Ep 3290b – Swamp Runs Deep We Were Warned This Is Not Another 4 Year Election On The Ready

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports



➡ This article talks about the Nightwatch Pro, a new, affordable night vision binocular that’s popular for various uses like wildlife watching and home protection. It also discusses the political climate leading up to the 2024 election, suggesting that the tactics used to remove Trump from office in 2020 might be used again. The article speculates that these tactics could include a cyberattack, which could cause widespread disruption and be blamed on foreign powers. The author believes that recent cell outages might be tests for such an attack.
➡ The article discusses the decline of trust in mainstream media, with some outlets losing viewers and even cutting jobs. It also talks about the removal of certain reporters from news networks, suggesting this is an attempt to control the narrative, especially as the 2024 presidential election approaches. The article also mentions concerns about the potential for war and the manipulation of public opinion. Lastly, it discusses allegations against President Biden and his brother, suggesting they may be involved in questionable activities.
➡ The text discusses political tensions, with some trying to impeach Trump and others accusing Biden of taking money from foreign countries. It also mentions a suspicious death at Mitch McConnell’s ranch and suggests it might be a warning to those who oppose the “deep state”. The text also criticizes Biden’s handling of the border situation and suggests he’s only trying to secure it now because it’s an election year. Lastly, it mentions the president of El Salvador criticizing globalism at a convention.
➡ This text talks about the importance of being ready for economic downturns and political changes. It suggests buying a year’s supply of emergency food to help during tough times. The text also discusses global political shifts, with people electing leaders who will stand up for them. It mentions a plan to destabilize the U.S. by certain political figures, but claims this plan was disrupted by Trump. The text ends by discussing recent legal issues involving Trump and potential bias in the judicial system.
➡ In 2021, Trump’s lawyers found phone records that suggest a romantic relationship between District Attorney Willis and Wade, contradicting their claim that their relationship started in 2022. This could impact their credibility in court. Meanwhile, a poll suggests that many people believe Trump is being unfairly targeted. There are also concerns about potential election interference and cyberattacks, with some suggesting that recent communication outages were tests of our vulnerability.
➡ This text talks about the current political situation in the United States. It suggests that the upcoming elections will not be normal and there might be cheating. The author believes that the military might need to guard the elections and that paper voting could be a more secure method. The text also mentions that the people are ready to take back control of the country.


Report my name today in this episode, 3290 bn. Today’s date is February 23, 2024, and the title of the episode is swap runs deep. We were warned. This is not another four year election on the ready. Let’s talk about being prepared. If you have ever wanted to see him pitch dark with high tech Night vision, now’s your chance. Thanks to new advancements in night vision technology, night Vision is now more accessible and affordable than ever before.

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Use code 15 off at checkout to unlock 15% off only@nightwatchpro. com. Once again, that’s Nightwatchpro. com. Or click the link in the description. Let’s get into the economic collapse, political and geopolitical news. Now. The deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet masters. They are now being brought down a path that the Patriots want them to follow. Because, again, this is all about the 2024 election, and it’s not another four year election like we’ve had in the past.

I mean, really, think about it. Go back to 2020. Did any of that seem normal? Think about what the deep state did to gain control, to take it away from Trump. Which they believe they did. Which they really didn’t. Because once they did this, they actually gave the control to him. But look what they did to cheat in the election. They unleashed a virus, and the entire world was shut down just so they can use mail in ballots and dropboxes to remove Trump.

Remember, to move into their other plans, they needed to remove Trump. So if we’re talking about the great reset, the Green New Deal, if we’re talking about injecting you with the bioweapon. They wouldn’t be able to do this unless they got rid of Trump. So this was the whole purpose of it. It was to remove Trump from his position. And look, and this is the important part, I do believe, is look at what lengths they went to to remove Trump.

They didn’t just do it by saying, okay, let’s cheat a little bit over here and there. They needed everyone on board. Now, I’m talking about all their deep state handlers, all the deep state players. Everyone had to coordinate this effort so they can get rid of Trump. This time around, as we approach the 2024 election, what are they going to do to make sure that he doesn’t get into office? Think about that for a second, because this time around, Trump has a lot more of the people.

This time around, a lot more people are awake. This time around, Trump has been exposing their 16 year plan. He’s been using an eight year plan to counter their 16 year plan. And now all the things that everyone was talking about back in 2020, the people now are agreeing with Trump instead of going against what Trump said back then. When we talk about the border or the border wall, talk about the economy, about having peace in the Middle east, now everyone is looking and they’re saying, you know something? This guy was right about this.

He was right about the border, he was right about the wall. It is a national security threat just to have people come into this country. And he did have peace in the Middle east, and now we’re on the brink of war and it’s getting worse and worse. So this time around, Trump has the people, and more and more people are flocking to his side. So when you really think about this, if they could do all of this back in 2020 and actually add on top of that have riots with Antifa and BLM, what do you think they’re going to do this time around? Do you think they’re just going to have a couple of mail ins and a couple dropboxes, or are they going to make sure that Trump can’t get into office? I do believe they’re going to go all out this time around.

