Need to Know News (15 July 2024) with Carl Herman Joe Olson Chris Weinert | Jim Fetzer

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots



➡ Jim Fetzer hosts a show discussing various topics, including an analysis of an alleged assassination attempt on Trump. The show features several guests, including a former secret service agent. One of the guests, Joe, shares his experience of watching a movie after a long time and discusses the influence of Hollywood and media companies. The text also mentions a discussion about the Federal Reserve and its potential replacement with cryptocurrency.
➡ The text discusses a conspiracy theory about an assassination attempt on Trump, suggesting it was staged or allowed to happen. It also mentions the possibility of future attempts or even a fake assassination. The speakers believe these events are orchestrated to provoke public reaction and justify political actions, such as declaring a state of emergency. They compare the situation to historical events and suggest it’s all part of a larger plan to control and manipulate the public.
➡ The text discusses various historical and political events, focusing on the influence of powerful families and secret societies on American politics. It mentions how Teddy Roosevelt became president through the assassination of his predecessor and his subsequent actions in office. The text also discusses the creation of the Secret Service and FBI, and the influence of Eastern European mafias on American politics. It ends with a discussion on recent events involving Donald Trump and the Secret Service, suggesting a conspiracy theory about a potential assassination attempt.
➡ The discussion revolves around the idea that media personalities like Alex Jones and Joe Rogan may be spreading partial truths to polarize audiences. The speakers also criticize the lack of scrutiny on Donald Trump’s past, suggesting that he may be involved in activities he publicly opposes. They also discuss a conspiracy theory involving a ladder and a roof, suggesting it proves a lone gunman theory false. Lastly, they express concern over the current state of scientific research, suggesting it’s unreliable.
➡ The speaker claims to have predicted the Covid-19 pandemic and its related issues years in advance. They express satisfaction that their warnings were heeded by some, leading to a critical view of the situation. They also discuss the importance of breaking free from manipulative narratives and rituals, which they believe are part of a larger control mechanism. They hope that humanity will wake up and put an end to these manipulations.


Carl Herman, Mission Viejo, California. Joe Olson in his driveway in Houston, Texas, waiting for delivery. Chris Weinerton, parts unknown need to know news this is Monday, July 15, 2024. Let’s take a look at our topic topics and get an opening statement. But first, I want to share this image. This was in the gym today after playing tennis with my brother. I want to point out a couple of, couple of the details here. He’s got the Punisher. He’s got the FJB edition there. Arrest Fauci Felon 2024 make America great again. And remember, you are the experiment. But there’s more than that.

Oops, not going to show me the other one. And he has a little more on the side there as well. Let’s go to those topics. Okay, so this show is going to be dedicated for an analysis of the Trump, quote, unquote, assassination attempt. And Jim Fetzer, professor emeritus, founder of need to know news conspiracy realist extraordinaire. And John Carmen and Brian Davidson, PI John Carmen is a former secret service agent. We spent about an hour and a half talking about that yesterday, and we have a bunch of new developments and new developments coming all the time.

So that’s going to be the focus of the, the show today. Yeah, I guess I’ll put in an opening statement now. I’ll put in my opening statement in context to what we did yesterday because I really want to point to some of the data to give one. Joe, opening statement, brother. Yeah. Over the weekend, I went and saw fly me to the moon, which I’d been much anticipating and I like, haven’t indulged in Hollywood since about 2000. So about 20 quarter of a century without tinsel town input. What’s your first movie in 24 years? About? Yeah, about, I saw the one with Richard or Cavill, whatever his name was, on the kidnapped children.

I don’t even remember the name of it because it turns out that it was possible Psyop infected as well. And then 2000 mules, which was Kathleen Englebright, who I’ve known since 2010. So those are the only two that I’ve been to a theater to see since 2000. And I may have accidentally watched something at somebody’s house on a dvd, but not much. Just don’t participate in that crap. But anyhow, so I went to see fly me to the moon. Scarlett Johansson did a great job. I think she’s the producer and partial writer of this particular thing.

