Napoleon vs. The OLD and NEW World Orders: Untold History Channel

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➡ Ron Bartain fom the Untold History Channel , apologizes for not uploading videos for a while and shares his interest in the French Revolution and Napoleon. He plans to read and discuss a book about Napoleon’s role in challenging both the old and new world orders. He also addresses a comment accusing him of being a shill, expressing his frustration with immature behavior online. He ends by starting to read the book, which begins with a critique of the traditional narrative about Napoleon and an introduction to the Rothschild family’s rise to power.
➡ Meyer Rothschild, a member of the Oppenheimer family, rose to prominence in the banking industry and changed his family name to Rothschild, inspired by the red shield emblem. He discovered that lending money to governments was more profitable than lending to individuals, leading to the Rothschild family becoming the wealthiest in the world and influential in global finance. The Rothschilds also played a significant role in establishing Israel and are considered the founders of the New World Order. The Rothschild family’s influence continues to this day, with their wealth and power evident in their luxurious European estates.
➡ The text discusses the violent and chaotic period of the French Revolution, where people acted brutally, often beheading others and parading the heads on pikes. It mentions the Jacobins, a radical political group, who were particularly violent. The text also talks about the financial crisis in France due to their support of the American Revolution, leading to social unrest and the rise of the Jacobins. Finally, it mentions Napoleon’s rise to power during this time, his military successes, and his marriage to Josephine.
➡ Napoleon Bonaparte, a French general, marries Josephine, a widow, and soon leaves for Italy to lead the French army. He becomes influential in French politics, starts two newspapers, and wins several battles, ending the First Coalition war against France. Despite orders, he refuses to dethrone the Pope, gaining popularity. Fearing his influence, the French government sends him to Egypt, where he wins a major battle and respects local culture, earning him support. Meanwhile, secret societies are suspected of causing unrest in Europe, with even George Washington acknowledging their presence in the U.S. Finally, the Rothschild family expands their financial empire across Europe.
➡ The London Rothschilds, a powerful banking family, are central to a movement aiming to replace European civilization with a new world order. A film from 1934, “The House of Rothschild,” highlights their influence, particularly Nathan Rothschild of London. Meanwhile, historical events like the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte and the French Revolution are seen as part of this larger plan. The Rothschilds are also linked to the American Civil War, with different family members allegedly supporting both sides.


Audition channel. My name is Ron Bartain and it’s good to be back. It’s good to be back home. Apologize, guys. I do not like going so many days without uploading videos. It really gets under my skin. So know that when I was gone, thought that I took the necessary precautions to be able to upload videos. And apparently that was not the case anyway. But I decided that I was going to read the Napoleon versus the old and new world orders.

I don’t know, the last couple of weeks, I’ve really been kind of getting into quite a bit about the French Revolution and, I don’t know, something struck me about the french revolution and then it was something that Mike had talked about in reference to and there being similarities to, I don’t know, McKinley, Hillary, Putin, Trump, all these people that had really kind of gone against the establishment. They’re vilified.

And therefore, it just kind of struck me as like, you know what? I was looking through some of Mike’s material and I looked at the Napoleon one and it was only about, like 86 pages. And of course, a lot of that, which means it’s probably about 60 pages because his writing style. So I decided, you know what? What the heck? I’m going to do this. I may even do it all tonight.

And if I do, it’ll just be one thing, or I may do it in two separate parts. Hello there, yarn. How are you doing? So, I don’t know. I’m just going to kind of see how it goes. But I was really just kind of intrigued with the story of Napoleon. The Napoleon didn’t really have anything to do with the french revolution. He came in after the fact, but that period of history when he came in after the revolution.

This is kind of what, as I understand it, what this is going to be about. But I haven’t read it. I don’t like to read it because I want to be just as. I don’t know. I want you guys to see my reaction of my first reaction as opposed to, oh, I’ve read this before, so it’s me talking about something that I already know. While there is advantages to doing it that way, I kind of want to present to you the.

Hold on a second here. What is it? My little ones are running around here at my feet. I was unsuccessful in getting them out. So if I pause during the video to go put them out, I may do that, but we’ll. And I wanted to address a comment. I did a video this morning early with Jim Willie, and I’d said something about that I had gone to Nino’s over the weekend and somebody, oh, Nino’s a shill, so you must be a shill, too, showing your colors.

I see. And I’m like, it’s shocking to me, the level of just infancy in the world, really. It’s like, you know, I don’t know. I guess it’s just flabbergasting to me as how infantile people are. I really thought, and I mean this sincerely, I really thought that when I graduated high school, when I got out into the world, that people were going to be adults. And I just see that it’s like, you know what? It’s like everybody still has high school in them.

