Constitution Above All: CSPOA Champions Sheriff Clinton Smith’s Stand Against State’s Attempt To Remove Him From Office



Sheriff Clinton (CJ) Smith from Dundy County, NE joins Sheriff Mack and Jack Mullen to discuss the latest update on what is happening with his situation and why the Posse needs to come together to support Sheriff Smith so he can get an attorney. Sheriff Smith is also asking for support letters from those who are behind him.

Listen in and find out what is going on in this week’s Posse intel webinar.

The ATF estimates that 7 million braces exist, but according to the Congressional Research Service, the number could be between 10 and 40 million.

In Nebraska, Dundy and Valley County Sheriff’s Offices made public statements saying how they won’t be enforcing the rule, do to it violating people’s due process rights, rights which guarantee that the government cannot take a person’s basic rights to “life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.”

“If they come to enforce this law on people without using due process, then we are going to do our job and we are going to stand between the government and the people,” said Clinton “CJ” Smith, Dundy County Sheriff. “Another name for a sheriff is ‘America’s Last Hope.’ We are the standing grown between the people and the government specially anytime the government tries to over reach their powers.”

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While many support the ATF Pistol Brace Rule, others say ‘it violates people’s rights’



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