Ep. 3408b – Manchurian Candidate[HRC]-[BO] Ticket Possible?Are You Ready To Finish What We Started | X22 Report

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports



➡ This X22 Report podcast episode discusses potential political changes, including the possibility of Kamala Harris becoming the presidential nominee and Hillary Clinton or Michelle Obama being chosen as vice president. It also highlights the health risks of certain foods that are falsely marketed as healthy, according to nutritionist Dr. Amy Lee. The episode further delves into geopolitical issues, such as potential conflicts and the upcoming presidential election, suggesting that the election results could be influenced by the state of war and peace in the country.
➡ Amidst a potential crisis, there’s speculation about who will lead the U.S. Some believe Kamala Harris might take over from Biden, while others suggest Trump could return to power. There’s also talk of Biden resigning under the 20th amendment. The situation is uncertain and the public’s trust in leadership is wavering.
➡ The text discusses speculation about potential changes in the U.S. political landscape, including the possibility of Hillary Clinton or Michelle Obama stepping into prominent roles. It also mentions concerns about border control and the impact of the current presidency. The text further discusses a rally held by Trump in Michigan and conflicting stories about an alleged assassination attempt on Trump. Lastly, it mentions allegations of lies by the Department of Homeland Security and the Secret Service about security requests from Trump’s team.
➡ The article discusses the controversy surrounding Mayorkas, a cabinet official, who is accused of causing a border crisis and covering up an assassination attempt on Trump. It also talks about potential health risks from certain “healthy” foods, as explained by Dr. Gundry, and how to avoid them. The article further delves into the alleged mishandling of the assassination attempt by the Secret Service and the need for accountability. Lastly, it mentions the possibility of multiple shooters and the need for further investigation into the incident.
➡ The text discusses the idea that both Biden and Obama were “Manchurian candidates,” a term referring to a person being manipulated by an enemy power, often used to suggest disloyalty or corruption. The author suggests that Biden and Obama were controlled by China and other unelected individuals, and that they may have been involved in attempts to remove Trump from power. The text also mentions Trump’s defamation lawsuit against Pulitzer for awarding prizes to news stories about the Russia investigation, which Trump claims were false. Lastly, the author discusses the potential for cheating in the upcoming presidential election.
➡ The text discusses potential issues with upcoming elections, including fears of cyber attacks causing outages and delays. It suggests that these disruptions could be used to manipulate results, and highlights the importance of voter identification laws. The text also mentions the possibility of civil unrest and the role of various groups in this. It ends by suggesting that Trump and his supporters are prepared for these challenges and are working to ensure a fair election.
➡ The text discusses the belief that despite some people’s dislike for Trump, they would still vote for him to prevent the country from being destroyed by a nuclear weapon. It suggests that Trump and the patriots are in control and are working to unite the country against the deep state players who have been trying to keep the American people divided. The text also emphasizes the importance of ambition, unity, and leadership in realizing the country’s potential and writing a new chapter in the American story. It ends with a call for preparedness and unity against the true enemy.


Hi and welcome. You’re listening to the X 22 report. My name is Dave and this is episode 3400 APN. Today’s date is July 21, 2024, and the title of the episode is manchurian candidate Hillary Clinton Barack Obama ticket Possible are you ready to finish what we started? You know, we are living in the most advanced era in human history. There’s never been more medical breakthroughs than there are right now. So why are millions of Americans more unhealthy and overweight than ever before? According to us board certified physicians and expert nutritionist doctor Amy Lee, one of the main reasons is three harmful foods that are being passed off as healthy foods all over the country.

Wait till you hear this, because these foods can cause weight gain, clog youre digestive tract, deplete your energy and wreck your skin. They are banned in other countries, yet shockingly, they are still legal in the US and it’s time someone shined a light on what they are. Doctor Amy Lee does just that while explaining how the side effects from these foods are wreaking havoc on the health of millions of Americans. The great news is it’s easy to stop and reverse this damage by simply learning which foods to avoid and how to spot them. And by doing so, you can experience easier weight loss, smooth digestion, and vibrant energy.

To find out these three fake health foods, go to threeharmfulfoods.com x 22. That’s the number three three harmfulfoods.com x 22 or click on the link in the description below. After years of extensive study, doctor Amy Lee put together a revealing video, totally free to the public so youll never get duped by these foods again. Find out all you need to know to regain control over your body@threeharmfulfoods.com. x 22 or click the link in the description below. Lets get into the economic collapse, political and geopolitical news now. The deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet masters.

It seems that they have done it now, resigned. Maybe when he wakes up he’ll realize that he’s resigned, but they have now pushed him out. It looks like Obama and team, the deep state players, they have won and now Biden is being pushed out. It looks like at this point he has nominated Kamala to be the presidential nominee and we’ll have to see how this all plays out. Now, this brings us into the next phase of everything, because once again they are going to have to bring in someone as vp. And a lot of people are looking at Hillary Clinton to be that person.

Maybe it’s Michelle Obama. But once again, we’re going to have to wait to see how this all plays out. Now, when we look at the polls and we look at what’s really going on, we know that Kamala Harris, she’s not going to be able to pull this out. And of course, the fake news and everyone else is going to say that she has all the votes, she’s beating Trump, she’s doing fantastic, and then they’ll bring on their vp pick. Now, once again, we know that there’s going to be another individual that is going to be snuck in.

Now, is that Hillary Clinton that they’re going to be bringing in as vp? Is that how you sneak someone in? Or do you swap out Kamala and bring in someone else or switch it up, make Hillary the vp? Because again, if you go back in time to 2016, remember, she wasn’t supposed to lose. So what happens if they make her vp? And I what happens if they bring Barack Obama in as VP? Under the constitution, it looks like this is allowed. And we discussed this a while ago in a couple of reports. But again, when you look at this, you could see that this also is a possibility.