And you think the virus was bad? Well, this time around is going to be war. And this is what Trump and the patriots have been telling us, that, yes, war will be approaching. And it’s not just going to be, well, I think war is coming. It looks kind of scary. You see people fighting out in the Middle east, on the Red Sea or out in Ukraine. No. To actually convince the people that something bad is coming, something bad has to happen.

Now, again, what does the deep state like to do? They like to use invisible events, because this makes it a lot easier for them to create an event that looks real, because if you can control and you can do certain things, you can make it look very real. Go back to Covid. They were able to control the different hospitals and a lot of the doctors, and they had control of the who, and they were able to convince people that people were testing positive for Covid by using a test that gives false positives.

They were able to pay the hospitals, so the hospitals will report that everyone is dying from COVID So they were able to take something that’s invisible, use some statistical information, pay people off to make it look real. The same thing is going to happen right now. The invisible event most likely is a cyberattack. The invisible event can be made very, very easily to make it look like it’s actually happening.

And if you’re coordinating with certain corporations, and you’re coordinating with certain social media platforms, and if you’re coordinating with certain blue states and those people that hate the United States, you can make it look very, very real very easily. And all you need to do is have these people do something to make it look like there’s a blackout, that the water system is damaged, that you can’t speak to anyone on the cell phone.

This is how you can make it look real. And then just blame it on either Russia, China, North Korea, whoever they’re going to choose. I mean, right now, I do believe they’re probably going to pick Russia, but you can make it look very, very real. Now, what’s very interesting about this, since we had a cell outage and they keep changing the story of why this happened, I do believe this is the beginning to actually convince the people, look how vulnerable our cell system really is.

It could go out at a moment’s notice, and they always like to test things before they actually do it. So was this time around a cyberattack? Most likely not. I do believe this was probably one of their tests to see if how it would work. And the only way you would know something like this could work is to do it to the actual system. So when they do plan the cyberattack, they can make it look real.

And I do believe this was probably a practice run to actually try to disrupt the cell system. Now, of course, they said it was solar flares. They said it was a cyberattack. Now, it’s a glitch. But again, you can see that they’re moving forward with this plan to have the ability to hit certain parts of the country, certain parts of the infrastructure to shut things down. And the way you convince the people that this can be done, you need to show them, because otherwise, people might not believe it in the beginning, or they might not believe that it’s that vulnerable.

But when people see it actually happen, people start to believe it. So as we approach the presidential election, I do believe what we might see is more of these type of outages, and we might see them start to build the narrative that, oh, look, it was a certain group that attacked this or another group that attacked that. Remember, just a couple of weeks ago, we had the FBI come out and say, yes, they realized that China was placing malware all over the place, and they started to zap it.

And we had scavino give us a very, very strange message of AOL. Remember back in the day when your phone dialed up and you got connected to the Internet? Well, in his post, it showed the phone dialing, but it never connected to anything. And that was just a couple of days ago. So was that a warning to all of us that this was coming? I do believe so.

And we’ll be talking a lot more about this a little bit later. But we could see the fake news. They’re having a very, very difficult time right now because they are not controlling the narrative. The people aren’t believing the fake news anymore, and they’re running into trouble. Their ratings are taking a dive. And we see that vice media, they’re going to stop publishing on Vice. com, and it plans to cut hundreds of jobs.

And I do believe this is gonna happen to a lot of the other fake news outlets, and it’s gonna get a lot worse for them. Cat turd, I think just sums it all up. Fake news is failing, and it absolutely is. And you can see the fake news. They are preparing and ready to control the narrative when the time comes. So what do you got to do? You need to remove those people that would report the truth.

And you could see, first, they got rid of Tucker Carlson on Fox News. They got rid of Dan Bongino. They got rid of Lara Trump and many other people going way, way back. As we approach the 2024 presidential election now on CBS, you could see that they got rid of Catherine Herridge. And what’s very interesting about this is that CBS is reportedly seizing her files, and they might be unveiling or exposing the confidential sources that she’s been using.

What are they looking for? It seems like they’re looking for something. And this is very, very interesting. And every single investigative reporter, they should be a little nervous about this. And Catherine Herridge put this out on X and it says, SAG AFTRA strongly condemns CBS News decision to seize Catherine Herridge’s reporter notes and research from her office, including confidential source information. This action is deeply concerning to the union because it sets a dangerous precedent for all media professionals and threatens the very foundation of the First Amendment.

It is completely inappropriate for an employer to lay off a reporter and take the very unusual step of retaining and searching the reporter’s files, inclusive of confidential source identification and information. From a First Amendment standpoint, a media corporation with a commitment to journalism, calling a reporter’s research and confidential source reporting proprietary information is both shocking and absurd. So they are definitely looking for something. And I do believe they are in the process of removing those people that aren’t going to push the narrative that they want.

