Ep 3275b – The Border Bill Is The [DS] Election Cheating Bill Its DOA Sleepers Inserted Future: X22 Report

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports



➡ The X22 Report talks about how some people believe that the border bill is actually a plan to cheat in the election. They think that by letting more people into the country and giving them a quick path to become citizens, these new people will vote in a certain way. The text also suggests that there might be secret plans or “sleepers” in the government who will act when needed. Lastly, it mentions a professor who was fired and then rehired after threatening a reporter with a machete.
➡ A teacher who was fired from one school for threatening a reporter has been fired again from another school for saying mean things about Israelis. King Charles has been diagnosed with cancer, and there are hopes that new vaccines might help him. Senator James Langford has proposed a new bill that doesn’t really help with border security but instead seems to make it easier for people to enter the country illegally. This bill might also help these people become citizens, which could change future elections.
➡ This text talks about a new law that some people think will let more people come into the country illegally. They believe it will also let these people become citizens quickly so they can vote in the 2024 election. Some people are worried that this could lead to cheating in the election. They also think that the law will not help to make the country’s borders safer.
➡ This text talks about a bill that some people don’t like because they think it doesn’t do enough to stop illegal immigration. They believe the president isn’t using his power to fix the problems at the border. Some people also think that there are plans to cheat in the next election. They want the people to see what’s happening and take back control of the country.
➡ The text talks about how some people in power want to take away weapons from regular folks. They start with big guns, then smaller ones, and even knives. The idea is that it’s easier to control people who can’t defend themselves. But the text also talks about a leader in El Salvador who made his country safer by putting criminals in jail, and the people liked it so much they voted for him again. The text suggests that people in power should work for the people, not just for themselves or their friends.
➡ This text talks about how some people believe that Trump has a plan for the future. They think he’s preparing for the 2024 election and has strategies to make sure the voting is fair. The text also suggests that Biden’s popularity is dropping and that there might be changes in who leads the country. Lastly, it mentions that some people are worried about a possible war.
➡ After the Super Bowl, things might get a bit scary, but it’s all part of a plan to help people understand the truth. This is believed to be part of Trump’s plan to show everyone the real situation. So, stay safe and be ready for what’s coming.


That’s sand. You’re listening to the x 22 report. My name is date in this episode, 3275 bn. Today’s date is February 5, 2024. And the title of the episode is the border bill is the deep state election cheating bill. And it’s dead on arrival. Sleepers inserted. Future marker. Let’s get into the economic collapse. Political and geopolitical news. Now the deep state, the crept politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet masters, we can see they’re doing pretty much the same thing as they did during COVID Yes, there are many different agendas with COVID but you have to remember the main one.

The main one was to make sure that Trump didn’t win that election. And during COVID what did they do? They put together a cheating system, and they knew that they would need the virus to actually implement the mail in ballots and the dropboxes. And remember, this just didn’t happen in a day or so. This took planning. They needed to make sure, and they needed to make sure they had everything ready, and that’s why they had all the ballots printed, everything ready to go, because their main objective during COVID was to cheat in the election.

Yes, there were many, many other objectives with COVID but they couldn’t pull them off unless Trump lost the election. So remember that now, as we move towards 2024, they’re doing the same thing. Yes, having the open borders, there are many, many different agendas, but the main agenda is to make sure that Trump doesn’t win the 2024 election. Now, remember, they don’t have the pandemic like they had before.

They don’t have everyone afraid in their homes, wearing masks, scared that the virus is going to get them. And since they don’t have that, it’s going to be very, very difficult for them to use the mail in ballots, the dropboxes. But if they have the illegals in place, they can actually use it with them. If you really think about it, and we’ll be talking a little bit more about that a little bit later, but you have to remember, their main focus right now is to have the illegals come in and use them to cheat in the election.

And they need millions and millions of people coming in, because this is the only way they’re going to be able to actually override the votes that are coming in for Trump. Now, once again, they opened up the borders. They had the people come in. That was the first phase of their plan. The second phase of their plan was not to have border security, which we all know. We know that the border bill has nothing to do with border security.

The second part of their plan was to give these people a path to citizenship very, very quickly so they can vote in the election. So the first phase was to keep the borders open to get the people in here. The second phase was then to recognize that there’s a problem at the border, even though they caused the problem, and then use it to actually give these people a path to citizenship so they can vote.

So this border bill is actually a deep state election cheating bill. And this is what they need to move to the next step. And this is why they’re doing it. Yes, they need money for Ukraine. Yes, they have other agendas, but their main agenda is to keep the people rolling in and to give them working permits and allow them a path to citizenship very, very quickly so they can then use the mail in ballots.

Remember, these people aren’t going to be coming in person to the poll centers. These people are going to be used in a different way. And we can see this is what they need to push. Now, again, if it was all Democrats who had the Senate and had the House, this would be pretty darn easy. But the problem is Trump and the patriots, they introduced patriots that are blocking everything they’re doing now.

