Biden Will Step Down: Debate Debrief w/ Jim Rickards | Paradigm Press

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➡ Paradigm Press discusses concerns about President Biden’s cognitive abilities, suggesting that his performance in debates and public appearances indicate he may be struggling with dementia. It criticizes the media for allegedly covering up these issues and suggests that there are calls for Biden to step down. The article also discusses potential replacements for Biden if he were to leave the race, and criticizes the Democratic party for their handling of the primary process.
➡ The Democrats are accused of disregarding democratic processes and creating new rules to suit their needs. Despite winning the primaries, Biden’s mental and physical capabilities are questioned, with critics suggesting he’s unfit to be president. Despite these concerns, Biden refuses to step down, believing he’s the only one who can defeat Trump. Meanwhile, Trump is predicted to win the upcoming election, potentially by a landslide in the electoral college.
➡ The article discusses the upcoming election, focusing on seven key states that could determine the outcome. Currently, Trump is leading in these states and if he maintains this lead, he could win the election. The article also mentions that some traditionally safe states for Biden are now in play, with Trump potentially able to win them. The Democrats are reportedly worried about this situation and are considering replacing Biden with Kamala Harris, although the author doubts her effectiveness as a candidate.


Biden’s mind is gone. The fact that Biden wants to stay in the race is a symptom of why he should leave. With the story that he has been ahead of for months, many, many months, October 23, we published the first black and white version of saying Biden is going to be replaced in between the end of the primaries and the DNC. Here we are in the thick of it, and we might see it unfold. So, Jim, get us caught up here. What happened with the debate? What’s happening now? What could happen next? There is a lot going on.

Well, it’s a great question, Matt. I do a lot of forecasts, and we use models, predictive analytics, and so forth, and we’ve had a lot of success with that. But it kind of presupposes that the people you’re studying know what they’re doing, but they haven’t told anyone, and your job is to figure it out. It’s kind of like intelligence gathering, actually. And as I said, we’ve had a pretty good track record of that. The problem now is that the people in charge don’t know what they’re doing. So you’re trying to forecast something where the people who you’re forecasting themselves have no idea what’s going on.

Everyone has a theory. Everyone has a scenario. We’re going to talk about some of those, but I’m going to start with the fact that this is a little bit unusual in the sense that the target objects are intelligence collection, if you want to put it that way, are in complete confusion themselves. So we’ll go back to the debate. Yeah, that was a disaster, but it was a disaster of a particular kind. It wasn’t sometimes people would get the wrong answers to the question, or they put their foot in their mouth, or something like that. That’s not what happened.

What happened was that Biden showed the entire world that he cannot process thoughts. He cannot speak. He cannot focus on the question. He cannot secure cognitive problems. These are mental problems. This isn’t any lack of preparation or didn’t do his homework or anything of the kind. He can’t do his homework because he’s not all there. And the idea that he’s a little older and he slowed down a little bit, that’s all nonsense. I mean, yeah, everybody as they get older, maybe you lose the fastball a little bit. But, you know, Henry Kissinger was writing books when he was close to 100 years old.

Bernie Sanders is still sharp and feisty. I don’t agree with Bernie Sanders, but I’ll give him credit for being articulate and being kind of on top of his game. This is not an age problem. This is a dementia problem. Now, here’s the point, Matt. I would have said the same thing in 2020. I did say the same thing in 2020. And even before that, you know, remember Biden’s basement campaign and, you know, Trump was holding stadium rallies with 25,000 people and Bob was in a drive-in movie. We’d come to the rally in your car and flash your lights, but there’d be like 10 cars.

But it was mostly the basement strategy. But what it was really about was keeping him under wraps, giving him as little exposure as possible. And they were able to do it partly under the cover of COVID because the whole world was locked down, the whole world was frightened, so to say, well, like, here’s an older guy, he’s got to stay in his basement. We don’t want him to get COVID. It was a lie, but there was some plausibility to it that enabled them to get away with it. They can’t do that now. There’s COVID’s over. We never should have had the policies we did at the time.

It’s long over. So now you have to put them out there. And remember, it was Biden who challenged Trump to the debate. And that’s important. Trump said yes. And a lot of people were surprised. I said, wait a second. Why are you agreeing? You know, CNN, Jake Tapper, no audience, mute the microphone. You’re agreeing to all these rules that would seem to work against Trump. But Trump knew, as well as we did, and we told readers about this nine months ago, that Biden actually couldn’t stand up on the stage. There was a little bit tongue-in-cheek, but I said, if I were Trump, I would have given Biden my time.

