Massive IT Hack EXPOSED: Brokerages Still in Chaos! | I Allegedly

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➡ The I Allegedly video discusses a software update issue by CrowdStrike that has caused problems in online banking and other transactions. Many people are experiencing glitches, with transactions appearing to go through but not actually being processed. This has led to potential damages worth a billion dollars. The issue has also affected other areas such as smart appliances and airline services, causing widespread inconvenience and financial stress.
➡ The text discusses the importance of investing in precious metals through Patriot Gold for financial security, especially with the rising national debt. It also mentions issues with the United States Postal Service sharing personal data and problems with the UK’s data sharing and parking meter payments. The text also talks about difficulties in recruiting police officers in Plano, Texas, and the closure of hotels in Vegas due to system issues. Lastly, it mentions the closure of a furniture store, Cons Home Plus, and the liquidation of Big Lots, leading to job losses.
➡ The text discusses various topics including dissatisfaction with the current government, a unique animal-feeding spot, the expansion of department store Coles with new dress lines following Sephora’s success, a rideshare program called Black Wolf in Phoenix, Arizona, a successful food service called ‘Too Good To Go’ in Southern California, and the issue of ‘ghost charging’ for electric vehicles in the UK.


Hey, it’s Dan. Welcome back. You’re watching I Allegedly. And I’ve got a good one for you today because I am at the Lion Habitat in Las Vegas. Who knew? Who knew? This is right by the M Casino and it’s beautiful. And Ozzy, the giraffe, is about to start painting again, which is very cool. But this place is amazing. And there’s a lot to cover because insiders have stepped forward and are starting to talk about the CrowdStrike debacle that’s unfolding that’s not solved yet. So let’s get into it. You know, please like, subscribe, comment on the video, share this video, and also we have a sponsor today, Patriot Golden.

I’ll talk about them a little later, but let’s look. Ozzy’s back there. I’ll start it here for a second. Such a beautiful animal. It’s like 18 feet in the air. CrowdStrike, you know, does this software update and I want you to think about this. Things are still broken. There are, you know, dozens of banks, okay, here’s the main ones, give you guys a list, that are still having glitches. Now your bank may be open, but you should be having, you know, most people are having trouble. Now here is the most important thing and I’m going to give you two major things to think about right now.

The first one is that people have conducted transactions since Friday since this started, and the transactions on one end look like they’ve gone through, but in fact they have not. In other words, you pay a bill and the money gets taken out of your account. Looks like it gets taken out of the account, but the transaction doesn’t move forward and the bill does not get paid. Now when you think of the millions of people that use online banking and all these different ways of paying bills right now, you have people that are going to be shocked.

Now think about this, life happens guys, people pay their insurance in the last day and then go out and get in a car accident. This happened to me 25 years ago where I literally got a new insurance policy and got into an accident that day. The ink wasn’t even wet in the policy, but they had to pay the claim and it was a real mess to verify payment and everything. What if payments don’t go through? Who’s responsible for this? Right now they anticipate that there is a billion dollars worth of damages right now.

Who pays that right now? Who pays that? I have told people to look at all their transactions, look at all the payments, look at everything that you’ve done right now because this is a mess. Why is this affecting odd things? Why is it affecting smart appliances right now that are basically offline right now? Okay or are they online? Are they listening to us all the time? I think they are personally, but this is a mess. Now here is the most important one and this is not to cause a panic and this woman said please don’t use my name, don’t use my state, don’t use the bank that my husband works at or the investment firm.

I’m just going to leave it at that, but we’re just going to call her T. T steps forward and tells me a wild story about how her husband who runs and works for a very large firm cannot do trades right now. The trades are locked from the last transaction price. Now what if something goes down in the market right now and you need to get out and you can’t? This is going to happen guys. You’re going to see things go bad in such a way that people are going to have problems trying to get out.

I don’t believe this for a second. I don’t believe this company CrowdStrike for a second, but this is going to cause a major panic right now. So look at this guys. CrowdStrike wrote a letter. We’re sorry. You know squawking like that. Insane guys. This is ridiculous. We’re supposed to believe you can read the full letter below. I won’t bore you with it right now. When do you get to stand next to a lion like that? I mean that’s crazy. Who would that thing like to eat? So this is ridiculous right now, but you’re seeing so many different things go down.

There are so many different airlines that have been affected. If you read the stories from American Delta, my daughter was supposed to fly on JSX and they’re offline right now. That’s a small private airline with the 30 seat planes. No, you’re not doing that today. This is Rocky. Hey Rocky. How are you Rocky? So that’s Rocky the parrot. Oh the giraffe’s coming out. I’ll show you guys walk over that. Guys this is a travesty guys. It’s an absolute ridiculous scenario and you don’t have all the planes out. Here’s the worst part.

The people that bought airline tickets that have been waiting sometimes two days in the airport have just been notified that they cannot be offered a refund. So you have another form of payment to move forward and to pay your bill to get yourself out of wherever you’re at. People are running their lives this thin right now. They have no money. They have no extra money and with that being said they cannot afford to pay for an extra airline ticket to get themselves out. That was sorted out later baby. Okay so this is Ozzy the giraffe and Ozzy’s a painter.

