Ep 3271b – Ds Own The Border Nightmare War Is Approaching Time To Wake The Rest Of The Country: X22 report

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports



➡ Dave from the X22 Report talks about how the country is facing problems because of decisions made by politicians. He says that when Trump was president, he tried to secure the borders by building a wall, but some people called him racist. Now, people are seeing that having secure borders might be a good idea. David also talks about how the country might be heading towards war and how important it is to be prepared for medical emergencies.
➡ Some people are worried that the upcoming election might be stopped or delayed because of a war. They think that those in power are scared of losing their positions and will do anything to keep them. Also, a government official named Corey Bush is being investigated for possibly using government money wrongly. Lastly, there are problems with too many migrants coming into cities like Denver, and people are blaming President Biden for this because of his open border policy.
➡ This text talks about how the current government is making decisions that some people don’t agree with, like not continuing to build a wall at the border. Some people think this could lead to problems, like more crime or even a war. The text also talks about how some people in government might not be loyal to the United States. Lastly, it mentions a gas mask that can protect you from harmful things like chemical weapons.
➡ This text talks about how some people believe that open borders and certain policies are causing problems in our cities and countries. It also discusses the fear of a possible war, with many attacks happening in the Middle East. The text suggests that some people think the current leaders are not doing a good job and are leading us towards war. It ends by saying that people might change their minds when they see the effects of war in their own country.
➡ Mark Cuban, a famous businessman, was told off by Andrea Lucas, a big boss at the EEOC, for not hiring people fairly. She said that you can’t choose who to hire based on their race or gender. Some people are saying that this is a new kind of racism. They believe that these people are trying to make young people think that racism is okay, which is not true.
➡ There’s also a big legal case happening that could cost a lot of money. Some people are trying to pressure Donald Trump, a former president, to quit his business. But he’s not giving up and plans to fight back in court.
➡ There’s a secret document from when Obama was president that might change everything. It says that the president is in charge of all the information he gets. This could affect the case against Trump, who is accused of destroying important documents.
➡ Lastly, Trump is winning legal battles that are trying to stop him from running for president again. Some people think that those who don’t want him to win are planning to cheat or even start a war. But Trump and his supporters are ready to fight back.
➡ This text talks about how some people think there might be a big change in our country’s leadership soon. They believe that if Trump gets elected again, he will quickly fix a lot of problems. They also think that some people who have done bad things to our country will be caught and punished. Lastly, they believe that the people of our country have the power to make these changes happen.


Report. My name is David. This episode 3271 bn. Today’s date is January 30, 2024. And the title of the episode is D’s own. The border nightmare. War is approaching. Time to wake the rest of the country. Let’s get into the economic collapse. Political and geopolitical news now. The deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet masters, they are now trapped in their entire agenda. Remember, they tried to use the 16 year plan, and they tried to use that plan, and they projected it onto Trump.

So when Trump was in the White House, they had the illegals come up to the border. And what did Trump do? He decided to secure the borders. He decided to build a wall. And what did the fake news do? What did the corrupt politicians do? Well, they call Trump racist. Look, if you’re shutting the border, it’s racism, it’s xenophobia. And we need the border open because these people are seeking asylum.

Now, of course they built this up. Built this up. And the people know, maybe we don’t need a wall. Maybe we shouldn’t have the border shut. So what did Trump need to do? He needed to show people what the country would be like if we had no wall, if we had an open border. And they were allowed to bring in as many illegals as possible. So now the people, they see something very, very different.

Do they think it’s racist anymore? Do they think it’s xenophobia anymore? Or are they looking at it saying, you know something, we need a wall and we need the borders shut down? You see, sometimes you got to show the people. Remember the 16 year plan when they said Trump was going to start a war and crash the economy? Well, what did Biden do? Well, he reversed everything that Trump has done.

They introduced the green news scam. They are trying to bring us into the great reset. And they went ahead and they made the country where it is no longer energy independent. So do you think the people see the difference right now? Yes. Remember, they tried to use the 16 year plan on Trump. Trump now has reversed everything. And he’s showing the people, look at what they’re doing to the country.

They are destroying it. Do you agree with it? And the majority of the people are not agreeing with this. Now we are approaching war. And I do believe this is the last part of the 16 year plan, because the 16 year plan that was laid out was supposed to be Hillary Clinton. She was supposed to bring us to war. And Trump, he’s turned this on the Biden administration, turned this on the Obama administration, because that’s who’s really running the country.

And now this is being used against them. Remember, they said that Trump was going to start a war. They said Trump was going to crash the economy. Trump turned this around and he is now using this on them. And the border nightmare right now? Well, the DS own this. No matter what they try to do, no matter how they try to flip it or whatever they try to do, it is not going to work.

The people just aren’t going along with it. And as we approach war, this is going to be the scare event where this is going to wake up the last part of the country, because once again, the people need to be brought to a point where they find that will to change. And that place is going to look very, very scary, and that is going to be war. And they’re going to experience something that they never experienced before.

