The text emphasizes personal responsibility over reliance on miracles or blame shifting, advising that financial problems often result from reckless spending, not systemic issues. It encourages taking a long-term approach to success, highlighting that it requires discipline, sacrifices, hard work, and sensible use of resources. Furthermore, it mentions that seeking immediate results, such as expecting miracles, fails to foster habits necessary for sustained improvement.
Sustainable success doesn’t come from quick fixes, but from long-term commitment and lifestyle changes. Understanding that persistence, not speed, is key to progress, self-improvement, and development in every aspect of life is essential; stop blaming external factors, take responsibility, seek solutions and learn from lived experiences.
I got into a bit of a discussion, and this is just gonna be quick. I just gotta get my thoughts out. In the beginning of the show, I got into a bit of a discussion, and towards the end of this show, there’s a woman that, I have not reviewed her video yet, but I did watch the first couple minutes just to see if it was something worthy of me bringing it to the forefront of the congregation to y’all in the first place that somebody sent me.
But I got into a bit of a discussion the other day, and I was so inspired by some of the things that men were going through that I decided to table this conversation unless it came back forward and it showed its ugly head to me. And no sooner than I tabled the conversation, it showed up in my Instagram feed. And what I seen in my Instagram feed was a woman.
And it didn’t matter if it was a woman or a man, because the message was the message regardless. And I don’t necessarily agree with women in the pulpit, but it was a woman in the pulpit, and she was selling miracles. Now, when I say selling miracles, I’m saying it as a person that comes from, was raised in and was a part of the Pentecostal Church. Listen, I was a part of that type of church where they gonna get that prayer oil.
You gonna shout until you die, you gonna acknowledge Jesus, and you definitely gonna tarry for the Holy Ghost, saying sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost, speaking in other tongues as the Spirit of God give utterance. Can we get around of. Can we get an amen? Amen. Real talk. I’m from that cloth. I’ve seen and been to a lot of different churches. I even went to Catholic school in order to get a different experience as to how it is.
They conduct Mass now. They conduct Mass, right. Mass is different from having church. Church with no R is a completely different experience. Black people from white people. All right? Completely different experience. So I’ve been able to see different things throughout my life that allowed for me to be able to draw a conclusion. And the conclusion that I draw today as a man that has been able to look back on my life and is also a heavy prayer partner for my people, the conclusion that I’m able to draw today is that we need less miracles and more solutions.
Let me say it again for the people in the back. We need less miracles and more solutions. Now, the way that this thing came about was, I’m sitting, I’m chilling, I’m typing on my computer, and this was Monday night before I did the show on Monday night and I’m typing on my computer and I’m getting ready to jump on a panel with Q on a Monday night. And that was a great show.
Go and restream that. And Rita is sitting next to me and she’s sitting there and she’s scrolling up on TikTok. She’s never really on Instagram or anything like that, but she likes to scroll on TikTok. And a message popped up where a woman was preaching and she was talking about, oh, wait on your miracle because God got a miracle for you. If you’re too fat, then wait on your miracle.
If you lost your job because you said something that you didn’t, wasn’t supposed to say, then wait on your miracle. If you’re getting your car repossessed, then wait on your miracle if you’re doing ABCDEFG. And I was thinking to myself, what is she talking about? Now I’m not going to say no names or anything like that because it’s not necessary right now. When I know my church folk, my church folk are more fervent than the blackity blacks.
One thing I know for show, two things is for certain is that church folk are more offended than black folk. Now, black folk can be completely wrong and they going to stand on it. They don’t want their reparations. They’re going to run in the victim Olympics. They’re going to blame the white man. They’re going to blame everybody except for themselves for their self inflicted wounds. But church folk, they not only going to hold you accountable, but they’re going to say, get off my passer.
Get off my passer. God said not to speak on his people. Well, I’m not speaking on the people. I think that they may be good people in their lives, even though I may have seen a person or two come up on my panel on last Wednesday night talk about how to pass the ass his wife for a threesome and then broke up with his wife later on, even after he continued to have the relationship with the second chick and he married a chick for the streets because he couldn’t really give you advice on how to be successful in a relationship according to the scriptures and the word of God.
