Ep. 3186a – Fake News Begins To Backtrack On Recession 2024 In Play
The text discusses the economic distress caused by government mandates, inflation, and workforce shortage, impacting everything from housing affordability to personal finances. It highlights the push by central banks for digital currencies and how taxpayers are struggling. Further, the text proposes that the people’s resistance is crucial in pushing back against these policies, emphasizing that economic struggles are expected to worsen leading to the 2024 elections. This induces skepticism of optimistic economic forecasts from sources like the Wall Street Journal.
As we approach 2024, an impending economic recession similar to 2008 may occur due to high interest rates and economic instability; Trump is warning of this while the current administration portrays a positive outlook. However, public sentiment may shift towards Trump as economic challenges deepen and lies from officials about the economic conditions become evident.
Report. My name is Dave. In this episode 3180 06:00 A. m. . Today’s date is October 15, 2023. And the title of the episode is fake News Begins to Backtrack on recession 2024 in play. Let’s talk about protecting our wealth. Hey. Feeling unsure about your finances these days? You’re not alone. That’s why Noble Gold Investments is here to help. Just hear it straight from the folks they’ve helped.
The Noble crew walked me through everything. No stress. With their help, I can finally sleep easy at night. And now this month, Noble Gold Investments is handing out free five ounce silver. America, the beautiful coin. If you qualify for an IRA, invest in gold and silver with Noble Gold Investments, go to X 22 Gold, that is X 22 Gold. com. Or click the link in the description. The only gold company I trust.
And remember, there’s always a risk of investment and there’s no guarantee of any kind. Let’s get right into the economic collapse. Financial news now the deep state, the corrupt politicians, the private west of Central Bank, the World Economic Forum. You can see that they are now bringing down their entire system. And remember, this is their system. It’s the central bank system. They created it back in 1913. They modified it back in the 40s when the United States became the fiat currency of the world.
1971, we came off the gold standard and we went full fiat. And in 2008, 2009, the central bankers took complete and utter control of pretty much everything. And they are now bringing down their own economy to bring us into the great reset, the Green New Deal. And as they do this, people are starting to recognize and realize that this system does not work for them. Everything’s out of whack.
And I do believe this is because Trump and the Patriots, they accelerated everything. Inflation has been accelerated because they knew that the deep state players, they were going to borrow and borrow and borrow, and the Central Bank was going to print and print and print. Plus they also knew they were going to follow the Green New Deal, trying to push us into a place where we don’t really have energy, which is going to be a complete and utter disaster.
And you’re going to see the prices of things move up because energy is moving up. We have a lot of currency in circulation, which makes prices move up, which really means the currency is devaluing over time. And that’s exactly what we’re seeing. So throughout this entire period, people now see the economy completely breaking apart, ripping itself apart. And they know that it’s the Fed, it’s the Biden administration, the treasury.
Now remember the Biden administration. They’re out there letting everyone know that the economy is doing fine. The Fed is also out there saying that they have everything under control. And you can see the Fake News right now. They’re starting to backtrack, letting everyone know that the consensus among economists and everyone else is that there’s really no worry, there’s no reason to worry about a recession because it seems like we’re coming out of it, which I do believe the opposite is going to happen.
Actually, this reminds me of the time when we were going into 2008, before that, the economists and everyone was saying that everything was fantastic, the economy is great, we don’t have to worry about a recession. Even the Fed was out there saying they weren’t predicting any type of recession the year that the market came crashing down. And it looks like they’re doing the exact same thing. And they’re already starting to build this narrative as we approach 2024, which means 2024 is now in play.
As we go throughout 2024, I do believe all these economists and the fake news, they’re going to try to convince everyone that everything is looking good. And just by pushing that, they’re going to try to convince the people that the economy is improving. Now, the people, everyday, people that go out to shop, everyday, people that go to purchase the fuel, everyday, people that who are working in their jobs might lose their jobs, maybe they’re not getting raises, they’re going to start to realize that something else is going on.
And this is going to be very, very difficult for the central bankers, the World Economic Forum, to convince the people. And I think as we go through 2024, as they continually tell everyone everything is great, trump is going to let everyone know the opposite is actually happening. Now, of course, as we go through 2024, no one’s going to believe that the economy is going to head towards a depression until we actually hit a depression.
