P Diddy Is Starting To Talk..Kardashian Family Witchcraft Exposed- Jezebel Spirits Revealed!

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots



➡ In this conversation, Nino and Denise discuss the dark side of fame, including the concept of “soul contracts” and the pressures that celebrities face. They share stories about famous individuals like Madonna, Prince, and Michael Jackson, who allegedly struggled with the control and manipulation in the entertainment industry. They also mention the fear and paranoia these celebrities experienced, and how some, like Kanye West, seem to be constantly pulled back into the system.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories about celebrities like Dave Chappelle and Kanye West, suggesting they’ve changed due to fear or external influences. It also talks about the Kardashians, hinting at a family curse that supposedly brings them fame and beauty but causes misfortune to the men in their lives. The text also mentions a theory about Bruce Jenner’s transition to Caitlyn Jenner, suggesting it was a competitive move against the Kardashians.
➡ The text discusses various celebrity rumors and theories, including the idea that some celebrities might be involved in witchcraft or other secret rituals. It also talks about the influence of the entertainment industry on these celebrities, suggesting that they might have to compromise their values to achieve success. The text also mentions a possible feud between Kim Kardashian and Taylor Swift, and speculates about the authenticity of certain celebrities’ public personas.
➡ This text seems to be a conversation between two people discussing various celebrities and their actions. They mention names like Oprah, Will Smith, Justin Bieber, and others, and talk about some controversial events. They also discuss the idea of exposure and how they believe more truths will come out in the future. They end by mentioning where one of them can be found online, on platforms like Rumble and YouTube.


All right, folks, welcome to Nino’s Corner tv. I am joined with Denise Boland, and we’re going to be talking about some really dark stuff today. I was like, man, I need a break from all the deep, heavy stuff with the stuff and all the war that’s going on. But this is kind of in the same, in the same realm. I mean, it’s just kind of like what’s going on behind the curtain in reality with these people.

A lot of witchcraft. There’s a lot of ritualistic, ceremonial stuff going on with these people, and especially these, especially with these very prestigious families. And, Denise, I want to let you take it from here because I don’t know much of, I know I’ve always heard about this stuff. Obviously, everyone knows me from my first big video I did. That’s how I got acquainted with you, with the viral video that I did talking about this stuff.

But the details of certain families I’m not too familiar with. I know this stuff really does happen. But, you know, there’s a lot going on with the Kardashians right now. I mean, they’ve been super famous for a long time. There are soul contracts, man. I mean, there really is. This is a spiritual war. And when you offer yourself up to fame and fortune and you get to a certain point, they come at you and they say, hey, you want to go a little further, further than this, and you don’t want to give up your lifestyle.

So you say, what do I got to lose? Why not? Let’s go. And then that’s it. They got you. And whether it’s having blackmail on you or you decide to, in free will, say, I am going to do this or that to further my career, it’s a reality. This stuff really does happen in the big Hollywood circles, right? Oh, absolutely. First, I want to say thank you for having me on.

And, oh, my God, it’s great to see you. It’s like, we’re coming full circle. We started in 2020. When you came out with that, that viral video, that was amazing. And I was like, lord, I got to talk to this man. Please, please, you know, help me. Help me get in touch with you because you had, I think you have, like, hundreds of emails in your inbox every day ever since you came out with that.

It was crazy. Yeah, yeah. When that, when that happened, it was like I hit the hornet’s nest, man. I wasn’t expecting it to happen, honestly. How could anyone expect that to happen? That was organic. Like, I didn’t decide that I was gonna do that. I was just nonchalant talking about it on a Facebook live, and then it just went viral. I could never have planned that. You know, if I would have planned it, it would have never happened.

Yeah. No, it’s true. And for those that don’t know, you came out and you said that you had a good friend in the industry that was telling you what’s really going on in Hollywood, you know, and you. And I’ve also been around those circles, so I know I heard whispers for the last 20 years, and I have stories, you know, parties I’ve gone to or I’ve seen some crazy stuff, and so do the people that I know, and we would all talk about it.

And it’s just. It’s just at that time, in 2020, when I said, when I made that video, it was kind of just, like, at the right time, everything to all the stars aligned, you know? And, like, now you got Ryan Garcia coming out, the champion boxer, saying the same stuff I was saying. But I did it four years ago when, like, I was really scared for my life.

