X22 Report Ep 3260b – [DS] Attacks Will Intensify Scavino Sends Message Countermeasures In Place

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports



➡ Dave with the X22 Report podcast talks about how some politicians and big tech companies are not honest. He says Donald Trump is still popular and might run for president again. Dan Scavino is making plans to deal with these problems.

➡ IRS workers Gary Shapely and Joseph Ziegler got in trouble at work for telling about bad things happening there. This has made people look more at possible wrong things happening in the IRS and with the Bidens.

➡ People are checking into Hunter Biden’s business in other countries and if he broke any laws. They think he might be using his art to hide money. There’s also a problem with a case about weapons.

➡ The podcast talks about problems in politics, how it’s hurting democracy, and how some politicians are putting themselves first. It also discusses unfair legal actions and too much power without checks.

➡ The host talks about U.S. borders and doesn’t agree with how the Biden administration is handling immigration. He connects lower crime rates to places where people can carry hidden guns.

➡ People are worried about the chance of war with countries like Iran and North Korea. They’re losing trust in leaders, and some think Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin should leave his job.

➡ There’s worry about secret groups pushing for war and tricking people. But most people want peace and support Trump over Biden.

➡ The host questions how serious Covid-19 is and thinks there might be other dangers like a “bioweapon.” He’s also unsure about the roles of people like Bill Gates in future virus issues.

➡ There’s talk about CVS hiring people unfairly based on race or gender. The podcast also mentions Ray Epps’ role in the Capitol protest and worries about honest elections.

➡ There are rumors that Nikki Haley got votes unfairly in Iowa. Trump is still more popular than her in New Hampshire, despite problems.

➡ Some think the Obama administration might have given dangerous weapons to North Korea. This could be a big threat. People are also concerned about free speech being stopped and too much government control.

➡ The podcast thinks if Trump is elected again, there could be big changes and problems. It stresses the importance of personal freedom and warns about too much government power.


That’s sand. You’re listening to the x 22 report. Name is David. This episode 3260 bn. Today’s date is January 17, 2024, and the title of the episode is deep state attacks will intensify. Scavino sends a message. Countermeasures in place. Talk about our health. Those who set their New Year’s resolutions around health and buter are helping collagen supplements grow in popularity. This supplement has trended recently as people look for ways to improve their skin, nail, hair and joint health.

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Let’s get into the economic collapse. Political and geopolitical news now. The deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet masters, they are sending messages that they are planning to intensify their attacks. They watched Trump win in Iowa. He won 98 of the 99 counties. And in that one county, what did they do there? They tried to get the Democrats to switch to Republicans to vote for Nikki Haley.

Well, that completely and utterly failed. And think about all the other things that have failed up to this point. They’ve been trying to cancel Trump from the very, very beginning, and they’re realizing that they will not be able to do this. And I do believe they will still try all the way up till Super Tuesday. And when Trump is the nominee, well, they’re really going to go crazy with their events, and we’re going to see them try to push as many events as possible and bring us to war.

Now, Scovino, he came out and let us know that, yes, there are countermeasures in place. We know that these events are coming, and we know that the deep state players, they are going to panic in what is happening right now, because the people, they are now siding with Trump. They lost the narrative. They’ve lost the people. All they have left is all the illegals that are bringing in antifa and a couple other individuals.

That is what makes up their entire organization. They don’t have the millions and millions and millions of people anymore. So now they’re panicking, they’re struggling, and you can see they will do whatever they have to do to remain in power, which means when Trump wins the election, because I do believe that they have countermeasures in place to protect the elections. Actually, Trump has mentioned this many, many times before where he says, we’re not going to allow them to cheat in the 2024 elections, which means once Trump wins the elections, everything that he talked about Trump, everything that they projected onto Trump, where he wasn’t going to leave the White House, that he was going to act like a dictator, actually, it’s going to be them.

And I think everyone is starting to understand and realize that whatever they say and whatever they project onto Trump, it’s always about them, what they’re going to do if they lose, what they’re going to do if they don’t get their way. That’s what they’re actually projecting onto Trump every step of the way. And all you got to do is look at all the different indictments that they’re throwing at Trump.

It’s actually everything that they have done, and they’re projecting everything they have done onto Trump because they couldn’t find anything on Trump. And this is why you see all of this, because they said, okay, you know what we got to do here? We can’t find anything on him. So why don’t we just take everything that we have done, and why don’t we just project what we have done onto Trump and we’ll make it look really good.

We’ll create fake evidence. We’ll bring it out there. We’ll create fake stories using our propaganda outlet. And this is exactly what they’ve been doing. But now, as time has gone by, people, they can see that all of this is fake. And it’s been fake from the very, very beginning. The more they do right now, the worse it gets for them. Think about what happened out in Iowa. The people out there understand that all of these indictments, this is election interference.

It’s a political hit job. You could see it in the polls. People also see that Biden never really won the election. He cheated in the election, and he overthrew the United States government. The polls show this, and the polls also show that. They’re going to cheat in the next election, which means if something should happen where the deep state players can’t cheat and they decide to cancel the election, do you think the people will accept paper ballots? Do you think the people will say, you know something, we rather have a secure election with paper ballots.

We’d rather have it all out in the open, and we’d rather see everyone count it than actually not have an election. I do believe the people will accept it. I do believe at this point in the game, and actually, as we move forward, I think the people, they will go along with it. And you can see that Trump and the Patriots, they are prepared and ready for this.

And like we said from the very, very beginning, the patriots, they’ve had countermeasures in place. They know that the deep state players, they’re going to actually bring us to war. They’re going to destroy the economy. This is all part of the 16 year plan. So if you know all this, it makes it a lot easier since you know the playbook, it makes it a lot easier to actually put things into place to counter all this.

Sometimes the Patriots want the deep state to do certain things. But why? Number one, it wakes people up. Number two, it shows people how evil they are. Number three, it shows how they don’t follow the rule of law. And you’ll see this more and more as time goes on. Now, we’ll be discussing a lot more of this a little bit later, and we’ll also be discussing what Scavino put out there as a message.

But first, let’s start with Hunter Biden. Because remember, they’re using Hunter Biden right now to show and pretend that, hey, look, there’s no two to your justice system. We’re going after Hunter Biden with these ridiculous charges. They’re not going at him with the Farah charges. They’re not doing anything like that. But again, they started out saying, okay, we have a sweetheart deal for him. And they said, see, there’s no two tier justice system here.

We’re doing the same thing to Hunter. That is happening to Trump. No, it’s not the same. First of all, Hunter Biden is not running for president. Trump is. It’s very, very different. Plus, Hunter Biden committed these crimes. He did it to himself. Everything that they’re throwing at Trump, they made up. Now, what’s very interesting is we know that the Hunter Biden laptop was Hunter Biden’s. We knew this from the very beginning.