Remember, I do believe that the House right now, everything that the patriots have done, they are being used to block and investigate certain things. They’re not there to change the country and make it all better. It’s completely impossible. Look at the swamp. Look at the criminal syndicate. They’re there to block. They’re there to investigate. They’re there to show the people the system. That’s why they’re in place right now to change the country.

We need to vote these people out of office. We need to actually drain the swamp. And the only way to do this is to actually wake the people up. Show the people what’s going on. Show the people the system. Show the people how they cheat the system, how there’s a two tier justice system. So right now, if you’re expecting anything to happen, forget about it. It’s a criminal syndicate.

They control everything. But what Trump and the patriots have done, they set certain people up. They put them in position. They are investigators. They’re showing the people, and they block what the deep state needs to do. And if you notice, you’re going to watch the deep state players, they’re going to threaten the people of this country. You better pass this bill or else. And they will get angrier and angrier and angrier as time goes on, because they need this part to go through so they can actually move forward with their cheating system.

But it looks like this is going to be dead on arrival. We have Trump out there saying, absolutely not. This is a stupid bill. Which it is, because, remember, Biden has the authority to do everything he needs to do, because all he did was reverse everything Trump did, open up the border. So does he have the authority to put it all back into place? Of course he does.

All he has to do is take everything that he did and reverse it. Let’s talk about your health. How’d you sleep last night? If you answered not so great, just okay, or don’t ask. You’re not alone. One out of three Americans report being sleep deprived, and your sheets could be the problem. The wrong sheets can trap body heat, leaving you boiling 1 minute and freezing the next. The solution? Cozy earth bedding.

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They went along with everything until they were activated. And I do believe Trump has done the same thing to the Biden administration and the swamp creatures, because you have to remember it’s the swamp creatures that are running the show. Yes, Biden might be out there, but again, it’s all the unelected people that are actually running this country right now. And I do believe what Trump has done, he actually placed sleepers into certain positions and they will be activated when they are needed.

I do believe this is a future marker, and I do believe Trump has just hinted that, yes, most likely there are sleepers in government, those people that are just going along with the deep state players. But when they’re activated, everything is going to turn around. Now, we’re going to be talking all about this a little bit later, but first, let’s talk about that New York City college professor who held a machete to a reporter’s throat.

Remember when the reporter came to the professor’s door and she opened the door and she had a machete and she was fired from her position? Well, it looks like she was rehired. And now it seems that she has been fired again. Andy. No, put this out on X. And says the far left professor who was fired from Hunter College for putting a blade to a reporter’s throat has been fired from her new teaching role at Cooper Union after she made a post comparing Israelis to dirty cockroaches.

She says the firing is fascism. No, it’s what you said. So once again, you can see that these people, they shouldn’t be employed. They shouldn’t be teaching people. And I think people are starting to recognize this. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that King Charles, he is being diagnosed with cancer. I think it’s prostate cancer. And we know that most likely the pharmaceutical companies already have mrna vaccines that will fight cancer.

They’re probably going to start pushing those out there and they’re going to probably say, look, he made a full recovery after he’s taken this. And you know that this is a major push. That could be one agenda here. But Trump, he did respond to King Charles having cancer. And he says, King Charles has cancer. He’s a wonderful man who I got to know well during my presidency, and we all pray that he has a fast and full recovery.

So let’s see how this all plays out. This is going to be very, very interesting. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is what is happening at the border. And Senator James Langford, he put together a bill, and of course, the Una party loves the bill because it has nothing to do with border security, has nothing to do with protecting the United States. It has nothing to do with keeping the illegals out here.

Basically, it’s a cheating bill for the 2024 election. Yes, there’s many different agendas associated with this bill, like sending money to Ukraine and everything else. But the main focus, I do believe, is actually getting these people to the next level. And that level is citizenship. So they can use the mail in ballots with these people. Remember, they don’t have Covid this time around, so they’re going to have to change things up.

And that’s exactly what they’re doing. But you can see where Senator James Langford, where his loyalties lie, just from a couple of his tweets that he put out there in the past. And if we go back to 2020, here are some of his tweets. It says, almost 99 years ago to the day north Tulsa burned when white rioters took innocent lies and destroyed Black Wall Street. 99 years later, racial pain is active in south Minneapolis and St.

Paul. My heart hurts as american grieves yet another innocent life taken away too soon. I’m hurting for George Floyd’s family, his friends and his loved ones. I’m praying for Minneapolis, those impacted by George Floyd’s death and the law enforcement community. I pray we can come together and find solutions so that on the hundredth, 150th and 199th anniversary of the Tulsa race massacre, we don’t look and think, has anything really changed? And then Laura Loomer put this out, and it’s an article from the Independent.

This is back on June 2022. And it says, senator, in 2010 deposition, 13 year olds can consent to sex. US Senator James Langford of Oklahoma testified as part of a civil case into an alleged sexual assault at the baptist church camp. He oversaw that he believed a 13 year old can consent to sex. Laura Loomer responded to this and said, I wonder what the Democrats have on Senator Langford? Yeah, I wonder.

