CSPOA Posse Intel 1-10-23: Sam & Jack Discuss Hard Times Coming, Survivalist Mindsets

MyPatriotsNetwork-CSPOA Posse Intel 1-10-23: Sam & Jack Discuss Hard Times Coming, Survivalist Mindsets

  Sam Bushman and Jack Mullen discuss how America is facing a complete economic collapse and why it is important to understand how to survive when the power goes down. Learning and preparing how to survive a  real upcoming imminent threat such as a grid failure is vitally important. Americans are rapidly facing shortages such […]

Sheriff Dar Leaf Joins the CSPOA to Give an Update on Barry County, WI Voter Fraud 12-20-22

MyPatriotsNetwork-Sheriff Dar Leaf Joins the CSPOA to Give an Update on Barry County, WI Voter Fraud 12-20-22

  Sheriff Dar Leaf from Barry County, Michigan stops in and gives an update on his Voter Fraud investigation to Sheriff Mack on this week’s Posse Intel report. Sheriff Mack and Jack review all the necessities you can get right here at the CSPOA to get prepared for the coming collapse and hardship America is […]

CSPOA Intel: America is Drugged, Kept in an Induced Fear, Running Out of Time

MyPatriotsNetwork-CSPOA Intel: America is Drugged, Kept in an Induced Fear, Running Out of Time

  At the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787,  Franklin was queried as he left Independence Hall on the final day of deliberation. In the notes of Dr. James McHenry, one of Maryland’s delegates to the Convention, a lady asked Dr. Franklin “Well Doctor what have we got, a republic or a monarchy.” Franklin […]

CSPOA Posse Intel Webinar: 12-6-22- Election Fraud, San Francisco, Trump Doing Away With Constitution

MyPatriotsNetwork-CSPOA Posse Intel Webinar: 12-6-22- Election Fraud, San Francisco, Trump Doing Away With Constitution

    This week on the CSPOA Posse Intel Webinar, Sam Bushman joins Jack Mullen to discuss various national issues taking place right now including election fraud and more.   Sam and Jack discuss the accusations that Donald Trump reportedly posted on his Twitter account he wanted to do away with the Constitution.   “A […]

CSPOA Posse Intel: Rampant & Brazen Corruption Exposed in Arizona

MyPatriotsNetwork-CSPOA Posse Intel: Rampant & Brazen Corruption Exposed in Arizona

(Jack Mullen) – Arizona is at the center of the vote fraud and rampant wave of institutionalized corruption now evolving in America. Meanwhile, the captured soviet-style mainstream media continues to parrot the psychological tactic of passive aggression – wherein they call those asking for an investigation “election deniers” and repeat key phrases such as “debunked […]

Webinar Posse Intel Highlights: 11-15-22 – Sam Bushman & Jack Mullen

MyPatriotsNetwork-Webinar Posse Intel Highlights: 11-15-22 – Sam Bushman & Jack Mullen

    Jack Mullen and Sam Bushman get together this week on CSPOA’s live webinar and discuss many issues happening in America following the elections, the Constitutional Sheriff’s roles and responsibilities, and some of the ways Americans can take action to “starve” the beasts of their control. Login to Watch the Whole Webinar Listen in […]

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