Yes, we had the fake people, the fake intelligence people putting out lies, letting everyone know it’s russian disinformation. But the FBI had this laptop for a very, very long time, and Biden signed for it when he brought it in. And now there’s a new court filing that confirms all of this. Miranda Devine put this out and said the following in a new court filing, the dog confirms Hunter Biden’s laptop is real, that he left it at a computer store, and that the contents matched what they obtained from a search warrant of his icloud.

Don’t hold your breath for a retraction from Joe Biden. It’s russian special counsel David Weiss. Prosecutor Leo Weiss has been busy today. Multiple filings, including new evidence about his allegedly illegal gun purchase while addicted to crack cocaine, for which he is being prosecuted in Delaware after a sweetheart plea deal fell apart. More evidence presented by the DOJ on October 13, 2018 and October 14, 2018, the day after and two days after he purchased the firearm, Hunter Biden.

In a text message that he was meeting a drug dealer and sleeping in a car, smoking crack. The DOJ presents its best evidence that Hunter Biden was a cocaine user when he bought the gun. To be clear, investigators literally found drugs on the pouch where the defendant had kept his gun from another dog. Filing today, prosecutors Leo Y. Summarizes his allegations against Hunter Biden for lying on a gun purchase form when he was addicted to crack cocaine.

Oh, and none of this would have come to light or been prosecuted if it were not for the integrity of two IRS whistleblowers, Gary Shapely and Joseph Ziegler, who remain employed by the IRS, where they currently are being retaliated against. At least unlike what the FBI does to whistleblowers, the IRS has not suspended them without pay. And again, these people felt brave enough to go to the house members and report this.

If the house was run by the DS, this would never be out there. So to me, when I look at this, the strategy was to get a few patriots into the house, let them gain control, overtake the rhinos, start the investigation so the people could see the truth. And yes, information could come from other places, it could be dripped out and it could be used against the Bidens.

And I do believe this is exactly what has happened here. Because again, if the deep state was in control and they had all the power, you would never, ever see this information. It would have been swept under the rug. These individuals would have been fired, they would probably would have been killed, and you would never, ever hear any of this, which means that people needed to accept this information.

Now if all the information was dumped out all at once, it’d be way too much information and people wouldn’t digest it. People needed to see the connections. People needed to see how this all played out and what was connected to what. How they laundered the money, how they controlled the intelligence operatives, how they lied about the laptop and said it was russian disinformation. The people needed to see how Joe Biden was involved in Hunter Biden’s business, how they were money laundering, how they set up the shell companies.

And this was a process. See, I do believe comer had this information, and he waited for the deep state players to lie, and then he countered their lie with actual documentation and facts, which the people saw. And the people said, holy crap, this guy’s covering up his crimes. It’s almost like if you arrested someone who robbed a store or killed someone, when you asked them, did you kill them, did you rob? No, I didn’t do it.

Well, we have the videotape. Is that you? Oh, crap, you caught me. You see, that’s how it works. And that’s what they’re doing to these people, because it’s not to bring charges against them. It’s not to throw them into prison just yet, because we’re not done with the mission. The point of this is to show the american people, because they are the jury. They’re sitting there, they’re watching this, and they’re thinking logically and making up their mind of, wow, these people are criminals.

I see them every step of the way, covering up their crimes by lying to we, the people. And that’s what they do every step of the way. Forget about the FBI, DOJ, and all this crap. They’re part of the show right now. They’re not going to bring the justice that you want. The only way to get justice is to clean out the entire system. But before you clean out the system, you need to show the people how dirty the system is.

Because if you don’t see the dirt, how are you going to clean it up? And that’s what people are seeing. Now, this is the court of public opinion, and the people need to see this play out. And plus, they brought hunter up on these ridiculous charges. I mean, I don’t mean they’re ridiculous, but they’re not the main charges. Because if they brought up the charges that have to do with the Farah laws, well, that would connect Joe Biden, and I do believe it would connect many, many other people.

But I do believe the foreign agent law that is going to be hit upon very, very soon. Why do I say this? Well, because the house is preparing to depose Hunter Biden and they’re going to be asking him questions about his foreign business. So once again, we’re going to see this come out. And by the way, the US law firm that did work for the ukrainian energy company Barisma holdings was encouraged by the Justice Department to register as a foreign agent for the same type of work that Hunter Biden did for the company while he was a board member.

Barisma was not registered as a foreign agent at the time. Crevath, Swain and Moore LLP, as part of its representation of Barisma and its founder, litigation partner John Barretta, met with the state Department officials and sent a letter directly to the US ambassador to Ukraine. And this is according to the Farrah filings submitted earlier this month, evidence from Hunter Biden’s laptop shows that he, too met with the state Department officials at the time when Barisma was under the most pressure from a ukrainian government investigation led by prosecutor general Vittor Shokin, raising questions about whether or not Hunter Biden’s activities fell under the scope of the act.

The filings detail the acts which fall under a regulation by Farrah, including meeting with government officials. One filing showed that Barretta had three meetings with the US State Department and DOJ officials and sent a letter to then us ambassador to Ukraine, Maria Yanovovich. This registration and related materials cover all interactions with us government officials in the course of the representation. As part of this representation, Mr. Barretta met with three us government officials in March 2016 and sent one letter to a us government official in September 2016.

So should Hunter register as Farah? I do believe he should. And the reason why the deep state players decided to use the gun charge, the tax charge, because they didn’t want this part brought up. Because this would lead back to who Joe Biden. And I do believe this would then lead to Hillary Clinton, it would lead to Obama and many, many others. Now, Representative James Comer, he was looking into Hunter’s artwork.

And we know that this is one gigantic sham. We know that this is money laundering. He’s painting and they’re giving him 500,000, $700,000. And we know exactly what this is. This is payoffs. But they needed to get something in return. So it looks like he’s providing some type of service by painting something for someone instead of just accepting the money like Joe Biden through his shell companies. But Representative James Comer put this out and said the White House’s ethics agreement regarding Hunter’s art was a sham.

The White House never facilitated any ethics agreement, despite saying the opposite. Hunter’s art dealer even told us he never communicated with the White House. That’s interesting. And then we come to find this out, and Paul Sperry put this out and said art dealer testified Biden called and met with him while he sold Hunter Biden’s paintings to Democrat donors. Have you spoken to President Biden, George Burgess? Yes. Okay.

