Ep. 3291b – [DS] Just Revealed Their Plan For Election Day Trump Says Judgement Day Is Coming | X22 Report

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports



➡ Dave from the X22 Report shares his thoughts on various topics. He talks about the importance of collagen for skin health and promotes a collagen supplement. He also discusses political issues, suggesting that there are plans to prevent Trump from becoming president again. Dave believes that this could lead to conflict and that the media is controlled by the CIA. He ends by discussing an investigation into Biden’s handling of classified documents.
➡ The text suggests that the U.S. government is corrupt and is selling information to foreign governments. It also claims that the government is allowing an influx of immigrants, who are supposedly being positioned as an army against the American people. The text also accuses the government of human trafficking, and suggests that former President Trump was working to stop this. Lastly, it mentions global protests against various governments and hints at an impending war in Ukraine.
➡ This text talks about a variety of topics. It mentions a discount on a product that helps with skin health and aging. It also discusses political issues, like Ukraine possibly using jets to attack Russia, which could lead to a war. The text also talks about a balloon flying across the U.S., which might be used for monitoring. Lastly, it discusses legal issues involving Fannie Willis and Nathan Wade, and how their case might affect public opinion.
➡ The text suggests that there are concerns about potential manipulation of votes in favor of Nikki Haley, with the hope that she will replace Trump as the candidate. It also implies that there are plans to cheat in the election, and that the public is becoming aware of this possibility. The text also suggests that there may be attempts to block communication and spread misinformation, and that there could be violence if attempts are made to disqualify Trump and not certify the election.
➡ The text suggests that there’s a struggle for power in the government, with some people not wanting to give up control despite the public’s vote. It implies that there might be attempts to start a civil war, but the author believes that the military will step in to protect the country. The author also suggests that there will be a “Judgment Day” where those who have been dishonest will face consequences. The text ends by expressing hope that the patriots will regain control of the country.


Report. My name is Dave in this episode. 3291 bn. Today’s date is February 25, 2024, and the thought of the episode is deep. State just revealed their plan for election day. Trump says Judgment Day is coming. Let’s talk about our health. If the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging on your face and body are getting worse, it may be more than just new year.

Stress, wrinkles, and other typical marks of aging are one of the biggest signs that your collagen levels are detrimentally low. It becomes more crucial with each passing year to get collagen into your diet as soon as possible to save your skin. Which is why myself, along with thousands of people, are starting to use multicolagen to renew and revitalize the way they look and feel. This collagen uniquely provides your body with five different types of collagen from our four different food sources, whereas most of other collagen supplements only provide two.

It’s formulated to help reduce visible signs of aging, reduce wrinkles, promote a youthful glow, promote elasticity, and promote skin hydration. You can experience the incredible benefits of multicolgen at an exclusive 53% discount. Plus, you’ll get four bonuses like free vip life, health and fitness coaching for life, a free new ebook titled the 14 Foods for Amazing Skin, a 60 day satisfaction guarantee, and free shipping. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to get 46% off only at Healthwithx 22.

Com. Once again, that’s Healthwithx 22. Dot or click the link in the description. Let’s get into the economic collapse. Political and geopolitical news now. The deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet masters. It seems that they just revealed their plan for election day, and the narrative now is being built that they’re going to say that Trump is ineligible to be president. Trump cannot be president, and we cannot certify the election when he wins the election.

They’re already letting everyone know what they’re about to do. And think about going back in time. Think about what Hillary Clinton said. She said, oh, Trump is going to use the insurrection act to round up. Hmm. I do believe they were projecting out there what they are about to do. Think about it. If they don’t certify the election, what are they trying to do? Are they trying to start a civil war? Think about that for a second.

Plus, think about what Trump did when he had that entire argument with Pence that he needed to send the election results back to the legislatures. And he continually pushed and pushed and pushed. And what happened? The DS changed the law where they can’t send the election results back to the legislatures. Now think about 2024. Who’s the vice president right now, even if they take Biden out with the 25th amendment, Kamala Harris, what does she become? She becomes the acting president and she’s the vice president.

So right there tells you everything you need to know because they can’t send the election results back to the legislators, so they don’t have that ability. What else can they do where they can say, hey, we’re not going to certify the elections. They’re actually kind of trapped in all of this now. They can just come out and say, we’re not going to do it until we hear from the Supreme Court.