And I don’t understand it. I just absolutely do not understand it. Just shaking my head in utter disbelief. But I think there’s some weariness, possibly weariness, possible unease for kind of what’s maybe possibly going to happen here in the near future. I think a lot of people are at a breaking point. They’re stressed out. And you know what? I think that’s showing. But still, even with that, I don’t know.

There’s no need for people to be labeling other people as if you don’t like them, don’t watch them. But you know what? I am me. And judge me by my content, not who I hang out with, whatever. I don’t know. People are just, pardon my french, but they’re fucking retarded. The level of, like I said, infancy, it’s shocking to me, but I digress. So let’s get into Napoleon versus the old and new world order.

This is going to be fun. I’m actually looking forward to this. All right. Here. So, by Ms. King from 2016, what is history but a fable agreed upon? Yes, I have heard that quote. No sense in talking about the author. We all know who that is. Okay, so this is going to be the table of contents. So we are going to talk about the jacobin revolution and whatnot.

Okay, that’s good. So, anyway, I’m not going to really go through all of that, but I will go through the introduction. All right. We all know, at least vaguely, the story about Napoleon Bonaparte. You know, the one about the self professed son of a republican revolution against monarchy who then installed himself as a monarch. Napoleon was, we are told, an egomaniacal tyrant just learned how to talk the other day.

An egomaniacal tyrant with a short man’s inferiority complex who tried to enslave the european continent. Led by the brave British, a coalition of the good guys banded together to thwart the ambitions of the great usurper and troublemaker of Europe. There’s just but one problem with this official narrative of the giant historical figure of the 18 hundreds. To put it gently, it’s a damn lie. Surprise, surprise. Now one can easily understand the reason for the propaganda of lies and slanders aimed at Napoleon being perpetrated by the entrenched monarchs of Europe at the time.

Quite simply, Napoleon’s philosophical vision of good governance, which we will explore later on, posed a direct threat to their old world order of running things. Odly enough, long after the old monarchies have either gone extinct or been neutered, the name of Napoleon Bonaparte still carries a negative, though diminished, stink to it. This seems very strange. That is, until we realize that the forces behind the new world order, which were already in operation at the time, had just as much reason to oppose Napoleon as the old royal houses of Europe, such as the international Bourbon family.

Did you see? Napoleon? Like the early Illuminati, Jacob and Reds may have opposed the Vatican affiliated french monarchy, but unlike the controlled agents of the Rothschild new World order gang, Napoleon was not an anti church, atheistic Jacob and pre communist by any means. Not even close. Indeed, had Napoleon been able to withstand the numerous coalitions arrayed against him, both the old world order and the new world order would have been put out of business a long time ago.

And that is why this illustrated historical summary is titled Napoleon versus the old and new World orders. Enjoy the show now, I find it interesting that he says enjoy the show here when he wrote this in 2016. So he had been saying that for quite some time. Okay. 1763 to 1789, the old world order, rise of the House of Rothschild, the House of Rothschild, Napoleon’s early life, the Illuminati conspiracy and the Jacob and French Revolution.

All right, normally I don’t really read those, but I think because of the brevity of this book, it’s only being 86 pages, I will probably read a little bit more. For centuries, the peoples of the various empires and numerous principalities of Europe have been governed more or less under the system of hereditary monarchy. Under this structure, the crown is passed down from one member of the royal house to another, usually a father to a son.

Supporting the monarchy is a structure of aristocrats and clergymen to form alliances or to keep the pace. The royals of one country often marry the royals of another. Such a social arrangement carries with it benefits as well as flaws. Advantages are united people held together by strong ties of kin and culture. A highly stable and traditional order of things. An aristocratic class that feels itself morally obligated to protect and serve their subjects.

Benefits of high civilization introduced to colonial territories and primitive peoples. Disadvantages, the possibility of incompetence or unenlightened monarchs coming to power. Tendency towards out of touch elitism among some of the aristocratic class. Difficulty faced by common men wishing to rise above their situation in life. Good king or bad king. And then this is the royal coat of arms. From left to right, the House of Hanover, which is the british empire.

The House of Bourbon, which is France, Luxembourg, Spain, Sicily. France, Luxembourg, Spain, Sicily and northern Italy. That would be this one right here. The house of Romanov, which is Russia, Poland and Finland. Right here, the house of Habsburg and Austria. And the House of Ho. Henzolarin, which is Prussia. Okay, I probably butchered that. Let’s see. In 1743, a goldsmith named Aimshaw Moses Bauer opened a coin shop in Frankfurt, Germany.

Above his door he hangs a red sign depicting a roman eagle on a red shield. The shop became known as the Red Shield. German Rothschild. Amshel Bauer has a very intelligent son named Meyer Amshel Bauer. The father spends much of his time teaching the son everything he can about money, lending, business and the dynamics of finance. After the father’s death in 1755, Meyer went to work at a bank in Hanover owned by the Oppenheimer family.