The more Biden spoke, the worse it got, the more it became apparent to everyone that he was mentally deficient, cognitively deficient, and very far along. You just couldn’t cover it up anymore. So what’s happened since then? Well, the media have completely turned on Biden, but I think it’s important to understand that the media are rats deserting a fucking ship. Biden’s going down. We’ll talk about that. But the media are just, oh, he’s not fit to be president. We need Kamala Harris. We need another candidate. Biden has to withdraw. Where were you a year ago or two years ago or three years ago? Where were you six months ago when this condition was apparent? The answer is NBC, ABC, CBS, Washington Post, New York Times, and the rest.

They were part of the cover-up. They didn’t think Biden was this bad, and that was really where the debate was the tipping point. They knew he had slowed it a lot. They couldn’t process a lot of things. He couldn’t speak without garbling his words. But they thought, well, okay, but he’s got enough left. He’s got enough coherence left that he can still be president, especially if he does what the progressives and the liberal media want him to do, which he had been doing all along. But somehow they could kind of muddle through this. But they were part of the cover-up.

They went along with it. They were the ones reporting he sharpest attack. If you had to work with Biden, you couldn’t keep up with him. He would kind of wear other people down, which were all lies. But the media played along with it. So now to see the media turn around saying, oh, he’s not fit for office. Well, I agree with that. But again, I don’t give them any credit for that because they’re just doing what is inevitable. And again, I would fault them, hold them pretty much in scorn for having joined the cover-up or having participated in the cover-up all along.

There were voices, ourselves included, our newsletter strategic intelligence, Tucker Carlson, Fox News to some extent. There were people pointing this out, but they were ridiculed. They were, you know, et cetera. They were kind of run off the road when, in fact, they had it right. So now the whole world knows it. So the question now, Matt, is where do we go from here? Now, what’s interesting is that a certain number of politicians, not as many as one might have expected. I think we’re up to seven or eight House members, no senators so far, no governors so far, plus the media saying Biden has to leave the race.

And then that opens up a whole other issue, which is, well, if he does leave, who’s going to be the replacement? Who’s going to be the candidate for the Democratic nomination for president? And James Clyburn, not a household name, but very powerful politician, senior Democrat, kind of controls the African-American vote to some extent, certainly down in South Carolina he does. He said, let’s have some mini primaries. Let’s have like a lightning round primary, if you want to call it that. We’re by withdraws, and we take Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, Jay Pritzker, you know, maybe one or two others.

And maybe there are five of them, however many, and has bring back Pete Buttigieg, and they do some like real quick debates. And then the people, I don’t know who the people are, unless it’s the party leadership, you know, pick one. And I love that. I think it’s a ridiculous idea, but I love the fact that who’s the part of, you know, they’re saying Trump threat to democracy, the Republicans are a threat to democracy, they’re going to destroy democracy. It’s the Democrats who are destroying democracy. They want to take a seven month primary process where Joe Biden got thousands of delegates, which he wanted all the primaries.

R.F.K. Jr., Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wanted to contest in the Democratic primary, who’s more Democrat than the Kennedy family. He wanted to compete with Biden. They ran him off the road. They told us in New Hampshire where I happen to live. New Hampshire is traditionally and by law actually has to have the first primary. The Democratic National Committee said no you can’t have the first primary it has to be South Carolina, because that’s very favorable to Biden, and then New Hampshire said the heck with you we’re going to do it anyway. And the DNC Democratic National Committee said well okay but then your delegates don’t count at the convention if you want to have the first primary we’re not going to count your delegates.

Finally R.F.K. had to leave the Democratic Party and run as an independent. So my point being, they have a democratic process going into the primaries and now that the primaries are done and Biden one has enough delegates to win the nomination. They want to trash that and do some kind of improvised ad hoc you know mini primary whatever you want to call it. So the Democrats are just tearing up the rule book as they go along, making new rules, trashing democracy ignoring the will at least the democratic voters in the primary process. Yet somehow we’re supposed to believe that Trump’s a threat to democracy.

So that’s just, that’s just pure hypocrisy. So the media is hypocritical because new all along, and they participate in the cover up the party is hypocritical. Because they say they’re pro democracy but they’re throwing democracy out the window to come up with an expedient solution. And then where would that go. You know, in this mini primary scenario who knows it’s kind of like what they call an open convention. That’s where everybody shows up at the Democratic National Convention August 19 in Chicago. And you just find it out on the floor you might have doesn’t have to be first round voting it could be the 10th round of the 15th round, etc.

By the way, the last open convention and US politics with the two major political parties was 1952. It was Robert Taft and Dwight Eisenhower, and then Dwight Eisenhower got the nomination, but 1952. Was the last time we really that either party went to a convention without kind of knowing the outcome in advance. That’s chaos they want to try to avoid that with this mini primary thing. But there’s one problem. Biden refused to leave the stage. Biden won those primaries between January and June. Biden has those delegates pledged to him. He’s not leaving they thought well okay enough pressure enough donors you know refuse to give contributions enough media say he has to leave enough politicians agree, etc.

