Dr. Lee Merritt: Exposing The Latest Chinese White Lung Narrative – Same Playbook As COVID

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➡ The Sons of Liberty is a politically neutral organization based on a Christian biblical worldview, advocating for the principles which form the foundation of American society. The organization runs a radio show hosted by Tim Brown, where diverse ideologies are discussed, from conservative to liberal, aimed at discerning who adheres strictly to the teachings of the Bible and the Constitution. They also offer various resources, including a bookstore and a platform to sign up for newsletters and updates.
➡ The speaker criticizes theories of disease contagion, pointing to a lack of concrete evidence in disease transmission studies, suggesting diseases like flu and COVID-19 could instead be caused by environmental factors, particularly electromagnetic fields from technologies like 5G. They condemn supposed fearmongering about contagion and encourage critical thinking.
➡ The text discusses the doubts and inconsistencies found in the biography of John Enders, the founding figure of virology, and the critique of the unavailability of historical original research behind virology. It also delves into the murky connections between the medical scientific publishing institutions and intelligence services, suggesting possible manipulations of information. These revelations prompt questions about the validity and credibility of the information disseminated in the field of medicine and science.
➡ The speaker discusses allegations of Israel’s unscrupulous involvement in U.S politics and mechanisms to address domestic and international conflicts such as the dispute with Hamas. The speaker also raises concerns over the potentially harmful impact of COVID-19 vaccines based on an analysis of Israeli data by two Israeli citizens living in France. They found a significantly higher likelihood of vaccinated individuals dying from COVID-19 compared to those unvaccinated. The speaker then dives into a discussion on the scientific methods of virus detection and isolation, expressing scepticism on accepted techniques and raising questions about the authenticity of findings, in particular with regards to COVID-19.
➡ The speaker discusses a belief that current scientific understanding of viruses, especially SARS CoV-2, is misrepresented and not frightening when viewed through an electron micrograph. They argue that supposed scientific truths are twisted to manipulate and control individuals, even to the point of lethal harm, drawing parallels between false scientific narratives and Biblical portrayals of deceit and manipulation. They also make connections to broader conspiracy theories around global control, perverted science and bioweapons.
➡ The text discusses a theory linking the incidence of COVID-19 to a specific waveform activated in China, hinting at potential bioweaponry. The text also explores concerns about genetically modified insects, like mosquitoes, potentially being used to infect populations. It delves into the need for proper health maintenance practices, suggesting antiparasite medications, nutritional supplements, and avoidance of GMO objects, while also emphasizing the importance of discerning real science from pseudoscience.
➡ The speaker advises against public school education due to potential health risks associated with 5G towers and vaccinations with undisclosed methods. They suggest the recent illnesses among children might not be caused by a virus but could be a result of vaccine damage or toxins in their surroundings, though acknowledging a possibility of misinformation in news reporting. The speaker further theorizes the potential impact of drastic immune system damage caused by the vaccines and mulls over the possibility of a disease specifically affecting children. They also highlight the importance of natural immunity, sunlight exposure and activity in preserving health.
➡ The text discusses concerns about governmental and medical authority overreach, expressing skepticism towards vaccine information and effectiveness, highlighting issues with vaccination of elderly and pregnant women. The author also suspects a sterilization agenda and raises questions about segregating populations and suspected school-related health hazards. They advocate for sunscreen avoidance, proper battery care, and home care for the elderly.
➡ The text discusses issues with nursing homes, advocating for better care of the elderly at home. It touches on the importance of adequate sunlight for health, as well as exercising and being mindful of food, toxins, and electromagnetic fields (EMFs) for overall wellness. It provides resources like lifewavepatch.com and fixemfs.com to protect individuals. The speaker mentions the website themedicalrebel.com offering information on parasite management and gaining religious exemptions amongst other topics.


The Sons of Liberty is a politically neutral organization. We believe that the Judeo Christian ethic has provided the principles upon which this nation was founded. It is our belief that these principles provide not only the foundation and framework for American government and society, but are also essential to the maintenance of a fair and just society. All program content is based on a Christian biblical worldview. One of you said to me recently that we shouldn’t rock the boat.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, I want to tell you that I am a boat. Rock, rock, rock. Good day, America. Welcome Christians, conservatives, constitutionalists, liberals, libertarians, communists, Islamists, LGBTQRSTV, WXYZ people, all the boat rockers in the house, and anybody else I may have missed to the Sons of Liberty radio show here on Red State Talk radio, where we use the Bible on the Constitution not to see who’s on the right or left, but who is on the straight and narrow.

I’m your host, Tim Brown, coming to you live from the US occupied state of South Carolina, the editor at Sons of LibertyMedia. com, and for a Muslim friends, I’m the infidel that Allah warns you about, a hold to the book the Bible as the authoritative Word of God. Glad that you guys have joined us this morning. If you would like to check us out online, please do so.

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You can get there through the store link off of Sonsoflibertymedia. com or go there directly at theSuns of Liberty. Don’t forget the in front of it, thesunsofliberty Squarespace. com. ThesunsofLiberty squarespace. com. And then just let you guys know, as this is airing, I will be on my way to I’m, by the time you guys are hearing this and we are pre recording, I wasn’t fibbing. We’re lying. But by the time you guys hear this, I’ll be probably somewhere in the air going towards Michigan with a layover in Chicago and then finally ending up there later this morning.

But for those of you who are interested, you’re in or around the Grand Rapids area. Bradley and I are going to be in Caledonia, Michigan, at 35 55 60 Eigth street southeast tonight. I don’t know what the place is because I can’t tell you, but that’s the address. So if you put it in, I guess it’ll take you there. Right. And then tomorrow night on Friday, Bradley and I will be in Marshall, Michigan, 800 East Michigan aveNue.

And I’m really looking forward to seeing a lot of people. I’ve got some people who are texting me saying, oh, we’re going to try to make it out there, bring the kids and stuff. So I’m excited to see some of the people who are part of the Sol family, and many of the people who’ve written me have been great encouragement to me. So it’d be great to meet you guys face to face, maybe get some hugs in and chest bumps or whatever we got to do there, and we’ll have a good time together.

And I know that a lot of you guys will come out there to hear BRadLEy I’m going to try to keep my thing to 45 minutes to an hour or something like that. And we’re going to be talking about men tonight and Lord willing, and then tomorrow night, Lord willing, we’re going to be talking about militia. And those two go together. Eminem. Right. So those two things go together.

And I think that you’ll find it very edifying. And hopefully there’s a lot of people, in fact, I know some people are already in that mindset there, so hopefully it’ll be edifying for them as well as encouraging others to join in that and to do what we need to do as men. All right. Okay. So today we’re going to be discussing some of the stuff that’s coming out in the news now that we’re hearing about this white lung stuff.

It’s supposed to be another Chinese thing. And of course we aren’t buying any of that here. Okay, so let me just say that right off the bat, we’re not going to go with the official narrative. We’re going to question all of it, just like we did the convids, just like we did the variants, just like we did the monkey pox and everything else. And here to help me do that, we haven’t had her on since.

I think the last time we had her on was just right after Red Pill Expo in August. And we covered the bloodlines issue, which was a fascinating talk that Dr. Lee Merritt had. And it’s my privilege to welcome back to the Sons of Liberty Dr. Lee Merritt. Good to see you. Hey, thanks. And as it says on my new background, I just put up for this. This is a chance to change somebody’s reality this week.

Yeah, you got that? We got to get out of the false reality that gives them the possibility of terrorizing us with these. I call it disease. Whack them all. I swear, what they’re going to do is whatever this disease is, they’re going to name. What they’re really going to do is they’re going to take the COVID test into the back room, they’re going to change the label, bring them out, and then they’re going to use them for the testing for this.