And we can see that we’re getting very, very close to that time. And as we go throughout this year, you’re going to see the tyranical government really crack down on those people that are speaking the truth or investigating, and they don’t want this to happen. Because remember, in the end, when they’re pushing their invisible event and they’re trying to convince the people, you can’t have the people out there saying, oh, by the way, this is fake.

Oh, by the way, here’s a argument. Oh, by the way, we heard from some people in DHS or wherever that this isn’t true. They can’t have that. They can’t have anyone investigating anything that they’re doing, because that would just counter everything they’re trying to do. So what they’re going to do is they’re going to try to get rid of many, many people and actually try to shut down the ability of people to communicate.

And we can see this has already started. And I do believe it’s going to get worse before it gets better. And I do believe Trump and the Patriots, they’re counting on this because they want them to go down this path. Remember, people have been talking about this for quite a while. And we know the deep state players, they’re not just going to sit back and let Trump win the election.

We know that they’re going to do something. And Trump has already let everyone know that they’re going to push World War II. And World War II consists of what the US being attacked somehow, some way go back in time. Yes. People knew during World War II there was something going on out in Europe? But did the people here in the United States want to join in? No. They were like, no, it’s already over there.

I’m not going to join. I don’t want to join in. I don’t want to go fight? So how did they get people to actually say, okay, now we need to enter the war. The US needed to be attacked. So if there is a war with Ukraine and Russia, which there is right now, and maybe it consists of many other countries out in Europe, and there’s a war out in the Middle east, and we could see the european countries are fighting that war, do you think the people are just going to say, hey, you know something, let’s go to war over there? No.

The people are going to say, we don’t want anything to do with it. Let them handle it. That’s what most people are going to say. So to get people involved, to get people thinking that there’s going to be a war, what has to happen, there has to be some type of an attack or an event. And I do believe Trump, the patriots, are leading the deep state players down this path.

So they push their 16 year plan. They know that. And I’m not saying Trump is doing this. Trump is allowing the deep state players to push their 16 year plan. Their plan was open the borders. Okay, I’m going to allow them to open the borders, but we’re going to track everyone. But this is a way to wake people up. We’re going to allow them to mess up in Afghanistan.

We’re going to allow them to get rid of the Abraham Accords and have the Middle east completely on fire. We’re going to allow them to destroy the economy. So this way, the people can see it. Now, if Trump and the patriots are allowing this and they’re in control, they know how to counter all this. They know how to stop all this. This is why Trump is out there telling everyone, I can fix this very easily.

I just need you to vote for me because this is the only way we could take back the country. So as we approach war, Trump knows exactly what they’re going to do. We all know what they’re going to do, maybe not every single american in this country, because again, they’re watching Fox, they’re watching MSNBC, CNN and the rest. But eventually what they’re going to see is they’re going to see Biden, fake news, corrupt politicians pushing us towards war.

Trump is going to be on the side of peace. They’re going to be on the side of war. And Trump knows the players, and he knows that these individuals, they know that he’s going to be coming back into power, and they’re not actually going to go to war. But the people of this country, they’re going to see it play out just like they’re seeing the border play out, and they’re going to see something happen in this country.

And I do believe Trump needs to get rid of their election system. He needs to remove it from the equation so people actually have their vote. And I do believe this is what this is all about. Plus, we come full circle. The military was activated during the insurrection and when the insurrection was completed on January 6. And now if the United States is attacked, can the military then be activated to guard against certain things, especially if the infrastructure was hit in the United States and it’s a national security threat? Yes, I do believe so.

And we’ll be talking a lot more about this a little bit later. But first, let’s talk about what’s happening with Biden right now, because it seems that Biden is in a lot of trouble. His brother testified in front of Congress. He changed his story. And it looks like it’s getting worse and worse. And it looks like Biden set up a reporter with questions so he would be able to answer the questions and say, yeah, the entire impeachment, the entire investigation into my shell companies and everything else should be dropped because we indicted Smirnoff, so we don’t believe the FBI.

He was indicted for lying and now the case should be dropped. This is what he’s trying to convince the people of America of. But what about all the documents? What about all the money going back and forth? What about the 20 shell companies? What about James Biden’s signature on documents? This is not playing out too well for him. Paul Sperry put this out on x and he said the following.

Biden search out NBC reporter with planted question. An FBI informant at the center of the impeachment inquiry has been indicted for lying. Should the inquiry be dropped? Then break into grin, look at briefing book. He is lying and it should be dropped. Biden says so the NBC reporter Peter Alexander smirked as he asked Biden planted question, executing political op to pressure house GOP into dropping impeachment inquiry into Biden.

Then watched him wink at Biden. Biden has Alexander’s cell number and then he calls him. Really think about this for a second. It’s all an act and they’re trying to stop them from impeaching, remember? I do believe Obama and the rest are saying, listen, if you can get rid of Trump, if you can make sure that he’s not going to be the GOP nominee, you can stay in.