It’s very, very suspicious. Now, I know Trump endorsed Langford, but again, when you read his endorsement, I think it says everything you need to know. And DC Dreno, he put this out and he said Trump endorsed Langford in the general. He let the primary play out and was probably hoping someone would knock him out, but nobody did. And a backstabbing globalist rhino is still better to have in the Senate than losing the race to a marxist globalist Democrat.

Then he says, read his opening line. It’s not hard to tell when Trump actually likes someone and when he’s just giving lip service to unify the party. And when you read this, it pretty much tells you everything you need to know. And here’s the first line. Senator James Langford ran a strong campaign against highly credible opponents who fought hard but ultimately were unsuccessful. James was strongly committed to America first and everything it stood for, and likewise strongly committed to me as president.

Sometimes we didn’t exactly agree on everything, but we do now. He is a very good man with a fabulous wife and family, loves the great state of Oklahoma, and is working very hard on trying to save our country from the disaster that it is in. So I do believe he was hoping that he’d be knocked out of the race. But again, it’s better to have someone kinda on your side than having the complete and utter opposite.

So you need to remember that this individual, he is pushing this bill with the rest of the uni party. And we can see that this bill doesn’t shut down the border, because actually we don’t even need the bill to shut down the border. All we need Biden to do is reverse everything that he did, because he undid everything. And it’s that simple. He’s the one who created the crisis.

But again, this has nothing to do with border crisis. This is about pushing the next phase of their agenda. So let’s go through the border bill, as they call it, and let’s see what it really does here. Libs at TikTok put this out and said last month. Senator Langford said it’s absurd to let 5000 people a day enter our country illegally. His bill released yesterday, would allow 5000 people a day to illegally enter our country.

A stab in the back. And she’s absolutely right. Greg Price on X put this out and said, not only does this bill codify 1. 5 million illegal border crossings into law, but the border emergency that automatically gets implemented at 5000 crossings per day in a week can be overturned by Joe Biden. And in case 1. 5 million illegals isn’t enough, it also locks in green card giveaways through 2030.

The wonderful bipartisan comprised cooked up by Mitch McConnell and James Lankford is that America will send 60 billion more to Ukraine in exchange for a population the size of Phoenix, Arizona to cross into our country every single year. Think about at this for a second and think about their long term agenda. They just don’t want to cheat in 2024. Yes, they need to cheat in 2024, but they want to keep the great replacement.

They want to make sure that they have their people always in place so they always stay in power. Remember, these people aren’t elected, they’re installed. Mike Howell put this out and said, I have carefully reviewed the senator Langford plus Majorcas bill. It codifies invasion policies, kneecaps the ability of President Trump to undo the damage, and is a massive giveaway to the left interest promoting illegal immigration. He’s absolutely right and american first legal broke it down on exit and says it does not end catch and release.

Instead, it facilitates catch and release for certain populations. This should be a major red flag for all. It exempts UAC from the new break Glass removal authority, which means it is worthless as UAC remain a gaping loophole and we have been the largest child smuggling operation in history during the Biden administration. For context, more than 476,000 UAC’s unaccompanied children have come during the Biden admin. None of them ever go home.

It does nothing to end perpetual settlement agreements like Flores, which have undermined border security for decades. The bill effectively codifies the administration’s absurd asylum officer rule that dozens of state attorney generals are currently challenging in court. They might as well call this the asylum Officer Empowerment act, meaning more and more aliens will get asylum based on lax adjudications. And asylum equals path to a green card and citizenship.

The new break Glass emergency authority is a disaster. The secretary may use it if there are 4000 or more aliens encountered each day, 28,000 per week, 121,000 a month, 1. 46 million a year. But he must use it when there are more than 5000 a day over a week, or 8500 in a single day. Those are insane numbers and totally unacceptable to the american people. And nonmexican UAC are not counted in the total that triggers the emergency authority.

But if that wasn’t enough, there’s a provision that allows the Biden team to essentially opt anyone out from the new, supposedly expedited proceedings. And if that weren’t bad enough, it allows Biden to suspend the new authority if he wants to, rendering it meaningless. Oh, and the authority is limited in time, duration, going down each subsequent year, making it even more worthless. The bill wastes a ton of taxpayer money, billions here and a billion there for more processing, including 1.

4 billion for more FEMA grants that provide shelter and other services to illegal aliens. There are even nuggets like 36 million to provide attorneys for incompetent adult aliens. And once again, what does this all do? It allows these people to come into this country and give them a fast path to citizenship so they can use them in the 2024 election. N Mohness pretty much sums this up and says eight plus million illegals invaded since 2021.

And this is the best border deal the Uni party has to offer. Immediate work permits for illegals. Taxpayer fund lawyers for illegals. Allows 5000 illegal crossings per day before triggering the shutdown clause. Gives the Biden authority to waive the shutdown clause if he decides which he’s going to do. Prevents minors from being deported. Yes, because they need their child trafficking and the pedophiles need their children. 1. 3 billion for shelters, plus needs FEMA, 60 billion to Ukraine, 14 billion to Israel, 10 billion to humanitarian aid in Gaza and the West bank, and 5 billion to the Indopacific, which all this was going to be money laundered and we’ll never see this money again.