And usually that happens when the market comes down because that tells everyone there’s something wrong. Otherwise people really don’t notice. Yes, they know something’s wrong, but the government, the fake news, no one’s going to say, oh, by the way, we’re in a depression. They only admit it when something catastrophic happens. And yes, later on they go back in time, say, hey, I don’t know if you know this, but depression started about six, eight months ago.
So it looks like as we get closer and closer to 2024, yes, you’ll hear calls out there saying that the economy is improving. Biden’s going to be out there saying it’s improving. Trump is going to say, no, we’re heading into a depression. People are going to say, I do feel something’s wrong with the economy. Everything is expensive. It’s very difficult to make ends meet. I know a couple of friends that got laid off, but maybe the economy is going to be picking up, maybe it will get better.
And then when the entire system falls apart, I do believe right before the election, that’s when people are going to start to see it and actually experience it. But you could see they’re building up this narrative and we’ll be talking about this a little bit later, but first you could see the countries out there, especially Argentina, they’re having a very, very difficult time. Inflation is out of control.
Wall Street Silver put this out on X and said, argentina has just raised its interest rates to 133% in an attempt to curb its inflation, which is running at 138%. Forecasts indicate that inflation may exceed 180% by year end, which means there’s going to be huge problems there. There was already huge problems there, because when you have this type of inflation and interest rates this high, what else are you going to do? The entire system is done for.
And this is why this new individual who’s trying to become president there, this is why they’re attacking him, because if he takes control and he becomes president and yes, there’s now scandals that are ramping up around this individual, which the deep state the central banks always do. They always attack the people that are going to get rid of their system. They understand that they can’t allow this individual to come into power because look what happened now.
El Salvador, they got rid of the central bank, they got rid of the IMF, they paid off the IMF and they went to Bitcoin. And the country now is thriving. And they don’t want countries to thrive without the central bank system because if people started to realize in other countries that, hey, wait a minute, this country’s doing pretty darn well without the central bank. Well, maybe we should follow in what they’re doing and maybe we can have the same exact results.
They don’t want other countries to see this. And this is why the central bank always tries to maintain control as their system completely falls apart. And it is falling apart because we’re at the end stage of their system. And this is why you have certain individuals saying, oh, no, we can fix it. There’s no problem. All we need to do is raise everyone’s pay. All we need to do is raise the minimum wage and we can fix the problem.
No, the problem is never going to be fixed until you go to the source of the problem. It’s almost like if you have a disease, if you have a disease, yes, you could take medication to mask the symptoms, but unless you go to the source, you’re always going to be sick. The country is always going to be sick because we need to go to the source of the problem, and that is the central bank system, where they create currency out of thin air and they loan it to us like a loan shark.
But you’ll have those individuals, like Governor Newsom and many others, letting everyone know, don’t worry, we’re going to take care of it. We’re going to raise the minimum wage and everything is going to be fine. And that’s exactly what they’re doing out in California, he’s already increasing the minimum wage for fast food workers. I think that goes into effect in April. Oh, that’s going to be a disaster.
And he’s also approved the $25 per hour minimum wage for healthcare workers. So right now he’s giving this out. It’s a Band Aid fix. And you know what happens. I mean, just think about when they raised the minimum wage. You think they added more workers or did they say, okay, let’s go to electronics now and let people order it themselves? And this way we don’t have to have the same amount of employees.
So we’re going to set of the five. We’ll only need the two or the three, and we’ll get rid of the others and we can save some money or we can have one person do the job of two people or three people. This is what normally happens, which means this doesn’t help the situation. And if Newsom’s goal is to help the workforce shortage, a minimum wage increase may not be the solution.
First and foremost, the shortage was created by the government because of the vaccine mandates. Employees who refused the vaccine were fired from their jobs. Secondly, it can affect the hospitals and businesses that employ these workers. That may even take away the incentive to go for more lucrative training for pay raises and more advanced jobs in the field. Plus hospitals. What are they going to do if they have to pay people more money? They’re going to raise their rates, which means insurance is going to go up.
