BLACK SWAN EVENT Warning for 2024 – MSM Plants Mental Suggestion

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots

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➡ Brightad broadcast news hosted by Mike Adams on December 28, 2023, discussed a variety of topics including a notable interview with Steve Quail, potential future events, a special report and an ensuing discussion with Sam Andrews. The issues explored ranged from Israel, Ukraine, to possible “black swan” events, and controversial views. The mainstream media’s role, the influence of CIA and the possibility of a major, disruptive event happening in 2024 were highlighted. Adams also commented on the failure of the globalists’ extermination agenda via Covid-19 vaccines and speculated on a potential future cyber attack.
➡ The author suggests that globalists may wish to depopulate the earth and could use methods such as taking down the power grid or initiating an EMP attack, which could result in famine and mass deaths. The author advises people to prepare themselves with essentials such as stored food, solar power, and communication devices.
➡ The speaker criticizes the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, attributing deaths caused by American weapons to U.S. leadership. The speaker also discusses innovative medical technologies like the Xtat syringes that can effectively stop bleeding. The conversation shifts to the tension in Israel, where the outcome is predicted to involve special forces and a ceasefire. Lastly, the speaker highlights concerns over U.S. involvement in multiple conflicts, potential threats from China, and the lack of ammunition manufacturing capacity in the U.S.
➡ The discussion revolves around the geopolitical strategies of larger nations and possible ways to combat threats, including drug cartels and hostile groups like Hamas. The speaker advocates for a more aggressive approach, fighting violence with violence to eliminate the enemy entirely, asserting this as the only permanent solution but acknowledges potential repercussions and the emergence of new threats. He further emphasizes the need to target not only leaders but also their logistical capabilities, pointing out the necessity for strong leadership from the state’s end to execute these measures.
➡ The text discusses a conversation about improving the accuracy of Nemo arms weapons, highlights features of Freedom Center USA and its services in custom weapons making, emphasizes as a platform for uncensored content, and promotes various products available at the Health Ranger Store that are rigorously tested and clean. It ends by announcing a new free audiobook download about surviving a global reset, available through subscription to the free email newsletter.
➡ The author expresses concern about an impending catastrophe, such as a technological takeover or system breakdown, and challenges the complacency of those who dismiss these ideas. He underlines the importance of preparation and critical thinking and criticizes mainstream media for its ability to manipulate public opinion. He also talks about his personal experience with the healthcare system, highlighting its absurdities and excessive costs.
➡ The speaker expresses frustration concerning the healthcare system, claiming its complex billing practices and refusal to engage fully with patient needs deter him from seeking medical help except in severe conditions. Moreover, the speaker discusses Kanye West’s controversial public statements against jewish people, his Adidas deal termination, and subsequent apology as scripted by PR professionals. Lastly, the speaker criticizes Israeli leadership, particularly Netanyahu, for the violence against the Palestinian people and condemns it as a threat to global peace and security, noting that it significantly harms Israel’s image.
➡ The text presents a critique of military and pharmaceutical industries’ profit from human suffering and conflict, arguing they have no desire for peace or health. It delves into specific political issues such as Israel’s expansion and the predicted collapse, noting the contentious relationship with surrounding nations and questioning religious interpretations supporting such actions.
➡ The text discusses a critical perspective on the role of Israel and its military, IDF, in the context of global politics. There is skepticism about IDF’s combat abilities and claims of Israel’s propaganda and concealment of actual casualties, suggesting that such actions might lead to loss of global goodwill. It also brings attention to allegations of war crimes against Israel, suggesting that leaders like Netanyahu should be replaced and held accountable for their claimed inhumane actions. Lastly, it suggests that Israel needs to make peace, apologize, and compensate Palestinians to restore its global standing.
➡ The speaker highlights their belief in peace and their disagreement with the actions of Israel in the middle east, in spite of being pro Second Amendment and acknowledging the necessity of firearms for self-protection. They also discuss their interview with Sam Andrews, who is perceived to be pro-Israel and supportive of their actions. The speaker stresses the need for consistency in principles, highlighting the inconsistency in being anti-abortion yet supporting violence and murder in warfare. They also underscore the value of every life, including Palestinian lives, and stresses their disapproval of genocide.
➡ The text discusses concerns about backlash against Jewish people, the promotion of the speaker’s online store,, and the affiliate site The speaker also advocates for the value of gold and supports the 2nd amendment rights. In addition, the text introduces an interview with Sam Andrews, the founder of Freedom Center USA, who discusses his manufacturing company’s high-end weapons systems, long-range shooting capabilities, and training classes on defense, medical aid and survival strategies.
➡ The speaker advocates for a sniper system that prioritizes speed and accuracy, opting for an MOA reticle and a quickly processed firing solution, rather than the popular Kestrel system. This method reportedly allows shots to be made within a window of 3 to 5 seconds, a timeframe considered crucial during a real-world situation. The speaker then shifts to express concern over Senate Bill 686, which he perceives as granting an overreach of power to a select intelligence committee and undermining the system of checks and balances.
➡ The text discusses concerns over a Senate bill potentially allowing the Senate Intelligence Committee to control targets lists, criticism of Donald Trump’s handling of corruption during his term, speculation on his potential return in 2024 politics, corruption in state election systems, and discrepancies in reported death tolls in Israeli-Hamas conflicts.


You. Welcome back. It’s Brightad broadcast news for Thursday, December 28, 2023. Mike Adams here. Thank you for joining me. I’ll have an episode for you tomorrow as well, and some special reports. And by the way, if you miss my big interview yesterday with Steve Quail, it’s called Red Sea Massacre. We’ve already had a lot of positive feedback. I think it’s the best interview that Steve and I have ever done.

It’s almost 2 hours in duration. It’s definitely worth a listen. So find that on my channel page on brighteon. com or Rumble or the other platforms that we post on. And I think you’ll get a lot of value out of that interview. Now, we’ve got quite a bit to cover today, some about Israel, some about black swan events, some about Ukraine, and some other things that are happening.

I want to start out with a special report that I recorded earlier, which is referring to this talking head, what’s her name? Herridge. Catherine Herridge at CBS News. I think I may have mistakenly stated it was ABC. I mean, I don’t know. They all blend together, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NPR, they’re all taking the same orders from the same agency, the CIA. So I sometimes forget to distinguish between them accurately.

In any case, Herodge says there’s going to be a black swan event, or she fears there will be a black swan event, what she calls a national security event with high impact. That’s very hard to predict. And she says that she is concerned that will happen in 2024. So I recorded a special report about that. I’m going to play that now. It’s less than 20 minutes. I’ll be back on the other side.

And then we do have an interview today with Sam Andrews, by the way, who is the founder of tier one weapons, and also he’s the founder of Freedom Center USA. He’s a friend of John Moore, who I’ve interviewed here many times, the Liberty man and Sam Andrews. He says some controversial things, no surprise. And also some things that I may not agree with as well. But I think it’s a valuable interview, and I think you’ll learn a lot from it.

So that’s coming up later. So first, a special report from mainstream media. Talking heads warning about black swan events. Here we go. Watch this short clip from this CIA proxy puppet on CBS News. Check this out. Well, mine’s a little dark. I just feel a lot of concern that 2024 may be the year of a black swan event. This is a national security event with high impact. That’s very hard to predict.

There are a number of concerns. I have that factor into that. Not only this sort of enduring, heightened threat level that we’re facing the wars in Israel, also Ukraine, and we’re so divided in this country in ways that we haven’t seen before. And I think that just creates fertile ground for our adversaries like North Korea, China, and Iran. And that’s what concerns me most. Now, the first thing to note about this is that that comment was placed there.

The CIA controls all mainstream media, and there are actually CIA agents that tell these talking heads what to say. And normally there’s an allowable overton window of conversations and comments that you can say on your own if you’re one of these talking heads. But then every once in a while, the CIA puts a thought into your hands, a script, and says, hey, you need to say this. And this is also how the deep state, they leak material to the New York Times or the Washington Post or CNN in order to get it out there.

It might be utterly false. Often it is, but sometimes it’s a foreshadowing of an event to come, and that’s probably what this is. So this woman, I’m not sure who she is. I don’t watch mainstream media, so I don’t recognize any of those people, but they’re all CIA, puppet, talking head type of people. She says, okay, she’s concerned about a black swan event, something big, obviously, something devastating, something unexpected, with consequences that are extremely difficult to even comprehend.

So why is she saying this? What does this mean? In order to understand, we need to back up. Let me offer this thought. The globalists who are working an extermination agenda against the human race for lots of reasons that we’ve talked about in other broadcasts, but the globalists are, I believe, behind schedule, big time. They’re way behind schedule. They thought that the Covid-19 vaccines would have killed a lot more people by now.

Now, clearly, a lot of deaths are still occurring, and many more deaths will take place over the next decade or so from the spike protein because it keeps replicating in some people’s bodies and it’s basically poisoning them from within. So, yeah, we’re going to continue to see more heart attacks, more myocarditis, more strokes, more accelerated death, or what they say, all cause mortality. You’ll see it in the death statistics.

And it’s being uncovered by a lot of people out there, like Ed Dowd and others, who are looking at these numbers and realizing, hey, a lot more people are dying. Well, that’s going to continue, but it’s not enough for the globalists. You see, the globalists really, really tried outright, full blown censorship to try to make sure that nobody would learn about zinc or quercetin or vitamin D or ivamectin.

I mean, they even went to the medical journals, and they forced the medical journals to publish these totally fabricated studies, some of which were later retracted, trashing ivomectin, saying, oh, it would cause heart scarring nonsense. That was nothing but a fear propaganda campaign to try to get people to not use ivermectin. Because ivomectin was so effective at halting deaths from COVID It was so effective. I mean, they had to ban it in the hospitals, and most of the doctors and a lot of nurses even went along with that.

Oh, we can’t give you ivermectin. It’s not on our protocol. Yeah, their death protocol, it was a death protocol. It was designed to exterminate people with maximum carnage. But according to, I think, our best estimates, at least from the researchers who have been looking at this, the Covid-19 vaccine has so far killed globally perhaps 17 to 20 million people. Now, some people think those numbers are very low, and it might be a lot more.

Other people say it’s high. It might only be 10 million, but. Okay, well, let’s just call it 20 million for argument’s sake here. 20 million out of 8 billion is not a large percentage of the global population. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not dismissing the deaths of those victims who were killed by the biological weapons which are called vaccines. Every life matters, and I’ve said that repeatedly.

That’s the philosophy that I live. Every single life matters, and I work to save lives every day. And we couldn’t save those 20 million lives, although we tried. No doubt we saved millions of other lives, by the way, you and I and all of us, spreading the truth about this, yeah, we saved a lot of lives. But from the globalist point of view, it was a dud. They only killed.

I mean, this is from their point of view, they only killed 20 million people. They really had hoped to kill hundreds of millions by this time, maybe a billion or more, and they just didn’t get there. And a lot of credit goes to people like you and I, who told the truth about ivomectin and vitamin C and whatever else, immune support and all these things that help people survive.

So we did our part, no question about it. Well, the globalists being behind schedule, they now need to ramp this thing up. They need a more effective kill switch. And that’s what’s coming. That’s what this is all about. I believe this CBS woman or whatever it was, mainstream media, network news woman, she’s out there dropping hints of what’s coming to kind of get people ready to accept this catastrophic event, because it’s going to be such a psychological shocker for people that at first, they won’t know what to do, and they’ll turn to the media to tell them what to do.