And it will not go to all the things that they’re saying it’s going to. But n Wokeness also said this might be the most insane part. The bill grants the far left DC district court exclusive authority over future immigration disputes. And once again, what does this do to secure the border? Absolutely nothing, actually. It allows them to bring in everyone. It allows the country and the people to pay for all of this so they can cheat in every election and actually have this country completely replaced with illegals, because that’s their plan from the very beginning.

And it will keep them in power forever. Because remember, these people are installed, they’re not elected. So they’re going to try to use this to do all of this. But the first step is to cheat in the election in 2024. Mike Leon X put this out and says, as to the substance of the border emergency authority, it appears to be left to the discretionary whims of Secretary Mayorkas, who, I might add, is currently being impeached for failing to actually enforce existing laws.

I mean, think about what is happening right now, and I think we all understand what they’re trying to do here. Actually, Elon Musk sums this up and says many states automatically register anyone with a driver’s license to vote. No citizenship verification. Ballots are then mailed out and ballot harvesters pick them up, mail them in, making fraud traceability impossible. So once again, many states have this, many states do not.

So what do they got to do? They got to give all these illegals a quick path to citizenship so they can then mail out the ballot to all these people, and all of a sudden you have these ballot harvesters. They are now using them to cheat in the election. Remember, most of these people, they don’t want to show up in person. They’re afraid to show up in person.

So what happens if this doesn’t go through, which it looks like it’s dead on arrival, which we’ll be talking about in a second? And what happens if they can’t get their cheating system up and running and all of a sudden something happens where we can’t use mail in ballots, we can’t use the computer systems that read the mail in ballots. What happens if we have to come in person? Does this shut down their entire operation? It’s starting to seem that way.

And I do believe Trump and the Patriots, they’re leading the deep state players down this path where eventually what’s going to happen as we approach war? Because remember, Trump has been telling us we’re approaching world War Three. He said this a year and a half ago. Maybe nobody believed him, but we could see it’s happening right now. And if we’re approaching world War Three, we know that the country is going to be attacked one way or another.

He already told us there’s 100% chance that there’s going to be some type of terrorist attack inside this country. And since there’s going to be a terrorist attack, we also know that there’s going to be other attacks if we’re going to be on the precipice of war. And if we’re attacked, well, what happens to the infrastructure, especially if we’re attacked with a cyber attack now, there might be physical attacks and there might be attacks.

So we know that this is coming. And I do believe Trump and the patriots have set it up. So they actually do this because they know, number one, if they can’t cheat, they just can’t have the election because the people will override the cheating system that they have in place and that they can’t create enough ballots and have enough illegals in here. It’s not going to work. So if they can’t do that, you know, their next option is to postpone the elections one way or another.

And how do you postpone it? You just can’t come out and say, by the way, everybody, yeah, we’re not going to have the elections today. They’re going to have to make it look like something happened. And I do believe Trump and the Patriots, they know this playbook. They know that this is going to happen. And think about this, Bill, right now, anyone that votes for it, they’re screwed in the long run.

Rich Barris put this out and said, if you let this bill come to the floor for a vote, you’ll be annihilated in November and it’ll be 100% deserved. Now, remember, the Uni party, they’re going to vote for this, and these people are going to be annihilated in November, especially when Trump wins. And we vote out all these people because the people are going to be watching this and they’re going to say, holy crap, look what they just did.

We know that Biden has the authority and they’re trying to push this election cheating bill through. Yes, there’s other money associated with this, but again, they need this because they got to make sure that Trump doesn’t win the 2024 election. Just like with COVID It’s the same playbook, actually, if you really look at it. They’re just using different tactics. They’re using the illegals to use the mail ins.

That’s it. That’s all they’re doing. And there’s a lot of states that can’t automatically register them, so they have to give them a fast path to citizenship, and they need to give them license, working permits, and everything else that goes with it. But you can see that Texas right now, they have put up containers, barbed wire, actually, multiple layers of barbed wire, and people aren’t getting through all this.

So what you could say is walls do work. And just like yesterday, we read the Rasmussen report polls, and it shows, and this is coming from the Democrats. They want a wall, they want border security. And Greg Abbott is out there saying since they put up the razor wire, they installed the containers, they’ve seen a massive reduction in illegals crossing the border. Of course you do. Let’s talk about protecting ourselves online.

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com x 22. Or click the link in the description. It’s common sense, as Trump would say, and people could see this very, very clearly, and it’s very, very obvious now. Now the House Republicans leadership, they put out a statement on the Senate immigration bill, and this is what it says. Speaker Johnson, Leader Scalise, Whip Emmer, and Chairman Stefanak today released the following statement regarding the Senate’s immigration bill.

House Republicans opposed the Senate immigration bill because it fails in every policy area needed to secure our border and would actually incentivize more illegal immigration. Among its many flaws, the bill expands work authorizations for illegal aliens while failing to include critical asylum reforms. Even worse, its language allows illegals to be released from physical custody would effectively endorse the Biden catch and release policy. The so called shutdown authority in the bill is anything but riddled with loopholes that grant far too much discretionary authority to Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who’s in the middle of an impeachment hearing where they’re trying to impeach him.