So I do believe they’re going to have to pick people that are halfway decent in the polls so they can actually try to use their cheating system. Because again, if they don’t have someone doing well in the polls, cheating is going to be very, very difficult. Now, I think in the end, the poll numbers are not going to be where they want them. No matter if they bring in Hillary, Michelle or Barack, whatever, whoever they’re going to bring in, I don’t think they’re going to be able to hit that area where they needed to be to actually cheat.

And then, you know, of course, print the ballots they need because I think it’s going to look very, very lopsided and it’s not going to be statistically correct. And people are going to notice this and it’s going to be very, very obvious. So I think in the end, what they’re going to have to do, most likely is they’re going to have to either try to delay the election as a war approaches and make everyone believe that war is here and that is the distraction to all this, or just let Trump win and then have the war and the distraction.

But we’ll have to see all this all plays out. But when you really look at it, it looks like we’re coming full circle and we’re going to finish what was started from the very, very beginning, going after all these people and putting them into prison. And when you look at what happened with Trump, with the assassination attempt, which we kind of knew that this was going to happen, it was in the post, remember, when Trump was continually saying that we have a manchurian candidate and called Biden the manchurian candidate? Well, there was a movie called the Man Cherry manchurian candidate back in 1962, and that plot was an individual that was an American that was brainwashed by Russia and China to take out the presidential nominee.

So is that something that we just saw? Was Trump trying to let us know that this is a possibility, that they might try to do this, and this is why he called him a manchurian candidate? Well, we’ll be discussing that and a lot more a little bit later in this report. But first, let’s start off with war, because we could see now Israel is now bombing Yemen, and this is where the Houthis are. Remember the Houthis, Hezbollah? When you look at what’s happening out in Gaza with Hamas, these are all state funded terrorist groups created by the deep state players, funding them to push terrorism around the world.

And once again, are the good guys now taking out and destroying the, all these terrorist groups we saw out in Ukraine. We had Russia come in and destroy the terrorist groups there. I do believe most likely, Xi is going to say, hey, this is the perfect chance now to go into Taiwan, and we see Israel out in the Middle east removing and destroying the terrorists there. So it looks like these operations are continuing. But I do believe what’s going to happen is as we go down the line, as we get closer and closer to the presidential election, we’re going to see war really start to build up.

Now, Russia is warning that it’s seeing concentrated presence of NATO warships in the Black Sea. They’re also reporting that there are bombers that are flying very, very close to Russia right now. So you could see how this is all building up. And something else very interesting that happened is the coast guard. They’re currently experiencing temporary network outages. This is coming from us. CG northeast. The coast guard is currently experiencing a temporary network outage. Radio communications are limited at this time. Mariners are encouraged to monitor vhf channel 16. All mariners are strongly encouraged to report any distress to the CG via telephone.

So we could see, most likely this might have been coming from Crowdstrike, where communications are kind of down and limited. And I don’t know if it’s exactly from Crowdstrike, but something is going on, and we can see communications. They have gone down a little bit. We could see in the past couple of days, airlines, hospitals, you name it, things have been brought down. Now, I do believe this is to put focus on Crowdstrike, and I do believe the deep state players are going to use this to most likely delay the election, which we’re going to be talking about in a little bit.

But you can see that Trump with the patriots, they are now prepping for peace. Now, again, remember going back in time about a year and a half ago, Trump has let everyone know that he can have peace. He knows all the players. And over the last couple of days, as we get closer and closer to the presidential election, what has he been doing? Well, Victor Orbin has been making the rounds, reported back to Trump. Now, Trump had a telephone call with Zelensky and Boris Johnson, and it looks like everything now is being prepped to us in peace.

Now, the only way we can have peace is if the people vote for Trump. Now, once again, why would the people vote for Trump? Well, if we’re approaching war and the country is attacked one way or another, that means that the people are going to be looking at the situation going, okay, he’s been talking about peace. He already spoke to Zelensky. He’s already spoken to other people. Maybe we should vote for him. Now, again, there are going to be a lot of people that say, no, this is never going to happen. But again, if there is a scare event, if there is a nuclear explosion off the coast, if there is a cyber attack in this country and power and water and communications, they go out in different areas and people believe that we are being attacked, that we’re on the precipice of war.

And you have on one side now Kamala Harris, who is running for the presidency and most likely taking over what Biden’s going to do. Because if he can’t run as the president, how is he staying in his position? It makes no sense. So it looks like we’re going to be looking at other individuals and maybe eventually they will remove him and he will resign as the president using the 20th amendment. We’ll have to see how that plays out. But again, are people, even if Biden stays in, are people going to be looking up to him going, okay, this is the guy that’s going to bring us and get us out of this war? No, the people are going to be looking at him going, holy crap, if he stays in there, we’re going to be going into war because this guy has no idea what he’s doing.

And on the other side, you’re going to have Trump, who’s going to be saying, no, no, no, don’t worry. I spoke to all the people. We can have peace. Yes, I know everyone saw the explosion out in the ocean. Yes, we’ve been cyber attacked. Yes, they are attacking us. But I can calm the situation down. We don’t want nuclear war. Do you think the people will be with them? Absolutely. Chief Nerd put this out and said, Boris Johnson and Zelensky have both called on Trump to help end the war in Ukraine. This is wild. Then Trump put this out and said, President Zelensky of Ukraine and I had a very good phone call earlier today.

He congratulated me on a very successful republican national convention and becoming the republican nominee for president of the United States. He condemned the heinous assassination attempt last Saturday and remarked about the american people coming together in the spirit of unity during these times. I appreciate President Zelensky for reaching out, because as your next president of the United States will bring peace to the world and end the war that has caused so many lives and devastated countless innocent families. Both sides will be able to come together and negotiate a deal that ends the violence and paves a path forward to prosperity.