But again, that’s not in the constitution. And if the people said, this is the guy that we want to be president, they’re telling the people of this country, we don’t care what you say, we don’t want him to be president. Think about that for a second. So are they expecting violence? Are they expecting a civil war? Are they expecting the MAGA people to be on the streets? I do believe they’re already setting the narrative and they’re trying to set it up just like January 6, because was it really MAGA who had the insurrection or was it antifa, confidential human sources? Was it BLM? Was it FBI, Capitol Police and the rest? No, it’s the tyrannical government that continually pushes the insurrection.

So what do you think is going to happen during this period? Do you think the people are just going to go out in the streets and start rioting, burning down their own cities and businesses? No. They’re going to try to push it by having confidential human sources, by having the illegals, by having Antifa and the rest go out there dressed up as MAGA supporters like the Patriot Front group.

And they’re going to try to make the case that the MAGA people are writing and they’re hoping that they can bring these people into the mix so this way people could be rounded up. Think about this. But this is going to backfire on them, because again, the people of this country who voted for President Trump, they are not going to burn down their own neighborhoods. They’re not going to burn down their own businesses.

The people just won’t do that. Think about the revolutionary war. Do you really think the colonists said, holy crap, look at this, the British are coming. You know what we’re going to do? We’re pissed off. We’re angry. We’re going to burn down our houses. We’re going to burn down our bit. No, it’s not going to happen and it’s going to fail. So I do believe this is going to backfire on them.

And I do believe in the end, the military will actually have to call the ball because it won’t be the MAGA people out there, it will be the deep state foot soldiers out there. And I do believe all of this is going to backfire. And I do believe Trump of the patriots, they set this up perfectly because again, they’re already planning on Trump winning. How is Trump going to win if they have a cheating system, which means we’re not going to be using a cheating system, which means we’re going to be using a system that allows Trump to win.

Think about this for a second. And Trump, during his speech out in South Carolina, he let everyone know that Judgment Day is coming. And yes, Judgment Day is coming. Everything that we’re witnessing, everything that we’re seeing is a complete and utter trap that trapped the deep state players. And it’s working perfectly. It’s the biggest sting operation the world has ever seen. And we can see that the deep state players, they’re doing exactly what the Patriots want them to do, and they will continue to do exactly what the Patriots want them to do now.

Yes. Is it going to look scary? Remember, because there’s many different parts of this. The scary part is to wake the american people up, those people that are awake, those people that realize what’s going on. This whole thing is not for you. It’s for those people that are still sleeping, those people that truly still believe everything that they’re hearing on MSNBC, CNN, Fox is absolutely true. But again, they’re going to find out something very, very different as we move forward.

Now, we’re going to be talking a lot more about this a little bit later, but first, let’s talk about the fake news, because we know from the very beginning Trump has been calling out the fake news. We know that a lot of the news reporters that are in the fake news, they’re part of the CIA. And when you really think about it and you think about the Smith Munt act, where it allow the fake news to propagandize the people, you start to realize who’s really controlling all of this.

And it always goes back to the CIA. And I think Emerald Robinson pretty much sums it up on X. When she says NBC equals CIA, CBS equals CIA. ABC equals CIA. Reuters, AP, Time, Newsweek, Facebook, Google, YouTube, all CIA. Yes, that is the deep state players. They now are controlling what has been happening here in the United States, we have unelected individuals that have been controlling everything. The election of a Republican and Democrat, that has been an illusion where they made you think you had a choice.

The people behind the scenes, they have been really running everything. And I think the people of this country are starting to understand the two tiered justice system. They’re starting to understand the system that they created. Remember, this is a criminal syndicate. When people say, why isn’t anything being done? How come this isn’t, it cannot be done when the country is being run by a criminal syndicate, you need to remove the criminal syndicate to get anything done.

Why do you think they’re not pressing charges against Biden? It’s a criminal syndicate. The people must see this. The people must understand this. And that’s what people are seeing. I mean, let’s take, for example, the investigation by her. Remember, this was the special prosecutor looking into Biden’s classified documents. He was a vice president and he was a senator. He broke the law. It’s plain and simple. Trump didn’t break the law.

