Explosive Video About Biden And Michelle Obama Surfaces (Ep. 2178) Dan Bongino

Posted in: Dan Bongino, News, Patriots



➡ This is about a show where the host, Dan Bongino, talks about different things happening in America. He discusses a hidden camera video that shows a government worker saying that President Biden is slowing down and Vice President Harris is not popular. The host also talks about a product that helps you sleep better.
➡ This text talks about how some people don’t want Joe Biden or Kamala Harris in power, but they might stay because of politics. It also mentions that Michelle Obama doesn’t want to run for office, even though some people think she might. The text also suggests that Gavin Newsom could be a possible candidate. Lastly, it talks about how Biden’s future might depend on his supporters and how much money he can raise.
➡ A senator named Colton Moore found out about people being moved illegally into the U.S. He went to an airport and filmed a video that shows this happening. The video suggests that the government might be helping to move these people, which is against the law. This is a big problem because it’s not fair to people who follow the rules to come to the U.S. legally.
➡ This text talks about a lot of different things. It mentions how hardworking people often don’t get the respect they deserve. It also talks about how some people believe that if you question certain things, you might be called a racist. The text also mentions a coffee brand called Blackout Coffee and a skincare product called Gen 90. Lastly, it discusses the idea of allowing people who are in the country illegally to serve in the military.
➡ The article talks about a group in Texas that wants to bring a lot of people from other countries to live there. They hope this will change who people vote for in elections. Some people are upset about this and think it’s not fair. The article also talks about a new law that might give money to people who came to the country without permission if they have kids here, which some people are also upset about.
➡ The writer is upset about a bill that gives money to people who don’t earn much, including those who came to the country illegally. He thinks this bill encourages people to work less because they get more money from the government if they earn less. He’s also mad that some Republicans support this bill, and he believes they’re doing it because big businesses want them to. Lastly, he’s frustrated with the current government, saying they’re not doing a good job, especially with handling the Middle East situation.
➡ The speaker is upset about the current political situation. He thinks that some people in power are not telling the truth and are causing problems, especially in the Middle East and Texas. He’s unsure about who will be the next leader for the Democrats, but he thinks it might not be Joe Biden. He also talks about his show on Rumble, a video platform, and encourages people to join and chat with him.


Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that’s not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. And there it is. There it is. There’s what I just was like, what are you talking about? There it is. Some hidden camera. It’s a hidden camera video yesterday. All over the place, by the way. Like everywhere. Michelle Obama, Joe Biden, human trafficking happening in an airport in Boston.

I mean, video all over the place. All over the place. But the hidden video. James O’Keefe with his new group O’Keefe media unleashed yesterday speaks to so many things, and one of them I don’t want you to forget is that the government is so grotesquely incompetent that when people feed me all these conspiracy theories about what the government’s doing, I always answer, Joe, do I know with this, have you ever worked? Is you don’t understand.

Outside of our military and the good folks in law enforcement and intel, there are a lot of good folks left. A lot of the government bureaucrats are only there because they couldn’t actually get real jobs. I’m sorry, it’s true. These people are idiots. I’m digging too much. I got a lot to get to today and everything I told you about the Michelle Obama thing, people were making fun of me again.

It’s okay. Make fun of all you want, don’t care. Give zero shits everything I told you. Hey, you’re having trouble sleeping or staying asleep? Well, if you are poor, sleep sucks. Okay, let me just tell you right now, you can be working out great. Your food, your food program could be great. Your supplement program. You’re sleeping like crap. Throw it all out. It’s terrible. Your life’s going to stink.

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And enjoy before bedtime. I like it. Milk. If you want to try beam’s best selling dream powder, get up to 40% off for a limited time when you go to shopbeam. com Bongino and use code bongino at checkout. That’s shop beam, shopbeam. com Bongino and use code bongino for up to 40% off. Joe, you got to see the videos in advance. We got a lot to get to.

So if you would smile your own candid and the circumstances behind it are hilarious. Let’s get right to it. James O’Keefe, who has done more to expose government stupidity, malfeasance and corruption than most modern day journalists, which is kind of ironic because that’s what they supposedly make a living on. He got this hidden camera video, and I’ve got to tell you, the video is mildly hilarious because of the background.

The guy he has got on this hidden camera video you’re going to see in a moment is a Biden administration insider at a very high level. He’s this cybersecurity guy. Now, you may be thinking it’s time for a to, and I don’t mean Terrell Owens. It’s time for a 22nd timeout. So, James O’Keefe, can we all agree, is one of the most recognizable media figures in America right now? If you’re actually in the media space, if you follow only sports and baseball, granted, you probably don’t know who he is.

You probably don’t know who I am either. But if you follow media, you know, like, I know a lot of guys on the left I may not particularly like, but I know who they are. Philip Bump, kind of a toolbag, but I know who he is. I’m not going to tell you. He’s irrelevant. Philip, the Krassenstein Kai on Twitter, I know who he is. They may not be my biggest fans and vice versa, but I know who they are because you know why? Anyone have an idea why I know who they are? Because it’s my freaking job to know who they are.

Like, it’s this guy’s job in the White House to know who James O’Keefe is. So he goes out and meets up with O’Keefe. I don’t know the circumstances with this guy. I’ll leave that for another day. Okay. But a couple things I’m going to tell you that I’ve told you before. You watch this. The guy is a cybersecurity dude at the White House for Biden who’s like this big shot who’s sitting there with James O’Keefe? James O’Keefe’s got the Clark Kent going on.

Folks, here’s James O’Keefe in disguise. He’s like this. Let me do the. James O’Keefe. Hey, how you doing? My name is Sam Dongino. Gee doesn’t know. Tony’s like, what the fuck? I thought I worked for Dan Bongino. I’m out of here. But Gee’s like, I’ve been here three years. Joe Armicos is like, dude, I’ve been here the longest. I don’t even recognize this. I thought, who the is that? I thought I worked for Dan Bongino.

