America: Lost Liberty the Government Is Spying on You



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➡ On Wednesday, October 4, 2023, Judge Andrew Napolitano discussed the lack of respect the US Government has for the Constitution. He highlighted the controversial Section 702 of the FISA Act – a Bush-era regulation enabling the FBI and NSA to bypass search warrant requirements when spying on foreign persons. Napolitano critiqued the continuous renewal of 702 by Congress, despite its constitutional infringements, urging individuals to defend their privacy rights.
➡ The speaker criticizes the destruction of Libya’s prosperity after the overthrow of Gaddafi under the Obama administration, implicates Hillary Clinton in it, expresses dismay at Biden and McConnell’s longtime friendship, suggests insiders know Ukraine has lost its battle, implies the possibility of Biden escalating war efforts, and criticizes widespread corruption in Ukraine. He also expresses support for the rebels and disapproval of Kevin McCarthy for his lack of fiscal responsibility, suggesting that the current political status quo promotes big government warfare. Lastly, he criticizes government officials’ behavior relating to the approval of lengthy bills with limited time for legislators to properly read them.
➡ The text discusses perceived injustices in the legal system, suggesting that the powerful evade punishment even for serious offenses, while ordinary people face severe consequences for minor infractions. The text also mentions the political ambitions of RFK Jr and Judge Andrew Napolitano.


Hello, everybody. Today is Wednesday, october 4, 2023. And once again, we’re honored to have with us a man of men, someone who knows the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, put them up against anybody in the nation. Judge Andrew Napolitano. And week after week, unfortunately, he keeps telling us about how we’ve lost our rights to the constituent and the Bill of Rights. And an article that’s coming out tomorrow is a Constitution the Government evades.

Hello there, Judge. Yeah. Hi, Gerald. How are you? It does seem like I’m shoveling against the tide, but these things just keep coming and coming. I mean, what I’m talking about here is Section 702 of the FISA Act, which is Bush era, but it expires every five years, and it expires this year on December 31. Congress cannot renew it. It permits FBI and NSA and all law enforcement and so called intelligence apparatus to spy on communications by foreigners.

Foreigners physically in the US, foreigners digitally in the US. You call a cousin in Florence about visiting the cousin, or you call a bookstore in London because you’ve communicated with a foreign person. The FBI has that conversation without a search warrant, without suspicion, and they can then surveil what you say because you spoke to this foreign person. This was Bush Cheney right after 911. This was going to keep us safe from foreign influence.

We’ll suspend the Fourth Amendment requirement of a search warrant for foreign persons. Foreign is an immutable characteristic of birth. So if you are born in London, come to the United States, become an American citizen, they can still because you were born foreign, they can still surveil you. This shows you the government evades the Constitution. There’s no respect for it whatsoever. This thing is up for reenactment by the Congress in the next two months.

The reason I wrote the column is because last week, no surprise, joe Biden asked the Congress to reenact this, even though he and everybody else there has taken an oath to uphold the Constitution. I’ll tell you a funny story. Five years ago, this was up for reenactment because it expires every five years. Donald Trump was in the White House. I got in front of the cameras on Fox and Friends 630 in the morning.

I said, Mr. President, the Congress just reenacted this statute. Veto it. This is the same mentality that spied on you when you were in Trump Tower, and it’s probably spying on you now. This was 2017, 2018. We didn’t even know how prevalent the deep state was spying on him. He tweets, the judge is right. Excuse me. Your cough’s contagious. The judge is right. I’m going to veto this thing.

Well, all hell breaks loose. Mike Pence, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, rush to the Oval Office and say, according to somebody who was there, you can’t sign this thing. What about the judge? The judge thinks the Constitution means what it says. So Trump sent a message to me through this person that was in the Oval Office. They twisted my arm. I’m going to sign it. But I think you’re right.

That’s right where we are now, and I’m railing against it because I’m going to guess the American public doesn’t know this. Oh, of course they don’t. I didn’t know that. Congress can poke a hole in cut. An exception out of the Constitution is antithetical to a Constitution as the fundamental law of the land. The Constitution created the Congress. Congress didn’t create the Constitution, not anymore. Who did you say went up to Trump? Pence, Ryan and who else? McConnell, when he was able to walk? McConnell.