That’s the way it is because the whole thing is a scam. And I know it’s hard for people to get that, but in a nutshell, there is no infectious disease that I can come up with that is more damaging to children than to adults. If you tell me this is from the vaccine, I’m going to tell you. Well, okay, but why are we not seeing adults being reported with this problem with the vaccine? If you tell me this is just a new virus, I’ll tell you.

Every time the flu comes around, it’s not children that die, it’s the old people. So why is this children? And I will cut to the chase here in opine that what did we see happen during COVID in America? We put up 5G towers all around the schools. What is the first symptom of electromagnetic frequency radiation disease? What used to be called tele like symptoms. It’s an irritable lung that gives you a dry cough, dry hacking cough, fever and malaise.

And the other things that happen. Yeah. Nervousness sometimes, but yeah, it always starts. For most people, the first sign of electromagnetic frequency damage is a cough, is a lung irritation. And that’s what we’re seeing. And why would it be chill? The one thing I can think of just off the top of my head, without even breaking a sweat, is that it was something to do with the fact that they put all these 5G towers up.

Yeah. There’s no doubt every time new technology has been rolled out since what, the early 1900, actually going back into the 18 hundreds. 1850, when we laid the telegraph. Laid the telegraph? Yeah. We never had a flu season until then. Yeah. Okay. It was very deadly to people due to the fact that they had not experienced any of that. And so there was not this time for the body to adjust to it, to fight it off and all these kinds of things.

And it wasn’t a contagion, which I don’t know. Dr. Lee, have you seen. There was a thing that I put out the other day, there was a lady on Substac, and she had requested from the CDC all the studies of the flu convids, all this other stuff that are called contagion. She wanted the studies that showed they actually were contagious, that you could pass them on to other people.

And she kept requesting and requesting and requesting, and they didn’t give her anything. And so finally, after eight months, she said, look, just send me whatever you found. And they still couldn’t send her anything. And I guess the question is, are you aware, because you’ve recently come through some of that stuff too, you’ve recently questioned all those things. Is there anything that you’ve run across that shows, that actually demonstrates that people can transmit a disease from them to somebody else? And what would that be? Well, the one thing.

Okay, so here’s what I did. First of all, I started looking at the literature myself on transmission of disease. And I found out it all quickly devolves into algorithms and computer modeling. So they have some kid with chickenpox or something. Not chickenpox. Maybe it was measles. I think it was measles, for example, in a doctor’s office somewhere, and then four other people came out with measles or something later in that event.

And so then they started doing these airflow studies in the office. But that’s not a controlled study. That doesn’t show you. If you really wanted to know if this was true, what you would do is take a completely normal child and put it in the same room with a child that has the disease and see if it transmits something. Now we’ll talk about Chickenpox. I know what people are out there thinking, well, how about chickenpox? And I’ll get to that in a moment.

That would be step one. The next step is you have to show that it’s transmitted by the air, and that gets a little more complicated. But you could do it. You could have a child breathe into a bag or something, and then you breathe it in. Then you put it on the other person. In 1918, when they tried to prove that it was transmitted by the air, they had young volunteers, the same kind of demographics of the people dying from this disease.

The military conducted this with the Public Health Service in Boston, and they had volunteers. Get down over the face. They said, when you go in the hospital, don’t touch anything. Don’t touch the dying, but just put your face over the face of the dying. And when they breathe out, we want you to breathe in. And there was zero transmission of the great pandemic of 1918 by that method.

They couldn’t transmit it to horses by putting a feedbag on a sick horse and transmitting it. They couldn’t do it. So I looked back at, I have four generations of medical books in my house, and I thought, how far back am I going to have to go? Until I find out that we don’t talk about viral disease as the paradigm of transmission of disease. It turned out I only had to go to my own books.

It’s been so skewed since the 1970s that we’ve forgotten what we were taught then. And when they tried to tell us about transmission of disease, they didn’t talk about viruses. They talked about parasites. We know that you can transmit tuberculosis parasites. You can transmit certain types of diseases, but what they’ve not proven is transmission of these invisible flying unicorns we call viruses. That’s never been shown that I can find, and that’s what this gal find out from the CDC.

They didn’t have the evidence either. That’s incredible. Here’s the thing I want people to get. Again, we’re not here to scare people. That’s not what we’re here to do. We’re here to inform people so that they can look at things logically, they can think critically about it. And this is a big deal because what are they centered on? One, they’re attacking our health, and number two, they’re lying about how these things that they claim exist are getting around.

But what they’re not doing is talking about the stuff we talked about, like with the rollout of technology that’s there and we’re going to see it as long. I hear that they’re already getting ready to roll out a six G, the 6th generation here. And so the more they do that, each time they do it, people are getting sick and they get sick in different ways, but it’s basically the same kind of thing.

It’s like a flu like symptom. And we did a show and I’ll have it in the archive you and I did on the Spanish flu. You were talking about 1918 and you were talking about the test that they did there. I think they did 300 and something tests, different things. They even took stuff out of the people’s mouth, out of their nose, out of their eyes. Right. And put it in.

Healthy people transmit. Yeah. So as a father of ten, I’ve seen this all the time. We could have the whole house sick at once. We can have one person sick, we can have two or three. They could be scattered out for days. And you would think if they have something that’s contagious, logically, wouldn’t that thing be in a continual cycle in your house? Because as soon as you get better, somebody else is sick and then they’re passing on to somebody.

Really, wouldn’t you think that it would just be a continual sickness that just sits in your house? Yeah, I mean, they always have reasons for things. For example, they tell us that in the winter, the reason. And by the way, why do they even want this? Because you see, first of all, it’s the magician waving his hand and not letting you look at what’s really going on. They don’t want you looking at this 5G stuff because when they get this fully implemented, this is a kill system.

Okay? They don’t want this paying attention to that. But the other thing is, it’s a great anti human agenda to make me believe that I can make you sick. I can feel guilty about it if I don’t wear my mask. They can convince us that standing apart, that not singing in church, that wearing a mask, actually it makes a difference. Now I can make anything. So let’s suppose it is electromagnetic.

I can turn on the electromagnetic new 5G in Wuhan, China, and then I can get a bunch of people sick. And interestingly, see, what I’m saying fits everything we saw. And I’m not saying it’s just five G. I think there were other contact pathogen poisons that they mixed in with this. But the point is, you could do it with electromagnetism. We kind of know how this works. You could turn on 5G in Wuhan.

And I remember all the big epidemiologists saying, oh, this is the biggest R not value we’ve ever seen. And we all learned this term, r not value. Well, some of us know it, but it’s basically how fast a disease transmits between people. And it essentially, you see, it was so out of proportion to anything they’d ever seen, because it wasn’t being transmitted between people, it was being created by a frequency.

And then they could turn it on in Wuhan. I mean, turn it on in Lombardi, and then they could turn it on in New York. And it looks like it’s creeping across the world, but it’s really could, and you could do the same thing with poisons. I could spread a poison in Wuhan, then I could spread it in Lombardi, then I could spread it in New York. I could make it look like it’s transmitting, and I can make up all sorts of stuff and make you afraid.

But it’s just, we have to get back to what we’ve actually had proven. And I think the other problem we have here is that people think, oh, we know that the government can lie about things, can hide things, can skew the truth, can fudge numbers on economics. But how can you do that with science? Right? Science has proved you got people checking their work and you got serious people working on this all over in universities.

How could they all be lying? Well, I’m going to tell you how they did it. Since I’ve talked to you last, I know how they pulled this one off. And this starts back in the 1930s, okay? So it turns out. ANd it also has to do with the front men. You know, how they push people out to the front that they want you to pay attention to. Like Klaus Schwab.