Like, I was like, man, this is not good. Like, I did not expect that to happen. I did not expect such a big Internet hit, and for it to just go crazy on me, I could never have planned that. And. And I was really a fear of my life, to be honest with you. Yeah. Let’s see. You had God protecting you, and look at how far you’ve come.

I mean, like, oh, my God, it’s amazing. You are reaching so many people, sharing the truth, you know, spreading hope, which you always do, and you always bring, you know, your humor to, you know, everything. You know, even. Yeah, the dreariest things that we’re talking about, what’s going on around us. But, you know, it’s kept me sober, Denise. Honestly. It’s got me sober, and it’s busy, and. But, you know, I don’t like dealing with some of the troll stuff, but it’s just part of it, you know, with.

With success comes a storm front. Yeah. And. Yeah, that’s good. I just watched that on sliced alone, where he was on the documentary on Netflix. I was like, that’s. That’s true, man. With success comes a storm front, you know, and. And you pissed a lot of people off. But, you know, let’s get into this. Let’s get into this. Yeah, yeah, no, let’s get into this. So, yeah, you know, what you were saying is very true.

But a lot of times, these artists in the industry. We’ll talk about the music industry right now. These artists in the industry, sometimes they don’t even realize what they’re getting involved in. I mean, I remember hearing all the way back with Madonna that Madonna did a soul contract, but she didn’t really quite understand what it involved. And when she realized that she sold her soul, she had handlers.

She was being controlled. She tried to get away, she tried to run, she tried to get away from them, and they chased her down. And, you know, and that’s, that’s the unfortunate part about it. You don’t really know sometimes what you’re getting involved in. I remember there was, I gotta be honest with you, so I dated one of Prince’s exes. I was. I went out there for about a month.

Which one was it? Was it. Was it Denise? Who? She became a Christian, a minister? Afterwards? I don’t know. Her name was Denise. Her real name was Denise. I forget her stage name. Divine, maybe. Okay, we don’t, we don’t have to, but. So, so I was seeing her for about a month. You know, we went on some dates and stuff like that. And she told me a lot about Prince and I couldn’t believe it.

Like, that guy was wide awake and he was scared for his life. Like, the dude was paranoid to where they tried to have handlers around him, right. But he was too smart for them and he wanted nothing to do with them. And he was. He would literally was when he started seeing everything for what it was. She told me you couldn’t shut him up. Like, he was constantly looking out the window, he was looking under his bed.

He was. He was actually becoming paranoid. Like, he was beyond that, actually. And I’ll tell you, off air, a lot of the stuff that she told me because it’s pretty crazy. But the guy was very intelligent, highly intelligent. Just knew. And they knew that he knew. Yeah. So you gotta wonder. Him and Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson was another one that knew. He was always talking about them. They day day them.

It’s scared for his life. These people try to remain innocent and fear Princess Diana. Another one. That’s right. Good people in this horrible demonic system, and they just won out and things happen. Letters. I don’t know if you know that she wrote letters, right, to her friends saying that they’re going to try to kill me. Yeah. Right. Yeah, it’s crazy. So, yeah, absolutely. With Prince. Yeah, he wanted no part of the Illuminati.

Yeah. If you look at Madonna, she looks gone, she looks vacant. Like she’s just completely now at the point, like, I know I did it. Maybe I ran before, but it was just too much for me, and I finally gave in. I surrendered, and now she’s just completely embracing it, it seems like, to me. Yeah. And you gotta, you gotta wonder because. So you got, it’s almost like they’re a shell of themselves, you know, they’re not even.

Yeah, they look, they look vacant. They don’t look. They look like there’s a void. Yeah. You know. You know, you have some good people coming out, like Paris Hilton and things like that. That are celebrities like that talking about the kids and Ryan Garcia. The kids, yes. But I think what they do is they chip away at you. They’re playing the long game. Like, you know, I always said evil doesn’t have a long game, but it’s, you know, to me, it does seem now like they’re playing the long game, especially these celebrities.

They just wait till you’re at your weakest point and then, you know. You know, like, look what happened to Kanye. I mean, Kanye, it seems like to me, he’s, every chance he gets, and he goes on a sporadic rant and then they reel him back in. Reel him back in. Do you, do you think that’s him now? Because I wonder. I wonder. I don’t know. You got Jim Brewer talking about is that, you know, the real Dave Chappelle.