What are we supposed to do? We’re so know. Yeah, that’s the whole plan. So if you’re wondering what I think this event is going to be, I think it will be some variety of a cyber attack, or at least it will be claimed to be a cyber attack. And it’s very easy for them to claim that the attack was initiated by Russia or North Korea or China or what have you.

But I think it will be a attack that will take down key critical infrastructure in the western world. Now, the human immune system is a very amazing thing, and I think that the globalists vastly underestimated the capabilities of human immunity and also the rapid speed at which their bioweapons, well, mutated. And even the spike protein did not have the effect that they anticipated, not yet. Again, it hasn’t killed a billion people.

But even though humans have a really rigorous adaptive immune system, even those who don’t practice good nutrition still have some basic level of a functioning immune system. Well, nobody can survive starvation. Everybody’s got to eat. And modern cities need electricity in order to function. People can’t survive exposure in freezing cold weather without heat. Especially modern human beings being kind of pampered and relatively weak compared to our ancestors.

All of us are probably weaker than our grandparents were, myself included. We’re used to having heating and air conditioning and running water and refrigeration. And most of us, flat out do not have the skills to survive in an environment where the power grid goes down and stays down, where there’s no running water, where the toilets don’t work. And this is very likely, then, the most effective vector that the globalists will turn to in order to take down whatever portion of human population they are trying to exterminate.

And that will require taking down the infrastructure. It will require a major black swan event. It could be an EmP weapon, by the way. It could be an EMP weapon that’s said to be a solar flare. Think about know. They detonate emps over North America and western Europe, but then they say it was a solar flare. I mean, who’s going to know? Who’s going to know? Nobody’s looking at the sun except the solar scientists.

And they’ll just be threatened by the know, read this script, say this, just like the journalists in the media, right? So it could be an EMP weapon. It could be a cyber attack on the power grid. It could be a cyber attack on the banking system. But some of these attacks, there’s like a two for one that the globalists can get. For example, if they take out the power grid, they indirectly take out the financial system at the same time.

And if they take out the financial system, then, well, they indirectly take out the food supply at the same time. Lots of examples like this. They can generate a lot of second order or third order effects just from a primary attack, which itself may not kill a lot of people. Taking down the power grid, for example, doesn’t kill a lot of people immediately. People die from starvation. People die from violence and chaos.

People die from exposure to the elements, especially in a cold winter, things like that. So this is very likely what is being planned because I don’t think that that newswoman’s comments are, I don’t think they’re her own and I don’t think they’re organic or spontaneous. I think she was told, drop this hint, say this in the middle of this show, because that’s how it works in most cases of what you see in the media.

And if you don’t follow that narrative, by the way, you don’t get invited. Know, this is like, think about Peter Schiff, the gold guru. He used to be all over CNBC and Fox News and a bunch of other channels. And then when he started telling the truth about the Federal Reserve and fiat currency and mad money printing, well, he wasn’t invited back. They didn’t want a guy who would tell the truth about those things.

So instead, they have people like, you know, the idiotic stock picker cheerleader. If you follow Jim Kramer, you will lose so much money. He will not make you wealthy. He will make you poor. Actually, if you follow Peter Schiff, you will do very well compared to if you follow Jim Kramer, because gold will outlast all this. But anyway, that’s another topic. In any case, what you heard this woman say on the news was not an accident.

So something is coming, almost certainly in 2024 because it’s the election year. And as you know, they can’t allow this election to take place because, well, right now, Biden would lose and Trump would win. And so they have to interfere with this election somehow. Obviously, they interfered in the 2020 election. They stole it, and they need to figure out a new way to steal the election. But you know what they’re doing now? Well, they’re banning Trump from being on the ballot in Colorado and three other states are, I think, looking at doing the same thing.

So they’re trying to block Trump. But hey, from their point of view, from the globalist point of view, there’s an easier way. And that’s just have some giant false flag collapse event where you don’t even have the infrastructure to have an election, where it’s like a fire sale, everything goes and they bring down the banking system and then they declare martial law because there would be all these riots and uprisings.

And then they can cancel the election and maybe they can get us involved in war with Iran, if not Russia, maybe both, maybe China, too. How about that? A three front war because of, know, Janet Yellen says we can print all the money necessary to fight three wars. If only you could fight wars with fiat currency, but you can’t. You actually need munitions, which the United States has run out of at this point, thanks to war with Russia.

In any case, they’re going to pull something big out of the hat here, and it’s going to be so devastating that the oblivious masses, let’s say, I was going to say morons, but the oblivious masses will just have no clue what happened. They won’t have any idea what to do. They don’t have any food storage. They don’t have backup communications or satellite phones or anything. I mean, they don’t have gold, they don’t have gold.

Think about it. They don’t have silver, they don’t have ammunition or firearms. I mean, they’re so screwed. And of course they’re going to have to go to the FEMA centers for food handouts or food banks, and the government will be there. Here’s the FEMA truck. Yeah, drink this water. Probably laced with Bill Gates vaccines or something. Who knows, man? Who knows? It’s all about depopulation. This is what you need to keep in mind.

It’s all about extermination of the human race, one way or another. And like I said, they’re behind schedule. The vaccine death quotas were not achieved in most countries, or probably any country. They just didn’t kill enough people. I mean, they tried. Even in Israel, they had a 98% vaccine uptake rate, and that’s killed a lot of people in Israel, but not the numbers that the globalists want. They were really trying to wipe out the Israelis, by the way.

Seriously? Like what Israel is doing to Gaza right now, the globalists are doing to Israel. They don’t understand it. Most of them don’t. So they dutifully took the jabs and then a lot of them died. A lot of them were disabled. Anyway, Israel’s economy is imploding. Western Europe’s economy is on its deathbed, and the american economy is also not looking too good at the moment. So whatever this big black swan event is, you can expect it to result in mass economic collapse.

So scarcity is what you need to plan for. Scarcity of the things that you need to live on, including electricity. And remember, you saw Nerc. What is it? The North American Electric Reliability Council. I think NerC put out warnings a couple months ago, said, oh, we should expect blackouts this winter. When there’s severe weather, there’s going to be rolling blackouts in most areas of the eastern half of the United States.

Well, why are they saying that? It’s foreshadowing. They’re trying to put it out there to get people psychologically ready so that when it happens, people accept it. Oh, yeah, we heard about that a few months ago. Yeah, that must be why the power is out. As if just because you heard about it now it’s okay or something. Oh yeah, we heard that on mainstream media. They’re talking about there might be a grid down event and.

Yeah, sure enough, grids down. Okay, well, totally expected. That’s what they’re trying to do to get people brainwashed into accepting all this. Meanwhile, people like you and I and other preppers, you have your solar panels, your solar generator, your tractor, PTO generator, whatever you’ve got your backup food supply, emergency medicine, ammunition, telecom, all the stuff you need. And then the challenge is going to be surviving those who did not prepare, because they will be the desperate masses.

The zombie apocalypse, as it’s sometimes called. You know, there was a government study regarding the EMP weapons that showed that about 90% of the US population would be dead. I think it was within twelve to 18 months after an EMP attack takes out the power grid. 90% kill rate, and that’s disease, starvation, violence, what have you. If the globalists really want to depopulate the planet, that’s going to be their ticket right there.

And they know that. They tried bioweapons, they tried vaccines, they thought they would be self replicating so much that people would spread them to other people on Thanksgiving and Christmas and that everybody would infect everybody else. And they would have achieved a death rate by now that they were targeting, but it didn’t happen that way. But famine, if you don’t have a way to have backup food, if you don’t know how to grow food, if you don’t have some stored food, you’re toast.

And most of the people in the cities are toast. Think about it. Think about the people, you know, who live in the cities, who are not preppers and who think all of this information is nonsense. They don’t believe any of it. They think everything’s going to be fine. The banks will always work. The dollar will always be the currency, and they think everything’s great. Just trust the system.

Big pharma is trying to help us. Joe Biden is such a great man. Such a great man. Yeah, he stumbles over his words sometimes, but don’t we all? He’s such a great. Know these people. Yeah. Not going to be around much longer if this black swan event kicks off in the way that I’m concerned it will. But hey, on the bright side, there won’t be any more traffic jams on the LA freeway for those of you looking for a silver lining.

So this is my assessment of the situation and that kind of comment that you saw that woman utter there on the news ten years ago, you never would have heard that in mainstream media. You would have heard that from the lips of Alex Jones or myself or others. People who are involved in prepping and so on, or maybe Steve Quail. You would never have heard it from the mainstream media.

So what changed? Why are they saying those words now? And this podcast has explained the answer, because that’s what’s coming. They’re dropping hints of foreshadowing, try to get people ready to accept their demise. And most humans are programmable life forms, plfs. They’re easily programmed by mainstream media. It’s striking, actually, how most people can be turned into just robots that regurgitate the same nonsense they heard on NPR or CNN, the same garbage they read in the New York Times without adding a single moment of discernment or independent thought, critical thinking of any kind.

They just regurgitate those people. I mean, it’s arguable whether they’re even conscious, whether they actually have a soul or anything. Some people believe they’re just empty biology. I don’t know, maybe some of them are just demon possessed, or maybe some of them lost their souls somehow. I don’t know how all that works, but I know that it doesn’t matter, because those people are dead. Once this event kicks off.

And for anybody who doesn’t want to die, then you need to obviously get prepared, as probably you have done and I have done. And most of us in independent media, we are prepared at some level, and we will be the survivors. We will be the human remnant. Because remember that the mass killoff is designed to make way for the rise of the machines. It’s not a coincidence that AI is rising up at the same time that the globalists are working overtime to try to exterminate human populations.

These things go hand in hand. And so if we are fortunate enough to survive the global culling, the black swan event, the takedown of the infrastructure, well, guess what? It won’t be long after that when you’re going to be in a war with the machines, too, by the way. Yeah, welcome to part two of the apocalypse. War with the machines. Skynet’s coming to kill you. It’s the cleanup crew.

And you’re going to have to figure out how to stay alive during all that, too. So those are some of the challenges that we face in the years ahead. Or you could just believe everything you hear on CNN and dismiss all this and everything’s going to be fine. And Joe Biden, he’s such a great man. Or you could place your bets on the rapture. I guess I know quite a few christians who are doing that.

Like, I don’t have to do anything. God’s going to take me away. He’s going to whisk me up into the air before anything bad happens. Okay, if that’s what you think, I hope you got that right. Hope your timing is on. Because if you got that wrong and you don’t have any food supplies or whatever, you’re going to starve just like everybody else. So I say be prepared and stay awake, stay informed and aware, and I will do my best to give you my analysis of current events outside the box, outside mainstream media, and try to keep you in the loop on what I think is really happening.

And right now, we’re in the last chapter of human civilization and the extermination has begun. If you want to get prepared with backup money, by the way, check out verifiedgoldbacks. com. Verifiedgoldbacks. com. That’s our affiliate site where I did all the testing of goldbacks, which contain actual gold, and it’s a great backup money system. Thank you for listening. Mike Adams here, naturalnews. com and brighteon. com. All right, wow.