He’s just a parody of himself. He’s the ultimate Bond villain. And then when we weren’t looking at him closely enough. We were starting to look at, like, the Ukraine war or what was. Else was going on. Then they put a picture of him out on the Internet in a see through neglige kind of flu. Flu white thing. Terrible. And he’s naked on this on the beach. Yeah. I said, oh, my God, that burns into your brain, and you just want to scrape it out.

Yes, but that’s what they do. They put somebody forward so you’re not looking at something else. Now, they’ve been putting this whole thing forward, and one of the things I discovered, for example, they put forward the idea of the Skull and Bones Society. They got us all interested in skull and bones. Ooh, those guys bad. Know. They’re know, what’s his name? Bush Jr. And all these guys, these big rich guys.

But it turns out there’s one even more sinister, probably, and that is the scrolling Key Society. And I’m not here to say I can prove that the actual thing is sinister, but this is what happened. The guy that started virology, that is the grandfather of this whole mess, his name was John Enders. Okay, and John Enders, my dad had three doctorate degrees, and I still wear the ring that he used to pawn to pay for his education and then go back and pick it up.

We made a few bucks. He worked on Road cruise. I mean, he was the typical 1930s Alger. His story, not Alger. His. The story of the self made man. But John Enders was not that guy. John Enders is the guy who inherited $19 million in the 1920s, took himself to Yale, where he was a member of the Key and Scroll Society. They’re the big money, more exclusive club at Yale.

And then this is interesting. When you start looking at people, you’ll find out that sometimes their biographies give them away, that they’ve been synthetically created. Something’s wrong here, and we can’t prove it because everybody that’s around it at the time is probably dead. But John Enders then went to. He took some time off of Yale, and it said that he went off to be in the war. A pilot in the Air Force with the rank of Ensign.

Wait a. No, no. There are no ensigns in the Air Force. All you veterans out there know this. I mean, the Ensign is a naval. It’s only in the now. Now, I can understand how if you were introducing me on a podcast, that kind of mistake could be made. But this is the Nobel laureate biography. This is a rarefied crowd. They don’t make mistakes like this. So what’s going on there, then the other thing is, he claims that he went from Yale after he graduated and went to Harvard, and he got a PhD in immunology and bacteriology.

But guess what? I started thinking about that once I saw this thing about the Ensign. I said, wait a minute. Immunology. I kind of remember the was a new specialty. Well, it turns out I was right. It turns out that Harvard’s first immunology PhD was allowed to be granted by their board in 1974. So this guy is not. They pushed this guy forward as somebody famous. They gave him research that he apparently did, and I’m not sure he didn’t do the research.

I don’t know this part. I’m just raising some suspicions. Wikipedia doesn’t even mention his PhD. They just say he’s the father of vaccines. But here’s what he did. He claims that you cannot get. By the way, why can’t I look at his research, all of his research that pertains to this and the predecessor’s research from the 1930s. That is the basis of what he did. They’re all behind paywalls and institutional firewalls you can’t get at.

Don’t tell me about evidence based medicine when I can’t get at the evidence. Yeah, sure. They’re hiding what we should be able to look at to understand that what’s really going on in the world of virology today, but we can’t look at it. But fortunately, they couldn’t hide his lecture that he gave for his Nobel laureate. So that shows the data and how he did it. And this is the story of virology from the get go.

In the 1930s, there was a guy, and I don’t know where this came from, because I can’t get to literature. I don’t have the authority. But Anders is in his lab one day with, like, a medical student and this other guy, and they decide they want to start looking if they can culture viruses. And so, just by happenstance, we had this container of the Lansing poliomyelitis virus in the closet in the lab.

Okay, great. So they pull this stuff out now, I first tried to find out, okay, where did that come from? What’s the Lansing poliomyelitis virus? And again, can’t get TO it. Those are all WHY? Even for economic reaSons? I mean, I kind of understand that they want to not have people have free access to stuff that costs money to publish, but from the 1930s, it’s like, you’re not making money on that, so just let it out there, but you can’t get at that.

But he himself, Dr. Anders, presumably Dr. Anders. He says that he calls it virus in the form of an infected suspension of mouse brain. So right there, they don’t have a picture of a virus. They don’t have electron microscopes back then. They don’t have any culture done because this is what he’s working on. For the very first time, they don’t have anything. But they claim they equate a virus with this infected suspension of mouse brain.

So they’ve already assumed it’s a virus, even though they don’t have any proof. And then they culture it in embryonic cell tissue, like muscle and fibrous tissue from embryos. Where did they get the human embryos? That’s in the 1950s. That’s kind of interesting. But in any case, they noticed that the amount of clotting was what they determined showed how much virus that there must be. Virus. Because it’s clotting the blood.

Okay. I DoN’T THINK IT TAKEs. You have to have a science degree to question the logic here. Yeah, this is absolutely ridiculous, but I think the reason it’s like that, it’s confusion. And I want to take people just real quickly and just make the point. The scripture tells us that God is not the author of confusion. And usually what happens, know, Dr. Lee, is when we break things down, it’s that whole, you know, the simplest explanation is the one that I forget how that goes, but usually it’s most likely to be right.

Most likely to be right. And yet what we’re getting is this run around. And now you and I were down there in Texas for the healing, for the. And I think Brian artis is right on in how they were doing this stuff as far as the people getting the venoms and that was being done, and then to talk about the electromagnetic frequencies being used to make those. What are those things? Those lipids? I’m learning all these new.

Using them to propagate faster. And they actually had the evidence to show that they were doing that. Right. And I cautioned them, though. I said, look, you got to remember, ultimately, you can’t come to conclusions based on a search of the scientific literature, because the scientific literature is basically being published. The publishing houses for all medical scientific literature, for the most part, is owned or operated by the intelligence services.

So that’s the other thing I’ve discovered. Interesting. Yeah. No. In the 1940s, during World War II, it turned out that, well, after the war, it turned out that there were two famous scientists. Alexander Fleming, who discovered penicillin, and Charles Galton Darwin, who’s the grandson of Charles Darwin, the explorer. They went to the British government after World War II. And they, you know, we need better scientific publishing. If we could have shared information around the world, we wouldn’t have gotten so blindsided by what was going on with the Japanese and the Germans and everything.

And the British government, without hesitating or without even contacting a publisher, said, yeah, no problem. We could do that. Now why could they do that? Because it turns out that Butterworth, which was the biggest scientific medical house in the world at that time, was owned by the British government. And not just any part of the British goverNment. It was owned by Mi Six, the British spy agent. Wow.

Yes. So then they got together with the Germans and they bought Springer. They got Springer and they put it all together. It was called Pergamon. And you’re going to love this. Whom did they ask to be the editor in chief? A person with, as far as I know, no scientific background. It was Robert Maxwell. Yeah. He was not only a spy for the British in World War II, but presumably he’s a double agent because he’s buried on the Mount of Olives.

So he was a Massad agent. Which then leads us to Epstein, and he’s also the father of Maxwell, the pedophile consort of Jeffrey Epstein. And it gets even crazier if you want to look at know. Remember the Broward County Sheriff? This is about a year ago, I think. And he was at a press conference and somebody asked him about the pedophile case that was going on in Broward county and the Disney employees that were involved.

And he said, well, it wouldn’t be a good pedophile case if we didn’t have Disney employees involved, implying that they’re always involved. Right. Well, it turns out that Bob Iger, who was or is the CEO of Disney, he named his oldest son Robert Maxwell Iger because Robert Maxwell is his best know it reminds you of, I don’t want to get off on the whole Israel thing, but I just want people to kind of understand Israel’s really not our ally the way we’re told they are.

