The Ghost- 2024 Solar Eclipse..The Hype vs The Facts! What Can We Expect!? | David Nino Rodriguez

David Nino Rodriguez talks about the ghost 2024 eclipse

David Nino Rodriguez on Ninoscorner TV explores the upcoming solar eclipse. They discuss unusual events like school closures and potential airline disruptions. They also ponder if these events could distract from other issues. While these concerns might be baseless, it’s good to stay informed and prepared. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Street Level Perspective Of Current Financial Markets Including Silver and Gold | Silver Savior


The the local market for gold and silver remains robust and may continue experiencing increased demand. Investors are turning to these precious metals to safeguard their portfolios amidst the economic uncertainty, inflation concerns, and geopolitical risks. Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Gold’s New Heights Amid Easing Anticipation and Macroeconomic Tensions | Silver Savior

deliberate financial disruption of the world

Towering national debts, unchecked fiat printing, and subjugating interest rates to political whims, all analyzed through an Austrian Economics lens, suggest an urgent need to realign with sound money principles. We risk our economies’ health and financial future stability without such foundational adjustments. To Learn More Click The Button Below.

Healthy Living Livestream: How To Cure Diabetes In Three Weeks | Andrew Kaufman M.D.

Dr. Andrew Kaufman’s livestream discussed curing diabetes in three weeks. He explained diabetes, its causes, and health risks. The blog also links certain foods and chemicals to diabetes, and suggests dietary changes for management. It mentions natural substances like pine tree terpenes for detox. Lastly, it invites readers to a free online event about natural healing methods for diabetes. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Update #858 – Friday March 22, 2024

MPN Update 858

Stay informed with today’s shocking headlines, from financial upheavals to intriguing conspiracies. Discover stories that shape our nation, keeping you ahead of the curve. Tap into the truth with deep dives into money control, royal mysteries, and anticipated global events. Ignite your curiosity with news that matters.

CLIMATE the MOVIE: The Cold Truth | Jim Fetzer

Jim Fetzer presents climate the movie the cold truth

Jim Fetzer explores the debate on climate change in this blog post. Some believe it’s a scam for money and power, while others argue that Earth’s temperature naturally fluctuates. We’ll discuss the impact of CO2 levels, cosmic rays, and solar activity on our climate. Also, we’ll touch on how climate change fear might be used to control society. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Theyre LOSING Control Of The Money Supply | Mark Moss

Mark Moss talks about the money supply being out of control

Mark Moss talks about how the Federal Reserve’s actions affect our economy and your money. It talks about how words can change market trends, what moves prices, and how to understand financial data. It also gives tips on protecting your wealth in changing economic times. It’s a useful guide for anyone interested in finance. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Joe Biden Started Shouting Swearing At Staff Over Recent Poll Numbers Migrants Inflation Issues | The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels

The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels talks about joe biden swearing at staff

The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels talks about how President Biden is upset. Even though he’s done good things like passing laws and helping the economy, people aren’t noticing. He’s especially worried because some black voters aren’t supporting him as much. He’s raised a lot of money for his campaign, more than any other president! But, some people are spreading rumors about his health, saying he might have dementia.” …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Gold Gold Gold | The Economic Ninja

The Economic Ninja talks about gold! gold! gold!

The Economic Ninja talks about how Gold is in high demand again, especially among banks and wealthy folks. Why? Gold tends to shine when the economy doesn’t. Lately, gold prices have soared, catching many off guard. This mirrors 2010’s gold rush. Even with falling inflation and a rising stock market, gold continues to glitter.” …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Conspiracy or REAL? 2024 Election Could Be Postponed! | Paradigm Press

Paradigm Press 2024 election possibly put off?

Paradigm Press and Jeffrey Tucker discusses a Supreme Court case that might affect the 2024 election. He worries about increased censorship on social media and how it could sway public opinion. He also fears that big tech companies are controlling information, which could impact our freedom of speech. The article also explores potential changes to the economy if Biden or his replacement wins the presidency. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

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