Former Spy Ran CIA False Flag Operation, Robert David Steele take on September 11th 2001 (9/11)



Outline of remarks by Robert David Steele for the International Historical commission for 9/11

Planned time as assigned: 30 minutes

Contextual Overview

Managed a false flag operation for the CIA in South America

What is a false flag? Quite simply, not what it appears to be.

Who coined the term “conspiracy theory”? CIA after JFK assassination.

53 admitted false flag attacks in modern history (Global Research) – all major countries have done this

All my false flag books available free online – single point of access:

9/11 – 28 memorandum

9/11 disclosure – as well as full disclosure on Deep State child trafficking and torture and murder, is the pre-condition for Making America Great Again. There are over 12 specific people that need to be brought to justice, and multiple Shadow Government criminal networks that must be taken down.

The overarching importance of 9/11 in my view is its impact on the public – this event was so catastrophic and the official narrative so clearly falsified, that it began the Great Awakening and may have been the catalytic event for the White Hats who launched the presidential campaign of Donald J. Trump in direct response to this crime against humanity executed by the Deep State using the Red Mafia comprised of Russian criminals in close alliance with the Zionist State of Israel (never to be confused with the Jewish faith); and with selected leaders of New York and New Jersey, and Vice President Dick Cheney.

9/11 is best understood as the book-end to another false flag event, the assassination of JFK by his own government, an endeavor led by Lyndon Baines Johnson, carried out by nine different parties with the Zionists sending two witnesses: Yitzhak Rabin who is dead, and Arnon Milchan, whom I believe to have been the theatrical producer of 9/11 working closely with Larry Silverstein and Maurice Greenberg.

I will summarize the findings of 26 experts including Peter Dale Scott and David Ray Griffin as well as Richard Gage and others, all documented free online at

01 Planning for the contrived controlled demolition of the twin towers began no later than 1989 and possibly as early as 1987 when the EPA is reported to have identified structural failings that would – if not corrected – mandate the manual deconstruction – controlled demolitions were explicitly forbidden – of these terribly built buildings with considerable asbestos and other toxic hazards, to be completed by 2007. This made the twin towers an immediate 2 billion dollar liability, and set in motion planning by some combination of New York and New Jersey, New York City, and Port Authority of New York and New Jersey officials, with Zionist players such as Larry Silverstein, builder of original WTC 7 and buyer of the twin towers months before the scheduled false flag event, and Maurice Greenberg, the pass-through insurer, toward some form of insurance fraud that would allow the buildings to be “catastrophically” brought down with controlled demolitions for the double benefit of ignoring the EPA ruling against controlled demolitions, and claiming insurance benefits against alleged terrorists. The twin towers were a Rockefeller project forced on the citizens

02 Coincident with the decision to set in motion some form of catastrophic event at the state – Red Mafia or Russian-Zionist-USA state-sponsored organized crime level Dick Cheney was appointed to be Secretary of Defense under George H. W. Bush, who was himself present at the JFK assassination and apparently an active participant in the assassination as a CIA non-official cover officer. I believe that both Cheney – long known to be owned by the Zionist state of Israel – and Yitzhak Rabin, one of two Zionists in Dallas for JFK and soon to be Prime Minister of Israel, were briefed no later than 1990. I speculate that they agreed that this was a heaven sent opportunity to create the ultimate false flag terrorist incident to justify a police state within the USA and an eternal global war on a fictional enemy – terrorism – abroad.

03 Others were clearly briefed as well. Benjamin Netanyahu, the furniture salesman promoted to notional leader of the invented state of Israel, also known to speak to Larry Silverstein every week, put the idea of 9/11 and the twin towers specifically into his book, Fighting Terrorism: How Democracies Can Defeat Domestic and International Terrorism and explicitly wrote in the book about a nuclear bomb being planted by Muslim terrorists in the basement of the twin towers.

04 Rudy Giuliani was Mayor of New York City from 1994 to 2001. Giuliani’s intimate relationship with the Red Mafiya is best understood by focusing on the fact that Michael Chertoff was his ostensible deputy, perhaps his handler, when Giuliani and the FBI were hired by the Red Mafiya to put the Italian mafia out of business so that the Zionists and their Russian criminal cohorts – the Lansky’s and Bronfmans and Wexners – could take over organized crime across the USA. It merits comment that the twin towers were not “sold” to Silverstein until July of the year in which the alleged terrorist incident took place. It is now known that Wexner funded the Epstein pedophilia operation, and also alleged that he funded 9/11, one of 12 Zionist billionaires now under scrutiny for high crimes beyond the pale.