They’re involved in our elections and the quote unquote security there. We did several articles on that. They draw us into their wars. I mean, this whole thing with Hamas and all, they’re the ones that were controlling Hamas for their own benefit, just like the CIA did with al Qaeda and ISIS and such. And so I want people to get that in the midst. And by the way we do look to Israel as, boy, they were an incubator for this whole shot stuff.

I got so many stories of people saying, they’re forcing this stuff on us and it’s killing us. Well, exactly. And I’m just going to say early on, one of the very first things that I discovered, this is February of 2021. There were these two. They had Israeli citizenship, but they were, I think, living in France, both of them. Herv Seligman, who was an epidemiologist, I think, in Marseille at the university, and Haim Yativ, and he’s an engineer.

And they got together, and it’s an online paper, but they wrote this paper and they said, look, we don’t have a dog in this fight. We’re not involved in production, manufacture, or concern about this vaccine from a financial standpoint. But we have children living in Israel, and we want to know what’s going on. So what they did was they got the official government data from the Israelis and they looked at it, and this was, now, keep in mind, they started in mid December of 2020 with the vaccine in Israel.

The president of Israel, I mean, Benjamin Netanyahu, he went to the Pfizer. He, you know, he didn’t went to. He probably in bed with them. So he, he said, oh, yeah, no problem. We can be your Petri dish. We can be your experimental lab. Our people can be your guinea pigs. I’m making that wordage up. But you know what I mean? He offered the people of Israel to be the experiment for the demonstrable.

Yeah, that’s demonstrable. And so you had the perfect laboratory situation using humans. You had an entire country. They were not going to get the Moderna or any other JNJ or anything. They all got the Pfizer, and it was all given through this government push. So they encouraged everybody to get it and everybody get the vaccine, the updates and all those different things. So anyway, but this is early on.

So from mid December to mid February, they started looking at these numbers, and then they were horrified, and they started putting this out on the Internet, and they showed that if you had taken the COVID vaccine and you were over the age of 60, been a while since I looked these numbers. So I don’t know if it’s 60 or 65, but you were one of those ages that you had a 40 times more likelihood of dying of COVID than people that didn’t take the vaccine.

And if you were under the age of 30, it was like 160 times more likely. But there weren’t as big numbers because these were young people. But the point is, it was dramatically increasing the so called death by COVID. And then when they looked at just the numbers, by the middle of February, 12. 5% of the citizens of Israel had been vaccinated. But over 50% of the COVID cases were unvaccinated.

People of COVID deaths were in vaccinated people. Yeah. What good did the vaccine do for them? Yeah, what good did the vaccine do? Right. Well, not only what good did it do, it was killing people. Objectively, they thought it was killing people, but they couldn’t stop it. And then what happened? The government quit putting out the data so they couldn’t get out of. That’s the way they do it.

There was never, in my opinion, if you want to go back in time, I don’t think there was ever a virus, because flu isn’t a virus once you get to the idea. And that’s the other point about why John Enders is so important. The way that they showed what they called a virus, they never proved a virus. But within one year, and this also never happens, within one year, he was given the Nobel Prize for this paper that he wrote.

And again, there’s no virus seen on electron microscope. There’s no virus that’s proven in this paper. But he gets the Nobel Prize and nobody ever goes back and looks, because now you’ve got a Nobel laureate saying, we’ve proven that you can culture viruses and this is how you do it. And here’s something that everybody can do. A high school student could take this challenge up. If you go on Google or Duckduckgo, whatever your search engine de jour is, you go to a search engine and you ask it to look for how to make an isolate of bacterium.

Okay? And you’ll find very clear steps. My dad, one time when I was about ten or twelve years old, we were talking. I don’t know why we got on this subject, but he decided to teach me how to isolate the bacteria in my nose. And funny that we chose the nose. So you took the swab stick, you put it in the nose, and we put it on a sterile petri dish that had blood auger on it.

And it makes multiple different colors as the different types of bacteria, because you got multiple types in your nose, you put them on the petri dish, and you’ll have these different kind of colors of dots that show up on the dish. And those are each a little colony produced by a type of bacteria. And then to make sure you have a pure isolate, you pick one of them that you can easily get out without touching the others.

Under sterile techniques, you sterily move that to another petri dish, and you smear it on there, and then you grow it, and you can see that this is one color, it’s one type of bacteria. Then you put it under the microscope, and you see one type of bacteria under the light microscope. Can I ask you something about that? Once you separate it out and you put it on this other petri dish, how do you grow it? Are you adding.

No, you just know it’s just sitting. This isn’t like their isolation, where they’re not isolating. They’re like combining it with all kinds of other stuff. Right. Different thing. Well, I’ll get to that. That’s the point, is that this is what people, and then people also have in their mind. This is what we learn in Biology 101. Right. How to do this. So this is what most people with some science background have in their mind.

Happens. So when we heard that viruses were isolated, and I’m telling you, I have 17 years of medical education, essentially, and post graduation, and I’m going to tell you, I thought they could do it. I never questioned that they weren’t isolating viruses. But just go on the Google now, look up how to isolate viruses, and very quickly, it goes right into algorithms on a computer. In other words, you don’t do it this way because you can’t.

You can’t see it. You can’t pick out one colony and isolate it. So what they do is they have to put it in a petri dish, and they can do all these machinations, and they then look under the. They mix it with a bunch of stuff to keep bacteria and other things from growing. So you got all these poisonous things in there. They put it literally with cancer cells and some other types of cells, and then they put it into the.

When they finally think, they claim that cell degeneration, what they call the cytopathic effect, and this comes from the work of John Anders. He claimed that cell death is a sign that you’ve got virus. Now, once you believe that, which is not true, how can that mean anything? But cell death can be caused by so many things? But he determined that in his lab, cell death meant it was viruses in a culture.

So now what they’re doing is they’re looking at cell death as an endpoint of this process. They take this slurry then, and they put it under the electron microscope, which takes another ten steps to get to. I used to work in electron microscope lab, and they get a black and white photo. And this photo shows little granules that look just like they call exosomes. They’re all sorts of particles that cells get off when they’re dying.

You have dying cells in there. What are they giving off? So they’re looking at it under electron microscope. And here’s the other thing that they’re making a mind virus out of, because we’re used to seeing pictures of moving, like paramecium and single celled organisms under a light microscope. People kind of assume that’s what you see under an electron microscope, but just you can see smaller stuff. That’s not at all what you see.

You see a still life black and white photo. I give a lecture and I show these pictures, and I show one of exosomes, I show one of viruses, and I said, tell me which is which. You can’t. And they’re not very scary looking, which is why they had to do all that CGI of the blue scary ball thing. That’s all CGI. It’s computer generated image. That’s not an electron micrograph.

When you actually see an electron micrograph of what they call SARS CoV two, you kind of go, man, really? That’s it. It’s not scary at all. And it doesn’t look like anything. Yeah. And the thing that you’re putting here, I want to bring some scripture into this, and I know we’re talking science, but I think real science validates what creation does. It really should point us back to our creator.

And instead, what it’s being used is being used to manipulate people. It’s used to lie to them, to control them, to get them to, I mean, for lack of better term, commit suicide by taking some of these shots and things of that nature. And I just want to hit a couple, about three or four little passes of scripture that I was thinking of as we were going to talk today.

And then I want to see how this translate out into what we’re hearing about now with this whole white lung thing. So when we go to John chapter, know, Jesus is confronting the Pharisees. These are the guys who claim they’re Jews, but they are not. And he tells them, even though they say Abraham’s their father, he says, no, your father is. It’s not Abraham, or you’d be doing what I say.