I mean, it’s absolutely unbelievable. And let me just continue. Who has proven he will exploit every measure possible in defiance of the law to keep the border open. The bill also fails to adequately stop the president’s abuse of parole authority and provides for taxpayer funds to fly and house illegal immigrants and hotels through the FEMA shelter and service programs. Because Biden has refused to utilize his broad executive authority to end the border catastrophe that he has created, the House led nine months ago with the passage of the secure the Border act, HR two.

That bill contains the necessary components to actually stem the flow of illegals and end the present crisis. The Senate must take it up immediately. America’s sovereignty is at stake. Any consideration of this Senate bill in its current form is a waste of time. It is dead on arrival in the House. We encourage the US Senate to reject it. Now, again, the deep state players, they want this bill.

They need the cheating bill in place. They know that without it, it’s going to be very, very difficult. And remember, I do believe Trump, the Patriots, they are bringing the deep state players down this path because in the end, they want the deep state players to not have the ability to cheat in the election. They want them to most likely postpone the election one way or another, just like they went forward and they cheated in the election in 2020.

I do believe Trump, the Patriots, they wanted them to do this because they needed to take control of the country. They needed the insurrection to take control. They needed the military activated, and they needed everything in place, and they needed to cast them in the act, because again, they went far above and beyond to cheat in that election than they’ve ever done before. So this time around, I do believe Trump and the patriots, they want them to postpone it.

So this way, we don’t use their cheating system. And I do believe we can see at this point that this is where this is all headed. Now, Trump, he did put out two truths, and this is the first one. He said the following. Only a fool or a radical left Democrat would vote for this horrendous border bill which only gives shutdown authority after 5000 encounters a day when we already have the right to close the border now, which must be done.

The bill is a great gift to the Democrats and a death wish for the republican party. It takes the horrible job the Democrats have done on immigration and the border, absolves them, and puts it all squarely on the shoulders of Republicans. Don’t be stupid. We need a separate border and immigration bill. It should not be tied to foreign aid in any way, shape or form. The Democrats broke immigration and the border.

They should fix it. Make America great again. Then he says the following. The ridiculous border bill is nothing more than a highly sophisticated trap for Republicans to assume the blame on what the radical left Democrats have done to our border just in time for our most important ever election. Don’t fall for it. And it looks like the blockers, they are in place and they’re not falling for it.

I mean, just think about it. If you had the uni party in charge and we didn’t have our blockers there, the patriots, this would have gone through. If we had all Democrats, this would have gone through. Remember, the swamp is all around them. They’re there to block things. They’re there to investigate. They’re there because they have the control. They’re not there to change everything in this country because the country is run by the criminal syndicate.

And you have to remember the plan. The plan is to wake the people up. The plan is to have the people take back this country. It’s not for the Supreme Court to take back the country. It’s not for any of the other people in Congress to take back the country. Trump wants the people to see their system. He wants the people to see the two tier justice system.

He wants the people to see, look what they’re doing at the border. He wants the people to see, look, they’re bringing us to war because they’re not getting what they want. That’s actually what’s happening right now. Actually, if you look at Chuck Schumer, he said something very, very interesting. He is now warning that if this bill isn’t passed and we don’t give the money to Ukraine, what’s going to happen? Well, he’s letting everyone know that they’re going to send uS troops to fight Russia unless the Republicans agree to this.

So he’s threatening war right now. And what do you think is going to happen when they don’t get what they want? Yes, they’re going to punish the american people. How do they punish the american people? They bring them to war. They keep the borders open. They keep doing what they’re doing and they make it terrible for we the people, because again, they are the deep state. And if you don’t do what we say, we’re going to make your lives miserable.

And if you keep doing this, we will bring you to war and make you pay big time. But think about Trump’s strategy here. Think about what he’s doing with this entire country. Remember, this is about waking the people up and taking back this country and those blue states that are loyal to the Democrats. What did Trump have to do to actually show these people that the Democrats don’t care about them, that their policies don’t make sense for America, that it’s going to hurt their communities? He needed to show them firsthand what they are doing in this country.

So the borders are open. And those southern countries like Texas, they are sending the illegals to all the blue states, the blue cities. What do you think is happening in these states? In these states, the people are getting a taste of open borders because remember, they didn’t know anything about it. Yes, they hear about it. They understand that it’s happening down south, but now it’s happening in their backyard.

Do you think things are changing in the blue states? You think the people are waking up? Yes. Just look at the black community in Chicago. Look at the communities in New York City. Look at the people in Boston. They’re all starting to realize this isn’t good for America, especially the black communities. And this is how Trump is going to flip these areas. Daniel Onx put this out and said, this is awesome.

New York City is Trump country. So Trump was being interviewed and he was asked, listen, would you do a rally in the Bronx? Would you do it in New York City? And I do believe Trump said, yes, I’ll do it in Madison Square Garden. And with everything that everything is seeing, what do you think Trump’s going to do? He’s going to use the illegal immigrant crisis and he’s going to flip New York.