And was that in person or on the phone or both? The art dealer said both. I thought he wasn’t involved in any of this. Well, it looks like it’s completely and utterly falling apart. And the best part about Hunter Biden is his legal team is trying to have the felony gun case dismissed. Catherine Herridge put this out and said Hunter Biden legal team files in the Delaware felony gun case for dismissal, arguing selective and vindictive prosecution, special counsel unlawfully appointed, funding violation and offense violates second amendment.

Government calls arguments meritless and should be denied. So wait a minute, it’s the violation of the second amendment. It’s funny because didn’t they put these things into place with their gun control push where they wanted everyone to have a background check and going way, way back in time? So they created this whole background check because of their entire agenda to get the weapons away from the people. And on this form it asks you, do you use drugs? Well, Hunter Biden lied on their form, so now they’re trying to hide behind the second amendment.

I mean, is this funny or what? But again, he lied on the form that they implemented. So he broke the law, right? Anyone else, what would happen to them? They would go to jail, wouldn’t they? They would have to pay a fine, wouldn’t they? But look how they want things changed. They want this drop because it goes against the second amendment. So wait a minute, if that is the case, then do we really need these forms? Because if he doesn’t get charged for lying on the form, what’s the purpose of the form then? What’s the purpose of the whole thing? Think about that for a second.

This is actually going to screw them in the end. Now, again, are we expecting anything to happen to Hunter Biden? No, this is a whole show to make everyone believe. Look, you see, they’re going after Hunter. They’re going after Trump. It’s the same system. It’s working equally for both. But again, Hunter Biden is not running for president. Hunter Biden committed these crimes, the crimes that they’re going after Trump with.

There was no crime committed. They made them up. That is the very big difference. Especially we’re in an election year, and we have the other person that’s running for the 2024 election, which we believe he is. He is now attacking, and he’s working with the special prosecutor, who shouldn’t be the special prosecutor. He is attacking his political opponent, which means he’s interfering in the election. Now, if you really think about Trump and his strategy, this is his campaign, because he’s showing the american people who are not stupid, look.

Look at the two tier justice system. Look how they attack their political opponent. I mean, if you took this and you moved it down to, let’s say, ecuador or any third world nation, and people heard about this down there, people would go, holy crap, a banana republic. That’s what they would say. No questions asked. Well, just take it and move it to any third world country. You’ll be able to see it very, very clearly, just like you see what’s happening at the border right now, very, very clearly, because the borders are wide open.

No matter what the fake news says, no matter what the Biden administration says, no matter what Majorca says, the borders are wide open. And the people, again, aren’t stupid. They see the borders open. They see the invasion. They see military aged men coming into this country. They get it. And they see the mayors, the governors, and the rest. What are they doing to stop it? Absolutely nothing. They’re complaining because they want money.

They want money to cheat in the election. They want money to actually support these people, to keep them there long enough to vote in the election. That’s why they’re complaining. Are they going to tell anyone to shut the border? Of course not. They’re under orders not to, no matter how much the people suffer in their cities. And that means the people must rise up. That means the people must push back.

But look what Mayor Adams is doing. He’s imposing 11:00 p. m. Curfew on illegals. And you can’t leave your area until after 06:00 a. m. So the people that came in illegally, who broke the law, they’re going to follow the curfew law in New York City. You know, the human traffickers, drug traffickers, child traffickers, terrorists. I mean, let’s really think about this for a sec. Do you really think these people are going to go, holy crap.

Okay, that’s the law. We’re going to follow it. I know we came in here illegally, but that one we’re following, of course they’re not going to. They’re going to sneak out. They’re going to go out because they don’t care. Look at the people that are committing crimes. Do you think the terrorists and the drug traffickers and the human traffickers, do you think they’re not going to leave their area? Of course they’re going to.

They’re not going to listen. It’s almost telling them, listen, you terrorists over there don’t commit terror in the United States. You drug traffickers don’t distribute drugs, okay? That’s the rule here. You think they’re really going to listen? Absolutely not. And the people, they’re not falling for this. The people, they understand what’s happening. RNC research is referring to an ABC poll, and the poll says just 18% of Americans approve of Biden’s handling of the border, the lowest rating on immigration for any president since January 2004.

Now remember, this is an ABC poll. And why are they being so honest right now? Because I do believe, like we said yesterday, Biden is going to take all the hits right now because again, they set it up where he is going to be the only one who is running. There’ll be no other challengers. This will make it a lot easier for them to swap him out later.

And I do believe that’s exactly what they’re going to do. But when you start to look at everything the deep state has done, you can see that once people see the truth, the people understand that everything that they have done works the opposite. When they say gun control, we’re going to keep people safe, well, doesn’t it work the opposite? Just look at New York, look at Chicago, look at LA, look at all the places where you can’t have a weapon.

When you look at the places that you’re allowed to carry a weapon, well, you definitely see a difference. And wokeness on x. Put this out and said, in 2022, Ohio legalized permit free carry of guns across the entire state. Gun violence in six out of the eight largest Ohio cities dropped significantly after the law. Columbus is down 12%. Cleveland is down 6%. Toledo is down 18%. Akron is down 18%.

Parma is down 22%. Canton is down 5%. That tells you everything you need to know and people, that’s what they’re witnessing right now. Just look at the cities and look at the states where you’re allowed to have a weapon. You could see crime is very, very different compared to Chicago, compared to LA, compared to San Francisco, compared to New York City. It’s very, very different because the criminals know, wait, these people have guns? I mean, when we had the hurricane in Florida and DeSantis was out there saying, listen, if you’re thinking about looting, just remember this is a carry state.

Everyone has a weapon. And the looting, well, that was very, very minimal compared to what would happen in New York. I think there’d be looting all over the place, actually, just look at all the places where they’re just letting the criminals out with no cash bail, where they don’t have police, where they wanted to defund the police, and they’re allowing people to steal whatever they want. You can see the difference.

It’s very, very clear. And this is what the american people are seeing. And this is why the people are turning against the deep state players. And we could see there are other world leaders that are turning against the deep state players. One of them is Javier Millet, the new president of Argentina. And he was speaking in front of the World Economic Forum. No, he’s not going along with the World Economic Forum, actually.

He’s pushing back against the world economic freedom. And he said another conflict presented by socialists is that of humans against nature, claiming that we human beings damage the planet, which should be protected at all costs, even going as far as advocating for population control mechanism or that bloody abortion agenda. Do not be intimidated either by the political class or by parasites who live off the state. Do not surrender to political class that only wants to stay in power and retain its privilege.

And he said at the end, long live freedom, damn it. He said a lot more during this whole thing, and it was completely and utterly against the World Economic Forum, which means the leaders who are being elected into their positions, they are now rising up. And you can see that this is happening out in the Netherlands. You can see it’s Argentina, Ecuador. You’re going to see a lot more individuals rise up.