Because I don’t believe that we’ve actually really experienced war in a very long time. And this is not just conventional war. This is not a war in a far off land. This is war here in America. Let’s talk about protecting our health. Recent clusters of respiratory illness in northern China, alongside outbreaks of what is being referred to as white lung syndrome in the United States, are scattered across headlines right now, drawing attention to the importance of being prepared for medical emergencies.

With close to 90% of pharmaceuticals in the US produced outside of the US, what happens when the next global crisis strikes? Countries clamp down on exports, they stockpile, the price of drugs rise, and the pharmacy shelves in America aren’t empty. Introducing the wellness company medical emergency kit. The wellness company is home to Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Drew Pinsky, Dr. Jim Thorpe, and truth telling doctors who are rooted in their commitment to building a parallel health care system and empowering you to take control of your health.

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And I do believe war will be coming to the United States. And this is going to wake up the last batch of people and they’re going to be slapped out of their coma. And yes, there’s going to be hard decisions that are going to need to be made. Because again, the people have been resisting Trump for a very long time. They’ve been resisting everything that he’s been doing.

And remember, to take this country back, to have the people say, enough is enough, you need the country. You just can’t have independents. You just can’t have republicans. You need the DS, too. You need to get the country together. You need the country united. And if the country is going to war, this is going to wake a lot of people up. Now, I know there’s going to be a lot of those people who are going to act like big shots and they’re going to be all brave like, oh, bring on war.

I’ll go out there. I’ll be on the front line. But again, until you’re faced with actual war, until you’re faced with that scare event, everyone always talks like a big shot and they always tell you what they’re going to do and how they rather go into battle than vote for Trump. But again, until you’re faced with reality, you don’t know what your decision is going to make. And I do believe that most of these people are going to fold in the end, because in the end, they’re going to look around and they’re going to say, you know something, I definitely do not want a nuclear war.

I’d rather have peace, and I’d rather vote for the guy who puts out mean tweets. And once again, the people, in the end, they’re going to make a decision that they never expected that they would make. And I do believe that time is getting closer and closer and closer because we could see what’s going on out in the Middle east that is now building. And I do believe we’re going to see an event in this country.

Because, again, if we’re striking Iran or doing something with Iran, and Iran’s going to be doing something here, we know the borders are wide open. They know that there is no strength behind the resident, so they know that they can go ahead and actually attack America without any problem. You see, when the enemy knows this, they know they have the upper hand. So I do believe we’re going to see many different events.

We’re going to see the country go down the track towards war. Actually, Trump has warned us about this quite often, and I do believe it’s going to build and build and build as time goes on, especially as we approach the presidential election. And I wouldn’t be surprised as we get closer to the presidential election. I wouldn’t be surprised if the countries attack one way or another. Now, I don’t mean they’re going to fire nuclear weapon into the country and it’s going to explode.

I mean, we might see an event here because of open borders. We might see a cyberattack against this country. And I do believe this is going to happen as we get closer to the presidential election. Because, number one, yes, they want to bring us to war. Number two, they’re going to have to actually stop the elections one way or another. Remember, they took a year plus planning what they did in 2020.

They unleashed a virus into the United States and around the world just to stop Trump from winning the election. What do you think they’re going to do this time around? Do you really think they’re not going to do anything? Of course they are, because they are now very, very desperate. They know if he wins, it’s game over. They understand that the people are with him because they understand internal polls and they understand that they have no alternative but to try to stop him.

And I do believe they will do this with war. It will be connected to the war that is coming, which means they will try to shut down the election system and they’re going to try to postpone the elections. Remember when they said that Trump wasn’t going to leave the White House, that Trump would have to be dragged out of there? They were actually projecting what they were going to do in 2024, because once again, they’re the ones who are not going to give up their power.

They’re the ones who are going to have to be dragged out of the White House. They’re the ones who are not going to accept the results. They’re the ones who are going to push us to war. And we could see that that is building and building and building. We’ll be talking a lot more about war a little bit later. But first, let’s talk about what’s happening with all these installed criminals, because we can see there’s many of them in Congress.

And again, if there was an elected official, a true elected official, these people would be working for the american people. How do you know they’re installed? Whether allegiance doesn’t lie to America. And it seems that they always run into problems with misusing their funds during elections. Remember, they’re bringing in criminals. So if you’re bringing in a criminal and you’re installing them into a position, what do criminals do? They commit crimes.

That’s why we continually see this with the D party and the rhinos. So now we have Representative Corey Bush. She is under investigation by the Justice Department for allegedly misusing government funds meant for private security. The Justice Department subpoenaed the House sergeant at arms for records related to the misuse of federal security money. Bush has spent 756,000 on security since she was elected in 2020, her largest expenditure by far.