Absolutely. And I do believe the deep state players, they’re going to go all out as we get closer and closer to the presidential election. I do believe they’re already preparing for this because they realize that if they can’t cheat in the election and they can’t win, I do believe they’re going to try to delay the election with some type of outage. And it looks like they’re already prepping that narrative. We’ll be talking about that in a little bit. But first, Trump also put this out and said, the Wall Street Journal reporter, Evan Gersha Kovich, was sentenced to 16 years in prison by a russian court.

Biden will never get him out unless he pays a king’s ransom. I will get him out for no compensation immediately following our victory on November 5. And it’ll be my great honor to do so. Vote for Trump and the Wall Street Journal should stop being stupid. And he’s absolutely right. And what do we see today? Well, Biden, he decided that he wasn’t going to run for a second term. Now, I wonder if he actually really knows this, because we know that he doesn’t actually post anything on x. We know that he doesn’t write his own letters.

So maybe when he wakes up, uh, the people are going to tell him that, hey, by the way, you dropped out. But this is what they put out on x. My fellow Democrats, I’ve decided not to accept the nomination and to focus all my energies on my duties as president for the remainder of my term. My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my vice president. And it’s been the best decision I’ve made today. I want to offer my full support endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year.

Democrats, it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this. So the big question is, if he can’t run for a second term, can he fulfill his duties? And it looks like a lot of people are starting to question this. Thomas Massey put this out and said, question for the Democratic Party elites who are engaged in a coup against their democratically elected nominee, how do you argue he’s not fit to be a candidate while maintaining he’s still competent enough to have his finger on the nuclear button? JD Vance says the following. Everyone calling on Joe Biden to stop running without also calling on him to resign.

The presidency is engaged in an absurd level of cynicism. If you can’t run, you can’t serve. He should resign now. And I do believe as things start to heat up around the country, people are going to question his ability to do anything. And I do believe this is going to put a lot of pressure on him. Clandestine put this out and said. Trump calls out the democratic elite for trying to overthrow the results of their party’s primary. The Democrat party is not the party of democracy. They’re really the enemies of democracy. And Trump is absolutely right.

So when we start to look at the other individuals that could come in as a VP or so, or maybe even replace Kamala, which I do believe they might do this at a later time. Remember that poll from Rasmussen reports? They did this going back some time, and this was the Democrats only. Who would you like to replace Joe Biden? Democrats only. None of them, 27%. Michelle Obama, 20%. Kamala Harris, 15%. While Kamala is already replacing Biden. So who’s going to fit the VP position, Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton? Hillary Clinton’s at 15%. Michelle Obama’s at 20%.

So why do you believe they’ll be bringing someone else in, which is going to be very, very interesting as we move forward. Now, Speaker Johnson, he put this out on x and he said, at this unprecedented juncture in american history, you must be clear about what just happened. The Democratic Party forced the Democrat nominee off the ballot just over 100 days before the election. Having invalidated the votes of more than 14 million Americans who selected Joe Biden to be the democratic nominee for president. The self proclaimed party of democracy has proven exactly the opposite. The party’s prospects are no better now with the vice president, Kamala Harris, who co owns the disastrous policy failures of the Biden administration.

A second in command and completely inept border czar, Harris has been a gleeful accomplice not only in the destruction of american sovereignty, security and prosperity, but also in the largest political cover up in us history. She has known for a long as anyone of his incapacity to serve. Regardless of the chaos in the current White House, our adversaries around the globe should be reminded that the US Congress, the us military, and the american people are fully prepared and committed to defend our interests both at home and abroad. If Joe Biden is not fit to run for president, he is not fit to serve as president.

He must resign the office immediately. November 5 cannot arrive soon enough. And think about all these other actors out there who are looking at this and saying, okay, Biden, he’s not running. He can’t really function. We have a clown now running for president. She can’t function. She doesn’t know what she’s doing. This is going to be very, very easy to push war. Now, remember the deep state players, this is exactly what they want. They want war. They want war because they need to cover up their crimes. They want war because they need to destroy the United States.

That’s been their mission from the very, very beginning. If you go back to the 16 year plan, that is, that’s their entire objective, is to destroy the Constitution, to destroy the United States. The entire objective of the Patriots is to stop them, to take back this country. And this is why this has been played out this way. This is to wake the people up. This is to not just wake up half the country. And Trump has said this many, many times now, especially in his last speech. It’s not to wake up half the country. We need the american people awake.

We need the D’s on our side. They need to see the truth. And I do believe the truth is coming. Trump, he put this out on truth. He said the following crooked Joe Biden was not fit to run for president and is certainly not fit to serve and never was. He only attained the position of president by lies, fake news, and not leaving his basement. All those around him, including this doctor and the media, knew that he wasn’t capable of being president, and he wasn’t. And now look what he’s done to our country with millions of people coming across the border totally unchecked and unvetted, many from prisons, mental institutions, and a record number of terrorists.

We will suffer greatly because of his presidency, but we will remedy the damage he has done very quickly, make America great again. And what’s very interesting is that it seems that there’s been a lot of opinion pieces about Hillary Clinton. And we could see that they are now pushing Hillary into the spotlight. I do believe Trump at the patriots, they want Hillary. I do believe they want Obama and Hillary in the spotlight because I think we’re returning to the very, very beginning. Remember, Hillary Clinton was never supposed to lose. She was supposed to be president. She was promised that she would be the president, and she was not.

So are they going to try to move Hillary Clinton into the spot of the presidency to replace Kamala Harris? I don’t think at this point they care about Dei. But again, we’ll have to see how this all plays out. She might come in as the vp. Kamala might say she cannot perform her duties. Hillary Clinton might say, I will take the position of president. And then we might have Barack Obama slip in instead of Michelle Obama. Again, the only reason we would say Michelle Obama is because Barack Obama cannot run for a third term, but he can be vp.