Did great acting. They did a lot of product placement because it’s by Sony Pictures. So all the tvs made real conspicuous Sony labels on them. They had a lot of stuff from the big three automakers, Kellogg serial placements and replaced snap, crackle and pop with the three astronauts. Let’s see what else was in there. Oh, a lot. Tab cola. There was a whole, just enormous amount of overt product placement. And amazingly enough, she was supposedly working at a Wall street firm and she was expert on marketing, and so that’s why NASA recruited her. The storyline is pretty good.

What they do is they play that there’s two different filmings going on. One of a fake moon landing and then one of the real moon landings, so they can dub in the fake and then kill the astronauts in a burn up return. And so there would never be any evidence that they didn’t go to the moon, was what the hypothesis was. And then the guy said, the fake stuff you did is so good, it’s going to be better than real. So we disconnected the camera. Well, anyhow, spoiler alert, they ended up playing like it really did happen and we really saw the real thing so that they could satisfy, you know, the NASA, NASA clowns.

But the other thing they did is they put the, the situation in context. They put the national mood because they mentioned some stuff about Vietnam and how there was a lot of unrest about that. And then they mentioned multiple assassinations, but they didn’t go into any detail about those particular items. Another thing they conspicuously avoided was the 1968 DNC convention in Chicago, where over 600 people were injured, 152 police officers are injured. And like I said, they mentioned assassinations, but they didn’t mention the government involvement in JFK, RFK and MLK. So that was kind of interesting.

And so, bottom line is, I recommend it because it’s a good talking point to mention all the things that prevent this from actually happening. And Jim and I did a great video on that back. I think it was about 2022. And it’s at bitchute. And you can search in the search engine j o e o l s o n. Apollo. And it’s an hour long video and it includes my article that was posted about that same time at Principia Scientific called perplexing Apollo questions for NASA. And my stuff covers everything that was wrong with it up until that date.

But now there’s even more stuff. So I think I’m going to try to get Jim to do a special on July 23 or whenever it was. That’s the 55th anniversary of this fable and we’ll go into some more details about things that have happened since the last time we discussed this for an hour. Anyhow, that’s it. Bottom line is I recommend the movie only because it. With the mood, with the. With the music and the settings and the costumes and the. And the projection of the other media stuff, it kind of exposes how Hollywood is nothing but a advertising psyops for one world government.

And just to put a little bit in perspective, CB’s was created in 1927, was owned by Paramount Pictures, and then it was owned by Westinghouse in 1995, who is a big war producer. And then it was bought by Viacom in 2000. And then we had RCA, which was created in 1919, which took over the old Marconi wireless with the stolen Tesla patents created in 1899. And RCA was owned by GE, at and T, and United Fruits. So three of the biggest monopoly companies in the world owned RCA. And basically the director of RCA for about several decades was a guy named David Sarnoff, who stole the patents from Philo Farnsworth for television.

And he also stole the patents on the super heterodon for AM and FM radio. So bottom line is we’ve been run by jewish thieves for, oh, I don’t know, about a century or two. Thank you, Joe. Chris, opening statement. Sorry to wait for my screen to turn back around. Yeah, you know, think about a lot of this stuff, this DARPA tech of its era and its time, and how it was funded by the Federal Reserve, and it was funded through the New Deal programs, public money, public debt given to private sector people with private sector interests, and certainly for propagandizing the american public and global population.

So, yeah, I think you really have to kind of see what this stuff is and see the first generation of what would have been social engineering and social media and how it developed and what, in hindsight, has been revealed, and then maybe think about what’s being offered. Now. I hear, like, Elon Musk is a free speech platform advocate, and Vivek Rasamaswani, or whatever his name is, is fighting for the people. And all this stuff these guys are involved with, Peter Thiel, they’ve got this, the analytics, to pretty much whisper everything you want to hear into your ears.

All these sweet nothings, all the cularp ziobs, all this bullshit stuff that could be very real, but as far as doing anything about it is complete and total farce. And it’s kabuki theater. It’s Kafei theater, just like the politics. So, yeah, this is really how they justify asset stripping the world and destroying fair value in terms of wages, labor and resource costs. So, yeah, these guys are playing a parlor trick. And I think once the Federal Reserve has exhausted its credibility or its utility, they’ll move on to the CBDC and the cryptocurrency next. Thank you, Chris.