Let’s talk about protecting our wealth. Hey. Feeling unsure about your finances these days? You’re not alone. That’s why Noble Gold Investments is here to help. Just hear it straight from the folks. They’ve helped the Noble crew walk me through everything. No stress. With their help, I can finally sleep easy at night. And now this month, Noble Gold Investments is handing out free five ounce silver. America the beautiful coin.
If you qualify for an IRA, invest in gold and silver with Noble Gold Investments, go to X 22 Gold, that is X 22 Gold. com. Or click the link in the description, the only gold company I trust. And remember, there’s always a risk of investment and there’s no guarantee of any kind. And this is like a domino effect. And it’s just going to get worse and worse because this is not the fixed.
This is a bandaid fix, which normally goes in the wrong direction. And when you watch California, you can see that they’re going to destroy their entire state just like the Fed. Now with raising rates, they’re destroying the entire housing market. And people who are trying to look for a home or they’re renting, and this is the young generation, they realize this is a complete and utter disaster. And the only way they see it is because everything’s been accelerated.
They see inflation, they see high fuel costs. They see how they can’t afford housing. They see how the salary that they’re making doesn’t help them in the end. Actually, they’re just working to pay bills and they don’t have the same lives as their parents. So the younger generation are definitely seeing it. Now. They might not know the exact reason, but they’re seeing it. Wall street silver and X put this out and said housing affordability hit a record low, even lower than the 2008 crisis.
In some cities, it now takes between a half and two thirds of family income to own a house. In some areas of California, it’s past 80%. Only the rich can afford these prices. Turns out printing 6 trillion had consequences. Soaring house prices, plunging real wages, inflation to gobble up your life savings. And that is what people are seeing right now. And since people now see the inflation, they finding it very difficult to make ends meet.
What do you think people are normally doing right now? You think they’re increasing the number of dependents so they get more in their paycheck. And if they start to do this because they need more money, it’s going to be very difficult then to pay their taxes because they don’t have the right amount of taxes being taken out of their check, which means people are going to owe taxes and most likely they might go on a payment plan.
But you can see why the Biden administration and the Central bank players needed the enforcers to go out and collect the taxes. And this is exactly what we’re seeing right now. Americans have failed to pay a record 688,000,000,000 in taxes. The IRS says that will change the agency plans. More audits targeting high income taxpayers. Well, you know who they’re going to start to go after? People who are making less than 400,000.
And we knew that was coming. This had nothing to do with the wealthy. This had to do with a failed policy. This has to do with bringing us into the great reset. This has to do with inflation. And people can’t survive, which means they’re not going to be paying their taxes. And now they’re going to have their enforcers go out and collect these taxes. Because when the system breaks down, this is what happens.
And now we’re seeing it here. It’s all playing out and people are seeing it. And look what’s happening because you know, the central bank, they’re getting ready for the central bank digital currency. It doesn’t mean that people are going to accept it. Just like when you go back in time to the vaccine passports. Yes, the deep state, the central bank, they will push until the very end. They’re not just going to say, hey, oh, look, the people don’t want this, so we’ll just give up.
No. The central bank or the deep state players, they’re always going to push their agenda until the people push back. So if you don’t push back, they’ll just keep going. And this is what we saw with the vaccine passport. They pushed, they pushed they pushed, they claimed they tried to push it here in America. And what happened? The people said absolutely not. People started to file lawsuits. They went to courts.
The Constitution protected the people. The same thing is happening with the central bank digital currency. They’re going to push as hard as they possibly can, but we can see there are patriots that have bills in place in Congress to counter this. And the people are not going to go along with this, which means we have to keep the pressure up. And you can see the deep state, the central bank, they’re preparing for this.
Major banks now have closed over 3000 branches nationwide with recent 50 plus closures from bank of America in just one week. Because if you go to the central bank digital currency, do you need all these branches? Because if they’re going to get rid of cash, what are you going to do with the banks? Nothing. Everything will be done over the Internet and it will all be digital. So once again, they are going to get prepared for this.
It doesn’t mean that we’re going into the central bank digital currency because first of all, they just can’t say, hey ding, it’s time for the central bank digital currency. Congress has to pass it and they have to allow this to happen. There’s already bills in Congress saying the opposite. And I don’t think the people of this country and the people of the world in the end are going to allow this.