So John eight, verse 41, it says, you do the deeds of your father. This is Jesus speaking to the Pharisees. Then said they to him, we are not born of fornication. They heard the story about his alleged virgin birth. But they don’t buy that. So they think, well, Joseph and Mary were getting it on before they were married and all this other stuff. So that’s why they say that.

And then they say, we have one Father, even God. And Jesus said unto them, if God were your father, you would love me. For I proceeded forth and came from God. Neither came I of myself, but he sent me. Why do you not understand my speech even because you cannot hear my word. And then he tells them, this year of your father the devil, and the lust of your father ye will do.

He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth. So he’s tying them with their father, the devil, who is a murderer, and he’s clearly a liar. And he says that here. He says, because there’s no truth in him when he speaketh the lie, he speaketh of his own, for he is a liar and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

ANd so I think this is a big deal, Dr. Lee, that I think needs to come to the forefront, because what you’re showing here is the very thing of what Ephesians 511 tells us, is that we’re to expose the works of darkness, and then we’re to bring prosecution towards it. We’re to bring justice on it. When they do these things. These are a couple of others. They’re short little passages.

They’re out of the book of Proverbs. But here we also see about lying. The writer says, remove far from me vanity and lies. Give me neither poverty nor riches. Feed me with food convenient for me. So the writer is saying, lord, take away the clouds of the lies. Take away that deception from me. Give me the truth. Then he goes in chapter 29, he talks about rulers. He says, if a ruler hearkens to lies, all his servants are wicked.

Have we seen rulers hearkening to lies during all this? Yes, we have. And then this final one here from Proverbs 1425, a true witness delivereth souls, but a deceitful witness speaketh lies. And, Dr. Lee, this is one of the reasons I have you on, is because I know you’re in it, kind of like Kate is. You’re learning these things. You’re trying to sort these things out and give people the truth so that they have a basis as to which they’re seeing some of these things, that they don’t know a lot of these medical terms, and they don’t know a lot of this history and stuff like that.

So I think it can go hand in hand with what the scripture is saying because men are always lying to us to deceive us. And many of them, quite frankly, just want to kill us. And we’ve talked about that before as well, honestly. That’s exactly right. This whole idea that we’re going to help people genetically and all this stuff, there’s a quote that says, eugenics, remember, what we call genetics now was eugenics back in the 19th century.

And it says, this is a quote, and I can’t remember who said it says, eugenics is the 19th century British intellectuals mantra of pseudoscience, couching discrimination under a blanket of genetic human iMprovement. And they’re not just going to improve our genome. They’re going to kill off people they don’t think deserve to live. That’s what this is about. And I’ll tell you, you said something earlier about that God doesn’t provide confusion.

It’s clear. Well, I don’t remember who said this, but I’ve come to this conclusion myself, is that I got it from somebody and they said, when you can’t figure out what’s going on and it’s very confusing, think abject evil. I really think that’s what the point is. Absolutely. Yeah, that sounds right. They’re actually creating this confusion to keep us from figuring it out. And it’s the Truman show.

And how did they have to do Truman? They only had one guy and they couldn’t control him. With 30 people in the control room, how are they controlling eight and a half million or billion people with maybe 300 of the top dogs? The way they did it was they took over science. I changed my background to show my favorite quote these days from Winston Churchill. But the world is made darker by the light of perverted science.

That’s what they did. And they took over the scientific publishing. They put their people in place like John Enders way back. I mean, this goes way back. Who knows who’s paying? He, you know, on his deathbed, he admitted he lied, that on his deathbed he gave a diary to his son in law and he didn’t want it to get out. But he admitted finally on his deathbed in this book that he had written that he never got a pure isolate of bacteria to cause disease.

Wait a minute. Interesting. You’re the father of this whole idea. So, yeah, who knows how long they’ve been pushing out their people that we see as just normal people, but their people to be co opting, know Sigmund Freud, what did he really give us? And I know that the psychiatrists are probably going to bulk at me saying this, but one of the things he’s done is his emphasis on all the sexual ramifications of childhood and the Oedipus complex and all that kind of stuff he gave us.

It does allow people to dismiss stories of abuse, of sexual abuse. That’s one of the things it did. And the other thing is who’s his nephew by two family lineages. His nephew was the guy who wrote propaganda. What’s his name? I can picture him. Oh I remember that book. Yeah, he’s the famous Tavistock graduate that became the father of American advertising. Because the goal of the Tavistock and American advertising is not to necessarily just sell you a product, it’s to change the thinking of a mass.

So the fact that this guy’s related to Edward Bernays. Edward Bernays, thank you. Is not by accident. Yeah, not by accident. They’re these people. And so I would say that John Enders people look into him, they’re going to find his research is spurulous species at best. And I think really a high school senior, a serious high school biology student would dismiss it and certainly wouldn’t grant it a Nobel Prize.

But that’s the basis of believing in these viruses. Now if it’s not the viruses, what can be happening? Well we have a long history in this country of working on tactile bioweapons. We have evidence that we helped the South African Defense Force know touch contact pathogens, meaning? Or contact bioweapons where you get it on your skin and it kills you or it makes you sick or whatever. And Karen Kingston found this patent about smart hydrogel and we keep hearing about hydrogel and Hydra and all sorts of stuff.

They have a kill switch in them. What’s that? Some of them have a kill switch. I mean that’s even linked in the patent itself. Right. And so here’s the point. What they show you in the smart hydrogel is it’s smart because it changes its shape under a wavelength. It’s kind of an optogenetic. It is optogenetics. This is what they call it. And so we have a pathway called the Ace two Pathway that was part of the getting sick.

And now that I’m listening to Brian Artis and talking to him about this, that pathway is closely connected to the nicotinic pathway where snake venom hits in. So whatever the situation is, but what we can tell you is there’s this pathway and they’ve made hydrogel that can fit this pathway. If it doesn’t fit the pathway in one state, but in another state, after they blast it with a frequency wavelength, it fits the pathway.

That’s what you would expect would happen. That explains what happened in Wuhan, to be very honest, that they spread something around. It got into people, and then it didn’t make them sick until they turned on this wavelength. And as soon as they turned on the wavelength, that’s October or something, that was the first patient that showed up with the so called COVID. And it got worse as they cranked it up.

I think that makes the most sense. And I can tell you that even the bioweaponeers reading and following the Russians for a long time, and our people for a long time, we’ve spent a lot of money. I mean, the Russians had intercontinental ballistic missiles with nose cone cooling. Now you don’t need nose cone cooling for nukes, you need it for bioweapons. They had a huge, I mean, vector.

They had these huge labs. They were producing tons of this pathogenic organisms in vaTs. But at the end of the day, what they couldn’t do is get it to Aerosol’s right to be a real problem. Okay? And we couldn’t either, I’ll just tell you. And so that’s why in later years, it seems they went to contact poisons and what’s the other one? And arthropod vectored diseases, in other words, insect borne diseases.

The artificial mosquitoes, for example. I don’t know if that’s what they’re doing with them, but you could put, theoretically, you could dose mosquitoes. That was one of the thoughts that had been done to get Zika going. I don’t know about that, but whatever had happened, that’s what they were looking at. They were looking at using insects to then infect a population with something bad. They got away from aerosol, which means flu is not an aerosol, an airborne disease.

Is this not tied in with what we see with the release of all these GMO mosquitoes? Their idea is always, this I’d be afraid of. Yeah, yeah. And I mean, they’re releasing them by the millions. And it isn’t just in Florida, it’s all over the place. And we did a show where, I showed Bill Gates’s mosquito factory, if you will, down there in Columbia, where they turn out like 30 million of these things a week.