Think about it. Could you imagine swallowing the crap coming out of those shittiest mouths? That’s the COVID of your trends journal this week. Nobody saw it yet. I wasn’t going to mention it, but I saw it. Yeah, that’s it. A bullshit, idiot politicians, bureaucrats, mainstream media, and celebrities. So here Trump swallows the crap coming out of the mouths of these arrogant nothing of little boys. Pence out of his mind, McConnell sucking off the public tit his whole life.

Ryan an arrogant little nothing of a clown, and these are the people telling us what to do. And they prevailed on him. And in fairness to him, he had decency to sort of almost apologize to me because he made a big deal at us. And I actually got in trouble at Fox saying, you shouldn’t be telling the President what to do on air. So I said to my boss, what do you mean I shouldn’t be telling the President what to do? That’s what you pay me for, to explain the Constitution to people.

If the President happens to be in the audience, that’s even better. And then they back down. Yeah. God forbid you should say anything to a president or a politician. You’re not allowed know. You write this article and you begin it by saying, six months ago, FBI officials boasted that in 2022 their agents had spied on only 120,000 Americans without search warrants. Under the Constitution, that number should be zero.

What did they accomplish at a spying on 120,000 people? That is a great question, and it’s an easy answer. Nothing, because the courts won’t even allow that information to come into. Suppose they spied on somebody and he admits to a bank robbery. They can’t use it because they obtained it illegally. They gain nothing by spying. It’s just an easy shortcut for them. They don’t have to go to a judge.

They don’t have to have probable cause. They don’t have to wait for a search warrant. They don’t have to execute the search warrant. They don’t have to follow the rules. They can just press a few buttons on their computer and listen to the conversation. Can you imagine Madison or Jefferson contemplating that when the Bill of Rights was enacted? Well, that’s what you note here. You said the reason for the search warrant requirement is to prevent a repeat of what the British agents did to the American colonists before the revolutionary War.

Then secret British courts in London issued general warrants to British agents in America which authorized the bearer to search wherever he wished and seized whatever he found. And you go on to say to the colonial mindset freedom had one universal meaning. It meant freedom from the government, from king and parliament and how about from president? How about we enacted a government well intended but destroys far more freedom than king and parliament did? The highest tax rate imposed on Americans, there wasn’t an income tax so it’s difficult to calculate.

But the people that have done this economic historians 3% and that was enough to bring about a bloody revolution. Today it’s 59 or 60% and we accept it. Yeah. No this is disgusting what’s happened to this country? What about freedom from the new government here? The first task of the new Congress was to comply with the promise and craft a bill of rights. We have no bill of rights anymore.

It’s now a bill of privileges that the government like water spigot that the government turns on and turns off. We share the same view of George W. Bush I think as the worst president in the post World War II era. Certainly in that category. This was his creation. Let’s let our people spy on foreigners without search warrants openly in the ah we’ll let them spy on us but we won’t tell anybody until of course the Snowden revelations and all that.

So it’s a terrible terrible state of affairs. I’m going to guess that the American public will not be animated by the type of argument you and I are having now. And Congress will enact this deplorable statute for another five years and the FBI and the intelligence agencies will continue to spy on foreign persons and on Americans that communicate with them and life will continue to go on while we’re under a microscope.

Well again you can’t blame little Georgie Bush because the little slime balls in Congress keep reenacting all of what he’s done to us, one thing after another, the so called patriot act. I mean come mean you got to blame Congress for this as well because they’re the same low level mentality and egotistical freaks. That little Georgie bush is correct. And Congress gives so much power to the President.

When Barack Obama used the CIA to kill Colonel Gaddafi and destroy Libya, congress looked the other way. Let the President just take warmaking power from them. Every post world War II president has done the same thing either wittingly or unwittingly use the CIA as a private secret military and Congress not only didn’t stop it, it continues to fund it. Congress is really well they’re both the culprits. But Congress is so tepid and so weak it just lets presidents take power away from them.

Now we have a president who can’t put two sentences together or walk in a straight know going back to Libya, you forgot. Also brought to you by Hillary Clinton, Samantha Power, and Susan Rice. Right. I’m always sick and tired of hearing that baloney line, if only women were in charge. Look at the little women warhawks you got running around the world right now. What’s that woman over there? That’s the head of the Babach over in Germany.