Meyer’s immense ability was quickly recognized and he quickly advanced within the firm. He was awarded a junior partnership. His success allowed him to return to Frankfurt and purchase the business his father had established. In 1743, the redshield was still displayed over the door. Recognizing the significance of the Red Shield, his father had adopted it as his emblem. From the red flag, which was the emblem of the revolutionary minded Jews in eastern Europe.

Meyer Amshel Bauer changed the family name to Rothschild. It was at this point that the House of Rothschild came into being. Through his experience with Oppenheimer’s, Rothschild learns that loaning money to governments is much more profitable than loaning to individuals. The loans are not only much bigger, but they are secured by the nation’s taxes. The Rothschild banking dynasty becomes the richest family business in the world. In world history, Forbes magazine refers to Meyer Amshel Rothschilds as a founding father of international finance.

Rothschild’s five sons will later branch out to the head of the banking dynasties in Austria, Italy, France and England, becoming lenders to the kings of Europe, often financing both sides of the european wars that will so enrich them. To this very day, the House of Rothschild and its allies remain the dominant force behind the world’s finance, globalism, environmentalism and liberalism. The jewish Zionist Rothschild family will also play a major role in establishing Israel in the 19 hundreds on Zionism.

And there can be no doubt Meyer Mshell Rothschild was the original godfather of the New World order. Um, these are actually fairly interesting pictures. Warren Buffett, Governor Schwarzenegger, marvel at one. Lord Rothschild’s palatial european states. That’s this one right here and just a few of the Rothschild family palaces in England, Austria, and very, very interesting. I’m a pause it here and just check the chat, see how y’all are doing.

Hello. Yarn and winters and safara and Tanner. How you guys doing? Are you talking about the guy who. Yarn, are you talking about the same guy I was talking about? Hello, pb. Let’s see. So this particular demon goes to 1743, it looks like. Okay, so August 15 of 1769. Napoleon Bonaparte is born to an aristocratic family from the italian island of Corsica, or french jurisdiction. His father Carlo was originally a follower of the corsican patriot leader Pasquale Pauli, but later became a supporter of french rule.

Napoleon is raised Catholic, but will become a deist in his adult life, which means belief in an intelligent creative force or the creator. At the age of ten, he is enrolled in a religious school in France where he adopts a french version of his italian name. Henceforward, he will be known as Napoleon Bonaparte. After distinguishing himself in mathematics, Napoleon is later admitted to an elite military academy in Paris where he trains to become an artillery officer.

Napoleon graduates at the age of 16 in 1785. Contrary to popular belief initiated by the british press and later exploited by jewish psychologist Alfred Adler in 1908, Napoleon does not have short man’s inferiority complex. His adult height of five foot seven is actually an average height for the man or for the early 18 hundreds. He will select tall men as his bodyguards, which perhaps gives him, or gives some the false impression that Napoleon is short in stature.

And then this is the picture of Corsica. Corsica and Sardinia and Sicily. Have any of you guys ever seen the movie? Is with the Count of Monte Cristo? I’m going to pause it here for, just indulge me for a second here. The count of Monte Cristo actually has a thing of. It has Napoleon in it. And apparently it’s like he’s talking about how he’d been imprisoned off of the island of Elba.

And I believe that was like right here. Where is it? I thought it was down there, but I could be wrong. Let me look. Elba island. Okay, so it’s pretty small or. No, that’s not right. Okay, maybe I’m wrong. Okay, forget that. Next. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe that was fictitious. Maybe that was. Maybe it was all fiction. I don’t know. Let’s see. Hello, Mel. How you doing? Yeah, I’m familiar with Eustace Mullins.

I’m very familiar with Eustace Mullins. I’ll be honest with you. I’m not a big fan of Eustace Mullins. Not that he didn’t do some good things, but. I don’t know, I’m just not a big Mullins guy. But it doesn’t mean that he was wrong about everything. But there was a couple of things that I don’t agree with. But whatever. We all have our own opinions. Let’s see here.

Jewish professor Adam Weishhopt forms the secret order of the Illuminati in Bavaria. He is most likely a paid agent of Rothschild, also based in Germany. Weissop, codenamed Spartacus, recruits wealthy elites to his society. The Illuminati, or enlightened ones, infiltrate masonic lodges which serve as cover for their activities. And real quick, just because I disagree with Mullins doesn’t mean that I don’t read his stuff and don’t agree with.

I mean, I probably agree with Mullins much more than I disagree with him, but just want to make that clear. I’m not calling him out. Let’s see here. They plot to overthrow. Or they plot the overthrow of governments, the destruction of Christianity and the future arrival of a world communal state or new world order. Bavarian authorities disband the Illuminati in 1784, but the tactics and goals of the order are clearly evident in the French Revolution of 1789 and future communist plots to this day.