Now watchdog has demanded the Federal Elections Commission investigate the 62,000. Representative Corey Bush paid her now husband as a security guard from her campaign account. So remember Corey Bush going back in time when she said, defund the police? Well, she is the one who hired extra security, private security, while she was telling the american people, you’ll just have to do without the police. So once again, she’s doing one thing and telling the people something completely different.

And that tells you everything you need to know, just like the border tells you everything you need to know. Remember, the border deal is a trap. The DS, they know they are trapped in the border. They know that Biden is the one who created all this. And what they’re trying to do is they’re trying to turn this all around. And how are they trying to do this? Well, they’re trying to convince everyone that it’s because of the GOP, it’s because of Trump, even though he’s not in Congress, he’s not the president right now, even though he is the commander in chief.

And they’re trying to blame this all on them. And this is how this trap is supposed to work. Senate Democrats plan to send a package over to the House that includes some significant concessions on the handling of migrants at the border. If the package is enacted, Democrats believe they can more or less take border security off the table for November by touting a bipartisan remedy for what is perceived as an uncontrolled influx of asylum seekers.

If House Republicans kill the deal as inadequately savage on border security, as House Speaker Mike Johnson has strongly hinted they might, then the Democrats hope to flip the issue by pointing out that the GOP is elevating election year political consideration over the policy outcomes they claim to want. They’re keeping the details of this deal secret. The question is why? If it’s so wonderful, why not make it public? Because once again, they’re not transparent.

And the deal actually is going to allow more people into this country. And I think the people of this country, they realize that who is really responsible for this? Biden is the one who is responsible for all this. So no matter what games they play, the people of this country, they’re not buying it. And we’ll explain why in just a second. But the other thing that’s very interesting is we could see the cities out in New York, in Chicago, in Denver, in many other places.

You can see they’re having a very, very difficult time. And remember, these people voted for Biden. They wanted open borders. They wanted all this to happen. And now it is happening and they don’t like it. Well, they just don’t like it because they’re not getting the money that they want. Actually, if you listen to any of these people, they’ve never said close the border. They just continually complain because what do they want? They want the money.

But the people of these areas, they are the ones that are complaining. They’re the ones who are saying enough is enough. Look what’s happening out in Denver. A city of 710,000 struggles to cope with 40,000 migrant arrivals. And starting February 5, Denver will start limiting the number of days migrants can stay in shelters and sending those who exceed their stay out onto the streets. You think the people of that town, you think they understand what’s going on? You think the people of New York City is understanding what’s going on? You think the people of Chicago is understanding what’s going on? Yes.

The people, they’re not stupid. They know exactly what’s going on and they know that this is Biden’s policy. It’s open borders. David Sachs put this out and said Biden’s policy is open borders. Everything else is noise. And that’s absolutely true. And actually everything is being used against them. We had the White House press secretary, Kareem Jean Pierre, she was asked why it wasn’t racist for Joe Biden to threaten to close the southern border when Democrats said it was racist for Trump to do so in 2019.

So now they’re being called out on their bs and they can’t answer that question. And remember, and I think everyone does remember this going back from the very, very beginning when Biden came into the White House, Mayorkas Biden and the rest, and even the White House press secretary, they told us from the very, very beginning that the border is secure. This is the secures border we have ever seen.

So how in the world are they going to make it secure if it’s already secure? It doesn’t make sense. The people, they get it. And the other thing that’s very interesting, and Bill Malugan put this out on x. A reporter asked John Kirby why Biden doesn’t just use the executive authority at the border. Kirby replied, Biden is willing to, but wants, needs the Senate border bill. First reporter asked why Kirby says Biden needs the authority in the bill.

That is not true. I think everyone knows that’s not true. The same authority Biden used to reverse almost every Trump policy at the border, including terminating the national emergency declaration at the border upon taking office, can be used to make significant changes. Even Elon Musk is out there saying no laws need to be passed. All that is needed is an executive order to require proof before granting asylum hearing.

That is how it used to be. So basically what they did was they reversed everything that Trump did. And the people, they understand this. Raspussen reports. Put this out and said, do you support or oppose Texas taking action to prevent illegal immigration? Well, the dems, they support Texas taking action to prevent illegal immigration. 52% of dems, they just went against Biden. Independent 66% say yes, we support Texas.

GOP 89% yes, we support Texas. All voters, 69% support Texas over the Biden administration. That tells you everything you need to know. And Steve Miller put this out and said, question for the White House press office. What was Biden hoping to achieve when he did each of the following? Terminating remain in Mexico. Canceling safe thirds ordering borderwide catch and release freeing adult single crosses for the first time in us history releasing illegals from Mexico at a scale for the first time in history.

