Lets Talk about RABIES

Posted in: News, Patriots, The Healthy American Peggy Hall



➡ Peggy Hall from thehealthyamerican.org discusses concerns about pet vaccinations and shares a resource for holistic pet care. She also introduces a sponsor, dermalone.com, which offers a simple daily ritual to slow down visible signs of aging. Peggy shares her personal experiences with pet rescue and encourages viewers to find like-minded veterinarians who understand that medical treatments are not one-size-fits-all.


Peggy hall, back with you from thehealthyamerican.org dot. Let’s talk about rabies, shall we? Many of you are asking me how you can get your animal in to get its grooming to be seen by a vet to take it for boarding, possibly traveling to another country. And there are more and more vets that are speaking out about these shots and why you need to be concerned. So I’m going to cover that with you in just a moment, and then I’m also going to share with you a picture of my teddy bear, my girl Teddy, when I found her as an abandoned little puppy just a few weeks old.

And then I’m also going to share with you a short video where she’s being quite silly. But before we do that, you know, on this show, I like to help you feel better. You know, feel your best, do your best, and look your best. So if you are interested in reducing the visible signs of aging, listen up, because this is the sponsor of today’s program, and we’re going to hop right on over to dermal one. Actually, let me get this up for you. It is dermal one.com, Peggy. And there’s a video here that you can watch to learn all about what you can do to address the visible signs of aging.

And, you know, looking younger was once thought to be a luxury that only women who had access to costly professional treatments could enjoy. So basically, the rich and famous could stay ageless, and the rest of us just accepted it. And that’s fine if that’s where you are. But some of us want to improve our appearance. And so you’ll want to hear about this game changing discovery that is basically leveling the playing field. And it is possible now for you to slow down the appearance of aging. And most women can easily do it themselves. So this latest anti aging trend is not about aggressive treatments or expensive creams, but it’s a simple daily ritual that takes less than a minute to perform.

So why is this so effective, and how does it work? Well, it’s all about this molecule that our body produces called DHT. Scientists have been discovering it and studying it, and they found out that that is what’s responsible for the telltale signs of aging. And this surgeon here that you see right on the screen, he is in California, and he discovered that women can actually help their bodies reduce the effects of this skin aging hormone at home. And it’s a sneaky trick, as he calls it. And you do it without any professional treatments out, you know, expensive creams or lifestyle changes.

So this tutorial that you can watch for free, which is at dermal one.com peggy. It’s been viewed and shared and tested by thousands of women worldwide, and the transformations that they’re reporting are quite extraordinary. So again, watch it by going to derma one.com Peggy and you’ll learn how women and men are noticing firmer feeling skin, fewer visible wrinkles, and some have reported thicker looking hair and increased energy as well. Of course, everybody has different results, but check it out for yourself. I’ll have a link for you in the description box below. And that is dermal one.com dot Peggy friends, let’s talk about rabies because so many of you are concerned, rightly so, with these side effects.

And I want to let you know that over at my substack, which is peggyhall dot substack.com, it’s absolutely free. And I am compiling a list of veterinarians along with people, doctors, that are not pushing these protocols that you and I want to stay away from. So let’s talk a little bit. Actually, before I do that, I promised I was going to share with you a picture of my little teddy bear. So here she is. Oh, my gosh. I’m going to share my screen. Oh, my little teddy bear. Can you believe how adorable that is? I found her abandoned in a rough part of town, and she was just a few weeks old.

She was dirty, she was starving, and she was about to kind of stumble out into traffic. I scooped her up and she has been my constant companion. And that was 1419 years ago. Here’s a picture of Teddy. Oops. Actually, that’s my little kitty cat, Elsie. Elsie’s 19 years old. I rescued her with other cats from New Orleans back in 2005 in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Now, I am recording this in advance, so sometimes the video is a little choppy on a replay. But let me share with you this short little video of teddy bear. Hey, dear, do you want your crunchies? Want your apple? Oh, I bet you want a bone.

You want a bone? Oh, where’s Essie? Good girl. There she is. Oh, my gosh. That is my little teddy bear. She’s here right by my side. Maybe she’ll make an appearance. She’s sleeping now. So I have been in animal rescue. I’ve had animals all my life. I know many of you have as well. And whether or not you currently have an animal, you probably know someone who does. And you probably have heard that there is this whole renewed push for getting the animals, you know, up to date on their shots. And I know how difficult and distressing that is for those of you that are trying to get medical care with your pet.