That somehow you could force by now, but he’s not leaving. Any other debate was disaster we all know, and for the reasons I mentioned, showed his physical and mental inability not because he got a couple facts and figures wrong. But now he’s on a. I don’t know what the best way to describe it a, you know, well damage control is what it is, but he’s doing radio interviews he called into morning Joe Joe Scarborough and make a business key the other day, a couple speeches, trying to show that he’s with it. You know, he can hold his own.

The is is tapping the opposite of when he tried to do these things. He’s still garbling his words he’s still not all there so he’s digging a deeper hole but in his own mind. Biden thinks he’s the only guy who can beat Trump and he’s going to see this through. And here, there are two problems there are two really serious problems one. Biden’s mind is gone. The fact that Biden wants to stay in the race is a symptom of why he should leave. In other words, he is completely incapable of candidate completely capable of being president, but he doesn’t know it is when your mind, you know when it goes to a certain point you actually are the last person who understands yourself there’s no self awareness, no ability to judge yourself.

He’s always been a narcissist. He’s always he’s a mean spirited individual this whole persona they created their Scranton Joe six pack Joe and track Joe is always a product I don’t mean the last four years I mean the last 50 years, it was always a product. He me nasty. I’ll skip the vulgarity but I think listeners know, know where I’m going with this. His staff were afraid of them, they. And that’s the other thing his staff is shrinking and shrinking, not in terms of headcount the people are still there. But the number of people who actually have access to the president is down to like five or six.

It’s, you know, Taco Jill and Jill Biden his wife hunter Biden convicted felon but he’s, he’s in the room. Ron claim was his first chief of staff needed on who was the campaign manager, and a couple others but that probably sister Valerie, and other members of the Biden crime crime family you know Jimmy Frankie and Valerie, but that’s it. They’re the only ones with any kind of access or even people in the White House who have important supporting positions can’t see Biden on a day to day basis. So, I’m just as as an aside although it’s an important aside, talking about this matter in terms of the nomination for president campaign and running through November 5 election day and becoming the next president of the United States.

But Biden is not fit to be president today forget about the candidacy and the nomination the election put all that to one side. He’s the president of the United States today. We’ve got two major wars going on, probably on our way to three or four Ukraine. Now we’ve talked and written a lot about that Gaza war between Israel and Hamas and Gaza. Other is about to be another war in northern Israel on the Lebanese border with Hezbollah. Israel has Hamas is in the south and Hezbollah is in the north Hezbollah she is backed by Iran, Hamas are actually Sunnis there, they are backed by Iran but they’re not the connection is not as tight.

With Iran, as this Hezbollah Hezbollah, they open up another front and then you have the hoodies, these rebels in Yemen have shut down the Suez Canal, one of the major transportation arteries in the world world shipping world trade and the Suez Canal is shut down. The commercial vessel operators are sending their vessels around South Africa Cape of Good Hope I’ve been there it’s beautiful place but it’s a long way from the Suez Canal. So, these are serious serious problems wars were on an escalatory path you cannot rule out World War Three nuclear weapons I wish you could but but you cannot, given the amount of escalation is going on Ukraine against Russia which is a nuclear power of course.

Israel is nuclear power for that matter. And yet we’ve got a guy who barely knows where he is who has to be. It’s one thing to get a little, you know, cheat sheet or something, you’re going to meet some person who never met before tell you a little bit about them or whatever that’s just doing your homework but Biden needs like flashcards to show them where to walk on just onto a stage, not, you know, what your remarks are going to be that’s all on the telephone, but literally, where, you know, to where to walk on the stage.

So, again, that shows how far gone he is. So, I guess let’s take this to a broader question because we’ve all sort of seen it debate was a disaster, the points you’re making are absolutely correct where this was something that was hidden for much longer time, you’ve been keeping your readers ahead of it for at least since October 2023 where you said it very specifically that you thought Biden was going to get replaced and it would happen after the primaries before the DNC. We’re now in that zone. Is there anything here like Biden I agree, he’s kind of done he’s cooked.

Democrats seem like they’re cooked. Is there anything that they could do to pull out of this thing, or does Trump have a pretty easy road from here any any thoughts on just the big picture of like, who’s going to win this thing. Who’s going to win this battle when it comes to November. Well, every indication things can change when we know that we always update our forecast, but every occasion is that Trump’s going to win this election not only win it, but it’s sort of shaping up as maybe an electoral college landslide. And just to be clear, you know, people look at the, the popular role polling I use a lot of people use clear politics poll poll, which is a useful tool it, it takes 20 or 25 separate polls and averages them it likes a little bit because not everybody polls every day, but but it’s a real good, real good guide trumps ahead in the popular vote by about four points right now, people go well that’s pretty close you know.