So anyway, this plays out. This is going to be very, very interesting. But Jason Miller, he put this out and said, she’s running. These opinion pieces don’t happen organically. Crooked is on the move. Ready for round two. Why we need Hillary more than ever. And I do believe she might be making an appearance now, like we just said before there, that Barack might, they might try to slip him in. I mean, maybe she’s the one that they’re sneaking in as vp and then sneaking her in to the presidency, because, again, she was promised to be the president.

And maybe they’re sneaking in Barack Obama instead of Michelle Obama. I mean, even if they link in Michelle Obama, it still leads back to Barack Obama. But I think Trump would rather have Barack Obama. Now, remember, Trump is setting this up and pushing the deep state to where he wants them to go. Now, again, it doesn’t mean they’re going to move in that direction. But again, I do believe the plan is to get these people to do certain things and sometimes with certain announcements, with what’s going on, you can push them into these positions. But if we go back to post 4083, it refers to post 4014, and it says, change of batter coming.

Why was she safe from officially announcing? Why was she reserved for a last minute change, how do you attempt to sneak one in? How do you attempt to ensure victory? So, once again, is Hillary Clinton the individual that they’re going to sneak in? Is it really sneaking her in to if kamala. Kamala picks her as vp? Or is it sneaking Michelle in if they replace Kamala with Michelle Obama? Which actually puts Barack Obama into focus. But when you look at the bottom of this post, it points to an article, the Hill, and it says, a Hillary Clinton Barack Obama ticket to replace Joe Biden.

Is this possible? And when you look at this article, it says, the next obvious question is this, does the constitution allow Obama selection as vice presidential running mate given ambiguous language in the 12th and 22nd amendments? The 12th Amendment states that no one ineligible to the office of the president shall be eligible to that of vice President of the United States. The 22nd amendment, the not Franklin Delano or Roosevelt again amendment states that no person shall be elected to the office of the president more than twice. The operative word here might be elected. If Obama were selected as Clinton’s running mate and she had to leave office for any reason, then Obama would succeed her.

At least one constitutional expert is on record saying so. This is very, very interesting. And when you look at this, it makes you think, are we going back to the beginning? Will they be able to pull this off, or will they have to move to the secondary plan of bringing Michelle in because they just believe, or they think, or they look at what’s going on? Maybe the people will not buy this. So will they bring in Michelle in substitution of Barack? But is it possible to bring in Barack? It might be. But I do believe this would come under a lot of heat, and I do believe that people would push back on this.

But if you replace Kamala with Michelle Obama, I think people would accept that very, very easily. And that is the change of batter that is basically being snuck in. Because if you bring in Hillary Clinton as VP, it’s not really a change of batter because Kamala is really bringing her in. So let’s see how this plays out. And was this just brought to our attention to make us look at the situation that Obama’s and Hillary Clinton will be in focus? And we’re actually going back to the beginning where all this started. Obama going up against Trump, spying on his campaign, Hillary paying for the Steele dossier Alpha bank hoax where she was supposed to be the president.

So let’s see how this plays out. But I do believe that the plan is going the way the Patriots want it to go. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that Gretchen Whitmer, she released a video saying that the people of Michigan do not accept Trump. So Trump decided to have a rally in Michigan, and it was packed. And it looks like, once again, these people, they’re completely out of touch. And the people, they are now moving away from all these people and they’re no longer believing them. And I do believe this is going to continue as time goes on.

Now, the other things that are very, very interesting is that the entire operation that they had to remove Trump is completely and utterly falling apart. Remember, they never expected people to look into what was really going on there because they thought Trump would be dead at this point. They thought they’d have a civil war and there’d be no reason to cover anything up. But now, since Trump is alive and he went south, everyone is looking at everything, and you can see the stories are being crossed now and nobody can make sense of what’s really going on.

The FBI, the Secret Service, they keep changing their stories. Now we have the school where this individual crook, where he went to school. They’re saying that he never even tried out for the rifle team and they don’t even remember him. They’re also saying that he was a well behaved, good kid. So the stories are very conflicting right now. And the coach is saying that I don’t even remember him. Maybe he did try out, but I don’t remember him. So it looks like the stories, they’re not even making sense anymore. Because again, what happens always, in the end, the COVID up always gets you, and they’re trying to cover up their crime.

And in the end, what’s going to happen is as they continually lie and try to cover up other things with other lies, this is what’s going to bring them down. Now we get word that this individual is allowed to fly a drone over the entire area when it was supposed to be locked down. Now, the only way all this happens is because he’s allowed to do it. It’s an inside job. Josh Kreshar put this out and said Wall Street Journal the gunman who tried to kill Donald Trump was able to fly a drone and get aerial footage of the western Pennsylvania fairgrounds shortly before the president was set to speak there.

Law enforcement officials briefed on the matter said Don junior responded, said, just to underscore how crazy this all is, I was once prevented flying my own drone off the beach of Mar a Lago by United States Secret Service because my father was inside the house. Now we have one literally scouting his speech. Well, the only reason you’re allowed to do that is because it’s an inside job. And now we come to find out that Mayorkas lied. Kyle Becker put this out and said the Washington Post proves that DHS secretary May Alejandro Mayorkas lied about not denying Secret Service protection to former President Trump prior to last Saturday’s assassination attempt.

The Secret Service and DHS secretary Mayorkas both lied to the public about the denial of Trump team security requests. The assertion that a member of the former president’s security team requested additional security resources that the US Secret Service or the Department of Homeland Security rebuffed is absolutely false. The Washington Post later reported. Googly me said the agency had learned new information indicating the agency’s headquarters may have in fact denied some requests for additional security security from Trump’s detail and was reviewing documentation to understand the specific interactions better. The Congress already had enough justification to impeach Mayorkas over deliberately causing a border crisis.

