The Federal Reserve and central banks have allegedly orchestrated the current financial crisis to maintain control through a perpetually debt-based system, rather than returning to a commodity-based model. The recent financial meltdown stemmed from a severe liquidity crisis threatening a credit freeze; to prevent complete immobilization, hefty capital injections into the system were needed. However, the implication is that all these measures merely delayed the inevitable and we are on the brink of another system lockup, possibly resistant to further cash injections, due to deliberate manipulations directed at causing instability, particularly targeting smaller businesses and consumers.
You. Okay, everybody, here we go. It’s me, Gregory Manorino. Sunday, October 1, 2023. This is my newest segment of Markets. Look ahead. Let’s start off with what I believe most of you already know. At least I’d like to think that this entire situation is much, much worse than I think possibly even we understand. Now, I want to cover a few things with you here. I wrote something up yesterday.
This is in your inbox right now if you subscribe to my free newsletter explaining why things are the way that they are, how we got here, and where we’re going pretty much for the most part. So, again, if you are a subscriber to my free newsletter, link in the description of this video. This lovely piece of work is in your inbox, and I want you to pay attention to this.
Now, before we get to this, I want to cover a few things here. What have we been seeing as of late? Let’s start off with this. Last month for the Nasdaq was the worst month for the Nasdaq since I forget what month it was. Since first quarter, I believe 2022, the S and P 500 has been under pressure for like, five weeks now. You and I, we have been watching a phenomenon occur.
Something that you and I have talked about countless times would happen, and it is happening right here. A global debt market sell off, which is rattling world equity markets, equity stock markets. This phenomenon is really in our face. It’s all about risk, and it’s getting kind of out of control. And again, this entire situation can unfold in an extremely negative way very rapidly. Now, if you’ve been paying attention to the mainstream propaganda last week, they’re telling you again, they dictate your life, how great things are.
Things are perfect and beautiful. Couldn’t be any better than they are right now. It’s all the same rhetoric that you hear, I mean, time and time and time again, just before the bubble or this whole thing reverses. It’s an astonishing turn of events, but it’s just the same story every single time. Now, again, on top of this entire thing getting just monumentally worse in our face, and I’m going to cover those reasons here why.
You have to understand what we’re actually witnessing. What are we seeing here that should be raising red flags all over the place? Clearly, this sell off in global debt. When debt sells off, a lot of people have a hard time getting their heads around this. When debt sells off, especially like we’re seeing now, you get a spike in bond yields. Okay? Bond yields start to spike. Now, what we’ve seen is clearly, I would say, an uncontrolled spike.
Now, we’ve seen some effort as of late, a lot of debt buying by the Federal Reserve. This happened Friday. They jumped into the market. We saw the ten year yield come down, the whole yield curve come down a little bit, stock futures went up and then all of a sudden, throughout the day, this reversed debt started to sell off again. This put pressure on the market and stocks sold off.
It’s so obvious understanding how this works, the debt market. People, if you’re new here, pay attention to what I’m going to tell you. The debt market dictates the price action of every single asset. That’s a fact. As a matter of fact, I have said that the stock market itself is a derivative as to what is happening in the debt market. In other words, the stock market derives value from what’s happening in the debt market.
Yield spiking like this is rattling the markets. As I just said, worst month for the Nasdaq since two thousand and twenty two S and P. Five hundred under pressure and there’s a lot of people crawling out of the woodwork explaining the current situation. Michael Bury again, this guy was the first one to announce a magnificently large short position against the S and P 500. He’s done very, very well.
And it’s not over. It’s not over, in my view, by a long shot. The banking system right now, people, we’ve covered this again, and I am very proud to say this before anybody else. No deposits, no loans, no deals. Over a year ago, we watched what happened to the smaller regional banks. They want you to believe this is over. It is not over. Not only is it not over, this is encompassing the large Wall Street banks as well.
They’re in trouble. You’ve got withdrawals. People pulling their cash out of these institutions at the fastest pace we’ve ever seen. But you’re not allowed to know this. It’s being kept very quiet by the mainstream media because they don’t want to start a panic. There are bank runs going on today. People are getting hip to the situation. Not only are people pulling their cash out of these institutions, they’re not putting cash into them at all.
Again, going back to no deposits, and then with regard to no loans and no deals, I mean, the real estate, entire real estate sector is in a lot of trouble. No deals, no loans. And this is not good again. But what is it really all about? A consolidation of power. That’s all this is into fewer and fewer players as the rollout of the new system is going to happen.