Is he dead? They’re texting. Hold on. They’re texting me right now. Dan, are you okay? It’s Joe Armicott. Yes, I’m fine. Look, I’m back. Joe’s like, holy shit, what happened? Look it, it’s like he appears like a ghost. How did he get here? Gee is stunned. Geek doesn’t even know. He doesn’t even want to hit the thing to play the video because he’s in that state. The guy in one flew over to Cuckoo’s nest, is it? He don’t know what to do.

He’s about to cut the stream right now. Gee. He’s like, who’s this imposter? O’Keefe is sitting down across from this guy. I hate the word literally, but literally with a pair of glasses on. Yeah. Pulling the Clark Kent. He’s pulling the Clark Kent. Hey, look, I’m Superman. How does nobody recognize Superman? Folks, why is this the government? As I’ve told you, not talking about our military, not talking about patriots at work there.

The government, unfortunately, in my experience, dealing with people is full of a lot of idiots. When people tell me about these big government plots, how we did this, we did that, I always tell them, you realize how dumb a lot of these people are? I know. I got to get to this clip. Okay, here’s the first part of the clip I want you to listen to. The Biden cybersecurity guy with Clark Kent over there, James O’Keefe with Glazon.

He just dumps out all the goodies to O’Keefe about how basically Biden’s senile, how everybody knows it. This is super important because. Describe something I’ve been telling you for a long time. I promise you’re not wasting your time. Here, check this out. So you’re pretty high up in the government? Yeah, I’m fairly high up. I’m good at keeping secrets. And so I manage two federal agencies, the State Department and USAID.

So when you say security, like, you’re protecting the networks of the federal agencies you give all your information to, the mission is to protect information. We are like the president’s voice when we go into meetings, in terms of discussing and promoting the president’s priorities. Is he going to be the nominee? Yes. And she will be the vice president nominee. Yeah. There was a debate about removing her from the ticket, but sadly, they didn’t.

She can’t keep black staff. They quit on her in May. But with him, he’s got dementia. Well, he’s definitely slowing down. They know that he has those issues? I think so. They’re not willing to say it. They’re not willing to say it publicly. Same thing with Kamala Harris. She’s not popular. But you can’t remove the first black lady to be vice president from the goddamn presidential ticket. Like, what kind of message are you going to send to african american voter? How would you spin that? People would be like, what the.

She’s a woman and she’s multiracial. I think that they’re really concerned about it, but they won’t say it. I guess if they say it publicly. Correct. They can’t say it publicly. No, they got to say it privately. So here’s a Biden insider telling you exactly what I told you. Listen, I promise you, however assholery that sounded, I’m not taking credit for it. People tell me stuff. It’s not my stuff.

It’s not my stuff. People tell me stuff because of stuff related to stuff that I did. I’ve already told you that. I’ve said a couple of things in the past. If you’re a p one that, you know, you were here. You heard it. I don’t think Biden’s going to be the nominee, but there’s going to have to be a seismic shift in the polls where the donors shut him off.

Do you guys remember this? They having said that, I still don’t believe it’ll be the nominee. Could he be the nominee? Yes. I can’t predict the future. I’m just speculating at this point. They don’t want him. You just heard the Biden guys say it. They don’t want him. They don’t want Kamala either, but they’re in a bind. What’s the bind? I told you about P ones. Help me out here.

Chime in. It’s your show, too. You remember Biden? He’s an egomaniac. He will not step aside. He is an egomaniac. Biden sees himself as the heir to FDR. I know you’re laughing. I get it. And you are rightfully so. Because you’re like Biden. Disgusting, kid sniffing, woman feeling sociopathic, plagiarizing, bribe taking Joe Biden. Yes. That guy, folks, he’s a nut. He is a sociopath. He sees himself as this messianic heir to FDR.

I promise you, it’s not my info, it’s from others. I’m not taking any credit for it. I don’t care. People tell me this stuff. He sees himself differently than you do. That is different than the Democrats see him. They don’t want him. They know this guy is a cancer and they know they stand a damn good chance he’s going to lose. That’s takeaway number one. I don’t think he’s going to be the nominee.

The only thing stopping that process from removing him is him. He’s an egomaniac. The second point we’ve made on this show and now you’re hearing it from a hidden camera insider, and I feel kind of vindicated, and at least vindicated with regards to my source on this. Folks, I told you this before. Someone find the episode. They are not getting rid of Kamala Harris. It is a racial play for them.

They feel like they are going to piss off a constituency. They need black voters. No matter how unpopular Kamala Harris gets, they’re not swapping Kamala Harris out. Could it happen? Of course, anything could happen. I can’t predict the future. This is just a political show where if you were doing a show about the american league east, you’d speculate, oh, how many wins do you think the Yankees are going to get? Or else the show be boring.

I see it as very unlikely that Kamala Harris is removed from the ticket. As a matter of fact, even if Joe Biden is removed from the ticket, I see it likely that Kamala Harris stays on as the VP. That sounds crazy. They are never getting rid of her, ever. It is a strict, tactical, racial play for them. You don’t need to listen to me. Listen to that guy.

When I said it before, it was a conspiracy theory. Now that this Biden insider says it, all of a sudden people are like, oh, man, here’s part two of Kent. I mean, you believe this? He doesn’t recognize James O’Keefe. I mean, if I saw, like, seriously, one of these guys across the table with Clark clink glasses on, I’d be like, really, bro? That really surprised me, too. It really did.