If you can get rid of the impeachment, you can stay in. And if you can’t do this, we’re going to remove you. So right now, we know that Trump is going to be the GOP nominee and the House is not going to stop the impeachment. Comer put this out on X and said the Biden family received over 3 million from Romania, over 8 million from China, 6. 5 million from Ukraine in a desperate effort to cover for Joe Biden.

Democrats are now peddling a Russia hoax. 20 no one is falling for it. Unlike Democrats, bank records don’t lie. Yes, we had Daniel Weisman, we had Jeffries. They’re all trying to say GOP is being driven by Russia. Of course they have no proof. They have nothing to back this up. And they’re saying it because everything that Biden has done is now being exposed where he took money from all these countries and he has no explanation for it.

So this is getting worse and worse. So what do they do? They arrest Smirnoff for the second time on same charges. Really think about what they’re doing right now. It’s absolutely unbelievable. Do you think the Patriots are going to stop? You think they’re going to continually investigate? Of course they are. Will they be able to actually impeach him? Yeah, probably in the House. But once it goes to the Senate, they’re not going to be able to do it.

But again, that will be enough to remove Biden because once Trump becomes a GOP nominee, he is out and they’re going to have a change of batter. But the other thing that’s very interesting is we could see that they are the deep state players. They’re definitely sending messages to the DS and the rhinos, especially Mitch McConnell, because he backed off on the entire bill that they wrote up to get the money and get money for the border and allow more people to come into this country through the border.

And it looks like McConnell, he backed off and it looks like they sent a message to him. Remember a couple of weeks ago when his sister in law was in a Tesla, it backed up, went into the water. Well, this is very, very suspicious. And Kyle Bass, he says the following on x. And he says this. The plot thickens in this suspicious death of Angela Chow at Mitch McConnell’s ranch in Blanco, Texas.

Her body did not receive an autopsy at the family’s request. There is a surveillance video of Chow going into reverse, aggressively backing over a significant obstacle and her Tesla launching into the pond. The ranch is allegedly owned by Mitch McConnell and her sister, Elaine Chow. The family had it ruled in accidental death and had Chow’s car delivered back to the family. Immediately after the suspicious death, a blood test was taken and a toxicology report is forthcoming.

How local law enforcement fumbled these events early on help complicate this case exponentially. Once true investigators have their way with the car, with toxicology report and the witness, expect some better reporting on the situation. Local tells me that there was a mass layoff of ranch employees one week beforehand when Chow’s husband, VcjVidg Capital, was officially designated a chinese military operation by the US Department of Defense. So this is very, very interesting.

And it’s becoming more and more interesting every single day. Was this wet work to send a message? Starting to seem that way. And once again, if these individuals don’t do what the deep state wants, yeah, they’re going to send messages. Remember Chuck Schumer, if you go against the intel agencies, what can they do? Well, they can bring you down and it looks like they are sending messages. So if all these people aren’t following what they’re telling them to do, I do believe we’re going to see these people struggle and it’s going to get worse and worse for them as time goes on.

Just like the border is completely out of control. And what’s very interesting is that Governor Hoekel says New Yorkers need a break from illegal immigration while giving welfare to the illegal aliens. So they need a break. Well, it’s very easy. Shut the border. It’s that simple. Did she ever even mention shutting the border? Or is she just saying we’re exhausted from paying all these people by trying to house all these people? Well, once again, it’s a very, very simple solution.

Did you have this problem when Trump was in the White House? No, he had the border secure, but you could see that now, the deep state players, Biden and the rest, they’re backtracking on how they can actually secure the border. Now, are they really going to do it? They might do it a little bit, because election year is coming up and it has to look like they’re giving it the old college try.

So now all of a sudden, where Biden said he can’t do anything, he needs Congress to do it. He has no power whatsoever. So now Biden is letting everyone know that he might be able to do it. Paul Sperry put this out and said for months Biden argued he couldn’t secure border and stop the migrant invasion because hands tied by GOP blocking funding for solution. Give me the money.

But now he’s going to announce at the state of the union he’s taking new executive action like restricting asylum claims. I mean, really think about this for a second. So he lied to the american people and now he’s going to use the same executive action that he used to reverse everything that Trump had into place. And he’s going to throw a bone to the people and say, look, I’m going to restrict the asylum claims.

How about you just reverse everything that you did and shut the border and secure it. But again, it’s an election year and what you got to do is you got to keep the people happy. And how do you keep the people happy? Well, you throw them a bone. I don’t think the people are going to buy this. I don’t think the people are going to go along with this and this is going to fail in the end.

Mike Johnson responded to this and put out a statement. He said the following. House Republicans have been sounding the alarm about the catastrophic effects of Biden’s open border policies since he began his term last year. I sent a letter to the resident of the man. He take immediate executive action. He has thus far ignored my demands and the pleas from big city mayors, border state governors and the american people.