He was the president. He’s allowed to have classified documents. But look what happened here. Paul Sperry put this out and said her couldn’t determine who had access to Biden’s unsecured classified docs or whether they passed through foreign hands. Because the Penn Biden center security deleted all the visitor logs, 2017 through 2021, we cannot account for all visitors in the center. So why would they delete all the visitor logs? Because they were selling this information.

To who? To foreign governments. The same thing with Hillary, with her email server, the same thing with Obama. All of them, they have committed treason. How come these people aren’t in jail? Because the criminal syndicate protects them. They’re never going to go after these people. And this is the entire lesson here. It’s to show the american people how corrupt it is. The system that you believe was free and honest and equal, it is not.

The country is run by the criminal syndicate. And what we’re seeing at the borders right now, really think about what we’re witnessing. Yes, Trump is using this. He knew the 16 year plan. He knew this would wake a lot of people up. But think about what the criminal syndicate is doing. They need an army that can match the military of this country and the people of this country.

Remember, the people aren’t going to fight for them. The military is not going to fight for them. So when Trump said, this is an invasion in this country, it is truly an invasion, they are bringing in their army to fight against we the people. This is what a tyrannical government does. These people aren’t looking for a better way of life. They’re not looking to have a great job and raise a family.

These people are military age. These people are coming in to actually fight against the people of this country. Now a lot of people are saying, well, that’s not true. I can’t believe that. Wait until they are activated, wait until the election when all of a sudden you see chaos on the streets, because eventually what they’re going to do, because it is an invasion, they will activate their foot soldiers.

They are putting them into position. Why do you think they’re bringing them to certain locations? Yes, I know Texas is bringing people up to New York and Chicago. This is to show the people, look, open borders doesn’t work. But think about where Biden, Obama and the rest are bringing all these people. They’re bringing them to specific locations, and it’s being done on purpose. Now, I do believe Trump and the patriots and the military, they all know this, actually.

I do believe Trump has given us a hint that, yes, the real generals run the country, not the tv generals and not even the resident. I do believe he’s the commander in chief right now. So are they monitoring the entire situation? Of course they are. He was never going to take back the country unless he had full control because there is too many variables. Then you need to have some type of control.

And I do believe that’s why we saw what happened in 2020, because that was the only way to actually take control away from the deep state players was to make them perform an insurrection so this way the military could be activated. But look what’s happening as these illegals come in. They’re committing many crimes and people are starting to notice this. Actually, N. Moknis put this out and said 15 to 26 million protested in 2020 on behalf of a criminal who died while resisting arrest with a fatal dose of fentanyl in his system.

How many will march for Lake and Riley now? She was jogging and an illegal murdered her. So she was an innocent girl just jogging and this illegal took an opportunity and murdered Laken Riley. And wokeness says, will there be streets named after her? Will she have her own televised funeral? Will they be kneeling for her in Congress? No. She was a white nursing student, had no criminal record, and her killer was a non white illegal alien led in by Biden.

Then Ed Molten’s put this out. When you vote, think of Lake and Riley. Think of Molly Tibbets, think of Kate Stainley. Think of Elizabeth Medina. Think of all the innocent american lives we already lost due to open borders. Think of how many we could save. Do it for them. And yes, if you notice, the news doesn’t even want to talk about this. They don’t want to even mention, look, an innocent person was killed because Biden let in illegal.

So that doesn’t get any news. They don’t want to talk about this. They rather prop up a criminal. Why? Because they are criminals. Think about this for a second. They only reward criminals. They only prop up criminals. They don’t care about the american people at all. And I think this is becoming very, very clear to everyone right now. And we can see what Biden is doing, we can see what Obama is doing, what the criminal syndicate is doing.

What we’re witnessing right now is human trafficking. Because we don’t just have military age men coming in here, we have women and children, and they are being trafficked all over the country, actually all over the world. And let’s go back a little bit in time, because Trump mentioned human trafficking back when the pandemic first started. And he said it’s an ancient thing you heard about about 1000 years ago.