All right, let’s dive into our topic. Okay, so we’re going to spend some time on the show that we did yesterday. And this was the 76 minutes video. And I think what I want to do for this is just kind of give a briefing based upon these topics and we. A grazed deer, maybe, and a dead shooter, maybe. Maybe. One of the things that the, that John Carmen, the former secret service agent, said is that, yeah, this guy shoot anything at all, this deceased guy, if there isn’t any evidence of him taking a shot, then I would question it.

And the close up of Trump’s ear, actually, let’s go ahead and take a look at that. So I got to do it this way. Oops. And desktop. And I think this should show. Do you guys see this image of Trump’s ear? Yes. Okay, good. Thank you. So Jim had sent this, and I don’t know what I’m looking at here, but if you have these capsules, and if Trump smashed a capsule into his ear and like, I don’t know, but that is what a capsule looks like. And that picture looks like something that could be a capsule.

And it’s all one of the themes that Jim and Brian and I make sure that I have this, again, set up correctly. We’re talking about is that it was just too perfect of an optic where Trump walks away. But yet what we’re shown is as clear as what Joe was talking about. The theatrics of going to the moon, while the theatrics of an assassination being anything other than from our own government. So the dead roof shooter, 450ft away, Elon Musk took it as an opportunity to endorse Trump and people who are expert with shooters saying 450ft, 150 yards, that is, if you can set up for the shot, you’re going to kill a guy, because what that means, 150 yards for a pro would be point blank range.

Trump’s counter sniper team let the shooter shoot before executing him, because that’s your, what it looked like. It sure looked that way. And we had eyewitnesses, two of them say they were pointing up on the roof. And, uh, John Carmen verified what I’m sure that we had read with the prima facie secret Service complicity is that you have three rings of protection. And of course, the, any tall building, any, any, anything that you could fire a shot anything, certainly within 500 yards, would be covered entirely. And that the protocol would be if somebody got through the security and he had a guy up on a roof with a rifle, you would just take him out.

But instead, so the counter sniper team just watched. And then after he took, like, three to five shots, then what we’re shown is. And they. They killed him. Now, the new Trump optics is that we have these photos of Trump and the fight, fight, fight. And we took an opportunity to talk the history that this shit is real. JFK, RFK, MLK. We took a look at corporate media and the tragic comedy of them trying to belittle what happened. Like, ooh, Trump fell down. And then the idea of Vincent Fuska, that. Let me go ahead and pull this one up here, is that this dude, we covered this four years ago, and both he and this whoever, Psyop actress playing his wife, happened to have the same facial physiology of JFK junior.

And Vincent is to conquer Fuska means the dark. And then we have Vincent Fuska’s partner having the same. Let’s see. Let’s take a look at. Where is the money shot picture here? Their faces next to each other. Here we go. Vincent Fuska’s partner and Carolyn Kennedy. I mean, I can’t make an argument stronger than that. So I was left with what we talked about yesterday. Jim said it certainly looked like a false flag setup. And Brian Davidson pointed out to the same details as the secret service agent. And Brian was saying that he was getting all the primary source data that he possibly could before that stuff is scrubbed on the Internet.

And for me, just the presence of that Fuska character there. And then there’s more video. I don’t know if we have it in the topic for today that might have gotten that this morning. Or I could put it in. Of some of the characters. There is a woman behind Trump who is wearing a black baseball hat. No reaction to the shooting. As soon as the fun starts, she gets a little smile, pulls out her phone and records. That is interesting. So there’s a lot going on. Um, I don’t believe any of the official story, and if I had to, to make a conclusion for this, is that the.

The deep state, again, is fatally can’t do it to me, is. Is bleeding out, um, for the Dems and an official assassination attempt, that optic is there in the public. They can’t take that back, and we’ll see what else falls out from it. All right, that’s what I have to say about that. Joe, your comments, brother. Yeah, well, in 1912, Teddy Roosevelt was making a campaign speech, and a communist assassin jumped up and shot him. He ended up having a notebook in his pocket, which partially stopped the bullet, but it still ended up close to his heart.