Now, in an election year, after the resident has surrendered the border to cartels smugglers, after tens of thousands of Americans have tragically lost their lives due to fentanyl poisoning, after countless unaccompanied minors and young people have been subjected to human trafficking, and after millions of illegal aliens have been scattered by the Biden administration throughout our country, the resident suddenly seems interested in trying to make a change using the legal authority that he claimed until recently didn’t exist.

And that says it all. And actually, this entire thing backfired on Biden. Rasmussen reports responded to Mike Johnson’s statement with a poll and it says 62% want more borderwalk construction. Biden loses 55% call the border situation an invasion. Biden loses 42% call it a catastrophe. Biden loses 82% say it’s now important to secure our borders. And all of the above, again, are Democrats. This tells you everything you need to know.

He has lost the DS. The people are no longer with him, and it’s going to get worse now, especially with this, because now since they’ve learned that he lied to them and he can use executive action and the whole push to place the blame on the Republicans, well, that’s fallen apart now. This won’t work. And now the people see this. A lot of people are waking up very, very quickly.

They’re waking up because they’re hearing other leaders point out that it’s the globalists, it’s Soros, it’s all of these people that are destroying our world the way we know it. And they’re trying to bring us into another place. Actually, they’ve had a lot of control for a very long time. And I think when people see what the world can be like without these individuals, people are going to see something very, very different.

But the president of El Salvador, during the CPAC 2024 at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention center in National Harbor, Maryland, he said, and he pointed out that it’s globalism that’s the problem. And why does Soros, an unelected individual, why does he get the call the shots? He shouldn’t. He’s not elected. We should only listen to those people that we actually elected with free, transparent and no fraud elections.

And he’s absolutely right. That’s all people should be listening to, those people that were actually elected, not those people that were installed. And we should not be listening to the unelected. And I do believe in the future, let’s talk about being prepared. When the economy collapses, you will collapse with it. You’ll feel it coming. All the signs are there. With it comes financial disaster, tight budgets and sacrifice.

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And the people they are now electing, those people that are going to stick up for them. You can see it in Argentina. You could see it’s building in France, it’s building in Spain, it’s building in the Netherlands. And remember, all the farmers out there, they’re continually protesting. And this is going to put a lot of pressure on the deep state players. And the people are going to see this, and the people are going to say, we’ve had enough.

And once again, you can see that the globalists, they’re losing their fight. The people of the world, they’re standing up. But that means the deep state players, they need to basically take control back from the people. And how do you do that? You destroy the people. That’s how you make them pay. How did they make people pay? With war. That’s what they do. Because death, destruction, it fulfills everything that they need.

This is why the original plan, the 16 year plan, this is why they wanted war. They never thought Hillary Clinton was going to lose, because, remember, part of the plan was eight years of Obama, eight years of Hillary Clinton. And in those eight years, the weapons were going to be removed from the people, and Hillary Clinton was going to bring us to war and they were going to destroy the United States.

The United States was going to lose. We were going to lose the constitution, and these people would take over. They never expected her to lose. Trump came in and he changed everything, put them way behind schedule, took control of the country, reversed a lot of their policies, and now they are struggling, which means they need the war. And Trump knows this. He knows what they’re trying to do.

This is why he mentioned it a year and a half ago when no one saw war coming. So now Biden, since the death of Nalvani, he decided to place 500 new sanctions targeting Russia. And it looks like what he’s doing right now, he’s trying to put a lot of pressure on Russia to do something else. Now, I do believe Russia had no reason to kill Novani because he was already in prison.

And it looks like this might have been an operation by Biden again, just like with the Nordstream pipeline, to try to have a coup in Russia and to try to push war once again. But again, this is failing. It is not working to their benefit, and it’s going to get worse and worse as time goes on, just like CRT and Dei. It’s not working the way they thought it was going to work.

Yes, it might have worked. When people were sleeping, people weren’t paying attention. But the people, they started to wake up. The people started to ask a lot of questions. The people started to think, and the deep state does not like this. But they didn’t stop with pushing their plan. They kept pushing because they can’t stop. They have to continue on because they put everything in motion in March of 2020 when they unleashed the virus.

Remember, this was meant to do many different things. They had many different phases of this. The first phase was to cheat in the elections, overthrow the United States government, put a puppet government in there, take control of the country, then implement the 16 year plan. And that’s exactly what they did. They went back to what they were about to do when Trump won the election in 2016 because, remember, they never expected Hillary to lose.

So they had to go back to their original 16 year plan. Open the borders, destroy the economy, usher in CRT Dei while the american people were awake. They never, ever wanted this to happen. Brendan Carr put this out and said the following. The FCC just ordered every broadcaster to start posting a race and gender scorecard that breaks down the demographics of their workforce. Activists lobbied for this because they want to see businesses pressured into hiring people based on their race and gender.

I mean, this goes against everything Dr. Martin Luther King fought against, and it goes against the laws that are in place. So now you are actually showing everyone that you’re racist because you’re basing everything on skin color. American first legal put this out and said, here again, we have the federal government reducing american citizens with all of their unique, God given talents and traits to their skin color or sex.