That was the special report. Now, speaking of black swan events, just to change the subject and I have a lot more news to cover here. I’ll move through it quickly. I had a black swan health insurance event just to share with you. That kind of blew my mind recall, how was it eight months ago, whatever it was, I nearly severed my index finger. And I’ve told this story many times, not going to go into it, but at some point, I didn’t go to the emergency room when the accident happened, because I determined that I had not broken any bones, even though I severed nerves and blood vessels and, of course, a lot of skin.

And it looked horrific. At first, I didn’t know if my finger was still attached, but I decided not to go to the emergency room after I was able to stop the bleeding and determine that the bones were not broken. And I didn’t want a bunch of stitches, and I didn’t want emergency room physicians messing it up, basically because I don’t trust mainstream medicine for the most part, as you probably know.

I do think that there are many emergency room physicians that do a great job. There are valuable surgeons and doctors across the board, especially for emergencies. But in my case, I decided not to go. I felt confident that I could stop the bleeding, which I did, and I could do the healing myself. But then about, I don’t know, seven weeks later or something, I decided to go see a hand specialist doctor, just to see if I’m on track with the healing and the recovery of the motion and the rebuilding of the tendons and so on, because I really had a lot of limited mobility in that finger for quite a long time.

It’s not 100% back yet, but it’s very close to 100%. I can live with it. But I do have health insurance that I’d never used before. It’s just part of my company. It’s a plan that everybody has at my company. And so I went in to see this doctor and gave him this health insurance card, and this doctor is approved on this insurance. And by the way, I despise all the paperwork and all the nonsense with health insurance.

Anyway, there was a $75 copay, which I paid in cash, no problem. $75. I see the doctor friendly guy. He’s a surgeon, actually, a hand surgeon. And he moves my finger around here and there, like, does this hurt? No. Can it do that? Yeah, it’s fine. Do you feel this? He’s checking nerves. He’s doing the same thing that I did, basically, and he spends no more than five minutes.

I mean, okay, six if you’re pushing it, but it was not anywhere near ten minutes. Not even close. It was more like five minutes. And he’s like, yeah, it looks like you’re on track. Everything’s good. And I’m like, great. So is there anything I should be doing differently? He’s like, no, just keep trying to move it. Well, I told myself that. I mean, I know. So, anyway, I leave, and I paid $75.

Then a few months later, I get a letter from my health insurance company. And this is what I wanted to share with you, how insane this is. They say that the amount billed to them by my hand, specialist doctor was $1,165. Yeah. For five minutes of him just basically playing with my finger, like, moving it around, and he did not tell me anything different than what I already knew.

By the way, I’m not saying he’s a bad doctor. I mean, maybe his service is very valuable for people who are totally ignorant about health and medicine and physiology and whatever, but he did not give me any new information. Okay? Nevertheless, he charged my health insurance company $1,165, which I think is outrageous. For five minutes of playing with a finger. It’s kind of like, pull my finger, and he pulled my finger around, and then he charged me one.

$165. That’s not the way this joke is supposed to end. And then my health insurance company says that the amount allowed, which is, quote, what’s available to pay for covered benefits under your plan, what they allow to pay is $150. And then they say that the amount that my interest plan actually paid was $75. 17. That’s in addition to the $75 I paid in cash. And then they calculated the amount, the gap, and they call it amount not owed, which is $1,015.

Basically, I’m like, who’s paying that? Because I’m not paying that. And I don’t think anybody should pay that, because that sounds like a rip off. I think that nobody’s paying that. And I think that this is the whole insurance game, where doctors offices overbill insurance companies by huge factors, like, ten times more than what they’re ever going to get paid, expecting they’re going to get a fraction of that.

And then they do get a fraction, and then everybody just writes off the gap. I think that’s what happened. So I don’t know if you are able to navigate health insurance better than I am, but this is precisely why I don’t go see doctors, except in very unusual, dire circumstances. I have no idea how their billing works. It all seems like a fraud to me. And even the insurance companies don’t cover what they’re billing.

I guess the insurance companies tell them how much they’re going to pay and they’re like, live with it. So at the end of the day, by the way, I would have been the same, not going, which of course, I didn’t go for many weeks. And then I finally decided to go just check in with a doctor. But the bottom line is, folks, you know what worked for me? It wasn’t visiting the doctor.

It was taking lion’s main herbs and using my topical treatments. I used my silver gel, the first aid silver gel, and I did a bunch of rehabilitation exercises with it, and I bought these. Where is this one? Here it is. I had these squeeze exercise things that you squeeze them in your hands and they have different levels of difficulty. So I rehabbed my finger over all these months, and I used nutrition, and I used, I think, just good common sense and got it back.

And the healthcare system didn’t do a damn thing. I mean, nothing useful. And I’m just wondering, have you experienced something like this? Because if you’re listening to this podcast, you probably know a lot more about health and nutrition than most people. And have you ever been to a doctor? And the doctor at the end of the day, like, that doctor didn’t help me at all. Or maybe he or she gave me bad advice.

How often has that happened? I’m just telling you, look, don’t take this as medical advice. If you suffer some kind of severe laceration like I did, you probably should go to the emergency room. I just made the decision not to. And this experience with this doctor and this health insurance just confirmed that it’s a total waste of time. I should have just stayed home and just continued doing what I was doing, because that’s what’s working.

Okay, moving on to other news. Kanye west, also known as ye, he has apologized to the Jews. That’s right. He apologized to the Jews. And he did it in Hebrew. That’s when you’re really going all out to apologize to the Jews now. Yeah, he said some pretty wild stuff. Some of it he said on the Alex Jones show. Actually, one of the things he said, I think was misquoted.

He said that he was going to go on, quote, defcon three on jewish people, which he said it incorrectly. He meant defcon D-E-F-C-O-N which is DEfcon 12345. Those are different states of military readiness, by the way. But he said Defcon. It’s like, dude, you don’t even know what DEfcon is. And you said the worst possible combination of words in front of, quote, jewish people. You don’t go out there and say Def con to the jewish people.

So, of course, he know, deplatformed by adidas. And interestingly, Adidas was founded by Nazis that carried out the holocaust against the. So, you know, Adidas is hyper, hypersensitive. Well, I guess justifiably so. And they dropped Kanye as quickly as they possibly, you know, he lost billions of dollars in valuation and product sales and everything because of all the Adidas garb, shoes, I don’t know, hoodies and other garbage that young people buy because they think they want to have brand names all over themselves for some reason.

So let’s see. He also said something about, at some point he said something like that he could say anti semitic bleep and they still couldn’t stop him. Oh, here it is. He said he could say anti semitic bleep. And Adidas cannot drop me. And actually, they did drop him. So I guess he can’t say anti semitic bleep. So check out the apology that ye has offered. And this is classic.

This is a classic kind of apology when it’s written by a PR spinmeister or a damage control specialist that’s trying to rehabilitate your image after you’ve angered the jewish lobby. So he said that he regretted, quote, any unintended outburst caused by my words or actions. What? What does that mean? He regrets an unintended outburst caused by his words or actions. Why doesn’t he say, well, those were his words.

He said those things, by the way he goes on. He says, it was not my intention to hurt or demean, and I deeply regret any pain I may have caused. He was committed to starting with myself and learning from this experience to ensure greater sensitivity and understanding in the future. So again, yeah, written by somebody, quote, your forgiveness is important to me, and I’m committed to making amends and promoting unity.

All right, well, I’m committed to promoting peace, by the way, and that means calling out the violence being carried out. By the mean, seriously, if you’re committed to peace and you’re committed to unity, and by the way, if you support jewish people, you have to call out what Israel is doing right now. I mean, not all of Israel. The zionist leadership. Netanyahu. Bibi Netanyahu. I mean, he’s a war criminal.

He’s one of the most evil people on the planet in what he’s doing. And I wanted to start this out by talking about ye’s apology to the jewish people. And that’s because he directly said crazy things about jewish people. I’m saying that I care about jewish people. I want to help protect and keep jewish people safe because that’s a universal concept. I also want palestinian people to live in peace and abundance and not have their families bombed and completely destroyed.

And we got to be honest at this point with, what is it, over 25,000 Palestinians now having been killed by Israel in the IDF bombings? Folks, this is not self defense on the part of Israel. It is not. It is a real estate demolition project that’s going on. That’s what this is. It’s a real estate demolition project where they’re trying to level Gaza and bulldoze it and then have property developers come know, just seize the whole thing for, quote, greater Israel and have property developers come in and they’re already starting to market beachfront properties in Gaza.

This is a real estate demolition plan. The problem is people live. You know, Netanyahu and the israeli military, they’re just using the Hamas attacks as a cover story for their demolition project and frankly, flat out ethnic cleansing, genocide against the palestinian people, which has been BB Netanyahu’s goal for a very long time. That is not a goal that is shared by all Israelis or all jewish people at all.

It’s something that the crazed right wing Netanyahu Likud party people, they’ve been pushing for a long time, and this is not the end of it. Once they finish bulldozing Gaza, they’re going to try to attack Lebanon and bomb Beirut and carry out ethnic cleansing against the Hezbollah people. And they’re not going to stop there either. They want to take out the Saudis. They want to take out Yemen.

They want to take out Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and of course Iran as well. I mean, this is widespread ethnic cleansing. And importantly, this is my main point here. If we want jewish people to be safe everywhere on this planet, this genocide being carried out by Israel has got to be stopped because Netanyahu is putting all Jews in grave danger all over the world. Because Netanyahu is, he’s painting the jewish people even though this is not true.

He is painting all jewish people as violent, radical, genocidal maniacs. And again, that’s not who most of them are, but that’s who Netanyahu is. And he’s in control. Right know, because, well, he rigged the court system and guy’s, he’s already been indicted for multiple just, he’s a criminal. He’s a war criminal on top of that. But he is painting a picture to the whole world of Israel being this genocidal.

Mad, violent, insane, child bombing, women murdering regime under Netanyahu. But again, that’s not what jewish people actually stand for. For the most part, I understand there are some radical Zionists in Israel who really do support that, but that’s not the majority of Jews all over the world. But the jewish people, sadly, are going to be seen as representative of that kind of insane violence wherever they live all over the world.

So if I were a jew, I would feel very, very uncomfortable about what Netanyahu is doing in the name of Judaism. Because he’s invoking the Bible, he’s invoking religion to justify this. He’s saying, God chose us to bomb all these people. And if I were a jew, I would say, no, wait a second. That is not the correct interpretation of scripture. That is not what is right to do, and you do not speak for us.

And a lot of jewish people agree with me on that. That’s why there are groups like jewish voices for peace and so on. And I just want to say, in my opinion, I don’t have anything against Judaism nor against Islam, by the way. I don’t have any preconceived notion of hatred or intolerance against any group or ethnicity or skin color or anything of that kind. I want jewish people to live in peace, and I also want the Palestinians to live in peace.

But peace is never allowed because war generates so much profit and so much power. And this is what we all need to understand. I know you already understand this, listening to this, but there is no military in the world, really, especially not in the west, that wants peace. Militaries gain power and profit from conflict. I mean, look at the weapons industry in the United States. How do they make their money? Keep the wars going? Just like there is no vaccine manufacturer that wants to end all infectious disease.

They don’t want to. They make tens of billions of dollars when there’s a pandemic, even if they have to kind of nudge it along, by the way, or fake elements of it as well. Just kind of like exaggerate things. But that’s how they make money, just like the pharmaceutical companies that make, let’s say, blood pressure medication. Do they want to end high blood pressure in the world? No, because then they would have no more sales.