The Secret Serviceman’s handling of the Trump assassination attempt and the DHS cover up add to the disgraceful record of one of the worst cabinet officials in us history. Mayorkas should have been removed from office a long time ago. The fact that the fact he is still there means that the Biden administration and the Congress feel they are above accountability to the american people. Yes, the criminal syndicate believes they’re above the law. The criminal syndicate believes that whatever they do, let’s talk about our health. Speaking of digestive issues, this is caused by a potential toxin that’s in all of the, quote, healthy foods that scientists have been telling us to eat with a fraudulent food pyramid for the longest time.

And this potential toxin causes digestive issues. According to Doctor Gundry, a world renowned cardiologist, this is affecting millions of people nationwide. Warning signs include weight gain, fatigue, digestive discomfort, stiff joints, even skin problems. Well, doctor Gundry explains these side effects are often mistaken for normal signs of aging because digestive issues develop usually over a matter of years and sometimes even decades. I can assure you that the damage is probably caused by these healthy foods, and it is far from normal. The good news is you can easily help fix a problem from your own home. It’s very simple.

You just have to know which foods are actually healthy and which contain the hidden potential toxin. So you can find this yourself@gutcleanseprotocol.com. x 22. That is gutcleanseprotocol.com x 22. Or click the link in the description, because after years of research, doctor Gundry has decided to release an informative video to the public, free and uninterrupted, showcasing exactly which foods you need to avoid. Go find that video@gutcleanseprotocol.com. x 22. That is gut cleanseprotocol.com x 22. Or click the link in the description. They’re protected. And I think people can see this and it’s becoming very, very clear now that’s exactly what they think.

But Mayorkas, he decided to put out a statement, and this is what it says. In the days following the attempted assassination of former President Trump, some people have made the public statements questioning the presence of women in law enforcement, including in the United States Secret Service. These assertions are baseless and insulting. Every single day in communities big and small across our great country, women are serving in federal, state, local, tribal territories and campus law enforcement. They are highly trained and skilled professionals who risk their lives on the front lines for the safety and security of others.

They are brave and selfless patriots who, who deserve our gratitude and respect. So he is now focusing on women, and he’s not even focusing on what actually happened, because I do believe he was probably one of the architects of all this. Josh Halley responded to this and said, the disgraced and inept Alejandro Mayorkas has time to comment at length on things said by random people on Twitter, but no time to appear before Congress and the people to answer question about how his department nearly allowed Trump to be assassinated. And he’s absolutely right about that. It’s absolutely unbelievable.

And we know why he doesn’t want to testify. Neither wasn’t take that time, because again, he will testify, he will lie, and later on that will be used against him. But if they force him to do it, he’ll have no choice. But we’ll have to see how this all plays out. It’s going to be very interesting. Remember, all these individuals like Cheadle and these other people, these are the low level people. If cheadle resigns, they’re just going to replace her with another moron. This is how this works. I mean, think about the mafia. If you have Jimmy bag of donuts, I’m just making that up, going around collecting and being the muscle of the mafia in the town, and that individual is arrested, do you think the collections stop? No, they just bring in somebody else and they do the same thing.

So if they, if cheadle resigns or Mayorkas steps down or is impeached, what do you think they’re going to bring in to replace these people? The same exact people that are going to do the same exact thing, because it’s a criminal syndicate. We need to go to the top, we need to go to the source. Just like with a disease. A disease. You need to find the source. Yes, you can give medication to make people feel better, you can do things to mask the symptoms, but until you go to the source of the problem, this will never ever end.

And that’s where all of this is headed. The people, they’re being exposed to the system. The people are being exposed to the criminal syndicate. The people now are seeing all this. And the story is getting stranger and stranger as we move forward. Storm has arrived. 17 put this out on Telegram said, this is crazy. Senator Johnson says that some guy in a gray suit walked up the ladder and onto the roof where the shooter’s dead body was and started asking law enforcement to send the pictures of the dead body to him. He says it was an ATF agent.

Why was the ATF involved? Johnson also believes that there may have been more than one shooter. I do believe that too, because usually these type of operations, you have the patsy and then you have the other shooters. And again, who is this man in the gray suit? You really think he’s from the ATF? That’s kind of odd. Maybe he is, maybe isn’t. But why would he be up there asking for certain things? It doesn’t make sense. Unless you’re trying to cover things up, which I do believe that’s exactly what they’re trying to do. Now, Trump, he was interviewed with JD Vance and he said the secret service never warned him about the ongoing security threats prior to his assassination.

He said, nobody said there was a problem and I would have waited for 15. They could have said, let’s wait 1520 minutes, five minutes, something, and I would have waited. Now, once again, this was the secret Service that was actually staging the op. So are they going to warn him? Absolutely not. But this does call into question what happened here. And now people are looking at this and people are saying, okay, who was involved in this? Who actually orchestrated all this? Do we need to get the emails and the text messages from the FBI, the secret Service and everyone else to find out what really happened? Who is this individual actually communicating with? And I do believe we might find out some information.

So this is going to be very, very interesting moving forward. And I do believe we’re going to learn a lot from the communications of the secret service, communications of this individual, communications, maybe of the FBI and others, because I do believe there are many different agencies that were involved in setting this up. Remember, these type of things. It takes planning. You don’t just come out and send the patsy out there and say, do whatever you got to do. There is planning. There’s always a plan that is involved. They plan it for a long time. They make sure that everything is set up and ready to go.