How do you not recognize this guy? You’re the cyber security dude at the White House. You ever see that meme on Twitter? You have one job, bro. You had one job to be like the cybersecurity. You’re like the security dude. Here’s part. I’ve had a meeting with Michelle Obama at one point when I was an intern and someone asked her, will you ever run for office? And she said no, emphatically.

Really? I’ve seen all this my husband has had to go through, and that does not interest me. Again, did I not tell you this, man? This is my information. I worked there in this Obama White House. Could Michelle Obama run for office? Of course. Ladies and gentlemen, black swan events happen all the time. I’m telling you because people ask my opinion all the time. Just go to Twitter, put in Bongino.

Dan, do you think Michelle Obama is going to run? The answer is no. Okay, Dan, why? Well, here’s why. I worked there. Michelle Obama is an intensely private person. Why? Because I freaking saw it. Michelle Obama used to complain, ask an guy, first ladies detail guy who worked with Michelle Obama. She complained constantly about the gross political process she claims to hate. Now, James Lindsay, who, by the way, I like a lot, put his videos out there.

He tweeted this out. People are saying michelle Obama doesn’t want it. Notably Bongino. I’m not saying that. I’m telling you what she. James. Well, if you were there and you know otherwise, James, fill me in. Were you there? Okay, you were. I’m not saying. I’m telling you what I know she said because I was know I can’t with these people. People say Michelle Obama doesn’t want it, notably Bongino.

So great, now she’s the reluctant hero who will have to step up to fill big shoes after Biden has a health problem. It’s spontaneous, but it isn’t. It’s focus group. It’ll be Gavin if he pulls better. Okay, maybe so, but this is like, I could see this is some kind of weird passive aggressive thing. I’m just telling you, she’s an intensely private person. You just heard it from a Biden administration insider.

The exact same freaking story. What you think we’re about? What motivation would I possibly have for making this up? And this guy, he doesn’t even know he’s on camera. He’s obviously telling the truth. She doesn’t like it. Does that mean there’s 100% chance she couldn’t be coaxed into it. It doesn’t. I’m just telling you it’s extremely unlikely. Now, why would I waste my time on this topic if I didn’t think it mattered on speculative stuff? Because we’re burning a lot of time.

Here’s why. Everybody with Tio for a second to Lindsay and anyone else out there, the reason I’m talking about this is we are burning a lot of time on Michelle Obama. We’re burning a lot of time when I think he’s actually correct with his last statement there that it’s much more likely to be Gavin Newsom. Could it be Michelle Obama? Of course I doubt it. I see it highly likely that it could be Gavin Newsom.

But we’re burning all this time and most of this, I want you to understand, most of this Michelle Obama stuff you see on Twitter is clickbait stuff, folks. It’s being done for engagement because people make money off tweets. I’m just trying to be legit, man, and straight with you all. I could do this all day. Dirty secret about Michelle Obama exposed Dan Bongino. Click on this tweet. Retweet it.

I’m just telling you, I could do a show tomorrow. Hey, I got inside info Michelle Obama’s running. I’ve heard it from someone. Whatever, man. Folks, the only remaining question now is when Biden gets out. And what’s the breaking point? If Biden stays in, which is a distinct possibility because he is a sociopathic egomaniac, that is a distinct possibility. I rate it no better at 50 50. I don’t think he’s going to stay in person because the Democrat donors I think are going to push him out.

But it depends on what the breaking point is. What’s the breaking point where they push him out? Is it polls? Because let me tell you something. Gee, can you throw that poll thing up? Interactive polls. I’ll get to it again later. This doesn’t look good for Biden. New Bloomberg morning console poll of Trump Biden matchup in swing states. Folks, if these polls are even close to accurate, North Carolina, Trump plus ten.

Nevada, Trump plus eight. Georgia plus eight. All Trump. Wisconsin, Trump plus five. Michigan? Trump plus five. Pennsylvania, Trump plus three. Arizona, Trump plus three. Folks, if these numbers are even remotely close to accurate, Virginia could be in play in Colorado, too. Does that mean there’s going to be a red wave? Not on this show. Does it mean anybody should get excited? You should assume those polls are wrong.

Dan BonginoAnother poll came out today, showed Biden up nationally by six. What does that mean? About polls? What does it mean about polls? That means you should take them and throw them into garbage. But I’m telling you, donors, donors. Watch this stuff. Donors. To Biden, the only question to getting at is what point did the donors, because he did not have a great fundraising quarter. To be fair, it wasn’t terrible.

Biden. I’m talking about Biden, but it wasn’t great. Believe me. He wasn’t setting any records. At what point did the donors dry him up? That’s my point. And that’s why I talked about the Michelle Obama story you just saw on the hidden camera thing because we’re burning a ton of time on this. If she does jump in, then we got to go for it. But I personally think you’re wasting a lot of time on something with a very low likelihood of happening right now.

We should focus our fire on Biden politically and Newsom politically. That’s where you’re going to get your best bang for your buck. Just trying to help you out, man. I consider you all my friends. I don’t want to waste your time. By the way, hidden cameras are everywhere. Do you see this shit in the airport in Boston? Ladies and gentlemen, there is a legit human trafficking operation happening in the United States at airports around and this state.

Senator Colton. This guy Colton, was it Colton Moore? This guy. God bless this guy. Unbelievable what he uncovered. Stay tuned. I’m going to get to that next. Take a quick mean. This is a story that’s really hard to get your arms around when you see this human trafficking, our own us government, I mean real human trafficking, folks, traditional media is crumbling. Why? They’re hiding something, something big. People are realizing they’re being lied to left and right, even by institutions they thought they could trust.

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I like what he’s doing, folks. Somebody should show this video to Jessica Tarloff. You know Jessica Tarloff, who amazingly on the five two days ago, we covered it yesterday, incredibly on the five on Fox, kind of insinuated and hinted that her co panelists were racist by pointing out the great replacement theory nonsense, which is ironically, Jessica Tarlos party’s thing about great. It’s their thing. So I just unloaded on her yesterday because I’m stunned.