And I talked to Jim Brewer and he’s like, you know, Dave Chappelle. He’s told me. And he was best friends with Dave Chappelle, but I’m not gonna say any more than that because he confided me in some stuff. But Jim Brewer says some stuff. I just saw. The reason I said that is because I saw a video that. Where he’s talking about Dave Chappelle. Yeah, but, and they were friends, right? Yeah.

I think they just. They might just get. I don’t understand what happens. I’m not gonna say they’re clones. I’m not. I don’t mean I’ve heard from people that it’s real, but I think that Chappelle maybe got so terrified, so scared out of his mind, they just say, I’m not going that far anymore. I’m not going to go. I’m not. I’m just staying right where I’m at. I’m going to be comfortable and live my life and not piss anybody off.

Just do enough, you know, is what I think happens. Dave Chappelle. Yeah, he looks different, but people age. I mean, you don’t look this 28. I mean, with Kanye, why is he wearing a mask when he’s performing. Why is he covering his face? Why? He was so protective of Kim Kardashian, a friend of mine. And this is a whole other story, but a friend of mine was their bodyguard for a while, and he was like, don’t talk to Kim, whatever you do.

Like, don’t talk to her. Don’t approach her, stay away from her. But with this new wife, he lets her walk around half naked. It doesn’t make sense. You know what I’m saying? Like, hey, that’s his. He’s not protective of it. Just, it seems a little off. He was so outspoken on a daily basis. He was coming out, he was exposing them, and then all of a sudden, it’s been reined in.

Yeah, but is it him? I mean, you don’t know? I mean, I don’t know. Let’s talk about the Kardashians for a moment, because you were saying something off air that I thought was very interesting, and I think my audience definitely very interesting. So, allegedly, we don’t know this, but. And I’m not gonna say is what I don’t know. I really don’t know anything about this family. Uh, that, and I don’t care to, but, um.

What, they have a lineage of witchcraft in their family? Is that what you’re telling me, or. Yeah, this is. They’ve been practicing witches for generations or what? Yeah. A lot of people say that they are practicing witchcraft a few times. I think, you know, Kim would kind of, like, hint to that, saying, you know, you know, magic got me this or magic got me that. So this is the story.

The story, and it’s a theory that an ancestor of theirs, like a great, great, great grandmother, back in the 18 hundreds, she went to a covenant of witches, and she asked them to cast a spell that on all her future female descendants, they would have fame, fortune, and beauty. So they were able to do that. But they said in order to do that, we have to absorb the male energy of any man that they’re with.

Right. There you go. Right there. Right? Absolutely. And so there. There would be a curse on the menu. And if you look at all the men, I mean, come on now. Kanye Jenner, man. Yeah. I mean, any man that ever been associated with him has lost their friggin minds. Yeah. Yeah. I have a video to show if you want to see it. Yeah, let’s. Let’s take a look at it.

All right. Yeah. I mean, Jenner, absolutely. Even Pete Davidson. I mean, if you really think about it, I always think Jenner was a. Then just here’s my theory on that. Jenner was a top athlete, you know, top notch Olympian. The guy was just leaps and bounds above everybody in sports. I think he was so competitive, he couldn’t take being. Taking the backseat with the Kardashians. He couldn’t take being second or third to them.

So he’s like, you know what? I’m gonna defend their own game. Boom. He goes against some tits, he gets himself an ass. Yeah. I don’t know if he does the whole number there, but, I mean, I don’t know. I. That’s. I think psychologically. And mess with him. It’s just a theory post. I think it them so bad, and he’s so competitive, he couldn’t lose to them. Yeah. And he probably, deep down, could not stand him.

And he’s like, you know what? I’m going to be the bigger bitch. Watch. What? Do you want to make a bet? I bet you said something crazy here, man. But, you know. But it could be. Listen. Yeah. Anything is possible now. We’re finding out anything. Nothing’s impossible. I did hear that when he was in the Olympics, he was asking his doctor to prescribe hormones, that he started taking hormones even back then.

Like, wait, wait. But probably, like testosterone and stuff like that. Not. No, no hormones. Really? Because you can’t be, like, a male today and then, you know, a female tomorrow. It doesn’t work that way. It had to be swirling in your mind for a long time. Yeah. You had to start feeling like you’re a female. Feeling a little effeminate. I don’t know. I don’t know. I think he had a mental breakdown, in my opinion.