Slashing detention exempting UAC and families from title 42 ending title 42 ending dna testing to disrupt fake families, child trafficking ending domestic UAC enforcement ceasing prosecution ordering ICE to exempt virtually all eagles, including criminals, from interior enforcement and thus slashing interior removals to all time record lows. Ending work site enforcement lifting 243 day visa sanctions ending HaRP PACR ending expanded ER in the interior ending vast majority of ER at the border ending borderwalk construction that tells you everything you need to know.

Biden reversed all this to create this border crisis. And the people, they understand it, no matter what Biden says, oh, I need that bill. You don’t need that bill. We know exactly what you did. And the people of this country are watching this play out. And once again, the Republicans, they have to do absolutely nothing. Biden can do this very, very easily. Remember what Trump said back in 2020.

Okay, Biden. Yep. You’re coming into the White House. All you got to do is keep our policies intact. Everything that we have for the border, keep building the wall, and the border is going to be fine. Now, do you really think Trump thought he was going to continue with his policies? No. He knew exactly what he was going to do. He was going to reverse everything. And that would create the border crisis again.

How do you wake the american people up? How do you get them to see the truth of the matter? Words are cheap. You need to see the actions. And that’s exactly what people are seeing right now. Take this to the next step. What happens now since we have open borders and we know there’s terrorists roaming around the country? What happens when there’s a terrorist event? It’s going to be linked to open borders.

And this is all going to come down, crashing around the Biden administration and the people of this country. They’re going to see firsthand who is responsible for all of this. And yes, this is then going to lead to war. And again, how do you wake the american people up? You need to show who the criminals are. You need to show who the liars are. You need to show who they truly are.

And the people need to watch their actions. And when you’re watching their actions, that is when you see the truth. All that other noise, oh, the GOP needs to sign the bill. It’s all bs. It’s all cover for what they have done. Why? Because they need the money. They need the money for Ukraine and they realize that they’re not getting it. This is the only reason they decided to even bring up the border, because if they got the money, they wouldn’t care about the border.

Everything that they’re doing is BS. And I think the people from all the polls now, they definitely see, I mean, think about it, 70% of the people, they’re saying we’re with Texas. We’re not with the Biden administration and even the dems, they’re saying we’re with Texas. That tells you everything you need to know. Are the people awake? Absolutely. Are the good guys winning? Absolutely. See, you have to remember, everything that we’re witnessing, everything that we’re seeing is not about a four year election.

It’s not about, oh, let’s bring this candidate in. This is about showing the people the truth. Remember the people. In the end, they must make their decision. They must understand who the criminals are who the treasonous people really are, who the liars are. And the only way for the people to actually see it is to actually show them. And that’s exactly what Trump is doing. He is actually showing everyone.

Look, here they are. Look what they’re doing to this country. You are the court of public opinion. They are on trial right now, and you’re going to have to go ahead and give your verdict during the presidential election. And I do believe the people are going to give the verdict of guilty, because when they vote for Trump, that is a guilty verdict against them. And that tells you everything you need to know.

Just like when we start to look at all the different agencies, we know that they’re corrupt. They have lost all credibility. We could see that these agencies, the NSA, CIA, FBI, DHS, DOJ, all the rest, they’ve been put in a place to go up against the american people. And you can see it as clear as day with the FDA, the CDC, when Covid hit, you could see it with DHS, FBI, when they were spying on the people and censoring people with the social media platforms.

And now we’ve come to learn that the National Security Agency has been accused of buying Americans Internet browsing data without warrants. And this is according to new documents that were just released, which tells you everything you need to know. Everything that these agencies have been doing has been violating our constitutional rights. And all these people that were installed into these positions, they are now treasonous against this country.

And their allegiance does not lie with the United States of America. All you got to do is look at Corey Bush. All you got to do is look at Omar, and you can see that their allegiance is not to the United States. Their first allegiance is to their country, which means they’re in the wrong position, which means they are treasonous to the United States, because, again, they were not elected to this position.

They were installed. And their first allegiance, because they swore an oath to the Constitution, is to the United States. And if they’re going to come out and tell everyone that it isn’t, we do not need them in these positions. Actually, most of these people probably can just leave. And those people that were brought into the different agencies as swamp creatures, their allegiance is not to this country. And I think the people of this country, they’re starting to really understand, and they’re starting to realize that their allegiance does not lie with the United States.

Let’s talk about protecting ourselves. With tensions between China and Taiwan, the Middle east and eastern Europe, World War II has never been this close. But many war experts agree that the worst outcome isn’t nukes, it’s chemical weapons. That’s because chemical weapons have the potential not only for immediate mass devastation, but painful long term health effects that span generations among innocent civilians. This is why I highly recommend grabbing a Patriot M 54 gas mask ASAP.

The Patriot M 54 gas mask offers support for respiratory and facial protection during chemical, biological, and radioactive contamination, including the most commonly used agents like tear gas and pepper spray. This affordable gas mask comes with industry leading features, including comfortable, secure fit, low breathing resistance, unobstructed vision, quick release buckles impact resistance, and is one size fits all. Get the Patriot M 54 gas mask today to receive 70% off plus several other bonuses, completely for free.