But that’s a completely different conversation. That’s not where we go in today. We going to attack the message. We’re not necessarily going to attack the messenger. My point is this, when I see people, and it doesn’t mean that God can’t perform miracles, but I’m not interdependent on a miracle in order for me to be able to get my life together. I’m not interdependent on a miracle in order for me.
Let me tell you something. There are good people in this world that ain’t never stepped foot in a church before in a life, and they still became successful, and they just was intentional about not having self inflicted wounds. You don’t have to be in a church. Listen, I am a person that is very much a Jesus freak. I love Jesus. That is my life. But the information that I give to the people are universal.
Meaning that you don’t necessarily have to be sitting in a church in order to go out and buy a car that you knew you couldn’t afford and then blaming it on God, saying that he told me to go and get it. God is not the Lord, is not the author in confusion. One thing I know about God is that he ain’t going to tell you to do something that you ain’t supposed to do it.
So if you went out there and you decided to go and get you $1,000 car, knowing you only make $40,000 a year, and then you hit up the credit guru in order to fix your credit to do it, I’m pretty sure that that ain’t Jesus. Jesus did not go to his father on your behalf, where two or three were gathered and said, hey, Bonquisha need a car. And she need one that she can’t afford, too.
And we got to do something illegal in order to get her the car because she going to lie on her credit, or she going to allow her application and act like she make more than she really make in order to be able to get her this vehicle. And then Bonquisha is going to say, I was praying to God because I’m complaining about inflation and the cost of living is too high, and I need me a miracle.
That ain’t God. God ain’t in nothing that you talking about right now. That is you. That is self. One thing that we used to preach in our church is down with self, up with God. Down with self, up with God. So before you can start to blame it on the devil, because even the devil is like, why are you blaming it on me? I ain’t even do nothing.
Everything that you’re going through in your life is not of the. Let me get a devil a little bit of credit. I don’t even like to do this. I don’t like to have this conversation, but I got to be 100% real. The devil is here to kill, steal and destroy. And he walks to and from through the earth in order to find people to test and then try to prove God wrong and saying that your good and faithful servant over there is not going to continue to serve you if I touch his skin, if I touch his bank account.
But let me be very clear. The devil was like, hey, I didn’t even talk to God about that one. I ain’t even talked to the, I don’t know you. God was like, depart from me. I never knew you. He was like, I second that one. Jesus, I don’t know, Bumquisha, she went out and got that on her own. The devil don’t even want credit for what you got going on.
I’m just going to keep it a hunted. Stop blaming him for something that you did. It wasn’t no spirit around you. You just decided that you wanted to keep up with the Joneses and so you decided to go and make a purchase that you couldn’t afford in order to live a lifestyle. And now you petitioning God in order to save you from yourself and you going to blame it on him when you say God ain’t never did nothing for you.
Oh, he did. He gave you me in order to give you the information that you need in order to be successFul. It reigns on the just and the unjust. And so you can’t blame the devil or God for your self inflicted wounds. And this is why we need less miracles and more solutions. You don’t need no miracle. You need somebody to tell you the honest to God truth.
It’s not that inflation is killing you. It’s that you decided to go and get a car that you couldn’t afford and the lifestyle that you live in is not reflective of what it is that your kids would need. As far as you making sure that they have everything that they need to not have to petition the Biden administration for student loan forgiveness because you decided that you wanted to have a hot girl, summer and that you needed to get a C class instead of making sure that they get, yeah, yeah, let’s just get it all out in the open because I know it’s a lot of people that believe that it’s the government’s fault.
Biden deserve a little bit of credit for what’s going on out here in this economy, but you can get past that. You don’t have to be interdependent on Biden in order to forgive you for your student loans. It’s a way to get around that. I’m just going to keep it a hunted with you. This is what your pastor didn’t tell you. The truth of the matter is this.
Your daughter. You knew that it was important for your daughter to go to college in order for her to then get to the point to where she can take care of herself. We ain’t saying that she need to divest herself from a man or become an independent woman or get a bad attitude. But your ability to be able to take care of yourself and live a decent life is a human characteristic that ain’t got nothing to do with relationships.