And he actually mentioned it once again, and he let everyone know that human trafficking is real and it’s bigger today than it was a thousand years ago. And the criminal syndicate has been trafficking women and children all over the place. Take a listen to what he said here. It’s not just people in human trafficking. And it’s almost always with women. It’s women. And you think of it almost as an ancient crime.

You know, when you hear human traffic, you don’t think about it as today in this world. Well, it’s worse today than it was a thousand years ago. And the reason is because of the computer, because of the Internet. They search the Internet for women and they grab them. It’s an unbelievable, horrible thing. And it’s big business. It’s getting to be as big as the drug business. And we’re going to stop these people.

We’re not going to do it. We did a better job on that than anybody’s ever done. We had it because it was very hard to get them in. They’d have women put in trunks of cars. It was vicious, vicious. And we had it large. We had a big portion of it stopped. I mean, these are violent people. Very smart, but violent, violent, streetwise people. And we had so much stopped, and we did such a good thing.

And then when he took over, he let it all expire. And I do believe this tells you everything you need to know, because what Trump is saying is he knows about this. And we, the people, the patriots, the military, they’re shutting all of this down. And it’s being shut down worldwide because as the patriots take control of this situation, it’s all being closed. And we know this from many, many posts.

Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we could see that patriotism is spreading across the globe. And all these installed individuals, well, they’re in the crosshairs right now. And the people, they want them to resign. We see it in Spain. We saw it in Argentina. We saw it in El Salvador. We’re seeing it now in France. The farmers now are out there protesting and they want Macron to resign.

And I do believe this is going to continue because we’re already seeing it in El Salvador, Argentina, the Netherlands, Spain, now France. I do believe it’s going to be the UK. And this is Germany soon. This is going to continue on. And you’re going to see all these installed people. Well, they’re going to be panicking. And I do believe you’re going to see their true tyranical dictatorship actually start to come out.

Because what happens when people push back? They push back. And we’ve seen this throughout time, which means they will go after the people. But you can see the deep state players. What do they want to do? They want to usher in war. And what’s very interesting is we had Ursula von der Lyon, Italy’s Georgia Maloney, Justin Trudeau of Canada, Alexander de Crux, all went to Kiev because why were they there? Well, they weren’t there to show solidarity like they saying they’re there to actually take this war to the next level.

And that’s exactly what they’re about to do. They’re about to take the war out in Ukraine to the next level because why? Let’s talk about our health. If the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and other signs of aging on your face and body are getting worse, it may be more than just new year. Stress, wrinkles and other typical marks of aging are one of the biggest signs that your collagen levels are detrimentally low.

It becomes more crucial with each passing year to get collagen into your diet as soon as possible to save your skin, which is why myself, along with thousands of people, are starting to use multicolagen to renew and revitalize the way they look and feel. This collagen uniquely provides your body with five different types of collagen from our four different food sources. Whereas most of other collagen supplements only provide two.

It’s formulated to help reduce visible signs of aging, reduce wrinkles, promote a youthful glow, promote elasticity, and promote skin hydration. You can experience the incredible benefits of multicolagen at an exclusive 53% discount. Plus, you’ll get four bonuses like free vip life, health and fitness coaching for life, a free new ebook titled the 14 Foods for amazing Skin, a 60 day satisfaction guarantee and free shipping. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to get 46% off only at Healthwithx 22.

Com. Once again, that’s Healthwithx 22. Dot or click the link in the description. Because first of all, they’re not getting the money they need. And this puts them in a difficult position. Because how do you keep things going if you’re not actually fighting? Think about that for a second. They don’t have the weapons. They don’t have anything. So what’s happening? Well, it looks like NATO is going to give Ukraine permission to use f 16 jets to launch attacks inside Russia.

Kim. com put this out and said NATO has given Ukraine permission to strike targets inside of Russia with soon to be delivered f 16 jets. So what do you think this is going to happen if they start flying into Russia and bombing Russia? Will this kick off World War II? Most likely, yes. Now, it looks like we had another balloon that was flying across United States for some reason.

I do believe that these balloons, I don’t know if they’re from China. I wonder if they are balloons that the Patriots have launched and they’re monitoring certain situations that are going on in this country. But NORAD did put out a post and it said that, yes, this balloon that was flying, it didn’t have any payload. That was dangerous. It wasn’t interfering with air traffic. So they’re just going to monitor it and see where it all goes.