And who allows the government to do that to us? In other words, where is it being voted on by anybody? It’s not in their right mind would vote for a genomal bug. Bug to be know they couldn’t even do it. Look at every time they’ve tried to mess with nature, they move. Was it rabbits or whatever it was to Australia? And they overpopulated and took over. And those stupid Japanese beetles they brought to America that they look like ladybugs, but they’re actually not.

And they bite you and they make this horrible stink and it’s horrible. They never work. And now they’re going to do it with GMO. Anytime you see anything GMO, run away from it. Well, now we can’t because they’re going to fly into our homes. They’re going to become mosquitoes. We shouldn’t be afraid. We’re not here to be afraid. The point is that if we know what they’re doing to us, you can protect yourself.

That’s right. And after you’ve put on the armor of God and after you’ve gotten your spiritual wellness, then what you do is you do the things that we know now matter. And this is why they didn’t want you to have antiparasite medication. You should take everything they didn’t want you to have. They didn’t want you to have vitamin D. Better take vitamin D then. The other one is detoxification.

They didn’t want you to have chlorine dioxide. Better start on chlorine dioxide. I can’t advise that because I don’t want to go to jail. That one is so important to them. Put you in jail for talking about it. As powerful as they think they are, they’re not really able to take us down. They’ve been trying for this forever. The only way they’re taking us down is when people accede to the evil by letting themselves be injected.

Now, I know some people got fooled, and there’s a way probably out of that, too. I have suggestions on my website. I know that Carrie Mahdi and other people have suggestions. We’ve done that as we, and we know that some of this works. I mean, we don’t put stuff up that we haven’t seen improvement with. So Brian Artis, he just brought out this liquid EdTA. So if you can’t afford the time and energy to go get chelated by an IV chelation site, which works, that I’m pretty sure works for a lot of things.

He’s got an oral thing you can take, and I’m actually going to get some of that for myself and my family now. I do the chelation otherwise, too. But there’s a bunch of this stuff I’m telling you I’ve had people get cancer after the vaccine and got rid of it with parasite medication. I’ve got a protocol on the website how to deal with parasites. I’ve got a vaccine remorse protocol.

Don’t let them lie to you twice. They told you it was safe and effective, and then they told you. Then they want to make you think, oh, we’ve modified your genome and your genetics and so you can’t get yourself out of this. No, they can’t do that. They don’t know how to tell the truth, do they? Lie. And they lie. Listen, the scripture speaks about this issue of science.

And then what I want you to do is take the things that we’ve led up to. Let’s talk about this new thing, this white lung thing, as we close out the show here. But the Bible warns us. I mean, it’s relevant. Yeah, I know. This was written 2000 years ago, the New Testament here, one Timothy 620. What does Paul warn? Timothy? Oh, Timothy, keep that which is committed thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings and oppositions of science.

The term is pseudoscience. That’s what’s there. So called. So there is a real science. And how do you know that, Tim? How do you know there’s real science in the Bible? Daniel, chapter one, verse four. Listen to what it says. Remember, the children of Israel were taken into Babylon, into captivity. Daniel and his friends Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Right. Children in whom was no blemish, but well favored and skillful in all wisdom and cunning in knowledge and understanding.

What is that? Yeah, that’s science. Real science that looks to the creation and seeks to glorify God in understanding that creation. That’s the point of science. That’s what real science does. And such as had ability in them to stand in the king’s palace in whom they might teach the learning and tongue of the Chaldeans. So what Daniel one four is talking about is about these young men who have been taken captive.

They come in and they recognize these guys are pretty smart fellas. And why are they knowledgeable? Why are they wise and understanding and all of this stuff? Well, they’re there because they obeyed the Lord and the Lord blessed them. And so even their enemies recognized their abilities that God gave them. So there is a real science and there is a pseudoscience, and that’s what you’re talking about. So when we look at this white lung thing that’s going on right now, what can we learn from that? Because I do believe knowledge is power of overcoming our fears.

If we’re fearful about what we don’t know, that’s usually how it works. That’s exactly right. So how does that work in this case? And what do you suspect is going on with the white lung stuff? Well, the first thing I’m going to tell you is, and this is what we were just saying a minute ago, no matter what it is, in my opinion, there’s five steps, at least six maybe you need to take and get right with God.

Treat your own parasites, because all of this is causing your immune system to take a hit. They’re coming after your immune system. They can’t come after your genome. I don’t believe that. But they can come after your immune system and they can knock it down. And that will allow parasites to come out. And that’s what we’re seeing in the military and other people when they get cancer, turbo cancer, it’s parasites.

Trust me on this, just don’t trust me on this. Do your own research, but you can look it up and see what’s going on out there. So you treat your own parasites, you detoxify yourself, you supplement your nutrition with a balanced nutritional supplement because the food’s been attacked, the soils have been attacked. And then once you’ve done all that, the other thing that you need to do is electromagnetic frequency mitigation.

And I would tell you, I mean, I do it in my house, I do it on me, I wear it on me. I’ve got it on my website. It’s EMF. Saul, you can go to the link. But the other thing is, I pull my kids out of school. If there’s a 5G tower near your kids school, I’d pull them out for a lot of reasons. And I know that a lot of people on this are probably homeschoolers.

And just in the fairness, I did home school. My older son was home schooled till he went to 7th grade, my younger son till fourth. And I’m going to tell you, you don’t have to be a teacher to do it. You just have to care about your children and you don’t have the money to do it. You can get with other people, there are churches getting involved. But the point is the schools are there now to damage your children psychologically, spiritually and physically.

And now they’re going to possibly vaccinate your children without your child even knowing about know. This is the thing that, and I think this was a Jeffrey Epstein funded, Bill Gates funded thing through MIT. They were working on these micro needles and they look like just putting a Band Aid on your kid. They look like a little Band Aid, but they’ve got little tiny micro needles that then put in the injection.

And the idea is it’s going to make vaccination so much less painful for children and less scary. We’ll just put on the bandaid, it’ll have a smiley face on it and they’ll be vaccinated. But they won’t know it and you won’t know it. So I wouldn’t trust my, if it were me today with small kids, I would not have them in public school. Amen. Amen. You know, there’s one thing that my friend Bill, he runs healthforalloflife.

com and he was talking about the things that you were speaking of there. He said there’s three key things to taking care of the body. Nutrify, toxify and energIze. Those are the three things you need to sustain good health and things. So they’re attacking this stuff. So we’ve got about a minute here. I might hold you over just a little bit. I know you and I usually go an hour and a half, 2 hours, but I don’t really have that time tonight because I’ve got to get a lot of stuff done so that I can be on that flight in the morning we’re talking about.

But how does this then go into this white lung thing? Are they just using the same playbook? Because that’s what it looks like to me. They deceive you with what it is. They deceive you with how they came about it because they already knew what they were doing. And then they offer you no real help in the matter. They offer you a way out, like off the earth kind of a way out, like 6ft under.

That seems to be their remedy for things. You got about 40 seconds before you answer that. Let me just let you tell people about your website and then we’ll let you answer on the other side. People can pick that up@sunlibertymedia. com. Go ahead. Yeah, my website is themedicalrebel. com. Okay. And that’s where I have all the data I try and put up there and different fun things. I’ve got my favorite of the week I actually think is kind of funny this week.

I always have the meme of the week and we have a podcast that we run on Monday nights that help support the war effort. And it’s good information for you to get through the winter, that this winter is going to be bad. I have feeling. And why is it going to be bad. It’s going to be bad because people got vaccinated and you’re going to see the vaccine.

People, I think, take a dive. Some of them unnecessarily. I mean, I’m not here to be doom and gloom, but just like so much, you got to repent to get out of it. That’s right. Get help. That’s exactly right. Dr. Lee Merritt is going to continue on with us. Sonsolibertymedia. com Rumble Sons of Liberty Radio Live before it’s Newsnews. com. Top of the page. Hang on. We’re going to continue that.