He spent the next two months in a hospital bed, and he still managed to get 25% of the popular vote, which gave us Woodrow Wilson with 39% of the popular vote. So this is not an unusual situation happen in the United States that a political candidate gets taken out by a communist. And I believe McKinley was also shot by a communist. And I’m trying to find Taft. I don’t think I remember exactly how Taft died, but anyhow, so bottom line is, yeah, that’s how we ended up with all of this bullshit. And interestingly enough, today Musk tweeted that the FBI, who’s in charge of the investigation, can’t open the little 20 year old kids cell phone data.

So I put a comment in one of the blog sites, feral cops baffled by crooks cell phone. And another thing is starting, a storyline starting to come out that possibly crooks are Jews, and maybe this family, family of crooks are Jews. So, you know, until that’s verified, I’ll just put it in as a. As a potential to watch, and we’ll talk about it more in depth on Wednesday. Hopefully they’ll more be more information. But, yeah, that’s what we’re dealing with, kids, continuation of government. And Vander Steel just tweeted something out, and she said, that’s exactly what they’ve got planned.

They’re going to declare a national emergency. And if it’s not this event, there’ll be some upcoming event that will be a national emergency. And then they’ll say, we can’t hold an election during a state of emergency, so everybody’s going to be on lockdown. So enjoy your life while you still can, because it looks like they’re fixing to pull the plug on the whole damn comic. Us psyops. Thank you, Joe. And taft, he ended up landing on the supreme Court as a justice, and I think he lived until 1930. And let me give the punchline of what I was seeing in the show that I forgot to talk about is that I think there’s going to be more.

I think that they’re going to orchestrate at least another attempt on Trump’s life, and they may even fake killing Trump. Or we talked about the idea that we’ve been discussing for years, even up to the 19, the 2020 election, because I didn’t see Biden as a viable candidate at all. They may have Biden assassinated, or at least to show us that, and blame it on mega. Or assassinate Obama and blame it on mega. So we shall see. Chris, your comments, brother. Yeah, I agree. I said something like this about six years ago. The whole point of pinpointing everybody with social media and precision propaganda and behavioral insight teams is to provoke this very situation, this Trump thing.

It will maximize engagement. It will get people picking aside one side or the other, or joining in and providing their opinion, whether they know what they’re talking about, even watch it, or even care or not. It’s something that is very much been orchestrated, in my opinion, for this very response. And as you say, they’ll probably will do, shoot the guy with the Biden mask, and then they’ll say, we have to lock it all down because America, citizens can’t be trusted with, you know, weapons. And they’re on a state of emergency or whatever bullshit they want to say.

This theater is all about them justifying their real agenda, their real goals, and using this as the. The casus belly or the reason raison d’atre. Let’s just say, for these agendas, 911, for example, they had all these things they tried to put in after Waco and after world or after Oak City bombing. Uh, Joe Biden wrote the first Patriot act, if you remember, and it got shot down quickly. The american public wanted to lynch this man. Uh, you know, so they needed the 911 type thing, a Pearl harbor type event, uh, to do what they had to do for the full spectrum surveillance, uh, the surveillance capital, the technocratic feudalism, uh, the whole thing they have in store for us and they’re trying to deliver.

So, yeah, I think the COVID lockdown, warp speed agenda was very much the same thing. And, uh, you know, at the end of the day, people are picking sides in this, uh, baby face and heel Kafebi script and fighting to the death over it, which is exactly what these robber barons want. They want us doing their dirty work for them. And it’s the same situation that we were facing in the 1912 era, too, if you think about it. You know, they put Wilson in knowing that he’d be the guy that brought in the selective Service Act, World War one, the Federal Reserve.

They knew damn well what this was, and they brought it on for this reason. So, yeah, this is all just a script to justify the impoverishment and the asset stripping of the working poor. And what better way, you know? And the sad thing is, the working portal actually look up to these offerings as some sort of savior or in despair, the only option that they can see that will help them and they’ll fight to the death to defend something that really is betraying them on every front. Thank you, Chris. Yep, go ahead, Joe. Should have taken ahead of time.

It was McKinley who was shot in 1901, and he had just recently selected Teddy Roosevelt as his vice president because Roosevelt was approved by the Roosevelt family and the Rockefeller family, which they were cousins, and the Rothschilds. So bottom line is they managed to get their guy into office without him being elected. He had previously been the chief of police for New York City, and then he was governor briefly of New York, and then they took him out of the governorship, put him on a VP ticket. So Teddy got into the office by assassination of his president, and he got deprived of being in the office by attempted assassination, and both of them were by communists.