When again they’re going to bring this one down. We are watching a systematic, deliberate dismantling of the current system, you understand? And central banks are doing this by design. They’re all in a race to the bottom. They’re destroying the purchasing power of their currencies. You know, this here the dollar remains the prettiest bell at the ball. And this is again on a comparative strength basis. In other words, a relative strength basis.
But currencies right now, especially in the current environment, we in my opinion are at that maximum saturation moment in other words, the system is so saturated with debt right now, it can’t take on anymore. Oh, in case you haven’t heard, the crisis has been averted. Oh yes, they kicked the can down the road, loving, caring representatives with their smug smiling faces on the media and their thumbs up.
All they did was kick the can down the road. Pushed off this government shutdown for 45 days. We’re going to be back here again. What does this mean? We’re out of money, you know that. To fund the government. We can’t have a budget anymore. They can’t control spending because their goal is to continue to help the Federal Reserve inflate, you know that. So this gives them 45 days to help them come up with a new scheme to push on you, so they can again help the Federal Reserve in this case.
But it’s central banks around the world fulfill their end game to be the lenders and buyers of last results, so they can fist feed you, double fist feed you shoulder deep in the GABA ghoul. You understand what I’m talking about? I think you do. Anyway, I was just writing some stuff down here today. Let’s do this. Let me read through this very important piece of work, which is in your inbox, as I said, so you can understand what’s going on and why we’re here and maybe more importantly, what’s about to happen.
So the title, the system is on the cusp of locking up again. Yes, again. Let us speak, let me enlighten you a little bit here. If you were to ask the average person what happened during the 2007 2008 stock market crash financial crisis, what caused it? You will probably hear answers like oh, it was brought on by banks who were writing subprime mortgages, giving mortgage loans to anyone with a heartbeat, regardless of if they even had a job or the ability to pay their mortgage.
Well, the truth is that’s more than likely the answer you would hear an answer like that barely scratches the surface, people. Barely scratches the surface again. It’s all about a deflection of blame, the real cause for that crisis. Well, pay attention. The fact of the matter is this. As I read this paragraph, I want you to think, does it sound familiar to you? Are you ready? Artificially low interest rates and loose monetary policy by central banks, none more so than the Federal Reserve, which started years before the meltdown, is what precipitated the meltdown.
That’s a fact. Pay attention to this next part. Does that sound familiar to you? Yes, I wrote this because it should. Since the financial crisis meltdown, central banks have done the exact same things, although to a much larger degree. Massively suppressed rates and even looser monetary policy has number one today inflated the largest Hyperbubble in the history of the world, which in turn has reinflated the mother of all stock market bubbles.
That was number two. Number three, created a real estate super bubble beyond anything which has ever been seen before. And number four, set the stage for another worldwide financial crisis which will eclipse the last meltdown by exponents, this is exactly what they have done the same thing loose monetary policy? Absolutely. And suppressed rates. We’ve never seen rates suppressed this long, this low in the history of the financial world.
But again, this is what the Federal Reserve and other central banks did deliberately to create the current situation again, to bring the world to its knees, to wipe out the current financial situation, only to issue in a new one, which will be absolutely debt based. Because why will it be debt based? Most of you ask that, oh, aren’t we going back to a gold standard? How about, no, we’re not going back to a gold standard, because the power of a central bank, any one of them, resides in one thing their ability to issue debt to keep another Ponzi scheme going.
That’s how they keep their power, you understand? Why do you think we went from a wealth based system backed by commodity gold to what we have now a fiat so mode? It be literally that’s what it means. So let it be system today. And this is a charade that has literally placed the people of the world in a stranglehold, you understand? And this is how central banks keep their power.
So forget about going back to a commodity based system. Whoever’s telling you that doesn’t know a damn thing about how the system works or why it works anyway. A major underlying component this is the key here, all right? A major underlying component of what caused the financial crisis to unfold into a worldwide meltdown event came down to liquidity drying up. Liquidity generally refers to how fast assets can be converted into cash.
But in the case of the financial meltdown, the availability of cash to fuel the system, the system demands that cash be pulled into the now in multiples exponentially just to keep it functioning. It cannot remain static. It always has to go up. In fact, we’re in a hockey stick because of that. Debts deficits exploding like we’ve never seen before. The debt here in the United States, $1 billion per hour.
That’s how fast it’s going up. Okay? The availability of cash to fuel the system was grinding to a complete halt. The system was locking up. A locking up to the system is also called are you ready? Because you’ve heard this before for me. A credit freeze. A credit freeze occurs when the system becomes illiquid in a full on illiquid condition. Credit freeze, all transactions stop, and the system just ceases to function.