They never expected the people to point this individual out. They never expected this police officer to climb the ladder and poke his head up and actually see the shooter and actually call it in. I don’t think they ever expected that part to happen. And I do believe this through everything else they were trying to do, and the patsy decided to open fire because he panicked. And yes, one of the bullets came very, very close. I do believe he was up there to cause chaos, but I do believe that the actual shooter was going to take out Trump.

They were going to make sure that he was taken out. But I don’t think everything was ready because I think the timing was way, way off. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that Ronnie Jackson, he put out a letter letting everyone know that, yes, Trump was shot in the air and it is a bullet hole in his ear. I know there’s a lot of DS out there pushing these crazy conspiracy theories out there saying that he staged a whole thing. His ear wasn’t shot. This is all fake. But once again, do you really think he was going to take the chance of someone shooting at him from a distance to prick his ear? I mean, how many things could have gone wrong if you actually tried to state something like that? That is just absolutely ridiculous.

That makes no sense whatsoever. And when people start to see his ear, they’re going to realize, yeah, something happened to it. And once again, all these conspiracies, they’re going to go down the tube. It’s funny how they’re on the side of conspiracy theories, but again, they’re not looking at the truth. They’re just trying to convince everyone that this really didn’t happen because they don’t like that someone tried to take him out and he lived. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting, and if we go back a little bit in time, Trump in 2023, August of 2023, he let everyone know that Biden was a manchurian candidate.

I do believe Obama is also a manchurian candidate. And this also refers to the movie Manchurian Candidate, which was a movie back in 1962. It was also a book, and they also made one in 2004. But I think 1962 is a better movie than 2004. And I do believe that Biden might have been pushed because again, he was controlled into taking out Trump. But first, listen to what Trump says on how Biden is a manchurian candidate. We have a compromised president. I believe he is so petrified of China because they know how much money has been given to him and they know where it is.

And I tell you, Jamie comers done an incredible job. Jim Jordan, theyve done an incredible job. But they found a, as of today, I think, $32 million that went into his accounts and the various accounts of the family. That’s a tremendous amount of money. And nothing was done for it. It was just a bribe. It’s just a bribe. Extortion and a bribe. When you see him talking about the billion dollars for the prosecutor, I’m amazed nothing was ever done. You know, you talk about quid pro quo. That was quid pro quo. But I believe that China has paid them a lot more than that.

You look at University of Pennsylvania, you take a look at what’s going on over there, where China pays millions and millions of dollars at Biden center, and I guess they pay him a million dollars a year, or I think they have $999,000 a year. That way, you don’t have to maybe report because it’s under a million. But I believe we have a compromised person as president. I believe that China has paid him a fortune. I’ve never seen anybody so weak on China. China is eating our lunch. They’re taking over Cuba, they’re taking over South America, they’re taking over everything.

This all happened over the last three years. China and Russia now all of a sudden doing military exercises in the aleutian islands in Alaska. Right? That’s right. That’s very dangerous, unthinkable. So that just. We heard about that two days ago would have never happened. If I were president, that would have never happened. I would have called each one. I said, stop, it’s not going to happen. And they would have listened to me 100%. So it’s very sad. I think it’s the weakest our country has ever been. And I do think we have a manchurian candidate. This is a president who’s a manchurian candidate.

This is a president who’s fully compromised. He’s so afraid of China. And the reason he’s afraid is because I believe they paid him a tremendous amount of money and he doesn’t want people to find out about it. So what is a manchurian candidate? A manchurian candidate is a person, especially a politician, being used as a puppet by an enemy power. The term is commonly used to indicate disloyalty or corruption, whether intentional or unintentional. So when you look at the film the manchurian candidate back in 1962, the plot centers on a korean war veteran, Raymond Shaw. Part of a prominent political family, Shaw is brainwashed by communists after his army platoon is captured.

He returns to civilian life in the United States, where he becomes an unwitting assassin in an international communist conspiracy. The group, which includes representatives of the people, Republic of China and the Soviet Union, plans to assassinate the presidential nominee of an american political party, with the death leading to the overthrow of the United States government, seems very, very similar. Because if they did take Trump out, this would start a civil war. There’d be chaos all over the place. We would enter war, and yes, we would see the overthrow of the United States government because we would lose the war.

Now, think about when Trump said, he’s a manchurian candidate. So who was controlling him? Was it China? I do believe so. Was it Obama? I do believe so. Where there are unelected people controlling him? I do believe so. So is he trying to let us know that actually Biden gave the AOK to take Trump out? Hmm. That’s very, very interesting. But we also have a post. 1662 July 1, 2018. Very interesting. And there’s an article from the Washington Times, and it says America really did have a manchurian candidate in the white house. And actually, this article is about Obama.

So did we have a manchurian candidate in the White House? Yes, we did. Did. Is Biden a maturing candidate? Yes, he is. I think both of them are manchurian candidates. So this is very, very interesting. And think about the assassination attempt on Trump since he was assassinated. Go back a little bit in time. Didn’t Trump say he was going to release all the JFK files? So let’s see if he releases that, which I do believe he’s going to do. People are going to find out that our own government took out JFK, the intelligence agencies. Now, what happens when they fast forward to Trump or maybe to Reagan, then to Trump? Are they going to realize, wait a minute.

If they took out JFK, did they try to take out Reagan, did they try to take out Trump? I think people are going to start to realize what’s really going on here. Now, very interestingly, we can see that Hillary Clinton has now endorsed Kamala. So this is becoming very, very interesting. And let’s see if Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, endorse Kamala, because that will complete the full circle. This will be very, very interesting. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is, remember, Trump has been suing Pulitzer and he has a defamation lawsuit and it looks like he is now pushing them because remember, the Russia, Russia, Russia story is completely fake, phony and false.