And the people, they’re going to elect their leaders, because the people, they see that these people are not working in their best interests. They’re not working for the people. We could see in Ireland, that has already started. We see it. In France, it has started. In Spain, it has started. They are now protesting against socialism. They’re protesting against fascism. The people see it. And this is how it begins.

Now, the deep state players, we know they don’t want the people to take control. The deep state players, they want to stay in control. And this is their plan from the very, very beginning, to stay in control. The central bank wants to stay in control. The World Economic Forum wants to stay in control. The deep state players want to stay in control. This is why they’re trying to bring us into the great reset, the green new scam, because this is their mechanism of control.

But again, when you have people and they’re pushing back, it doesn’t work. And I do believe Trump and the patriots, they knew this from the very, very beginning. They knew that they needed to wake up the people. They knew, they needed the people to fight back because the people needed to fight for their freedom. They needed to see their freedom being taken away one step at a time.

They needed the people to see how these individuals are going to destroy their country. The people needed to bring, needed to be brought to a place of darkness, a place where there was no hope, a place that looked so sad, so dim that that’s what they saw. Because once they were in that place, and I think a lot of people are in that place because they don’t really get what’s going on as they approach that area where they see, oh, my God, there’s no hope with these people.

The only light I see is Trump because he’s telling me everything I need to hear. Well, that’s when people will find the will to change. Even those ds that are resisting, in the end, they will find the will to change. They will say, enough is enough, I can’t take it anymore. And it will happen, especially when the economy crashes, especially when we enter war. Now, I don’t mean we’re going to have missiles and stuff flying around, but they will be scared enough where they say, okay, whoa, whoa, whoa, they’re bringing us, no, no, we don’t want this.

This is something we don’t want. And all those people that say, I’d rather die in a war than vote for Trump, wait until you see how quickly they change their tune. Because they will. Because, again, people are pretty darn brave when it’s actually not happening, when it is happening and their emotions are out of control and they’re afraid, well, that’s when they say, okay, I got to make a change here.

And you can see there’s many, many people that are doing this already. But you can see we’re approaching war right now. And you can see it’s building up in all different places. Trump has warned us of all this. And we know the deep state players, they’re bringing us down this path. And what’s very interesting is that when the people look at the current administration, they realize that these people, they’re screw ups.

If we’re in a war, these people are not going to be able to pull this off. They’re not going to be able to win the war in the end. And this is why when they’re looking at secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, one third of voters now believe he should resign. Actually, when they look at Biden, they’re saying the same exact thing. But you could see war is definitely building right now.

Pakistan says Iran has hit their area, killed two innocent children and caused the attack, an unprovoked violation by Tehran. So we see Iran is now in the mix. The hooties are now in the mix. We see Hezbollah is now in the mix. We see the Middle east is a complete nutter mess. And remember Trump had everything nice and calm. There was nothing going on. Remember Blinken? Just the other day? He was saying that look how calm the middle east is and outlook at it.

It’s a complete and utter disaster. But look what’s happening down in North Korea. The north korean leader, Kim Jong un, called for the national constitution to be rewritten so that South Korea is named as the primary foe, an invariable principal enemy. A significant change from past rhetoric that call for reunification with the south. They also abolished several agencies that were concerned with South Korea relations. And you can see that wardow is building.

Countries are taking sides, and it’s building and building and building. Actually, Marjorie Telegreene was out there and she said war is coming. It’s their next move now that Trump won so decisively in Iowa and will continue to dominate. Washington is on a desperate, last ditch effort to keep funding their losing war against Russia and have been turning the war machine to Iran, she said. And she’s absolutely right, that is going to be their last ditch effort because they realize that if all else fails, they will have to have the United States attacked to bring the entire country into war.

And yes, a cyber attack is an attack on the United States, especially if they hit the infrastructure of the United States, if they hit the electrical infrastructure, the water infrastructure, and, yes, the election infrastructure. So I do believe in the end, we will see multiple attacks. I don’t believe we’re just going to see one, because I do believe the deep state players, they’re going to build this up now, do I mean, there’s going to be large nuclear explosions in the country? No.

But you might see missiles that are fired at the United States. They might be intercepted or they might plunge into the ocean before they reach the United States. And could the fake news and the deep state players build this up to make people think that we’re being attacked? Of course they can. Would people be afraid? Of course they would. Would people want to go to war directly. Not just yet, but this is how the deep state builds and builds and builds.

I mean, if there was an attempt on the World Trade center and they downed the plane before it hit the World Trade center, you think people would be all in to send troops over to the other countries to invade the other countries, Afghanistan and the rest? No, I don’t think so. So I do believe people are going to see it and people are going to say, okay, we need something done.

I mean, we’re not just going to attack and start an all out war. But as the attacks continue, people will start to see it. And when you have Biden on one side and you have Trump on the other side, and you have know his advisors and you have Obama and you have the fake news all talking about war, that they’re crossing the red line and you have Trump on the other side.

Listen, if you like me, I know the players. We don’t have to have war. We can have peace. We don’t have to lose our children, our mothers, our brothers, our cousins. We don’t have to have our land destroyed. Because remember, the war is not going to be fought out in Ukraine, out in Iran. The war is going to be fought here because countries have the ability to reach the United States.

It’s not like World War I or World War II. This is very, very different. But what’s very interesting is that the top officer in NATO, he’s warning about World War II and he says we need a war fighting transformation of NATO, which means he’s saying that they need to be prepped and ready for war. Now, once again, Trump at every rally continually tells the people that he is the only person that can promise that he’ll have peace.

We will not end up in world War three. Take a listen. Most complex and most powerful weapons in the world, and we have a man that has no idea what he’s doing, and you’ll end up in world War three. I’m the only one that can promise you that we will not end up in World War II. There’s not going to be world wars, not with me. There’s not going to be world wars.

And we do that through strength, not through weak. So basically, a vote for Biden or whoever else is running like Michelle is a vote for war. A vote for Trump is a vote for peace. That’s pretty much how it lays out. And which way do you think the people are going to vote, especially when we’re on the precipice of war? That’s when all they see just war, they see nuclear missiles flying into this country.

Do you really think they’ll stick with the deep state players? I think the majority will not. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we could see the deep state players. They’re going to be using the same exact playbook that they used last time because they need to cheat in the election. So, yes, they’re going to have a new virus that is coming out of nowhere. How new is it going to be? It might be linked to Covid, but again, they’re going to push this very, very hard.