And hat tip Greg Gutfeld for fighting back again that Fox allows this stuff. She basically was race hustling like, you know, winking and nodding that judge Janine and others were racist for bringing up the fact that we have unfettered immigration in this country that the Democrats are openly using to demographically transform the company. How do we know that? Because they say it all the freaking time. I played the cut a thousand times at a.

. 1. Guy was annoyed. So somebody should show this video to Jessica Tarloff, who seems to think again, everybody who addresses this trafficking of people crisis is somehow a racist. Amazing how I’m a racist and I’m yet married to a brown woman or whatever. Incredible how I let that go. Amazing who happens to be an immigrant. Holy shit. How’d I get over that? Someone showed this video to Tarloff.

This is Georgia’s senator. Is his name Colton Morge? Colton Moore? Listen, I don’t know you, Colton Moore, but big hat tip to you, Georgia state senator, he gets wind. Here’s the backstory of this video from a whistleblower. Was he state senator from Georgia or something like that? Okay. He gets wind that there’s this human trafficking operation going on at an airport. So he goes out to the airport and he has his cell phone camera.

And the audio here is not great. This is not Armakos fault. Joe does the best audio guy in the business, right? The problem is the audio is not great. But you’re going to hear the guy he’s talking to as he gets to this back room where they’re being basically hidden in this Georgia Atlanta airport. They’re being hidden in this back room. The guy basically admits that people are being flown in and trafficked into the United States from all over the world, and their job is to basically take them and relocate them to the United States.

Here’s the catch. These people appear to be here illegally. Ladies and gentlemen, this appears to be a government ngo sponsored human trafficking operation legitimately caught on tape. Watch this. I think he’s one of. How’s it going? Transporting anybody anywhere? Yeah, we’re all getting them placed to where they need to be. Where they need to be. All over the place. Where are they coming from? As in, like, country of origin, stuff like that.

All also all over the place. You know, when they come into the US. Can I ask you why you’re asking these questions? Yeah. Wait, did you hear it? Where are they coming from? All over the place. They’re headed to the airport to be shipped around the United States. Someone show that to Jessica Tarloff. Are we racist? Are we all racist for bringing this up? Joe, you cut that video, right? What a racist you are.

I sent it to you. What a bigger racist. Dude, you see what that is? The guy just caught it on video in an Atlanta airport. Did I say logan in the beginning? I meant Atlanta. Atlanta airport. It’s right there. And you notice how the guy asks at the end? Oh, might be a videotape. If you’re proud of what you’re doing, why do you care? I don’t understand why you would care if this is some kind of cultural enrichment exercise, which democrats keep telling us it is.

It’s cultural enrichment. We don’t need legal immigration. Matter of fact, let’s do it illegal. Let’s run a human trafficking operation. Why not say, oh, yeah, video this. Matter of fact, let’s do a TikTok together. Do you ever wonder why they’re so embarrassed? Every time you film a night flight, every time you film the border, they wanted the fox drone taken down at the border. Do you ever notice with the Biden administration.

Oh, you see where I’m going with this, right? You p one listeners, the best weapon you have right now against the Biden administration is observation. I’ve been saying this for days. And to the hack swamp Republicans in the Wall Street Journal editorial board, who doesn’t seem to get it. This is what the impeachment of Myorkus is about. Of course he committed a high crime and misdemeanor. It’s not a criminal trial, though.

But of course he did. He has subjugated his job responsibilities and violated his oath to assist in an illegal invasion of the United States. What other high crime could you possibly. Are you guys nuts? Are you missing the forest for the trees? Of course the predicate is there. But the point of the impeachment is it’s a political process. Do you disagree? Okay, of course you don’t. If it’s a political process, using the language of the criminal code and the predicate.

Criminal code stuff is already there to move forward, which it is, then why wouldn’t you expose to the nation what Biden’s trying to hide? They are running, ladies and gentlemen, a human trafficking organization. Pull up the definition of human trafficking, I dare you to, and tell me how this does not fit the definition of human trafficking. We are illegally moving human beings in violation of the law, taking them and transporting them around the country in violation of probably 20 or 30 different laws.

Explain to me how that’s not human trafficking, and do it without cracking a smile, folks. This is shocking video, and it shows you again how in your own country, you, in fact, are second class citizens. And here you want a major kick in the balls. Here’s the biggest kick in the nuts of all. My wife came here legally the right way. And let me tell you something. For Paula, and she knows it.

It was a pain in the ass. I have been very open about what happened to us. You realize we had an immigration officer in baltimore ask us if this was an arranged marriage between who we met on a freaking blind date set up by my cousin? I’m not kidding, folks. They were like, is this, like, arranged? Did you guys do this for a green card or something? We were like, are you smoking crack? My cousin’s wife works with paula in a financial firm in Manhattan.

Yeah, he arranged it. His name is Todd. Do you realize we had to call our congressman because they were harassing us about paula? Ladies and gentlemen, the process sucks, but we still went through it because it’s the freaking law. I’ll tell you right now, if I’m paula or any other legal immigrant in this country who raised their right hand and did it the right way, I’m like, what the hell did I waste my time for? These people in the airport get special privileges.

No passport, no green card, free flight around the country. And get a load of this. You get your own lounge in the airport where nobody’s allowed in. Amazing. Amazing. Do you get manipetties, too, and little back rubs? It’s amazing how the hov express lane is for people who pay no taxes, do not serve in our military, and are not even citizens, and are not even here legally yet.

