CSPOA Joins Other Sheriffs, Peace Officers, Elected Officials Mar 4, Springfield, Ill -2A Rally

MyPatriotsNetwork-CSPOA Joins Other Sheriffs, Peace Officers, Elected Officials Mar 4, Springfield, Ill -2A Rally

    Get Involved! Sheriff Mack discusses the Posse supporting Illinois and “The County Sheriff America’s Last Hope” event planned on Saturday, March 4th, 2023 in Springfield, Illinois for Sheriffs, Peace Officers, and elected officials. The event is hosted by the American Police Officers Alliance, Illinois Sheriff Macon County Sheriff Jim Root, and Jefferson County […]

Video: Arkansas Sheriffs Tell the ATF to Go Pound Sand

MyPatriotsNetwork-Video: Arkansas Sheriffs Tell the ATF to Go Pound Sand

  Arkansas Sheriffs basically tell the ATF to go pound sand in their latest press release.     “The Arkansas Sheriffs’ Association, having the full weight and backing of the State of Arkansas, and in accordance with that statute, is making the public statement that we do not support assisting the federal government in any […]

Sheriff Mack Discusses How Americans Are Funding Their Own Destruction, Lawsuit Intel, and Latest on Covid-19 Vaccine Genocide

MyPatriotsNetwork-Sheriff Mack Discusses How Americans Are Funding Their Own Destruction, Lawsuit Intel, and Latest on Covid-19 Vaccine Genocide

  Sheriff Mack and Jack Mullen join up on this week’s Posse Intel Webinar and discuss the event that took place in Orlando, Florida Jan 20-23rd at the Restore Freedom Rally. Sheriff Mack discusses his speech, which received a standing ovation regarding Sheriffs, their role to the People within their counties, and how we can help […]

CSPOA Intel Webinar Sam & Jimmie Discuss Upcoming Rally Being Planned in Illinois Against Gun Control

MyPatriotsNetwork-CSPOA Intel Webinar Sam & Jimmie Discuss Upcoming Rally Being Planned in Illinois Against Gun Control

  This week, Sam Bushman and Jimmie Schwinn are together on the CSPOA Webinar discussing several topics including the upcoming rally being planned in Illinois to support the over 90 Sheriffs standing against the tyrannical gun control handed down from the Governor.   At issue are provisions laid out in the Protect Illinois Communities Act, which […]

Constitutional Sheriffs & Peace Officers Association – Sheriff Mack: “No Cats in America”

MyPatriotsNetwork-Constitutional Sheriffs & Peace Officers Association – Sheriff Mack: “No Cats in America”

Sheriff Mack and Jack Mullen discuss the latest news in Illinois/Chicago regarding gun control. Massive amounts of Sheriffs are stepping up saying they are not going to be enforcing their new unconstitutional gun laws. We learn the Governor of Illinois threatened to “fire” the Sheriffs who are upholding their Oath to the People to defend […]

Constitutional Sheriffs & Peace Officers Association – Sheriff Mack: “No Cats in America”

Sheriff Mack and Jack Mullen discuss the latest news in Illinois/Chicago regarding gun control. Massive amounts of Sheriffs are stepping up saying they are not going to be enforcing their new unconstitutional gun laws. We learn the Governor of Illinois threatened to “fire” the Sheriffs who are upholding their Oath to the People to defend […]

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