a funcular mr. a funcular has won the bone Valley bosa RJC JR 1 0 at Yahoo calm and like I said I’m throwing in three ounces of silver so let’s do how unbelievable is that I already forgot that on 640 all right 640 is glory to glory 55 so there you go you won these three ounces make sure you hit me up at our JC JR 1 0 at Yahoo calm yeah there it is right there so hit me up and for those that didn’t win you can always go hit up bone Valley knives calm I have no affiliation with these people I’m not sponsored I make no money from them I just appreciate the fact that they make these high quality implements right here in the United States in the Appalachian Mountains you can’t ask for better than that so I planned on attaching this giveaway to the beginning of a video but I’m not gonna get the video done anytime soon I’m still working on it so make sure you hit that like share and subscribe leave a comment below and I will return the favor and congratulations to the three separate winners I am out