And so if you wanted to send your daughter to college and you kept preaching school, and school is good, and it can be good, especially if you’re trying to go into a specific field, then it’s your responsibility to make sure that they’re not saddled with debt when they get out of it. Right. You got to give them the education and information, and then also it’s important for you to fund that if that’s what you want to do.
But you wanted to get a C class instead of sending them to class. You wanted to go and get the C class. Oh, my bad. That’s too little for you. You wanted to get the S class, maybe even a G class. AMG G 63. Go ahead. Your favorite rapper told you you deserved it. Your single baby mama told you that you deserved it, even though you didn’t earn it, even though you didn’t work for it, you didn’t qualify for it.
So you had to finesse to go get it, and they told you that you deserved it. And so as a result of it, you have a self inflicted wound, meaning that you did it yourself. And now you gonna start to hold somebody else accountable, including the white man, for your situation. Even though we all got Google Chat, GBT, and we even got the millionaire morning show on YouTube for free.
For those of you that decided that you didn’t want to get premium, I’m with it. I’m cool. It’s free. It’s free. You go into church to look for a miracle. That’s not what the church is for. Miracles aren’t there to save you from yourself, contrary to popular belief. So you don’t have to look for it. You don’t even know what a miracle was. You don’t even know why God performed them.
You don’t even know why Pharaoh’s heart was hardened in order to continue to perform the miracles. Because God wanted to use that as an opportunity to prove himself and to show off it is what it is. He wanted to do some magic. Ain’t had nothing to do with whether or not you should be doing what you’re supposed to do. You get the miracle. Cool. It doesn’t absolve you from living life the way that you’re supposed to live it.
God ain’t got to come down and talk to you. Out of 9 billion people, specifically, hey, Bonquisha, don’t buy the car. Oh, I know God now. God talk to you every day. No, you ain’t got to talk to God. He gave you the word. The words say to do what you’re supposed to do and be fruitful. Also, make sure you a good steward of your stuff, avoid temptation, have temperance in everything that you do, and then, as a reSult, make sure that you try to leave an inheritance over into the person that comes after you.
As far as your loins, it’s a very simple process. Even the word will give you basic understanding of how it is that you need to be moving when it comes to your finances and resources, so much so to where it tells you. And a lot of y’all get it wrong. And you say, well, money is the root of all evil. You don’t even know you missed the word in there.
The love of money, the love of anything above God is the root of all evil. Meaning that as long as you seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, everything else will be added unto you. Meaning, do what you supposed to do, and you’re going to be getting rewarded accordingly, because that’s just the rules of the game. That is the universal law that you get back what you put into it.
If you don’t put no seeds inside of that ground, how you expect to be sitting there bearing fruit? Because ain’t nothing growing. So when other people are making a sacrifice and then they sit there for ten years, you looking at them as though you deserve what they did. But in the reality, you didn’t put in the work, that they put in that person that did their residency and went to medical school, and they made the sacrifices, and they were studying when you was partying, you don’t deserve the same thing that they deserve.
And so when they get to ball for the next 30 to 40 to 50 years, for the rest of their life, they earned it. They didn’t beg for it. And the problem with our culture and our community is we’d rather sit there crying on our face, asking God for stuff that we not even prepared for, because our character can’t carry us where our talent is going to take us.
And we, the most talented, the fastest the smartest we can finesse a dope deal into continuing to become. I’m like Big Meech, Larry Hoover. But you don’t know how to do any kind of work when it comes to making sure that you can multiply something in real life that doesn’t cause you to go to prison. So you can figure out how to finesse that and figure out how to get your financial literacy on something with the dark web that you ain’t even supposed to have access to but Google and the library is free and you don’t know how to do your bookkeeping for a business and then start it efficiently.
But you’re going to hold me accountable for not giving you the information, is that right? Is that right? I’m amazed that we got a church on every corner of the most impoverished neighborhoods in the United States of America and ain’t nobody got no kind of understanding and everybody continuing to die broke. And we got more poverty than ever before in these underprivileged communities that you keep expecting for the federal government to invest in, though you never put nothing in the pot.
