Private Internet Access is a service that keeps your online activities safe and private. It’s easy to use and protects your data from being stolen, even when using public Wi-Fi. The service covers all devices in your household and is currently offering an 83% discount. It’s important to protect your personal information, especially with increasing instances of data breaches and hacking.
The speaker discussed a trip to Wisconsin for a lumberjack championship, the upcoming large indoor water park at the Mall of America, and a new service called SWIMPLY that allows people to rent private pools. However, the speaker believes SWIMPLY is too expensive and suggests that people can get day passes at local hotels with pools for a cheaper price. The speaker also hinted at future changes at Costco involving scanning and biometrics.
Because what’s gonna happen next is the biometrics. And I’ve had people write me from around the world, and oh, by the way, you know, like, subscribe. Today we have a sponsor, Private Internet Access, and I will cover them in a little bit. But first of all, Costco. This is one of the largest Costcos in California, and it is dead, guys. It’s absolutely just a shell of what this place used to be. There’s nobody here. And what’s crazy is the biometrics. What we’re going to have happen in short order is you’re going to have more and more things that are going to scan our personal data, our personal information, from our palm prints to our eye prints to ways of identifying a facial recognition.
And they talk about this being done for security. Now, one thing that I got a kick out of is when I went on the cruise, you know, last month, one thing that they did for the, when you left the country and came back, was they took a picture of your face. And when we went through customs, you know, we had all our information out, all our ID, our passport, and everything. And they just, when you walk through, they took your picture and go. So, well, that’s it. Yeah, that’s it. You don’t have to worry about it.
The craziness about this is that it’s, it’s, you’re giving up your liberties too much, okay? It’s one thing to cop on a plane since 9-11. I understand they’ve done things like this, and you can either agree with it or disagree with it. I hate it, personally. You know, my daughter flies literally three and four times a month that she has TSA pre-check, and that has got to be the greatest thing in the world because she just walks through and gets through the plane. But what is happening right now, what have had people write me from around the world, especially the UK, is the biometric banking, where they’re going to start taking your thumbprint, they’re gonna take your eye print, facial recognition, palm print, and this is giving up major freedoms.
Now, I have one person that has written me a lot from the UK, and I won’t even mention her name in any way, shape, or form, because she’s an investigative reporter, but they called her into her bank and said, you know, we don’t like that you get paid from all these different sources. Well, I’m an independent journalist, and I don’t have one source of income, okay? They could care less. Well, why is that? Why is it that you have all these different places that pay you? Because I write a story or do something, and they send me money.
Oh, okay. So, we’ll let you keep your bank account here if you agree to the biometrics. Huh? Why? Why would I do that? So, how to change banks because of giving up for privacy. I am telling you guys this right now. I have clients that have a lot of money. I have people that write me all the time, and I always appreciate your letters and everything that you guys send me, but the thing that you’re seeing is the very wealthy people right now. Even Grandpa Joe, who’s sitting in his wheelchair, you’re going to be able to wheel him in his bank and get his palm print and his eye print.
You think so? You know, one person wrote me about this yesterday and said they don’t want the rich people to have their money. They don’t want it to go to their kids. They want this to be taken away. I am telling you this right now. Protect your money right now. Do everything you can get your beneficiaries named and all your accounts, because if they switch to systems like this, it’s going to make sure that you have zero freedom in your life. None. None at all. And you can sit there and say, I’m crazy, but I’m telling you, you know, I’ve had somebody die in my life and had to deal with things in her life and things in my life.
When that happens, you really do have to deal with the bank and have all your ducks in a row and make sure the trust is in order and everything like that. What if it’s not like that? What if they change it? How do you put eye prints in a trust? How do you do things like this? You guys can sit there and say, oh, this is a rich person’s problem. This is an us problem, guys, because they’re going to make it so that they’re going to control how you spend your money.
