Jerry Seinfeld Makes Stunning Admission About What Happened To Mainstream Comedy | Mark Dice

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➡ Mark Dice talks about how Jerry Seinfeld, a famous comedian, believes that mainstream comedy has been ruined by political correctness and the fear of offending others. He argues that this has led to a decline in funny TV shows and stand-up comedy. However, some people disagree with him, blaming other factors like streaming services and recent writers’ strikes. This debate reflects larger discussions about freedom of speech, political correctness, and the changing nature of comedy.


Jerry Seinfeld just made some, well, obvious observations about who it was that ruined mainstream comedy. And of course, those to blame are very upset about it. When talking with the New Yorker magazine’s podcast, the New York Radio Hour, where he said this, it used to be you would go home at the end of the day, most people would go, oh, Cheers is on. Oh, m A s h is on.

Oh, Mary Tyler Moore is on. Oh, and the family’s on. You just expected there’ll be some funny stuff we can watch on tv tonight. Well, guess what? Where is it? Where is it? Now he’s dating himself. He is actually 70 years old now. And I would say that good mainstream comedy still lasted past that era into the late nineties, maybe even the early two thousands. But here is, of course, the obvious reason why it’s no longer funny.

This is the result of the extreme left and pc crap and people worrying so much about offending other people. Now they’re going to see stand up comics because we are not policed by anyone. But when you write a script and it goes into four or five different hands, committees, groups, here’s our thought about this joke. Well, that’s the end of your comedy. Well, that is exactly what happened.

I mean, nobody could argue with that, right? Oh, wait, whats this? Its some lunatic liberal supposed comedy writer who took to twitter, of course, invented Jerry Seinfeld is on the New Yorker radio hour blaming the extreme left and pc crap for why there are no sitcoms anymore, not streamers or any systemic reasons that we just saw play out with the Writers Guild of America strike. Just the wokes won’t let us make comedy anymore.

Absolute brain rot. Yes, you do have absolute brain rot because the writers strike, which was very recently had absolutely nothing to do with the lack of comedy over the last almost ten years. Now, back in 2015, Jerry Seinfeld stopped playing college clubs and said the reason was because the kids are too politically correct. In 2015, you may recall, is really when the woke mind virus, the liberal pandemic, really began taking hold, of course, in college campuses.

Remember this viral clip from 2015 when a group of angry Yale students surrounded an official and one of them particularly started screaming at him because he sent out an email saying that they were not going to ban offensive Halloween costumes. I have a different feel. You should step down. If that is what you think about being a smasher, you should step down. It is not about creating an intellectual space.

It is not. Do you understand that? It’s about creating a home here. You are not doing that because of your advocate. That was the first time many people heard about safe spaces and realized that there was something very wrong on college campuses. But it was all downhill from there. Jay Leno wanted to stay in the mainstream, so he apologized for decades of jokes about Asians. The joke that broke the camel’s back was one he did about starving north korean people eating dogs.

But then he apologized not only for that, but for decades of jokes, saying, at the time I did those jokes, I genuinely thought them to be harmless. Of course they were harmless, and they still are. Kevin Hart said that he wasn’t going to apologize after he was chosen to host the Oscars because of his past jokes resurfacing on Twitter, of course, and said that if that means he isn’t going to be the host, then that’s just fine.

But then he got the call from his management, and then he apologized to the rainbow people and then apologized again. And I think apologized for a third time because, of course, you can never apologize enough. Once you give them an inch, they demand a mile. You have to go on the entire apology tour. Just apologize once is never enough. Jimmy Fallon apologized for his hilarious Chris rock impersonation that he had done 20 years earlier on Saturday Night Live when it resurfaced by the Twits on Twitter, saying, in the year 2000, while on SNL, I made a terrible decision to do an impersonation of Chris Rock while in blackface.

There is no excuse for this. I am very sorry for making this unquestionably offensive decision. And thank you. This is the best part. Thank you for holding me accountable. He thanked those who tried to cancel him rock. Now we’re talking. Where is he? Man, oh, man, read this book. I’ve seen who ought to be a millionaire. And guess what? Not a lot of black folks on the show, right? Not a lot of black folks on the show.

Know what? Cause black folks don’t like to answer questions. Oh, they wanna be millionaires. But you gotta ask that kind of question. Like, in 1981, how many grams of crack did Rick James smoke when he recorded super freak Regis? You think the only way to get a brother on the show is to name it? Who wants $50 cash and a pair of pumas? This is the best clip of this skit that I could find.