And their drugs don’t cure blood pressure problems, do they? No, they just mask symptoms and keep the patient on the drug forever. So don’t think that the war industry wants peace or that the pharmaceutical industry wants health. That’s insane. Anybody who believes that is totally insane. No, these industries want to make more money, and they do so through human suffering, disease, pandemics, bombings, war, violence, whatever. This is how they make their money.

And in the case of Israel, under its current leadership, it’s a land grab. They want to expand Israel to take over all the west bank, of course, all of Gaza, pretty much all of Lebanon, and all the way. I mean, that whole saying from the river to the sea, that started with the Lekud party, which is where Netanyahu stands, from the river to the sea, that’s what the Zionists say.

They want to be their land. That didn’t start out as a palestinian saying, by the way, just in case you don’t know that. So Israel has only just begun. And of course, this is attracting a lot of attention from people such as Alexander Dugan out of Russia. He’s been called Putin’s brain, and he’s a high level now analyst and advisor to President Putin. And he tweeted this out, and you need to hear this quote, the big war will come to the Middle east, maybe a bit later, but it will.

Hootis will not stop. Ships will not enter anymore. The Red Sea. Oil prices will go up. Iran will respond to provocations. Collapse of Israel, he says, is inevitable. Call it as you wish. We call it end time agenda. Apocalypse is now right now or a bit later? Maybe not yet, but soon. He says, in a little bit of kind of broken up English, but that’s totally understandable. I don’t speak Russian, so I always admire anybody who can type out English in a way that makes sense if it wasn’t their native language.

In any case, I want to parse this for you here. He says big war will come to the Middle east, and the Hooties will not stop. Okay, I agree with that. The hooties will not stop because they are exposing the frailty of the US navy and the west and its global supply chain structure upon which the economies of western Europe and the United States entirely depend. The hooties are not going to stop because they’re being very, very effective.

They’re not going to stop because Israel’s not going to stop bombing Gaza. If Israel stopped bombing Gaza, the hooties would stop attacking the ships. They’ve already said so. By the way, this is all interrelated. As long as Israel is committing genocide from the point of view of the other arab countries, the hooties are going to keep firing upon cargo ships, but, well, not all cargo ships. Not russian ships or chinese ships, but ships that are going to or from Israel or the United States.

So I think Alexander Dugan is correct about that. Then he says the oil prices will go up. Yep. And that’s going to clobber western economies. Then he says Iran will respond to provocations. Man, I hope not, because that’s exactly what the west is hoping Senator Graham hopes for. Really wants to bomb Iran. And by the way, he pronounces Israel, which, if you think about it, there’s three syllables in Israel.

Or I think the way it would be pronounced in Hebrew, or at least closer would be Israel. Right? That’s three syllables, Israel. Well, according to Senator Lindsey Graham, it’s only two syllables. And it sounds like this is roll, Israel. There’s no ra’el. It’s just roll, roll. Israel. Israel. Two syllables. Drives me bonkers when I hear Americans saying Israel, like, have you ever spelled it? Did you know there’s an a and an e in there? It’s not R-U-L-L.

It’s not Israel. Call me picky, but I don’t know. I get picky about this. But that’s why I try to say Iran, which is the way the iranian people say Iran or frankly, Iraq. And I know sometimes I say Iraq or Iran just for clarity. But people like Lindsey Graham, they’re like, Iran, Iraq. And like, man, you’re just coming off as a dumb as a rock american. Frankly, when you speak like that, senator, you just make us all look stupid.

That’s what I want to have, by the way. Coming up, I want to have Senator Lindsey Graham’s international geopolitical language class. It’ll start out with all the know. Welcome to Uzbekistan. Next we’re going to go to Tagajiki stand and then Kurdja juices stand and Turk, a mini mini stand. That’s how Senator Graham would cover that. And then Israel. We’re going to go to Israel last. All right, getting back to Alexander Dugan, he says, quote, the collapse of Israel, notice three syllables, is inevitable.

The collapse of Israel is inevitable. Some of you listening, being christian Zionists, you think God is going to save Israel from Russia, Gog and Magog and all that? You think it is written and that it applies to 2024. Okay, how’s God going to stop the missiles from Iran? How’s God going to stop Hezbollah? And I know you’re going to say, well, Old Testament man, God stopped the Egyptians.

God intervened. And frankly, Old Testament God carried out all kinds of genocide, and he’s going to do it again. Well, it’s not my place to say if that’s going to happen or not. Maybe it does happen again. Maybe giant fireballs of mountains fall out of the sky and just hit all the areas around Israel so that Netanyahu can expand his domain from the river to the sea. Do you think that God supports insane, war criminal, lunatic mass murderers like Netanyahu? That’s my question to any christians listening, and I’m a Christian myself, and I don’t think that God supports all that.

I think Israel has lost God’s favor given that Tel Aviv is basically the lgbt center of the Middle east, by the way, and Israel as a nation is the abortion capital of the Middle east, and that Israel rejected God with the injection of the spike protein, what, 98% of the population took the jabs, basically flipped the bird to God. So I think that God actually practices discernment. I think that God chooses which nations to defend and which nations to destroy.

And I don’t think Israel has God’s favor right now. And if you think that God’s going to defend Israel, I would ask you this question. Does that agreement apply no matter how evil the leadership of Israel, if they slaughter tens of thousands of babies and children and women, is that still okay? Does God still protect them from Russia? Some people say, yep, that Israelis can do anything because God chose them.

They can murder anyone. I hear that. I’m taken aback. I’m like, what kind of God are you praying to? If this is your God? It’s like the permission to commit genocide. Hmm. That’s not the God that I know. That’s not the Christ that I know. But. Well, then again, the Israelis probably don’t know Christ. Look what they did to him. Look what they did to mean. It’s a complicated issue.

But anyway, Alexander Dugan says that the collapse of Israel is inevitable. And I would say this, unless God somehow intervenes. I would have to agree with Dugan’s analysis right there. The collapse of Israel does seem inevitable because Netanyahu has put Israel on this path that has made it the mortal enemy of every arab nation and a lot of other nations as well, and Iran as well, the persian nation.

And Israel has lost any remaining sense of goodwill for most of the countries around the world and most of the people around the world. Now, I know you don’t see that in the west because of all the media propaganda and the fact that Israel has taken over the entire US Congress and the Senate and the media and everything. I mean, they got Kanye to apologize. So you don’t hear in the west how much the rest of the world actually despises the actions that Israel is taking under Netanyahu.

You see, and I’ve been told that is just a matter of time before Hezbollah attacks Israel and overruns the place and just fires so many rockets, it just destroys every last city in the country, which isn’t even a very big country. And then you think about Turkey and Yemen and Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Syria, I mean, all of it, and you’re like, well, how does Israel survive this for the next ten years? I don’t actually see a scenario where that works.

And the other thing that’s happening right now that’s really fascinating, kind of disturbing, is, you know, Israel is completely lying about the fatalities of IDF soldiers. According to Hamas, something like 15, 600 israeli soldiers have been wounded or killed, but according to Israel, it’s like 80. That’s a pretty big gap between those two. And probably neither one is accurate. The truth is probably somewhere closer to the middle of all that.

But let’s say it’s 500 IDF soldiers that have been killed, or 1000. How are they going to continue this war if they’ve lost 500 or 1000 soldiers and their soldiers aren’t very good? This is the other thing that’s being revealed here, that the israeli soldiers, the IDF is not very good. I mean, yeah, they’ve got tanks and they’ve got night vision and all these advanced weapons and helicopters and everything, but all they’ve been able to do so far is just kill civilians.

And maybe they’ve killed a thousand Hamas, but they’ve killed mostly civilians. 20 to one, they’re killing civilians. They’ve bombed a bunch of apartment buildings and hospitals and refugee camps. They’ve turned a lot of Gaza city into rubble. But have they defeated Hamas? No, not at all. All they’ve actually done is made it much easier for other arab nations to recruit for Hamas or for Hezbollah or other groups.

And I think that this reputation that Israel had as the world’s greatest military, the best tacticians and the best tank commanders, this is from previous wars, even going back to the six day war that is being shattered right now. This is why Netanyahu is desperate to cover up the actual fatalities that Israel is experiencing. The IDF, I mean, they have no discipline. They shot three Israelis who had escaped Hamas captivity and were trying to run to freedom, and they took off their shirts and were waving them in a surrender and they were shot and killed.

Three Israelis were shot and killed by the IDF. They were shot at by two different IDF soldiers. There’s no discipline in the ranks. And if you’ve seen any of the footage of some of the engagements and so on. You realize these IDF soldiers aren’t very good. I mean, they’re mostly poorly trained reservists and they’re weak and they’re scared. This is not the israeli military of 20 years ago.

Then again, the US military is not the same thing it was 20 years ago either. But the israeli military, although no doubt there are some very accomplished, rugged specialty groups, but by and large, these reservists especially, they’re cannon fodder, man. They’re not good soldiers. I mean, they sit around in groups in close proximity to each other, just waiting for a grenade to drop from a drone. They don’t know how to space themselves apart.

I mean, they don’t have any light discipline. There’s a video of one guy inside a building, like lighting up a bong. An IDF soldier lighting up a bong, which of course shows his face. And then an rpg comes in from Hamas. You don’t light up cigarettes or bongs when you’re trying to stay hidden. By the way, light discipline. I mean, even World War II soldiers knew that if you create light, you’re going to get targeted.

These IDF soldiers aren’t very good soldiers. That’s what’s astonishing. And that’s why they’re not being very effective at anything other than turning Gaza city into rubble. They haven’t achieved a military defeat of Hamas and it’s not clear that they’re even going to. And what keeps coming out is how the israeli military personnel are just liars and propagandists and rapists and abusers. I mean, here’s a story that came out, israeli general killed Israelis on October 7 and then lied about it.

And you’re not going to find this in the mainstream media. You have to go to electronictifada. net to see this story. But they’ve compiled this story using words from an IDF general who ordered tanks to fire on israeli civilian homes on October 7. Says that video and witness accounts recently published by israeli media reveal new details about how israeli forces killed their own civilians in Kabutz Baheri on October 7.

Last week, Israel’s channel Twelve released previously unseen footage of an israeli tank firing at a civilian home in the settlement just a few miles east of Gaza. The new evidence shows this is important and you won’t hear this in the western press. The new evidence shows that the israeli commander on the scene, Brigadier General Barak Hiram, lied to a top israeli journalist about what happened in the kibbutz that day.

After palestinian resistance fighters. That’s the term used by this publisher. Palestinian resistance fighters, whom western press would call Hamas terrorists, quote, launched a large scale assault on israeli military bases and settlements across the boundary from Gaza. This amounts to an attempted cover up by a senior military officer with media complicity. But far from being held accountable, Hiram is soon set to take up his new role as commander of the Gaza division.

He’s been promoted because he can lie effectively, he can order tanks to shoot and kill israeli civilians, and he can lie about it and get away with it, and he gets promoted. And by the way, israeli civilians have gone public stating that it was the IDF that came in and shot other Israelis, just killed them all or tried to kill them all. But a few survived. And one of them is named Yasmin Porat.