More war, more war, more war. All the warhors, one after another, race, creed, color, good and bad comes in all of them. So I’m tired of this and going back to Libya. What no one’s talking about is what I’ve been talking about since that terrible dam burst and over 11,000 people were killed and that beautiful area destroyed. The whole country went to crap. After the Nobel piece of crap prize winner Barack Obama got rid of Gaddafi, libya was one of the it was the richest country in Africa.

The people had more rights and benefits than most people around the world. It was a big tourist destination, and now it’s a hellhole completely destroyed. But nobody mentions Mrs. Clinton. Last week was at the State Department at the unveiling of her official portrait as the 85th Secretary of State of the United States. And I was reminded she is directly in a line that started with Thomas Jefferson. Oh, how different.

And if you watch the speech she gave to campaign speech, the campaign speech for president in 2024, she’s just waiting for old Joe to not wake up some morning. Again, this is the Hillary Clinton that also you could see her on the video when the woman asked her in an interview, I think it was on CBS News. How did you feel when you found out that mo Mark Gaddafi was killed? We came, we saw he died.

He yes, right. Yeah. Remember Madeline Albright? How did you feel about 500,000 children killed in Iraq or Afghanistan? The price you pay for democracy. That was Leslie Stall on CBS 60 Minutes. It was Bill Clinton. Every time he got caught with his pants down, it was bombs away over Baghdad, and he put terrible sanctions on them. And Leslie Stall asked Madeline Albright, was the price of 500,000 500,000 Iraqi children under the age of five worth the sanctions and what Bill Clinton’s done to Iraq? And she said, yes, it is.

These are the people that are running our country. Yeah. You know, Judge, what happened over there with this Charlie McCarthy. Remember Charlie McCarthy? Yeah. The puppet, right? There he is. Remember that? Yes. Oh, boy. Is Dylan fast? Wow. To have that at his fingertips. Well, they got rid of Charlie McCarthy over there, the guy that was playing the Republican majority leader over there in the House. What’s your take on it? Oh, I support the rebels 110%.

Kevin McCarthy succeeded in putting a Republican aura of respectability on Mrs. Pelosi level spending. He had no interest whatsoever in constitutional government or in fiscal sanity, and I was ecstatic that he was kicked out. I don’t know who’s going to replace him. Hopefully someone more toward our way of thinking. But these are ultimately pipe dreams because the Republican Party is just the Republican wing of the big government warfare, welfare and intelligence state emergency state security state party.

They’re both of the same mindset right there. In fact, these two, Biden and McConnell, have been buddies for 35 years. That’s how long the two of them have been in government, which is most of their adult lives. I might actually be wrong. The number might actually be higher. Biden was in the Senate for 36 years, then vice president for eight. Wow. Do the math. Then president for now, approaching his fourth year.

They’re of the same big government mindset. Gerald Biden’s been sucking off the public tit for about 60 years. Just about. Just about, right? Yes. And again, one clown after another. And that’s the other thing. This group that overthrew Charlie McCarthy there, they want to have term limits. That was one of the agreements that they made when they brought him in. Correct. People don’t remember when back in January, he had a real fight to become the leader over there.

It took 16 ballots over three days. Right? Yes. So this might be a big change. Judge, what’s going on in Ukraine that you know about, that people haven’t heard about, that Ukrainian soldiers have been told to carry cash because when they’re injured, they have to bribe medics to take them to a hospital, and then they have to bribe hospital personnel to treat them. Otherwise, they just get at the end of the line and they’ll be dead.

So corruption is so rampant, so accepted and so expected that you can’t have your life saved as a soldier in the military without bribing military and civilian personnel. Scott Ritter will talk about that on my podcast at 330 Eastern today. That’s how bad things have gotten. The other thing Scott’s going to talk about is it is now common conversation amongst diplomats and military personnel in Europe that Ukraine has lost.

They’re just waiting for Biden to recognize this, and he won’t recognize it if he’s going to run for reelection. He can’t because it’ll be a catastrophic failure, worse than our evacuation from Afghanistan was. Well, as I say, when all else fails, they take you to war. So he’ll probably try to ramp it up. He will try and ramp it up. He got his buddy Rishi Sunak, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, to drop a hint about British troops on the ground, and then well, no, no, we don’t mean this is such a British phrase, Gerald.