You, the regular working schmos. Of course, being sarcastic. You bust your ass, you pay your taxes every day, and what do you get? Shit, you get a double barrel middle finger. That’s eight. Eight. Here it is. That’s eight. Eight. You dumb motherfuckers work for a living. Let me tell you something. We’ve got a better class of citizens coming in. And by the way, if you mention it, you are definitely white supremacist.

Because let me tell you something. On eight eight, we lowered the flag to half mask when I should have said half staff because I’m too stupid. And it was a signal to every Nazi in the world. You crazy replacement theory mothers. This. If you notice any of this, you’re definitely a racist. Crazy Fagazi crazy. Forget this, is the type of people in our government, if you even dare to mention this, you’re a white supremacist nazi crazy person.

Fascist. This is nuts. This is insane. So just to be clear, Fagazi, who thinks that on August eigth, Donald Trump lowered the flags to half masked, should be half staff, signaling out to the world that he loves Hitler or some crazy thing. He noticed that yet, which is insane, by the way, and knucking futs. But we happen to notice that there’s a special illegal immigrant lounge in a major us airport engaged in human trafficking.

And we’re the races, just to be clear. Amazing. The guy actually married to a legal immigrant. So freaking bananas. Dude, I got to take a break. You ready for the test? No way. Right? You’re like, there’s no way this bag has been sniffed a thousand times. There’s no way the bold coffee smell comes out again. Let’s try it out. And there it is. There it is. Tony. You haven’t let me down yet.

There we go. He dropped it. He dropped. That was a good pass. That was a good pass. Gee dropped it. Gee blocked it. Gee’s playing Lester Hayes. He was like a cornerback, so I dropped it yesterday, but it was kind of high, but it touched my blackout. Coffee, ladies and gentlemen. Best coffee beans out there. Bold, never bitter. I love it. I have three, four cups a day.

You do? You? I really enjoy it. They have these flavored coffees now. I gotta tell you, I’m a little bit addicted, John, at blackout. I haven’t texted you in a while. I don’t like bothering you. You gotta send me a box of that cinnamon french toast stuff. My wife and I are hooked. I’m like begging. It’s that good blackout coffee. Skip the long lines at the store. Order online.

The owner of blackout coffee is a really good dude. He absolutely loves this country. The guy cares about two things, coffee and the country. Well, in the reverse order, country and coffee. But he absolutely loves good coffee. They’re premium beans. You don’t even know what premium beans taste like because you’ve probably been drinking a lot of crap beans like I was forever. The folks at blackout coffee ship within 48 hours of roasting.

It’s incredible. Do me a favor. Go to blackoutcoffee. com bongino. See what I’m talking about? They’re the real deal. It’s time to quit drinking that like brown water woke corporate junk coffee. Drink real coffee again. Bold coffee tasting. Never bitter, though. That’s blackoutcoffee. com bongino. Use coupon code bongino for 20% off your first order. Try that cinnamon french toast, man. It’s bananas. Make the switch to blackout coffee.

You’re going to love it, I promise you. Check it out. Blackoutcoffee. com Bongino that’s right. All right, thanks. Thank you. Blackout coffee, our last spot today. This has been a banger show so far. Genuce folks, you have three minutes in the morning or 30 minutes. Keep that face looking wrinkle free. I want to look old, right? Introducing Gen 90, the new instant wrinkle treatment from genucell skincare. It’s a perfect Valentine’s gift for you or someone else or your valentine out there.

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There’s a human trafficking operation being sponsored by our government and a bunch of NGO left wing groups out of a major airport that’s supposed to be the securest place in Georgia. Right? An airport, you would think. Kind of sounds like a big deal. And it rhymes with trucking. I’d like you to show this to Jessica Tarloff, too. Thinks we’re all, I guess, racist for her replacement theory. Every time we bring this stuff up, it’s incredible.

They throw out some frank Faghazi 88 thing, or you guys are all white supremacist, fascists, nationalists. I’m like, really? That’s so crazy. Again, I married a brown. It’s so weird. So weird. Show this to Tarlam. Here’s tricky Dick Durbin. This guy’s a us senator. Us. A pretty powerful guy, right, Joe? He’s one of, like, of 100. That’s two in each state. Like kind of a big deal. Pretty powerful senator, right? You got, like, presidents, you got senators, supreme Court justice.

Pretty powerful guys. This guy’s from Illinois. Tricky Dick’s been around a long time. Again, for all of you who think this replacement theory is like some crazy conservative racist conspiracy theory, like Jessica Tarloff, who again, implied all the panelists were, in fact, racist and then just got wrecked. Listen to Tricky Dick Durbin with probably the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard in my life, that not only should we human traffic illegals into the country and fly them around, even though we don’t know who they are because they’re here illegally, probably giving fake names.

No idea, no id, none of that stuff. Well, you have to show your id at TSA, take your shoes off. You have to blow into something. You have to lick something for a saliva sample, whatever. Right? Here’s tricky dick suggesting that, yes, we should be replacing some of our military people that we can’t recruit because we’re busy telling them that men are women and women are men and that we shouldn’t be worried about killing people.

We should be worried about he, she, Xi, Zhao pronouns. So they’re not enlisting. We should replace them with people in the country illegally. That’s a great freaking idea. Just awesome. What a genius. Listen to yourself. Her bill, and I hope I describe it accurately, says that if you are an undocumented person in this country and you can pass the physical and the required test, background test, the like, you can serve in our military.

And if you do it honorably, we will make you citizens of the United States. Do we need that? Do you know what the recruiting numbers are at the army and the navy and the air force? They can’t reach their quotas each month. They can’t find enough people to join our military forces. And there are those who are undocumented who want the chance to serve and risk their lives for this country.