And she talked to israeli state radio, this is a couple of months back now, and gave the full account of what happened. She was one of 15 civilians that were being held by Hamas in the house that was shot at by this tank that was shown in. In the channel, what was it? Channel twelve video. And she survived. And she went public with it. She said, yeah, they’re firing at us.

So, folks, look, I call for peace again and again and again. And the IDF is carrying out, being ordered to carry out war crimes, ethnic cleansing, straight up genocide, and even murder of Israelis. And this just underscores what I’ve been saying here, that if we care about the jewish people and we want all jews to be safe, then Netanyahu has got to be replaced, because it is his regime, his military, that is firing tank rounds at israeli civilians or helicopter gunships shooting up israeli civilian vehicles on October 7.

And there are many other examples of that as well. This is a very dangerous situation that is being created by the criminal insanity of Netanyahu and whoever’s going along with him in government. These are war criminals. And Israel may have already crossed the threshold here, where it’s too late for Israel to ever go back to a posture of peace in the world. It’s probably already done for generations to come.

So all I can say is I think the best chance for Israel and jewish people all around the world is to arrest and prosecute Netanyahu and what’s his name, Galant, and all the other war criminals there who are running this genocidal campaign, arrest and prosecute them. And Israel should apologize to the world for what it has done. And Israel should offer to rebuild Gaza and to compensate every family member, every person injured, every person who lost a loved one, every palestinian person should be offered massive compensation, monetary and otherwise, by Israel.

And as part of its repentance against these war crimes, Israel should probably give back the homes to the palestinian people that were taken from them over the last decades. I don’t know where that ends up putting the new boundaries, the new nation state lines, but frankly, the palestinian people deserve an apology and they deserve compensation from Israel. But you and I both know the chances of that happening are pretty much zero.

Pretty much zero. And also thanks to a lot of the US based Christian Zionists who still, for whatever reason, say God gave them permission to kill all them Palestinians. I’m tired of hearing that. Those people are completely insane. I really despise hearing people abuse scripture to justify genocide. It’s like a Bible in one hand and a weapon of murder in the other, just running around beating children to death.

And it’s like, bible told me to do it. No, you’re misreading it. Bible didn’t say that. God didn’t say that. You have no such right, no such power. No, some of those people should probably just beat themselves in the face with that Bible until it knocks some sense into them and then open it up and start reading again. And this time read it for what it says, not what I don’t know.

Your peer group told you it means this whole human history is just filled with so many examples of one group of people feeling like they’re superior to another group of people and feeling like they have the right to slaughter and massacre these other people time and time again. Wars and racism and ethnic cleansing and genocide on every continent. I mean, it wasn’t that long ago that the american people were all riled up over genocide in Rwanda.

That was wrong. These people are butchering these other people with machetes and it’s wrong. And we should speak out. And all the Hollywood celebrities we have to stop the genocide in know, but when it comes to Israel committing genocide in Gaza, they’re totally silent. No, we’re with Israel. We’re with the genocide. Just shows you how two faced these Hollywood celebrities are, doesn’t it? All right, so bottom line, this is a very difficult time to be pro peace.

And that’s why I interviewed Dennis Kusinich, by the way, because he’s a man of peace. He’s a principled man of peace, and he can elucidate why peace matters for our world. And as a member of Congress, as a Democrat, he fought against the military industrial complex. And I have a lot of respect for what he did in Congress. And it was APAC. It was the jewish lobby in America that basically booted him out of Congress, by the way, because he wasn’t pro war enough.

See how that works? So the interview for today is with Sam Andrews. Now, this is the first time I’ve interviewed Sam, and he’s a friend of John Moore, the Liberty man. And John said to me one day, said, you got to interview Sam Andrews. Sam. He runs tier one weapons. He does custom weapons manufacturing. He’s the founder of Freedom Center USA. That’s at Freedomtrain. Net, which is a skills training facility.

I think it’s in Oklahoma. But anyway, he tells you in the interview, but Sam Andrews, I get the sense from this interview that Sam Andrews is very much pro Israel and that he believes that Israel does have the right to just murder all Arabs. I mean, you can hear him answer the questions and state his views in his own words. But that’s the impression that I got. And also, by the way, John Moore.

The impression I got from talking with John Moore is that John Moore also very much sides with Israel. And as much as I disagree with the actions that Israel is taking right now, I do think it’s important to hear what these gentlemen have to say, to hear their viewpoints and the way they see the world. And in fact, I would even welcome an interview with, let’s say, an official spokesperson from Israel.

That would be a fascinating interview, and it would be civil. It would be a polite interview as long as they didn’t try to bomb me. But I would be civil. I don’t know if they would be civil. I’m not sure if they’re capable of it. But if there is an Israel spokesperson that would like to come on with me and do an interview, I would absolutely welcome that.

And I would ask some pretty obvious questions, like, why are you still bombing women and children? And we can have a conversation. I don’t have to agree with everybody in order to interview them, in other words. In fact, it’s critical that we interview people with whom we don’t agree from time to time. And even if you think about, know, Dennis Kusinich, there are probably things upon which he and I disagree.

Maybe the second Amendment, for example. But you can bet that Sam Andrews and John Moore are pro second Amendment, which is something that I admire in their views. I think we have to be pro Second Amendment, and this puts me in a difficult spot. And perhaps you, too. I am pro Second Amendment and I support peace. I think we all need to own firearms so that we don’t have to use them.

Right. I’m a fairly accomplished long range shooter. I understand the ballistics of 338 lapua magnum rounds or what have you. But I’ve never used a bullet to hunt an animal. I’ve never shot a hog or a deer. I have a lot of deer on my property. I admire them. I don’t kill them. I shoot steel targets, and I’m pretty good at shooting steel targets. I hope I never, ever in my life have to shoot another living being, an animal, a person, or anyone.

It breaks my heart to even think about that because I’m so pro life. I honor life. But I also understand that we have to have firearms in order to protect ourselves from those who are committing violence or robberies or home invasions or what have you. So I’m one of the very few people out there that supports firearms and long range target shooting and our military veterans and so on.

But I also call for peace. And I oppose what Israel is doing right now in the Middle east. And frankly, there are just not a lot of people who have those views. Usually, you find them on one side or the other, but not that combination that I espouse. And you may or may not agree with me, and that’s totally okay. There’s no requirement. If you find some value in what I offer here every day, then that’s fantastic.

You don’t have to agree with everything I say. In fact, if you do agree with every single thing that I say, I don’t know, is that a coincidence? Or maybe you need to find at least some areas of challenging my thinking, right? And most people do. My audience, you’re great thinkers, okay? You think for yourself, and that’s what I admire about you. But in our world today, I believe that my principles are very consistent.

I am 100% pro life, and I believe that firearms are necessary to protect life. But it doesn’t mean that I want to go out and shoot something other than a steel target. You see, my view is consistent. Whereas a lot of people, even conservatives and christians, like, oh, we got to protect the babies, we’re anti abortion, but then it’s okay to bomb babies in Gaza. That’s not consistent.

Or even in my view, I would say you have a lot of christians who are hunters. They’re like, oh, we got to protect life. These innocent children, we don’t want them to be killed. Let’s go hunting tomorrow. Let’s go kill other animals. To me, that doesn’t make any sense. And again, I know opinions will totally vary on that, and that’s okay. But to me, that’s not consistent. I see all life as valuable, and I work to protect all forms of life against evil and against murder and against violence, against destruction.

And that’s why I see the palestinian people as having lives of value, just as I see every human life on this planet as having value and every animal life as having some measure of value. Not the same as a human life, but still every life has value in its own way. And even that view is controversial. If you don’t support genocide, then you’re considered anti semitic today. Isn’t that interesting? So the establishment narrative today demands that you support genocide against the palestinian people.

And I wholeheartedly reject that. It’s anti human, it’s illogical, it’s irrational, and it’s evil. And even if you run around carrying a Bible, it’s still evil. If you support genocide against other human beings, I don’t care how many bibles you have on your shelf. If you support genocide, you probably haven’t read them and you certainly don’t follow them. All right, with that said, we’re going to do the interview here with Sam Andrews, who says, literally, this is a quote.

He says that violence is the answer to a lot of problems. So let’s see why he says that. And what is his philosophy, his approach to the Middle east? You can decide for yourself what you think, but we’re going to jump into that next real quick, just to plug sponsors today. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for your support. And understand, my sponsors may or may not agree with everything I’ve said here, but I do believe that the companies that I promote are companies that support your right to live.

They support human freedom. They support the freedom to think, the freedom to speak, the right to self defense, the freedom to enjoy economic prosperity and so on. But I don’t want to imply that they support every single sentence that I have stated here today. They may or may not. But then again, my sponsor is not adidas. And I’m not saying anti semitic. Bleep. As ye said, I care about the jewish people and I think the way to protect them is to stop the genocide because the backlash against the jewish people is going to be just horrific.

I wish more people would understand that. All right. Anyway, a couple of sponsors to mention, first of all, my own online store, healthrangerstore. com. Of course, clean food, nutritional products, storable preparedness items, long term storable organic food. Number ten, cans with freeze dried fruits and vegetables, a whole lot more. All available healthrangerstore. com. Check it out. We appreciate your support. And then also goldbacks visit verifiedgoldbacks. com. And that’s the site where I did all the laboratory testing of goldbacks to determine that they contain actually a little bit more than the claimed amount of gold that they’re supposed to contain.

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I own multiple firearms. I carry firearms. I’ve had concealed carry for decades and I carry every day. Right now I’m carrying the Glock 43 x that was made for me by shieldarms. com. Shieldarms. com. They also have now the folding AR 15 pistols with the arm braces that are now legal to get because of the court order against the ATF. This is your chance to get them. Just go to shieldarms.

com. And if you use discount code Ranger, you get, I don’t know if it’s 10% off or 15% off, everything that they sell, everything, firearms and accessories and more. I forgot the percentage, but I don’t actually earn an affiliate fee on that. But they do give me gear for evaluation from time to time, including this Glock 43 X pistol, which has become my day to day carry. And then I ask them to extend a discount to my audience.

And that’s where the coupon code comes from. Use discount code Ranger and you’ll save a bundle@shieldarms. com. Check it out. All right. With that said, enjoy this interview with Sam Andrews, and I’ll be back with you tomorrow. Take care. Welcome to today’s interview on brighteon. com. I’mike Adams, the founder of Brighteon. And today we’re joined by a new guest. Sam Andrews is the founder of Freedom Center USA, and the website is Freedomtrain.

Net. And he also owns a tier one weapons manufacturing company that manufactures extremely capable high end weapons systems for U. S. Operators and who are being deployed, of course, right now in a couple of different theaters of war. And Mr. Andrews joins us to talk about domestic power, a Senate bill, supply shortages and much more. So welcome, Mr. Andrews. It’s an honor to have you on today. Mike, thank you for having me.

It’s a pleasure to be with you. Well, thank you for joining me. And I also want to thank our mutual acquaintance John Moore. I understand you appear on his show once a week, is that right, to talk about firearms? I do. I’m on the John Moore show every Monday morning, eight to ten central time, 800 to 1000 hours central time on the Republic broadcast network. We do a show together called Firearms Monday.