Order now by going to getgasmas. com, that is getgasmas. com or by clicking the link in. The description does not lie with the american people. And now it’s becoming clearer and clearer as time goes on, because now you could see the dictators, you could see the criminals, you could see who they really are. Remember, in the past, they hid behind their roles and they pretended to be something that they weren’t.

But now people could see very clearly that they are criminals and they’re running a criminal syndicate in this country. That’s why when people say, why isn’t anything getting done? Because when the criminal syndicate controls the country, nothing will ever get done. There’ll be no justice. They won’t follow the rule of law. They will do nothing to help the american people. They will do everything opposite. And I think the people, they’re starting to understand this, and they’re starting to realize that, yes, this is exactly what these people do.

And we could see why the deep state players don’t want any country to go against their entire agenda of bringing in the illegals into the country. It’s almost like the private west essential bank, the private west central bank doesn’t want any country out there where they’re not using the private west essential bank currency. Because then you would see the country do very, very well. Because when you’re using a currency outside of the private west essential bank system and the people are creating their own currency, that means they are not borrowing it.

That means there’s no interest attached, which means the country does very, very well. The same thing with the illegals coming into the country. If you have every country where they’re bringing in illegals, well, you can’t see the difference because all the countries look the same. Garbage everywhere, crime everywhere, people sleeping on the streets. But if you have a country like Hungary, where we have Victor Orbin, and he’s pushing back against illegal immigration because they have zero illegal immigration.

What do you see when you look at the country? You see a clean, low crime country. And this is what the deep state has a problem with, because people could see the difference. Wall Street, Silver and X put this out and says, the European Union is obsessed with trying to punish Hungary and its prime minister, Victor Orbin, because he does not comply with their fake refugee policy and rejects them.

And in Hungary, with zero illegal immigration, you can enjoy a trip on the subway without being harassed. And the subway looks clean. It looks like there’s no crime. It looks very nice. And you could see why the deep state players, you could see why they don’t want anyone to see this, because when you see it, you say, you know, that’s what our country was like at one time, and we would like to go back to that.

And once again, I think people now are experiencing the illegals. They’re experiencing how these illegals, just by letting them all in, destroys their economy, destroys their country, destroys their culture, destroys pretty much everything. I think the people in this country, in New York City, in Chicago, and many other areas, these people are starting to understand this and realizing that, yeah, having these open borders, it just destroys everything.

And actually, this is what the deep state does. They’ve been destroying everything for a very long time. Look at all the policies in the blue cities. Look what the blue cities look like. They destroy the cities. They destroy countries. This is their entire mission, is to make the people suffer and pay, because they can’t stand the people. They can’t stand countries with borders. They can’t stand countries with history.

They can’t stand the people of those countries sticking up for their country, and they hate it. But again, the people are winning. The people are pushing back. But it means the deep state players, they’re going to continue to push. And actually, this wakes the people up. The people, they see what’s going on. And you could see that things are now building out in the Middle east, and there’s been at least 159 attacks on us forces in the Middle east since October 7, 2023.

Three soldiers were killed in Jordan over the weekend. And we can see that Jake Sullivan and Tony Blinken, they have completely two different messages. Here is Jake Sullivan. In September of 2023, the war in Yemen is in its 19th month of truce. For now, the iranian attacks against us forces have stopped. Our presence in Iraq is stable. I emphasize for now, because all of that can change. And the Middle east region is quieter today than it has been in two decades.

Well, who did that? That was Trump. And here is Tony Blinken. This week, I would argue that we have not seen a situation as dangerous as the one we’re facing now across the region since at least 1973. Now, remember, Trump, he ended the endless wars. He had peace across the Middle East. Biden came in and now look. It’s a complete and utter disaster. Disabled veteran, constitutional conservative on X, put this out and said, the way I look at it, we attack Iran.

China attacks Taiwan. North Korea attacks South Korea. Russia overwhelms Ukraine. Arab terrorists join together against Israel. Illegals who entered our country get armed by covert operatives already in place here. Did I miss anything? Yeah, it’s starting to seem that that’s the direction that we’re heading in. And Trump, he let us know that World War II is approaching. And when we say World War II, it means it’s multiple countries.

It’s not just one country. When you think of World War II, you see Japan, you see Russia, you see all the other countries fighting. The same thing’s happening right now. We’re heading towards World War III. And we can see that everything is building up because once one thing starts to happen, other countries, all of a sudden, they start to make moves. And I do believe that this individual is probably absolutely right in this.

And we can see that there are rhinos. And those people that want war, well, they want war so badly. Here’s your rifle, here’s your parachute. Good luck. We’re all rooting for you. Mike Lee responded to Lindsey Graham and Senator John Cornyn where they’re saying, hit Iran. Now let’s go in and let’s take them out. Mike Lee said, there is no Iran is bad exception to the constitution. If we’re going to war, Congress must declare it.