In my opinion. I think he just. The curse. The curse. The curse. Yeah, let’s go and. Yeah, let’s. Let’s show this. Okay. Crazy stuff, right? Isn’t as heavy as the stuff you usually do, right? No. I am so tired and burnt out on that shit, man. I. But I still got to do it because feel like that’s my duty spiritually. All right, let me know if you can’t hear it.

I think. I’m sure you got. You got. I think I click sound, but if you don’t hear, let me know. Okay, here we go. Kardashians cursed all the men in their lives. It was alleged that a woman who was an ancestor of the Kardashians sacrificed her soul to of four witches in Armenia in order for all the women in her bloodline to always have fame, fortune, and beauty while the men around them suffer.

Just to take a look at a few of them. Scott Disick, who went from being a relatively successful businessman to developing severe alcoholism and depression in front of the whole world. Travis Scott, who went from having the number one album in 2018, then becoming the most hated and disgraced artist of all time, and not releasing an album since Caitlyn Jenner, who ruined her relationship with Chris and her children and later got ostracized by her own community.

Kanye west, from being at the top of his career to being locked in a mental hospital and running his 2020 presidential run. Pete Davidson, now undergoing trauma therapy after the negative media attention. From being with Kim. With all that said, it isn’t really a long shot to say that, and that’s. That’s pretty convincing. I mean, yeah, you know, they’re. They just. They just. They don’t. You know, they just eat you alive.

I mean, that. That group of. That group of women, like, they are. I can. I don’t know. I used to be very. And I say they all kind of inhabit or they contain the Jezebel spirit. And I used to be very attracted to the Jezebel spirit when I was younger. Like, when I was in my twenties, I was like, man, I used to love those women. The hard to get, the bitches, the ones that used to just challenge me and challenge me and fight with me, and they were toxic.

I used to really. I was really into that. And then you get older and certain things happen in life, and you just kind of. You look at it with a clear perspective, a clear lens, and you say, especially when you grow spiritually, and you’re like, oh, man, I had it all wrong. That was, like, completely demonic. It was demonic. I was attracted to something very demonic. Very dark.

I’m so glad I got through that phase, man. You know? But it does. I look at them as jezebels. I really do. I look at all those women as jezebels and doing absolutely nothing for society. In fact, they’re doing the opposite. They’re. They’re. I would. In my opinion, they’re. They’re dark. Dark, dark people. Look at. Look at how Kim got famous. And now we find out that Chris was behind the video, that they actually made those videos and put them out there on purpose, those sex tapes.

Oh, really? Yeah. Oh, that came out. Yeah. Wait, her mom? Yeah. So you imagine she was in the sex tape with her boyfriend at the time, and he came out later on because they kept trashing him, saying, all right, you know what? Enough is enough. Chris, you know that you told us to do this. You were there you were, making sure every scene looked right. You told us, do this again, and do that again, like you were directing us.

Oh, you didn’t hear about that? Yeah, yeah, I heard something like that. Like, I. But I thought it was just like, maybe she saw it and was like, well, let’s put it out. You’re telling me she was, like, directing it? Yes. According to the boyfriend that was in the tape. Yeah. Oh, my lord. Yeah. It’s crazy. That is so damn evil. Like, yeah. I can’t imagine anything like that with a mother.

I can’t believe, like, it’s so sick. It’s so sick. That’s beyond. That’s like no soul right there. Using your daughter to catapult your family. And of course, they got a lot of fame. So to her, she’s probably like, oh, it was way worth it. But that’s your daughter. You lost all your dignity. You’re out there like that. Well, you know. You know, OJ actually admitted before he passed that him and Chris were together.

So there are questions about the oldest daughter that she’s OJ’s. You heard that? No, I did not hear that. Yeah, Chris is the mother. Yeah, Chris is the mother. So when she was with Robert Kardashian, they were very close. So it was Robert. It was. It was Chris. And they would hang out with OJ and Nicole Simpson. You know, I need to catch up on the entertainment, gossip, celebrity stuff because I’m just not very abreast of it.

