All The World’s A Stage: Are We Seeing Kayfabe Here?



What Is Kayfabe? Are We Seeing Kayfabe In 2022?

What Is Kayfabe? Are We Seeing Kayfabe In 2022?

Shout out to Gordon Rose for reminding me of this concept and for explaining how it might be happening in more places than we think. 

What is kayfabe?

According to

“In the 1980s, wrestlers began using the code word kayfabe in reference to the staged performance presented as authentic as well as to the act of maintaining the fiction by staying in character.”

Now you probably heard about Will Smith slapping Chris Rock at the Oscars…

Now take a look at the ratings drop over the last few years…

Could that be a kayfabe slap??

If you think Hollywood wouldn’t stage something just to help get people’s attention…

Think again! 

Many of them worship satan and do ritual sacrifices…

The people that run Hollywood are more evil than most people can imagine. 

Kayfabe happens with just about every politician. If you follow any politicians on social media or on tv, you’re seeing it.

Kayfabe is easy to see in politics and also now in Hollywood.

But where else could kayfabe be happening?

How about on social media with conservative influencers? 

Could people be arguing with each other in order to distract you from the real mission?

Kayfabe may be infecting more people’s minds than we realize. 

As you look at ANY form of media today, and you see any version of “us vs them”…ask yourself, “Is this kayfabe?” 

It could help you snap out of the “manufactured reality show” many people are watching everyday, thinking it is “real life”. 

What are your thoughts?

Have you noticed any kayfabe lately? 

If so, let us know in a comment below!


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