He’ll probably end up going to Chicago, he’ll go to Boston, and he’s going to use all of this against the DS. This is part of his strategy to wake these people up and to get these people to take back this country. And actually, we already starting to see it because the people at New York saying, we would love Trump to be here, we would love to see Trump.

Trump needs to come here. We need to take back the country. And remember, this is what this is all about. It’s all about the 2024 election. It’s all about taking back this country. And how do you take back the country? You got to wake up these people that have been sleeping, and the only way to wake them up is to show them, to make them feel it. And that’s what they’re feeling.

And it’s not just here in this country. People are feeling all of this around the world. And this is why the world is going to become united in the end. Because they’re seeing what the deep state players are doing. They’re seeing what Soros is doing. And this started way, way back, going all the way back to Obama, where they unleashed the illegal throughout Europe. Actually, with all the wars in Europe, they took the people in prison, the mental facilities and everything else, and they stored them in Turkey.

And if you remember back in time, I do believe it was probably like around 2013, 2014, around that period of time, Turkey released the illegals into Europe. And they traveled to all the countries, and the countries were flooded with all these refugees, and a lot of them were just prisoners and mental people. It’s the dregs of society. That’s what’s been released all around the world. Actually, if you look at all the countries in the Middle east, they’ve just been opening up their prisons and mental facilities and everything else, and they’ve been bringing these people into these countries, terrorists, you name it.

And this is what you’re seeing across Europe, and now we have the people of Ireland, they’re protesting against mass immigration. And we’re starting to see this out in the UK, we’re starting to see this out in France, out in Spain and all these other countries. We’re seeing it here in the United States. And once again, you can see why the deep state players were doing all of this, because these are their foot soldiers.

This is how they infiltrate the countries. This is how they use them. They use them in elections, they use them in chaos. And this is why they wanted to get rid of the weapons from the people. This is why they were trying to get rid of everyone’s weapons, because it’s a lot easier to take over a country when people can’t defend themselves. Just go back in history. Why do you think in the UK and Australia, New Zealand, Canada, why do you think they started out with the AR fifteen s, then they went to pistols.

Actually, Canada just said where pistols are banned. And look at UK, they have a knife problem now they have swords and people using machetes in the UK to kill people. You see, it’s not the weapon. People will always find a different weapon. It’s the people that are going to use the weapons to kill. And now what’s the UK doing? Well, now we got to ban knives. Soon the people will be using sticks and rocks.

So it has nothing to do with guns. They just want you disarmed. In the end, they start with the scary AR 15, then they move to pistols, then they say, all guns. And then people use knives. And then they say, holy crap, now we can’t allow people to use knives. Oh, wait, you’re using a stick now. Now we can’t allow you to use the stick. You can’t use a rock.

Soon you can’t use anything. Everything will be against the law. And remember, it’s the criminals that are using these weapons. The everyday citizen wants to use these weapons to protect themselves. But again, what’s the main agenda? The main agenda is to make sure the people don’t have the ability to defend themselves in the end. Because the government, the dictators, the tyranical governments, the World Economic Forum, the central bank, the deep state players, they want complete and utter control.

But you can see around the world, it is not working. I mean, just look at El Salvador right now. The president of El Salvador, he won with 87. 61% of the votes. And the other people that were running against him, they weren’t even close. 4%, 1%. And there was a landslide there. You know why? The people voted for him because remember when he built the prisons and he actually took all the MS 13 gang members and all the criminals, he rounded them up and put them into prisons.

Well, the people saw the difference. The people said, holy crap, look at our country now. It’s beautiful. There’s no crime, there’s no killing. There’s nothing. He cleaned it all up. And remember when they told us that the mass arresting criminals in El Salvador was a threat to democracy? Well, it looks like 87% of the population in El Salvador likes it. Lives at TikTok. Put this out and said.

2019, Bukolay wins the presidency. Announces sweeping reform to crack down on crime and gangs. 2020 homicide rates at historic low. 2021 murder rate down 59% from 2019. 2022 murders decrease by over 50%. 2023 murders fall by 70%. 2024 Bukolay gets reelected in a landslide victory, winning 85 or actually 87% of the vote. Bukolay did what he was elected to do. He’s keeping his citizens safe, putting criminals behind bars, punishing violent crime.

Works. And, yes, this is what it looks like when someone is elected. All these other people that you see, they’re installed, they don’t work for we the people. And you can see this in France, you could see this out in Germany. You can see in many different places. These people do not work for we the people. They work for the central bank, the World Economic forum, and the deep state players.

This is why they need to install people. This is why they need to cheat in elections, because no one in their right mind would ever, ever vote for these people. Because, again, think about all the people that have been in Congress for 40, 50, 60, 70 years. Have they made any changes? Have the people, their lives been improved? No, actually, if you look at it, everything has gotten worse because this is one gigantic criminal syndicates.

The mafia that is running this country. And I think the people are seeing this very, very clearly, and we could see that the case against Biden with his classified documents, it looks like Biden’s aides do not expect criminal charges as a result of the investigation. So, once again, there are going to be no criminal charges against Biden, but he did break the law because he was a senator and a vice president, he took classified information, which is against the Presidential Records act, and there are no charges whatsoever.