So I want to share with you right off the bat this veterinarian who is a holistic animal health veterinarian and he is in Canada, but a lot of what he shares is also applicable to the United States and probably other countries as well. And I would love for you to go here. And he does not know me. This is not a sponsored video, but it is Doctor Jeff Gronnett or gronat grognet.com dot. I’ll have a link for you in the substack that will follow this tomorrow, the day following this video. And what he has is a whole series of videos called, I’m going to use the word vaccine mastery.

And don’t let that name put you off because you can sign up for free. And it’s a webinar. And he, it says, he takes a fresh perspective, a refreshing perspective about what you need to know to make decisions about this program that you can design for your dog or cat. Now, I will say that when I watch these videos of his, he does make a statement that he believes certain illnesses and diseases, well, he, he believes that some of these are linked to the shots and I’ll put it that way, of course, side effects. But he also seems to believe that there are some that actually do some good.

So I just want to give you that caveat right now. There are other holistic vets. Email supporthehealthyamerican.org or just drop your information in a comment here below this video or in the chat so that you can help others learn about this as well. There are some holistic vets like this doctor Jeff online, that are educating pet parents in terms of how to decline these offerings of getting your animal the juice. I’ll just put it that way. So let’s talk about some remedies. Okay, so I’m going to give you in an upcoming sub stack names of vets that you can actually follow and learn from and read and watch and so forth.

But I want you to also have some tools that you can use right away if you are in one of these situations where your animal, either your dog or cat, your horse, I’ve heard about that, they want to give birds these shots as well. So let’s talk about this. Number one, of course, is finding a veterinarian who is like minded and who understands that it is not one size fits all. You know, there have been times, unfortunately, where Teddy had to go to the vet, she blew out her knee when she was only two years old.

And unfortunately, she had to have some surgery and so forth. You know, before she could undergo that surgery, she had to have blood work. If you’ve ever had any medication or have gone under surgery, you had to have blood work. Why? They want to see if your body can tolerate the medicines and the procedures, procedures that they’re intending to do. So how is it that they can line people up, including, you know, babies and children and adults? Maybe the babies have different dose, but children, adults with all kinds of different medical conditions, background, medical histories, comorbidities, other kinds of conditions, yet they give everybody the same exact cocktail.

It doesn’t make sense. None of it makes sense. Even if you’re in favor of these practices to keep yourself healthy, it doesn’t make sense that they would give the same exact dose to everyone without even determining whether or not they can tolerate it. So that ties right into your first strategy of avoiding this juice, this cocktail, for your animal. And that is where you say to your vet, my animal cannot tolerate these cocktails. Now, a vet with a conscience is not going to push that unless they’re getting paid or they have had brain damage from other medical interventions that they’ve participated in.

So the best thing is for you to contact your vet or maybe a new vet that you’ll find in our sub sac or others that are going to recommend them. Here, study the videos from Doctor Jeff, and he’ll also explain ways that you can have these conversations with your vet. And you simply say, my animal is at risk for an adverse reaction and you don’t want that on your, you know, claim and on your practice. So what they’re going to say is that the law requires that your animal have these, you know, for rabies because they might bite another animal or a human.

Okay? That’s what the law says. And in the United States, that’s the only shot that actually is required by law. All of those others are optional. So right off the bat, you don’t have to do any of those others if you don’t want to. There’s no law that requires you to do so to have your animal licensed and to have your animal go to a groomer or into boarding or even for a vet, visit these locations. All of them are pushing that you have a certificate. So number one, you talk to your vet and you say, I need an exemption from this.

Now they’re going to say, if your animal bites someone, I have to inform you that your animal is going to be quarantined. It’s going to be reported to animal control, and they may destroy your animal if it’s determined that they have rabies. All right? I have done other videos about this that are no longer on YouTube that you can find on bitchute and possibly rumble, my backup channel, which is Peggy Hall TV. That’s the vault with all of my videos. And I go into great detail about the existence, or let me just say, the non existence of this and how there have been no reported cases, like, in over 100 years.

So there’s a lot there, because just to put it bluntly, I don’t have to put a little space here for the algorithm. You know, show me. Show me the existence of it. All right? I’m not convinced because I don’t believe that’s how those things happen anyway. Let’s just brush that aside and get you some remedies. So you talk to your vet. You say, I need an exemption. My animal is too old, too ill, had bad reaction and cannot tolerate this. Now, how do you get around going to the vet if they are afraid that your animal is going to bite another animal or a human being? Well, you ask to be seen as the last patient of the day.

You make sure that nobody else is in that waiting room, and you just make a v line for your room. You could even do that. Maybe not as the last patient of the day. Maybe as the first patient of the day. Maybe they can clear out the room and make sure no other animal is there. And you make a beeline for your exam room if you do have an animal that’s a little spirited and maybe likes to nip when they’re in kind of a fearful state, like at the vet, you could put a humane muscle on your animal.