May. May 1 or May Day remains a sort of holy day to communists, anarchists and progressives. And the eliminated all seeing eye. Atop of the pyramid is the symbol of Weissop’s Illuminati, nwo mafia and CBS network. I don’t wonder how many of you guys were aware of the CBS logo, because that’s not really something that we really talk about too much. But my audience is actually pretty intelligent, so I’m sure that you knew that.

The French Revolution is a period of radical upheaval in France. Unlike the american revolution, whose deist and christian leaders placed limits on government power, the atheistic radicals of the spontaneous French Revolution. And he has spontaneous in quotations financed and organized by agents of the international New World Order secret society seek total power. Their rallying cry of liberty, fraternity and equality are empty words that attract gullible mobs. And then this was the storming of the Bastille, which was a prison, but it was not really about freeing prisoners as much as it was about seizing weapons, because while it was a prison, it was also a kind of like, what’s the word I’m looking for? Was like an.

I forgot, what’s the word I’m looking for? It’s not a magazine, but it was basically a place where they just distort a bunch of weapons. The word will come to me. Many good people who wanted an american style of republican revolution were suckered in by the jacobin mad men and their slogans. The revolution leads to the rise of armory. Thank you, God. I cannot believe I literally want to say artillery.

God, I feel so stupid. Thank you, Ron. The revolution leads to the rise of the madman killer robes Pierre and the Jacobins. Robes. Pierre was talking robes. Pierre was basically. He was Lenin before mean. He was the one who started the. They called it the terror, red Terror. So it was just bad. It was bad. And the Jacob. It’s the most prominent political club of the French Revolution.

By 1791, there are 900 jacobin clubs in France associated with the main club in Paris. Contrary to the image of the French Revolution being a ground up uprising of the downtrodden, Jacobins are usually the elite of their local societies, and also included artisans and tradesmen. Jacobin clubs serve as debating societies where Frenchmen air their views and discuss current political issues. Many Jacobins use the meetings to organize forces and plan tactics.

The most notorious deputy connected with the jacobin club is Robes Pierre. From 1793 to 1794, the committee of the Public of Public Safety operates as the dictatorship of France. A jacobin reign of terror is unleashed. The Bourbon king Louis XVI, Queen Marie Antoinette and 40,000 others are executed, mostly by public guillotine. The jacobin mobs single out priests, nuns and the wealthy for special brutality. The Jacobins, forerunners of the communists, are eventually displaced by more sensible elements of the revolution.

Robespierre himself is executed. The directory will control France from 1795 to 1799, as the monarchies of Europe wage a war against republican France. I’m going to pause. I’ll finish this real quick. Though historians portray the revolution as a spontaneous uprising of the oppressed, the funding of the movement and the disciplined organization of the jacobin radicals suggest otherwise. Was Rothschild money behind the revolt? Could this be the meaning of the French Revolution? Theme color red.

Rothschild is german for red shield. Many more spontaneous red revolts will follow over the centuries to come. The. There’s a very good channel on YouTube called Asha Lagos. And he’s done a couple of videos on the French Revolution. He’s done more than a couple, but two in particular. And he talks in there very eloquently about how the French Revolution was really almost where the people that were responsible for doing the terror and the killing and whatnot were almost like possessed, like a demon possessed.

He talks in there about how it was almost really just demonic. I mean, there’s really not another word for it, but it was almost spiritual in a way. And it was like the way people. There was a line that he used. He says it would be like a child killing his father and then looking around with just almost like glazed over eyes at the next victim. And of the mentality of the french people, specifically the Jacobins, and it was really evil and barbarous.

They would kill people, cut their heads off, put them on pikes, and traips around the streets with heads on pikes. The things that they did to people as these mobs, it was just really brutal. But anyway, one of these days, maybe I’ll play. Maybe we’ll do a watch party and I’ll play those, because those are actually very interesting. And you got to realize that the French Revolution happened immediately following the American Revolution, because the american revolution was 1776, started in 1776, and then by the time it was over, I think our constitution was 1789, and the French Revolution started in 1789.

But France essentially funded the american revolution and went broke in the process. So France was in a state of upheaval because they funded our revolution, our independence. And then once that happened, they had all this debt and they went crazy. They had hyperinflation and there was no work, and they blamed the aristocracy for it. And then the Jacobins came in. There’s an element of did the Masonic, did the american revolution play a role in the bringing in of this communistic mentality into Europe by pitting the european forces against each other on the american continent? I hope you guys kind of see the connecting points that I’m making there.

I’m not saying that we didn’t win our revolution on our own, but we could not have won our revolution without the help of France. It just wouldn’t have happened. France helped us as if we didn’t have France by ourselves, on our own. We would not have been able to beat the British. I do not believe, but I digress. Okay. 1792 to 1798, the first coalition war against France.