Well, well, first of all, it’s not that close. Secondly, Trump has never been had Trump was behind in 2016 when he won. He was behind the entire campaign season in 2020 we don’t have to get into a rig in the 2020 election maybe we’ll save that for topic for another day. But Trump’s actually ahead so the fact he’s ahead at all is extraordinary but that is not how we elections. I do not have an actual 50 state by state elections plus DC, Washington DC they get three electoral votes. And what you do is you, you win a state with two exceptions to breast can mane it’s winter take off so if you win a state, then mark and you get all the votes.

And that’s it. You need 270 to win. Trump could be on track for something like 330. That’s an electoral college landslide you know you’re really leaving, leaving Biden in the dust, and we for for months now we’ve focused on the seven battleground states in other words it’s like, oh your Biden is just going to win, you know, 20 or so and Trump’s going to win 20 or so Biden’s going to win California, no matter what and Trump’s going to win Alabama, no matter what, and you kind of narrow it down to 10 states and really seven that that matter, where it is close and it’s going to determine the outcome of the election.

So those seven states are Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, and Nevada, they were the seven swing states. Well what’s happened now is first of all Trump’s ahead in all seven of those. If Trump just the state the states he took last time, plus Arizona and Georgia. And then if he does that he’s in very good shape to do that. Then he then in North Carolina, he only has to win one out of three take Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Trump only has to win one of those states to be elected president. Biden has to run the table, he would have to win all three of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania right now he’s behind in all three.

So if that’s all the information you had you say Trump is on the path to victory. But what Trump has done, he’s widened the battlefield. Now when you look at the list of swing states so I guess the seven I mentioned, but they’re also Minnesota. I’m not sure. Yeah, these were not these were considered safe states for by now they’re playing out Biden is ahead. But just by a little bit in the polls, two or 3% get a long time between now and November you could easily with particular with Biden’s performance and what he’s doing. You could easily turn that with those in the Trump column.

Believe it or not, some people think Trump could take New Jersey I haven’t agree with them by the way I think Trump in the end might take Minnesota New Hampshire New Jersey and Virginia and who knows what else. At that point you’re into landslide territory kind of thing that Ronald Reagan did in in 1984. So, so yeah, Trump’s a very good shape to take the election, which is why the democrats are in complete panic, because they know it there, you know, sound like I have secret polls we’re all looking at the same polls, all doing the same analysis and maybe coming out of a different perspective but this is definitely Trump’s Trump’s to lose.

But it gets worse than that, Democrats, because it is that week. It affects what they call the down ballot races down ballot is Senator House representative and governor and even some local elected officials, where if your party. It doesn’t mean you know certain Democrats going to work for Trump. Never for Trump, but they might just stay home. It affects the turnout the turnout is a big, is a big deal it’s a big factor in this kind of analysis or some of them may go for RFK Jr. Jill Stein or Cornell West they’re on the ballot they’re not going to get a big percentage of the vote but as I say even two or three or 4%, maybe a little higher in the case of RFK Jr.

That’s enough to to skew the, the outcome, again, very much, very much in favor of Trump. So the Republicans are sorry the democrats are desperate to get Biden to step aside. They think they’ll do better with Kamala Harris, but which which I doubt I think she will be an awful candidate. She does have dementia by dementia. But she’s a dunce, she’s just not that smart. People deal with these video clips of speeches where she wasn’t under any particular pressure she wasn’t on a debate stage with 30 million people watching. She was just giving a speech and she can’t.

She can’t, she doesn’t garble her words like Biden but she does the sing songy nursery rhyme quality circular repetitions that don’t mean anything that’s that’s Kamala Harris and that if people don’t know that they soon will. She becomes a dummy so the democrats have no good ways out. All right, well, Jim, we’ve said it almost every month and week this year, this is a Jim Rickers world we’ve got a lot of different things happening out here and you’re the man with the insight and the premonition a lot of this stuff, you’ve called it happening now it’s unfolding so we’ll have you back on, we want to get your take soon enough we’ll see what happens with the DNC, we’ll see what happens as we get closer to the election, but as you can see if you’re at home, this might be a Trump election and now’s the time to start thinking what that could mean for you, your investments you know where America goes from here, and that’s another thing that we’ll be covering here at paradigm on our YouTube channel and everywhere else so Jim thanks a lot for taking the time out of your busy schedule and everyone at home, give us a like give us a subscribe and we’ll see you all next time.

Thanks. Thank you. [tr:trw].

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Biden dementia symptoms Biden's mental and physical fitness for presidency Calls for Biden to step down Democratic party primary process criticism Democrats disregarding democratic processes key states in upcoming election media coverage of Biden's health potential replacements for Biden President Biden cognitive abilities concerns Trump landslide in electoral college Trump leading in key states Trump predicted to win upcoming election

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