I have never done that. I’m not recommending that you do it, but I’m offering it as an option because at least that comes off after a few minutes. Unlike something that’s injected into your body, your animal has zero risk of biting anyone if their muscle is restricted. Problem solved. Let’s think outside the box, shall we? These medical professionals often are only in this dichotomy of, you know, you have the cocktail or you don’t. No, there’s all sorts of other options, and I just gave you three. Now, another one is that you have the vet come to your home, you find a mobile vet so that there’s zero risk of your animal being all risk to anyone else.

Okay? That’s another option that I just gave you. I think that’s number four, and then number five. I’m not in favor of this, but some people will get a, what’s called a titer drawn, which is blood work that will show whether or not your animal has the, you know, antibodies to these illnesses. Okay. Again, I don’t believe in any of that. So to me, that’s a moot point. I would not do that. But some people would choose that, and it’s likely a far less invasive practice than getting the cocktail. Now, the same thing goes for horses, and that you can show that your animal has had a reaction.

And I have heard, I don’t have horses myself, but I know people who do. They have drawn the blood work, and because they’ve been had those shots all these years, that they are able to show the damage. All right, the final thing that I have to offer, and, of course, I can’t recommend that you do this, but I’m sure that some very clever people have done so. They may have gotten their hands on a rabies vaccine. Oops. I said that, didn’t I? But that’s all right. They may have gotten their hands on a certificate of the shot that came from a vet, and they might be very clever in, how do I put it? Computer technology.

And they might be able to change. Oh, I don’t know, for example, this is just satirical humor. They might be able to change, I don’t know, the name of the animal, the breed, the date of the shot delivery. And I have a funny story about that because somebody told me that they actually had done that and they recreated it and they had it, and it was for a groomer. They couldn’t even get their animal into the groomer. So, again, have the mobile groomer come to your home. And as they were walking in with this very clever certificate, they noticed that they had misspelled the word rabies.

And instead of a b, it was a v and it was a certificate of rabies. So I kind of joke about that and talk about the rabies shot. So there you are. I hope this is helpful for you. Get a vet that isn’t going to push it. Get an exemption from a vet. Go into a private room when no one is around. Put on a humane muzzle, if need be, have the mobile vet go to your home and get a little fancy with the paperwork. I’m not recommending any of those. You have to choose. You have to decide.

This is just information and education, and I hope that it brings you peace of mind. The video that I ran on this channel, actually, we did a couple of videos were so heartbreaking. The comments were so heartbreaking. Just talk to a pet parent and they will tell you these horrible side effects after they went along with the protocols. Again, I’m watching my words here. So there you have it, friends, I’m so grateful to have you on board. Remember, if you are suffering the loss of an animal, the loss of life as you knew it, if you’re dealing with broken relationships, the loss of your good health, maybe you’re having financial issues, you had to leave a job or a home, and all of these just build up.

I want to be your support. My husband, Pastor David and I are trained lay counselors. We have a specialty in caring for the soul. And if you are interested in getting our live, personal, private help in an online format, you don’t need to spend any money traveling or leaving your home or going to a hotel for a conference or anything. It’s going to be live online during the month of May, Thursdays from one to 02:30 p.m.. Pacific. And that’s four to 530 eastern. You can be anonymous. You don’t need to share your story if you don’t want to.

If you would like to come on the screen, you have that option. I have a video for you on this channel called life after loss. I go into great detail with everything. You can also participate even if you can’t make it live. So you will get recordings of this if you would like to make it live and you can’t do it this month, we will be repeating it every other month and the other months in between, we will have other specialty classes. Why? Because you’ve been asking. You’ve been asking for our help to heal broken relationships that will come up with our next series in June.

We are here to serve you. I am so grateful for your support, and this is a way that I can support you. Big shout out to the moderators. They are here as volunteers, and that is what keeps this channel going and the community and in a place of encouragement. So thank you, everyone, for being on board, and I look forward to seeing you in an upcoming broadcast..

See more of The Healthy American Peggy Hall on their Public Channel and the MPN The Healthy American Peggy Hall channel.


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dermalone.com aging ritual finding like-minded veterinarians holistic pet care resources holistic veterinarians advice medical treatments not one-size-fits-all natural pet aging solutions Peggy Hall pet vaccinations concerns personal experiences with pet rescue pet rescue stories slowing down visible signs of aging thehealthyamerican.org pet care understanding pet healthcare

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