But I’m going to. I’m going to start implementing this into my shows. I think it’s good every, every couple weeks, every week. So I’m kind of. I guess I’m going to be like the dumb jock that just doesn’t know anything about celebrity gossip, because I’m sure my audience right now is just going, how do you not know that? How do you not know? I don’t care. Yeah, but maybe not everybody knows that.

That’s all right. That’s because you were focused on. On, you know, I’ve heard she was behind it, but I didn’t know she, like, orchestrated it. That’s according to, like I said, the x that was in the video. So. Yeah, so that would tell me they’re still, like, practicing. And obviously they’re. They’re doing a lot of stuff, probably behind closed doors to when their minds further their career. Yeah.

Well, if this is true and they are witches and we don’t know, we’re saying allegedly. Yeah. They have to do rituals. They have to, you know, be be active participants as witches and cast spells, I guess, and do whatever it is that they do. But I. But, you know, if you. Isn’t there some kind of beef with Kim Kardashian right now and Taylor Swift? See, that? I didn’t hear.

Yeah, I didn’t hear so well. It looks to me like Kim Kardashian jabs at her. Oh, I did hear something about the song. Yes, Kim. Yes. So Taylor Swift came out with a song and the words with the capital k. I am Kim. Right, right. So I saw something like that. I was thinking to myself, you know, if you watched Taylor Swift at the Super bowl with Travis Kelsey, when she was up in the box, she had someone with her that was obviously very demonic.

Like, the person that was next to her was throwing some kind of signs through the window. Yeah. And I was like, who is that person? Why is that person even there? Like, what is the function of that human being? What? That was just a very almost gothic looking, like, just creepy looking individual. And I kept thinking to myself, okay, that’s. They obviously positioned that person right next to her.

Watching Taylor, for whatever reason. Obviously that person was, is. Looks to me like they’re high up to wishcraft. So I’m not going to say that. We all know Taylor’s not that innocent little girl anymore. She’s not. She went to the other side a long time ago. Absolutely. So. Right. So to me, lyrics now, David, a new album, the lyrics, anti crowd. Yeah, yeah. It’s, it’s, it’s, it’s disturbing.

So, to me, it seems like this is a battle of two witches. You know, that, like, I’m serious. I’m not, I’m not even. People laugh all you want. Yeah, but it’s, it’s, it’s, they’re, they’re going at it. And I remember when Kanye went up on stage around 2006, it was around 2006, 2009 or something like that, when he went on stage and said she wasn’t deserving of the award, whatever it was.

I can’t remember. It was a Grammy or whatever. I can’t remember what exactly the award was. But, um. That was a ritual. Yes, exactly. That was a ritual. Yeah. She need. She had to be embarrassed to go to the next level. That’s why they put men in dresses. That’s like an embarrassing ritual that they have to go through to go to the next level. They say, Kevin Hart said, I’ll never put on a dress.

You’ll never get me to put on a dress. Bam. He’s on SNL wearing a dress just like, what, a couple months ago? Let’s talk about that for a second. Like P. Diddy, you know, like, all the stuff that’s coming out with P. Diddy, like, I would have never. I mean, back in the day in the nineties, when I heard the hardcore rappers coming out and, you know. You know.

You know, Dre. I’ve heard a lot of stuff about Dre. I’ve heard a lot of stuff about Diddy. I heard more stuff about Dre before Diddy even came out. Notorious BHG. Now it’s all coming out, and it’s like all these guys were into each other and doing, um. I don’t know if I can say it on fluffy, but you know what they were. And it seems to me like we were all fooled since the get go, man.

These guys acted like the hardest gangsters. I just saw a video of Tupac completely when he was about 17 years old, and I’m gonna piss a lot of people off, but I saw the video, extremely feminine. Yeah, really? And I thought that, yeah, with, like, I did, you know, and he’s talking like that. I’m like, whoa, queen. Like, it was very. It was before he decided to get hard, you know, like, I’m like, wow, is this all an act? I met Rick Ross.

You know that I met Rick Ross at the fights, the original Rick Ross. And he was talking to me for about an hour and a half with other people there about him. And all that was introduced by the three letter agencies into the hip hop culture. They all, man, this stuff. That’s right. Music, the whole movement was manufactured. Absolutely, absolutely. They’ve had their hands in this for the longest time.