Should we give them the chance? I think we should. Holy shit, man. I’m sorry. You motherfuckers are definitely racist. We should let people illegally serve in the United States. I kid. We’re all racist. Here’s an idea, folks. It’s a crazy one. You ready? Chat says, you ready? Here’s a crazy idea. Maybe we just stop teaching our military about Xi, Zhao, zhou, pronouns, and that white people are awful in the United States sucks.

And we teach them how to go and kill the enemy, which is what they signed up to do. And maybe we wouldn’t have a recruiting crisis rather than this insane, freaking treasonous idea that we should take foreign people in the country illegally, not legally illegally in the country, and allow them access to military secrets and technology. It’s the single dumbest idea I’ve ever heard my life. Someone should show that to Jessica Turlos.

She’ll call you a racist, too. That’s definitely racist. We should definitely let foreign governments import their people into our military while they’re here illegally. Great idea. Just an awesome idea. You guys are so smart on the left. And of course, anytime you bring this up, risk replacement theory stuff, that there are actual groups out there working with liberals to import mass illegal immigrants into the country to change the electoral dynamics, you go, you’re a racist.

Like tarloff the other day. Oh, look at this Breitbart article. This is just amazing. Just popped right before the show. There’s a group out there in Texas. What’s that? Vote Latina. You guys got that one, the Breitbart piece, where their whole goal out there is to do what? Oh, yes. Mass migration into the state of Texas to change the voter dynamic. This article’s date. Crazy Joe, just the other day, I thought this was racist for us to bring this up.

Soros funded group seeks to turn Texas blue with mass migration. John Binder, holy shit. Sounds like something we’ve been saying. He notes, at the same time, the left wing group Voto Latino has made it clear they are looking to turn Texas blue this year with mass immigration to the just. That sounds racist. Put that up again. Leave that up there. Does that sound like replacement theory? We’re going to replace votes there now with mass immigration to the state as, quote, voto Latino has made clear.

You guys are definitely racist for noticing this. All of you. 123,000. All racist. 123,667. Total racist right now for just noticing what the left. Jessica Tarloff, do you want to read that on the air? Would you like to? What would you call that when a left wing group, quote, makes it clear that they want to use mass migration to a state, most of it illegal, by the way, to demographically transform and replace the voter, the dynamic center.

What would you like to call that, Jess? What would you like to call that? Maybe you’ll bring it up on the five tonight. I noticed you very muted yesterday on the topic. Maybe because, you know, you got your ass exposed by a bunch of people because you’re a race hustler. You’re a two bit race hustler. And that’s why I take this so personal. We don’t like each other.

We never did, but it’s not personal. But you’re going to go on the air in front of 3 million people and imply Republicans and people like me are racist for, gee, put that up one more time for just reading what a left wing group has said. Look at that. They made it clear they’re looking to turn Texas blue with mass immigration to the state. That’s our fault. And then when stuff happens, like Texans respond and say, you know what? We’ve had enough of this shit.

We’re part of the United States. And it’s your constitutional obligation, it’s actually in the Constitution, to prevent an invasion of our state. And then you see shit like this. The New York Post Texas secessionist claims that Texas is getting closer amid a border dispute. Melissa Kodak, I’m sure your natural response, Jessica. Oh, they’re definitely racist, too, because your oatmeal God King Joe Biden, in a treasonous move is allowing an invasion, by definition, to happen in Texas.

You’re actually shocked. People in Texas go, we had enough. This is our home. And I noticed, by the way, Tarloff. Tarloff will never volunteer to take any of these illegals in her house. Tarloff’s making good money. I don’t know what she makes. Obviously, no one talks about that stuff in the private sector, but having a good idea of the talking head ecosystem, Tarloff’s making good money. She’s on the top rated show in cable news, the five.

Why doesn’t Jessica Tarloff donate half of her salary to illegals? Why doesn’t she have some of them in her house? Why not, Jess? Has anybody asked her that on the air? Why not? You think this is such a great thing? It’s cultural enrichment. She’s got a family. Culturally enrich yourself. Because you’re full of shit. That’s why. Because you’re full of shit. And I know people at Fox watch this, that woman next to you is full of shit.

Totally full of shit. And when I was on that damn show, I pointed out, and thanks to everyone on that panel, Greg and others who have, and Jessie’s called her out quite a bit, too, she basically called you all racist the other day. That’s bullshit. And you all know me. You know for a fact I would have shut that shit down too. That would have blown up. You calling me a racist? Because have the freaking balls to say it.

You taking any of these people in? Oh, no, you’re not. You donating money? Oh, no. You’re just talking shit. While voting groups are advertising that they’re trying to transform Texas using migration. Folks, the panic setting in. I showed you these swing state polls before the panic setting in because this issue is killing Joe Biden. That tablet mag article in yesterday’s newsletter, it’s Bongino. com slash newsletter. That tablet mag article is devastating.

Biden’s approval rating is in the can. Biden’s be generous. Say it’s 40%. I said be generous. It’s probably closer to 35. Say it’s 40. Biden’s approval rating on immigration is probably somewhere in the murdering his campaign. The only question now is when does he give up the crazies on his left wing and have this sister soldier moment? The Bill Clinton moment. The era of big government’s over moment.

That was a Bill Clinton speech. Bill Clinton may have been pushed there by Newt Gingrich. It doesn’t matter to me how he got there. He gave those speeches. When do they dump Joe Biden? I want you to listen to this too, because if you think this isn’t going to get worse, it’s not just now that you’ve got them calling you racist for noting there’s an invasion going on.

It’s not just that the border is open or that there’s a fentanyl and child sex trafficking crisis, a human trafficking crisis at a major airports, that terrorists are crossing our border. All of this is true. Documented facts produced by receipts over and over on the show. You know there’s a bill that swamp ass Republicans and shitbag Democrats. Do you know what just passed the House? You should be.