The hero of Tulin, the red Jacobins are overthrown. Napoleon and Josephine, the first italian campaign, the battle of the Pyramids and the egyptian expedition. John Robinson writes proofs of a conspiracy. The royal houses of monarchist Europe will wage a series of on and off coalition wars. Seven wars, and all upon the post revolutionary France. At varying times, Great Britain, the chief instigator, and varying combinations, which include the Netherlands, Russia, Austria, Prussia, Spain, Hungary, Sweden, and numerous other minor kingdoms, unite in opposition to the republican France.

The ensuing wars that follow will also become known, unfairly, as the napoleonic wars. We say unfairly because Napoleon did not start this never ending european war on France. He inherited it. The first coalition of 1793 to 1797 was established in an attempt to overthrow the French Revolution of 1789. And that’s true, because when the Jacobins overthrew, when they murdered King Louis, King Louis was actually trying to flee.

All of the elites in France were basically all the aristocracy. They’re like, man, deuces, we’re out of here. This is getting crazy. And they’re coming after the rich people. So they all bailed. Well, the people in the monarchs, King Louis and Antoinette, they stuck around. They’re like, yeah, no, this is our country. We’re going to try to make it work. Well, they kind of got to the point where they were uneasy and they said, no, we’re out, too.

And they tried to flee. Well, when they fled, they got stopped at the porter in Belgium and they got turned around and they got arrested and they got sent back to Paris, where they were tried and convicted and executed. But when all this was going on, all of the other monarchies around Europe were like, no, don’t be touching. You people better not come in and touch the monarch, because if you do, we’re going to come in and wage war on you guys.

So again, what he’s saying here is the coalition was established in an attempt to overthrow the French Revolution. That’s true, because the French Revolution was overthrowing the monarchy, and so the other monarchs didn’t want to have anything to do with that. They’re like, no, that ain’t going to happen. But they weren’t successful. As european monarchies, led by Britain, wage war against Jacob and republican France, Napoleon, a french republican, is appointed artillery commander of the republican forces of the siege of Toulon, a french city that has risen against the revolution and is now occupied by british troops, Napoleon adopts a plan to capture a hill where republican guns can dominate the city’s harbor and force the British to evacuate.

The assault on the position, during which Bonaparte is wounded in the thigh, leads to the capture of the city. Napoleon is promoted to brigadier general at the age of 24. Wow. Gaining the attention of the committee of public safety, he is put in charge of the artillery of France’s army of Italy. Young Napoleon then devises a plan for attacking the Kingdom of Sardinia as part of France’s campaign against the allies.

Carrying out Bonaparte’s plan, in April of 1794, the french army staged a series of stunning advances. Check the chat here. No, you guys aren’t stupid. Don’t be saying that, redneck. Let’s see. Okay, but I’m stupid because I didn’t know what the friggin. What armory was, so I’m the dumb one. Let’s see. 1795, the Jacobins are overthrown. The directory takes control of France. The Jacobins, forerunners of the communists, are eventually displaced by more moderate elements of the republican revolution.

Robes Pierre himself is then executed. The directory. And then this is a perfect example of basically the revolution eating itself, because Robes Pierre, who was the leader of the french revolution, he is ultimately himself swallowed up and devoured by the revolution. The directory will go on, will govern France from 1795 to 1799, as both the worried monarchs of Europe, led by Great Britain and the displaced Jacobin Reds of the NWo, continue to wage war against a french nation that is divided in its own loyalties among supporters of Jacobins, republicans and bourbon monarchists.

This is robes Pierre right here. And this was Robes Pierre and Robes Pierre. What they don’t tell you in this is when Robes Pierre was guillotined. Normally what they would do is they would put somebody in the guillotine. They would put them with their head down so they wouldn’t see it coming. But they put Rhodes Pierre, with his head up, and he had tried to commit suicide. He had leaped from a second story and fallen on something.

And anyway, his friend handed him a pistol. His friend committed suicide, and he was going to commit suicide, and when he did, the pistol went off, but it didn’t kill him. It basically broke his jaw, and it broke his jaw. And so he was in a tremendous amount of pain. And then the very last minute before they guillotined him, they ripped the bandage off, and there was just like, an exceedingly screech of pain.

And then he was guillotined. But like I said, he was guillotined facing head up. Anyway. Yeah, 1 second here. So were the Jacobins. No, I do not believe the Jacobins were Kazarians, however they could have been. You got to realize that at that time in you know what, actually, I take it back. They may have very well been, because now that you say that as my recollection, because I listened to several things when I was going to and coming back from Texas.

And one of the things I kind of vaguely recall was that during the period of when the Jacobins were running it with whatever the safety council or whatever it was, they said they talked in there about how Jews were given or the Jews of the day were given, like, they were essentially given a lot of lot more leniency and freedoms to do things that they otherwise would have been unable to do because they’d been kicked out of, like, 109 countries, I think, is what it was.