Okay, fantastic. And in our little pre talk, we were talking about the fact that, of course, you’re also very competent at long range shooting and manufacturing systems that are capable of long range engagements. Can you give us just kind of a brief background of who you are and what kinds of systems your companies produce? Well, if you want to go back the ways I grew up as the son of the owner of a printing press manufacturing company called Mark Andy.

My grandfather invented the flexographic printing press. So I grew up in a family of inventors and engineers, and I got into weapons at a very early age. My uncle was studies and observation group in Vietnam, and he was a long range shooter after he got out of the military and he had me hand loading cartridges and doing precision shooting with him at the age of seven. So I’ve been doing this a long time, almost 60 years.

And it’s been a passion of mine. I push the outside of the envelope and advance the art of long range shooting with different technology. Research and development of the powdered tungsten bullets from Powell River Laboratories, SEAL team six, SEAl team five, secret service all use those products. Secret service guards are president with those products. We’ve developed some deep nitriding processes to allow big long range guns, the barrels, to live and not foul.

We do some things that just aren’t done anywhere else in the world, and it’s a lot of fun. And we’ve got a thousand yard range at the Freedom center we can test the equipment with. And we just keep pushing the envelope, trying to get better and to extend what our capabilities are. We can shoot now sub five inch groups at 2200 yards with certain long range systems. And I’ve killed Elk at 1900 yards.

I’ve killed mule deer at 2600 yards, killed countless antelope past 1000 yards. And over the last three decades we’ve really seen some major improvements in barrel technology, bullet technology, optics. Everything has gotten better. So it’s just a lot of fun to work in that your freedom center, USA organization is located in central Missouri, correct? It is. It’s in sort of southwest central Missouri, in a town just southeast of Lebanon, Missouri.

It’s right off Interstate 44, about eight minutes away. And do you do onsite training there with groups then? We do. We do about 40 training classes a year. We train in four different genres. We train in combat skills, defensive skills with handguns and M four s ar 15s. Most advanced training you can get at this facility. And we have 1000 yard range. We do introduction to 1000 yard shooting.

We do advanced long range and precision shooting. We do advanced sniper training. We do medical training. Just fantastic. Stop the bleeding classes and combat medic courses. We have Sarks, and we have the doctor that, he’s the top doc at the Sear school in Washington where the pilots learn escape and evasion. And he comes down and helps our sarc put on the best combat medic course in the world.

They do a great job. I think the last class, each one of the instructors got tipped over $1,000 by our students. Wow. That’s how good a class they put on. I was pretty impressed with that. It’s hard to shoot down that level of tipping going on. The students were ecstatic with the course. We also do some preparation training. I do a six hour course. I travel for this one.

I’ve done it at the Freedom center classroom, but we do it in large auditoriums. It’s about 6 hours long. I go through 215 executable action steps on how you can prepare you and your family for difficult times. And what does difficult times mean? Well, think about the people in Ukraine. The day before Russia invaded. They puffed their chest out. They stuck their nose up in the air and said Russia wouldn’t dare come in our country, we’ll kill them.

We’ll slaughter them like pigs. Right? And then six months later, there’s 3. 8 million refugees in Europe because Russia invaded. And so when I say hard times, I mean difficult times. When logistics break down, the trucks stop running, the water is not flowing, the communication systems are bombed out. How do you come through that? Not just survive, but how do you thrive during those times? It’s a six hour presentation.

I’ve given it presentation at churches in Texas, like the Bush center in Missouri. I’ve given that presentation. I travel all over the country and teach people how to survive. And, boy, you better bring your notebook and your cell phone, because there are 215 executable action steps you can do to make yourself a lot tougher in those type of difficult environments. And Republicans are very good at defining problems.

Sometimes conservatives and Republicans aren’t so great at presenting solutions. This presentation is all about solutions. Okay, that’s really excellent to hear. Before we continue, let me just ask for your feedback. What do you train with or recommend as your ballistics calculator? And then also reticles, because I’ve really come to really enjoy the tremor three reticle or the tremor two Horace reticles. But I’m curious what you use and what you use as a ballistics calculator.

Well, there are some men in special operations that use the tremor reticles, but the top guys, particularly 50 cows, the HTI guys, the 330 lapua guys, they tend to use an MOA reticle because it has finer hole points, and they tend to use it in second focal plane. We teach a system that’s second focal plane, not first, because it’s much quicker to get a shot off if you take, for example, an unknown range target at, let’s say, 1250 yards with a first focal plane kestrel system, which has become very popular with the PRS shooters and casual long range shooters because it’s kind of like the easy button.

You turn that kestrel on, you get a little wind reading at your position. You look through your scope at the mirage, you look at your computer, you’ve got your relative air density, number or density. Altitude is a popular way of stating that. Now and then the computer tells you how many minutes or how many mills to hold above, and then you go down your reticle, or you dial your knob, your elevation knob, to break the shot.

In our system, we have a bow site from zero to 1300 yards, and you don’t dial anything. You actually use a kilo, ten k range Sig from SiG, which is a fantastic product designed by very experienced snipers. They had a lot of input on that design, and they did a great job with it. And what that allows you to do with one push of the button is to get a complete firing solution.

But we would prefer you learn how to use your optics and learn your trajectory so well and understand relative air density that you don’t even have to go to the kilo range finder. You can passively range with an moar reticle and use a hold point and break a shot in less than 5 seconds. It takes a lot of time to go from a range finder to a kestrel to a scope.

Yes, it does. The problem with live targets in the real world, and I can tell you a story about this, it’ll drive the point home. The problem with live targets is the opportunity to take a shot on an enemy or a live target. That window can be very, very short. It could be 3 seconds, 5 seconds, 7 seconds. But it’s rarely 25 seconds and never on multiple targets are targets available for 25 seconds.

And so what we found is by learning the reticle, learning the trajectory, learning how to passively range, not coming out of the scope, that you can kill targets. Some of our fastest guys can range a Target and shoot it in less than 3 seconds. Staying in the scope, do they dial wind or do they hold wind? Hold wind. They hold wind. Yeah. We teach a technique for holding wind, and we don’t use the tremor.

The tremor is nice when you’re learning about long range shooting. The problem is when you get in sophisticated threat environments, the tremor reticle is like a screen door. So if you’re collimating thermal or other things, it blocks way too much of your field of view. Yeah, there’s a lot of lines on it. Yes, sir. Especially below the main crosshair. And so what we found is, through testing and comparing performance, is that people trained on our system can break shots in less than 5 seconds.

People trained on the tremor system with the kestrel are typically over 30 seconds on an unknown range problem. Oh, well, they’re slow, then. Yeah, that’s too slow. Yeah, it’s too slow. Now, I’ll tell you an interesting thing. When I worked for major General Hollingsworth at the Pentagon, I was given an assignment to analyze why snipers miss in the field. And I had this wonderful opportunity to interview three of the most experienced snipers in history in the United States of America.

One was Mark Karachi. He’s a friend of mine. So that was an easy phone call. I had to cold call Chuck Mooney, and I had to cold call Neil Morris, and I got them involved in the interview. They answered all the questions just as Mark did. And what I found so fascinating about these great men was they answered the key questions exactly the same. And the first question was, what’s the number one reason for a miss? And all three of them, within seconds, answered a bad call in the wind.

Oh, yeah, that’s the hardest thing we do. It’s the most common reason we miss is a bad call in the wind. And I said, I want answers based on your real world experience working as a sniper, not just general answers. And they said, well, that’s generally true, and it’s also true for my career as well. So they all confirmed that. The second question I asked them was, what is the second most common reason for a miss? And they said, a bad range estimation.

Okay. Which I thought was interesting. And I said, what’s the third most common reason for a miss? These guys were so honest and so real that they said I couldn’t produce the shot in the time that the target exposed itself. And I said, so you never shot? And they said, no. I said, okay, so that’s not technically a miss. And they said, oh, yes, it is, because that’s a shot that I should have made, and I didn’t get the shot off in time.

And all three of them had as their number three answer that they couldn’t produce a shot in the time window that the target exposed itself. And I thought that was absolutely fascinating from a sniping perspective, but also incredibly revealing about the honesty, the internal honesty of these great men. Yeah, it makes sense, and it reinforces the importance of the speed and efficiency of this. I want to move on.

I mean, thank you for all that information. That’s really interesting to me. As someone who is trained in long range target shooting, that’s fascinating, but I want to move on and get to the Senate bill that we talked about in the pre show a little bit. What’s the Senate bill number and what is your concern about this bill? Well, this bill is the largest power grab in the history of the US government.

It’s Senate bill six eight six. And after reading the bill, I was thinking they probably should have numbered it. Senate bill six six six. Right. It’s horrible. And our founding fathers had very simply a separation of power concept. They didn’t want any group of men, or any one man having too much power. Senate Bill 686 prevents the president of the United States from seeing classified information it prevents him from declassifying classified information.

It basically gives the select intelligence committee of the US Senate all the power in reviewing and using classified information and declassifying information. And what applications of that power are we talking about here? Well, what really scares me is it takes away the president’s ability to manage the intelligence agencies, which, by the way, are executive branch agencies. Yes. They’re deliberately placed under the president of the United States. And that’s a very important thing, is to have a check and balance from the president over these agencies.

Do we want every president that doesn’t agree with an agency to be. I mean, this is not a good thing. And what people don’t realize is FBI HRT is a tier one asset under JSOC. They’re like a national mission team asset. They function under the command and control of the US military. They’re not really police. FBI HRT. And when the select intelligence Committee puts a name on the rendition list, it’s FBihrt that goes and kills that person or throws him out of an airplane at 25,000 over the Atlantic.

They’re the ones that take care of business. And so as Americans, we need to ask a very serious question. Do we, in fact, want the same people that have control of the rendition list to have complete control over all the information? Because if the answer to that question is yes, then a very small group of men can murder their political enemies with no oversight. Yeah, no checks and balances at that point.

Exactly. And that’s the real problem, is there is no check and balance at that point, and our republic is completely lost. So let’s back up just 1 second, because to our audience, are there assassination teams then under the FBI that seek out and assassinate people in the United States? Yes. FBI HRT, Quantico, Virginia, that’s their job. And they’re given a list, and they go out and find the targets and they execute them.

That’s exactly what they do. And what kind of targets are we talking about here? They’re the cleanup crew. Foreign actors. Foreign actors in the US, U. S. Citizens, FBI. I mean, look at WacO. Look at what happened at Ruby Ridge. Look what happened to Lavois. Finnecombe FBI hrt. Whenever Americans die on american soil at the hands of the federal government, FBI HRT is there. Now, I’m not the only one that says this.

If you talk to retired FBI HRT snipers, they’ll tell you exactly the same thing. There’s YouTube videos with it, retired FBI HRT snipers talking about all the renditions that they handled and the fact that they handle almost all of them. And what you’re saying is this Senate bill would allow just the Senate Intelligence Committee to control this list and this intelligence to set the target list. Yeah. Let’s be very specific, though.

The select intelligence committee of the US Senate controls the target list. They have for a very long time. This is the last group on planet Earth that we want controlling all classified information. And who currently sits on that committee right now in the current senate? I’m not sure who the head is. There’s been some guys that have been on this committee for over two decades. And I can get you a list of them if you like.

I can do that online. But it’s about 18 to 22 guys. Isn’t Adam Schiff one of them? Boy, I sure hope not. I thought he was on the Judiciary committee. Okay, well, yeah, I’m wondering, too. I don’t have that answer either now, since the last time I looked at the list of names, they could have put Schiff on the select intelligence committee. That would have been a huge mistake.

