consciousness financial system to free humanity from the globalists
    13. GCR and its relation ZIm bonds that will take humanity into the Golden Age of Humanity
    14. Human beings can live upto 1000 years and beyond – God consciousness!
    15. Galactic travel
    16. Tranhumanism agenda

  • Widespread child and human trafficking, pedophilia, child sacrifice, Satanic rituals among elites…..

    True motivations for the massively forced, worldwide, deadly, fake “vaccines”…The overall depopulation agenda that was hatched by 160 nations decades ago…

    The release of 6000 cures that have been suppressed for over 60 years and the launch of access to MedBeds for all. And the truth about the elites who profited greatly by suppressing all those true CURES. And the deadly agenda the elites supported.

    I could go on……

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