This whole thing is going to backfire on them just like everything else does. But they will push and push and push, which means the people push back at every turn. The people don’t give up. Because if the central bank, the deep state players, see that, you don’t care, they’ll just do whatever they want. And this is why I do believe Trump and the Patriots wanted everyone to see all of this play out while they’re awake, why they’re thinking logically, where there’s no event, there’s no pandemic, there’s no war.
You can see this all playing out right in front of your eyes now. Yes, as we lead up to 2024, the economy is going to get worse and yes, we’re going to have a lead up to war, but it’s too late. The people already see what’s happening. The people already understand what the central bank is trying to do and the people are going to learn more and more as we go throughout 2024.
And we could see that the 2024 election, it is in play. And we could see that Trump is on the side of a recession, depression, and he’s been saying this for quite a while. And Biden administration, the Fed and the treasury, they’re on the side that the economy is doing great, everything is improving, nothing to worry about. And we can see they must have dropped the 04:00 A.
m. Talking points because now we have economists, we have the fake news, the Fed, they’re all out there saying it looks like things are now turning around. FX Hedge put this out on X and said a recession is no longer the consensus. Per the Wall Street Journal. In the Wall Street Journal survey, economists lower recession probability below 50% and say Fed is finished raising interest rates. Everything is fantastic.
Now, what do you think is going to happen as we go through 2024? Well, you know that as fuel prices continually move up, inflation is continually moving up, you know, raising the interest rates, that didn’t do anything. You know what happens when you raise your interest rates? Well, it destroys the economy. It’s destroying the housing market, it’s destroying the banking sector. It’s destroying pretty much everything, and it freezes credit.
And that’s exactly what we’re starting to see right now, because now banks don’t want a loan. People can’t get loans because the interest rates are too high. And we could see that everything’s starting to break down. But again, they’re going to be on one side telling you everything’s great. Trump’s going to be on the other side telling you we’re heading into a depression. And as we get closer and closer to 2024, something has to give where people then can see there’s a problem in the economy.
In 2008, when McCain and Obama running, the entire market fell apart. So as we approach 2024 in November, do you think the market’s most likely going to fall apart as we hit October? Most likely. And Trump is going to be on the winning side? Yes. People are going to have a very difficult time. Who do you think they’re going to blame? Are they going to blame Trump or Biden? Trump’s been telling everyone, depression, biden, if he’s still there, or whoever the administration is.
Kamala Harris they’re going to tell you everything’s great. So in the end, the people aren’t going to believe them. In the end, everyone’s going to say, no, Trump is right, and everyone’s going to move to his side. This is the same tactic that Obama used in 2008. McCain was on one side telling you everything was great, the economy strong. He was telling you they were going into a recession.
They wanted him in, and that’s what they did. That’s how they installed him at that point in time. Now, again, it was a uni party, but again, there were certain forces that wanted him in there to put the 16 year plan in motion. And we can see that Trump, it looks like he’s using this same type of tactic against them right now. And if or when Michelle is running, it looks like it will be against the AMAs, the same tactic that they used back in 2008.
But let’s see how this all plays out. But it seems like we’re leading in that. We’re heading in that direction, I should say. And it looks like as we go throughout 2024, we’re going to see a lot more of this. But in the end, when we hit the crisis, the people, they’re going to see very, very clearly who’s responsible for this. The people are going to see, you know, something.
You told us lies this entire time. We have high inflation, high fuel costs. The economy is erect. The market came down and you were telling us that everything was great and everything was working. Now we know the Fed, they didn’t solve a problem. They caused a problem. The biden administration, they lied, they caused a problem. And now the central bank is trying to bring us into the central bank digital currency, and they’re trying to reset the system in their new system, which, as we the people, we’re not going in that direction.
And I do believe there’ll be screams from the rooftops because everyone will be like, holy crap. Look at the economy saying absolutely not. And remember, at the same exact time, we’re going to have the push for war. So people are going to say no on both fronts, and Trump is going to have the people with him, and the people are going to make the final decision. Listen, everyone, thanks a lot for listening.
Be well, be safe, and it’s best to be prepared. Thanks a lot, Sam. .
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