And you can sit there and say this is some fear game and this is fear porn is what somebody called wrote me three times about yesterday. It’s ridiculous, guys. Prepare for this stuff. But the fact that you can’t walk into a Costco now without getting scanned is ridiculous. Okay, nuts. It’s nuts because they’ve told me that the scanners are going to become more sophisticated as time goes by. But they scan your, you know, it’s not good enough for you just to show the card anymore. They want to scan it at the door.
So let me know what you think about this stuff. But again, when you go to a central bank, digital currency, they’re going to look at these guys. Nobody here, guys. Okay. Nobody here, guys. I want to get down to the beach. This is driving me crazy being inside like this. But what are you spending your money on? Why are you spending your money there? You sure shop a lot of Costco, Dan. You know, you can think I’m nuts, guys, but they’re going to control this. And that’s what the central bank digital currency is going to do.
That’s what these biometrics are going to do. Again, it’s whether you agree with it or not to walk in a plane, that’s fine. You know, I think it’s ridiculous, though, you know, when you have ID and you have a passport and you have everything, and then they still scan everything like that. But to sit there and think that you’re safer because they took your picture, it’s ridiculous. When you walk into a stadium now, for example, Anaheim Stadium, when I go with the angels, I got my half season pass for the angels, and they walk through and you go through the scanners.
They determine, you know, if you walk through a metal detector and all that stuff, but then they randomly pick people out of line. And I get a kick out of the fact that people out of line just randomly. Hey, you, you, you, you. Yeah, you look dangerous. And then they some people they fully pat down. Now, I have four seats, three of my buddies go with me. And I get a kick out of Hey, Dan, how you doing? You the guy with this stand over here. And then you know, you have anything on you have any weapons, you have any this, you have any that guy I’ve known since I was 14 years old.
And they pat that guy down to make sure he’s safe. It’s ridiculous, guys. It’s ridiculous. Okay, so I don’t know if I’ve told the story in a while or not. But my daughter, I was very she’s very young, she’s born in the late 90s. And I had a business trip right after 911. And two stories that go along with this. And she gave me her harmonica to take with me on my business trip. And I’m like, Oh, that’s nice, sweetheart. Thank you so much. And I was at the airport and they’re going through my bag.
And they say, Do you play? I go play? What? The harmonica? No, they pulled it out. What is this? Oh, yeah, my daughter gave me that. Torque the bag apart, lip ripped the lining out of the bag, everything. Absolutely crazy absolutely destroyed the suitcase. Because I forgot about the harmonica, which immediately took a light situation and made it very heavy. You know what I mean? And a lost pair of glasses. Just was just awful. But I’d rather have that. You know, like, Hey, Mr. Dangerous with the harmonica. Stand over here.
It’s kind of ridiculous if you know what I mean. So the biometrics are laughable. It’s laughable to come to a Costco and do this. And again, all these businesses like this that are suffering, you know, you’re going to see it more and more and more. There’s a lot more to cover. Again, Costco’s dead, guys. Costco’s dead. Let’s talk about our sponsor private internet access VPN. VPN is a virtual private network. And what it does is allows you from any device you’re on to go to any website, completely encrypted, gives you a tunnel of encryption so that your data is completely safe.
Now think about this. When you’re on your cell phone, and you go to a website, you need protection when you log into your bank account, your pension, your brokerage account, any website that you go to, you need to make sure that you’re protected. Now, private internet access, I am proud to announce that this is our second year, having them on the channel, they were the I allegedly product of the year for two years in a row, I so many people have signed up for this, you need to take advantage of this, they have 83% off of their regular price by being an I allegedly subscriber.
If you use the link below, I want to show you something and how easy this is to use. Think about this. All you do is you log into private internet access with the click of one button, there is no hardware to install. Once it turns green like that, I can go to any website and I’m fully protected. This is a big deal, guys, because it makes it so that I know that as I out and about throughout the day or if I have to use public Wi Fi, when I travel down by the beach and things like that, I’m protected.