That’s how they can make money off, you know? And they could go into the industry and not be like that. They could be straight. But eventually, if they want to continue with their career and be successful, they have to conform. They get turned out. Yeah. Oh, just let this guy do this to you, and that’s your next album, man. That’s all you got to do. Then the next album after that, they’re like, nah, now you got to try this and do this.

Well, you already did that. It’s just another step, you know, that’s how I think it goes down, but I don’t know. Yeah, and it all has to be recorded. They say that Diddy had cameras everywhere, recording everything. You heard about all the lawsuits that came out against him. So there was a lot of information in there that he recorded everything. Even with the ex. Well, cassie, he would force her.

He would force her. He would wear a mask. She would have to wear a mask. He would have candles lit, and he would have to record it because it was a ritual. And so you have to show it to the higher ups that you’re doing these rituals, you understand? Completely demonic. And where’s. Where’s everything going with P. Diddy right now? I mean, I don’t even. I mean, um, I don’t know, but I found something very interesting I wanted to show you.

It just came out on tick tock, where he’s naming names, like, I’m not going down alone. Oh, was he. Did he have a paper with his kid? With him? Did you see that? Yeah. And he, he named, um, just. Oh, yeah. You want to play it? Go ahead, I’ll play it. Let me see if I still have it. Yeah, yeah. He even said in the very beginning, I’m not going down alone.

Is that a picture of Danny Trejo back there? Yeah, that’s Danny. We were in a movie. He’s such a sweetheart. Yeah, he’s cool. He has, I think he told me his family in El Paso. I love him. When I went to LA, I went, he’s got, like, two restaurants. He’s got a donut shop with, like, the most donuts. When I met him. He’s a real big. Talks to anybody.

He’ll. He’s just a nice dude. Oh, I love him. As soon as, as soon as we, we finished the film, he said, I want to take a picture with all the extras, but all the background, and that’s what he did. Humble guy. He’s a real humble guy. He really is. Well, he wasn’t an actor. He became an actor later in life. He was in prison for a while, wasn’t he? Mm hmm.

Yeah. That’s why he’s so humble, man. Things like that. Humble you. Yep. He didn’t forget where he came from. And you see it? Yep. There it is. Okay. All right. Make sure the sound is on. Yeah. All right. Oprah. Oprah. J lo jlo ara. Will Smith. Will Smith. Alicia Keys. Alicia Keys. Look at pretty hair. Black King. God, dude. Justin Bieber. Justin Bieber. Kevin Hart. Kevin Hart. Mark Wahlberg.

Snoot. Snoot. DJ Khaled Swizz beats Charlie Grove. Can you stop it for a second? Chris Brown. Yeah. Mark Wahlberg. Yeah. I don’t know about that. He’s Christian, so, I mean. I mean, Mark Wahlberg. I was in a name I was not. That’s a name I was not expecting in there unless something happened one time. In the past. I mean, who knows? Well, that one time will get you.

I remember when I was at the Playboy mansion, there was a few people there saying, hey, don’t go into certain rooms. They got cameras everywhere. And I was like, what about the grotto? They go, that’s the heavily. That’s the most, uh, you know, that’s the most bugged room there is, is the grotto. And I remember that everyone, a lot of people were taking the girls they met to the Roosevelt hotel, um, just so they wouldn’t be recording.

But yeah, I stayed. I was at the Playboy mansion for three days straight. Wow. Yeah. And I remember, yeah, they had monkeys and parrots and all kinds of shit there, but go ahead, play. Yeah. And I know he recorded every. He had a lot of dirt on everybody. Yep. Okay. Sierra. Janelle. Monet. Yay. That’s my fist right there. Lizzo. Lizzo. Lady, thee stallion. Jay Bowser. J bow. Naomi Campbell.

Naomi Campbell. That’s your auntie? No, she’s a superman. I’m just nervous with him, with the kids. Okay, Jessica, album. Hold on. Jessica Alba just stepped down from her business. You know that? Did she? Yeah, yeah, her business. I forgot what the name of the business is. Someone can put it in the comments. But Jessica Alba just recently, and it was right after this, she just recently stepped down.