Absolutely. I mean, if there’s one guy that would abuse power to murder his political enemies, it’s Adam Schiff. Absolutely. Adam Schiff is absolutely in the genre of senators that don’t mind killing their political enemies. So this Senate bill is not being talked about in the press that I’m aware of very much. I mean, it hasn’t been on my radar. What’s the status of this bill? Well, I think it’s in committee right now, but I hope, I pray that the US House has enough wisdom to tell the Senate to shove this bill where the sun doesn’t shine.

That’s what I hope. Do you think that this bill is being moved through committee in anticipation of Trump returning? As do I think. I think they’re afraid that somehow Trump is going to avoid prosecution and somehow he’s going to avoid all their election fraud and come away as president in 2024. And I’ll be honest with you, I’m not a huge Donald Trump fan. Okay. Trump did some really good things for the economy and for US nationalism, but he ran on an agenda of draining the swamp.

He had four years to drain the swamp, and he didn’t even scratch the surface of draining the swamp. And now the swamp is attacking him like never before. That’s right. So if he does win the presidency, he’s got one more shot to drain the swamp. And I have a feeling if he doesn’t get it done in the first three or four months, that they’re going to JFK. Donald Trump.

Yeah, I think you’re absolutely right about that. But I have to add, on the republican side, it’s only Trump at this point. Nobody’s even close to Trump. Trump is the candidate, and then he’s leading enormously in the polls. Yeah. And then on the Democrat side, even the Democrats are getting tired of senile Joe Biden, and there’s no viable alternative. I mean, what are they going to do? Run Newsom from California and then say, we want the whole country to look like San Francisco? I mean, come on.

Yeah, that would be a bad deal for this country. Here’s the problem from a logistics standpoint. You’ve heard, oh, who was the general that worked with Patton in World War II? He used to say, amateur study tactics and professional study logistics. The first time I ever heard that quote was when major General Hollingsworth corrected me at dinner in the Republican National Committee basement in DC. He used to have a restaurant down there.

We used to meet with senators and chat about world affairs. And the problem is the logistics of our elections right now, elections are run by states. We have six swing states that will basically decide who wins a federal election. Pennsylvania, Georgia, Ohio. Okay. Michigan, Arizona, New Mexico. These are your swing states. Some people call them purple states, but they’re going to decide who’s elected president. And the biggest problem is the swing States were attacked by the Democrats years ago to change the state laws to allow election corruption to continue ad nauseam.

And the Republicans in those states have done nothing to fix this corruption. And look at what’s going on in Arizona. Even the Republicans are corrupt in Arizona. From an election standpoint, I find it difficult to believe that a Republican could ever win a national election until these swing states address the corruption in those six states. Well, what if the plan is to allow Trump to win on purpose? I mean, I’m just brainstorming.

But perhaps they want Trump in office in anticipation of some bigger catastrophe that would strike America and could be laid at his feet. For example, a banking system collapse, or a debt reset, or World War II breaking out nuclear exchange, for example. Is that a possible scenario? Or am I thinking too far outside the box? For me, that’s a little outside the box. And here’s why. Because there’s two things that drive evil.

Power and control and money. And if Trump gets elected, trillions of dollars will come out of this guy’s pocket and go into that guy’s pocket. And I don’t think the power moguls that call the shots want that money moving around like that, I think they want it where it’s going right now. They want it going to Ukraine where they can launder. Think from a logistics, from a financial standpoint.

I think that would cost them too much to try to get Trump in. But wouldn’t Trump continue to support, I mean, he provided huge funding for the Pentagon. Trump is a friend of the military industrial complex. You could say, yes, sir. I don’t know why. I mean, Trump would not defund the Pentagon nor the war in Ukraine, nor he wouldn’t defund Israel either. So isn’t Trump essentially supporting the same money skimming and laundering? Know, to some degree, but I don’t quite agree that Trump would continue in Ukraine.

I think Trump would get us out of Ukraine very quickly. I think he would support Israel in a bigger way, and I think he would protect Taiwan and prevent us from getting into a conflict in Taiwan. Now, Trump is no bastion of the Bill of rights. He’s no defender of liberty. I don’t know if you remember the comment, well, can’t we just take the guns and do due process later? Yeah, and he also supported the bump stock ban.

Exactly. And so did the NRA. Right, which stands for not really american, because the NRA has supported just about every gun control major bill that’s been put in front of the american people since 1968. If you want to support gun rights, you want to support the Bill of Rights. Gun owners of America and other groups that are actually fighting for your rights are a much better option than the NRA, which is fundamentally run by retired.

Yeah, yeah. Well, no, I’m more of a fan of gun owners of America personally. Yes, indeed. Yeah. So let’s talk about now, medical supplies, because you mentioned to me earlier that your organization does a lot of training of first aid and combat medic type training. Yes. What did you notice with medical supplies? Well, we do these stop bleeding classes on a regular basis. We do combat medic course where we teach advanced combat medic skills.

And I could tell you this after a class, I typically call four major medical companies to reorder supplies. And when I call these companies, I’m friends with the ceos of these companies, and I ask them, so what’s going on? What’s new? What’s happening in your world? They typically say to me, things are good. We’re a little short on this surgical item, but everything else is starting to flow again.

After all the COVID debacle. Well, the last time this was in November. I called after the combat medicors. They were like, sam, you’re not going to believe what’s going on. We’ve sent four times the bleeding hemorrhage tourniquet, Xtat supplies to Israel, then we’ve sent to Ukraine. The media is not telling anyone the truth about how many people Hamas has slaughtered, how many women and children. It’s absolutely horrific.

And the media is not telling anyone the truth. Wait, are you saying that the number of Israelis killed on October 7 is much larger than the 1200 that is now the number being claimed by Israel? Yeah. Not only is that number larger, but the number of people being killed in battle fighting Hamas is much larger. So IDF soldiers. Yes, exactly. IDF soldiers and also women and children, collateral damage in the conflict as well.

So it wasn’t just that day, but the ongoing fighting. And we’re not getting the truth about this. And my SEAL team budies that are over there working are not only confirming what the medical people are telling me about the number of deaths, they’re also telling me that they’re pulling american weapons that were left in Afghanistan off of dead Hamas fighters. I’m not surprised at all. That is the most heinous, disgusting thing to me.

And millie, the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs, and Biden, they own the deaths of those israeli women and children. They own those deaths. Every single Israeli killed by an american weapon that came out of Afghanistan. There’s culpability for millie and Biden. I mean, this is impeachable. This is an impeachable kind of reason we should hang people. I’m sure you and I are both disgusted by the pull out from Afghanistan and the quantity and quality of weapons that were left behind.

I mean, vehicles, obviously, night vision, advanced machine guns, aircraft, even helicopters. Communications equipment, which is absolutely critical to coordinating. Guys, these guys not only are going to cause the death of Americans, but they’ve caused the death of thousands of Israelis with their incompetence and with their crooked behavior. So there’s so many questions from this, but I don’t understand. How come Israel doesn’t have its own store of medical supplies and readiness? I mean, I suppose one of the things that’s come out of this is that the IDF isn’t nearly as combat ready as perhaps we assume they were.

I mean, how could it be? They don’t have stockpiles of medical supplies. There’s a couple of reasons for that, and most of them are logistical. The Israelis have a number of their own internal medical companies. But the technology that some of our local american companies have developed, like the TX two and three tourniquets and the Xtat twelve and the Xtat 30. These huge syringes you can stick in a bullet hole and collapse the syringe and fill it with sponges that expand, that have coagulating material.

They’re so much faster at stopping bleeding than combat gauze. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen a medic pack combat gauze into a bullet hole, but it takes a few seconds. These Xtax syringes, it’s like stick in the hole, hit the plunger, and the bleeding is just about stop. Because the sponges go to the source of the bleed, they can go deeper in holes. It takes a long time to pack a bullet hole with combat.

Well, I’ve done some of that training myself. Not on, obviously, live people, but you know how the training goes. It’s a mannequin with a bullet hole. It’s crazy. It can take a long time stuffing. And there’s a lot of gauze that goes into those wounds. I mean, more than you would think. And if you don’t have the right gauze with the bloodstop properties, then you’re not effective at it.

So this syringe that you’re talking about sounds really ideal. It really is. And I think probably by the mid 2024, every SF medic, every 18 delta, every SARC, everybody that’s serious about the medical business in our military is going to have Xtax syringes in their iFAX, in their gear or in their kit. And they should, because it’s one of the best new tools out there, particularly in battle.

And you’re dealing with bullet wounds in junction bleed areas or in the torso. That’s amazing. The blood stop material is in the compressed sponges, as you say. Yeah, it’s impregnated in the sponge itself. And there’s multiple sponges in these syringes. And so you can force those sponges that are very compressed deep into a hole right to the source of the bleeding. Wow. And then that sponge expands with the coagulating material right there on the surface.

It’s very, very effective. Right, so the coagulation material is activated by the blood, sir, which then forms, I guess, an internal barrier to get you to the emergency room to where surgery can work on you. And if you can’t find an xstat syringe for sale, there’s a company called Cellox that also makes a similar product. So you have some options as far as what to put in your gear, put in your kit, but we require our instructors at the freedom center to have xtat syringes, to have combat gauze, to have two Sam splints, to have three tourniquets on them.

And there’s just no reason not to have this stuff. It’s not very expensive, and it absolutely will save a life. It was really an interesting thing. I had a buddy of mine, two budies of mine, I said, you guys got to get in this combat course at the end of the year. And they’re like, really? And I’m like, yeah, you really do. Don’t miss it. And they were kind of mad.

We got to rearrange our schedule, and, of course, one of these guys works for the other guy. Well, the one guy saw in a huge exhaust system off a truck that’s lifted in the air, and he’s doing it with a torch, actually, he’s cutting it off, and this huge, heavy pipe drops on his forearm. This is five days after they’ve been through the class. And this huge pipe drops on his forehand, burns through his muscle, severs the largest artery in his forearm.

He throws a three foot diameter of blood on the shop floor, clamps down on it, because he now had training on how to stop bleeding with pressure, how to slow it down. He jogs into the office, he says, hey, tim, I need you to grab a tourniquet out of my truck and put it on my arm. Yeah. And so here’s Tim, who’s just been trained on how to apply a tourniquet, saving his life.

It was the coolest thing ever. And these were the two guys that were arguing with me on whether they needed this type of. Right. Well, see, that’s fascinating, because I know that in your course, you also teach people to apply the tourniquets one handed. But in that case, he needed to apply pressure to his own arm with his free hand. So he needed another buddy to apply the tourniquet.

If he had ran to his truck to get his tourniquet and not put pressure on his arm, he would have bled out. Yes. This is something that a lot of people don’t realize is how fragile your system, your body is. If you have a leak of your blood, you lose blood pressure so quickly, and then, of course, you lose consciousness, and it’s game over. But are you okay? No, we’re just fine.

Okay, just checking with you there. All right, so let’s go back to Israel and Hamas for just a second here. So, this war is producing a lot of casualties. I don’t trust information on either side of this war. I don’t trust Israel’s government any more than I trust the US government. But we also know that Hamas did kill women and children in that October 7 raid as well.