And I do believe the other balloon that was in this country when Biden didn’t shoot it down, I do believe that also belonged to the Patriots. So they can monitor what was going on in this country. And I do believe it was being run by the real generals. And actually, we’ll be talking about that in just a sec because Trump mentioned the tv generals and the real generals who are really in control.

Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we know that when the deep state, they push the riots, just like back in 2020, we know that Antifa was pushing that. And a lot of those people that are involved in Antifa, they are trans. And what we find very, very interesting is that out in Britain, more than 70% of transgender prisoners in british jails are serving sentences for sex offenses and violent crimes.

And that’s actually tracking here in the United States. Remember, they get very, very upset when there are certain states that put up laws that say, oh no, you can’t groom the children, you can’t take the children to drag shows. Why would you get upset about that unless you’re actually grooming children, unless you’re actually a pedophile. I mean, really think about this for a second. And if you look out in the UK, you can see that, yes, these people in jail, violent crimes and sex offenders, it seems that the pattern is there.

And again, could be from the drugs, could be from the brainwashing. But it looks like we’re starting to see a pattern, just like we’re seeing a pattern with Fannie Willis. And it looks like Fanny Willis is getting very, very desperate because remember her locations of where Nathan Wade and where she was? It shows that they were together way before they said, which means they lied on the stand.

But technofog put this out and said Fanny Willis is getting desperate. Willis responds to the affair cell data by claiming her calendar and emails prove she wasn’t with Wade. There’s a big problem. The hookups took place on September 11 through twelveth and November 30 of 2021. The calendar emails aren’t for those dates. So she’s in a little bit of trouble. Technophob continues and said there’s no denial from Fulton county that Wade wasn’t at Willis’s condo on those dates.

No denial, no dispute of the volume of text calls. Instead, they tried to exclude the evidence. Likely unsuccessful. Absolutely. Then we had Paul Sperry put this out and said, an affiant employee by at t as a legal compliance analyst has certified the authenticity of the cell phone records related to Fannie Willis and Nathan Wade. So their entire argument is completely and utterly falling apart. Now, does this mean the judge is going to disqualify her? Well, let’s see what they do to the judge.

Let’s see how this turns out. Because think about everything that else that we’ve been seeing here. Because again, the criminal syndicate, they just don’t remove their people that easily. But we’ll have to see how this all plays out because there’s a lot of pressure now. And America, the know, the court of public opinion, they’re watching this play out. And that’s the most important part of all of this.

Benny Johnson on X put this out and said, top GOP investigator Jim Jordan sends big Fanny Willis into a panic. There’s a whistleblower in her office who we have talked to, which means there is now more evidence coming out. And this is going to be a tough situation for Fannie Willis. But again, this is all about the people watching this play out, the people understanding the two tier justice system.

And I wouldn’t be surprised if the judge says there’s not enough to disqualify her. I mean, I’m hoping that she is disqualified. I’m hoping that they take her out saying, listen, she lied, she was having an affair, there’s a conflict of interest, and she was using money to fund Nathan Wade. And hopefully that does happen. But again, we’re dealing with the criminal syndicate. So you need to expect that the judge might say that there’s not enough to disqualify her, just like Judge Angorin said.

Listen, I know I have no evidence. There’s no crime that’s committed. Trump won awards from the bank, he paid back the bank, but still, I’m going to find him guilty. So again, you need to look at the criminal syndicate. Now, Trump’s legal team, they filed several motions to dismiss Jack Smith’s classified docs case, citing presidential immunity. And we know that the presidential immunity case is going up to the Supreme Court.

And once again, Trump’s going to follow the rule of law and do exactly what needs to be done. And it shows the people, the two tiered justice system and how the deep state players, they don’t follow the rule of law, because look what they’re trying to do. And I do believe they’re going to be setting a precedent as they move down this path. And Trump and the Patriots, they will be able to use this against the deep state players in the end.

Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that during Trump’s time in South Carolina, when he was giving a speech, and by the way, he did win in South Carolina, which we’ll be talking about in just a sec, he let everyone know that the black community is with him because he’s being indicted and treated poorly, just like the black community. And the black people, they understand this. They understand that, yes, there is a two tier justice system, even with them.