I don’t know why it kept cutting in and out like that with the static. I think whoever uploaded it originally probably did that on purpose to try to avoid the clip getting taken down. Because when you upload clips from major shows like Saturday Night live from any major network, YouTube, automatically detects them and then blocks them. And so if you do certain little things like that, you could kind of throw off the detection system.

But obviously, that was absolutely hilarious. And instead of apologizing for that when people were complaining about it on Twitter, what he should have done is posted this clip and then mocked them. I am absolutely stunned that he has not apologized for this skit that he used to do on the Tonight show called EW, where he dresses up, obviously as a woman. And surprisingly, these clips are still on the Tonight Show YouTube channel, but they don’t do the skit anymore.

I’m quite surprised that they not only left them up, but that he hasn’t apologized. But mark my words, at some point these clips will resurface on Twitter and a few dozen people, the rainbow people, will complain about them, and then he will apologize for this as well, for being insensitive to the rainbow community. These days, in order to be a mainstream late night talk show host, you have to be not just politically correct and unfunny, you have to apologize for your white privilege, like Jimmy Fallon is doing here when he had to sit down for a struggle session with the author of the white fragility book, Robin D’Angelo.

James Corden, who used to host the Late Late show on CB’s but then quit because I think the network basically didn’t have enough money to pay him what he wanted because nobody was watching his show. He had to sit down for a struggle session as well. In this skit, James Corden gets a lesson on white privilege. One of the biggest misconceptions about privilege is that saying you have it is saying you have an easy life or that you had it easy growing up.

It doesn’t mean that. What privilege does mean specifically white privilege is that your skin color didn’t make your life more challenging. Oh, I hate racism. I hate racism. Let’s try to keep going. She then continues to lecture him about white privilege for five minutes. Jon Stewart, whose real name is Jon Lebowitz, by the way, recently just rejoined the Daily show as the host. Once a week, he will be sitting at the anchor desk to try to bring some viewers back to the failing Comedy Central show.

But before that, he worked with Apple TV on a show over there called the problem with Jon Stewart. And here are some of the segments that he did on this supposed comedy show. The problem with white people taking responsibility for systemic racism. John talks white resentment with Isabella Wilkerson. Now, my definition of white resentment would be non white people resenting white people having, you know, white envy, really, but they defined it like cultural Marxists always do, incorrectly, and are basically framing that as part of white fragility.

So white people being upset about constantly being called racist. Now, they said that, you know, you’re. You have white fragility, and now that is also white resentment when you start to get upset about always being called racist. And that, of course, is more evidence that they try to use that you are a racist and you need to deal with it. Here’s another one. Dismantling racism is patriotic. Well, actually, I would agree, except the definition of racism according to the culture.

Marxist is only blaming white people for all the problems in non white people’s lives, racism and resource guarding. So white people are trying to hold onto the resources because we think that paying reparations is ridiculous. Family Guy announced back in 2019 that they were going to be phasing out jokes about rainbow people because they’re just too offensive these days. Comedian Shane Gillis was fired from Saturday Night Live years ago.

I think before he even made a debut, he was like a new hire. And then when it was announced, people do what they always do, go digging through his material trying to be offended and then posting about it on Twitter. And so then he was fired for making jokes about asian people and rainbow people. And then, surprisingly, because Saturday Night Live is basically on its last leg, they did have him as a host recently, and then that made everybody upset once again.

So 2019, he was hired and then fired. And then just a few months ago, I think he was the host, and they got upset about that. But they did find a DeI didn’t earn it replacement for Shane Gillis, the first gender non binary cast member. Actor and comedian Molly Kearney, who appeared on Amazon series A League of their own, was hired by SNL back two years ago now.

And this is her, I’m sorry, thems or whatever this carbon based life forms preferred pronouns are demo reel that caught Saturday Night Live’s attention. And the executives thought, this person is extremely talented. We need to bring them on board as a cast member. First two people I decided to come out to are my two brothers. Cause they’re my boys, y’all. And I said, it was before Uber. So I said, hey, fellas, get in the van.

Mom’s driving us to the bar. I got something to tell you. And we blacked out. So the only thing I kind of remember saying to them was, I grabbed their necks and I said, brothers, I like my bagels like I like my boobies. And that’s two at a time in my hands, and then I squeezed their necks real tight, so I had to come out to them again properly the next morning.

