Coup 5.0? January 7, 2021 Update



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Daily Update #20 – Wednesday, January 7, 2021

Great day Patriot,

The insanity continues!

VP Pence and Congress have certified the election for Biden.

Everyday, we’re seeing more and more evidence on how corrupt our political system (and other systems) have become.

In today’s main topic, I’ll share a few news highlights from the last 24 hours to give you a glimpse of what’s been happening.

As always, pray and be prepared!


“When the going gets tough, put one foot in front of the other and just keep going. Don’t give up.”

News Highlights & More From Presidential Debacle

In yesterday’s update, I shared some info about how Mike Pence has done things that indicate his loyalty is not with President Trump.

In the last 24 hours, he made it official.

Not only that, this “storming” and “breaching” of the US Capitol seems to be a set up as well.

Watch these 2 videos that clearly show the police are helping these people get in.

Police Removed Barrier Allowing Protests To Walk In

But that’s not all!

Watch this second video of even more police officers in their “theatre” role as scared police officers, leading protesters right where they want them to go!

Coup 5.0? 

It begins to look that way, especially when you consider since that happened, Democrats have asked Trump to be removed via the 25th Amendment.

Twitter locked Trump’s account.

Facebook/Instagram banned Trump “indefinitely”.

Snapchat removed Trump’s account.

And since the “storm on the capitol”, many Republican congressmen no longer have objections to Biden being President…including Loeffler who just days ago said she would object.

Are you seeing the level of corruption here?

Believe it or not, things are about to get even crazier. 

As always, be prepared.

We may see communication blackouts soon.

Power grids going down.

Could be more.

Make sure you’re prepared with 30 days of food, water, heat, electricity, etc.

And of course stay focused on your goals in life and use this energy to make them happen!

Now is your time.

God Bless,
Jared James

In Other News

It’s not all doom and gloom. In fact, did you know businesses DO NOT have to be shut down? It’s true. There’s no law telling them they need to be closed.

Watch this video from Constitutional Lawyer, Rick Martin as he describes this and has helped over 10,000 businesses stay open because he has empowered them with knowledge.

Please watch this video and share this message with everyone you know that has a business!

Today’s Tip

Tip of the day: Study! Research. Learn. All information is available to us. Everyone has the same 24 hours in the day. The people that get ahead in life are the people that use their time wisely.

Is where you’re putting your attention throughout the day helping you create your life the way you want it? If so, great! If not, consider investing time into things that will give you the life you want.

“You can be, do and have anything you truly desire.”

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