Libby Emmons put this out and said, so Biden won’t be criminally charged for hanging on to classified documents from his VP term, but Trump is being prosecuted for docs he held onto as president. We knew it was bogus but this just seals it. And she’s absolutely right. And we can see that they are just trying to get Trump. They know that he’s completely innocent. They don’t have a case.

They’re using the corrupt judges, the corrupt prosecutors. These are the people that have been installed in these positions. Most of these people are probably bribed and blackmailed, and they must do what they are told to do. And these people are just trying to get Trump. But again, there’s no evidence. They’re not following the rule of law. And all of this is going to fail in the end. This is not hurting Trump.

This is actually helping Trump. Because what are people seeing? The people are seeing a two tier justice system and they’re seeing a banana republic. Trump, he put this out on truth. He said the following. Remember all of those trials and all that litigation you constantly read and hear about federal, state and local, criminal and civil, is brought to you by crooked Joe Biden and his thugs at the DOJ in order to interfere with the presidential election of 2024.

This has never happened so blatantly in the USA before, only in third world countries. Watch for it. The radical left democrats new way of cheating. They are destroying our country, but we will win and make America great again. And I do believe that Trump has many things planned. And again, he’s not going to be out there telling everyone what the plan is. But every once in a while, Trump comes out and lets everyone know that something might be happening.

And what’s very interesting is he was being interviewed by Maria Bartaroma and he said something about Chris Ray because he said he fired a lot of people. And Maria said, well, you didn’t fire Chris Ray, but he did say something very, very interesting about Chris Ray. Karma Patriot put this out. So take a listen to what Trump said. I got rid of him. You didn’t fire Christopher Ray.

Well, you know what? At the time, I don’t know. Let’s see what the final judgment is. But I didn’t fire Christopher Ray. I didn’t fire people. I would have, but I fired a lot of people. Trump says that, let’s see what the final judgment is. I didn’t fire Christopher Ray. So again, why would he leave Christopher Ray in place now, again, everyone’s like, well, he’s not doing his job.

Well, maybe he is doing his job because sometimes your job is to do nothing. Because again, think about it. If this is about waking the people up, if this is about taking back this country and the people must take it back, you can’t depend on the FBI, the DOJ, the Supreme Court. The people must understand how the country was infiltrated. The people must understand that all of these policies hurt this country.

The people must say, enough is enough. We’re taking it back. And the way to do this is to show the people, so maybe these people jobs. Their job is to sit there and go along with the deep state players. The deep state will think, hey, they’re on our side, so let’s keep doing it. What happens if Ray is monitoring the deep state from within? What happens if they’re watching them and they have an investigation going on? Think about it for a second.

And what happens if he is activated later on? If you go back in time and you look at Coates, he was activated. Later on, he was replaced, but he was activated. What happens if Trump did the same thing that the deep state did? They installed sleepers to be activated at a later time. So let’s go back to some posts here. Post four, three, 3. December 22, 2017 it says trust Ray post 787 February 18, 2018 trust sessions.

Trust Ray 2018 will be glorious. What happens if it’s 2024? That will be glorious. Why would Q ever give the exact year out? It wouldn’t happen. Post 1172, April 17, 2018 rays of light. Then we have post 35, 37 and Anon on the board. And by the way, this July 29, 2019, and Anon on the board said Ray is a sleeper, future marker. I do believe since Trump just said, let’s see what happens, I do believe most likely he’s a sleeper and he’s going to be activated at a later date.

Remember, don’t expect things to change right now because this is not about changing the country using Congress. Because first of all, you have the uniparty. You have the DS, you have the swamp, you have the criminal syndicate. Certain people are put into place to do a certain job. We are at war right now. Pence, I do believe, was put into place to do what? To do what he needed to do with the certification of the election.

So the deep state players would push very, very hard to change the law where the vice president can’t send back the votes to the legislatures. Because, remember, if you’re basing all of this on 2024, which I do believe Trump is, because he told us that this is the final battle, would you want that in place going into 2024? Who is the vice president? Kamala Harris. Trump knew that that was going to be the vice president.

Do they want them to have the ability to send the votes back to the legislators? No. They don’t. Why? Because what happens if we don’t use their cheating systems? What happens if we use the paper ballots and Trump wins, which I do believe he’s going to win. And do you want these results going to the Senate where the vice president has the ability to send it back to the legislatures? No, you don’t want them to have the ability.

Trump was thinking way, way in advance and he needed to set everything up. So when we have our vote and the people take back this country, the people’s vote stands. Because remember, the deep state players, if we’re using paper ballots and we’re not using their system, do you think they’re going to accept any of this? No, they’re not going to accept it at all. And they’re going to try to stay in power.

And Trump, he took the ability away from them to send it back to the legislators, which means it pushes them into something different where the whole entire country is going to see how they’re going to try to stay in power. Now, I do believe they’re going to use the illegals, they’re going to use chaos, and they’re going to have a coup where they’re going to say that Trump isn’t the rightful president.