Okay. Want to welcome everybody coming over from the raDio. And Dr. Lee, just let’s take a few minutes just to kind of focus in on this latest thing that’s coming out. And you gave a great explanation for the issue surrounding how they had it coming out at different times so close to one. And I know it’s easy for people to buy into because they think, okay, well, yeah, we’ve been told our life, you can pass this on to somebody.

We’re supposed to cover our mouth when we cough. And I think really the issue is so you’re not spitting all over somebody. And that’s the only reason we wear a mask in the operating room. We never wore a mask to prevent you from spreading some little invisible germ. It was to not spit in the wound and to drool in the wound or have your nose drool in the wound and to not have blood get splashed on your face.

That’s really all it. So we knew from the get go this was just nonsense. But, yeah, I think what’s going on in China, the first thing is, as I have, if you’ve come in your heart and you believe as I do, that there’s no evidence of viruses, then what could it be? Okay, well, the first thing we can say is it could just be that it’s a vaccine damage.

Okay, people, we know what the vaccines are doing. And the British, God love them, it’s kind of like they said of the Nazis, they were evil, but they had good record keeping. Well, the British Health service, they have great record keeping. And they were able to say early on, it looks like people’s immune systems that take this vaccine are being diminished in a very sequential and progressive manner.

I mean, it’s nonstop. It keeps getting worse. We haven’t seen an end to this. Well, so that was the first thing we heard. Now, if that’s what’s going on, and we have other evidence for that, if it’s damaging your immune system. You would still expect that adults would get it more than children. So that doesn’t make sense. It can’t just be the vaccine now. And the second thing is that almost any disease that we want to mention, children are less damaged by it than adults.

If it were a brand new diseaSe. Now, why is that? Can you help us understand why it is that children? Yeah. Because children’s immune systems are fabulous. They absorb things. They can absorb the nutrients of their food better. We get progressively toxic as we get older. That is a major factor in aging. We just get accumulated toxins. And children don’t have that. So their immune system is on high burn.

It’s working like 100%. Ours might be 60%, whatever, but theirs is 100%. So think of the flu season, the normal, what we call the flu season. It isn’t the young kids that go down. It’s the grandparents. Yes, you have some kids that get the flu, but it’s not very many. It’s the grandparents. The older you are, the more chance you are of dying, the worse your immune system is now.

And the other thing is children are outside more. And outside gets you sunlight. And sunlight is a huge healer. Okay. Activity and sunlight. So they are all the things that we should be when we’re 80. We should be active, we should get sunlight, we should eat everything. And we should have a great immune system. That would be great. Well, they do have that. So they’re not the ones that get sick.

But why are they the ones that are getting sick now? And the only thing right now I can think of, unless they purposely dose them with something in the schools that we don’t know about over in China. But now it’s coming to. Already went to the Netherlands, Denmark, and now it’s in Ohio. You see how they do this? They roll out the news stories. So you believe that it’s happening now.

I left out one thing. It could just be a Psyop. It may not be just children. They just might be saying that. Because remember when COVID came out, the news was nonstop. Old, twelve year old dies of COVID And then we found that the picture of the twelve year old at one place they showed him as a guy and another boy, another place they showed him as a girl and that two different news stories and two different locations, two different names.

But it was the same person. So dying of COVID because they wanted to make it. It’s always more tragic when a twelve year old dies or a four year old dies. So that could be a psyop that may not be as bad. Yeah, let’s go back to that, because we were told that the children were the least affected by the Convs, and then the more the story rolled out and the longer the shot started going on, the more it started going, oh, we need to get the kids vaccinated.

Well, wait a minute. They’re not even getting sick. What are we talking about doing this for? And you can tell that they have an agenda behind that. And again, you’re right. When they play off the emotions, talking about the children, look, any life that’s lost, whether you’re 80 or whether you’re younger, due to something that government’s doing to you or they’re putting in your food or your water or your air or whatever the case may be, it’s just as tragic.

As far as I’m concerned. You’re taking somebody’s life, you’re indiscriminately playing Russian roulette with the whole population, and you know you’re doing that. That’s what all of these studies have shown, all of the things the FDA tried to hide about Pfizer trials for 75 years. The first batch of documents showed that they knew it was killing people, and they still rolled it out and told you it was safe and effective.

I’m just lying. And quite frankly, we as physicians that were paying attention, knew before the rollout. I mean, the minute or at the time of the rollout, because we knew before, because we’d looked at the basic science that you shouldn’t take these. And we knew at the time, because we read the EUA critically and it didn’t tell you what they claimed. It didn’t say 95% safe and effective at the best, that EUA showed it was only 19% possibly effective.

Wow. Okay. That took. Because they hit it in the numbers. I mean, I didn’t figure that one out. I knew it wasn’t what they were saying for another reason, but it was just, again, if you want to read something that has been overly complexified, as Max Kaiser would say, it was just complexified so that most people couldn’t read it. But the guy that was the British medical Journal editor, Dr.

Joshi, or Doshi, I think, was, and one of my colleagues on the frontline doctors who’s a money guy and big numbers guy, they both came up with about the same number, and they said, no, they’re lying about the numbers. We even found that in other studies that they did, they changed the verbiage to make it like the number of miscarriages they made it sound like it was not too high and it was horrible, but that’s because they redefined what a miscarriage was.

Okay, we want to know how many pregnancies get to term. They had something like out of 360 vaccinated pregnant women, they could only prove one live birth. Yeah, but didn’t the baby die after that? Yeah, I don’t even know about that one, but I’m going to say I know they can only prove one died. There were five people they didn’t have accounted for that were still pregnant, that were still in the study.

Most people dropped out. Why did they drop out? Because they probably had a miscarriage, but we don’t know. Or they might have died themselves. Or they might have died, but they could only prove one live birth out of about 370 women in the study. That is horrendous. And yet they told pregnant women to go out and take this. And now we’re seeing not only. So here’s the agenda.

I think they’re killing off the old people that their immune systems are more likely to go down with this. They’re going to be damaged, and then they’re more toxic to begin with, and so they’re going to have trouble. So they want to get rid of what they call useless mouth breathers. And this is, you can see the literature in our medical literature coming out of our people saying this over the last number of years, how you can reallocate health dollars based on your health, on the worth of your life.

Okay, so we know that they’ve had that goal for a long time. But the second part of this, I think, is a sterilization effect. I mean, I don’t know about you, but I just don’t see as many pregnant women. And when you talk to people like Jim Thorpe, Christian Northrop, that made their life’s work about pregnant women and taking care of them and how they’re saying it’s horrendous.

And so you’ve got a 3% increase in infant mortality rate. What we’re seeing here is a demographic shift. And then you’re having all these people come across our southern border who are not necessarily vaccinated because they don’t care about them. So you’re bringing in a replacement population is what seems to me is going on here, by the way. But back to the children in Wuhan, I think what we’re seeing is now they’re saying they have mycoplasma, but mycoplasma is an opportunistic for the most part.

It’s an opportunistic infection. You could be dosed with it now. It could be in the vaccines. We saw that with the anthrax vaccines and with other vaccines. This was a. What’s the name of the book? It’s something about the day these. I read it. It’s a big book, but it’s about these two medical bioresearchers, biologic PhD types down in Texas. And they showed how all these people were coming down with all these weird autoimmune diseases and stuff and mycoplasma.