And let’s go back a little bit in time. Remember when Biden said this about Trump? This is January 6, 2020. Let’s be clear. Donald Trump does not have the authority to take us into war with Iran without congressional approval. A president should never take this nation to war without the informed consent of the american people. So here we are. Biden, you are the one who is about to bring us to war.

Are you going to wait for Congress to vote for war, or are you going to make the decision on what to do without Congress? Well, it looks like Biden says he has decided how to respond to the attack on U. S. Troops, and he’s going to let everyone know and remember everything that we’re witnessing is everything that they said Trump was going to do. Now it is happening to them and look what is happening right now.

They are bringing us to war. Mays put the set on x and said 2020. Biden on Trump. As the walls close in on this man, I’m worried that he’s going to get us into war with Iran. Unfortunately, I may have been right. Actually, you were wrong. He didn’t get us into war with anyone. Actually. He had peace across the country. He’s the only president in 72 years that didn’t bring us to war.

And here Biden is bringing us to war. Now, I do believe Trump and the patriots, they knew that we were going to head to war. Trump let us know going back sometime that, yes, he saw World War II approaching. And I do believe we are in the phase right now where this is going to wake up a lot of people. Remember they spent four years letting everyone know that Trump was going to destroy the economy, which Biden is doing.

Trump was going to bring us to war, which Biden is doing. They said close borders is racist. Now the american people want the borders closed. And now Biden’s out there saying, oh, by the way, we need to close the borders. We need to make them secure, even though they were secure. But again, he’s going against everything that he has said. And the people see the liar. Remember, just look at their actions.

That tells you everything you need to know. But I want to go back a little bit in time to September 2013. Remember, when Trump put these two tweets out there, I predict that President Obama will at some point attack Iran in order to save face. Remember what I previously said? Obama will someday attack Iran in order to show how tough he is. Are we at that point? Because remember who’s running the show? Is it Biden or is it Obama? Who’s bringing us to war to cover up their treasonous crimes? Who’s bringing us to war to actually cheat in the election, in the 2024 presidential election? Who’s going to have a change of batter and who’s coming into focus? It’s Obama.

And it looks like we are definitely approaching that situation. And I do believe people, they’re going to wake up like there’s no tomorrow, maybe not, right in the very beginning, you’ll hear people talking, yes, we need war. But once something happens here in this country, they will all of a sudden change their tune because they’re going to start to realize that war is not going to be fought in some far off land where they don’t know, or they don’t see what’s happening, they’re going to start to realize the war is here in America.

And most of these people, they’re not going to want war. It might take them a little while, but as it builds and as it gets scarier and as they see events happening in this country, well, most of these people, I say the majority of the people, they’re going to say, we don’t want war, this is the wrong direction. And you’re going to see people start to flip flop.

It might be tough for them. It might piss them off that they have to vote for Trump. But in the end, when they hear peace, in the end when they say, listen, I can stop all this, this doesn’t have to happen. When I was in the White House, there were no new wars. There was nothing, actually. The economy was great. We had secure borders. We had no wars.

The wars out in the middle east, they’ve come to an end. And now look what we have. You voted for this person. Now you can do the right thing. Now you can stop all this. And I think a lot of people, they will do the right thing, because again, when they see it happening right in front of their eyes, they’re going to find that will to say enough is enough.

Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we could see the deep state players. They’ve been pushing their racism all over the place, and they mask it by saying it’s Dei, just like critical race theory. These are the new words that they’re using to try to convince you that racism is okay. And we even have Mark Cuban, who was out there, and it looks like he got himself into hot water.

Mark Cuban defended his hiring practices to an anonymous Twitter account called the rabbit hole. Asked whether Cuban has hired people on the basis of demographics, the account noted doing so violates the Title VI of the Civil Rights act of 1964. Cuban responded that he has never hired an individual exclusively based on race, gender or religion. However, he apparently did admit that he uses diversity as a competitive advantage when deciding whether to hire job candidates.

So what’s diversity? Oh, are you looking at their skin color? Are you looking at what race they are? Yeah, that’s exactly what you’re doing. The major problem with Cuban’s response is that he’s completely wrong on Title Vi law. The EEOC commissioner, Andrea Lucas, schooled Cuban by pointing out the ethnicity and gender can’t play any motivating factor in hiring. Again, this is racism under a different name. That is, it lives at TikTok put this out and said, mark Cuban just casually admitted to breaking the law in his hiring practices.

A commissioner for the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission set him straight. Mark Cuban opened himself up to endless lawsuits. Dei needs to be abolished. It’s poison. Elon responds to this, to Libsa TikTok and says, yes, the point is not to replace one form of discrimination with another, but to end discrimination. And that’s all these people have done. All they did was take these fancy words and they try to convince everyone that this isn’t racism.