Where most of the Jews of Europe went, though, was they became what they call conversos, and they went to Spain, and that’s where the vast majority of them went, which is why in the 17 hundreds, when most of these conversos, they were the ones that were running the slave trade out of Portugal and Spain. And that’s where I think there was a book written by the Nation of Islam talking about the secret history between the blacks and the Jews, talking about the slave trade and how the slave trade was really run by the Jews, but it was run by Jews that were operating with spanish names.

So, yes, I would say that very likely that a lot of them were probably conversos because they were trying to ban Christianity. See here, Napoleon marries Josephine day. I’m not even going to try. In 1796, he was 26, and she was a 32 year old widow whose first husband had been executed during the revolution. Josephine herself had been imprisoned by robes, Pierre, and the Jacobins. Though he will remarry to austrian royalty in later years for political reasons, Josephine will always remain the true love of Napoleon’s life.

He often sends her love letters while on his military campaign. Two days after the marriage, Bonaparte leaves Paris to take command of the neglected french army in Italy. During this campaign, Bonaparte also becomes increasingly influential in french politics. By founding two newspapers, one for the troops in his army and another for circulation in France. Napoleon completes his successful italian campaign, defeating austrian, sardinian, and neapolitan forces before capturing Rome.

Italy did not exist as a unified state at this time. His stunning victories finally bring an end to what is known as the First Coalition war against France and leads to the treaty of campo formul, negotiated by Napoleon himself between France and Austria. The french general’s stature as a military genius and leader is now such that he can openly defy the atheistic directory’s order to dethrone the pope and get away with it.

The directory, which was the leader of France, they basically made it illegal. Or they outlawed the pope and they basically went on a rampage and they killed anybody who was Christian, like if you were a preacher or a nun, if you were involved in Christianity or Catholicism at basically you got the worst of it. He was able to defy the atheistic directory orders to dethrone the pope and get away with it.

Napoleon is by now a legend in the making, soon to be a political force in his own right, a force beyond Illuminati Rothschild nwo control. And then this is Napoleon arrives in Rome and spares the papacy. The treaty of Campo Formio ends the war, but not for long. And then back in Paris, people make portraits of the young hero officer. The nwo gang was far behind the French Revolution, but they were not able to control Napoleon.

Fallen apart. So now I don’t know if. I’m not 100% sure that if the papacy had been penetrated at this time, I don’t know. I’m not an expert in things going that far back. Let’s see here. Feels like the days I was. Sorry. I don’t mean for it to be like that. Jfig. Sorry. Let’s see here. Yes, that’s true yarn. They did go into many countries and blend.

That’s why they called themselves conversos. Okay. Fearing his growing popularity, in 1798, the directory sends Napoleon off on the egyptian campaign. The high point of this campaign is the battle of the Pyramids. Also known as the battle of Mbabe, was a major engagement fought on July 21 of 1798 during the french invasion of Egypt. The french army, under Napoleon Bonanpart, scores a decisive victory against the forces of the otoman Turks and local Mamluk rulers.

Napoleon names the battle after the egyptian pyramids because they were faintly visible on the horizon when the battle took place. It was the battle where Napoleon employed one of his significant contributions to military tactics. The divisional square, actually a rectangle. The deployment of the french brigades into these massive formations repeatedly threw back multiple cavalry charges by Mamlux. The victory effectively seals the french conquest of Egypt. Napoleon enters Cairo after the battle and creates a local administration under his supervision.

He approaches the Egyptians not as conqueror, but as a liberator who greatly respects their religion and culture. This position earns him solid support in Egypt and the admiration of Muhammad Ali, who later succeeds in declaring Egypt’s independence from the otoman Turks. The french campaign in Egypt and Syria is Napoleon Bonaparte’s campaign to protect french trade, undermine Britain’s access to India, and promote scientific enterprise in the region. As an unusual aspect of the egyptian military expedition is the inclusion of a large group of scientists and scholars.

This deployment of intellectual resources is an indication of Napoleon’s devotion to higher learning. Much of what we know today about ancient Egypt is the result of this mission. The discoveries include the deciphering of ancient egyptian hieroglyphics by way of the Rosetta stone. Interesting. I did not know that the Rosetta stone was etched in hieroglyphics in Greek. The known greek figures allowed the French to decipher the unknown egyptian and translate it into modern languages.

And that’s probably why there was that. Remember, is it still called the Rosetta Stone, that language company to learn languages. John Robinson was a prominent physicist and professor of philosophy at Scotland’s Edinburgh University. He worked with James Watt on the early steam car, and he later invented the siren. The Illuminati had attempted to recruit him, but he declined. In 1798, he writes proofs of a conspiracy against the religions and governments of Europe in which he exposes the secret societies behind the terrorist French Revolution.