And we could see that the Ds, they’ve been keeping the black community down. Trump has been trying to lift them up. And I think the black community definitely sees the difference. But you could see how the deep state players, how since Trump said this, they’re trying to make it seem like it’s racist. But I do believe the black community understands this. And the DS, they are losing the black vote.

They’re losing the latino vote. Patriots are in control. Put this out and said, oh, they got him this time. Trump said, being discriminated against with indictments is relatable for black people. The Dems are losing more and more of the black vote to Trump. And seeing him speak to a room full of black supporters has them desperate to paint him as a racist again. But it’s too late. Black voters are abandoning the DS, and there’s nothing they can do to stop it.

And yes, you could see the 04:00 a. m. Talking points. They were dropped. And you had Politico, CNN, Rolling Stones, and the rest all say Trump says his criminal indictments booted his appeal to black voters. So, basically, you can see they’re following the same exact script. But again, this isn’t going to work. Now, Trump won South Carolina primary. Nikki Haley, who was the governor of South Carolina, she lost.

I mean, really think about that. So Trump won 61% to 39%. So did Nikki Haley actually win 39%? I don’t believe so. So basically, Nikki Haley was saying that, wow, look at this. We got 40%. People are with me. The GOP is with me. Well, Rich Barris responded to this and said that 40% is not the GOP base. These people are absolutely incredible. So where did all these votes come from? I do believe what they’ve been doing this entire time with Nikki Haley is they’ve been testing their cheating system on how they can manipulate the votes and give Nikki Haley more and more votes each time.

And this is why she was making it a very big deal that she got 40%. But again, they’re keeping Nikki in place. Why? Because they’re hoping they can take Trump out and Nikki Haley will be the candidate. Now, once again, you can see that they are planning to cheat in the election. I do believe they’re testing certain things. Patriots are on control. And X put this out and said Trump was always going to win South Carolina in a landslide.

And of course, I’m all for it, but I’m a bit wary of allowing the fake news to all in coordination. Call the race within minutes of the polls closing. This just continues to give them the power to do it in the future when they need Trump to lose. Even Trump himself said this was earlier than expected. Not trying to be a debbie downer, but just saying, we can’t keep letting the fake news determine who wins the election.

So with this, what patriots are control saying, and with Nikki Haley saying wow, look at 40%. We’re doing better and better. I do believe they’re fine tuning their cheating system and that’s why in the end, we can never, ever use the deep state system. And actually, Gavin Newsom actually confirms that Nikki Haley is their surrogate. Take a listen to what he says here, that Haley or Trump would be easier to beat for him.

First of all, I think she’s one of our better surrogates. So I hope she stays in, hope she does well tomorrow. All the nasty stuff she says about Trump, she’s spot on, 99% of it. So I’m enjoying this primary and I hope it continues. So I wish her luck. But look, Trump’s the nominee. So the deep state players actually admit that they’re keeping Nikki in there and she’s going to stay in the race, I do believe, until the very, very end.

Because think about all the cases against Trump. E. Jean Carroll, 83 million, the fraud case, 350,000,000 plus Stormy Daniel cases coming up right now, the classified doc case is coming, the election interference case they’re trying to push through with Fannie Willis. Think about the Supreme Court cases, the ballot removal, the presidential immunity. I do believe what they’re hoping for is that Trump, under all this pressure, he will eventually drop out.

And if he doesn’t drop out, they will then most likely convict him and put him behind bars to force him to drop out. But again, he can still run for president even though he’s behind bars. And if they actually do this, what do you think the people are going to do? They’re going to vote for him and he’s going to get the black community, the latino community, more of those people, the people of this country, they’re going to be looking at him going, holy crap, look what they’ve done to him.

He’s the victim here. And this is definitely election interference. Now, when all this fails, I wouldn’t be surprised if they tried to assassinate him. Actually, Tucker Carlson actually asked Trump this question. So I do believe Nikki will wait and wait and wait until maybe the very, very end, because again, all of this is going to take place. But the people of this country, you know what they’re noticing? They’re noticing the election interference.