But that’s exactly what it is. Because if you’re judging anyone on race, their gender, their ethnicity or anything else, it’s racism, period. And look what these people have done. They have reversed everything and brought us right back to before Martin Luther King did his march. So we’re back to where we started. And this is what these people like. They like people being racist. They like the country divided.

They like all of this because that’s what they want. And they’re trying to convince the young generation that racism is okay. And think about all the people that fought to get rid of racism. Think about all the people that gave their lives to get rid of racism. And here they are. They were able to convince the young people that this isn’t racism when it really is. Once again, you can see their true nature and what they’re trying to do here.

And it is backfiring big time. Just like with everything with Fannie Willis, her entire case is completely backfiring. What’s very interesting is that Georgia, there was a attack there, and I find that very coincidental that there was a attack when everything’s being brought out against Fannie Willis. But technofog, he put this out on telegram. He said, will more evidence of the Fannie Willis and Nathan Wade relationship be released? It looks like it.

Wade’s soon to be ex wife is going after his banking and credit card records, demanding documents from Wade’s bank at American Express. She has even subpoenaed a travel agency and demanded their records on Willis’s travel. I guess they want those records before Wade has to testify. It’s only going to get worse. And he’s absolutely right. And you can see Judge Ngoron. He’s prepared and ready to make a decision.

And most likely the number that he’s going to come up with is going to be hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars in penalties. And yes, they’re going to try to take Trump’s businesses away from him. But again, they’re going to appeal the case but again, this is timed. Why? Because they’re trying to put a lot of pressure on Trump to drop out. This is why Nikki Haley is staying in the race, because these announcements from these different cases are timed to put maximum pressure on Trump to have him drop out.

So Nikki Haley then will just take all the delegates. But do you really think that’s going to work? No. This is going to fail just like everything else. There’s no way that Trump is going to just drop out. First of all, he’s going to appeal all this, and he’s going to win every single case. And actually, when he wins the case, he should make every single one of these lawyers, judges pay for everything that he’s gone through.

Plus, these people must be disbarred because they did not follow the rule of law. And this was a political witch hunt against Trump. And I do believe a lot of this information is going to come out. And when you get to a judge that’s following the rule of law, we’re going to see a lot of things change. Actually, we’re seeing something very interesting happen with the presidential records.

America first legal put this out and said a secret Obama memo, the presidential Information Technology Committee, regarding control of presidential records could change everything. In the dog’s politicized prosecution of Trump in October 2014, Russia hackers breached the executive office of President’s network. In response, Obama created, via executive action PITC. PITC includes representatives of the Department of Defense and DHS, among others. First, PITC creates a presumption that the president controls all information he receives.

The PITC memo established the president’s exclusive control over information resources and systems provided to the president. The memo created the presumption that information contained on information systems and resources was EOP information. Because the memo relied upon the Federal Records act definition of information systems as resources organized for the use and disposition of information, the memo gives the president exclusive control over information he receives. This is relevant to what a president may reasonably believe about information given to him while in office.

Second, and related, if information is stored on the PITC network form the basis for special Kenziel Jack Smith’s prosecution of former President Trump, that evidence should have been disclosed to the former president and may be relevant to his liability. Special counsel Jack Smith’s indictment against former President Trump claims Trump was not authorized to possess or retain classified documents. But Obama’s PITC memo may have created a reasonable belief in President Trump that he, in fact, had such authority.

Additionally, if the records Trump allegedly destroyed are still preserved within the EOP or the US Department of Defense, as part of the PITC created information systems, then other claims in the indictment may be baseless. These explosive findings are consistent with the America’s first legal’s white paper contending that the president of the United States has absolute authority over presidential papers. Neither Congress nor the federal courts may lawfully abrogate or limit this authority.

Absolutely. And America first legal, well, they’re saying that the people deserve to know the truth behind this secretive memo. They filed a Freedom of Information act request with the Defense Information Agency, part of the Department of Defense. And I do believe we’re going to see more of this information come out and it’s going to show that Trump has every right to have these documents. And again, he is covered by the presidential Records Act.

Biden is not. Biden took the documents when he was a Senate senator, and he took the documents when he was vice president. The law is clear. He broke it. President Trump did not. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we could see that Trump, he is continually winning the legal challenges seeking to bar him from the ballot. We have illinois, they decided that no Trump can be on the ballot.

Massachusetts Supreme Court denied a petition to bar Trump from the 2024 ballot. We could see that every case now is failing. And those cases that are being brought to the Supreme Court, those are going to fail just like all the others. And everything the deep state has tried to do to get Trump from running in the presidential election is all failing. And I do believe this is why they are now pushing war, trying to bring the country to war.