Ozzy paints twice a day. It’s kind of cool. Ozzy’s a vegetarian. I did not know giraffes are vegetarians so I think I failed that part of science and school. Got a lot of B’s. You know what I mean? Not a lot of A’s. So I only did okay. But just a majestic animal. Very beautiful. So with this going on guys how have you been affected? So many people cannot get money out of the bank, Bank of America, Chase, all these different places that have not had the ability to get money out right now.

This is awful right now and it’s only going to get worse. But these investment banks that cannot move forward and cannot transact right now, what’s going to happen with that? You Hi girls. Wow. Hello. This is fun. This is in Vegas. Lion habitat’s open three hours a day. So good for you. Wow. The thing would just do you in quickly. You know what I mean? Look at that. What a beautiful, beautiful tough animal. Oh they’re going to feed it. This place passed. The ordinance is to be open because they can only have 40 animals here at a time.

Kind of wild when you think about that. But what’s going to happen with all the transactions that are not getting conducted? And I have a question for you. Why are we allowing one company to rule the world? And here’s the thing. If your refrigerator doesn’t work and you don’t have internet on some planes right now because of this, why would you fly in a plane? These planes are not online. Come on guys. Who’s buying this right now? Who’s buying this? So show your thoughts on all this stuff so far. Have you been able to transact? Have you been able to go and see if your transactions are working? I am telling you this right now.

If you can transfer money. This was the test on Friday. If you have the ability to transfer money and your bank app is allowing you to do it, your bank has not been hacked. But the problem with it is now it’s letting people send money but you don’t have it. So it just ends up in the cloud. So the cloud is a mess right now guys. Do you trust the cloud? Do you think that this is okay right now? It’s very hot out here. It’s over a hundred degrees this morning and my shirt yes it’s sushi.

That’s nice nice gift somebody got me. So let me know what you think about this stuff guys because I think that we haven’t seen anything yet. I know people that are trying to fill via Zelle and they’re concerned that the transactions may not have gone through. Verify everything you’ve done over the course of the last four days. Do it. Just to protect yourself to make sure that your transactions have gone through. Better safe than sorry because people that live on a tight margin of money and they’ve paid a bill they may think oh I have nothing to worry about and then they go back to their account and they realize oh I have more money than I thought and they’re paying bills that should have been sucked out of their account.

So with that being said you know let me know how this has affected you. Would you hop on a plane? Have you had a problem with your investment bank? Have you had a problem with stock transactions? Let everybody know because this is the beginning of this and again this cloud mess this is a joke guys this is an absolute joke that we’re going through this right now. So share your thoughts and all this stuff. Let’s talk about our sponsor Patriot Gold Group. You know with the instability of the world right now and Joe Biden just stepping down you need to protect yourself and you need to look at getting yourself into precious metals for right now and for your retirement.

The best place to do that is number one rated Patriot Gold. Call them today 888-330-1431. Find out about all the different precious metals that they sell. They will even send you out a free investor guide if you would like. They have an IRA that is free for life. They have 401ks that are all backed by precious metals. Get yourself protected today. This sham that we’ve been living through over the last three and a half years you have to protect yourself. Okay protect yourself today. Call Patriot Gold. Get yourself into precious metals before it’s too late.

The national debt is climbing and it’s only getting worse. We have a trillion dollars added to it every 100 days. You have to get yourself ready. This is not looking good but call Patriot Gold today and get that hedge against everything. Precious metals 888-330-1431. Contact them today. Got that watermelon with one bite. Wow. That’s crazy. This is Coco. It’s hot out here this morning. It’s well over a hundred degrees and a lot more to cover on this. The United States Postal Service is talking about their computers being down and having glitches with with shipping and providing information.

The passport office is having issues as well. Isn’t that fantastic? So if you’re planning on going someplace always give yourself time. I spoke to a relative today who says you know people that pay their bill as a last minute this is what they deserve. No it’s not what people deserve because not everybody has any money to pay things in advance. The other thing is here’s something sick about the United States Postal Service. When you bought things via the post office website or their app they have been sharing that with Meta, LinkedIn and Snap.

They’ve been giving your personal information out. What an absolute travesty. Who agreed to this? Do you know I was the head of the class for the toll road lawsuit in Southern California because they shared our data that they weren’t supposed to share plus a few other juicy tidbits that they did but that’s illegal. Now the United States Postal Service is an article where they step forward and they said listen we don’t want people to think they’re in the business of selling data. Well how’d they get it? Who gave it to them? Somebody probably made a side deal and let these people take this information.

So it’s absolutely a travesty to think about. So a lot more to cover. You know the UK is having a real problem because their you know information data sharing and banking and parking meter payments all this stuff. Think about this. What happens if you get a ticket? The UK is notorious for all these different parking problems and people paying to park and then they charge people too much or triple charge you all these things that Stephen has sent me. But what happens if you pay a bill and it doesn’t go through and you were damaged by that? Do you have to sue them to get your money back? I mean this is where we’re headed with this thing.