But what’s very interesting is that the CDC, they drafted an alert on Covid-19 vaccines and myocarditis, but never sent it. So they knew about it. They understood what was happening, but they never sent the email. So why didn’t they? That’s the question everyone needs to ask. Why did they hide all the side effects? Why are they still hiding all the side effects? Why are they hiding the case that people are dying suddenly? Let’s talk about being prepared.

Between mass shootings, brazen smash and grab thefts at luxury retailers, violent robberies and armed carjackings, people’s fear of rising violent crime is justified. The FBI states carjacking alone have risen 8. 1%, with a vast majority involving an assailant with a weapon, with someone getting injured in more than a quarter of those cases. What’s worse is that a report of violent crime is at its all time highest since 2008 in some states.

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If you compare it to the unvaccinated, you’re going to see something very, very different. And we could see the deep state players. They’re ready to implement the next pandemic. Now, is the people going to fall for this? I think the people are hardened from the last pandemic and I don’t think the people are going to actually believe that. All of a sudden another one just came along exactly when the elections were happening.

Because is that a little far fetched? I mean, it didn’t happen any other time except the year of the elections. I mean, really. Come on. Let’s think about this for a sec. But what’s very interesting, on January 16, 2024 at 02:57 p. m. There was an article that was put out and it says, disease x World Economic Forum creating contingency plan for infectious virus outbreak. On January 16 at 08:51 p.

m. A couple of hours later it says Chinese lab crafts mutant Covid-19 strain with 100% kill streak in humanized mice. Surprisingly rapid death. Wall Street Silver responded to this and said two interesting news items today. I’m sure Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates are ready to save us with their next mandatory vaccine. Also, the United nations and the WEF will need emergency powers to shut down any misinformation on social media.

It’s for your own good, I am sure. Well, I don’t think it’s going to be for anyone’s good. And once again, we can see that the bioweapon had nothing to do with COVID and what they’re talking about and what they’re going to do. It’s not the virus that you have to worry about. It’s actually the bioweapon that they put into you. If you look at Covid from the very, very beginning, it wasn’t actually the virus that you had to worry about because the survival rate was 99.

9 x for healthy people. Plus you had ivomectin, you had hydroxychloroquine. If you take zinc and vitamin D, you’d be fine. There’d be nothing but like a cold and no one would even know anything that was wrong. Actually, if they didn’t have the fake statistical numbers. People wouldn’t even know there was Covid. They would say, oh look, people are catching colds. Oh, they’re okay. Dow people wouldn’t even realize it.

But what you really have to worry about is what they did after the release of the virus. It was the bioweapon that is the real pandemic. The same thing with what they’re trying to do now. And actually, I do believe Bill Gates has now hinted at the World Economic Forum exactly what they’re planning to do. Because Gates said the next generation of vaccines are going to offer longer duration, more coverage, and will be administered needle free.

And you know what that means? You will take the mrna and you’ll put it on your arm or your leg, or wherever you put it’ll be a patch. And the medicine, the bioweapon will feed into your system constantly. You see what they’re doing here? I think the people now are starting to understand that these people are truly evil. And it’s the same people that are causing division, the same people that are segregating people.

It’s the same people that are racist. And you could see it as clear as day how racist they really are. N. Wilkness put this out and said insider at CVS leaks internal documents exposing potential criminal violations of the Civil Rights Act. CVS leadership is instructed to hire and promote on the basis of race and gender. CVS also has directives to discriminate against white suppliers and vendors by prioritizing diversity.

The company also offers an exclusive program to help non white women to advance their careers. Now once again, they like to play with words. Oh, this is called diversity. It’s not called racism. You can use any word you want when you start deciding who you’re going to hire, who you’re going to do business with on skin color and on who you are instead of your abilities. That’s racism right there.

It’s the same exact people. And the people now see it as clear as they, they can call it diversity. They can call whatever they want. That’s not diversity. Diversity is giving everyone equal opportunity and the best person for that job because they’re the best of the best. That is diversity. Allowing the people to actually compete against each other and having the best of the best move into that position.

When you’re selecting just on the skin color, the color of your hair, if you’re a trans person, that is not diversity. And they can call it whatever they want, it is racism. They are segregating the people. And I think people now are waking up to this. They’re seeing all through this, just like the people, like the parents, I should say, that saw through the critical race theory. It’s the same exact thing.

There’s no difference. Because what they’re trying to do is they’re trying to take our young generation, make them racist as they grow up, and keep people divided always. This is how they maintain control, but it’s not working. And they’re losing control because the people are awake, just like they’re losing control of the entire January 6 fake insurrection. Actually, the insurrection that they caused because they’re the ones who overthrew the United States government while Trump was president.

Remember, Biden wasn’t president. They didn’t even certify the election. So it was actually the deep state players that had the insurrection. But we’re starting to find out quite a bit now. Gabe Gaminsky put this out and said the top ranking dog prosecutor in DC supervising January 6 cases and whom allegedly refused to prosecute Hunter Biden in DC represented various qatari entities, including its Hamas tide government and banks accused of financing terror.

I think that tells you everything you need to know. And Catherine Engelbrech and Greg Phillips, they put out a video which is connected to their new site, which is Open Inc. And this is a timeline of what happened in January 6. And we know that Ray Epps, he was brought up on charges, but again, he didn’t serve any prison time. They kept saying that he was not a confidential human source, he was not working for the FBI.

And you saw many corrupt politicians defend him, the news defend him. Kissinger came out and said, I exonerate him. He had nothing to do with this. He’s not FBI. He’s not confidential human sources, they kept saying it’s debunked. But when you start to look at the timeline and you look exactly what he did, well, I think that tells you everything you need to know. Take a listen to this.

January 6, a true timeline, meticulously traced the movement of Ray Epps on that day. Here is an excerpt from our film that can be seen for free on X and@open. inc J six a man named Ray Epps was filmed on the streets directing the crowd to the Capitol building. As soon as President Trump is finished speaking, we are going to the Capitol. It’s that direction. That’s where our true problems are.

President Trump is done speaking. We are going to the Capitol. That’s where our problems, we are going to the Capitol, where our problems are in that direction. He was filmed the night prior urging the crowd to go inside the Capitol. I’m going to put it out that I’m probably going to go to jail for it. Okay, tomorrow we need to go into the Capitol, into the Capitol peacefully.

The crowd surrounding him instantly calls him out as a fed. Ray Epps, who we just saw calling for demonstrators to enter the Capitol, can be seen approaching the front of the barricades and speaking to Ryan Samsel. Moments later, the barricade is pushed directly into the police line. Zooming in closer to the northwest corner of the plaza, we once again see Ray Epps at the head of the crowd in front of the next set of police barricades.