Okay? The heart of the financial crisis was this. The system started to lock up. It wasn’t so much that the stock market was crashing or that the real estate bubble had burst. It was the flow of interbank and inter business lending or the flow of credit was freezing up, left unchecked, credit cards, debit cards, access to cash in your accounts would have become nonexistent, complete, total pandemonium in the streets.
Imagine, for example, you don’t have any cash laying around. You go to the store, you try to use your debit card to buy eggs, milk, whatever you need, don’t work. You try to go to your ATM, don’t work. You try to use a credit card, don’t work. Nothing. It just ceases. Well, that’s why we’re going to have pandemonium in the streets, because this event is going to happen now, in case you don’t know how they try to solve the situation.
Let’s talk about that. To prevent a full on lockup credit freeze situation, the then Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, the illustrious Ben Bernanke, went to Congress asking not just for a ballot of the banks, but massive capital cash injections into the financial system to free it up. The system was locking. We’re going to have it again. Anyway. This was known as tarp. They came up with a fancy word troubled Asset Relief Program.
Yeah, that’s what it was called. Where hundreds of billions of dollars had to be pumped into the system immediately. Now, what most people don’t know is the vast majority of that cash went to, quote, unquote, stabilize the banks or bail them out, of course. And this would start the flow of credit back into the system. Ben Bernanke sat there before our loving, caring, illustrious representatives and said, without doing this tomorrow, this was the immediacy of the situation.
We will not have an economy. You don’t believe that he said that. Look it up for yourself. Today the situation is many, multiples, more catastrophic than it was back then and has all been precipitated again by the same events, which led to the last meltdown suppressed rates and easy money, which again started a decade earlier. So you can understand why we are here today and why things are the way they are today.
Risk in the system is at an extreme level. You know this via the manorino market risk indicator. MMRI. Free to everyone link below. And obviously the stuff that we cover every day worldwide. The debt market is flashing red and selling off, causing yields to rise at an alarming pace. The flow of credit is straining, which is what this is meant to do. Again, why is the Federal Reserve, in concert with other central banks, really raising rates? Does it have anything to do with stopping inflation? No.
They’re cutting off the availability of credit, especially to small businesses, and making life obviously very hard for the consumer. This is what they’re doing by design. They’re bringing the system to its knees step by step. And the world stock markets are rattling. Obviously, this is what’s going on here. Now. This is the last sentence. Another locking up of the system does not appear to be far off at all.
But this time. In my opinion, no amount of capital cash injections into the system will be able to push it off again. Not like Congress where they just kicked the can down the road with regard, know, funding the government, you understand? And with their thumbs up and their smiles, oh yes, we did this for you. The American people, they did nothing. We have no representation. You know that.
It’s an incredible situation here, but that’s where we are at people. I think this is critical. I honestly think that this is critical information here and I want you to again, if you have not yet subscribed to my free newsletter. It’s really free. I don’t share your information with anyone. Get your copy of this and nail it to your wall in your bedroom because this is what’s going on here.
This is the key to the system. This is why we are here now. This is by deliberate. By design, it is deliberate, you understand? And there’s no gold here. At the end of the rainbow, they’re bringing the system down by design. They’re going to wipe out an entire class of people, which they are doing now. The middle class is being systematically kill off, okay? That’s what’s happening here.
We are going back into a this is a neo feudal system. I’ve outlined this for you since time immemorial, you understand? This is where we’re going. These are the keys. And I want you to have a heightened state of awareness to understand what’s going on and what you need to do about it, honestly. Anyway, people, critical information. Now lastly, today is the first of the month. You know what that means? If you’ve been with me for any length of time on the first of the month, I humbly ask for your support.
Greg, you’re doing a really good job. All they ask for every month is $5, $5. It’s astonishing and maybe kind of sad that so few of you actually do this, but I count on this and I got your back. I hope you have mine. So support my work. With just $5, there’s multiple ways you can do this. In the description of this video, there are several links. One to PayPal, one to stripe.
There’s also, if you have subscribed to this channel, there’s a little heart down here. Click on that little heart and you can support my work. I also like cryptocurrency. There’s a link down there below too. You can support it that way and I hope you support my work. Okay, I got your back. Like I said, I hope you have mine. With that said, people, I’m going to let you all go.
Please share this stuff. Get it out there. Contemplate these things that I have spoken about, what does it mean for you? Well, I already set you on the right pathway here. Betting against the debt, becoming your own central bank, raising your awareness as to what’s going on here. Pull your cash out of these institutions, people. The banks are going down. The banking system by design, is being consolidated.
There’s no doubt about it. I think you already know that. All right, look, I’m going to let you go. See you in the morning. And well, that’s all. Bye. .