It is pennies a day guys, 83% off, take advantage of this. But think about this, all of your search history can be protected. Your personal information, the data, everything. This is that simple to use. All you have to do is press one button. You’ve heard the stories out there about all the data problems, and your information being hacked and stolen. I just got a letter from Ticketmaster guys, where my accounts have all been compromised. All my personal data has been taken. But I can get credit monitoring. Protect yourself.
Don’t take these risks. Go out and get private internet access today. Sign up for it again. It’s pennies a day. The best part about this is that I’ve worked a deal to where every device in your household gets covered. There’s no limit to this. So your laptops, your cell phone, personal computer, iPad, everything, it all gets covered with one account. Check it out today. It’s incredibly inexpensive, but it gives you peace of mind. And if you are a sports fan, it allows you to change locations. My daughter watches F1, which in certain European countries, it’s like watching baseball.
It’s on every channel, and she can flip around and change her location. She absolutely loves it. Check it out today, guys. Private internet access VPN. Save 83%. Use the link below. Check it out today. Now, think about this, guys. I got two lovely bits of good news today. First one was Ticketmaster in the mail. Oh, by the way, you’ve been the victim of a hacking and all your accounts. Dan had been the victim of hacking. Now, through the years through my Ticketmaster accounts, I’ve had multiple emails, multiple accounts, whether it be for work, for the company for myself, everything, they got it all.
And but hey, I can get free credit monitoring. And you should monitor your account, Dan, because you could be the victim of identity theft. I’m telling you guys, April 2 to May 18, short window guys, 2024, that’s all it takes for them to get 500 million people. Okay, it’s absolutely crazy. Basically, everybody that’s ever signed up for an account, but guys like me, I think I had six accounts with all the different email addresses, they got a mall, they got a mall. Now, one thing that’s worse than this, and again, protect yourself with the VPN.
Okay, it’s that simple. One thing that’s worse than this, ADT, the home security company, they just filed their their form 8k and they announced that they had a huge hacking. And think about this, ADT has 14,300 employees, they have almost $5 billion in sales, you’ve seen the commercials, they have 6 million customers that the data was online, 6 million, okay, hello. But think about this with your home security company, what do they have? Got your name, they got your home address, got your social because you pay the bill, you know, they have all that stuff, so they can know if they can give you credit or not.
This is too much, guys, it’s too much now. And this is the beginning of this, the healthcare company that we’ve seen, you know, it gets worse and worse and worse. When you read the ADT’s story, the thing that got me really angry, two years ago, they had a hacking that went on for about a year and ended last year. So you think, okay, they would have fixed it, they didn’t fix it, guys, then they had a big one this year. So your personal data, if you’ve had this company read the story below, it’s at risk.
Hey, change your passwords. Hey, make sure that you monitor your accounts, you know, all the stuff that we have to do and these companies are just out there running amok. So let me know what you think about this because again, it’s getting worse and it’s happening on a daily basis. I had a great video sent to me where a woman was talking about when she bought her Ford car. And now you’re thinking, okay, well, this is this year, right? No, this is from five years ago. And Ford and all these other automobile companies have ways of tracking us and selling our data, which should be completely illegal.
But when you sign in the line that is dotted, you don’t realize that you’re giving up this privacy. And I included the video below. So you can see this, but we have no idea what they’re tracking. And again, they’re tracking your speed, you’re tracking where you go, you’re tracking the age of the driver, everything about you. This is the stuff that you don’t want shared. And this one one, she blogged out of it and said, I want nothing to do with this. I don’t want them to track me. And then still found out that you can go online to this certain website, and it’ll tell you what they’re tracking on.
She was still blown away at what they were tracking. So big brothers watching us all the time, guys, they really are. And you can do everything you can to protect yourself and make sure that you’re not your data is not at risk in any way. And your personal privacy is not at risk. Lyft, the company that’s like Uber, just announced a huge drop off of 20% sales profit, everything read the story below. But but there’s a problem with the economy guys right now, a huge problem with the economy that nobody wants to look at.