I’m sorry, but the only thing funny about this woman is the fact that Saturday Night Live actually hired her to be a comedian. And speaking of former comedians, Howard Stern just interviewed old Joe in studio. The real Howard Stern would have never been let aloud to be within a 1 mile radius of Joe Biden because he would have been so mercilessly mocked. But these days, Howard Stern is part of the establishment, and now he’s just playing footsie with the Democrat party.

And you’re the kind of leader I love because we’re lucky to have you in the Oval Office and serving as the father of the country, because if you’re a good father to your family, which you are, I know you’d be a good father to the country. And I. And I want to thank you for providing a calming influence, an organized administration post COVID, getting that vaccine out, getting us to feel comfortable standing up to Putin, the incredible large growth in the jobs, unemployment rate down.

I’ll give you your greatest hits. Oh, Howard definitely got the talking points from old show staff, and it’s just running through them, one right after the other. He even wore a suit from wearing blackface on more than one occasion, which is hilarious and always will be. To this. You can’t tell me that this still isn’t funny. Oh, oongaboonga now. Uh, I’m just trying to improve my image. The black people are against me because they say that I’m not a real black man.

I want to say to them and to all you that I am proud to be here. I would like to say that I am cognificent of black people, and I would like to be the head marketing mark of the supreme judiciary Contemporum from this to this. When are we going to stop putting up with the idiots in this country and just say, you now it’s mandatory to get vaccinated them their freedom.

I want my freedom to live. Also over the weekend was the White House Press Correspondents association dinner, where all the operation Mockingbird assets gather to celebrate themselves and be entertained by a comedian. And a lot of times, the comedian is actually pretty funny. They usually hit both sides and the president pretty hard. Although during the Trump administration, they canceled comedians for a couple years, and then they canceled it because of COVID But they are now back.

And this weekend, the comedian was Colin Josts from Saturday Night Live, who actually did a pretty good job again, hitting all sides, including the media and old Joe. Like many of you here tonight, I pretend to do news on tv. My weekend update co anchor, Michael Che, was going to join me here tonight. But in solidarity with President Biden, I decided to lose all my black support. When you take yourself too seriously and you can’t laugh at yourself, especially when a comedian makes a hilarious, obviously true joke about you, then you know that you have problems.

It’s then customary for the president to get up and read some jokes about himself, which I guess old Joe did, but then mixed in some grievances about Donald Trump spewing lies like this. He is their revenge and retribution. When in God’s name have you ever heard of another president say something like that? And he promised a bloodbath when he loses. Again, we have to take this seriously. Eight years ago, you could have written off as just Trump talk.

But no longer. John Fetterman was there. And to his credit, he isn’t as bad as we thought. He has been a voice of reason occasionally amongst the Democrat party, being an old school blue collar Democrat. And because the White House press Correspondents association dinner was a black tie event, well, he did come wearing a black tie, one that was printed on his hoodie that he wore with some shorts.

Who are you a guest with tonight? What? Whose table are you at tonight? Well, news nation. And have you seen any of the senators here tonight? Well, I just. I just met my leader, Schumer, but no one else yet. Do you want to talk to other politicians tonight or other celebrities tonight? Well, who’s ever here, I’d be happy to talk to any of them. I think I ran into Darrel Issa, you know, in the House, but I haven’t seen other too many of our colleagues yet.

And in other hilarious news, Adam Schiff’s luggage was stolen from his parked car when he visited San Francisco. He is running for a Senate position now in California. He’s currently a member of Congress, of course, now trying to become a prestigious senator. And when he visited the crime infested city of San Francisco, somebody broke the window of his car and stole his luggage. So he was unable to wear a suit to the fundraiser that he intended.

Well, if you need some new clothes, Mister Schiff, you can save 10% off any shirts from arcdis. com through the end of the month, which is only two more days today and tomorrow, by using the promo code, save ten at the checkout. So. Well, I guess he wouldn’t be interested in a Christus king shirt or free the January 6 hostages shirt or, well, any of my awesome designs.

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changing nature of comedy debate on political correctness in comedy decline of funny TV shows freedom of speech in comedy impact of fear of offending on comedy impact of political correctness on stand-up comedy Jerry Seinfeld on comedy decline Jerry Seinfeld political correctness in comedy streaming services affecting comedy writers' strikes and comedy

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