Listen to me. I’m asking as a favor. You know I don’t ask this a lot. I got a book out. If I asked you to buy it in a month. I have not. I mentioned my newsletter only to help you. Do I bother you with stuff? I do not. I do not want to be the host every day selling you something. You hate it. I hate it. It’s grifty and it’s bullshit.

I don’t do it. I’m asking you a favor today. You got to email your representative in Congress and your US senator, your U. S. Senator, importantly, there is a tax bill in Congress right now. When I tell you what’s in it, you’re going to think I’m making it up. I’m not. It’s being framed as this tax cut bill. It is not. There are some decent things in there involving depreciation and business, but the big chunk of this, what? They’re framing the Republicans because they voted for this too.

This passed the House overwhelmingly. You’re going to yourself when you. What’s in there is a major, basically welfare type handout framed as an earned income tax credit. And here’s the kicker. You’re in this country, you enter here illegally, you have a child here, that benefit goes to you. Now the Democrats defense is we’ve been doing that all along. Exactly. That’s even worse. This thing is going to bankrupt the United States.

Listen to what I just told you. It’s being framed as some by Republicans by the way too. In case you think this show like kisses Republicans’asses, you’re watching the wrong show. We do not. Republicans are not the solution to your problems. Just Democrats happen to be causing them. That’s it. Republicans push. This passed the House, now the Senate’s got it. This is a massive multi billion dollar bankruptcy bill that will hand billions of your dollars to illegal immigrants who have children here.

And that’s a fact. No one will deny it. No one will deny it. You should be emailing, calling your house and reps and senators today on this. Here’s a great guy play MlS guy. Peter stange, brilliant guy. He feels the same way I do. He doesn’t kiss Republicans’asses. Either. And he totally throws them where they belong, under the bus for voting for this piece of shit. Here he is describing this, I mean, blowout bankruptcy bill that’s going to give your tax money basically to a bunch of illegals.

Here, listen to this. So welcome to America’s new ruling coalition, illegal immigrants and corporate lobbyists. Two parties united horse. The bill authors are aware that Washington is currently running a $2. 7 trillion deficit that will bankrupt our country with Congress’s own bean counters projecting 145,000,000,000,000 with a t of national debt by 2053. So to cover the fact that this bill is adding to that to the tune of potentially trillions, they resort to Washington level accounting fraud.

Namely, they cancel a failed Covid era employee retention credit that has paid out 230,000,000,000, much of it fraudulent. Instead of simply winding down the program and admitting that they effed up, they label the long overdue wind down as $78 billion in savings and hand that to illegals and lobbyists. You believe that? Using all kinds of accounting tricks. Put the accounting tricks aside for a moment. They’re using accounting tricks to hide the fact that they are giving you money.

I just saw someone in the chat. I’m sorry. That’s what I was doing. I was reading through some guy just said, are you effing kidding me? Here’s Andy Mack. This is bullshit. Yeah, Andy Mack. This is bullshit. If you think it’s bullshit, throw a y here in the chat. No, you don’t think it’s bullshit. You think this is great. Listen to me, swampy. Republicans who are voting for this know this is in there.

So why are they voting for a bill to give away your money to Illegals and to everyone else in what’s being framed as earned income tax credit? It’s really a welfare program. Why are they doing it? The answer, because a bunch of corporate lobbyists want what aren’t the craziest thing. They want something. They’re lobbying for their business. But of course, they bought off a lot of these people in Congress.

Folks, your country is being run by now, sadly, by people with access, big business lobbyists, focus groups, politicians and bureaucrats. Nobody gives a shit about you. And what’s a constituent group? They want illegals. They think they can use it to increase their power base. How do I know that? I just read you the Breitbart article about a left wing group bragging about it. Come on, man. Yeah, exactly.

Oh, that was Joe. I don’t see any no’s. This is bullshit. The House. If your republican rep voted for this, you better get it on the record as to why. Let me predict their answer right away. It’s going to be, this is a beneficial tax cut packages that incentivizes people to work. It doesn’t incentivize shit. It incentivizes a bunch of people to come to the country illegally and have kids here.

That’s what it does. Stop bullshitting people. And you know what it does? It lowers the threshold of income that people at the low end of the income scale have to earn in order to get massive checks from the government. Wait, lowers. So they work less and get more? Yeah. Now, Tony, call me crazy, but I was a psychology major in school. You mentioned your education. You’re probably a dick, but in this case it matters.

There’s this thing called incentives. There’s pavlovian and operant conditioning. There’s reinforcement, reward behavior, reward. So you’re telling me the tax package says if you earn less money, we’ll give you more money, creating an incentive for you to do what liberals are like? I don’t know, man. Of course you don’t know. You’re a freaking dumb ass. Creating the incentive to earn less money and work less so that we can work more to give you more money.

That’s what it does. I would never lie to you. That’s what it does. And Republicans signed onto this shit, passed big time. Now it’s sitting in front of the Senate again. Republicans are the freaking stupid party. Am I telling you not to vote for Republicans? That’s not what I’m telling you. Why? Because I live in the real world where you’ve got shit lib, Democrats who will destroy the country tomorrow and Republicans who will destroy it in five years.

At least I got five years to figure it out. I live in the real world. I don’t know what to tell you. We got to pick better candidates. But these people suck. They absolutely know what they’re doing. They are signing on to this shit package. And here’s the double whammy. They’re going to give Biden a huge political win. Now if they would give Biden a huge political win on a win that benefits America like Biden comes out tomorrow and says, I am building the wall.

Here’s the money. We’re hiring 10,000 border patrol. We’re shutting this down. We’re dumping parole. We’re creating a national security at the border situation, and we’re also going to reinstitute the migrant protection protocols remain in Mexico. I got to tell you, I’ll give Biden that win. You know why? America wins. And Americans will see through with that anyway, that it was only done in response to an that’s fine.

