Jimmy Fallon & Pop Stars Push Bio-Weapons On Children | Jack Mullen

MyPatriotsNetwork-Jimmy Fallon & Pop Stars Push Bio-Weapons On Children | Jack Mullen

Jack Mullen – How much money does it take for child-targeting “pop stars” to promote the poisoning and possible death of their primary benefactors?  How much money does Jimmy Fallon get to lure children into voluntary suicide? When big pharmaceutical companies or your pediatrician pass out so-called “vaccines” to perfectly healthy children and these children […]

After Thousands Of Parents Refused to Comply, California School District Reverses Child Jab Mandate

MyPatriotsNetwork-After Thousands Of Parents Refused to Comply, California School District Reverses Child Jab Mandate

San Diego, CA — Forgoing any legal democratic processes, multiple school districts in California began mandating the COVID-19 vaccination for children earlier this year. Set to go into effect in January, any child, 16 and older, who did not get the jab, was banned from campus in all San Diego public schools. This authoritarian move caused […]

Election System Review? – December 22, 2021 Update

MyPatriotsNetwork-Election System Review? – December 22, 2021 Update

 Election System Review? – December 22,2021 Updat Great day Patriot, We have some interesting updates with the election situation. First, is Jovan Hutton Pulitzer still alive?!  Joe Oltmann gives us a direct update… That and more in today’s first post below. Be well, Jared “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is […]

Standing Up To City Council

MyPatriotsNetwork-Standing Up To City Council

Standing Up To City Council I recently connected with Greg Befort, CSPOA Member & Retired Northern California Peace Officer to talk about his recent efforts speaking out to his City Council regarding local tyranny. You’re going to be hearing more about people like Greg! We’re providing educational resources on our website and you can even […]

New Updates With The Election Transparency Movement!

MyPatriotsNetwork-New Updates With The Election Transparency Movement!

First… Is Jovan Hutton Pulitzer Still Alive?? Earlier today, Joe Oltmann posted this on his Telegram channel… Obviously, very concerning. Luckily, he heard from Jovan shortly after that and Jovan IS still alive!  Have a look… Keep praying for his wellness and the other people that were sick/poisoned from the recent Clay Clark event in […]

Live & Let Live

MyPatriotsNetwork-Live & Let Live

Live & Let Live Recently, I was a guest on the Peace Radicals Podcast with Attorneys Marc Victor and Andy Marcantel. It was a great discussion on abortion, marijuana, other heavy-duty topics. Listen in and we at CSPOA, hope that you’ll pick one of the topics (or another controversial topic that you believe in) and […]

Did Jovan Pullitzer, Joe Oltmann & Others Get Poisoned?! – December 20, 2021 Update

MyPatriotsNetwork-Did Jovan Pullitzer, Joe Oltmann & Others Get Poisoned?! – December 20, 2021 Update

Did Jovan Pullitzer, Joe Oltmann & Others Get Poisoned?!  – December 20, 2021 Update Great day Patriot, Yes, this is a war and the front line warriors are risking their lives. In the first post below, you will hear how Joe Oltmann explains how him, Jovan Hutton Pulitzer and others were potentially poisoned with anthrax at […]

Is Covid A Weapon?

MyPatriotsNetwork-Is Covid A Weapon?

Is COVID A Weapon? CSPOA Director Sam Bushman hosts Scott Bradley (FreedomsRisingSun.com) on his show Liberty Roundtable. Scott is dedicated to restoring the founding principles of the U.S. Constitution. Today’s topic is the weaponization of Covid. Why are many doctors NOT giving Ivermectin and HCQ in the hospital? These drugs have been around and used […]

Freedom Fighter Joe Oltmann Gets Poisoned?! Lives To Tell About It

MyPatriotsNetwork-Freedom Fighter Joe Oltmann Gets Poisoned?! Lives To Tell About It

Joe Oltmann Says Him, Jovan Hutton Pulitzer & Others Were Poisoned At Recent Clay Clark Event! Yesterday, Joe Oltmann (of Conservative Daily and FEC United) posted an update on his Telegram channel hinting at the idea he had recently been poisoned.  Have a look… Joe mentions this while also asking for support for a friend […]

Is Tucker Carlson Part of The CIA? – December 17, 2021 Update

MyPatriotsNetwork-Is Tucker Carlson Part of The CIA? – December 17, 2021 Update

 Is Tucker Carlson Part of The CIA? – December 17, 2021 Update Great day Patriot, If you’re reading these words, hopefully you understand FOX and everyone being paid by them is the enemy in this info war we are in. Well, I recently stumbled upon some VERY eye opening information about the “Conservative Posterboy” Tucker Carlson. […]

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