So bottom line is, yeah, we’ve had these same influences from eastern european mafias running our country indirectly through their I. Multiple layered crime syndicate. You know, another thing I’d like to point out, created the. Yeah, they created the secret service to protect the president after the McKinley. There you go. Another Teddy Roosevelt gem is he created the FBI proper putting in one of Napoleon Bonaparte’s grand nephews as its first attorney general. Charles Bonaparte. So, yeah, this is all a masonic script. It’s all theater. It’s all to do this. Think about Teddy Roosevelt getting his fame for trust busting Standard Oil.

He made it 20 times more profitable and limited its viability by thousands of percentages. So this is really them delivering something under the guise of the citizens benefit, but it’s truly for the benefit of the robber barons. You know, these are all cadets and peerages of the british crown and the crypto Jews that we talk about, the Zionists. So all these guys are working towards that as their end game. And all this occultic stuff is their real belief and whether they come out and play with the big three abrahamic industrialized religions and profess to swear fealty to that.

Ultimately, at the end of the day, these guys are all doing this occultic bullshit that we are trying to expose in private. And at the end of the day, I think you really have to see this for what it is because these guys are just fucking with you. It’s like Duper’s delight. Yeah, yeah. And then Teddy may have been taken out himself. He died in 1920, so he may have been considering, or he may have been perceived as a potential political threat and taken out Joe. Yeah, he wrote an incredible book about the river down in Brazil.

I don’t remember the title of it, but a perilous 900 miles voyage down an uncharted river in the largest uncharted river at that time in South America, proving that he was a very real man’s man. But let’s also don’t forget that when the NSA was created, who was the first appointed director of the NSA? Oh, that would be Marcus Wolfe. And who was hedgesthem? He had been the director of the east german secret police stats for decades. And he was brought to America by baby Bush to set up our NSA to be a mirror of the most evil police state in all of the Soviet Union.

Absolutely disgusting. And nobody made us think about it at the time. It’s like, well, we need to be protected. God. Unbelievable. Same stories over and over and over again. All right, so new developments, or at least new as of my putting the show together last night, a little bit this morning. So Candace Owens calls B’s on the Trump detail. And I want to play a couple of minutes of this just because I like Candace’s spunk on this, and I think that she reflects. I’ll see you on tour in Las Vegas, Chicago, and Grand Rapids in Chicago.

Here’s what Candace Owen has to say about it. I’ve got to be kidding. Let me say something right now. Take this to the bank. Okay? That person was allowed to scale that roof. Okay? I am not some individual who’s trying to assess situation and have never been around the president of the United States while Trump was in office, okay? I was around him a lot. A lot. And let me tell you something. The Secret Service. There is no person that can get around the perimeter of the secret service where. Where Donald Trump is without them being aware of it.

I am not kidding when I say that my husband once almost got shocked by the Secret Service because he came down a staircase. I was speaking at the NRA. NRA. And he snaked in and came down. They didn’t know who he was. And they were like, freeze, freeze, freeze, freeze, freeze. Like, we will shoot you right now. So you’re telling me that guy walked up and was trying to get the attention? The Secret Service saw him, and he’s pointing and he’s saying, this guy’s got a gun. This guy’s got a gun, and they’re pretending they don’t know what’s going on? I mean, am I crazy? Do you guys actually believe this was a failure in intelligence? All of these secret Service agents crawling around, and you don’t think just what that guy said, that is common sense.

Okay? They’re trying to now tell us that common sense is a conspiracy. That is the new thing that they’re trying to sell the public. Common sense is a conspiracy. You’re telling me. And this guy was able to walk up with a rifle in his hand and scale a roof, and you don’t think the secret service, and let me tell you, they get there days before. Let me tell you how a security apparatus is supposed to run days before they get in. And they look at every possible angle in which somebody could hurt the president. Okay? And I’m not even talking about once you get to the secret Service.