04 Once Bush Junior and Vice President Dick Cheney took office, the stage was set for the long-planned catastrophic event. Maurice Greenberg of AIG insured it and quickly resold the insurance to others so that he and AIG would not suffer any losses. The Patriot Act was written in advance, the Zionists installed the controlled demolitions that assisted what I believe was clearly a directed energy controlled frequency event in the twin towers, controlled demolitions alone for WTC 7, and a massive cover up was prepared. I am undecided about the nuclear aspect, but quite certain this was more than just thermite.

05 CIA and John Brennan played a role. While I have no direct knowledge, it is clear that the Saudis provided passports for the patsies, several of whom were not Saudi, and it is reported that John Brennan, as Chief of Station for the CIA in Saudi Arabia in 1996, may have played a role in facilitating Saudi logistic support for the US-Israel false flag attack even though this meant framing Muslims for a Zionist atrocity. Indeed, it merits comment that according to one of our authors, eight of the alleged patsies are still alive today and complaining of identity theft.

06 9/11 was used to achieve multiple economic objectives including the laundering of $240 billion dollars in illicit wealth from the CIA Gold War against Russia managed by Buzzy Krongard and John Brennan; to the theft of stocks of gold; to insider trading; to the destruction of all Security and Exchange Commission files on Wall Street crime.

07 9/11 cases did not go to trial. Controlled Zionist judges and prosecutors ensured that all cases were generously settled so as to avoid any threat of discovery – of demands for evidence that must be met. There appears to be one case against Silverstein that advanced toward a settlement after partial discovery. In a nutshell, every elected and appointed official in the entire New York – New Jersey Port Authority and City and state complex was in some way complicit in covering up the facts on 9/11.

08 Aircraft did not bring down the twin towers. The AIG offices appear to have served as the theatrical set for pre-positioned explosives, and a US Air Force information operations aircraft appears to have managed the holograms of aircraft melting into the buildings. The media was pre-scripted and in one instance read their script seven minutes too soon. It is highly significant to me that Arnon Milchan, one of two Zionist participants in the JFK assassination, managed a movie and a TV series prior to 9/11 in which he practiced the staging of aircraft flying into buildings. I am compelled by the physics of steel beams every 14 inches, and the complete absence of airplane debris less one carefully placed engine having nothing to do with any of the flights, to find that this was pure theater – optics.

09 The Pentagon was arranged by Donald Rumsfeld. There was no aircraft and there may not have been a missile although that is a distinct possibility. One of our authors documents her view that the Pentagon blew the hole in the wall from the inside out and then blew up an aircraft as part of the simulation. I have no direct knowledge of the degree to which the insider attack on the Pentagon was intended to destroy the very people investigating the mis-appropriation of trillions of dollars from the USA to Zionist Israel via DoD Comptroller Dov Zaheim, but one of our authors addresses this directly. At best this was a missile or drone, as was stated by a US Major General on television when the hole was still visible before the façade collapsed – and with no airplane debris anywhere to be seen.

10 The crash in Pennsylvania was staged. At the time I was working closely with the US Special Operations Command and their analysts told me that the scene was clearly a bomb crater into which a truck load of parts had been dumped. The narrative about cell phone calls from aircraft in flight is beneath contempt but one of our authors destroys this narrative in detail. Other explanations are possible including a remote controlled aircraft sacrificed for a an area display – the false narrative about cell phone calls and “let’s roll” is the kind of detail that helps assess the official narrative for what it is – a pack of lies advanced with the active collaboration of a treasonous media controlled by the Deep State.

11 The cover-up is most interesting to me. Philip Zelikow, a key Zionist who helped pioneer the whole concept of “catastrophic terrorism” appears to have shown up on the first day of his role as executive director for the investigative commission with an outline of how the report would be structured. There is no questions but that this commission was as dirty as the Warren Commission, an almost poetic joining of the JFK assassination and the 9/11 false flag atrocity as the book-ends for the Great Awakening and the death of the Deep State. I testified to this Commission, and note with sadness that two of the Commissioners were forced to condemn the Commission for failing to serve the public interest.