This is a shit, Bill. And you’re giving Biden a win. Proving again Republicans are the single dumbest party ever. I mean, sentient beings have never created this cornucopia of stupidity like they did within the swampy Republican Party. It’s pathetic. Thank God for guys like St. Andrew. What bullshit. Folks make no mistake, too. They know they’re in trouble. I want to show you this before we wrap up for this is super important.

You know John Podesta? John Podesta, the guy you’ve been warning about, the Clinton Consiglieri. This guy’s got his fingerprints, ladies and gentlemen, on every liberal anti Trump scandal of our time. He’s either touching it, someone he knows is touching it, or someone he knows who knows someone is touching it. Showing you again that Democrats don’t give a shit about scandal or anything else. They will appoint the most destructive political street fighters, regardless of what you know about them.

Look at the date on this article, Joe, do you know what today’s date is, by any chance? I believe it’s the 1 February, Dan. What was yesterday’s date then? That would be the 31st. Thank you, Joe. Thought it was a trick. January 31. Washington Post, January 31, 2024. John Podesta to sece John Kerry as a top us climate diplomat, you are never going to meet a guy crazier or more knee deep in liberal scandals than Podesta.

Podesta family members of Podesta. Doesn’t matter. He’s right back in the US government. You think this has anything to do with climate? No, it doesn’t, Dan. He’s the climate diplomat. Bullshit. They’re giving him a job because they want him close to Biden. Why? Because he’s a dirty political player, that’s why. Dan, didn’t you say something about John Podesta just on Monday or Tuesday’s show? Matter of fact, I did.

You see this article by Matt Taibi and Racket News, January 26, 2024. Podesta. They’re talking about John Podesta in an article titled, is the electoral fix for 2024 already in? John Podesta played Joe Biden in one of these transition integrity project simulations back in 2020. And in one round, Podesta refused to accede to a clear Trump win, threatening instead to seize a bloc of west coast states, including California, and secede from the union.

Podesta’s move was quoted as, frankly, ridiculous. Another participant described it that way to the New York Times. Even another Democrat or lunatic thought that John Podesta is a nut. And John Podesta gets what? Podesta gets a position right back in the Biden White House. Folks, we have children in charge right now, you understand? And these are impulsive, emotional children with behavioral problems. They are all in charge. You got an opportunity to fix this coming up.

There’s no excuse not to vote. You’ve got only one country to fight for. And however flawed the process is, this is the process we’re dealing with. I had some dipshit this morning on Twitter. Oh, Dan, when are you going to start talking about fixing the voting process? Even listen to my show, dipshit? I talk about it all the time. We need voter id. We need limits on mail in voting.

If you’re going to do some mail in voting, it better have a camera there. The camera better work. It better be limited. I don’t even want it at all. At all. It’s terrible. It sucks. You ever see 2000 mules? But if we’re stuck with it, we have to make some incremental changes. The system is a mess, but we’ve got idiots in charge. Threw up that Jake Sullivan video.

You want to see the Biden administration summed up in a back and forth video? They’re very short. Here’s Jake Sullivan just a little bit ago talking about the Middle east situation. Check this out. We want to depressurize, deescalate and ultimately integrate the Middle east region. The war in Yemen is in its 19 month truce. For now, the Iranian attacks against Us forces have stopped. Our presence in Iraq is stable.

I emphasize for now because all of that can change. And the Middle east region is quieter today than it has been in two decades. That’s the freaking national security advisor. Imagine a football coach saying, the Kansas City Chiefs, man, and the 49 ers, two worst teams in football. They’ll never make it to the Super bowl. You’d be like, gosh, this guy’s really stupid. This is the national security advisor, Middle east, the quietest it’s been.

This is the national security advisor for the Biden administration that just brought back John Podesta. The California should secede from the union guy. Children in charge. Here’s another member of the Biden administration. You may have heard of him. He’s the secretary of state, Anthony Blinken, saying, what about the Middle east? Check this out. I would argue that we have not seen a situation as dangerous as the one we’re facing now across the region since at least 1973.

So which story is true? The secretary of state story or the national security advisor story? The answer is, on any given day, whatever they say, because none of them know they’re just making this up. They’re all full of shit. Jake Sullivan knew what he said was wrong. He was saying it because he wanted to make a political point that day about how Joe Biden’s a calming influence. Now, is Tony Blinken forced to tell you the truth as the Middle east explodes into basically all out war? Children in charge.

Be very cautious, man. Be very cautious. You’ve got a cold civil war brewing in the Texas border right now. Talk of texit and all this other stuff, and you’ve got an incompetent buffoon in the White House who’s bringing people back into the orbit who are even crazier than the people he has now because he understands he’s in big trouble. And I’m going to end where I started. I don’t know who’s going to be the nominee for the Democrats.

I can’t predict the future. I’m just telling you this, Biden’s going to hang on as long as he can. I think the donors may push him out, and I’d be shocked if it’s Michelle Obama. Could be, but I’d be stunned. And now you hear that in the beginning on that hidden video. Folks, thanks so much for tuning in. We’ve had an amazing week, an amazing day at Rumble.

I really appreciate it. Please go download the Rumble app. The user interface is incredible over there. You’re going to love it. We’ve made so many upgrades to it. Check it out. Start an account at Rumble. You can watch the show free on Rumble. You don’t have to start an account, but if you want to chat, start an account. I was in there super early today about 945, chatting with people.

Hoof Lisa regulars, the home of groin crew shaking, painting. Love you all. You’re great. I like you. Guy bot Gino, thanks for everything. Join that chat show starts at 11:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. Eastern time every single day. Rumble. com slash bongino, thanks so much for being here. See you on the radio show on this channel in just a little bit. Be right back. You just heard the Dan Bongino show.


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