I just chuckled there because Mike actually recently asked me to do a cover of John Robinson called the original. It was like a 99 cent thing he was going to do for Kendall to just kind of see how it would work on Amazon. And it was called John Robinson, the original conspiracy theorist. And anyway, I just got a little bit of a chuckle out of that. So let’s see.

His warnings to Europe are stark. An association has been formed for the express purposes of rooting out all the religious establishments and overturning all existing governments. The leaders would rule the world with uncontrollable power, while the rest of the world, while the rest would be employed as tools of their unknown superiors. French priest Abi Borell independently developed similar views that the Illuminati had infiltrated Freemasonry, leading to the excesses of the French Revolution.

In 1798, the Reverend G. W. Schneider sent Robinson’s book to George Washington for his thoughts on the subject. Washington replied, it was not my intention to doubt that the doctrines of the Illuminati and the principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am. The idea that I meant to convey was that I did not believe that the lodges of Freemasons in this country had, as societies, endeavored to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first or pernicious principles of the latter.

If they are susceptible of separation, that individual of them may have done it in the United States. That individual of them may have done it. Or that the founder or instrument employed to found the democratic societies in the United States may have had these objects and actually had a separation of the people from their government in view is too evident to be questioned. Oh, man, that was freaking complicated.

And I’m going to read it again, because it was not my intention to doubt that the doctrines of the illuminati and the principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am. The idea that I meant to convey was that I did not believe that the lodges of Freemasons in this country had, as societies, endeavored to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first or pernicious principles of the latter.

If they are susceptible of separation, that individual of them may have done it. Or that the founder or Instrument employed to found the democratic societies of the United States may have had these objects and actually had a separation of the people from their government. In view is to evident to be complicated. But clearly what it looks to me is that George Washington knew what the heck was going on.

He wasn’t stupid. This is the picture of John Robinson. Robinson was a big man of science and letters. George Washington agreed with his observation about Illuminati and Jacobism. Infiltration of freemasonry. Okay, let’s see here. Let me check the chat. All right. Yeah. I don’t know. I don’t know if you guys ever have this when you read old English. It’s so hard, because those guys, they wrote in a different style than what we write today and how we read today.

So it’s thick and juicy and very. I don’t know, it’s just very dense how they write. Let’s see. I’m sorry, that’s not to me. Let’s see. 1799 to 1815, the five sons of Rothschild spread their money lending empire across Europe. After amassing an enormous fortune from his base in the hessian city of Frankfurt, Germany, Mahiramshaw Rothschild sends his five sons abroad to expand the Rothschild family empire throughout Europe.

Each of the brothers will emerge as a dominant financial players and behind the scenes political players in their respective new countries. The five sons and the five sub dynasties. They will operate as follows. Anselm stays in Frankfurt to run the german operation. Vienna, Austria. Nathan. Manchester. And then London. Carl. Naples, Italy. Jacob. And Paris, France. Okay, now I’m just going to say, because. I don’t know, I’m just spitballing here, but Jacob was in France, and it was Jacobins that were doing all of the.

So now, nobody has told me this, and I haven’t come to any conclusions other than seeing this here kind of on my own. So I’m just wondering if there’s a coalition or if there’s a connection there. Of the five, Nathan. In London, the city of London will become the wealthiest and most powerful of the brothers. His power surpasses even that of the other existing jewish family dynasties that own the bank of England, the Montreals, Goldschmidts and Mokadas.

The London Rothschilds are the beating heart of the centuries old movement to tear down european civilization and erect new world order in its place. And then this is from the first two, is the jewish produced 1934 film the House of Rothschild. And they made no effect, their effort to hide the historical power of the five sons, especially Nathan of London, played by George Arlis, brother in the center.

And that’s actually true. They did do quite a bit of that. And I can’t remember what it was that I watched. I think it was. Was it the thing about. The thing in Hollywood, I don’t remember where it was from, but they talked about how there was a movie that was literally sympathetic to the plight and that they were going to do all this stuff anyway. I’m rambling.

I apologize, guys. Today, young Nathan Rothschild, great one, a great great grandson of Nathan, is being groomed for the next family patriarch. Let’s see. Unhappy with the expansion of the french empire won by France after the previous war imposed upon it, Britain, Austria and Russia initiate the next round of war. Napoleon is away in Egypt. At this time, the Allies are very successful and poised not only to control Italy, but also to thrust into southern France itself.

Hold on, guys. I’m going to pause this for a second. I’m going to pause my camera just for a second. I got to take care of something, so, Paul, apologies. This is time sensitive, so. Okay. Sorry. All right. Sorry about that. It was a situation that happened yesterday, and I was planning a meeting for tomorrow. So, anyway, let’s see here. So, again, unhappy with the expansion of the french empire won by France after the previous war was imposed upon him, Britain, Austria and Russia initiate the next round of war.