And they realize since there’s election interference right now, and they’ve been seeing the cheating in the midterms and they’re seeing it now when they go to vote for the primaries, the people are saying maybe there was election interference and maybe there was cheating back in 2020. So CNN, they did an exit poll which is very interesting. And the question was, do you think Biden legitimately won the 2020 election? And in South Carolina, only a third, 32%, say that he did legitimately win.

65% said no. What does that tell you? It tells you everything you need to know. Plus, if you look at the Rasmussen poll, the question that they put out, how likely is it that the outcome of the 2024 presidential election will be affected by cheating? 52% said yes, there will be cheating in the election. So the people, they’re on board. The people understand that, yes, they’re going to try to cheat in the election.

So since the people understand this now, will it make it much, much easier to move into paper ballots when something happens here? I do believe so, because I do believe they’re going to try to do something. And, yes, they’re building the narrative right now. I do believe there’s going to be some type of an attack. We know that Trump has been telling us that world war three is on the horizon.

And for people that actually believe that we’re heading towards war, something, yes, has to happen in this country. And if you look out in Switzerland, the swiss authorities, they want to block certain websites. In the unlikely event of a power shortage, commonly used social media platforms would be affected first. So that’s very interesting. Where would we get all these power outages from? Does that mean they’re going to do what they did back in 2020? They released a virus which affected the world.

Are they going to have a cyberattack that just not affects the United States, but affects the world? Which means they’re going to have to shut down and censor those people that are trying to tell the truth. Is that a communication blackout? It’s starting to seem that way. And what’s very interesting is, since we had the disruption in the cell service, I do believe this was some type of test or something, because moving forward, I do believe they want to bring down communications.

And I believe what they tried to do completely failed. Because if I go back to post 826, February 24, it says comms. Good. Nice try. So I do believe that the patriots are in control. They’re trying to actually bring down the cell service, because remember, you have the emergency alert system on that. And I do believe that the Patriots have control over this. And what they tried to do completely and utterly failed, and their attempt didn’t work.

And I do believe the Patriots regain control. So at this point, what I think is happening is the deep state players, they’re going to go after the Internet. Because I do believe there is some type of malware. Because I do believe the FBI has already put that narrative out there and the Internet will not go down. It’ll just be the access to the Internet. And I do believe what they’re doing right now is they’re setting everything up.

And I do believe in the end, it’s not going to work because remember, they’re going to try everything they possibly can. They’re going to build the war narrative. The economy is failing and they’re going to try to cheat in the elections. When all of this fails. And something happens in this country where we have to go to paper ballots, which I do believe we’re going towards, I do believe they will never accept the election results.

And we’re already starting to get what they’re about to do. They just revealed their plan. The Atlantic put this article out where it says they are not going to certify the election if Trump wins. So how are they going to do this? Well, they’re going to say that Trump is ineligible. Now, once again, there’s nothing in the constitution. There’s nothing there. I mean, they’ll probably try to dig something up and they’re going to try to say, we’re not going to certify this election.

But again, Trump took the main power away from them. Remember, they changed the law. And now the vice president, Kamala Harris, she cannot send the electors back to the legislators. They can’t send the votes back to them. So this is a huge problem for them. And Trump blocked them when they tried to do this. So now they’re looking at a different way to say that Trump’s ineligible and they will wait for the Supreme Court to rule on it.

While we wait, what they’re going to do is they’re going to try to build the idea that the MAGA crowd that supports Trump is getting very, very angry. And they’re going to try to make the case that since they’re blocking Trump from becoming president, that his MAGA supporters, they will begin some type of insurrection. Remember when Hillary Clinton said Trump’s going to use the insurrection act? I do believe it’s the opposite way.

They’re going to try to say that there’s another insurrection happening right now. And I don’t believe this is going to work because if you go back in time, she actually went out there, she projected out there. And what happens when they say they’re not going to certify? They’re going to try to make the case that something’s going to happen. Remember Jamie Raskin who head up the impeachment trial? Well, he conceded there could be violence if this happens, if they try to disqualify Trump and not certify the election.

So they’re already building the entire narrative for this. And once again, they’re expecting Trump to win. Remember when they said that they’re going to have to drag Trump out of there? Actually, it’s going to be the opposite way. They’re not going to want to give up control. They’re already telling you they’re not going to give up control. We’re going to say Trump’s ineligible, we’re not going to certify it.