And you know, we talked about how, you know, Taco Bell said they were doing okay, because they raised their prices. But now you’ve got the restaurant group. And the place that owns Burger King and Firehouse subs, sales are off sales are off a ton. They almost spent a billion dollars Burger King did to buy Firehouse subs, I never understood the fascination with this place. I understand where we’re firemen. Great. I love the fire department. I love police. I love the military. And other than that, I couldn’t figure out what the fascination was with this place.
But I think they paid $880 million for Firehouse subs. And of all their brands, everything was up in sales like one 10th of a percent. Firehouse subs was the one that was down. So again, people do not have the discretionary income right now to go out to dinner. They’re taking less Uber and Lyft rides right now. They’re spending less money all the way around, all the way around. Got a great map that shows you which dates have the most student loan debt, which is fascinating to think about. And, you know, airports, we talked about the ID scan, soon the airports are going to be automatically scan you when you walk in the airport.
And again, big brother, I hate this, by the way, I just can’t stand it. Because as much as I’m out filming, you know, in public, I still want my privacy. It’s so it’s just not, you know, it’s not there right now. It’s being taken away from us. You know, let me know what you think. I’m going to finish this video with these last few stories. And Montauk outside of the Hamptons is talking about how the restaurants this summer season are completely off. And they’re off a ton right now.
Two things you want to look at when you travel, or and you want to see if an area is doing well or not is look at the restaurant traffic, look at, you know, talk to people like the beer and wine salesman, they say everything’s off 20%. People are not buying the wine like they used to, they’re not buying the beer, they’re just not eating out, spending less money. And the high end restaurants in Montauk are off read the story below. It’s fantastic. So the other thing is, my daughter last week went to Minnesota and went to Wisconsin went to the world champion championship for logging and for lumberjacks, which I thought was fantastic.
And got great videos from that she sent me. But she went to Mall of America first Mall of America is going to have one of the largest indoor water slides and water parks built in the whole world. They just got it approved. Will that make you go to Minnesota? No. Okay, she said, Dad, it’s like any other shopping mall any bigger. Okay, it’s just like that. So the final final story that was sent to me was something called SWIMPLY. SWIMPLY. SWIMPLY is an Airbnb for renting someone’s pool. Think about this, you can go out and you can rent pools.
And I’m like, who would do that? Who would allow someone in their backyard? First of all, I wouldn’t want somebody in my backyard. Okay. And number two, it’s incredibly expensive. So you can rent a pool for four hours for $271. I’m going to tell you guys something from someone that lives in basically a resort area. And that is that with all the hotels here, if you want to take your grandkids or your kids or you want to go hang out of the pool at a nice resort, you can get a day pass at most of these high end hotels.
And all you gotta do is call and ask and say, What’s the earliest we can get there? What’s the time we can leave? How much is it? Take payment advance you want us to pay when we get there. But it’s not $271 guys, you can stay at hotels for that with pools and have, you know, more access. So I think it’s crazy, I think it’s going to fail miserably myself. But, you know, when my kids were young, even living here, you know, you could go to a water park, and it would get expensive.
And you don’t want to chase the kids around. Dad, go on this ride with me. Well, if you go to the hotel, you can have a drink here too, then you could sit there and watch the kids in the water slide. And some of these places like the Hilton would have day passes for $40. Okay, how many kids does that include three? Okay, you know what I mean? Come on, sign me up, guys. So do a little research guys, you’d be surprised the stuff that’s out there. That’s incredibly inexpensive that you can use.
So anyways, hope you guys are well, hope everything’s good. Email me at hello and I allegedly, I’m telling you the first stage with Costco is the scanning. The second stage is going to be the biometric with your face and everything else. Like you’re traveling abroad. It’s going to be insane. Correct me if I’m wrong, guys. Let me know what you think about this. Onward and upward guys. See you soon. Be well. [tr:trw].