Napoleon is away in Egypt. At this time. The Allies are very successful employees, not only to control Italy, but also to thrust themselves into southern France itself. Napoleon and his allies in Paris are convinced that a change of regime, strengthening the executive power, is necessary. Napoleon, who feels he is fighting a series of fruitless wars in Egypt, is persuaded that only he could save France. The war hero of Tulan, Italy and Egypt returns to a deeply divided and chaotic Paris as the country itself faces allied invasion.

With the help of key french senators, Napoleon stages a bloodless coup and is named first consul. Plebiscite, or popular vote, is held soon afterwards, and Napoleon’s ascension to first consul is overwhelmingly approved by the french public. The new world order gang incited the French Revolution in order to overthrow the monarchy. Now, with the rapid rise of Napoleon Bonaparte, the NWo has lost control of. Know another thing that’s very interesting about, I think she says, I think the Jacobins were pissed at the french monarchy for helping our revolution and took out revenge.

Well, okay, so I’m going to retract a little bit of it, maybe. We probably have Jacobins controlling our government. Yes, but it’s possible, I think, that there’s probably an element of truth to that. But the Jacobins were basically communists, and they were going to be unhappy no matter what the communists. Talking about the revolution, it’s just nothing but perpetual revolution that eats itself. That is essentially what the Jacobins were.

And obviously, there hadn’t yet been a. Marx hadn’t written his manuscript, so there wasn’t anything of a playbook that had been established, at least for public consumption, maybe at the elite level, which the Jacobins were. But France helping the United States overthrow England in colonial America did cause a tremendous amount of upheaval in France. There was a tremendous amount of stuff that was going on over there that wasn’t good.

So there may be an element of validity to what was going on and to their frustrations, but that doesn’t justify just the barbaric nature of what happened in France. Doesn’t justify it, in my opinion. Let’s see. Perhaps nobody played with them when they were kids. That would explain the two Rothschild brothers facing off, funding our civil war. One in the north, one in the south, maybe. I tell you what, you know what? I’m so torn on the Civil War, because, first of all, I don’t believe that our country fought a civil war, because a civil war is at its core.

A civil war is two entities fighting for control of one thing. And the south was not fighting for control of Washington. The South was fighting for control of. And I actually. Truthfully, I actually side with the. Actually, I’m way more a believer in the southern form of government, which I believe is much more akin to liberty and freedom and whatnot than the north. I’m not a fan of what the north did.

The north was much more tyranical. Lincoln was way more. I. I actually side with the. Not. I’m not a fan of what Lincoln did at all. Lincoln was a freaking tyrant. So I don’t difficult. I have a hard time with the whole thing. With the Civil War. I’m very conflicted, possibly, very possibly. Yarn, Yarn says, for the people in the chat or for the people who are watching this, not live yarn says.

I’m sure they kept records for every play they made. They had to save them. So it will be fun going through those records if when they’re found. Lincoln was. Lincoln was just. All you got to do is. The 13th amendment disappeared when Lincoln was president. And I believe he was responsible for going around every place and making it disappear because that’s when it disappeared. The original 13th Amendment.

And if you guys don’t know what the original 13th Amendment is, go look it up. Go look up the missing 13th Amendment. Because the 13th amendment now the 13th amendment today is what freed the slaves. But the original 13th Amendment didn’t free the slaves. The original 13th Amendment was all about titles of nobility. I want to say it was ratified in like 1819 or something like that, then real special.

It says. That’s what’s been boggling my mind lately about the exposure of corruption just in the United States lately. These people are so full of themselves, they keep incriminating records. You big dummy. And then that’s Red Fox. Okay. Actually, you know what? I’m going to stop it there, guys. I’m going to stop here at 1800 and we’ll pick this up. I’ll pick this up tomorrow at 1800 because I forgot.

I totally spaced. And what I’m going to do is I’m going to come back here in just a minute and I’m going to play the second half of the weatherman because it was supposed to play and it didn’t play the other day. I had set it to play and it didn’t play. So I apologize for that. So I’m going to go ahead and pause here and I’ll return tomorrow and finish before we do the watch party.

I’ll come back and we’ll start back up at 1800, but I’m going to kill this right now. And then I’ll be back here in just a few minutes and we’ll play the second half of whatever it is. The weatherman, which was done my ipod. So I’ll see you guys back here in just a minute. Give me about five minutes to set everything up and I’ll be back. So see you in a second.

Bye. .

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France financial crisis French Revolution interest French Revolution violence Jacobins radical group Meyer Rothschild banking prominence Napoleon's Napoleon's military success Napoleon's rise to power Napoleon's role in world order New World Order founders online immature behavior Ron Bartain video creator Rothschild family power rise Rothschild family wealth Rothschild influence in Israel

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