I’m talking about if you just have security in general before you speak, they will go, this is the stage. Okay? Let me tell you that right there is a problem. They’ll mark that as a spot. That right there is a problem, that we need to know who this person is. They’ll knock on doors. Okay? They got to figure out every possible angle that any individual could potentially get on a roof. Because you know what? This has happened in the past. People have been shot from roofs, people have been shot from windows. There is a 0% chance.

Yeah, that gives a good idea the flavor of Candace Owens. And then I like this here, I’ll play this. Take a look at what happened. Take a look what happened. No blood on his hand is the caption. And then these three guys in the dark shirt Buska, they’re standing up and coincidentally blocked the view of people behind. I like that guy. The guy on the right, just looking around like he’s looking to try to find somebody in the crowd. I want to be a part of your mystery. Then we’re about to get the money shot. Fight Hollywood.

You laugh when you make the rules. Step right up, ladies and gentlemen. Here comes stumbling full. And they have like, a little puddle and that tries to zach her, not being able to holster her sidearm. All right? And then we have the officer encounter Trump rally gunman moments before the shooting. And that would be that. The story that this guy scaled the ladder and the officer was scared off, went back down. Russia gators suggest Trump staged the attack with Putin’s help. Yeah, they were going to try. They were going to try there. They’re not going to back down.

They only go in one direction. They have to be arrested. Trump questioned vaccines on June 7. Assassination attempt came five weeks later. Pure coincidence, along with Slovakia’s prime minister, Robert Fico. And then state of the nation wasn’t allowed to happen. Hey, there’s the money shot. Babylon B. Trump, indicted for inciting an assassination attempt. So it would seem that you have to come to the conclusion that it’s not possible for secret service to fuck up that bad. But we’ll see. And then, oh, yeah, I did include this. Here’s the woman in the black hat that I was describing.

And watch her behavior. Watch this shit, dude. Watch. Watch. She sits down. Yep. Watch this. If you want to put the sign up something that said, take a look what happened. She’s completely normal. And then watch. What the fuck? What the fuck? People are freaking out, and she’s just like, right there. She’s not even freaking the fuck. Watch this shit, dude. Watch. Yep, watch. She sits down. And those were some of the updates that I included for public consideration. Joe. Oh, welcome back, Chris. Chris, why don’t you jump in since you’re here? Sorry, you caught me off guard there, Carla.

Trying to unmute this damn crack screen takes forever. Yeah, you know, I think about this. Think about the Cambridge Analytica giving Trump the campaign metrics to defeat Hillary in 2016. Think about the Q Larpental, the Ziop, the military operation. Think about all the supposed alternative media leaders and their control opposition, like Alex Jones or the. Like Joe Rogan’s. You know, they’re revealing, you know, 80% truths and 20% half truths. And I think a big part of this is to radicalize both sides. One side will basically become callous and ignore all criticism, and the other side will become hypercritical and clearly outraged by the content and the nature of the claims being assessed against the opponents.

And a lot of this will turn into a political partisan issue. And in most cases, I think that there’s a strong argument that Trump could be involved with Epstein island and with all the shit that he’s supposedly fighting against. Think about the dialogue in the control dialogue of the whole Democrat versus Republican Trump thing. They go after Trump for steel memos, grip balls, stormy Daniels. They don’t go after him for being thrice bankrupted and refinanced by Rothschild proxies. They don’t go after him for almost being whacked by the italian mafia in the early eighties. They don’t go after him for all the HUD money he scammed from C.

Dylan Reed through his real estate companies. They don’t go at them for any of the bullshit. They don’t go after him for Roy Cohn being his mentor. And he was one of the most diabolical undermining people of the red scare, lavender scare, unto the cold war. So, you know, there’s a lot of stuff that they completely give Donald Trump a pass in the gentleman’s agreement dialogue, and I think it’s part of the script, and this is why I say it. You know, they zoom in on the molehills and ignore the fucking mountains. Yep. Thank you. Joe.

Your thoughts? Yeah, well, candace mentioned something that she didn’t really understand how important it is that that little piece of evidence proves this was not a lone gunman. The ladder to the roof. I’ve worked on 100, maybe 200 metal buildings in the last 60 years. You do not put a roof mounted equipment and roof ladders on a metal store, metal, single story warehouse type building, because they don’t design the frames for them and they don’t have curbs to mount them. And it’s just ridiculous. On the few cases where you do have roof mounted equipment that requires service, you would have to have a fixed ladder.