And they gave awards to the New York Times and it’s proven now that it is fake. So Trump, he put this out on truth, he said. Just heard that. Today, during an amazing rally in the great state of Michigan, esteemed Florida Circuit Court Judge Robert Pegg issued a powerful decision, totally and completely denying the poultry prize board’s desperate attempt to dismiss my ironclad defamation lawsuit against them for awarding the once respected poultry prizes to fake news stories about the Russia, Russia hoax by the failing New York Times and the Washington compost. The judge specifically stated that the fake stories and the prizes awarded them had been debunked by several government investigations.

He did not allow poultry to hide behind the deeply outdated times versus Sullivan case, which is from a bygone era before the media went radical and woke as they suffer from a terminal case of Trump Derangement syndrome. The Russia, Russia, Russia hoax. Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine impeachment number one. Impeachment number two. Cricket Joe Biden. Civil and criminal election interference, which hunts against his political opponent, and all other attacks on me and our great MAGA movement are falling apart like a rotten house of cards. Proud to be an american. And he’s absolutely right. And think about all the precedents they have set where Trump can go after every single one of these people.

Now, remember, he’s not going to take him out like they were trying to take him out. They are going, he’s going to hold them accountable for their crimes. He’s going to follow the rule of law. But the deep state, they have already set up multiple precedents that he can use against them. American thinker put this out on telegram, says precedents established by President Trump presidents and former presidents can be impeached. Presidents and former presidents can be forced to reveal tax and business records. Presidents and former presidents lose executive privilege. Presidents and former presidents lose attorney client privilege.

Presidents and former presidents can be forced to release private phone records and text messages. Presidents and former presidents can have their homes raided by the FBI. Presidents and former presidents can be subpoenaed by partisan committees. President and former presidents can be repeatedly indicted and arrested. Presidents and former presidents lose their first amendment right to free speech. Presidents and former presidents lose their right to a jury trial. VP no longer has authority to question validity of disputed electoral votes. The losing party no longer has authority to submit contingent electors when results are disputed. Presidents and former presidents don’t have presidential immunity.

Think about this for a second of what they set up and what Trump can use against them. But I do believe Trump is going to follow the rule of law. And I think these people have committed many, many crimes where I think the rule of law is actually going to bring them to justice because I think it’s going to be very, very easy to prove. And remember, Trump has declassified all the information. And as we head into the presidential election, I do believe the deep state players, yes, they are now moving their candidates into position to try to cheat in this election.

But this time around, they don’t have the cheating mechanism that they once had before. They have the ability to cheat with the mail in ballots. This, and they had Covid, remember, people were afraid of their homes, people wore masks, they had drop boxes and they didn’t want to go to the polling centers. This time around, I think it’s very, very different. And I don’t believe they have the virus. And I don’t think they’re going to be able to use the mail ins the way they did back in the day. This is why they’re bringing in the illegals to use the mail inside of.

But this time around, I don’t think it’s going to work the way they think it’s going to work, because I do believe Trump of the patriots, they have a lot more votes than they do. Even if they bring in Michelle or Barack or Hillary. I mean, if they bring in no names, it’s going to be very, very difficult. They need people that are halfway decent, that will do halfway decently in the polls, that are somewhat popular where people know them. If you bring in a no name, this person is going to have to build their entire campaign up.

And I believe this is going to be very, very difficult. But we could see that they might be trying to delay the election with some type of cyber attack or outage. Remember, Crowdstrike, right now, that’s in the news. Everyone realizes, hey, look, crowd strike is responsible for all of this, which actually brings them into focus. And remember, crowd strike was what that was. They were involved in the Hillary Clinton email, crowd strike was involved in DNC, Crowdstrike was involved in many, many different things. But what’s very interesting is that Sean Smith put this out on x and is pointing to CISA.

So CISA selects Crowdstrike to protect the nation’s critical endpoints and workloads. Don’t worry. The same people who pretend to Russia hacked the DNC, then testify they didn’t actually know, then actually nuked global networks are protecting our election. Critical infrastructure. Everything’s fine, most secure, everything’s okay. So think about this. Crowdstrike protects the elections. Maricopa county put this out and said due to the global tech outage, Maricopa county elections is also experiencing an outage at some voting locations. Maricopa county elections put out a statement that the global tech outage is also impacting some voting locations. What is being done to ensure this doesn’t happen on election day? Tech outages could be the new steal.

Hmm. So are they going to try to delay the election long enough to try to create all the ballots, or are they going to delay the elections with an outage? And how they’re going to create this outage, most likely with a cyber attack. Because if they’re trying to bring us into war and they’re trying to cover up for the financial collapse, they would use a cyber attack to mask all of this and try to bring us into war and delay the election, which they’re going to hope that the Trump supporters get pissed off. Because when you’re seeing the counting and when you see what’s happening and Trump’s in the lead, then all of a sudden we’re hit by a foreign government, people are going to be very, very angry.

And I do believe then we’re probably going to have to move to paper. Now, if this happens beforehand and the elections are delayed, I do believe we will then go to paper. And I do believe when we use paper and the National Guard and the military are guarding the elections and we’re coding, uh, we’re counting on the same day, and we’re using voter id to make sure everyone’s an american citizen. I do believe with that crisis, the save act will definitely pass because how they’re going to make the argument not passing it makes no sense if we’re under attack.

I do believe when Trump wins the deep state players, they’re going to go crazy because they’re going to try not to certify it. They’re going to try to get the Trump supporters angry. You’re going to have the other side where they’re going to be angry because Trump Wondez and I do believe they’ll have the Patriot Front group, the nazi groups that they created, Antifa, the illegals out there fighting each other, making it look like that we’re in a civil war, because they really, that’s what they want. While that’s happening, they’re going to ramp up actual war.