In the Biden administration’s America, your race or sex determines your worth. Nothing else. And everyone can see who the racists are. It’s very, very clear. And the people really don’t even have to think about it now, remember, all these racists, they used to hide behind the curtain, now they’re showing you exactly who they are. Hey, you know what? If we’re going to hire someone, we’re going to base it on their skin color.

That’s what we’re going to do. Well, didn’t they do this back in time? Wasn’t there white bathrooms and black bathrooms? Aren’t we doing the same thing again? Yes, you’re seeing the real racists. They were always like this. You’re just seeing it now because they have brought them out, and I’m talking about the patriots. They have brought them out from the shadows into the light so you could see who they really are.

That’s what this is all about. This has always been happening. They’ve always been this way. They’ve always had these plans, but now they’re being exposed. So you can finally see it. All those people that watch CNN, MSNBC, Fox, and the rest who’ve never seen anything, now they’re starting to see this. Now they’re starting to say, where did this come from? It was always here. You just weren’t allowed to see it.

Now you’re seeing it just like you’re seeing the corruption in the judicial system, how Soros and many others, how they’ve taken control of our courts, prosecutors, because remember, they took control of DC and they started to take control around the country. And now I think people could see it very, very clearly with all the cases that have been thrown at Trump, all the different indictments. And it’s becoming clear and clear now.

If we look at Judge Ngoron, we can see that he tried a case without a jury. Banks were happy, loans were paid back, there was no victim, there was no crime. But he decided, I’m going to make a ruling and convict Trump. That’s exactly what he did, with no evidence. And then he came up with this ridiculous amount, which he can’t figure out how he got to this number because who was hurt? How did he come up with this number? But remember, this just doesn’t affect New York.

I think this affects the country, because now the country is looking at this. And if this can be done in New York and there’s a precedent that has been set, this could be done around the country. I think every business person, every real estate developer, every investor, this should scare them like there’s no tomorrow. This is what a tyrannical government looks like. This is what a dictatorship looks like.

Because everything that they said Trump does, this is what everyone in the business world does. This is how it’s run. So basically, they’re going to shut down the entire country on how they do business. Really think about this, with no crime whatsoever. And Trump, he put in a request to delay the enforcement of the 355,000,000 in penalties. And Angoran denied this. Well, I think that was a given, because once again, do you think Angoran is going to say after he made the ruling? Okay, I will hold off on it.

I don’t think so. But the other thing that’s very interesting, and it’s not looking good for Fannie Willis. It looks like lawyers for Trump have their special prosecutor Nathan Wade’s cell phone records, and it’s bad for Fulton County’s district attorney, Fanny Willis. The official story from the Fulton County DA and her former lover Nathan Wade, made through sworn filings and sworn testimony was their personal relationship started in 2022.

In February 2, 2022, filing, DA Willis submitted Wade’s affidavit to the court, which stated in 2022 District Attorney Willis and I developed a personal relationship, but looks like Trump’s investigator got Wade’s cell phone records, and the cell phone records disprove their official story in the filing this morning from Trump’s attorney. Records indicate that the relationship between Da Willis and Wade was romantic. Well before Wade’s November 1, 2021 appointment by Willis as special prosecutor, Trump’s attorneys were able to obtain by subpoena to at and t Wade’s cell phone records from January 1, 2021 through November 30, 2021.

Wade’s location data was analyzed by an investigator hired by the attorney, an analytical tool which generated geolocation data that pinpointed Wade’s presence at Da Willis’s south Fulton condo during that time period, and Willis exchanged over 2000 voice calls and just under 12,000 text messages from January 1, 2021, through November 30, 2021. This is a game changer, isn’t it? House Judiciary GOP put this out and said Fanny Willis and Nathan Wade both testified that the relationship started sometime in early 2022.

New cell phone records seem to disprove this story. These records indicate Wade visited Willis’s neighborhood and condo several times in 2021. Someone’s in trouble now, once again, even though you’re seeing all of this play out and you’re seeing the evidence, it doesn’t mean the judge is going to say, okay, you’re disqualified. I mean, look, when you look at Trump, there was no crime. The banks were happy. The loan was repaid.

There was no victim. Everything was perfect. And he followed the rules of obtaining a loan. But look what Judge Angoran did. He made a ruling against Trump even though everyone was telling him that everything is fantastic. Actually, Trump even won an award for it. I mean, really, think about this for a second. But again, this is the court of public opinion, and how do we know that the people are waking up? How do we know that the people now are looking at Fanny Willis and everything that the deep state is doing to Trump? How do we know that the people are getting it? Well, Rasmussen reports once again, they put out a poll and it says the following.