And you do that on normal buildings that are two or three stories tall that have a conventional roof framing, but you don’t do it on a metal building. And I’ve seen aerial photos that show there’s a canopy connecting this one story building to the adjoining two or three story tall building. The ladder was leaned up against that covered canopy, and it had to have been at least a twelve foot ladder. So this little punk didn’t show up two days later and set the ladder up. And he didn’t show up that morning and set the ladder up.

So who set the ladder up so this little punk could scale it and climb up there and be on top of the roof? The roof has no roof mounted equipment. So bottom line is, where was the Secret Service on that little particular detail? Oh, well, let’s get into who’s the in charge of the secret service? That would be our current stoots puppet, which proves that our SS is better than the german SS. Kimberly Kleedy. She joined the secret service in 1995. She was in charge of BPFJB security team during the Obama administration. When Trump took office, she didn’t have a position anymore, so she went over to become head of security, PepsiCo, so she could guard America against bad cheetos.

And then when she was reappointed in 2021, right after FJB took office, and she immediately said she was going to increase the DEI and the security services, and she was going to make sure it was 30%. Oh, and there goes Joe. We lost him from his driveway. All right. Oh, there he is. Joe, you back, brother? Am I still here? Yeah, you’re still here. Joe’s not quite back. All right, well, let’s go on to closing. This is some crazy show, Carl. I’ll just say that sometimes danger than fiction, and maybe there’s certain, I guess, things that are absolute in terms of conclusions being thrown around.

And I’m sure it’s more of a gray area than maybe even what I might say. As far as I’ll say it’s a stage false flag shooting. I think there’s probably gray areas. Maybe there was a guy that tried to take a shot at him. Maybe they wanted to, you know, wing a couple people in the background to make it look real, like 911 and stuff. You know, they had to kill a few thousand people, or, you know, at least a few. So, yeah, this is. I don’t know, you hear, in the face of limbic reaction, you hear all kinds of absurdities and all kinds of Stockholm syndrome.

I’m sure the orange crush cult is going to double down on their blood, just like the Biden, whatever you call that liberal group. So, yeah, this is an extremely polarizing event. Reminds me of, like, when Wallace was shot in the zoo. Thank you, Chris. Joe, are you back? Think about. Let’s go to Joe. Joe, are you there? Brother? I hope. I don’t know. I’m fading in and out. Yeah. The problem is that the head of the Schultz topple of the United States, our secret Service, is better than the german SS. But currently the woman in charge is Kimberly Cheadle.

She had joined in 1995. She was in charge of the FJB security detail during his vice presidency. When Trump took office, she was forced out. She went to Pepsico, was in charge of protecting America from bad cheetos. And then when FJB took office, she was reappointed to be head of the SS in the United States. And she said she was going to force Dei and make sure that 30% of all the secret Service agents were women. And at the rally, there was little girls standing around Trump that weren’t possibly able to protect his body. And one of them bent over, and so I said, what’s she bending over for? And I said, she’s protecting the PotUS penis.

Yeah. Yeah. To. To allow his face to pop up in a active shooting. That’s against their protocol. But it did give the great the money shot picture. So it is extraordinary that we did have that. All right, final thoughts. For me, I don’t have anything other than just to pay attention to what breaks forward. This has the. In terms of the exposure of a false flag event, I would conclude that this is the fastest response from the digital soldiers in order to document that this was a potentially an empire ending event. Because then that opens up the potential of people bringing out the JFK, RFK, MLK and hundreds of others of evidence.

And then, of course, you have the RFK two, who has been denied secret service protection. So all of this is still brewing. Nothing has broken yet. And yet we have, of course, progress that is worthy of paying attention to, worthy of the title of the show of news that you need to know. All right, gentlemen, anything else for closing statements? Yeah, I wanted to mention that the movie that I did see since 2000 was sound of freedom with Jen Cavella. And that was produced, I believe, by Disney Pictures show, until finally angel Productions bought the rights to put it out.