So far we’ve seen him the previous day calling for the crowd to enter the Capitol. We saw him that morning directing people to the Capitol. We saw him at the first gate breach and now here he is at the second major gate breach, and it won’t be the last we see of him. Directly in front of him is where the crowd breaches the metal gates and enters onto the west plaza of the Capitol.

Back in the real time multiview, we can see Trump waving to the crowd after his 1 hour and eleven minute speech, the last speech he will give in front of a crowd as president of the United States. Gosar and Cruz are having their objections to the electoral vote of Arizona. Read on the house floor. Ray Epps is at the front of the police line speaking to officers. Ray Epps is once again caught from multiple cameras being at the front line of the demonstrators near police barricades.

No other person has been seen at this many flashpoints, this many times. He walks freely up and down the police barricades multiple times, communicating with other demonstrators in a similar fashion to when we saw him whisper in Ryan Samson’s ear earlier, before the first breach around 01:40 p. m. Ray Epps is one of the members of the crowd who helps lift up a large Trump sign and push it into the line of police officers on the west plaza of the Capitol at 212.

Ray Epps sends a text message to his nephew telling him that he orchestrated the protest at the Capitol and that he helped get people there. The video evidence we have seen thus far would back up his claim. At 02:46 p. m. Approximately the same time as Ashley Babbitt is shot by Capitol police officer Bird, a series of smoke and signal flares are activated at various locations around the Capitol.

There’s some kind of a flare in the sky there. As the smoke clears, we again spot Ray Epps leaving the area and flanked by several individuals before leaving the Capitol grounds for the day. J six a true timeline. Once again, the jury, which is the people of this country, the court of public opinion, they will look at this and they will make a decision. Who is this guy? Do you think they’re going to go along with Kissinger? Do you think they’re going to go along with the FBI? Do you think they’re going to go along with the DOJ? No, they’re not.

They know that this person was an inside guy. When you look at the timeline, it’s self evident, as Nancy Pelosi would say. But we can see that they’re pushing as hard as they possibly can. When I say they, it’s the deep state players, it’s Biden, it’s all the unelected people because they can’t have Trump win. They can’t have Trump run in the elections. First, they’re trying to stop him from running.

Second, they can’t have him win. And we could see that Trump’s lawyers, they have accused Jack Smith of concealing evidence. They are working with Biden and they put this in a 68 page filing in the Florida case concerning his handling of concealed documents. And once again, we’re going through this process and the evidence is coming out that, yes, Jack Smith, he shouldn’t be a special prosecutor and he’s working for Joe Biden.

Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that a federal appeals court denied ex’s challenge to special counsel Jack Smith’s secret search warrant for Trump’s account. As previously reported, special counsel Jack Smith admitted he included inaccurate information when he asked Judge Barrel Howell in, an Obama appointee, for a secret search warrant for Trump’s ex Twitter account. Ex was fined 350,000 because it delayed producing the subpoenaed records. The search warrant was so secret that Trump didn’t even know Jack Smith issued a subpoena for the records.

Julie Kelly put this out and said, holy shit. Four judges on DC appellate court just delivered a scorching smackdown of special counsel Jack Smith, Judge Barrel Howell and Judge Florence pan for search of Trump’s Twitter file. The special counsel’s approach obscured and bypassed any assertion of executive privilege and dodged the careful balance of Congress struck in the presidential Records act. So again, are they following the rule of law? Absolutely not.

Do you see the two tiered justice system? Absolutely. Do you see how they’re trying to get Trump any way they possibly can? Absolutely. And since the evidence has come out against Fannie Willis where she was paying her boyfriend. He took a lot of money. He really can’t be a prosecutor. Well, it looks like the fake news is trying to cover for Fannie Willis, and this is coming from the Daily Beast.

It says why we can’t just shrug off the Fannie Willis scandal looks really bad. They’ve tried, but they’re failing. Charlie Kirk responds and says a progressive Georgia trial attorney just destroyed all the excuses. And that’s racist bleeding from the leftover the recent legal filing against Fanny Willis and her lover, Nathan Wade. Here’s the truth. There are three special prosecutors on Fanny’s case. Two are incredibly qualified, while Nathan Wade, her boyfriend, is not.

The two qualified prosecutors combined have earned less than a quarter what Wade earned, and at least one earned far less per hour as well. The only other time Nathan Wade was hired as a special counsel, it was for the sake of enabling a cover up. Nathan Wade admitted that despite spending five months talking to deputies and investigating the issue, he had failed to keep a single note. Fanny repeatedly elongated the legal process so that she could need Wade’s help to justify paying him more money.

Willis made choices throughout her prosecution that seem, in hindsight, calculated to require him. If Fanny’s relationship with Nathan Wade is confirmed, it will require disqualifying her entire office from the case, making it virtually impossible for the case to be resolved before November. This scandal is real. The left’s finger pointing and blame has already begun. Now, once again, we’ll have to see how this all play out because Fanny Willis, well, she’s in deep trouble right now.

And it looks like she is going to be going to a hearing early as February for hiring her lover to prosecute. But let’s see how the deep state goes around this, because this is going to be very interesting. Now, like we said the other day, we’re starting to see a lot of swatting right now. Yes, it started out where they swatted republicans, those people that were trying to tell the truth.

And then it morphed into the DS. And then we had the White House swatted and we had the White House press secretary come out just the other day and say, White House decry swatting as dangerous after being hit with a fake 911 call. Now, it’s very interesting that once the White House was swatted, they’re coming out saying that this is very, very dangerous, which means they are planning something in the future.

See, they’re building the narrative. It’s very dangerous. This shouldn’t happen. And I do believe they’re doing this on purpose. And we’ll have to see how this all plays out in the end because I do believe this is part of their event that they’re going to have. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is as the elections are approaching, we can see the deep state players, Soros and the rest.

They are now moving in and they are targeting certain areas. And the latest targets for George Soros is pouring money into local democratic parties in Texas in a ploy to help Democrats turn the state blue. Soros is working with the Texas majority PAC, donated six figure sums to the Democratic Party of Hildago, Cameron and Dallas counties, all of which are a major hispanic area. So it looks like they’re trying to get these people, but I don’t think these people are going to go for it because they see what’s happening in the border.

And as these people come over the border, they’re realizing that they’re taking the jobs away from them who came in this country legally. So I think this is going to fail in the end. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that Kamala, or Kamala Harris just admitted that the Biden Harris 2024, they plan to run without an opponent. What did she mean by this? Well, this is what she said.

I am of the school that you either run without an opponent or you run scared. So once again, what did they do? Well, they moved their caucus from Iowa to South Carolina, and they’re removing other people from the ballot. They don’t want people to run against Biden. Why? I do believe the reason for this is that they’re prepping to have only Biden. So this way it makes it a lot easier for Michelle to replace Kamala because once they get rid of Biden, Kamala will be there.