So it’s gonna be crazy. Crazy, crazy, crazy. There’s a great billboard in Plano Texas I’ll share with you guys. Come over here and make a hundred grand a year. Now Plano Texas it’s a great wage. They are having such a difficult time recruiting police officers right now that they cannot get them. So you know what? Let’s take up billboards but here’s the problem. They’re not getting a deal on the billboards from the people that own the billboard. So they’re spending 30 and 40 thousand dollars a month on advertising to get cops to go become a police officer.

Guys I’m telling you I know police officers. Now again it’s not an easy job and I’m not saying it’s an easy job but police officers, firefighters, paramedics, these people own houses. They make a lot of money. They get overtime. They get to live a very good life and you should look at a career like that or recommend family members do a career like that. So you know let me know what you think about this stuff so far. You have all your fingers? Yeah. A beautiful animal. There you go. Oh gosh.

Now one thing that happened yesterday was Joe Biden stepped down and you know what a joke guys. I am sorry. I have to give a little bit of a commentary on this because all we’ve heard forever is how strong this guy was and it’s a joke guys. So who’s in? Share your thoughts. Who’s gonna take over guys? Let me know. Let me know because the people that voted for this man should be furious. That’s all I have to say because they’ve been let down and they’ve been absolutely played. Okay and I didn’t vote for the guy.

Okay let me just put it that way. So you should be angry but we’ll see. Okay it’s democracy. No it’s not but anyways that’s that. Let me know what you think. Let us all know. Share your comments. Have some spirited debate amongst yourselves. Next thing is the hotels have been shut down here in Vegas. You have hotels that don’t have their players card system up. You don’t have ways of checking people in. Hey I’m supposed to get comps. I’m supposed to get my free meals. No don’t worry about that. Can’t do it right now.

Well, I don’t come to Vegas often, maybe once every three years. What am I supposed to do? They say they’ll make it up to you somehow, but they won’t. The worst part is the hospital situation where people have had to reschedule surgeries. Speaking from experience, living in a hospital for any amount of time is awful. I’ve spent a lot of time in cancer centers and different hospitals, and it’s terrible. When you have surgery scheduled and it gets rescheduled, it’s a huge letdown. I feel for everyone going through that right now.

Wow, look at that lion! Anyway, for those who’ve had surgeries rescheduled, it’s just awful. There’s still no answer yet, so the fact that one company did this much damage should scare you. If you don’t think this could happen again someday, think again. This wasn’t a fluke; things like this happen, and we’re expected to act like it’s no big deal. Not a chance. This is an absolute travesty. Let us know how this has affected you. Can you trade stocks this morning? Can you access your brokerage account? Try contacting your broker. See if you can get Chuck Schwab on the phone; see if he’ll answer. I call him Chuck. Anyway, let me know how you are.

Look at that. How often does the lion paint? Every hour on the hour? That’s cool. On a different note, Con’s Home Plus, a furniture store, is closing 100 locations. Hundreds of people will lose their jobs. Who’s going to hire all these employees? Imagine the impact. It’s terrible.

Laura from Connecticut sent me a story about Big Lots liquidation. They advertised up to 20% off, but when she went inside, it was only 5% off. That’s hardly a deal considering the sales tax. What a waste of time.

San Francisco is a mess. Saks is going to an appointment-only shopping model next month. No more browsing; you need an appointment. That’s the kiss of death for Saks in San Francisco. Those who voted for the current government deserve this. When you can’t afford anything because you don’t have a job and there are junkies sleeping on the sidewalk, you asked for this.

That lion is big. This spot is very cool. You can feed the animals and get really close to them. I’ll finish with a few more stories. Kohl’s is adding new dress lines, building on their success with Sephora. Sephora moved into Kohl’s stores and has been a huge success, so they’re expanding their department store brands to attract more women. We’ll see if it works.

Phoenix, Arizona has two new things. Black Wolf, a rideshare program where the drivers are ex-police officers, ex-military, and no-nonsense individuals, has started in Phoenix after success in Atlanta. It’s like Uber and Lyft, but with drivers who are strapped and ready to handle anything.

The other new thing in Phoenix is “Too Good To Go,” which started in Southern California. It allows restaurants to sell their leftover food at the end of the night for a discounted price. It’s great for people who eat late at night and has been successful.

Finally, I can’t stand ghost charging for EV cars. People park in EV charging spots without actually charging their cars, sometimes throwing the cord into their car window. It’s a big problem in the UK. If you see it happening, call people out or unplug their cars. Film it and send it to

Comment and let me know if you’ve been affected by the IT debacle. Can you trade stocks today? Let me know. And now that Joe is stuck, we need to come together. Just kidding. See you guys real soon. Happy days!



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airline services disruption billion dollar damages from software glitches CrowdStrike software update issue financial security through Patriot Gold Investing in precious metals with Patriot Gold online banking glitches due to CrowdStrike rising national debt and precious metals investment smart appliances affected by CrowdStrike transaction processing problems UK data sharing and parking meter problems USPS personal data sharing issues

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