And then turns out that the true story is 50% fake. And the guy that it was, the hero, Tim Vollard, is less than heroic. So that’s why I didn’t spend a whole lot of time memorizing details on that particular piece of Hollywood tribe. But anyhow, bottom line is, there was something else that I think it was sent to me by Jim. It was an epic Times interview with Emily Kaplan, and she’s created a site called Broken Science Initiative. She’s a journalist degree, and she. The title of the interview is scientific research doesn’t hold up. And she goes into mainly medical research, but it applies across the board to.

Absolutely. It applies to medical research. And then we lost Joe. Joe, are you back? Let’s go on to Chris. Wow, it feels good to not be the one getting dropped. I don’t know. Joe must have pissed somebody off. Yeah, I must have been appeasing the computer pretty well with. With my comments going on with the script, as expected. I’m just fucking joking. I hope people understand that. There’s a lot of stuff going on right now, Carl, that’s steering people into this chaos. And I’m really glad that we’re here to help. Maybe people get a different perspective with things.

Maybe it’s a little bit of a calloused one, but it is one that comes from a lot of experience of knowing who we’re up against and what we’re really fighting against. And I guess it’s good to see people finally coming around after years of being completely dismissed as a conspiracy theorist or whatever, with a pretty goddamn good track record. I must say, carl, I mean, a lot of the things that I said are conspiracy theory or say that we’re going to happen, happen, and people freak the fuck out when they do. If you remember, I called Covid out in 2017? I was telling everybody what they’re going to do with the vax, the whole fucking thing.

And they took all my videos down, Carl. I mean, 1200 videos, sitting there for an hour every goddamn day, talking about this for three years. And, you know, I’m glad that people were listening. I’m glad that it didn’t fall on deaf ears. I’m glad that people, you know, at least started to think for themselves and look at this with another scope. And, you know, by doing so, they’re seeing through this whole script, this whole kabuki theater, this controlled opposition narrative, and they’re nailing them before they can even start the bullshit. So I’m glad to see that that’s out there.

And I really hope that people still maintain this sense of clarity and avoid the limbic reaction, because that is primarily what they’re trying to provoke in people, because they understand that it is a reaction. It’s something that’s not done with logic. It’s done out of reflex. And violence is a conditioned reflex that is part of this zionist programming going back thousands of years. And to break that programming, you’re really going to have to revisit many of your beliefs and many of your formal procedures and rituals. Think about the Jesus incorporated industrial three religions, and how they have to pretty much rewrite the script and think about how many people are falling back into the narrative of that now in the face of politics, being exposed for what it is and what’s going on with the occult.

So I really think that it’s good for people to find God. Maybe it’s right for people to find religion for what it really is. And it’s a control mechanism. It is a Gollum enterprise provided by the Zionists. And think about how it makes you a better victim while it also inverts you into some sort of summoner or conjurer of demonic energy. Think of the cannibalism ritual. Think about, you know, confession or circumcision or Passover. As we talk about a lot of these different things. People don’t understand what the origins of these things are and where they come from, even from monotheism to out of polytheism.

So, you know, the same scribes, the same temple priests, the same moneyers are running the same legal gambit, and they’re trying to do it now. And I really hope that this time humanity is awake and puts an end to this, because it needs to stop with our generation. Sorry to go on for so long, but this is really important. To me. Oh, it is. It does need to stop. This is Amrev two, World War three. Our lives are at risk. The stakes are, paradoxically, as important as they can be. And we. You know, you engage in this for decades, and you’re going to get a kind of a twisted perspective.

Hey, Joe, you’re back. When you left, I said where you. Now, now, I don’t remember where it is that you left. Do you remember, Chris? Joe, are you there? I don’t. Sorry. I went full Biden. Joe. Anything else, brother, that you want to conclude with? Nope. Well, he will have a better connection on Wednesday, and we will be back on Wednesday with more of the news that you need to know.

See more of Jim Fetzer on their Public Channel and the MPN Jim Fetzer channel.


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creation of Secret Service and FBI Eastern Federal Reserve and cryptocurrency discussion former secret service agent interview historical event comparisons influence of Hollywood on politics Joe's movie watching experience Conspiracy theory about Trump assassination larger plan for public control Influence of powerful families on American politics public reaction manipulation staged political events Teddy Roosevelt presidency Trump assassination attempt analysis

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