And it turned out it was from these experimental vaccines that were being given to the prisoners and other people. And so it could be in the vaccine, but then again, that would show up in adults. So I think we’re still back to saying it’s something. What do children do that we don’t do? They go to school. So, in my opinion, something’s happening to school. And what would be the most likely the 5G towers that they put up right around all the schools during the rollout? Yeah.

Wow. I think that’s what’s going on. But in any case, if you do the things I said, if you take your child out of school, if you take the detoxification, start parasite protocol, get sunlight. If you don’t live in a sunny, this is really key, and this is one of the big lies that they told us. Why do you think they’ve had us slathering ourselves with sunscreen? Because it turns out that the real reason you get sick is that every cell in your body is a battery.

And the way you keep from getting sick is that you push out the toxins using this battery being charged. It puts a charge around the toxins, and it pushes it out of your system. If you let your battery run down, you can’t do that. You accumulate toxins, you get sick and die. So the people that die in the winter are people that have the least amount of infrared.

It’s infrared sunlight, or they don’t go to a tanning booth, or they don’t go to an infrared sauna, and they’re getting toxins in their body. So think about people in nursing homes. They don’t go on outside. They’re getting a terrible diet. They’re not taking vitamin D because they don’t give it to them. Most of them, though. And so they die in nursing homes, and they’re vaccinating them. Other than Native Americans, they’re probably the first people that they push these vaccines on.

And so it shouldn’t be surprise that old people die in nursing homes. I told my son, by the way, who’s a surgeon, I said, no, don’t ever put me in a nursing home. You just put me. Because when he was in medical school, he worked and had to go do drawing blood of nursing home. He said, mom, I’m never going to put you in one of those place.

Said, I said, nate, I said, no, you’re not. You’re going to put me on a cruise ship because it’s cheaper. It’ll be less than costly than going to a nursing home. And you’ll have a lot more fun. You’ll have a lot more fun doing that. It’s all handicapped and accessible. The doctors are better looking. It’ll be great. Look, high five to your son on that. And I tell that we’ve got a dear lady who contributes to soncelibertymedia.

com. She’s a nurse and her parents were sick and she cared for them and she still does that. And she said, tim, I’m not going to be able to contribute because I’m doing that. And I told her, I said, you’re doing what you’re supposed to do. That’s the example, taking care of mom and Dad. Honor your mother and father that your days may be long. This is the first commandment with promise, both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament.

We made mention of this this week. So, yeah, props to your son for not doing that. I told my mom and dad I don’t want that to happen either. If we got to move them in here with us, then we’ll find a place to move them in here. If they got to have 24 hours care by somebody who knows what they’re doing with all that stuff, then bring them here.

That’ll be a whole lot cheaper than what you’re talking about in nursing home and then in the nursing homes. I’ve seen it with my grandparents who were put in there. They just treat them like they’re garbage for the most part. I’m not saying everybody working there, I know there are probably some people who really care about those people, but for the most part, I just hear how they treat them.

You see the videos that are hidden when nobody’s looking, how they beat them, push them out of the beds, don’t change them, don’t clean them. And it’s horrible. And so people should be looking after their mom and dad. And even in the best run nursing homes, I’m just going to say, in all fairness to people that are good caregivers and do try they are so strapped because now it’s a government third party payer.

So for the most part, they’re taking your Medicare dollars and putting it in the nursing home and things like that. And they don’t have enough money. And all the regulations made them very know. We used to have decent nursing homes, but they’ve regulated them out of business, essentially. And now you’re left with these government funded nursing homes that are horrible. Even the guys that are trying to do a good job.

It’s hard in this scenario and much better off at home. That’s not the way I want to end my life. And you don’t have to. The point is they’re lying to you about how you get there. And we can do better than that. We actually can do better than that. But people have to be proactive. Do not wait till you get sick. You need to do these things now.

And if you go, actually, I have a thing on my, I’m going to upgrade it. I’m going to do another video that’s better. But I do have a short video on the five things you need to do. But one of the things, a simple thing to do to not get sick is to make sure you’re getting sunlight. That was the point I was really starting to make. And that if you can’t get in, I used to live in Yuma, Arizona, sunniest city in America, let me tell you.

You can’t get enough sunlight there to get your D levels up for other reasons, but you can at least get enough sunlight to charge your battery. So if you can’t go south for the winter, then you need to get, if you live like I do now in the Midwest, where there’s not good sunlight in the to and we’re all covered up, go to a tanning booth or get yourself an infrared sauna or find somebody you can use because those things work.

And then avoid live by the sun cycle and avoid toxifying yourself at a time when you can’t get the infrared into you. In other words, don’t go to your meeting in the winter when you haven’t been out in the sun for a long time, and then drink too much and hang out with your friends too much and stay up too late and not think about what you’re doing because that’s how you get sick in the winter.

Yeah, absolutely. And there’s a couple of other things you made mention of EMFs. And what I’m going to do is I’m going to give you the final word here. But you were talking about as people get older, and we learned this with the lifewave stuff of our stem cells. So I know that’s a big part of why God created it to work like that in the young kids, because they’re getting hurt, they’re falling down, their know, they’re very resilient.

They’re like a cat in many cases. And so that’s why we’ve talked about the lifewave patch. People can go to wavelengthpatch. com, they can check that out. And then also the EMFs, our friend Corey Hillis, he’s a mutual friend of ours, fix EMFs. com. Fix eMFs. com. And you can go there and you can pick up some of those things. But I’m with you. I think we work proactively.

One is giving knowledge and helping People understand how they can resist this. Not necessarily politically, but just health care is a freedom. It is a freedom that we have if we’ll learn and we’ll apply that learning to what we’re eating, how we’re looking after our body, whether it’s exercise, this, that, and the other. And I realized, guys, the scripture says exercise profiteeth little, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t profit you.

It says it profits a little. And so all those kinds of things are a way to be proactive. And I appreciate you sharing that with us. So what I want to do is I want to give you the final word on this. Tell people about your website, and then we’ll close out the show. Well, I’m at themedicalrebel. com and I’m also on Telegram at Freedom One. And if you push that red bar, if you see that red bar on my site, that’s where I have a lot of information.

But right on the front page, you’ll see a video on parasite paradigm. You’ll see a video on how to get a religious exemption. Do it correctly, how we can get you a religious exemption. So far, people have done it. It’s been 100%. If you’re in the right category, if you’re an actual employed person, the EEOC protects you. So I’ve got a lot of good stuff on there, so go enjoy that.

I just redid my parasite protocol, and I redid the chlorine dioxide, how I did it protocol kind of thing. So we can get through this winter. Because the only thing bad about winter is lack of sunlight. So make up for it and get better sleep. Yeah. Amen. One of the things that I’ve learned in some of the things that I’ve been doing over the past, I don’t know, four or five, six months is trying to go with that sun thing.

Of course, now that the clocks move back, I can’t go to bed at 05:00 even though I want to go to bed at 05:00 why did they do that to us again? Why do they? Yeah. They’re throwing us off every which way they can, aren’t they? If you look at, it’s not by accident. These people are not incompetent. Everything they’ve told us to do is wrong, including daylight savings.

It just makes you, they actually have studies in flies where if you screw up their sleep cycle, they die quickly. Do we have Ben Franklin to think for that? Is that who we have? I don’t know, but he was questionable. Some of his personal. That’s right. That’s right. Dr. Lee, thank you so much for being with us. And we’re going to have you back on again. Hopefully not as long in between and we can have time to go a little further.

But because of the time constraints I’m under, we need to close out. But thank you for being with us. Stay with us and I’ll say goodbye to you off air. Guys, catch Bradley at 03:00 p. m. Eastern today Live from Michigan. And then we’ll be back with you in the morning, Lord Willing. 06:00 a. m. Bright and early. Talk to you then. See you. Bye. .

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