So all of this is going to happen all at the same time. Why? We’re experiencing most likely some power outages, communication outages and other things. But you can see there’s many, many different states now that are requesting voter id. So Nevada, they are requesting either your id, your license, or the last part of your Social Security number. And it says those voting by mail would be required to provide the last four digits of their state issued driver’s license or Social Security number. Signatures for Nevada ballot initiative on voter id have been validated. So what’s very interesting is they’re asking for this, and they’re right now there are 35 states that require voters to show identification to vote at the polls.

However, only 24 of those require photo identification. Idaho, Idaho, Utah and Arizona fall into one of those categories. California and Oregon do not require voter id. Not really shocked about that. But when you look at what’s happening and you can see there are many laws that have been put into place where you need voter id. Trump of the patriots, they’re trying to push the SavE act, and this is going to be very, very difficult for the deep state players because everything has completely and utterly changed since 2020. They don’t have full control over everything. So we can see that there are many things that have been protected, but there are still things that aren’t.

And this reminds me of post 4960, November 7, 2022 why do some elections take more than a day to counter? Can cheating be done after the polls are closed? Who controls the poll book databases? Elections. Why are extra ballots printed if someone doesn’t vote? Can bad actors hijack their vote? How? Why did the national guard activate cybersecurity teams? Who gave the order to activate the cybersecurity teams? Why? To protect the elections. To claim the midterms. The midterms are safe. Safe from what? Setting the stage. Watch carefully. White hats have secured many systems, but problems still remain.

You have all the tools you need. Vote. So I do believe a lot of things have been secured. A lot of laws have been put into place. We know who controls the poll books, the databases, the elections, the printing and everything like that. It’s the deep state players. It’s their system. So I do believe, yes, something’s going to happen where we’re going to see outages. And I do believe they are going to try to delay the elections. And I do believe Trump, the patriots have been expecting this to happen. They planned it. And they know that they’re going to knock out some communications, they’re going to knock out some power, because again, if you’re, they’re trying to bring us to war.

They’re trying to stop the elections from happening. You need, you need to make this invisible attack. You need to make it look absolutely real. Now, very interestingly, Trump at Michigan, he was talking about SpaceX. Alx put this down, said Donald Trump talks about watching SpaceX launches and being amazed by reasonable rockets. If that were government, we wouldn’t see that for another 50 to 100 years. But it was Elon. Think about what else Elon is doing. He’s also putting up satellites to have communications. Do I believe they’ve been prepping for this? I do believe so. I’ve been, I think they’ve been prepping that, prepping for this for a very, very long time.

And if you depended on the government to do this, it wouldn’t have happened. So I do believe Elon got the contracts and Trump used Elon to set up this secondary communication device where we could still communicate in other ways. And I do believe this is what they’ve been doing. Because Trump of the patriots, they knew from the, from the very, very beginning that they were going to follow this 16 year plan, and their 16 year plan was to bring us to war. So why interfere with an enemy while in the process of destroying themselves? Because everything that they’re trying to do works to Trump’s advantage every step of the way.

And I do believe Trump has been pushing them down this path and making them follow it, because in the end, he has the control. They do not. Especially when he wins the election using paper and voter id, especially when the deep state players bring out their illegals, antifa, and have them riot in the streets. It makes it a lot easier to round them up, especially when they try to bring us to war and people are afraid and Trump comes in and says, it’s going to be okay, I can have peace. All you got to do is elect me.

And if you elect me, I know the players, I’ve been talking to them already, and I can stop this. We don’t have to have nuclear war. I think the people are going to hit the precipice. I think the people at this point in time, no matter how much they hate them, they’re going to say, I rather vote for him than actually have our country decimated by a nuclear weapon. And I do believe that’s exactly where we’re headed right now. And I do believe Trump, the patriots are in control. But what’s very interesting also is what Trump said, because you have to remember the deep state players for a very, very long time.

They kept trying to convince we, the people, that we’re nothing, that nothing can be improved, nothing. You can’t build yourself up. You, whatever business you create, the government did it for you. Remember, they’ve been trying to keep the american people down and people around the world down for a very long time. But this is what Trump said. You have been told to lower your expectations and to accept less for your families. I’m here tonight with the opposite message. Your expectations are not big enough. They’re not big enough. It’s time to start expecting and demanding the best leadership in the world.

Leadership that is bold, dynamic, relentless, and fearless. We can do that. We are Americans. Ambition is our heritage. Greatness is our birthright. But as long as our en energies are spent fighting each other, our destiny will remain out of reach. And that’s not acceptable. We must instead take the energy and use it to realize our country’s true potential and write our own thrilling chapter of the american story. We can do it together. We will unite. We are going to come together, and success will bring us together. And he’s absolutely right. The deep state players have been trying to keep us what? Divided every step of the way.

Trump now is chipping away at this, and he’s uniting the country. And you’re going to see the country come together as we get closer and closer to the presidential election. Yes, you’ll have that four to 10% of people that just will not accept it. It will look scary. It will look very, very dark. It will look like we’re heading towards war, which means the patriotism of this country is going to rise. The people of this country, when they’re faced with war, destruction, that’s when people come together. We know that 911 was an inside job. What happened when people saw this? The people united.

The people came together. They focused on the enemy, of course, the enemy that the deep state told us was the enemy. This time around, the patriots are going to be pointing to the true enemy and the people. They’re going to unite against Trump to fight this enemy and to destroy this enemy. Why? Because the patriots are in control. Listen, everyone. Thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot.

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Biden resignation 20th amendment border control concerns Department of Homeland Security allegations Dr. Amy Lee nutrition advice Dr. Gundry health advice geopolitical issues influencing election Hillary Clinton vice president potential Kamala Harris presidential nominee Mayorkas border crisis Michelle Obama vice president speculation Secret Service accountability Trump Michigan rally Trump return to power speculation

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