Michelle can come in. If they have other people running against Biden, this is going to make it a lot more difficult because what happens if these people gain in popularity? What happens if these people get the people? What happens if that person takes the votes away from Biden? This would be a major, major problem. So I do believe this is why they’re going to have no opponents whatsoever because they’re setting it up for a change of batter.

Now we can see there are more and more people now that are endorsing Trump. Senator Cruz is the latest one because look what just happened in Iowa. He won 98 of the 99 counties. I mean, that’s just absolutely unbelievable. And you know what’s very interesting is that MSNBC, and we said it yesterday, CNN and the rest, they wouldn’t broadcast Trump’s speech. Paul Sperry put this out and said with a straight face.

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow explained she could not air Trump’s historic landslide victory speech in Iowa because MSNBC cannot broadcast untrue things, even though Maddow broadcast untrue dossier allegations about Trump non stop for years. Well, it is true. He did win. So wait, is she election denier? Is she now part of the big lie? That’s very interesting, isn’t it? But when you start to look at Iowa, you can see they were trying to cheat.

Rasmussen reports put this out on x and said 20% at one Iowa precinct were new or crossover voters of Democrats and inde doing day of resignation to vote for Haley. Expect more of this in New Hampshire where Democrats have moved their primary just like they did in Iowa. So basically, when you look at it and you look at all the counties, that one county that Trump lost, well, right there, that’s where they were going all out to get the votes for Halle and they were having their Democrats switch parties.

And the one county of 99 that Trump lost in Iowa, they ran out of the party switch forms on caucus night. I think that tells you everything you need to know. And actually, Trump even lets the people know this is exactly what was happening. He says, nikki Haley is counting on the Democrats and liberals to infiltrate your republican party. And that’s exactly what she did. Trump, he put this out on truth.

It says, anyone listening to Nikki Nimroda Haley’s whacked out speech last night would think that she won the Iowa primary. She didn’t. And she couldn’t even beat a very flawed Rondi sanctimonious who is out of money and out of hope. Nikki came in a distant third. She said she would never run against me. He was a great president and she should have followed her own advice. Now she’s stuck with weak policies and a very strong MAGA base and there’s just nothing she can do about it.

Then he put this out and said, haley is the establishment candidate who is loved by Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney. And we need to go back a little bit in time because Nikki Haley, she’s a globalist. She’s a rhino from the very, very beginning. And look at the tweet that she put out on April 6, 2020. Thank you, Bill Gates, for donating billions of dollars to construct factories that will manufacture the seven most promising vaccines.

This will keep us from losing any time as potential vaccines move through the clinical trial process. And no MAGA person would ever say this, a rhino would, a d would, they would all say this. And what’s very interesting, and I do believe that Ron DeSantis, he is playing a role. He trapped the establishment because Trump knew he needed people in there to move the votes. Vivic was put in a place to wake up those people that were watching the debates, when those people were watching on CNN, MSNBC and Fox, he woke up a lot of people.

People started to learn about the Russia hoax January 6 and everything else. I don’t believe that Trump needed Vivek after the Iowa caucus. He played his role. I do believe DeSantis needs to stay in there long term because you had Chris Crispy and Nikki Haley. I do believe those people are globalist rhinos. And I do believe DeSantis was put into place to actually keep them at bay and actually run the system down where they don’t get the votes, keep the votes split so they never capture the people.

Because now, think about it. If DeSantis is there and Nikki Haley’s there, remember, Chris pristry dropped out. Asa Hutchinson dropped out. She can’t get all the votes. So the votes are staying split right now. And I do believe in the end, Nikki Haley will have to drop out before DeSantis. But it looks like they want DeSantis to drop out right now because they see that Nikki Haley is a better candidate.

So the Wall Street Journal, they’re calling on DeSantis to drop out. Now, why aren’t they saying Nikki Haley, she’s in third. Why are they saying DeSantis? Think about this for a second. Now, ABC News, they’re canceling the New Hampshire gob debate because Haley is refusing to attend because Trump is not debating. Trump doesn’t have to debate. Look, he won the Iowa caucus by not going to one debate.

He was already president. People already know his record. He’s been through the crap. People know this already. But look, Trump, he had Vivek on stage in New Hampshire. And it looks like Vivek might be going into his administration. Storm has arrived. Put this out and said President Trump just implied that Vivek might be part of his administration. It’s an honor to have his endorsement. He’s going to be working with us and he’ll be working with us for a very long time.

So you think Vivek was a plant from the very, very beginning? Absolutely. And Trump right now, he has a double digit lead in New Hampshire just days ahead of the primary. And I do believe this is going to be even more as we get closer and closer Rich Barris put this out and said, arg magically appeared the day UMass published a Trump plus 30 saying, it’s cold water on the idea Nikki Haley had momentum.

They released a new one point change the day three new polls showed double digit leads for Trump, including a Haley pack internal. Then he responded to that and said, it is as I suspected. Trump maintains commanding lead in 2024 New Hampshire GOP primary Trump 50% plus 16, Haley at 34%, descendants at 5%. So Trump is up 16% right now, and he’s holding that lead now. Once again, Trump is letting everyone know that we must turn out in New Hampshire.

Even if they call it, you still vote. Don’t listen to the fake news. Don’t listen to, oh, look, Trump won. Every person needs to vote to the very, very end, because this is a trick that they do. Oh, look, he won. And people say, well, then I don’t have to vote. And then they bring in the other people to actually catch up to what Trump has. So don’t stop voting.

Vote until the end. So if you’re standing online, stay there. Doesn’t matter what you hear, you vote. But Trump, he is urging voters to turn out New Hampshire primary. We want to send a strong signal now. Think about it. Send a strong signal to who? The deep state players we are winning. A signal to the rhinos. We’re coming for you. That’s exactly what he wants. He wants, in the end, to give the deep state players the finger.

I got the people. Look how many votes I won by. You are done for. But again, the deep state players, they’re going to fight back with everything that they have. And what’s very interesting is that Elon Musk, he put out attacks will intensify. And CAG Drago, he looked at this and said, holy crap, he put this out at 651. And that’s 06:51 p. m. On January 16, 2024.

And if you look at the post 651, it says attacks will intensify. Is that a coincidence? I think not. But I do believe that attacks will intensify because they’re going to become very, very desperate. And the other thing that’s very interesting, I remember going back to when Tucker Carlson asked Trump, are you afraid that they’re going to assassinate you? And Trump really didn’t answer. But it looks like the Hill and other fake news outlets, they’re putting out stories now where they’re talking about assassination.