Go ahead. Sorry. I know, I know. Naomi Campbell. Lock came out. That Jaguar Wright. She exposed a lot. She exposed a lot. So some of these names she already exposed. Rita Wilson, Gabriel Union. The way you. Wayne Wade Wayne way. Usher, Usher Demi Lovato shacking his whole family. Tracy Ellis Ross Tracy Ellis Ross Bruno Uzur Sway Lee Lee Rick Roy Julian Huff Julian Huff Diplo Diplo Enite Raya Learn a boy Nichole sir singer Nicole Sir Nicole sir singer Nicole from the Pussycat Dogs.

Say Nicole from the Pussycat dogs. That’s right. Paris Coleman. Colorado. Delevingne. Winnie Harlow. Rich Montana. And a bunch of big surprises that I can’t tell you because they’re so big. Sometimes they get busy and they forget that they committed to answers the phone. Jeez. Whoa. I got those. You know, all those people are extremely nervous. Yeah. I gotta tell you, I know. Not the one he mentioned, but I know one of the other pussycat dolls.

And Kaya. Or is it Kaya? Yeah. Yeah, kaya. Yeah. She’s no like she said, we were like that. Saying, like they forced us, you know, to do all these things. Terrible. Yeah, no, I. So. So what do you think now that he’s named them? Do you think people around them, do you think they’ve been approached already and said, hey, what’s going on? Like, it’s time because Jessica Alba stepped down Shaq, I don’t know what’s going on with Shaq, but I mean, that’d be interesting to see.

I mean, it’s even. I know what’s going on with Shaq, actually. What’s crazy is my friend has a tv show and Shaq is supposed to be in the next season. And my friend said he’s a great guy. So I don’t know what he has on him. I don’t know. But Usher, I mean, he groomed usher. You know that story, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sent him to, like, you know, diddy camp or whatever flavor camp or.

I mean, that’s just insane. And, you know, Justin Bieber now. Justin Bieber. I heard a story. I heard a story and it was a video that was out on YouTube for a short time and they took it off. So I’m gonna say allegedly. Do you remember when he canceled his tour and he went running to his pastor? Yeah. So apparently he was invited to one of these parties and they brought in a boy, maybe around eleven years old that was too far into this.

No, I know. And they were gonna record and they told him he had to do certain things. Freaked him out, and that’s when he went running. Wow. Yeah. This is. It’s so dark and it’s a lot of these guys in. I mean, just think how many people are sweating right now. Yeah. And there’s, you know who they’re scared of the most is Mister T. Yeah. You know. Oh, yes.

Trump. I mean, if they’re all sweating bullets over all of them, they’re sweating bullets. I mean, I guess. I guess we shall see where this is all going to go. Like Kat Williams said, 2024 is going to be the year of exposing. No one’s getting away from anything. This is it, so. Absolutely. And I see things turning around. I mean, they’re getting really, really dark. And, you know, the devil thinks he’s winning, but we know the end.

Yeah. Read the. We read the end of the book. No, seriously, I think things are going to start turning around right now. We need this exposure more people need to wake up. You know, I’m here in New York. I’m not going to get too much into all of it. But three blocks away and we have all these illegals. Yeah. Stuff’s going on here. Nothing’s being done to stop it.

I mean, it’s just. No, it’s going to get out of hand, but it’s got to go, go so off the rails that everyone loses. Remember, we even told this thousands of times on my show that it’s gonna be a near death experience. Right? So I’m expecting that. My mind’s already there. So. And so as bad as this gets, it’s like, yeah, well, we know this. So here we go.

Let’s buckle up, buttercup. All right. Denise, I really appreciate you coming on and having some fun with me because I wanted to do something a little different and mix it up and. And I know you know a lot about this stuff. You. You talk to a lot of these types of people, and you got your fingers on the pulse with this stuff, so, Denise, once again, thank you.

Where can people find you? Um, okay, so I am on rumble. You can go to rumble. com forward slash Denise. I am also on YouTube, but heavily shadow banned. Yeah. So I would say rumble. Find me on rumble. That’s the best way. But, um, thanks for having me. This to was great. Yeah, yeah. And. And we’re going to do dive into Lady Gaga pretty soon, right? Absolutely. That probably can’t go on fluff tube, right.

I mean, if we’re very limited in what we say, it’s okay, you know? Right. But, uh, yeah, we’re going to this. Even this will be edited to an extent. So, folks, uh, if you see some little cutouts here and there, that’s just part of the game we got to play. At least I’m putting it up on YouTube for you. All right, Denise, thank you. Thanks for coming on.

Great seeing you. Love. .

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