Do you think the people of the country that just voted for Trump, do you think they’ll go along with Trump and the military when they. No, no. We’re arresting you. Do you think the country will be with Trump at this point? Absolutely. And I do believe that this is what this is all building up to. And Trump and the Patriots, they’re leading them down this path. And we can see that Biden, he is struggling right now.

His poll numbers are dropping and he is not going to speak at the Super bowl. The president usually has an interview during the Super bowl and it looks like he’s not doing it this time. Trump, he put this out on truth. He said the following. Cricket, Joe Biden has just announced that he will not be doing the big Super bowl interview. A great decision. He can’t put two sentences together.

I would be happy to replace him. Would be ratings gold. Actually, he should replace him and it would be ratings gold. But let me go back to post. 28 43 February 20, 2019 and down below, it says the fun begins directly after we will make the Super bowl look like a puppy show. So I do believe we’re going to see a lot happen right after the Super bowl.

Remember, Biden already moved the state of the union to after Super Tuesday. And I do believe we’re going to see, a lot of things change because Biden, his popularity is in the dirt. Logan Dompson put this out and said, good news for dems. Joe Biden is not the least popular person in the NBC poll. By net positive, negative, bad news for dems, it’s Kamala. So once again, we have two individuals that are bombing in the polls.

And Kamala, just like when Biden was writing the first time, is leading in negative polls. Unbelievable. And the people, they understand that Biden’s cognitive ability, well, that’s pretty much shot. And I think the people are realizing this. And eventually what’s going to happen if he doesn’t want to leave? I do believe he’s going to be forced out. I do believe the DS are going to take him out.

I don’t think it’s up to the Republicans to take him out. First of all, you would acknowledge that he’s the president, which he’s not. He’s the president, so you can’t impeach the resident. So I do believe the DS in the end, they will push to remove Biden. And I think the optics for that is going to be a lot better for the Patriots. And I do believe Trump, the Patriots are actually pushing this.

And I think Obama in the end will make that move to remove Biden, try to give him a deal. If he doesn’t accept the deal, they will use the 25th amendment. But Rasmussen reports they put this out on x and says 61% of voters say that it is likely. The news media is helping cover up evidence of Biden’s declining mental sharpness. 36% say not likely. So 61% of voters already know that his cognitive abilities are shot.

The fake news is covering it up. And eventually what’s going to happen is they’re going to force him out. And I think it’s already started because if you look at all the fake news, they’re actually showing that Trump is now leading Biden. And again, remember the fake news? They used fake polls and they would never come out and say, oh, look, Trump’s in the lead. Look what they did with Hillary Clinton and Trump.

They tried to make it look like that Trump wasn’t even close to Hillary and actually Trump won the election. Now they’re doing the opposite and saying that Trump is leading Biden and it’s getting wider and wider. And I do believe they’re already starting the narrative to force Biden out. And I do believe we’re going to see a change of batter. And I do believe this is exactly what Trump and the Patriots want.

I know a lot of people are nervous about Michelle Obama coming into focus, which I do believe that’s who’s coming into focus because Trump, he was giving an interview with Maria Bartaroma and she asked him about Newsom and he said, no way. It’s not going to be Newsom. He’s not going to be running. They might put him in as a placeholder, but he won’t be the final guy.

If they do do that, if they don’t do that, I do believe it’s going to be Michelle all the way. And they’ll wait probably until the summertime to bring her in, maybe around August. But again, he already said no, I don’t think he’s going to be the guy. And I do believe they’re getting prepared and ready to bring in the change of pattern. I do believe Trump, the patriots want the Obamas front and center because again, just like the investigation brought out evidence against Biden and his criminal activities, I do believe the same thing is going to happen with Obama.

Remember, Obama picked his United States Secret Service name. It’s renegade. What’s the definition of renegade? Traitor. So I think Trump wants Michelle Barack front and center. And I do believe they want to bring out evidence and show what they have done to this country, how they’re treasonous to this country and have the people see who they truly are. And I do believe the people are going to see who the traitors really are.

Because again, if you’re going to go after all these people and you’re going to take back the country, you need to show the people who’ve been destroying this country. And I think the people are going to see this. And I do believe this is part of Trump’s plan. And once people start to find out who and what these people really are, and everything falls apart for the deep state players, they will then push war.

And they’re going to be pushing war this entire time because that’s eventually where they want us to go, but they’re going to really ramp it up because they’re going to realize, holy crap, even though we’re using Michelle Obama, we don’t have the ability to cheat. We don’t have the illegals like we needed them. We can’t use the mail ins with the illegals. We are trapped in all of this and we’re gonna have to postpone the election.

We have to stop it to make sure that we stay in power for a little bit longer until we get this war going. And I do believe Trump and the patriots. They’re counting on this because they have other plans to allow the people to have their voice heard, their vote count finally and actually elect someone who’s fighting for them. And I do believe this is about to happen.

And we’re going to be getting closer and closer to this. And I do believe right after the Super bowl, the fun is really going to start. Is it going to get scary? Yes. Are people going to wake up? Yes. Are people going to see the truth? Yes. And actually, I do believe this is all part of Trump’s campaign to wake the country up and show the country the truth, because the truth always wins.

Listen, everyone, thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot. .

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