Did the testimony of Fanny Willis make you more likely or less likely to think Trump is being unfairly targeted? More likely 38% less likely 18% not much of a difference 38%. Only 18% of voters say that Fanny Willis testimony makes them less likely to think Trump is being unfairly targeted. 76% say it makes no difference or makes them more likely to think Trump is being targeted. And he is being targeted.

Absolutely. And what do people see? They see the election interference. So is it that far of a stretch to say, wait, if there’s election interference in 2024, that must mean they probably cheated in 2020. And everything that Trump was saying and everything that I’ve seen with the mules, the ballots, the mail in ballots, the dropboxes, them, changing the laws and not having the legislators change the laws. Yeah, I guess they did cheat in the election.

So if they cheated in 2020, there’s election interference. Right now, everyone’s thinking to themselves, they’re going to cheat in the 2024 election. And this is why the deep state players are going to try to cheat. But eventually, when they can’t cheat, because they don’t have the ability to override the number of people in this country, I do believe this is when they’re going to postpone the election. And what’s very interesting about this is that we’ve gotten some type of hint that they’re going to try to do this.

Now, I do believe that they went ahead and they created an instance where they’re able to shut down certain cell systems so people couldn’t communicate. Pharmacies were hit by a cyberattack. But I don’t think they’re going to come out and say, this is a major cyberattack and we have to look at these people because it’s too early. I believe they’re in the testing phase and showing people that, look, we are vulnerable to any of this.

Anything could come down at any moment. It could be from a solar flare, it could be from a cyberattack, it could be from anything. But once again, if they’re trying to bring us to war, are they going to use a solar flare? No. Because were we going to war with the sun? No. So that wouldn’t make any sense, would it? I do believe they’re building this up. They’re going to be building the narrative to actually bring in the narrative of a cyber duck.

Now, think about what just happened with Nalvani. Think about what happened with Biden now placing 500 sanctions on Russia. Could they start making the case that Russia is beginning to cyberattack maybe Ukraine, or do small hits here in the US where they don’t know who did it? But yes, we were hit by a attack and build that narrative? I do believe so. But at the same time that this was all happening, there was a solar flare, and it was the brightest solar flare since 2017.

And it does not appear that a large CME will be associated. And it looks like it’s not headed towards Earth, so it’s not going to shut down anything but again, it was happening at the same exact time, which I find very, very interesting. And of course, we had different news agencies out there. MJ truce Ultra put this out and said, there it is. A solar flare caused a nationwide communications outage.

So they started out with the solar flare, then they went into it could be a attack. And then at t came out and said, no, it was a glitch in their code and their processing of the code. So they went from solar flare, they went to attack, then they went to glitch. Because I think the story wasn’t making any sense. Because if it was a solar flare, let’s use that.

For example, why wasn’t Elon’s satellites affected? Right, so was it really a solar flare? Most likely not. Remember, he has Starlink, thousands of satellites in space. If it was a attack, why would they just hit the cell companies? Why wouldn’t they hit Starlink? Why wouldn’t they hit other things? Something didn’t make sense there. Julian’s rum put this out and said, elon hasn’t said a word about the outages.

Kind of OD, considering he runs Starlink, comms, satellites, and he’s absolutely right. So I do believe this most likely was a test to make people start to think that, hey, look, we’re very vulnerable. Self service can go out any second, the Internet can go out any second, and from anything, could be from a code, could be from a solar flare, it could be from a attack. They’re just planting the seeds so people start to think about it.

But I do believe we were probably warned about this. Remember a couple days ago when Dan Scavino put out a post on X and it was the America online, the old system where you hooked it up to your modem, you hit dial, it, dialed the number, it connected to the Internet, and then you were on the web. Well, the post that he put out, AOL dialed up, it never got connected.

Was he letting us know that something was coming? It’s starting to seem that way. So it seems that the deep state players are heading down the path the patriots have set. And I do believe in the end, this is how the people are going to be able to have their votes counted, because we could see already the deep state players, they’re already building this narrative. And since Trump tells us we’re going to World War three, something is going to happen in this country now, they’re not going to do it too early.

They might test things to make sure that they’re able to do it. And if you go back to 911. They wanted to see how can we bring down the towers? Can we make it fall if we have an explosion in the basement? They tested that. They exploded it. It didn’t work. So then they came up with a new plan to actually bring down the towers. And remember, it was an inside job.

So I do believe they’re testing right now and they’re planting the seed to make everyone believe that we’re very, very vulnerable and things can go down instantaneously. But the voters around the country right now, they are now turning towards Trump. And every time he speaks, more and more people decide, you know something, this is the guy I want. Storm has arrived. Put this out on x. And said President Trump is effectively winning over the normies after his town hall last night.

A panel of five undecided voters say they are now voting Trump over Haley. Better late than never. And I do believe this is going to continue on. Scavino put this out on x and said Trump converts entire panel of undecideds during South Carolina town hall. And yes, when you hear him speak, the people say, you know something, this guy makes a lot of sense and it resonates with what I want.