We’re going to stay in power. We don’t care what the people say. We don’t care that the people voted for Trump. We are the tyranical government and we will tell you who’s going to be president. So we are not giving up power. That’s pretty much what they’re doing. And they’re going to have their people on the streets. They’re going to have the Patriot front group, they’re going to have the illegals dressed up as MAGA supporters.

They are going to try to start a civil war. That’s the whole point of this. But I do believe in the end, since the country was attacked and there’s an invasion going on and these people have been activated, I do believe someone’s going to have to call the ball, and I do believe people are going to be round up. But I don’t believe it’s going to be patriots.

I don’t think it’s going to be the Trump supporters. I think it’s going to be the deep state players and the illegals. And who’s going to do this? I do believe the national guard of the military can work together because, listen, all these people that came into the country, they invaded the country. Now they’re destroying the country. And again, what do we have here? Well, at the same time, we have war because we were attacked.

World War II is breaking out. And these people that came in, their allegiances not to the United States, their allegiances to their country, so we have a foreign invasion happening in this country. And that reminds me of post 43 60s is May 30. It says insurrection act of 18 seven, determination that the various state and local authorities are not up to the task of responding to the growing unrest.

Call the ball. And I do believe that’s exactly what we’re going to see. But Trump, I do believe he let us know that the generals are actually in charge, not the tv generals. And he doesn’t believe the entire military is woke. He believes just the top echelon. They and the fake tv generals, they’re the woke people. The rest of the. No, no. They’re going to defend this country.

They’re going to defend the constitution. They’re going to remember their oath. Take a listen to what he said. We have the greatest soldiers in the world, but they’re not allowed to do their job. I proved that with ISIS. Our soldiers knocked the hell out of ISIS once I took over and took it away from our fake television generals. We have great generals, but not the ones like Millie and these guys on television.

They’re fake. I had generals that were really tough. I had generals that I had to hold back. Okay, we have great military and it’s only woke at the top. I don’t think it can ever be wokenized at the lower levels because these are great people, tough people. I really don’t believe they could do it. It was only at the top. And thanks to Joe Rambo for finding that clip.

And that shows you that. I do believe that the military is definitely in control here. And yes, they will be called out. I don’t think it’s going to be Trump. I think it’s going to be Biden. I think everything that’s going to happen, the optics are going to be absolutely perfect for Trump. And I do believe all of what we’re going to see with using paper ballots, with having the National Guard protect the elections, Trump can’t call this out.

That would look kind of strange, wouldn’t it? I do believe it’s going to happen the opposite way. And the optics are going to look pretty darn good for Trump. And I do believe once he’s elected, yes, we’re going to see Judgment Day. And Trump, he actually said this, November 5 is Judgment Day. Real AF Patriot put this out. He said, for hardworking Americans, November 5 will be our new liberation day.

But for the liars and the cheaters and the fraudsters and the censors and the imposters who have commandeered our government, it will be their judgment day. Take a listen. November 5 will be our new liberation day. But for the liars and cheaters and fraudsters and censors and impostors who have commandeered our government, it will be their judgment day. Their judgment day. And oh, yes, Judgment Day is coming.

And we, the people, we will usher in Judgment Day. Let’s go back to post five, six, one. This is January 19, 2018. And let me just read the whole post, mainstream media is fake news, propaganda, talking points. 04:00 a. m. Private email addresses, paid contractors. Judgment Day post 28 76 down below it says the war is real, the threat is real. Clinton panic. Clinton Fear Judgment Day is coming.

Then post 4768, September 25, 2020. Judgment is coming. And yes, judgment Day is coming. And I do believe the people are going to take back the country. And yes, the deep state players are going to fight the deep state. They’re going to do everything they possibly can to stay in control. And you can see they’re already letting everyone know what they’re about to do. But in the end, it’s going to fail because why? Because the patriots are leading them down this path.

The patriots are in control, and the patriots know their plan. Why? Because Trump took control back in 2020. They had the insurrection to get there and they’re going to have another insurrection. So they’re going to have two insurrections on this country. And Trump and the Patriots, they’re going to shut it all down. Why? Because the patriots are in control. Listen, everyone, thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared.

Thanks a lot. .

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