What do you make of the possible outcomes here? Because this is not your standard battle, if there is such a thing. But this is not Russia versus Ukraine. This is a whole different quagmire situation. How do you think this is going to end up, in your view? I think our special forces are going to work with the Mossad and some israeli SF guys, and I think they’re going to hunt down a whole bunch of Hamas leaders and end them.

And it won’t stop the fighting, but it will cause a lull and a truce. And as has been going on in the Middle east for thousands of years, there will continue to be conflicts flare up, and then truce is declared, and this will go on. I don’t think that we’re going to get sucked into World War II in Israel. I do think that China has some very deliberate plans to get us involved in wars on four fronts.

Four? Think, yes. So Taiwan being one. What are the other? Israel, Ukraine and Africa. Oh, okay. They’ll try and put us in different places and spread us out. And I think we have to be very wise not to get sucked into wars on multiple. And because of the phrase amateur study tactics and professional study logistics. Very important thing to understand that we cannot, under any circumstances, logistically spread ourselves too thin.

So let me ask you your opinion on that. You’re a business owner. You understand supply chains. What we’ve run into with the Ukraine situation is that both western Europe as well as the United States do not have the munitions manufacturing capacity that perhaps even military leaders thought we had. How severe is that problem, in your view, and can that be rectified? Well, it’s very severe if we get involved in multiple conflicts.

A lot of people don’t know this, but we have Lake City here in Missouri. That’s where the majority of american made ammunition is manufactured. The Chinese have ten factories underground, hardened concrete, 500ft overground. They have ten ammunition manufacturing companies three times the size of Lake city. Wow. And they’re in hardened underground structures, not vulnerable like Lake City’s buildings one through 52. Right. So when you look at logistically, what would happen to us? What China has learned is basically what we did to Russia.

We had Russia in conflicts. We were fighting them in Afghanistan, in know all of these things, draining them of their financial resources by getting Russia involved in multiple conflicts around the world and fighting these covert wars against them. And what China learned was that was very effective in breaking down the logistical capability of the Soviet Union. I see. Now China is trying to do exactly the same thing that we did to Russia.

They’re trying to do that to the United States right now. Well, then how do we stay out of the Middle east when, for example, recently you have the Yemeni Hootie rebels launching missiles at cargo vessels sailing through the Red Sea, the US Navy is there intercepting drones and so on. But it seems like there are many provocations taking place that could very easily sweep the US into a larger escalation if we’re not careful.

And I got to say, I don’t know your opinion, but I think our State Department officials are idiots when it comes to war. They don’t know what they’re doing. The Biden administration is incompetent. How do we stay out of these wars? Well, I don’t know if you heard your mother or teacher say when you were little, violence doesn’t solve anything. And if you’re talking about your sister or your brother or your neighbor, that’s probably wise advice.

But on the world stage, the only way I’ve ever seen a problem permanently solved is with violence. Kill the enemy, kill their leaders, kill anybody who wants to step in their place, get the job done, and go on and live peacefully. The problem with the United States, as you said, is the children are now in power. So the adults need to take control. We need to kick the children out, tell them to go home, play with their dolls or sniff some little girl’s hair.

And we need to put adults in charge that are willing not to wage political wars but are willing to wage wars that win. And the way that you win is you kill the enemy, you end them, and you end whoever wants to take their place. And then you get to live in peace. If you don’t have the spine to do that, wars go on forever. Well, let me push back a little bit with this question, although I respect your answer.

But if you take the concept of Hamas, for example, it seems like the more aggressive Israel is against Hamas, the more other groups are enraged, like Hezbollah, and, of know, the Persians are enraged. All the Turkey, you know, mostly a muslim nation, Turkey, getting very outraged, the citizens, even in Egypt or Jordan. And so know, how do you kill Hamas? Let’s say, although I agree with you, that’s possible to kill every last Hamas person in Gaza because it’s surrounded.

But even if you do that, don’t you just sort of activate another version of Hamas in all the surrounding arab nations. How do you deal with that? Well, I acknowledge your point that there’s a lot of evil in the world. Okay? And if you read the book of Revelation, it talks about if God doesn’t intervene, no one would survive. Okay? So if you’re a Christian, you believe Christ is going to return and fix the sin problem on planet Earth.

If you’ve read the last book, you realize that a lot of evil has to go away. And in revelation, it talks about there’ll be no more sea. Well, they don’t mean the ocean, they mean evil. Sea is a metaphor for evil in the hebrew culture, and especially the ancient Hebrew, the sea was a very dark, scary place with monsters. And when you read in revelation that there’ll be no more sea, they don’t mean that the oceans are going away.

They mean that evil is going away. And so there’s a lot of evil that needs to be destroyed. Right. And if you do a half baked job and you just kill the evil leaders of Hamas, then the leaders of Hezbollah move in and take over their territory. The next most ruthless guy steps up. Same thing with drug dealers. That’s a great example. There’s probably ten or twelve cartels operating in Central and South America.

If you kill one cartel, the leaders of one cartel, the equivalent of Hamas, you don’t solve any problem at all, because the most ruthless cartel leader that’s left takes over their territory. Right, but you can’t kill all the cartels because there’s always demand for drugs, weapons and human trafficking. As long as there’s money in the. No, you can kill all the cartel leaders, but more people will just come in and take their place, won’t they? Sure, but people are always going to try and step up and take someone’s market share.

But when you kill enough leaders and enough of their subordinates, the skill of how to do things dies with them. The shipping channels, the logistical capability, all these things. So you don’t just go in and kill the leaders, you destroy their logistical capabilities while you do it. And trust me, SEAl team six and five could do this if we ever had a president with enough spine to order it.

The problem is, presidents are afraid of the cartels, so they don’t order the destruction of the cartels, which why we had 100,000 Americans die from fentanyl last year. At what point do we put men in charge that go and get our enemies? And I’m more of a libertarian, so I’m not into throwing people in jail for growing a marijuana plant. But if you synthesize poison and you bring it into our country and you kill our children.

I’m happy to take you out and put you in the garbage can. Well, it’s interesting that Trump, I think one of his campaign promises is that if elected, he would use the military. I think he hinted at this. I may be wrong. I know Lindsey Graham supports this, but using the military to attack the drug cartels in Mexico, which, I mean, sounds like you might be in favor of that.

I think that would be a quagmire, personally. Like a Vietnam in Mexico. I’m very concerned about that. But what are your thoughts about something like that? Well, the drug cartels are the enemy, okay? They’re the enemy. And it’s not our job to die for our country. It’s our job to make the drug cartel people die for their cause. Right? Their greed and their power. We have cartels that run american cities on our borders right now.

They run them. They do. Okay? They absolutely do have control of american cities. And if you know people that live down there and that have to deal with this garbage on a daily basis, you’d be ready to go after the cartel members right now. And it’s gotten to the point where the cartels have gotten too greedy and they’re killing too many innocent people. My best friend’s son died of a heroin overdose.

He was a scholarship football player at a d one school and died as a freshman. Right. Why? Because someone laced his heroin with fentanyl and because he couldn’t stay away from drugs. Right. He got hooked on it. And you can cut the supply line down, and you’ll actually reduce the demand fairly quickly. But I’m all about logistics. Kill the cartel members, destroy their logistical capability, and then there’s no heroin and fentanyl for kids to od on.

Maybe they’ll smoke some weed and live. I’m okay with that. Yeah. All right, well, Sam, we’re out of time here for today. Let me give out your website again and ask you just kind of final wrap up thoughts here, but Freedom Center USA, you’re the founder. It’s in central Missouri. Freedomtrain. Net is the website. Firearms training, combat medic training, and also you have a tier one weapons manufacturing company.

Anything else you want to add before we wrap this up today? Yeah. The Freedom center exists to transfer knowledge and skill to preserve freedom in the United States. That’s what we do. And tier one weapon systems makes the finest long range weapon systems and the finest technology in close quarters, or CQB battle rifles. And we do some custom pistols as well. So my number is 417-718-2597 if you’re interested in that technology or interested some training, just give me a call on a Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, and we’ll give you some information and get you started.

And, Mike, thank you for having me. I appreciate it. Absolutely. It’s been a pleasure speaking with you about this. And one final question. Do you manufacture Semiauto 300 wind mag rifles for long range shooting? We do. In fact, I did a design for Si defense on the first 300 Windmag semiauto ar ten. And one of the sons took the design to another company, which I won’t name here, but I think if you look around, you’ll see their name on the weapon.

But, yeah, that is capable. We actually like, we prefer the 6. 5 WSM, running a 135 AtIp over the 300 wind mag. Semiano, really, it’s good to 1500 meters, and it’s very effective. Less recoil recovery time, and less abusive to the shooter and better wind deflection than the 300 wind mag. We make a six five WSM. Anybody that’s interested in three on one mag ought to probably look at that six five WSM before they decide what they really want.

Okay. All right, well, I will do that. I’ll probably be in touch with you after this. But I own one of the Nemo arms, Semiauto 300 wind mags, and I’ve been real happy with the action on that. And it’s been reliable, but it’s not as accurate as a bolt action, of course. Well, semiautos can be very accurate if they’re made properly. That’s a good design. But there’s a couple of things they don’t do.

That if we get to rebarreling your nemo arms, which we can do easily, we can fix some of the accuracy problems. You’ll probably have accuracy twice as good as what you’ve got now. Wow. Okay. Outstanding. Well, I’ll be in touch after the show. And thank you so much for spending time with us today. It’s been really, you know, God bless you and God bless America. Thank you for all that you do, Mike, thank you for your time.

Have a great week. Okay, you too. Take care. All right, everybody, thank you for watching. Fascinating interview there with the founder of Freedom Center USA, Sam Andrews. Again, check out his website, freedomtrain. Net. And if you’re into super high end weapon systems, maybe you’re watching as part of a SWAT or a military operator or special forces. You can talk to his company about custom weapons for both long range and CQB engagements as well.

So thank you for watching today. I’Mike Adams, the founder of Brighteon. com, the free speech platform where you notice this is an uncensored interview. Thank you for watching today. God bless you all. Take care. All right. Back in stock at the health ranger store, we now have our certified organic, lab tested milk powder and also our coconut milk products. Again, both back in stock. I’ve got some on my desk.

Can you show that? There we go. We’ve got milk powder in number ten cans, which are really great for long term storage. Also completely rodent proof there. We also have milk that is cow’s milk in the pouches. And then we have coconut milk powder as well. For those of you who want that option, I use both of these. These are great long term storable items, great barter items.

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And then if you go through the website, you’ll see all these other products that we have. Freeze dried beet juice powder, organic nascent atomic iodine, that’s in organic glycerin, by the way. It makes it more tasty for people. Here’s our organic vanilla bean powder, like the real vanilla bean powder, not make believe fantasy, artificial vanilla flavors. And then we have this new hydrate elementals, which is organic coconut water with aquaman, which is a very popular mineral supplement.

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So check it all out and thank you for your support@healthrangerstore. com. Take care. A global reset is coming, and that’s why I’ve recorded a new nine hour audiobook. It’s called the Global Reset Survival Guide. You can download it for free by subscribing to the Naturalnews. com email newsletter, which is also free. I’ll describe how the monetary system fails. I also cover emergency medicine and first aid and what to buy to help you avoid infections.

So download this guide. It’s FRee. It’s my gift to you simply because I want like minded people to survive. .


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