
➡ Peggy Hall discusses the potential appointment of Bobby Kennedy as the head of the Department of Health and Human Services, expressing her disapproval due to her belief in smaller government. She also criticizes the size of the department and suggests it should be reduced. Additionally, she promotes investing in gold through Noble Gold Investments, citing a prediction of rising gold prices. Lastly, she expresses skepticism towards the government’s involvement in health decisions and criticizes the Department of Health and Human Services’ campaigns promoting vaccinations.


Hey friends, Peggy Hall back with you from the healthyamerican.org. It looks like we’re getting closer and closer to these nominations going through the Senate in terms of Trump’s appointments for his secretaries and his cabinet. And I’ve spoken before at length on this channel about RFK Jr., Bobby Kennedy, and so many people are standing up and applauding. They cannot wait for him to expand government and create more laws and to restrict what you can eat. All right now, that may or may not be the case, but you know that I am not in favor of larger government, more laws, more government power, and I’m certainly not in favor of this Department of Health and Human Services.

That is what Bobby is poised to be in charge of. It remains to be seen whether or not that appointment will be approved, but what I want to do is actually do a dive into the Department of Health and Human Services. Did you know that it is the largest department in the federal government? And I think that it is bloated and it needs to be severely restricted. We’re going to take a look at some of these sub departments in the agency. Stay tuned. And before we do any of that, I want to thank the sponsor of our video and we are hopping on over to noblegoldinvestments.com.

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Now, I am a realist and I know that there are plenty of people in my audience that are very skeptical and critical of Trump and his push for the warp speed cocktails and all of that. And there are others that are willing to give him a second chance. And many in my audience are standing up and applauding Trump’s announcement of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to be the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. Now I’ve spoken about Bobby Kennedy many times on this channel. I am no fan. He comes from big government.

He wants to expand the government. I am all about shrinking the government. I don’t want the government involved in my food choices, in my health choices at all. So I think that Bobby should abolish the Department of Health and Human Services and then I will stand up and give a standing ovation. It’s highly unlikely that will happen. He’s on the record to say that he wants to restore confidence in the agencies. In fact, I think I will replay that video that I did for you where he uses that exact language again and again.

And it’s not just Bobby Kennedy, but many people in the health freedom movement, whether we can trust them or not, are calling for that restoration of confidence in the federal government. I think that’s moving in the exact wrong direction. I don’t trust the government. I certainly don’t trust them when it comes to my health. So let’s take a look at this bloated Department of Health and Human Services. We’re going to look at their budget, how that compares to the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security, which should also be abolished in my mind.

And there is a request that I have of Bobby Kennedy, and let me get on over here. So this is hss.gov. I did a video on that recently about their push for making people and certain people and certain people groups be more willing to become human pin cushions. And that is here right on the homepage of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. So Bobby, please take this page down. Take down all of this information in the national campaign and all of these handouts and social media blitzes to get people to take these cocktails.

I am 100% opposed to that. Now, what I do want to share with you is we’ll take a look here about the Department of Health and Human Services. So let’s take a look at the organizational chart, shall we? And you may be as shocked as I was when I saw how large this department is. So you’ve got the secretary, you’ve got the deputy secretary, and then you’ve got all of these layers of bureaucracy and additional divisions and departments. So look at all of this. Is this really necessary? I’m going to increase this, and you’ll see it just goes on and on and on and on.

These are additional offices. Now, one caught my eye, and we’re going to come back and look at this in just a moment, the Office for Civil Rights. Yes, there is a civil rights office in the Department of Health and Human Services. There’s also one in the Department of Justice. There’s one in the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. So again, I don’t want this feedback. There’s all sorts of layers of government. As you can see, the FDA is under Health and Human Services. Medicare and Medicaid services are under Health and Human Services, and the CDC is under the Health and Human Services.

There are so many other departments, Indian Health Service, National Institutes of Health, I think, should be abolished as well. So that is the organizational chart that you have. It just goes on and on, and all of these very intrusive requests for feedback here. Let’s take a look here, shall we? This is what Giggle tells us. The Department of Health and Human Services has a budget for the year 2024, $1. trillion in mandatory budget authority, plus an additional $144.3 billion in discretionary budget authority. That is absolutely astonishing. Let’s see how that compares with the Department of Defense.

Actually, I clicked through here. They have a measly $824 billion, and then we also have… And when we look at the Department of Homeland Security, we’re going to dig a little deeper, and here you’ve got their budget, and it is a far cry from what the Health and Human Services get. So, their budget is $107 billion for 2025. So, just by way of letting you know that the Health and Human Services is the largest department in the federal government. I, for one, would like to see it abolished. I don’t see any need for the government to be involved in my personal health care choices.

I don’t see the need for so-called public health. I do understand the nature of public safety and public sanitation, but I want to make my own personal health choices. I want to decide what I want to eat. I don’t want the government restricting that. I know that there are people that have different perspectives, and I would say that you make some excellent points in terms of, again, government programs, where some of these government-supported programs are serving food that is not, quote, healthy. So, yes, I think there could be some room for improvement there, but what I don’t want to see are more laws, an expanded government, more power to the government.

I would like to see these agencies shrink. So, Bobby Kennedy, here is my challenge to you. Number one, actually, I did a video, or maybe I’ll be airing it soon, but I would like to see you clean up the language at Health and Human Services. I don’t want to see language about pregnant people, all right? They’re pregnant women, so we can clean that up. I would like to see you get rid of these campaigns to push for the cocktails, especially for certain people groups that are more reluctant to become human pincushions. I would like to see a radical reduction, actually, in that budget and in all of those departments.

I certainly don’t want my tax dollars going for testing on children. I know that Bobby Kennedy wants to expand the testing of cocktails on children. It would also include giving money to pharmaceutical companies because they’re the ones that are going to benefit from increased testing. I certainly don’t want to push for safe cocktails. So, I would like to see all of that removed, and I know that there are plenty of people in my audience that are standing with me and challenging you to do that as well. So, enough with the testing, enough with the human pincushion campaigns, enough with this ridiculous language, and enough with the bloated government.

Friends, let me know where you stand on this nomination of Bobby Kennedy to the Health and Human Services. I would like to see him take charge of cleaning our skies, a number one priority. I have the right and the ability to say no to becoming a human pincushion, but when it comes to breathing the air in the skies, I don’t get a religious exemption for that. So, thanks for being on board, everybody. I really appreciate you being my healthy American audience, the best audience on YouTube. By the way, I did a video about why I am still on YouTube because I’m not going to be bullied off this platform.

I’m grateful to have you on board. I’m grateful for the moderators and for all of you that join me every day, Monday through Friday at 4 p.m. Pacific, as we outwit the nitwits and outwit this algorithm so that we can defend truth and freedom as we march this all the way to heaven. [tr:trw].

See more of The Healthy American Peggy Hall on their Public Channel and the MPN The Healthy American Peggy Hall channel.


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