The Decline and Fall of the Deep State and its Obama-Biden-Schumer-Pelosi Puppets

I wish to conclude my remarks with three observations:

First, it is no accident that Michael Chertoff, the Red Mafiya handler for Rudy Giuliani back in the day, was the first Secretary for the Department of Homeland Security created in the aftermath of 9/11 to facilitate and accelerate the creation of a police state in the USA. Under Chertoff’s direction, I speculate, DHS made it possible for the Zionists to penetrate all law enforcement computers and communications at the local level; and DHS mutated the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) from a disaster relief organization into a false flag coordinating authority and a manager of prison camps in waiting across the USA. Extensive Zionist training of US police was facilitated and funded, teaching US police – generally in urban areas – that US citizens should be treated as the Zionists treat the Palestinians, as “cockroaches.”

Second, under FEMA leadership, and after Obama-Biden modified the Smith Mundt Act to permit active deception of the US public, we had a spate of domestic false flag events from Sandy Hook to the Boston Bombing, to Orlando and beyond. I published my second book, Sandy Hook Truth, delivered to the White House, the Attorney General, two Congressional Committees, and the new Secretary of DHS, to stop these events. I believe I was successful. Subsequent false flags in the USA, such as the Pittsburgh synagogue, appear to be entirely Zionist in nature, with a wink and nod from FEMA and the FBI. My edited work on that event can be found at

Third and finally, I conclude that COVID-19, a fake pandemic tied closely to a global economic meltdown necessary to cover over $300 trillion in naked short selling positions, with the total complicity of the mainstream and social media controlled by the Deep State (with the Anti-Defamation League being the primary censorship and information manipulation authority within Amazon, Facebook, Google, MeetUp, Twitter, and YouTube), is the last desperate attempt of the Deep State to destroy Donald Trump by destroying the US economy (while profiting from insider trading). They have profited – and they have failed to achieve their political and cultural objectives. My original analysis is easily read at

We are at a turning point in human history. I have been sponsoring a book, Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, & The Deep State, with all chapters and a tag cloud of names free online at, precisely to make the point that in addition to false flag events and wars based on lies, predatory murderous pedophilia embodied in Satanic Ritual Abuse is the essence of the Deep State and its Zionist underbelly. President Trump has recognized Q Anon for what it is – a network of digital soldiers – General Mike Flynn’s phrase – that understands that at root both the JFK assassination and 9/11 are the work of Satanists engaged in pedophilia and murderous pedophilia to control and diminish every Commonwealth. To understand 9/11 one must understand Satanism and elite pedophilia, and vice versa.

From prayers in Tibet to medication around the world; from activist alternative media channels to the new organization of sheriffs and pastors saying no to state and federal authorities that have been bribed and blackmailed – often with pedophilia videos – to prey on the public – goodness and truth are ascendant.

9/11 was an atrocity whose architects are known by name. I pray for the day that Cheney and Rumsfeld and Giuliani and Zelikow; that Silverstein and Greenberg and Milchan and Wexner; are properly investigated, interrogated, indicted, and incarcerated. The Deep State is a parasite, and the expulsion of that parasite looms large.

JFK Jr. pledged to expose all those who assassinated his father. I myself am pledged to expose all those who carried out 9/11, and to hold President Trump to his promise made in Bluffton, South Carolina on 16 February 2016, to wit, “You will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center.”

The truth at any cost lowers all other costs. The truth – and trust – are the foundation of civilization. In my view, Election 2020 is about the truth and trust, about faith, family, and freedom, versus Satanists and pedophiles, versus Sodom and Gomorrah. From the assassination of JFK to 9/11 with all the atrocities including wars based on lies that we have suffered, I sense both a Great Awakening and the resurrection of virtue in America and the world.


  • Robert David Steele

    Robert David Steele is a former US Marine, CIA spy, and co-founder of the US Marine Corps Intelligence Activity. He is a top non-fiction book reviewer with over 2,000 reviews across 98 categories of reading, all reviews are free online.

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