I’m amazed. We need more solutions and less miracles. At some point throughout your lifetime, if you ever want to be successful in any capacity, whether it be in your relationships and your spiritual journey and your finances and your eating, whatever it is, you’re going to have to take a long term approach to what success looks like. And it is not a miracle. The miracle is not attached to what it is that you need to do in order to continue to be successful.
You got to see it through. When I decided to take this journey of divesting myself against meat altogether, I did so with the understanding that I plan on doing this for the rest of my life. A lot of y’all get in the gym and you think that you supposed to have results a month after you get in there. But you spent the last 40 years of your life eating like trash.
What did you think was going to happen? You thought that a miracle. You keep praying to God to remove the weight immediately. That’s why you’re not developing the habits that allow for you to be able to keep it off. Even if you do a trick solution. You want to go get the sleeve in your stomach. You want to keep getting all of this liposuction. You go and get a BBL.
You’re going to look the same way that you did before because you didn’t have the understanding, nor did you develop the discipline that allowed for you to continue to be successful long term. Which is why you don’t need a miracle. You need a lifestyle change. You need some solutions. And so when you decide that you want to take a journey, whether it be here at the millionaire morning show or whatever it is journey that you decide to take outside of here, I need you to understand that it’s going to take a long term journey and this is a lifetime.
Everything that you do, even with God and the Bible itself, it says that the race isn’t given to the swift, is given to he who endureth to the end. That is scripture. The race is not given to the swift. It’s not given to who can get it off the fastest, who can grow their platform the fastest, who can get the fat off the fastest, who can finesse themselves and get a PPP loan and get the money.
The fastest is not given to the swift. It’s given to he who endureth to the end. You ain’t got to believe the word of God to understand that. That’s a universal principle that is abided by Muslims, Christians and atheists alike. Stop trying to take shortcuts and stop letting these preachers preach all into hell. Hell with your finances, hell with your spirituality, hell in your relationships. Keep thinking that you can get a shortcut, but you need a long term solution for what it’s supposed to be.
Otherwise your character is not going to keep you and you can’t even keep the weight off even if you wanted to. Everything that I do, everything that I do, it is a lifestyle, meaning that I have to live it before I can even start to have a conversation with you about it. If you notice, I haven’t been talking about land development. I tell you that I’m doing it.
But until I actually get that house fully approved standing up and all of the fixtures in it and all of the framing done and everything like that, then I will start to give you the information of what it takes based off of my own life experience of what it’s taken in order to develop this property. Until tHen, we are in a process. I’m documenting it and then when I’m done building it, I will then release the information out to my bag chasers.
Shout out to the people on the Patreon link is in the description as well as pin to the top of the chat. I will then release the information and along the way I continue to tell them what it is that I’m running into problems, that I’m having mistakes, that I’m making the whole nine yards so that they can hopefully forego some of those issues that I experienced and they can do it much faster than me without the same mistakes.
That’s what it takes in order to be successful. That’s why you have to be at least a certain age in order for you to be a life coach. And everybody is not meant to get on the pool pit and tell you how it is you’re supposed to do it. They got to live it first. I’m not going to have a conversation with you about something that I did, something that I don’t understand, something that I see every single day.
We need less miracles and more solutions. You need a life plan, you need a mentor. Instead of going to the church in order to get the word from somebody that’s going to tell you what you want to hear. And I’m not saying that the church is bad. You need to take out and spit out the bones, take the meat, and then align yourself with somebody that’s going in the direction that you’re going in.
But anybody that’s telling you that you need a miracle versus just giving a testimony is not the person that you need to be listening to. You need to align yourself with somebody after his own heart. He gives pastors and preachers after his own heart. Not what it is that you decide that you want to go into. Just going to tell you the truth, bro. Stop whining, stop complaining.
Whatever your life circumstances are that you’re in, just say it’s my fault. The minute that you take it and you say it’s my fault, you start looking in the mirror and pointing it at and starting looking instead of looking outside of the window, you take your power back, you start to make the adjustments and then you start to get better results as a result of it. Stop blaming the devil.
He ain’t do it to you. It’s. .