And this is the headline, assassination attempts are on the rise worldwide. Is the US next? And there’s one line here which I think is very interesting. Now. Yes, they go through South Korea, they go through Ecuador, they go through all the different places where there was assassinations. But the one line that I find very, very interesting is this. Unfortunately, it is difficult to diagnose the cause of this apparent rise in assassination attempts targeting various nations.

I do believe they are now projecting that they are going to try an assassination on Trump. Now, is that going to succeed? Absolutely not. But they’re trying to build the case that this is something that is happening across the world. We can’t figure out why it’s happening, and it might happen here in the United States. And that’s why they said, is the United States next? And I do believe this is why Tucker Carlson asked this question.

I remember that post. What happens if there’s email and text from the FBI, DOJ, and the rest showing that they planned an assassination? Because you know who the people are they’re going to try to assassinate? It’s the criminal syndicate, DOJ, FBI, CIA, and all the unelected people and the corrupt people, because, again, they’re fighting for their survival. And since they’re fighting for their survival, what do they got to do? They got to scare the people.

See, without fear, the people won’t do what they want them to do. And that’s why they use events. And actually, the Nazis knew this firsthand. This is from Herman Goring. The only thing that needs to be done to enslave people is to scare them. If you manage to find a way to scare people, you can make them do what you want them to. Ah. So the same people that were in Nazi Germany who are here today, they’re using the same exact playbook.

But I do believe that whatever they try to do, Trump is going to give them hope. He’s going to give them light to counter the fear. And I do believe Dan Scovino let us know that there are countermeasures in place and certain things are about to happen. On X, he put out a jet that is doing these different maneuvers, and they fired these flares or chaffs into the sky as countermeasures so the missile won’t hit the jet.

So I do believe he’s letting us know that there are countermeasures. Now, this video was 39 seconds long. And let me just read post 39, which is very interesting. November 2, 2017. Would it blow your mind if I told you Barack Obama has been to North Korea and perhaps there now, why did his administration do little to slow their nuclear and missile capability because they wanted them to be nuclear capable.

Who feeds North Korea with strategic intel? Iran. What deal was done with Iran under Barack Obama? Why was the deal sealed under a top secret classification? To eliminate interference of government officials, including Congress, because they would never allow the deal to be done. Why wasn’t Congress notified? Because he didn’t want Congress to know what he was doing. Remember, he was setting up the 16 year plan. Why? After Barack Obama left office, all of a sudden North Korea has nukes and the tech to miniaturize for payload delivery within the US.

What about NSA, CiaDI, etc. All confirming tech wouldn’t be in place for five plus years. This is to fool the people. Whenever they say five years, it means it’s going to happen much, much sooner. Why is all this relevant and what does it tell you? That the Obama administration, along with the intelligence community, armed an aggressive rogue state with weapons of mass destruction, making it capable of hitting North America, NATO nations and east asian allies.

Big picture is rare, and this is what they planned on doing from the very beginning. Is North Korea still going down this path now? Yes. There was a short break with Trump. They stopped firing missiles. Trump had peace, and now they’re back to their plan. Because Trump has turned this against them. He wants the people to see, he wants them to bring us to war. He wants to usher in peace to counter everything they’re going to do.

Remember, I do believe war, World War II, nuclear war. This is their event of all events. Once Trump counters this event, it is game over for them because they don’t get the death, they don’t get the destruction, they don’t get the distraction, they get none of it. But since Scovino put this up and its countermeasures, let’s go to post. 27 93. It’s February 18, 2019. I’m going to read the whole thing.

Chatter Uptick how to effectively prevent cross talk re anti narrative across all social media online platforms. Ability to prevent crosstalk narrows comms only to fake news, which provides for more control over what is released to inform the public. A series of scenarios is currently being conducted game the system to test response risk and calc results. Censorship added layers of inserted code through keyword targeting in biohistory and comments and individual platform mods has failed to curtail the problem.

China, Russia, Iran fake takedown hacks of select platforms for maintenance is one scenario being gameplayed. So basically communication blackout. Then it says zero day countermeasures in place. Example, think emergency alert system. There was a final test in October. Think White House controlled new RT news website. Think white House controlled new video stream platform. Well, don’t we have true social, don’t we have rumble? Absolutely. Think here. Should this occur, immediate steps will be taken to classify each as public utility, essential public services to gain appropriate government regulation.

Why do we make things public? So I do believe that Scavino is letting us know that they’re going to push another event where they’re going to shut down communications, they’re going to try to use censorship. We can see the World Economic Forum. They’re already saying, yes, misinformation, disinformation, actually truth telling, free speech, that is our main objective. Shut this down, censor it. And if we can’t do it, we’re bringing these platforms down.

And I do believe they are going to attempt this, because as we get closer and closer to election, they can’t have the people discussing the truth. And think about Google. They changed their terms of service and they mentioned events specifically that should tell you everything you need to know. And what people are learning now is that you can’t trust your government. The founding fathers never wanted you to trust the government.

They wanted you to trust yourself to be independent because it is a republic and they wanted you to be responsible for your life. And you can see the deep state players. What they’ve done is they’ve morphed the government into what they wanted. It took them many, many years, but that’s exactly what they did. And I think Rand Paul says it the best. The founders never intended for Americans to trust their government.

Our entire constitution was predicated on a notion that government was a necessary evil to be restrained and minimized as much as possible. And he’s absolutely right. And now as we approach the presidential election, we can see the storm is building. And yes, a storm is coming. I do believe the storm is going to hit once Trump wins the election. I do believe that’s when the storm will hit.

I do believe that’s when he’ll make his announcements. Why? Because right now he doesn’t have all parts of the Keystone. He has the presidency, which is the commander in chief. He has the military with him. He’s waiting for the people. And once the people vote for him, he has everything he needs, which means he can unleash the storm. Now, he’s not going to be doing all this. I do believe it’s going to be coming from all different places.

And I don’t believe it’s going to be coming at once. But you’re going to see how everything starts to change very, very rapidly. And very interestingly, post five five 2, January 18, 2018, there’s a sign that says storm coming warning. And I do believe once he gets the people to vote for him, once he becomes president, the gloves come off and the storm hits. Why? Because the patriots are in control.

Listen, everyone, thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks lot.

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Biden administration disapproval collagen supplement promotion concealed carry Dan Scavino defensive strategies deep state attacks discussion Hunter Biden legal charges criticism Hunter Biden's foreign business dealings illusion of equality in justice system IRS corruption exposure Representative James Comer investigation secure election process preference Trump popularity in Iowa US border management criticism X 22 Report political analysis

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