And I do believe you’re going to see a lot more people side with Trump, especially when we see certain things happen in the country and they get a slap in the face. I do believe the DS are going to receive a lot of slaps, and I do believe a lot of them are going to start to wake up because I do believe in the end, what Trump wants, he wants to unite the country.

Remember, this is not another four year election where it’s normal. Oh, you got the Republicans and Democrats. No, you have patriots, outsiders, fighting against the rhinos, fighting against the Democrats, and they don’t have control over this. This is about removing the swamp. The swamp runs deep. We’re removing the swamp. This is not business as usual. It’s not a normal election cycle the way it was, just like during 2020.

Was that a normal election cycle? No, because this is about returning the power to the people. This election cycle is not going to be normal. We’re going to see crazy things, just like we saw crazy things in 2020. Rasmussen reports put this out and we just talked about cheating and everything. And it looks like the people are definitely getting it. Have government officials done enough to prevent cheating in the election? 32% say yes, 54% say no.

So people know that there’s going to be cheating. People understand that these elections aren’t secure, which means when something happens, the people will say, you know something? Yes, I agree. We should have the National Guard, the military, whatever, guard the elections. I do believe this is going to make it a lot easier when the deep state actually attacks the United States, they’re going to make it a lot easier for people to say, yes, we need to guard the elections.

If the infrastructure is hit and we can’t use it because maybe of malware or something and we don’t trust it, let’s go back to a system that we do trust. That is paper. And you think the illegals are going to be able to come to the voting centers? No, they’re not. They will be afraid to show up. But again, what do you think is going to happen if we go to paper? Do you think the deep state players are going to have antifa and other illegals trying to keep people away from the voting centers? Absolutely.

Would we need the military involved? I do believe so. To keep these people back and to allow the people to go in and vote. Now, what’s very interesting is we’re coming up to a couple of deltas and they’re starting to resonate with what’s going on right now. And I do believe all roads lead to Obama, and I do believe that’s the direction we’re heading in. This is post 3881, this February 24, 2020.

Down below, it says the following what if almost every critical position senior within the US gov apparatus was infiltrated? What must be done first, the swamp runs deep. Plus sleepers backgrounds are important. Muslim Brotherhood. List of in the news now names with known ties to Islam. This is not another four year election assumption. Correct package well received. Known post 3882 February 24, 2020. Down below, it says the following.

Insurgency is the organized use of subversion and violence to seize, nullify, or challenge political control of a region. The presidency of Barack Hussein Obama began at noon eastern Standard Time on January 20, 2009, when Obama was inaugurated as the 44th president of the United States. What country was the true intended target? The United States. Post 2885. They never thought crooked Hillary would lose. So many disastrous mistakes made returning power to the people.

Q Plus. And again, Trump used all of this against them. He knew that they were going to continue on with this 16 year plan. He knew what they were going to do. And he’s using it against the deep state players to wake the people up. Again, the deep state players, they never wanted their plan accelerated. They never wanted the people to see this because what they were going to do is they were going to use the fake news to not report on any of this, most of the people wouldn’t even know what was happening.

Actually, if you go back to Obama’s time, they were bringing a lot of people over the border. They were busting them all over the place. A lot of people didn’t know this. This isn’t new. With Biden, they just accelerated everything, and they needed to catch up to where they were. That’s the only difference in Trump of the patriots. They knew that they would do this. And Trump, he needed this to happen so people could see very, very clearly what they’re trying to do to this country.

Now, as we approach the presidential election, he wants everyone to see how they’re bringing war to our doorstep. That’s the next part of this. And that is going to wake a lot of people up. And every time Trump has a town hall meeting, every time he has a rally, he shows the people that you never, ever give up. You keep fighting. And he put out this video, I don’t know how many people heard this about how you should never, ever give up.

Take a listen. That nothing worth doing is ever easy. You’ll have bad moments. You got to love what you’re doing. And if you don’t, just do something else. Keep standing up always for your values. Keep loving your country. And one of the most important things, never, ever quit. Never quit. Then ask yourself, what imprint will you leave in the sands of history? What will future Americans say we did in our brief time right here on earth? Did we take risks? Did we dare to defy expectations? Did we challenge accepted wisdom and take on established systems? In my short time in Washington, I’ve seen firsthand how the system is broken.

A small group of failed voices who think they know everything and understand everyone want to tell everybody else how to live and what to do and how to think. But you aren’t going to let other people tell you what you believe, especially when you know that you’re right. I know that each of you will be a warrior for the truth, will be a warrior for our country and for your family.

I know that each of you will do what is right, not what is the easy way, and that you will be true to yourself and your country and your beliefs. Remember this, nothing worth doing ever came easy. Following your convictions means you must be willing to face criticism from those who lack courage or the guts or the stamina to take it and to do it. It’s called the road.

Let’s travel. And he’s absolutely right. And you can see he’s never given up. And the people of this country were going to be taking it back. And the people are ready to take it back. Why? Because the patriots are in control. Listen, everyone, thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot. .

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