Because they know in the end, when all the indictments fail and all the rulings that come out with Angoron and E. Jean Carol, when all these fail and Trump appeals these and he wins, they know that they’re going to have to do something completely different. And I do believe they’ve been planning on this for a very long time. And I do believe they’re going to try to cheat just like they did in 2020.

But when they start to realize that they don’t have the numbers, they don’t have the ability to cheat like they did before, well, that’s when they’re going to switch gears. Now, remember, all of this is going to run in parallel. So you’re going to see the war build up the same exact time. You’re going to see the economy break down at the same exact time. You’re going to see the change of batter come in at the same exact time.

Why all this is happening all at once? Because they need different methods of actually cheating or postponing the election. So when they realize that they just don’t have the numbers, even when they bring in the change of batter, when they start to realize they don’t have the numbers, they can continue building the war, attacking the country. And I wouldn’t be surprised if they had little attacks here and there saying, oh, look, that power infrastructure was attacked.

Oh, that system was attacked to build up the narrative that, yes, the infrastructure is being hit, just like out in Georgia. The infrastructure was hit there in the court systems. I do believe they’re going to be doing this at the same time. And when they finally realize that they can’t cheat in the election, they have no way of winning. I do believe that’s when they’re going to take it to the next step and they’re going to try to postpone the election.

Now, is that going to work? I don’t believe so. I do believe Trump, the patriots, they have everything in position to counter everything that they’re trying to do. And I do believe in the end, when the election system is hit and that is part of the national infrastructure, I do believe we’re going to be switching to paper ballots one way or another. And this is something the deep state players do not want in the end.

And I do believe all optics are going to be on the Biden administration because they’re the ones who are going to be setting all of this up in preparation for war. But I do believe this is going to backfire on them and we’ll have to see how this plays out. But Dan Scovino, he did send us a post on x, and it looks like it’s a fighter jet that is turning up.

And it looks like there’s vapor around the jet as it turns up. And this has been put out at 540, and the video is 22 seconds long. So let me read post 540. January 18, 2018. It says, are you following the news today? What a big news day. These people are really stupid. This will be the end of the D party. This will be the path forward with public outrage to jail many so called untouchables.

You, the people, have the power. Down she goes. And then we read post 22. This is October 31, 2017. It says, who controls the National Guard? Why was the National Guard recently activated in select cities within the US? Can the National Guard work in coordination with the marines? Yes. Do conditions need to be satisfied to authorize? Yes. What former president used the military to save the republic? And what occurred exactly? Biggest drop ever to be provided on the poll, study and prepare.

The masses tend to panic in such situations. No war, no civil unrest. Clean and swift. And I do believe in the end, it will be clean and swift. Yes. Will it get scary? Will it seem like we’re going to war? Will it seem like we’re heading towards civil war? Yes. But this is going to wake up a lot of people and think about what Trump has been saying.

If he gets elected, if the people elect him, he can have peace in 24 hours. So will there be war? No, there won’t be war. What about civil unrest? Well, yes. When Trump wins the elections, will the deep state players accept the results? No, they won’t. So what are they going to do? They’re going to have those people that invaded this country actually start to attack this country, which means the National Guard can probably work with the armed forces to actually round these people up.

And I do believe that’s exactly what’s going to happen in the end. And we could see that all of this, everything that we’re witnessing, everything that is happening, has always been for the 2024 election. I do believe in the very, very beginning, when Trump came into office, basically, he set up continuity of government. He actually reversed a lot of the policies that the deep state players have put into place, and he actually allowed the resident and all these people to cheat in the 2020 election.

So this way, they first can capture what they did. They actually then had the insurrection against the president of the United States, which means the military was then activated and they took complete and utter control of the country. Once they had control, they allowed the resident to get into position. And everything that Trump did, he knew that the resident was going to reverse all his policies and they were going to go full steam ahead with their 16 year plan, where they were going to open up the borders, they’re going to destroy the economy, they were going to bring in the greed, new scam, the great reset, and they were going to bring us to war in the end.

And he needed the people to see all of this. The people needed to see that, yes, these are the people that are destroying our country. And throughout this period of time, this would wake up a lot of people, especially as we approach war, especially as the economy breaks down. And I do believe all this has been done so the people could think logically. The people then can make a logical decision to take back this country.

The people needed to see the system, the people needed to see the criminals. And the people, in the end, needed to say, you know something, I see it. Enough is enough. These people are guilty of treason. They’ve been destroying our country and now it’s time to take it back. And I do believe once Trump gets the people to give him that signal that it’s time to take the country back.

And what is that signal? Well, that is the vote for Trump. That’s when the gloves come off and I do believe that’s when we start to see a lot of things change. And I do believe people are going to see things change very, very quickly. Actually, Trump has let us know multiple times that yes, things are going to change very, very quickly once he’s elected because that means he has the military, he has the people and he has taken it all away from the deep state players.

They have nothing. He has it all and with it all you can take back this country. Why? Because the patriots are in control. Listen everyone, thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot. .

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