I don’t think we speak this way. I didn’t mean it in the here and oh, what, you meant it for mean? That’s what he said. And then the, you know, backed off. This is ridiculous. What we live know the other thing, one of the reasons they threw out McCarthy was that he made a deal with Biden where they passed that spending bill and they didn’t want to send $24 billion more of our money to Ukraine.

And that was part of the bill. The deal was he would take it out of the bill and then put it in another bill after the government had been reconstituted reauthorized at Mrs. Pelosi level spending. Now, this character from New York that pulled the fire alarm, obviously, I don’t approve of that at all. That could cause injury and death. However, McCarthy’s people rewrote the statute at night. It was 1000 pages long.

They gave the Democrats 15 minutes to read it. The guy pulled the alarm so that the Congress would have more time to read the damn thing before they could vote on it. But that’s the way the government works today. You do this better than anybody else. Do as we tell you. They do that to themselves. McCarthy saying, Just vote the way I tell you. Yeah. And it finally caught up with him.

Well, you know, that was part of the agreement, too, when they brought him in in January that Congress would have at least, I think it was like, 76 hours to read a bill. Right. That was another part of the agreement that he was supposed to abide by. Right. Remember Mrs. Pelosi’s famous comment on Obamacare? We have to pass it so we can read it. Now, that was 2700 pages.

The Bush administration did the same thing on the Patriot Act. The Patriot Act is 115 pages. I’ve read it twice. I might be one of the only people in the planet who’s read it twice. It takes about 12 hours to read, even though it’s only 115 pages, because it amends other statutes. So you have to have all the other statutes in front of you and poke in the amendments in order to make sense out of it.

Ron Paul told me that Congress was given 15 minutes in which to read it. All right, so stay on that one with the Obamacare. The latest data came out that since Obamacare, the life expectancy in the United States has declined by about, I think, about two to three years. Wow. And going back to what you said about corruption in Ukraine, if anybody that thinks that this is a lot of BS, a poll it was in our Trends journal not this week, but last week.

A poll from Ukraine shows that corruption is the concern of 89% of the population. Wow. And the other 11% is probably benefiting from the corruption. Yeah, that’s about it. That would be the elites. And the most elite of the elites is comedian turned president. Yes. There he is. He is really in a corner, because if he does anything to pull back the military, he’ll probably be assassinated by the Nazis on the hard right wing of his government, and if he keeps the military fighting the way they are, there’ll be nothing left of them.

I mean, really, the end is so close to, you know, when you’re just, you know, show the stupidity and arrogance. What’s that guy’s name? Bauman bowman. Bloman. What’s his name? Pull the alarm. Oh, Bowman. Yeah. Bloman. Yeah. Saying that he didn’t know was what? Are you kidding me? Or what was obvious. Really. Who the hell are you talking to? Right? He was on tape pulling the alarm. Everybody saw the that wanted to saw the video.

Oh, I thought the alarm a fire alarm is going to open the door? What are you, three years old? I mean, what, are you kidding? Over here? And he gets away with it? He will get away with it. He should go to jail. He will get away. Well, if you or I pulled a false alarm, we would be candidates for jail. There’s no question about it. He’s just lucky that nobody was hurt.

And a fire alarm causes people to panic and rush out of the building, and that usually produces injury. It didn’t this time. Well, again, it’s the whole system. The bigs don’t get punished for anything. Look at Morgan chase. Were they convicted of five felonies? Five. Nobody goes to know if you or I did it or any of the you’re driving. How many drinks did you have? Stand on your head, repeat the alphabet backwards.

You’re 0. 1% over the limit. You’re going to jail. But they get away with murder. That’s the new America judge, thanks for being here. Thank you for all that you do. And by the way, on October 9, RFK Jr. Is announcing he’s running he announced he’s running as an independent. We’re going to see what party that he’ll be running on. And as you well know, I’ve been saying now since last November that the best ticket would be RFK Jr.

For president, judge Andrew Napolitano for Vice President on the Libertarian it. So let’s see what happens. Thank you, Gerald. God love. .


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